The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 10, 1962, Image 2

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    (MT, JOY JR. RIFLE CLUB|The Bulletin, Mount Joy Thursday, May '0
The Mount Joy - 'Day of Music’ Planned For May 26th Teakettles Pain | ream stanpinas Er
Bl) I E'T1 N govern in Usefulness |Dead Eyes ........ 10
J A 33 Ky : 1 . i

| Alley, Elizabethtown; a
lof furniture, dishes and cof
ou can |

he Bultetin’s ¥

oo -a nt

{Flying Tigers .:.... 8 oking utensils. Sale at 12 a
Teakettles are far from be- glack Hawks ...... 6
xlock Noon by Walter Dupé
ng out of style, believes Hel raiders CT dh 6 4
'n E. Bell, extension home| High individual score Sat., May 19—Real Estat
In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County.
nanagement specialist of the season, Jeff Koser 100-7x. * Ses Register LL by Stephen F. Ulrich, v2 in
svivani tate ive . i as Mil Gr
Pennsylvania State Univer pgigh team score for reas- Outheast 2 i oR Sos

ny: on, Raiders, 285-6x. 5 mi. N. of Mount Joy
inhi ai en in toaay s rs witl | : POE ‘Walter og. Bul
Richard A. Rainbolt Rami A "tea. FLYING TIGERS 1 Saturday, May 12— Peacltly m, Walter Dupes, auct
Editor settle is a useful utensil. In|Dennis Patches ...... 97-2x POLITICAL POLITICAL FOR
and act, its usefulness may be|fohn Farmer netieeie 92-2x
; in the upswing. DIAN BAOSBE ves coop vs 90-0 Remco mm
Publisher Many times a family needs TEER, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE 58 Ford 1
T, R & H,
Fhite sidew
on. Best «
sxtra hot water, hotter than Total ..........
Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. nost hot water systems sup |ppap EYES—0



Advertising Rates upon request. ply, Miss Bell points oul , . 98-5
. Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna. as The ‘instant” foods call for Rs ri 2 an be seen
second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. oiling water to dissolve/pa, Tl 69-0 0. Bldg, |
. - . 4 T 2 them and to provide flavorful B a Smadar sa
CEE products. Extra hot water is Totah i. iin 251-7x ew & Used
@® NEWTOWN Archery Club shy WER ord Tracie
: specially fruit juice, tea |p ipppe halmers Tr
" Holds Shoot and coffee stains. Also spec|n “patches ....... .. 94. D M isc harrow:
. Mrs. Norman Brosey anny ial laundry problems require Dob Patehes ; Sa I. eorge . rett ehman Wel
. me Big Chiques Archery Club "i v ai .. |boiling water. I 1 Ra Met mh a ( i Foreman
av. ‘dung t eld hieiy thly club shoot! A grand, county-wide “Day bands from all parts of Lan- place about 3 p.m. This wil ENE |Bob Weaver .......u. 89-0 Safeguard American Tax WIE For
Sunday nner suesis xm Sunday, May 6. Twenty- of Music’ will herald the op- caster County. officially open the Long Park| when in need or printing | pe Money and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank| : £ th w Amphithea-| : . i | Total .:. suit vi 277-5x% : ya PEWRITE
« were Mr. and Mrs. Jan Mor-{3¢Ven members shot the 28. ening o ne Pp | Thousands of listeners are Amphitheater as a new pub-|-emember The Bulletin. American Principles eh rep. ©
* inchin and daughter of Sport-[!arget regulation hunterster in Long Park, Lancaster, iq for the 11-hour lic, open air center for music | ___________ |MLACK HAWKS—0 Bh:
: ing Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Russel|’©und with the followingjon Saturday, May 26. |show. They will watch and|al, cultural, religious, andfjyce the $35,000 indebted:|Vaughn Nissley ...... 90-2x fed. At Roc
"Herr and daughter of Colum.Members receiving trophies pong Park, eo Lancaster|jisten from folding chairs other events. ness still outstanding for con-|Dick Parsons ........ 90-1x, Worth trip”
« bia RD. I'n their respective classes. city-owned wooded park, Island blankets, as is the cus) wp. «pao of Music” ac.|Sttuction of the amphitheat- Tom Tripple ....... 267-4x igh St., E-t
+ Mrs. Irvin Witmer and fa-| XAA Paul les 464: located on the Old Harris tom at Philadelphia’s Robin i; i+i00 will be free and open er. : B 8 rrr
mil : : ‘lburg Pike, about 2 miles|Hood Dell and other amphi- :
mily called on Mr. and Mrs oaul Hess - 441: XA Robert to all the public, a sale of $1
’ To 3 ; west of Lancaster on the|theaters. Many are expected : :
« John Kaufiman- and family Shelly - 284! XB Ken Brans- Aig - . Booster Badges will begin 5
‘ . Mors al. A ? road to Landisville. |to bring picnic suppers.
* of Conestoga, and Mrs. Anna|’ . 383; Bowman. Kea. Nis: : | throughout Lancaster County 2 S
. Kauffman of Columbia RD. ilev: - 274- Bill Reider . 243: Starting at noon and last:| A short dedicatory pro-in April. The money realized| ! &
. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs] Archer, Carl Shenberger . ing until 11 p.m, the Sonar gram is scheduled to take'from this sale will help re Your Jlospanse to our “Managers’ and Clerks’ Week” Sale was truly gratifying. .
« Wm. Haines and sons were|267 uous, free program wild con ee re n celebration, we are happy to announce a continuance of last week's special SS. V4 Elizah
* Mr. and Mrs. Giles Urban| Juniors sist of music of all kinds seul grocery values plus a new array of Meat, Produce and Grocery specials! A
. Tm “ | : Wo ____ |jazz, symphonic, choral, folk, 2 \
. snd children Mary Ann and Chief - Richard Parsons “ popular, march, chamber, and| a ” | uel & i
illy of Lancaster. Mrs. Hen-|\168; Warrior - Vaughn Nis- i
ry Rollmon and daughterijey . 137. country: i) . ! ANN 2 Ib. 45¢ # |
. Patsy, of Lititz, and Mr. and| Women Featured performers willl = s PAGE jar Top Quali
. Mrs. Lloyd Nentwig, Florin. | XAA' Verna Nissley - 322; include Lancaster Symphony| . . 4 . end Me
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weav-|XB Shirley-Shelly - 216; jng|Oveacgies, the Vivga un ’ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE B ’ PRESERVES SAVE -1b.
er visited Mr. and Mrs.|Archer Lynn Milligan - 149.|0€r music-ensembe, Vaughn : ANN PAGE k For Prom
/ . 16¢ jar
Lloyd Steele of Lancaster, B Monroe and Diner op record ! Se
and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weav- : . a ing artisis, barbershop quer. Saturday, May 19, 1962 w
er of Mount Joy | The typical family man tets. Lancaster Opera Work 5 Re TOMATO, PINEAPPLE OR 9) 46-02 C
M 8 doy. |nas a billfold full of pic-/shop, the Bert Wittenberg] On the premises located along road leading from | f . ° )
Sunday visitors of Mr. and| Hats 360 Bo OBEY. square dancers, and. CODCCHMiren Goons oo Bokors Gar Stab 7s leo] 1 PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT cans J ANN PAGE 100%

Mrs. Norman Brosey and fa-|
mily were Mr. and Mts.| east of Milton Grove, 5 miles East of Elizabethtown. | g : : © CORN OIL
Francis Beosey of ition 1 U B } IC fo A i E 5 miles North of Mount Joy. | & CRANBERRY SAUC MINGT paar 4 C
: | & : cans
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. .Layere
: ¥ SMALL FARM OF 50 ACRES, more or less, thereon] 5
Lucas of Columbia. Miss | |
and family, of Mount Joy Friday May 18, 1962
ter Minnie were Mr. and Mrs BARN and PIG STY; CORN BARN and IMPLEMENT | i
Nancy Brubaker of Mt. Joy —OF— |erected a Sigubie | a FRANK'S BEVE 12-02
RD, Miss Ann Myers of town PERSONAL PROPERTY . 21, Story | RAGES 12 when 05¢
spent Sunday afternoon with
Extension table, other tables, large sewing table, SHED: FRAME ONE-CAR GARAGE.
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hirst
® i
rame Dwe WESSON OIL or db
| & 7c bottle
the Oliver Witmer family.
Ray Gamber and family of ) . bic, a : " | # ade
Manheim, Mr. and Mrs. Sal- bedroom suites, springs and mattresses, bedding, = This farm is all in pasture; can be farmed if so de-| by 16-01. ¢ PO a Tera hoe h 7 AT IEE.
sired. Never-failing spring of water in meadow with streain| NABISCO

; a . 8 (Formerly
Mm A P : prvice and
. brvice)

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Long|
Abram Gamber and daugh-/325 SOUTH MARKET STREET, THE FOLLOWING:|ter system; never-failing well of water. FRAME BANK| DRINK cans

and son Scott, of Christiana,
|containing four rooms and bath on each side; oil-fired fur-| x
Visitor of Mr. and Mrs. IN THE BOROUGH OF ELIZABETHTOWN AT hace. hot water heat, summer-winter hookup; electric wa-| & WELCHADE GRAPE 3 avert $1
em Gamber, Columbia RD. juilts, comforts, blanket chests, sideboard. high chair, running through; ise large pong oncdaper. - Macadam. road; box SrA we oo oe eno
Sunday evening Mrs. Bea-|plank bottom chairs, arm chairs, chairs and rocking along farm.



trice Wittle of Elizabethtown hairs, large mirror, cut and pressed glass dishes, oth- This is a desirable country I ; house in very g “ jq King =
; 2 > : ’ t S y home; house in very good] # BOSCUL a !
called on Mr. and Mrs. Edw. py antique dishes, dishes and cooking utensils, and a condition. | #8 TEA BAGS BRAND Tc SALE Jes ¢ A P VEGETABLE SALE hone EM 7-
Isler and daughters, and Mrs [4 of articles too numerous to mention Arrangements to view property can be made by cal-| ags CUT GREEN BEANS GREEN PEAS it
Irene Snyder. Sale 1G bein at 6:30 © h ann ling. Mount Joy, OL 3-0394. | 5 FRENCH GREEN BEANS MIXED VEGETABLES mmer Dos
Sunday evening supper! ale to begin at 6:30 p.m.. when cenditions will Sale to commence at 2:00 P. M., when conditions wiil| BROCCOLI SPEARS FORDHOOK LIMA BEANS os teacher
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob 2€¢ made known by be made known by | ANSER SAV 2 oz D7 SAULT DWiR Ee Your ch
ert Frank were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dupes, Auct Jack B. Horner, Attorney toh if : cans YOUR - rite Box
. Clarence Blyer and daughter Garman and Miller, clerks Martha M. Ebersole sie: Dupes, Auctioneer Stephen F. Ulrich i CHOICE! pkgs. B eietir
of Manheim. 50-2¢ 49-3c| A JANE AVE - i
Recent visitors of Mr. and 4 WHEAT BREAD PARKER SAY Jb: 19¢ TTT ssistant ma
Mrs. Harold Myers and fami- | Banquet i v on 2" 18 fut ge syst
ly were Mr. and Mrs. Marlin 5 Holi esr Sunred Broz. Be ig
Brubaker and family of Mt — : \& BLACKBERRY PIE JANE SAVE 5 ¢ 0 iday STEAKS pkgs. $1 ga pny ;
y 2 ; PY Sa ; » . ; Loz.
Joy RD. and Mr. and Mrs oy “ PARKER 10¢ each AP Strawberries Sliced Ig. 39¢ by.
Donald Falk of Lancaster. 5 8 Sumy ono x . MEA . 2 3 12-02
Rid nd Mrs. Hevazd dole A : 1 i ro gn 4 CALIFORNIA —_— ia A Pp Orange Juice 3 2s 192
ston of Lewistown, Mr. an 7 4 4 Si 5
Mrs. Howard Gamber. = 5 A 5 2 x ; FRESH 2 J
Victor Fogie Jr. of New | & £ 2 A Jane Parker Baked 2.7
Jersey called at the Willian i u | prs
Fogie home: A 4 : § CHERRY PEE Young ho
eee aia a 4 v NONE 4 Z ke _part-tim
Sy LE : int $ i SAVE € 8-inch pie [fke in ironin
] li3 PRICED P 2 10c large
WwW L | N G i ae 3 HIGHER boxes a dt
WL 4 i ‘
Sah qn stalk 4 ale o
Wiley & Rutt .. 41 31 i BANANAS c q Lestoil ont 3 65° ey Emplo
Greens ......... 3315 39% { i a Ib. 2 bottle bottle ase} Sr
Kittys~....... 36 46 i BR x
High triple, J. Ginder 300. 3 iz i
10-01. 20-01. "8 15-01. 28-0z.
Foe. Gel 9% REDUCTION EFFECTIVE NOW! 1k Pi nun 4 io. 90° | | Lestoil oi” 33° oi: 58 Applicaton
i HARES i % or are n
mss Makes TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING ~~ A&P EGGS REDUCED! Fab 2: 61° = 69" Apr
. ’ olimasier 3
Ginder 500. Total 2114. cartons [
Wiley 471, Stark 391, P. New savings for families who heat their homes, ! Ai 15-02. ge 28-02. ¢ AM]
Shearer 383. C. Gro 360. 1 hast water und cook sleciically, SUNNYFIELD FANCY CREAMERY Nai : Jax oom 39 65 cttia Phe
oltzman 17 ‘otal 2064 BUTTER INYelb, ve 67° SOLIDS 5
rrrys SECOND RATE DECREASE IN 8 MONTHS | rs . 0 ue comin Lancaster
Mckain 479, Dissinger 382. : DEL MONTE PEACHE Uc: Ok 29-01. 57¢ Ajax 2? 4-02 27 2 2)es, 45 Monday 1
51. cans cans cans

Vo wad

Mackison 343 enor 4 . .
Taylor Oi a at 4 Before you buy, build or remodel your present home, check the i HAWAIIAN PUNCH 20 PuncHineo o 460. § 5a.
HESS’—3 many other advantages of electric heating . . « clean, carefree BC, BN, BD and BE DRINKS cans RIV \11 qualified
Meyers 451, Booth 370, I and comfortable CAMPBELL’S SO am: of Wushiaarm, Vogoabie Bi ER SRAND.BROWN Rice, "120-16 i i
3 : a comlortable. Cream of Mushroom, Vegetable Beef 6 cans $1 BEADS-0-BLEA 30 pceive consid
Johnson 466, Weidman 437 Under PP&L’s new, lower TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING or Cheddar Choass A ar 83 t wit
Beck 359. Total 2083 a I Ta 1 ng t % : v ih ° NABISCO COOKIES Oreos, Baronet Crames, 3 . S| TREND DRY DETERGENT 2 lage 30, loymen ik
Fala; Plax MELIoSS: wiectric Hons Beaking oN: Cogle Oly la" Wafers or Famous Auvarimont oe TREND LIQUID DETERGENT 2 = 59. | HEC “7° ©
- . mn . .
GREERS—0 L.5¢ per kilowatt-hour. CRANBERRY SAUCE NOT 2 16-oz. 31 ¢ DUTCH CLEANSER save 20 9 1. 280 rigin.

Hean 395, Wagner 349. A i cans SWEETHEA §
i RT SOAP Regular Size 4 bars 30
Kiner 441, Berryhill 406. J SAVE large Tar :
Hostetter 399. Total 1990. CREST TOOTHPASTE 5 tube 48¢ DUNCAN HINES - “ict sovsiee: wha. 49

3 . y kgs.

HOLLINGER—4 { ARG NUTLEY in Veelb. 1b, 1-1. WESSON OIL (SAVE 70) 24-01. 460 x
Wolgemuth 464. Welliver PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 40 M ARINE BRAND PRINTS 6 95¢ shes 1 Botte ARD Ol




393, Robinson 473, T1. 2181 We would like to know more about FLAMELESS electric home heating. ’ I )) BET We wish to
—— Bree ; . ; 7 small ta [J in 1 M hid eciation for
AT NEWPORT R. L Please have a PP&L heating specialist visit our home soon. 8 ; MILK 4 ans 27° Pn ¢ 1% i Aditi arkets ressions of sy
Philip A. Rovenolt. musi- - AN INVESTOR-OWNED ) iy ! are, oa an | dt lie 2 ection with t
cian third class, USN, son of ELECTRIC: UTILITY ‘AQ. : : RS rother-in-law
’ SS, "8 h RVICE 3 P3222822333880022 33333303: I3o333333] 13 tn A eee esrrerrevsrerersrsrererlotonsenses ss esesesTssIolese: - hle
Mrs. Edith Rovenolt of 42| Name IN THE 88 : grl LR
i enolt of 42 OF THE PUBLIC ® ‘
Columbia ave., reported Ap. Fs YOUR A & P's IN MOUNT JOY AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE LOCATED olont B. Barr.
ril 19, to the Naval Station, | Address Tel. No. AT... EAST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY* 451 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER firs. Mary Ma
Newport. R. 1. He enterca rrr emma LU IN satis | MILLERSBILLE ROAD & LINCOLN HWY. LANCASTER 5 to thank
the service in July 1958. G 433 EAST ROSS STREET, LANCASTER er prayers
Bis iy County State * Mount Joy A & P Food Store does not sell Meats or Seafoods. 8 TH TorRIYe

Bulletin advertisement pays