The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 20, 1962, Image 1

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    United Campaign Opens;
» = Co-Chairman Is Named
Named as co-chairman of Chairmen Gerald Sheetz and
the 1962 United Campaign in John E. Wolgemuth have se-
the Donegal Union Area is cured the following volun:| Xs
John E. Wolgemuth, it was teer leaders to serve: Richard SESE
The Mount Joy

announced this week by D. Smedley and Armor Mec-| %
[Chairman Gerald Sheetz. |Kain, Co-Chairmen of Mariet.
E A former Mount Joy bor-ta; John E. Wolgemuth and
(ough chairman and co-chair-Charles W. Brooks are Mount
There wag nothing officiel 250 913 Soricior for theijoy Chalten; Dorel > SIXTY-SECOND YEAR, NO. 16 MOUNT JOY, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1962 SEVEN CENTS PER COPY
about it. There were no drive in three other years, Zerphey, Mrs. ac cott \
bands playing, no flags wav-| Wolgemuth has been Dromin and oa: Glenn L pao, | Hi /
i ? ent and active in civic, lodge|are airmen in E. Donega . +
ing. * %. » and church affairs of the Township and Glenn Hess Donegal Hi Grid Team Student / rom Kenya Enrolled At Donega lg
community. is Chairman of South Mount
But on Wednesday morn] He is assistant generalJoy Township. . * Until a few short days ago, vealed that she has a beau; She has been well accept:| Mr. and Mrs. Shank have had
ing, Sept. 19 the new street manager and sales manager] The Lancaster County ui: Misses By One Point the words sleet and snow|tiful winter coat in her ward-led by her classmates, Princi-la part in helping to provide
had its first use. of the Lancaster Countyted Campaign film titled| were not in the vocabulary|robe. pal Hart said this week and|transportation.
. 9 Farm Bureau Cooperative “Contrasts” is being shown| Aj... lto the visitors well and onlylof Donegal high school's All of which serves only tojhe was touched $i, proud of How did it all happen like
ere. iiLowes a limited tse association and lives at 406|to volunteers, industries That's the way the Done-la fourth-quarter conversion newest and perhaps most in-lemphasize the fact that Chris- x letter Which she ha wii a dream come true?
: : »Birchland avenue. clubs and organizations. It islg.; 1nqi fared dav/failure kept them from a tie|teresting student. tine has made a big step|ien addressed to the Student
a few cars, delivery trucks i lable to groups by callings ans flared = Saturday|failure kep R isti tive|from her homeland to Lan-{Council of D. H. S. and ex Two ears ago Georg
etc. but it Was a beginning. this week to. solicit furs forthe. United Campaign office /eToon as they were shad: score. rT pressing appreciation for be-Apondo, who two years ago
The traffic "Was acres i [this week to solicit funds for|the n paign o led, 20-19, by the visiting] Donegal pulled into a tie of Kenya, Africa, t ere as caster county. [pressing app 2 came to the U. S. and after @
|. a at EX 40731 to reserve 8 Conestoga Valley gridiron) tunit the last play/Peen no sleet or snow in alll A native of a rather primi-|ing allowed to enter schoollcame :
short stretch from Marietta print. “Contrasts” was Prog ces [opportunity on tie ‘ast Playi rer 18 years. What weath-tive section where only alhere. year in the South came to
: of the game when Mike Lip Her message said that|/Elizabethtown to work at the

er will come to Pennsylvania/few short days ago she was| : 1 a) ]
within the next few weeks| washing clothing in a run-words — particularly he|Crippled Children’s hospital
or months is a complete mys-/ning stream, she now is the/English words—can not ex-and to attend Elizabethtown
‘|duced by Ed Corley of New
(York, a free lance photo
avenue to the Main and Bar-|
Touchdown for touchdown,
bara corner. |
the Donegal Green stood up
pold tossed a 30-yard touch-
down pass to Colin Koser.

ready for traffic, the street
will be ready — that is an
accomplished fact.
® © o
There has been talk about
he possibilities of placing a
raffic light at the intersec-
ion of Main and Angle street
in Florin.
e o oo
The matter is in the hands
pf the state
but a check recently by a
ocal official disclosed that
here will be nothing done—
o decision made—until the
ount Joy Main street de-
our is lifted.
® © o
The unusual situation that
at th (ls caused by the detour traf-
c does not give a clear pic-
ure of whether or not the
ight is needed.
e oo o
Those involved in the Flor-
n “annexation” case are be-
binning to show activity as
ime draws near for what
ay be a showdown on a
matter which has been “hang-
ng fire” for many many
crs essen
ter er esas

® © o
Monday night's meeting at
randview - school in Florin
as one of the preliminaries.
Attorneys involved in the
ase were slated to hold a
onference this week to set
ip the ground rules by which
ghey will work.
®e oo ©
The chairman of the Bor-
ugh Authority, B. Titus
Rutt, and the president of
lhe Borough Council, George
roff, have been called to
ave conferences to explain
xactly what public services
an be offered Florin citizens.
® eo o
All this is making ready
or a public hearing within|
robably a month at which
hree court-appointed com-
issioners will hear evidence]
s to why and why not to
opin Mount Joy and Florin.

® oo oo
Ah preacher preached not long
On cardinal sin and status
low, we're pretty sure that]
B cardinal sin
Is when Stan strikes out
when. the Cgrds are in
ut there's something we’d
like to know
Like what he means by
“status quo”.
1 9.
) 54
he donkey and the elephant
both have stalls
And gals to answers all
telephone calls.
0 now someday when you
are in town
Use the phone or call
t either place—they think
they know
Just what to do with “sta-
tus quo”.
J ut it's even worse than car-
dinal sin—
It’s the Latin for the mess
we're in.

Gerald T and Loretta (Hor-
afius) Stephens, 10 Walnut
reet, a daughter, Thursday,
ept. 13, at General hospital.
As a public service, The
Bulletin lists the following
physician, who may be
reached for emergency ser-
vice or by those who are
unable to contact their
family physician:
Sunday |
Dr. John Gates
in Harrisburg, |®

are available to everyone.
You see members of your fa-
milies, friends and neighbors
who because of a certain
need, required the therapy,
care of counciling offered by
a particular agency.
Progress of campaign con-
tributions will be reported
throughout the campaign.

Places High
Arthur Gish, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul A. Gish, R2,
Mount Joy, placed third in
the 25 health, welfare and
youth agencies in their 1963
programs. More than 142,000/the national Intercollegiate
persons were served last year|Peace Speech Association
by one or more of the agen-/contest. His extemporaneous
speech, “President Kennedy's
Decision to Resume Nuclear
For solicitation to meet the
total goal of $1,130,204, areas| Testing,” was taped and, sent
of contact fall into Large/to Association judges fo be
Business, Special Gifts,|judged with taped speeches
School and College, Smalllof contestants from through-
out the United States.
Donors providing awards,
for the winners are the Five|
Years Meeting of the Friends
the Mennonite Central Com-
mittee, and the Brethren Ser-
vice Commission.
Gish is a graduate of Done-
gal High School and a junior
this year at Manchester Col-
lege, North Manchester, Ind.
Business, Public Employes,
Clubs and Organizations, and
Residential. thruout North-
east, Northwest, Southern
County and metropolitan
All divisions of solicita-
tions began this week with
the exception of Residential
which will open October 1.
In the Donegal Area Co-
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mr. Walter Bradley of
Geib entertained Mr. and|Lancaster, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob F. Klugh and/Mrs. Lester Bradley Sunday.
family to dinner on Sunday.
The occasion was a triple] Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kay
birthday dinner in honor of(30d Pat Eichler, daughter of
the former
Mrs. Ed Kay
Patty Klugh, Judy Klugh 2
and Franklin Geib. Mrs. Harry Eichler of Beav-
er, Pa. visited relatives in
A 3/c Franklin Geib is en-|Florin last Thursday.
joying a ten-day leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mors.
David J. Geib. Franklin is
stationed at Dover, Del.

Mrs. Emma Eshleman was
taken ill at her home Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sch-
Igelmilch visited Sara Schle-
gelmilch on Saturday.
Mrs. Paul Schmuck and
Mrs. Al Lasek of Annville
visited Mr. and Mrs. Benja-
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Peifer
of Neffsville called on Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Buckwalter
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Buck-
walter and Mrs. Susan Mil-
ler were supper guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. |d8Y-
Clyde Heller of Willow] Mrs. Sheaffer and Rev.
Rose Marie Miringold called
jon Sara Schlegelmilch Tues-
|day. Rev. Mirinfold is an
[Evangelist at the Assembly
of God Church in Marietta.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck-
er entertained the following
to dinner on Sunday at their
Street, Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart of
E-town, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul


serviced, rather than at mail
min Kauffman on Wednes- |
connected with various situ-
ations in Florin were discus-
ing held Grandview
Called by the supervisors
of both Mount Joy and East
Donegal township supervis-
ors, some 50 residents of the
area attended to ask ques-
tions and to learn what they
could about annexation, sew-
age, street lights, fire plugs,
police protection, ete. ete.
An expert with answers
were two officials of the
son, executive
40 years.
al speaker of the session.
No matters were ripe for
decisions but the evening was
one for the giving of ans-
wers to questions in the
minds of those present.
Many of the matters on
the minds of the people
hinge on the matter of en-
nexation which is, and has
been, in the courts for many
many months but which is
now moving toward an
vestigation and study by a
three-man commission.
Court decision on whether|
or not there will be an an-
nexation will clear the way|
concerning many matters and)
services which the commu
nity considers.
Mount Joy Rural Route 1
was extended slightly this
week to service several new]

homes in the Donegal Heights]
addition, south of the bor-|
Carrier Bruce Gre
makes stops at
iner now
each home|
boxes located along Marietta
The ladies auxiliary to the!
Friendship Fire company|
will have an “Oldies” record
hop at the fire hall from 7|

0 10 p.m. Saturday evening, |
Sept. 22 for 9 to 16 year
olds or 6 to 8 with parents.
Shorts should not be worn.
Spot dance winners at the
last dance were Cheryl Stoh-
ler, Mike Kear, John Zerph-
ey, Patsy Nauss, Michael|
Wagner and Eleanor Hart-
Classified ads, individually
small but economically po-|

An even dozen members of/ home. Mrs. Annie Stark,
the Mount Joy post office| Mrs. Emma Keener, Mrs.
staff have taken the first of{fRuth Garman, Mrs. Mary
a series of two Asian Flu Shonk, Mrs. Earl Myers and
shots as a precaution against/Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker
illness this winter. Jr. and family.

tent, will occupy a million!
tons of newsprint in 1962, ac-|
cording to Newsprint Facts. home. Damage was minimal. of milk.
sed Monday night in a meet-|
(by the
|yarder to
and the count was 7-7 at the
Neither team scored in the
Donegal took a 13-7 lead
early in the fourth when
|Lippold plunged across from
{the one, Valley's Buckskins
[rammed across two touch-
[downs and looked like 20-13
winners until the Indians
put on their eleventh-hour
touchdown drive for a thril-
{ler finish to their second
game of the season.
director for at 8 p.m. Friday night, Sept.|
| The latter was the princip-| The next week, the Tribe
(goes to E’town for a Friday
right game.

Fire Company
Makes 3 Runs
Friendship Fire company
was one of four outfits which
responded to a call from
Marietta Monday morning
{when an oil burner caused a
(fire in - the basement of a
West Market street apart-
ment building.
Dense clouds: of smoke
forced occupants of 5 apart-
ments on the second and
third floors to flee and consid-
erable damage was done to
contents of the living quar-
The first floor of the build-
ing formerly was occupied
Elaine’s Children’s
Shop, but is now vacant.
Mrs. Dorothy Frey owns the
Other companies fighting
the fire were Marietta, May-
town and Marietta Depot.
Mount Joy responded to
the call while still at the
scene of another fire, report-
ed only a short time earlier
when a trash fire near Ger-
berich-Payne shoe factory
had gotten out of control.
The fire was caused by
careless burning of scrap
lumber by railroad workers,
Fire Chief John Myers said.
The, fire spread out of con-
trol along the railroad right-
of-way and threatened a tele-
phore cable.
Friendship Fire Company
volunteers were called Mon-
day to extinguish a blaze in
a tar pot being operated by
the J. D. Eckman company,
Main street rebuilding con-
The tar pot was standing]
in front of the Dr. Gates|

Sie» 3%) grapher, at fost It was a line rush try for | lool laid th “worl
ithi i i he fi i 3 : < : [pre ls in her|college, laid the groundw
Thus, within a relatively Uz During t $ frst Vee ih : the seventh-point which fail- tery to her. : guest of the Frank A. Shank|/press what she feels in i Be ed he Cred:
short time, Main street is une, f€ visile nite am Fl P hi d Never-the less, she is ready|/family, near Milton Grove. |heart. y
beginning to return to use. | paign agencies with Jim Cox, FIOFIN Froblems ed and has been ready, although| Today, automatic washers| Christine comes to Ameri- ments, helped by Dr. Galen
i A ° 's 9 ee i|a news commentator with A Di d __Corestoga took first scorelp. was not fully aware ofjand electric irons are won-ca with the approval of her|Kilhefner, supervising prin-
WGAL-TV. Here, on film, Ale Iscusse in the first period, Donegall, fact, particularly when ders almost unbelieveable. [government and the United|cipal of the E-town Area
When the Marietta street you see the agency in action Questions, answers and ex- counted in the second whenjy, json was expressed in| Well adjusted to using ajStates government after it[schools. ;
bridge over the railroad is, performing the services that); nations to many problems Denis Goodhart tossed a 214 English. flat iron, Christine is so fas-/was determired that she] In the meantime, the Dons
: Koser for a T.D. church women have
Several days ago her host-|cinated by the electric iron|would have a good home and|egal 0
been trying to do something
for Apondo’s people in Kens
ya. Among other things, they
ess in America said, ‘“Chris-that Mrs. Shank has trouble that she would be accepted
tine we must get you a wip-| getting her to try other new into a good school.
ter coat. Soon it may turnjand interesting things. Both were well establish-
cold and you will need it.”| Described by Principalled several weeks and months|collected 2,377 pounds of
“Yes, thank you,” the youngJohn Hart of Donegal high|ago. books ard have started them
lady replied. [school as a bright pupil, Christine has had Bnancialion their long way to Africa.
Nothing more was said at/Christine has been placed inhelp from several sources,/They left here August 12 for
the time. A day later, after'the 10th grade, taking a gen-/including the Donegal High{the Obwolo Intermediate
considering the matter, Chriseral course. Her placement Student Council. School at Kismumu, Kenya,
tine said, ‘About this coat.” was almost arbitrary because The Women’s Association|but it will take about three
What is a coat?” It was ex-formal testing was almost/of Donegal Presbyterian,months for them to arrive
plained and then it was re-impossible. church has contributed and'by ship.

Main Street Rebuilding Project Is Progressing

state association of Township] This week’s D.H.S. menu
supervisors — Milton W. will be served at Eph-
Delancey, who is secretary, rata, where the Indians will] Big, visible strides wereward. Then, on Monday, make it possible, after 10/ues at full speed, welders are
and H. A. “Cappy” Thomp-make their third appearance being made this week on themove the entire operation days or so of curing, to be-/continuing their work of re-
rebuilding Pro-y, x to the east end of thelgin ripping out the south| building the Marietta avenue
foroert to begin laying thelhalf of the street. While that|railroad bridge. Flooring is
pavingsecond of what ultimately|work is in progress, trafficlcompleted but still lacks its
slowly, will be four widths of pav-|will use the new concrete/final coating of blacktopping.
Main street
At midweek, the
crew was marching,

but steadily westward Oniing. slab. Sides of the structure are
Main street with a 12-footf The second section willl While street work contin-now being strengthened.
strip of concrete stretching
behind the machines.
At the same time, big
earthmovers were ripping in-
to the section of Main street
west of New Haven, clearing
the way for additional work
in an area that had been lit-
tle touched by the construc-
tion workers.
The plan—subject to daily
Shopping Center ‘Shopping’ For Firms
Interest in the possibility If sufficient interest is;“junior” shopping center.
that Mount Joy will be the/shown ard arrangements| The location was selected,
: move along as now anticipa-ja representative said, because
Sle of = new, modern SHO ed, development will pro-jof its situation at the edge
ping center was growing this, of Mount Joy, because of its
week following recent zon+ meniative. plans for build-ideal frontage on Route 230
change, of course—was to|. . | | :
Sr concrete on Friday, 8 action by the Boroughiings already have been/and because there is not now
continuing to move west/Council. drawn, indicating business|3 similar center in Mount
rooms and other installations|J0Y-

As, iow proposed, the cer While the plan is not for a Since 1957 there has been
ter would be located at thel,,o0 center, it is expected/no zoning regulations in the
east edge of the borough on that if the project developes/east portion of Mount Joy
land owned by the Lefeverlas proposed there would be|borough. Lost week Council
Scouters Plan
. . 1
‘Ladies Night estate. at least two stores bearing|established the area north of
Plans for a “ladies night” The entire tract of approx.| Pig’ names, plus several|the hghway and east of Le-
dinner meeting were diseus{imately 80 acres, Is under| Shops: The center was de-|/fever road as suitable for
. : |scribed by one per a i S y 2
option by an investment or-| 3 person as business development
gniazation but the area pro-
posed for the shopping center
is located approximately be-
tween the old “Keystone|
barn” and the Twin Kiss on
Route 230.
As things stood this week.
sed at a meeting of the West-
ern District Committee, Boy
scouts of America, to be held
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sep-
tember 19, in Room 315 of
the Armstrong Research and
Development Center.
Hampton B. Allen, Lancas-

Rotary Hears Dutch Girl
Tell Of American Visit
ter, District Chairman, has the next step involves sign
announced that the ladies’ ing tenants for business] “Ourselves, As Others See|to her and she admitted to
night affair, first meeting of| 0c on the plaza. Us,” might well have been|gaining weight for two rea-
its kind ever scheduled for
the Western District, will be
the subject of the talk heard|sons—the abundance of ‘big’
A representative in Lan- Tuesday noon by Mount Joy/meals and lack of exercise by

held Saturday, Nov. 3rd, at|caster this week said that/ Rotarians as they held their|walking.
Hostetter’s banquet hall in|contacts have been made|ngon luncheon at Hostetters. : 5
Mount Joy. The meeting will with several large organiza-| Miss Hermina Pleij of The| Miss Pleij, a 26-year-old
be held to honor wives ofjtions in an effort to line up Hague, Netherlands, was the/SOcial worker, has been in
speaker and with delightful/ America about two months as
good humor mentioned many 32 exchange student under
of the things she sees in/the “Experiment of Interna-
Ie en Dering
[America which are contrary|tioral Living.
Western District commission-|{proper business renters.
ers and committee members.
James B. Heilig, Mount Joy,

District Vice-Chairman, is
handling arrangements for| |{to her previous ideas. | She has been a guest of
the dinner meeting. ji s {the Myerstown Rotary club
B | Her “fixed ideas” as sheland has been living in the
jcalled them, had been form-homes of various members of
led from movies, newspapers,|the club.
{teen age music stars, etc. | She came to Mount Joy on
| Among the things she finds|Tuesday as the guest of Ray
|different and doesn’t quite/N. Wiley, who introduced her
{urderstand in America she/to his fellow Rotarians.
{mentioned having plenty of An interesting sidelight on
Cream rises to the surface)
of milk because cream is
composed of particles of oil
and fat that are lighter than
water and other components|

One of the most-talked-of. .
pieces of current writing is|tory
called, “Who Is Tampering
with the Soul of America?”
Written as an address by
Jenkin Lloyd Jones, who is
“fed up’ as an “Angry Amer-
ican” gbout low standards,
low morals and low ambi-
tions, it has caused a consid-
erable amunt of comment
across the nation.
He speaks for thoughtful
men and. women and here, in
greatly gbbreviated, state-
ments, are some of his pene-
is littered with
len empires . . . I don’t want
my childrer’s children to go
through a couple of centyries
of dialectic materialism be-
fore the sun comes up again.
“I look upon our own
country and much that I see
disturbs me . . . . We have
much to teach the world, gnd
if America should go down
soon it would be too early.”
In commenting upon enter-
tainment, which he calls dirt,
trating thoughts: he says,
“Human progress has nev-| “But they don’t call it
er been steady. It has wash-|dirt. They call it ‘realism.’
Why do we let them fool ys?
Why do we nod owlishly
when they tell us that filth is
merely a daring art form,
that licentiousness is really
social comment? , . . Bawdi-
ed back ard forth like waves
upon a beach. Happily there
has glso been an incoming
tide, so the waves have wash-
ed higher and higher as each
great civilization came on . .

But the pathway of his- ness has put on a dinner jac-{lieving in themselves, when
the ket, and seats in the orchest-they regard their institutions
bones of dead states and fal-ra that used to go for six bits/with cynicism and their tra-
are now scaled at $8.80. Oh,
yes, we have lots of ‘realism.
Incestuous Americans. Per-
verted Americans. Degener-
ate Americans. Murderous
Americans. How many of
these ‘realistic’ Americans
do you know? . . .
“Don Maxwell of the Chi-
cago Tribune has recently
asked his book department to
quit advertising scatologival
literature by including it in
the list of best sellers. The
critics and the book publish-
ers have denoynced him for
tampering with the fgets. 1
would like to raise a some-
what larger question: Who is
tempering with the soul of
America? . . .
A Look At “Who's Tampering With The Soul Of America”

ditions with flippancy they
will not long remain great
nations. When they seek
learning without effort and
wages without work they are
beginning to stagger.
When payola becomes a way
of life, expense accounts
cheating common, and union
goonery a fiercely demanded
‘right’ that nation is in dgng-
“There is rot and there is
blight and there is cutting
out and filing to be done if
we, as the leader of free men,
are to survive the hammer
blows which plainly are in
store for us all . . .
“Let's cover up the cess-
pool and start planting some

“When nations cease be-

|orange juice but never anylher visit originates in the
oranges; men helping with|fact that the Rotray Club
|the dishes; showers which|gave her a check for $10.
can not be regulated without/Although she had spoken to
standing in the stream ofla number of Rotary clubs in
either too-hot or too-cold wa- this country during her 60-
ter, and the abserce of walk-day stay, the $10 was the
ing in the American way of first American money she had
living. been paid.
here with the edycationists
and pseudo-social scientists
who have underrated our po-|
tential as a people. I am fed
up to here with the medicine

tense for art an rurience istics SS ! 5
p as sophisticated as she had her homeland and she was
for literature. I am tired of| oT
Arthur Schneider,
supposed, she said, and they|_ nAing ¢ :
|seeing America debased and| son of spend more time in their SC overjoyed that she did not
low-rated in the eyes of for- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F Kitchens than thelr counterdU 00 10 cash the check. On
|Schneider, 147 Manheim St., y the promise that she would
eigners. And I am genuinely|*
disturbed that to idealistic|iS 8 member of the football
youth in many countries the/Sauad at Grove City College,| She is delighted with our|tarians gave her a $10 bill.
fraud of communism appears Grove City, Pa. He is an end|weather and, pointing to| B
synonymous with morality, and has earned letters. Wednesday's beautiful,
while we, the chief reposit-| A 1962 graduate of Done-
| weather said that this would
ory of real freedom, are Y&4 uty hich school. hic 15.5 frosh.|P€ one of the finest, warm)
garded as being in the last/oo 8° SC100%
oa Y : days imaginable in her home-|
man, majoring in busine |da; Sng e
stages of decay . . .
7% i [land
oe i {administration
In this hour of fear, CON- BIRTHS
fusion, gnd self-doubt, let| {cans do not eat much fresh
this (a revolt against immor-| Ralph G. and Ethel (Weng-| fruit as fruit alone.
ality) be the story of Ameri-|er) Secrist, 71 E. Main Street, fruit in pies,” she laughed. [the community who had cop-
ca. Unless I misread thea daughter, Wednesday, Sept, The Pennsylvania Dutchlies on order may pick them
parts of the Netherlands. not cash it, one of the Ro-

D.H.S. Yearbooks
Donegal high school’s ’62
yearbook— the “Emerald” —
Ameri-lis now available.
The books arrived this
“You put week at D.H.S. and those in
9| She observed that

flowers . , . I am fed up to
(Turn to page 6) 12 at St. Joseph’s hospital. |cooking has been interesting|up at the school office.