1 4 nt Joy Var, the sonme- rapping to print - = NC = LIN Chu rch News Tuesday 7:30 p.m News Pertaining To All [Wednesday The Churches In Mt Joy | 7:30 p.m. {services with Glossbrenner| (E. U.B. to be held in the Flor-| Newtown E. U. B. Church |; "0; B Church. Combined Newtown, Pa. { i ’ taking part. Rey 3 K. Geyer DD. Pastor| Wm. Longe- Council Meeting Combined Lenton {choirs will be [Sermon by Rev. | necker. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School [Thursday 11:30 a.m. Choir practice | Morning Prayer Meeting a # " " a “ t pol n # Cm ‘. © ou i : " ” * - : 10:00 a. m. Morning Wor: 7.00 p.m. Junior Choir | the manse. a ship. 7:45 p.m. Senior Choir. | Wednesday = 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellow- smote % | 8:00 pm. Hour of Power X ship Assumption of The Blessed | g& | Thursday * Wednesday ; Virgin Mary Church 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting - 7:30 p. m. Christian En: Mount Joy, Pa. lat the manse. = deavor. New Haven Street Seg a 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. | Rev. Francis X. Butler First Presbyterian Church J GOD jon © REE. Pastor i Mount Joy, Pa. a Salunga, Pa. lev. William Sullivan, Asst. | Richard A. Todd, Pastor u Robert Turner - Pastor [Sunday | Friday . s [Elam Haldeman - S. S. Supt. 8:00 a.m. Mass. 6:30 am. - 7:30 a.m. Early HE WORL.. a Sunday m——— Morning Brive: Meeting x 9:00 am. Sunday School. Saint Luke's Episcopal the manse. a 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- Church | Sunday ® fship. Mount Joy. Pa. | 9:30 am. Church School. B® lTuesday ; | Rev. Emmert M. Moyer | Millard Sherk, Supt. ® Women's Fellowship Rector | 10:45 a. m. Morning Wor, ; a Wednesday | Sunday 2 ship Service. = 6:30 p.m. Junior Choir | 8:00 am Holy Communion | 1:30 pm. Children’s Com] 7:15 p.m. Senior Choir | 9:30 a Family Moring i municant Class in Mount Jo = 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. (Prayer, hurc chool. nic s 1 30 x Dy er 11:00 a.m. Holy Commun- | 6:C0 po The pastor ad = St. Mark's E. U. B. Church lion and Sermon. some of the young people : 0 Young People’s will conduct the evening Ser- JOY = Mount Joy, Pa. | 700 p. m. g vice at the Crippled Child a C. E. Ulrich, Minister = |Meeting. : ren’s hospital. : C Hi Series 2 Saturday * A eT Se a ee Presbyterian onrinue IEEE 10:30 a.m. Pastor’s Instruc-| a.m. Holy Co Monday | : tion class. | 7:30 pm. Penitential Office om - 1130 fecing 1 * Home News - Of Church Films { : : Morning Prayer Meeting at Bunday {and Holy Communion. the mise Ci Methodist Chirelt. 1. | Guest minister for the Sun- IDE liques Liethodist urc a A day evening services—March Wednesday Mrs. Edward Ki rehner ol Route 230, east of Mt. Joy, 3:00 pm. Conference of |11, The Rev. Canon Clifton ie 00 pm, Hour of Power [Wyomissing | Pa, h |continues to show the "Liv- nit World Mission in the Para-/A. Best, of York. E 7:00 A Juiiior CHolr mother, ing Christ Series of sound, Y dise EUB Church. March 18, The Rev. Dr. | oraetic ¢ | ford. _ color films at the evening mm 7:30 p.m. Evening Service| {Charles M. Coldren, Mariet- |p 3: ae. Seni Choi Kitty Jo Etsell, Betsy Hall- services of the church. [ta. i | bm. Senior oir |gren, Mary Ann a unday evening, Mar. 4, SEm— in Peli Hall. | practice. Bie Boariravi he life LING Monday March 25, the Rev. Dr. D. |Reta May of Mount Joy «a al-ltwo films porteying t ® on mmm 7:30 p.m. Bible Study, les- [S. Kemsley of Lancaster. . “ | he led on Miss Pearl Powell. and ministry o esus in i- son no. 9. in church basement] Evening services begin at The lion that can roar the loudest and bite ME I a ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey le e, He calling ot Matitew io Tuesday |7:00 p.m. land children of West Chester|be a disciple, and the he g a) na 1:30 Intorcsutiet —— the hardest usually gefs what he wants. Sando ioe utown, Pe visited “MIs. Retta Ramsay of the paralytic, who was ence Retreat. Sessions in St, Tn Sa THE CHURCH FOR ALL 9:30 am. Church School;|and Mrs. Florence Stauffer. |let pi on ee x + | oO oY. a. cee see Jesus. ‘Discipleship’ por Paul’s EUB Church, E-town.| The an W ¥ Koder . NL FORTHE Ch That's the wiv.it is io th ’ oe hin John H. Wenger, Gen. Supt; Mrs. Roerting returned 10 Pfs’ Way prayer Yor. Hope and Dr. Rasmussen, he Rev. W. L. wr URCH hat’s the way it is in the animal kingdom, and sometimes | Extended sessions for Boys &the Home after several days wavs vious Ferries BEE i” guest speakers. [Sunday am. Sunday School the system creeps into man’s world too! |Girls; adult study theme,|visit with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hie: ve Be oe of the _ 7:30 p. m. WSWS Meeting. 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- “No Stealing”. Seidel of Middletown. au y the Mount. and Theme—7TUnited We Serve—gpy | Most of us have too much RELIGIOUS AWARENESS to 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor: B— oo Lol prover, : met The Evangelical United Bre- ray beli . SEA Se ship; Sermon, “The Church: Op to oD 7 ites Church in Latin Ameri-{ 7.30 p.m. Circle 2, ULCW, ! believe that such a system is the best one. We would rather live Institdtion znd Expedition’le k Pi a Service Will pean 8 aig, | Smilies in Sharks —|will meet in Parish house. ion can survive. There ar % in a world in which kindness and peace and unselfishness were by Pastor Zuck. St. Marks ans £ 2 Dn 2 BD oN Its. ichar each, chair-nirs, Rachael Reynolds will} reasons why every person should attend > : 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship > X : ine ser L lady, - Mrs. Richard Hoover, he the leader. { services “regularly -and support the the rule. i message, ‘The Dullest Book Lenten Series SPX ponsored Be ae fa Mrs. Paul McMillan, Mrs. |W dnesda | Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. . In The Bible”, by the pastor. vige. of nie re er's gags. : 3-348 Robert Gibbons. 2:30 a Church Council | (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the Our Churches can help us build such a world. They can | Wednesday 4 Fo { AEE n Bran cordially vied Yo attend: 3-493§ Election of Officers. will meet in the Parish sake of his co ity and 4) turn our religious awareness into SPIRITUAL GROWTH. 7:00 am. - 10:00 p.m. — 8 lanned 2t St Mark's E U SRR EUM Wednesday _. |House. vhicl ‘ Day of Prayer. |B. church for the week of MISSIONARY TO SPEAK 7:30 pm. Prayer & Bible/Thursday On Sunday mor ning, the man in the armchair knows just eT AERC | March 25 to April 1, Inc AT CALVARY CHURCH rvice Study in Prayer Room. { 6:00 pm. Jr. Catechetical | ‘aswellas dl he Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Dr. Joe Wi 1: rd EY cker of v. and Mrs. Chore Ww. 8:30 p.m. Meeting of Class will meet in the Parish as well as the man in the pew what is wrong w ith the world. But { Mount Joy, Penna. {11. = ioviri % : = o C ’ sionary - appoint. — | church Council. House. the man in the pew will be busy doing something about it! | Sunday Harrisbur y: ia, will speak at Thursday 7:00 pm. Catechetical 9:00 am. Sunday School |*P¢ a - Bible Church on a 7:00 and 8:00 p. m. Choir|Class meeting in the Parish 10:00 a.m. Worship Service|" an Oswald will Rehearsals. (House. land Council Meeting . as 2t both the dh itd Lion ge at both the ———— (Friday > id .. ix : | Wednesday FIR and evening nH Cross Roads Brethren In |7:30 p.m. World Day of | na Monday Tuesday i Saturday | 9:00 a.m. Sewing Circle in At ws . Oswalds expect \K Christ Church {Prayer Services, | Math Jyh stthew Ep! Romans |the Sewing Room of the” "I Vienna in mid- EX S. Angle & Donegal Springs| { 11:6 iio 12:1-8 Church. d Bre Vie tone der 1s ee West Green Tree { fin 19486. this year unde inting Road | 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and EL. of the Bible : Mount Joy, Penna. | Church of the Brethren pray er Meeting. or of the PO Brookien B. E. Thuma, Pastor Abram N. Eshelman J. B. HOSTETTER & SONS | ats inati Es iene Earl Wolgemuth, Supt. 0 3 Trinity Eva lical Tele ez Es Ys Cs Ph | Sunday CLEARVIEW DINER & DINING ROOM, INC. Hardware — G.E. Appliances | Conprogutionat Ghenets _ [ofices in 15 8:45 azn, Sunday School » WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | ges en Sts. |Press building me fh 3 am. Sunday School gheems and Green Tree. MOUNT JOY, R. D. 2, PENNA. yall ‘Phone OL 3-3721 + » FA. | Donegal & New Haven Sts. [Fre Shing Ma 5 MMAGE SALE ar dults and Juniors. 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- Sle i Mount Joy. Pa. poe ne 1e St. Mary's Guild of ship. 0 am. Morning Wor- ship, Green Tree & Rheems. le pau E Wels, Pape he aT ic of Luke Episcopal church mm : | . i Ear aylor, up Rd 2 = 1 a rummage sale, Message by the Pastor. Crigies Moriodls: Ehutth JOHNSTON'S PHARMACY SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY | or eerices Site 8 image sie ana 7:30 pm Christ's Crusadi ™ “Mount Joy R. D.2 |-141 MAIN STREET, LANDISVILLE, PENNA. Funeral Directors | 9:15 am. Sunday School. ling, Mount Joy, from 1€ ON Wodoour- Evening Worship. | Menno E. Good, Minister | Free Delivery EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | 1020 am. Morning jd) to 4 p.m. Saturday, Mar 1 r 3 13 - | snip. ne i me. 1 NG 7:30 p.m. Midweek Pray-| SURASY Sunday School Sundays Please Call TW 8-8731 Phone OL 3-9251 Word of a Christian 4 Meeting and Bible Study. | Mr Jav. Mueller Supt ? 7:00 p. m. Evening Gospel STIRS IE reer . oy : x | ‘ - hs in nt ras |Service y I eime: XN 5081 Calvary Bible Church | 1030 am. Morning Wor | «START THE FUTURE WITH A PRESENT” SLOAN'S PHARMACY Srniess me tora rover 8s SWEET CIDER § J 7 ission-/ Christ, “Cl f Faitl veanesday IRISH COBBLER POTATOES - 50 LBS. 1.15 /ICE | George W. Oswald,” mission Christ, ~Challenge of Faith’) MOUNT JOY = FLORIN PLORIN FEEDS 4:00 pm. Girl Scouts % 3 ary to Austria. land ‘Discipleship | T wi er a Lz = LOOSE BANANAS - 7 LBS. 50c t 0 A Bs FLORIN, PENNA. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer|s BROKEN PRETZEL 7 6:45 pm. Youth Meeting 8:45 pm Fellowship Hour Open Friday Til Eight — Closed Saturday [Service = ; S - 2 LBS. 3% & 7:30 p.m. Evening Service.|sponsored by Mr. Jos. Sheat- A iehdtr Abfer Gish News HOME-MADE SHOO-FLY PIES 2 Message - Reverend Oswald. fers Class THE SICO COMPANY Studs yerits: “Provirh 48 PEANUT BUTTER & COCOANUT CREAM EGGS = PEL ednesday [Monday - Saturday Pr ra Sr i | 24 FOR 85c¢ = 7:30 pm. Prayer Service | 7:30 p. m. Rev. James Di- C. W. HERR QUALITY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Proilotss Suto Ohh - i ———— |Raddo preaching in an Evan- Ford Sales & Service — Gulf Gas & Oil Products Oil Burner Sales & Service Wao Ls e Tm WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. : === Mt. Pleasant Brethren In |gelistic Mission at Middle-| PHONE OL 3-9701 MOUNT JOY, PENNA Friday x % MILE WEST OF FLORIN : Christ Church town Methodist Church. WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | 7:30 pm. Crusaders for ANE ENA INENEE EAE ENN EERE NEE — J. Earl Martin, Jr., Pastor (Wednesday | FLORIN FARMS, INC {Christ Class + es Sunday 6:45 p.m. Teen Prayer ’ . hrist Class Meeting. (H TIT 9:00 am. Sunday School. |Mecting. | ; “FAMOUS FOR QUALITY CHICKS" | hfs i EE Eldon Lehman, Supt. [Thursday UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK | Clostenter Evangelical H You Are In vited to Attend a 1015 arn. Worship Service] 745 pan. Senior Choir. | MOUNT JOY — MAYTOWN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. United Brofiren Church |} 035] Message, Rev. Ralph Palmer Srolh mmr | Open Friday Evening Til Eight — Closed Saturday Charles a Pastor ; § 7:00 p.m. Pre-sermon talk) rethren In Christ Church | ; 5 =e . >, bas H rt to Young People. Message, IR Maytown | — SNYDER'S GARAGE and [Fanday i dnd School 0 THE PREMIERE SHOWING Ralph Palmer. ev. Avery Musser, Pastor . AR Hg'/ en. sunday School Iq Revival Services will con- |Sunday HEILIG FUNERAL HOME SNYDER'S USED C S | 10:30 a. m General Com-'§ Well, === | tinue each evening at 7:30 p f 9:15 am. Sunday School. | a PHONE OL 3-3271 ROUTE 230, FLORIN; PENNA. OL 32137 | "715 pm. Ev oe Bide 3 . m. throughout: the cominglJemes Lauver, supt. JEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. :15 pm. Evening Bible |} C c b _-— week. 10:15 a.m. Morning Wor- | ARTHUR J. ULRIC Wa ody : ones T Oo g ad d ine t S Wednesday evening the ship. | I. H } Yee Hg sday x iia oA : . music will be supplied by the|ship. Sermon: “The Unbelicf RED ROSE DAIRY Plumbing — Heating — Fuel Oil E 7:30 p m Ash Wednesday : As Manufactured by Messiah College Male Quar.|of Israel,” by the pastor. | INSTALLATION 8 REPAIRS Lenton Se rvice in Glossbren- 4 . Joy | tet ‘Wednesday | Quality and Service as . ner EUB Church, Florin : Viount Jov Miliwork, | oe Paver LANDISVILLE, PENNA. TW 88122 | 8:30 pm. Sunday School v y fic. irate uate :30 p.m. The Prayer-hour. on TRY : y J | MOUNT JOY, PENNA {Council (Youtl Church of The Brethren ———— wn [Th rin di at the Bruce Avenue Donegal Presbyterian | CHARLES W. BROOKS Say Jusior ” : | 0D. D.m nior Choir < y c+ TT ’ Florin, Pa. uk _ Church : NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY bheacset’ unior Choir R HARRISBURG BUILDERS’ SHOW! ¥ Rev..Howard Bernhard | Richard’ A. “Todd,” Pastor | 5'F. 4] I r : 9. pas a | Brite . or 15 E. "MAIN ST., MOUNT. JOY Bus. OL 3-7931 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- # *o Moderator | Bruce Kegerize, Supt. . \ Res: OL 3-6772 herr sal » 1101 0IT ~e€ tt Look For Us Opposite the Builders Showhouse Roy Longenecker, . Supt. Friday. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN : Fri Ev 3 We Are Located in Booths 534-537 / Sms Sunday: School no = 7:30. a.m. Early { Sie pm. B 1 Girl } The S a.m. , Morning Wor- Morning Prayer Meet at JL R.L50y and Gir’ H he Show Opens Monday, March 5, 9, ship. Sermon; Character that the manse. Seting. A MOUNT JOY, PENNA. li G rac vf 3 Fellowship 8 2 : Seu re : Hhzough / stands up to life. Fred Bern-|Sunday Gasoline — Greases — Fuel Oil — Motor Oils 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship H Saturday, March 10, Inclusive ’ J hard. 9:15 a.m Morning Worship, GARBER OIL COMPANY {_ 7:30 p. m. World Day fH Daily Hours 2 to 10 P. M. 18 A p 7:30 pim. Evening Worship Service. 105 FAIRVIEW STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. |[Fraver (WS Ws : Except Friday 10 to 5 P. M. a oe t Sermon: Henry Becker. i 10:30 a. m. Church School Phone OL 3-2024 | Bulletin advertisement pays. 1:30 p.m. Children’s Com municant Class in Mt. Jo3 ys 6:00 p.m. The pastor and some of the young * people an, adh i will conduct the evening Ser- (5 |vice at the Crippled Child- ol ren’s hospital Sanat Monday : Be py I 6:30 - 7:30 a.m Early # 5 Mount Joy Thursday, March 1 The Bulletin, WORLD DAY OF - PRAYER 1 We re0raLLs Madras sssaras Sr ——— rasiasiase RRNA NNN ng bose sesiveeiy