The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 13, 1961, Image 4

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fou can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably In Hot Weather
Through the

Used U. HF. & V.HF. Tele-
length of pipe
reel chimney

safes, files, off.
used. At Roots Sale Tuesday. §
“Worth trip” ENGLE, 411 E.
High St.,

ists 3 the Penrity vain Stabe
Uni ¥ polnf out. A spéc
jal type of bacteria, psychré-
philic, grows and multiplies
on hinéhéon meats during
refrigerator storage.
Although thes¢ bacteria
. A few days in the refrig- affect the flavor and odor of
erator can give packaged foods, they are not harmful
luncheon meats an offflavor, to & person's health. Psych-
extension nutrition special rophilic bactéria thrive at Recently a good friend of
the usual houschold refriger- mine spoke in the Abundant
NT RFATION op ator temperatures of 40 de- Life Auditorium. He is a distin-
Luncheon Medfs
Need Extra Care


a or Rent Four patie om JOY. BANR OF MOUNT. JOY, grees, but they won't grow at guished surgeon, highly respect-
heli] AT hot CA yl FENNSYL. temperatures below freezing. ed in the medical field. DY.
FO R SALE water included. Apply man- [USINBSS ON JUNE 30, 19% Before storing in the freez William'S, Réed i€ also a vestry-
sn ager Murphy's store, 14-16 (Published In Responds to cal er, wrap packages of lunch: mun is thé Episcopal Church,
FOR SALE 1958 Mol 1 West Main street, Mt. Joy. made P,.4 Somptrotur of be eon meat so they are airtight When hé spoke in Tulsa, the
2 vod MODI 43-tfc [S Revised Statutes) using alumnium foil or other people were amazed at the ex-
rtiome, 45x10 wide. Extra —- rm ASSETS peop
arnishings. Reasonable. Call Cash, balances with oth freezer wrapping material. tent of his understanding of amd
uit. Joy OL 3-4732 7-3p or banks. including fo. Bropee Wwiapping i esgential belief int abundant life.
‘ Kaman In rover of eep thé meat from dry- God has given men gifts of
General Electric pons LEGAL NOTICES coitection Tooe* © of 10.70 ing out éven though it is healing, od and Sn
Pout, — U. 5. Gove @ bliga- kept free . ’
{70s dance outfit. Price “$11. SOR i pg rn a in the zer for only Lo. "said Dr. Reed in his ad-
Call OL 3-4901 7-1p DISSOLUTION OF antecd 3,235,372.05 & few days. When stored in dress. “These are the attributes
PARTNERSHIP Obligations ‘of States and the freezer, luncheon meat

including 1 the partnership

casonable. Call OL 3-7731. one part, and Clyde F. Esh- [cans and discounts ins
49-tfc leman, of the other part, un- “luding” $118.16 over. from the freezer. og i i ge a
——————————————— der the partnership name of drafts) ........ Le ADT, TB. Tm,
Belvinator Mo model Eshleman Brothers, of the “Hasse furnitume & "It had beea proved by ashes
ange; 3.p. wat maugie Borough of Mount Joy, fixtures $28,952.59 ,. ..118,189.84 competent sicians that the
iton; Lionel Train Master County of Lancaster, Pens. Real enate owned offer 1.400.0 We PrintEverything man had is Everything
{ransformer, 250 watt; oil gyjvania, was disso ved as of an Pank premises . 00.4 1 od. § y :
Figen, ik BE Sit pe Sn 8] ButDolar Bila hed bn
( . ~1P sent. Total Assets ...... $%,059,840.66 Ee
- — All debts owing to said LIAEILITIES tivism. When the patient sought
\ up Sh Bo ow partnership and all demands De PR Th: f— SEED Gm Ste medicospiritual help, we prayed
summer prices we Iu Pe 7 7. thereon are to be presented and corporations .... 3,608,908.25 F R to God, ‘Heavenly Father, heal
lity hard coa 9 to Clyde F. Eshleman who Time deposits of indi- 0 SALE hi / . i hi
7185 51-? will continue said business as 'iduals. partnerships, this man who has given his
—————————————————————————————————— PRE 3 and cc io eo 3,006,008, yr ’ “
4.B Gas Stove. Cheap the individual proprietor Danouite of 8 Gove 205,503.05 IN MOUNT JOY heart and soul to thee. God an
- Burnes GS s S ve COTah: thereof. ernment (including : TWO STORY. 4 bed. § swered our prayer, but it didn’t
j(l New _3ven Oh OC Clarence C. Newcomer Postal sayings) ... = 26539731 room brick, bath, hard- happen the way you might
['YPEWRITERS, add. mach, Louis S. May political subdivisions 232,451.23 f§ Wood floors, full base- § think. God gave, in this instance,
-ash reg., check inter-coms, 7-1¢ Attorneys Other deposits (certified ment, oil hwh, small § not the gift of healing but the
is hereby given that
stainless ing between Ralph F.
straps. Priced man (now deceased) of

political subdivisions every doctor and patient want,
Other bonds, notes and
Corporate stocks (includ-
ing $21,750 stock of
Federal Reserve bank)
v= will be fresh tasting. Take
9,000.00 out only what meat will be These are the signs of health
used at one fime—do not re And wholeness. I remember one
21,730.00 freeze once you've taken jt Particular patient whom I
laiel ly subsist-


and cashier's checks,

furn, new & _
E-town. 3c

bdg in rear could be
used as office or storage
space, good location.
TWO STORY, 4 bed-
GRC, . osicicc nen: as: 27,799.90
(a) Total po
deposits $3,260,420.62.
(b) Total time and sav-
gift of wisdom. Six days after I
first saw the patient, God said
to me, during the time of prayer
in church one Sunday night,

Somié 18,
in the U. 8. are availabe to to
local retailers to assist them
in making their newspaper
advertising pay off. Retailers
appreciate this service
many of the 4,000,000 of
them regularly advertise in
their local newspapers,


toms. Now, if he doesn’t have
leukemia, what does he have?’
“Blood dyscrasias a¥e not my
specialty. Leukemid is far from
being any kind of Li for
a surgeon, because if is not x
surgical disease. But the Lord
said to me élearly, ‘It is a_elini-
cal entity which mimes leuke.
mia.” With this inspiration it
suddenly became apparent that
the patient had Felty’s disease
Why hadn't anybody thought of
it? Because we were so imbued
with negative ideas that we
were unable to see the truth.
“I took the man dovinr to our
University Hospital, Théy
proved that God was right. The
man did nof have lepkémia. His |
spleen was removed and he is Za¥
well today. Evervbody says,

0 apg The + Buflotia, Mount f Sor Tuursday, July | 13

" Mobile Homas
We Will Trade: —
We Will Finance To Suit Your Budget
Payments Lower Than Rent
Plymouth - Chrysler -
Mercury Outboard Motors
CALL WHitney 4-4662

[News Pertais
he Churches
irst Presbyte
Mount J
ichard A. T
P:00 a.m. Dai
urch School
P:30 am. Chu
10:45 am. 1
p Service.
P:00 am. Dai
47-4ffurch School :
7:30 p.m. Ses




Rambler Sales & Service
00 TO 9:00

“That was no miracle. After all,
he didn’t have leukemia.’ But
the patient says, ‘Well, if I had
died, my death certificate would
have said leukemia
“So God helped ‘becuse both
Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Communi

P =a i Dail
rch School :
NO morning
I li'y Vacation |
ool because

the man and I opénéd up to


Sales -_ Service
Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks |g,
Delta & Henry Streets
I know God wants to give you
more than you have. He wants
you to be more than you are.
He wants to give you abundant
Phone OL 3-8171

119 i Market
port of condition and declare that
has been examined by us and Obiigations of States
t a nd politicat sub-

dress resume of background é 3 » Statement of Financial Condition — April 30, 1961 Loans and discounts (in-
to Box X care of this news- A Peifer ASSETS eluding $474.70 ov 7.3
paper 8-° . . Sewer Propels: Plant bq Equipment - Cost 81, 359,684.47 Whi iy mises owned Sn
x unds in Custody of Trustee 187,388.04 $56,420.55, furniture
Sales Representative Funds in Custody of Authority 9.208, 72 & & fhtircs 10, 175. 9¢
Te her assets: c.ccseee
MISCELLANEOUS Garber Motor Co. TOTAL ASSETS $1,556,281.23 Total Assets .... ..
Two largee farm buildings $01B Year . . Ford-Mercury Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated May 121936 1,02€,000.00 "viduals, partnerships
oing to be removed in near et uit 0 a COrpOrations ©71,763,641.81
Bote, Noor oraney, also ELIZABETHTOWN uly 536,281.23 rie oe :
deposits of indi-




15,000.90 Thursday, July
zp O0IY and one dollar donat-
7 jon.
6.49 party will benefit the Hos-
~~ pital Linén Fund. Mrs. Ben- FLORIN, Pa,
$5,151,687.33 jamin Stoner,
president of this. 130 mem-
ber auxiliary.

Him. We didn’t try to limit ——— AU FT = MASONRY f:00 pm. Clos
Him in the way He solved our ® AUTO! OBILE demonstratio
problem.” y ow ’ = mm - CONTRACTOR nvited to Doi
Let us open Up fo Cod as ELI AMENT irsqay :
Dr. Reed suggested. My friend, AUTHORIZED PAUL E. HESS JAMES A. TIERNE BER Sn. Da
All Kinds of Brick &
206 East Main St.
B:00 p.m. Sen
Donegal Pre

R.D. 2 Ph. Mt. Joy OL 3-8191


2 Bed -_ y ings deposits $3,927,586.52. i : h :
Rite Ta Living Room, Other liabilities ...... : room frame, modern ¥ ‘What if he doesnt have leu- life because He is a good Cod. Phone OL 3-8271 MOUNT JOY OL 3-52 Chur
Garage, Large Recreation J Total Liabilities kitenen. olf heat iaride kemia? It was just as if a black-] Jesus Christ is the answer to PAUL SCHWANGER | Mount Joy
HELP WANTED Room — Completely insul- CAPITAL ACCOUNTS y $12,900 § board had been erased. He said, | all your problems. Open up fo CH, INC . ichard A. Te
MALE ated, with Storm & screen Capital Stock: TWO STORY, 3 bed- § Now, let's start afresh. Here aré | God today. Start your life abum- S. F. ULRI . Ne pe Sx = Lee Bates
{rim awnings ON Birr par S1Z5,00000 ..... Toor frame corner lot, _ the signs; here are thé symp: |dant in Him, now! Authorized AN oy MEMORIALS day >
= 3 y Surplus .............. new heating system, ‘ p: a.m. Dail
AN r FHA heat. Very small lot. § Undivided profs Tu BUICK — RAMBLER P {, Courteous Service :
MAN WANTED. Unexpected {public water. Along bus@ "c ~" TWO STORY, 3 ea BruponT or coxprion op ems Sas « Sarvion RO REENER [ich School
change couses Yesaney io 1.09, Rogsonably priced at 1 Tost capil #97 265.26 |] room frame. new kitch. g AND TRUST. COMPANY OF | andeautile Gal Bley « Se EM 17-7185 BOX 104 memoriars Bow.
os : $8,500.00. For full partic-§ ‘Towal Liatilifies aha en, new bath, new oil [J 37. JOY IN THE STATE OF - 1 Body Work ELIZABETHTOWN : fi: 15 525. Mor
is Spberfumity to feke Dye ulars Ph. EM 7-27C1 after Capital Accounts ... 38,059,840.68 Reni ’ 213.900 PIINNSYLVANIA AT THE & Sh oo i Phone Marietta HA 6-38-vice.
established business. Dealers §5:30 p.m. MEMORANDA ’ LOSE JSINESS ON yas y ormerly Larry's Coa WN :
Pra $100 per week & up. a —a Assets pledged x Saign- VA & FHA FINANCING CoN SE Bus oO Mrs. William K. Risser 505 North Market Street 4 rv: fi) MAYTOWN, PA. Jogo am SH
i Ie wri yloi 'Q 0 secure 1 £ *ublishec i onsa to al! ’ - 5 io a.m.
Fo eres Rawsighs. ana % Secite Fuliities AV ATE ATLE fo h ed in ae 3 i E'town, Pa. - Ph. EM 7-117 av
opt. AE-647-4, SIT) er EPCY RY I PD tes OF neiss i Vispame ae $1,382 751, ency, ectio 211, h:00 i
= s1¢ WHY Not Send The [curl 5 &uii nic of io ff WITH LOW DOWN 1 CTE Riv sate Cpgp met. Wednesday. even. ® OIL SERVICE oo Ban
ove-named ban io solemnly \SSETS \ 3 > rch school.
Home Paper to Your Pr He gorove Lg di PAYMENT Cash, balan — Sr oth- ing July 5 at 6:30 p.m. at . DAIRY PRODUCTS | esday
Absent Son or Daughter ? ledge and belief. OF ny ANOWS ér banks, and cash the Mount Joy Legion Home. HOLLINGER OILEP:00 am. Dail
HELP WANTED It Helps To Cure Homesicka CARY 5 RRALE li 0& K colfection process of 1003570 The speaker for fhe even- @ AUTO REPAIR ELWOOD MARTIN | SERVICE urch School.
RNG WE HEE Sager S. Governmicnt obliga: ing program was Warden me ————————————x| ppNSUPREME PRODUCTS | : pinesdey
Male or Female attest the Binh al Lo “tions, direct and guar- _.. ., Tracey of the Lancaster jail. \FLORIN, PA. OL 38NO morning
rt of cond nd declare that anteed ooo 554,081.74 OLDWEILER'S GARAGE| MILK & ICE CREAM |[f no answer call OL 3- gs
ily Vacation |
nol because ©
onstration at
¥:00 pm. Cos
onstration. |
Oil Burner Sales & Ser

EARN $500.00 AND MORE fo he Set JF OXF Lnowinige ara) ELIZABETHTOWN § Aves... 0258.45 The Landisville - Salunga GENERAL REPAIRS
spare time evenings for | HENBY H. KOSER PENNA. Other bonds, tes dng Auxiliary to the Lancaster
Yio yrths. Sepiembe ot. CLARENCE _S. NEWCOMER 3 2s R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa.
2s months, Septevibet, Oct- 3 WAR Ee NE EM 7-1159 q A General Hospital will have °
dor oe 0 mon w Directors Pum) GEES GENES GEREN GER tos of § corporations ¢ eh ins iv “bo $i Peas
furnish toys for demonst- MOUNT JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY Be ee. WIS. Wednesioy: Jur 12 foci 10
rations, no charge. Car nec- # SEWER SWSTEM Corporate stocks (incjud- i Ye rom STALEY'S GARAGE
essary. Joy Time Toys. Ad- MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA ng 315,000.00 stock of Fed- am. to p.m. Rain date is
13. Adults
General Repairs
Used Cars - Inspections
OL 3-5951
The proceeds from this

Landisville, is
® Residential
® Industrial
hone Mt. Joy OL 3-4753



p:00 a.m. Dail;
rch School.
¥:30 p.m. Deac
the home of I

{ Interior - rinity Lulher
Mount Jo
Rev. W. L. Koc
Exterior Pai
and Paperhanging
D:20 a.m. Sun
0:45 A. M. M

On Saturday, July 15 the EE ——

2:45 bm. Circ
| PHONE OL 3-0231

other buildings to be remov- PHONE EM 7-1181 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 1,556,281.23 viduals, partnerships : 3 v
ed. For details write Amos 10-tfe R a erceinstcimee nr A 2,480,584.57 US.CS. of the Chiques __ BULLER'S CASE FARM EQUIPMENT | ., Picnic mee
F. Esh, Ronks RI, Pa. 44-tfc STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Deposits of U. 8. Gov- Methodist Churéh will hold BEAUTY SALON H. S. MECERLEY he of Mrs. S.
iL ii F ; : i ernment (including their annual “Dime a Di . Sales and Service Ds & SH,
or the year ended April 30, 1961 Tpmsnt Aen 83 932.97 P” MAIN STREET FLORIN : 1 :
Lawn mowers repaired and REVENUES Doposits of States nd =?! supper at fhe Salunga Pavil- Hardware Supplies & Paints! PLUMBING — HEATEN:30 pm. A v
sharpened. Call OL 3-8110 2Cutiom Wor Operating Rents, Penalties, etc 72,562.99 political subdivisi 93,510.11 jon, from 4 p.m. until ?? COLD WAVES $6.00 UP RHEEMS, PA. { OIL BURNERS I sncistor
OL 3-8113. Elam Groff, Wood Frontage Fees Collected 5,830.45 Cited ang office x na HAIR CUT ..... $1.00 | Phone E-town EM 7-4221 | Sales and Service B-C.W.. at Gra
Street, Florin. 50-tfc Subsidies from the Commonwealth of : Total Deposits $4,431,036.03 = 112 w : vice Wirch, Lancaste
~ CUSTOM COMBINING Pennsylvania 613074 Gu) Toul demara "5 Two playgrounds in fhe can OL Taunt. {15 W-Main St., Ph. OL 3 mm
pat TO Interest Earned on Investments 4.35056 gy Topas 31, 0 g° Hempfield Union School Dist Maude ler, Prop. rT er, West Greer
BALING & TRUCKING pa ) ao S 32,5 350,554.57 rict opened Monday, July ® FLORIST hurch of the
REAL ESTATE GRAIN TOTAL REVENUES 88,874.74 Other liubilities ... 510 and will continue until i Abram N. Es
se pee, sce {ido Total Liabilities .. Fs0575.10 August 18. e BLDG. CONTRACTOR [RUHL'S FLOWER sHop|® SERVICE STATIQ Moderat
FOR RENT: droom Apar- TY ANIEL FORRY Expenditures for Equipment 1433.94 CHE ay BCCOUNTS The Landisville playgrou- ——————————— “When You Say I* With | 03Y (Sind
ment at 107 West Main St. Interest on Sewer Revenue Common stock, total Be I De ey Flowers From Ruhl's | ' ems and Grec
Heat and hot water. Call OL ro crn por Bonds 34,900.00 Ba. 125,000 tesco Christ Hondras and Belly SARON G. LONGENECKEF Tos Beanntally Sac” NEY > CITIES SER Gr So.
3-4153 6-2¢ iB Undivided profits... ‘ir114.7s Sipe. Hours for the play- . 1 Phone OL 3-5796 JP - Green Tree
FOR RENT. 4room apart Call TW 8-8044 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 50,752.81 ' Total Capiul £91,114.7 ground, at the elementary BUILDING CONTRACTOR | MOUNT JOY, OL 3.6001 sv——
FO BR aL on wah i 1 5 +NET AEGIS For TEAR obits Ta Seetare be 59,114.73 a a from 8 a. MOUNT JOY RD. 2 FLORIN. PA. hurch of the
Barer, ote. 218 Mevnera ee 121. Eapial A Horry Belt and Sully J nose OF, 5.6001 t. Joy and Ce
ferrod. W iter ¥ Re * Distributed to various Trustee Funds per Indenture Custer will supervise the ® FURNITURE | 1 rd
Elizabethtown R2. fife If You Need Service requiioment for Aiueing Bonds, Gapitul Addons, ste d Rohrerstown play ground Millwork - Fill - Grading [o Tes ein ey
— ; as condense which will have two sessions ov ?
For at: aut 2 : from a detailed audit report submitted to the Authorit 534,646.35 Topsoil - rati ’ day
For RB Hen " Seaut iful 3- room CALL~ i BO Y gi a ao a 5 Pin am to noon and 1:00 psoil Excavating SWOrE'S FURNITURE 93Y i. Chin
er included. Nice location TROUT ROX & COMPANY gifer Geduionnol, mesma <p Lumber - Kitchen Cabinets New Furniture Kelly Springfield T nded Session:
3-911 ertine ubic ccountants (ec) sured o . - : : { . 3 For 4
Call OL/3-9H1. ite WAY "S APPLIANCES June 14, 1961 7.2¢ &u fice” by Yet Kathy Kissinger, 8, of 4 At Second-Hand Prices | arg Service Ts Tor
FOR RENT Frame dwelling erans’ ‘Administra. = Con6y Street, Landisville, 14 EAST MAIN STREET | GEO. W. LEAMAR |."
Water Works, Mt. Joy MOUNT JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY freed porions only 749227 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MOUNT JO . ican’,
Borough Authority OL 3- These Are A Few of the MOUNT So EN ANIA amount of Joang, Franklin J. Kissinger was ¥ OL 3-7271 MAIN ST. Ph. OL 0:30 iar Mec
2701; Tues. and Thurs. 6 - 8 : ; MOUNT JOY, N. jicates of Imre inj in BUILDING SUPPLIES| p; Pastor Zuck
PM. Sec tte 12 coon Items We Service— Statement of Financial Condition — April 30, 1961 an qo zations 5 or Por ued Je np 8 eo ny ies of summer
7-2¢ Televisions - All makes , : z 5 ol lS : | Book. of Ephe
——— : Water P rtv. Plant z ant « 3 503.2 y fireworks accident at her ® :
FOR SALE Hi-Fi's - All makes Fone lg Ey pmen RCont 3 529.97 the United States Gov- home. CARL 2. DRORAN ® LOAN SERVICE Vision ig Som
HA. approved T-room hou- P. A. Amplifiers - All makes Funds in Custody of Authority 261197 STEN Joe govern. Kathy was admitted to St. BUILDING SUPPLIES pELE C. pAYE Town Park.
s¢ with bath closets, .'l- Rg S akes BR RI it obligat: direct Joseph’ Hospi - \- . ny . -_—
RA or lows, fadies - All make: TOTAL ASSETS il a ey Um nn ITS piel for, ¥ GLENGARY DRICE Mode When You Need It” | | : irene
forced Hot air ofl heat. Frys - All makes age Ee zen 0 ye R. D. 2, MOUNT JOY Se _ | Radio & TV Servi@Bethren In Chri
garage, lot 73’ x 200. Priced Car Radios = Alf manes oo. LIABILITIES AND EQUITY nly te- the full extent of the dam- Phone OL 3-6401 WAAL OME 17 E. MAIN ST., MT Maytow:
$13.00. West Ridge Road, Record Players - All makes Water Revenue Bonds, dated May 1, 1954 245,000.00 ment (NLL [1:1 Av Mus:
irahoathfowr >} INiniITe o : : Ne Pb y 3 on linowledg clicf. age. = [3 INC. : very Mus:
rN Ph. EMpire Special Duty Electric Net Equity 142,441.28 ® GLENN Y. FORNE 1-118 23 enler Saunrs Elise tim PHONE OL 3-202 i.
2727. 7-4¢ Equipment BR (“2 ‘ : J. P 15 3 y
suri senses ae yh TOTA 3 : TTY - We, f dersirned a . A swim class program i . Glass, Manager :15 am. Sund:
FOR RENT: Professional of- Freezers - All makes L LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 387.441.28 Vo. pStgned > scheduled. for West Cy = am Brownsber
Hcy in Mount Joy. Good lo. Refrigerators . All makes STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS "Ul field Twp. The classes will ® _ CHEANERS |'® WRECKING 0:15 a.m. Mor:
gation. £0 iy 1 . Box 52, fuss Watfiers -. Alt makes REVENUES ll dott AVL 20. 100¢ to aT 13 ami be held at the Farmdale = OL NG . PRESSING Pl Sayan: RE
d y, ra. -tIC Ranges - All makes or the year ended Apri ) Deis oe Ey ommunity Pool, July 24 EANING - ° URAN | wit esis ; rist” by the
Te . — Dishwashers - All makes Operating Rents, Penalties, etc 61,742.93 SON fu i GR A through August 4, at 10 am. TAILORING Ng e | BUILDINGS DEMOLI 00 p.m. Eveni
For Rent: Upstairs, 3-room 5, "°° > ° Interest Earned on Investments 616.28 LICHARD M. ST. x weekdays f hild : Rug and Fur Cleaning Also Bought and S@on by the pa
apartment. Heat ard water Wringer-Washers - All makes ir IEEE,,,. = Ye: Jor elfildren Mths St Laundry Servi ¥. the pa
furnished. Cali OL 3-3661 Sewing Machines - All makes TOTAL REVENUES 62,359.21 ‘our Hh nfl Stok g/dd. EICH ERLY 5 WEY S Hyfe Etsy | Woven = Ssurcfll: sorvice 2 ©
between 8 am. and 4 p.m. Air Conditioners - All makes EXPENDITURES git f2s. The program is sponsor- _. ford s Investments & Insurance | Stave Silos Wantegiint.
47-4 Dryers - All make Operating Expenses 26,364.65 24. by ihe, West: Harblelc Phone OL 3-407) - We Calli 8] Zest May £5 STRASBURG °° to 9:00 p
we i inne DEY y nakes Expenditnres for : . ’ {Lions Club. one -2181 Jk day evening,
For Rent: Ap: artment, - Irons - All make Fapendl red or Equipment 1,189.88 i MOUNT JOY. PA. WRECKING COM P1st. Dail ns
able Aug. 1. 3 rooms, bath Toasters - All makes Bonds 7,337.50 The 1941 Class of Hemp- R. D. 1, RONKS, Ho]. :
and laundry room. 1st floor. Clocks - All makes c——————— field high school held its [rE
Large laws and shade. Ph. Electric Shavers - All makes = TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 34,892.03 first reunion ini 20 years, -CEMENT WORK : fo a Trinity Evan
3-5735, “U¢ Fry Pans - All makes ? en Xn Saturday, July 8 with 34 of == ® MOVING & HAUL ongregational
er mee ET : ‘NET INCOME FOR YEAR 27,467.18 “I the inal: 72" clas : ING | “ee gregationa
For Rent 8-rooms and bath Mixers - All makes md ea ie origina class mem- _— | hegal & New F
house 34 E. Main St., Mt. Fans - All makes * Distributed to various Trustee Funds per Indenture bers Sienaing LL Wiliam wise ED. KEENE | Mount Joy,
Joy. Ph OL 3-9471. a Cleaners - All make requirement for reducing Bonds, Capital Additions, etc. { lirty other : persons and A TYPES SSF SONCRETE . i Pavid R. Wolfe,
i-1c : ~The above financial statement has been condensed our teachers attended the Moving - Hauling M. Kaylor, S
Arr POR BERT Be duy Is there something you from a detailed audit report submitted tothe Authority affair held at Meadow Hills Curbs - Fat - Patios Storage i ay
ged FOR RoNt, By das need serviced? and Trustee and is subiect to its comments. Dining - House, Scott * Nisley Phone EM 7-7181 Phone OL 3.8664 ° "1 15 a.m. Sunday
Boek of (aon. Joy Tavern, TROUT. EBERSOLE & COMPANY Served ne master of ceremon- 1581 South Market St. He 2 | D:20 a.m. Mor
: 28-tfc CALL OL 3-3622 yan 14. 1961 Certified Public” Accountants : | ies. e next reunion will gLIZABETHTOWN. PA. MOUNT JOY, PA Sermon the
June 14, 1961 7-2¢ 2be held in 1966, | bment Seat of