The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 06, 1961, Image 1

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    ANE ag, Deer Frolics In Keller Pasture
« As Motorists Watch Amazed
Everyone around Mountgight that had
Mount Joy who travels the eyes bulging out!
Manheim road has seen the Last week a small deer—a
various animals in Keller's button buck, to be exact —
2% pasture and the kiddies par- was keeping the borros com- =
ticularly have enjoyed thepany and entertaining his
borros. animal friends with frisky
But, last week there was a antics.
A friendly soul, the deer
seemed to have a minimum
of fear and Donald Shearer,
who was visiting at the Wal- Shriners
RTE Se i»
One Mount Joy traveler WIRE BLY 1 tryst i? WH
bvered more than 400 miles .
ring the Fourth of July
bliday, passing through doz-
hs of towns.

Elect New Imperial Potentat
The Mount Joy

c Rheems Girl Sponsor Aid Camp Day At Rheems

Rally Planned ker home across the road,p :
i i coaxed the animal almost up’
jt was-his observation aS An inter - denominational to him.
reached home, We didn’t jjcionary rally, sponsored But, one of the
a Sng. town which hid BY World Literature Crusade previ aos the dec
pre ags displayed than Studio City, Calif, will be ered away.
Pht here in Mount Joy! held at Donegal high school,
® o oo :
Monday eve ¢
The flags did look nice and Ton RY omng, July: 10 at
should take pride in re-
mbering the patriotic oc-
pions and in flying the
borros’ |
scamp- |
Because the aeer was | 3.
around for some time, it was *
theorized that he could not:
# find his way out of the pas-
ture over the fence. i
PP&L Changes
Rate Schedule
Pennsylvania Power and
Light Company has filed new
tariffs with the Pennsylvania
Public Utility Commission,
“5% according to a statement re-
“2 leased by PP&L President.
“Jack K. Busby. These new
tariffs are proposed to be-
come effective on Sept. 1. "61.
The principal change in-
a eae = cluded in the proposed font
locally is that it will make
DR. OSWALD J. SMITH available, for the first time,
The speaker wiil be Dr, a separate rate for PP&L
Oswald J. Smith, missionary residential customers who
de- pastor, Peoples Church, Tor. use electric energy as the
Bulletin onto, Canada. exclusive source of home
» ® o
e Mount Joy Jaycees Ha oi
buld take a bow for pro-
ling a service whereby
in street merchants and
Biness men can have flags
display without the nece:
of making two special
ps to their establishment 8
a holiday to take care of §
duty. 5
% ® =
AS most everyone knows,
Jaycees for a flat fee by
tract, take the responsi-
ty of erecting and taking J
n flags on certain patriot-
occasions throughout the
® oo o
Information, P'ea-e,”
ment—In the
dow this week is an old Dr. Smith has ministered heating in addition to cook-
*o, taken many years ago, gg countries, composed ing and water heating. Part Of New DHS Annex
Bldg. To Be Ready Soon
completion of theweek or ten days, the portion Latin America at the Inter- Missions To
annex of the building which is be- church Center.
remodeled ing remodeled will be ready ——
Mt. for occupancy.
it will be anott JI Legion Nine
er month or six weeks, prob-
pai ably, before the new con- Bows, 4 to 1
goes well, within a struction portion is ready.
e Blessing Saddle and more than 600 hymns and Busby said the proposed
ness shop in Florin. authored some 25 books in new electric home heating
he b 2 . eo. . more than 30 languages. He rate will be applicable to all
Juicing, obviously, iSho'ds membership in the A- such present and future resi-
one now occupied by Bil- merican Society of Compos- dential customers in general, Partial
tavern. The question isers and Authors. will result in lower operating id yf io
=, was Blessing’s busi- Special music for the ral costs than under the existing Be A
Seaisn In iat building? |y will be furnished by a 35- rate schedule and should _ en or the
hn Wit > i voice community male chor-have the effect of improving Joy elementary school is ex-
pan Wittle of Florin owns ys, under the direction of the company’s competitive cted within th t few
picture, and would like Harold Lehman, Lancaster. position in the home heating 5°" wipan the DeExl ‘ow
ow when it was taken. Admission is free and market. ig
aug (made there will be no reserved Rates for other residential I all
00d) 1s shown and helps seats. The public is invited customers are not affected
tify the building. Bee he said :
© eo i
second item for this de- ENROLL Now . Under the new general tar- Local Teacher
ment Is ope of Sint] Farmers interested in par- jf customers will be requir- .
ue ot ii af cipsting in the 1961 Penn: gq to pay only for the de- At Institute
s Hou Tn Se = sylvania Grassland Club must mands they establish in the
bht a four-pound flat ren Croll before July 1, an-current billing period with-
Vi bozfe poy a on nounces John Baylor, Penn gt any relation to demands
a oT a State extension agronomist. established in prior billing S
ov. Pz a O»The club gives recognition periods. For some customers
eS ee and encouragement to those whose service demands fluct- Hes teac
il who are improving Pennsyl- yate widely from month to Greenville, Pa .
be question is “Who and vania agriculture through a month or season to season
was B M & Co.? Shaef- balanced grassland :
best try is that is refers program.
he B. M. Root Plow
s, which operated here
t 1877.

will give
of c'eaning
An area teacher currently °f school.
is participating in the third
ummer institute for
farming this will mean some reduct- 42 Colunibia. Ave.
ion in their future electric yoy 5 teacher in Webutuck
: . service costs. Schools partic- Central (Amenia, New York)
remen in need of printing ularly will be benefitted due nigh school.
B u'jeun. to reduced service require-
ments during summer vaca-
tion. by the
Also liberalized is the pro- Foundation in
vision governing the build- with the College. Courses of
house the
e weather by sam miller
too bad that when suec- and sunny.
turns a fellows head it July 6 moon
not go on and wring his Taurus; 8, moon enters win- ing service in outlying loca- through August 12.
at the same time. dy Gemini; 10, ;
eatherman on te’ephone; wet Cancer; 13, moon enters ther facilitate the extension fields of physics, !
corns hurt, too, madam, the barren fire sign Leo, best of the company’s service lines biology and mathematics by
still say it will be clear time to kill weeds. in those areas
Weather - July 7 and 8 more favorable terms
cloudy; 9 and 10, cloudy at Prospective customers. !
times; 11, 12 "13 and 14, 3B cccincesuanms ies, the
clear; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and HOME FROM VACATION will feature lectures by out- er.
20, clear and warm; 21, Mr. and Mrs. Furnace Axe, standing scientises.
clouding up; 22, 23, 24, 25 and family, Donegal Springs rere Bp memreeeeee
- 26, a rain cycle, Road, have returned home NO MEETING
and Mire Lester” € Mrs. Kennedy was from a week’s vacation to Because
nig, Mount Joy R1, are on July 28, 1924. which ada and back through New ;
parents of a daughter, makes her a Leo-born person, York City. They were accom- luncheon meeting of the Mt.
Monday. July 3, at St. Leo is a fixed fire sign—also panied by his parents, who Joy Rotary club was
bh’s Hospital. the high Fe ol 3 he NT ;
and Mrs. Harold B igh executive sign. reside in York county. held this week.
15 Arnold street, May
are the parents of a
born Monday, July 3,
Joseph’s Hospital.
. and Mrs. Thurman C.
ece, Maytown, are the
ts of a son, born Mon- @
uly 3; 86 ‘84. Josephs ma Teta TA UE
: Gi 3 FR od SEH RAE of £88 RC
. and Mrs. Fred V. Lor- 4 nd
Florin, are the parents ga == :
son, born Saturday,
1, at Lancaster General
National Scienceing an
enters calm service to customers request- gan July 3 and will continue
‘liam Frederick Harry,
bia R1, and Mary Jane RRR ian
bn, Mount Joy R2. TANGIBLE PROGRESS in civil defense in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
enn Mar'in Eshelman, of County, N. C., can be measured by the moving of its office from
t Joy R2, and Shirley the trailer to the house, made possible by a new Federal cost-shar-
Brubaker, Manheim R2. ing program for State and local CD personnel and administrative
es A. Sweigart, Florin,
Linda J. Stewart, Bain-
e, Pa.
Eo nin 5 SAR OPPO
en in need of printing
mber The Bulletin.
New muscle for understaffed State and local civil defense
agencies is now resulting from a Federal program to match 50-50
with States or localities the expenses of additional civil defense
staff workers.
This new program, authorized by Public Law 85-606, provides
$6,000.000 in the current fiscal year for the hiring of additional State
and local civil defense personnel and to meet added expenses such
as office rental, furniture, necessary equipment and official travel
This is the first time Federal funds have supplemented State or local
civil defense salary or administrative expenses. States and local-
ities have requested funds for 3,633 employes under this program
5 » \d
FRANK B. ELLIS, Director of the Office of Civil and Defense
Mobilization, who administers the shared-cost program, stresses
that the funds must be used to expand State and local civil defense
capabilities and that hiring must be on a merit basis. Ellis declares:
‘We cannot a status quo in civil emergency plan-
s a public service, The
etin lists the following
gician, who may be
hed for emergency ser-
or by those who are
ble ed their emergency preparedness.
David Schlosser

MIAMI, FLA.— Newly elected Imperial Potentate of 825,000 icers, seminars at : :
Shriners, Marshall M. Porter (left), being presented jewel of office cultural office of their producis
by George A. Mattison, Jr., immediate Past Imperial Potentate, at
the fraternal organization’s 87th Imperial Council Session in
Miami. The new Shrine leader, the third Canadian since 1876 to Union
hold the group’s highest office, is a justice of the Supreme Court hp
of Canada and a resident of Calgary. He will direct 1961-62 affairs {, the House Foreign Affairs Ajo needed are soap, and
of 166 Shrine temples and 17 hospitals for crippled children : rings when of- + ele »dding d blank-
ni " Committee hearing towels, bedding and bla
throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Panama h hurch testifiediot old t heets can be
Canal Zone. Mattison is a Birmingham, Alabama, industrialist. [1CETS of the c 3 ers. Orn She
Completion of
custodians an op-1961 s
portunity to begin the work looking t
the building for the fall term heim and the season's finale Auto Checkup
high d Is exe are no Litoressen week Mount Joy was to have anical condition?
ign delays, ie rest ob “tackled Columbia
chool science and mathema- ture will be ready about the Donegal field.
teachers at Thiel College middle of August, providing :
about two weeks to
furniture and equipment be- the local club goes to Quar-
He is Charles A. Royenol: Tore Sie boys and girls report ryville on Thursday, the 13th by
> or classes .
and ninth grades of the Don-
The institute is sponsored egal district, /
overcrowded condi- four
cooperation tion at the present building. trouble.
ing of lines to extend electric the six-week curriculum be- TO RETURN HOME
Instruc- Baugher, son of Mr. and Mrs. locals.
i i i _ tion will be ‘given in the William Baugher, Wood St., RA.
B00 oR Oy a Wl ur 5 chemistry, Florin, has completed a tour PICNIC SCHEDULED
of duty with Co. D, 10th En- Th
under still Thiel's science and mathe- gineer Bn. 3rd Infantry Div. Picnic of the Calvary
to matics faculty. In addition to at Kitzinger, Germany,
regular classes and laborator- will return to
institute program July aboard the USNS Geig- “Nevada
Baugher enlisted on July
1958, and received
basic training at
Tuesday was In- ning, Georgia, and his adva
born Niagara Falls, through Can- gependence Day, the regular ced training
Wood. Later he
trooper and engineer
not jpg at Fort Campbell,
expenses. Director Kenneth D. Williams and his secretary are in
center. Hired under the cost-sharing program were Hugh A.
Womack (on steps, at left), and Frank M. Culvern. The expanded
staff now can turn plans into operational readiness. (OCDM Photo)
ning in the face of tensions that now beset the world. Civil de-
fense at the local level must expand to keep pace with our s 7
national need to strengthen our resistance to aggression and ; FA
measure up to the President's expressed demand for maxi-
mum effectiveness in civil emergency operations.”
A typical example of how Public Law 606 is helping our States
is that of North Carolina. Under its director, Major General Ed-
ward F. Griffin, the North Carolina Civil Defense Agency has
hired 21 professional and clerical people to strengthen the State's
readiness for emergency action. Hitherto its staff of 11 persons
was hard-pressed to maintain a basic minimum of readiness for
- -
THE STATE, which was allocated $113,000 by OCDM, passed on
$53.040 of its allotment to local, civil defense organizations for
the hiring of an additional 39 persons. The bulk of these are cler
ical workers, whose shortage in the past often has hobbled the
executive staff with routime but necessary tasks,
Attends To People For Visiting Girl Scouts
Institute Of Greece one 1 Girl Scout visitors— who will stay three nights in
from Oslow, Norway, the home of Barbara Olsen,
the other from Freder- jaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
girl attended A vigorous effort to pro- icksburg, Texas — will visit Eric Olsen, and Jane Evers
international vide clothing for men, wo- in Mount Joy next week and of Texas. who will be with
* | relations last week in Newmen and children of Greece participate in a big six- Rebecca Walter, daughter of
4 York and Washington, spon-who face a bitter situation troop outing at Heisey's Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter
i sored by the United Presby-in the coming winter season Ranch. Jr.
terian Church. is being spearheaded in this The two young ladies are The visitors will arrive in
Margie Sue Heisey, daugh- cornmunity by the “United part of a group of eighteen [ ,ncaster with their leader,
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. w.For Christ” organization. which will come to Lancast- yj.c Herbert Emde of Pier-
Heisey, Rheems, spent Mon- Citizens are being asked er county Tuesday of next yo SD. Tuesday afternoon.
day. Tuesday and Wednesday to help by giving any cloth- week for a four-day stay in They will be met there and
in Washington and Thursday, ing that is fit to be ‘worn, the area. : : will go to The Willows and
Friday and Saturday, Juneregardless of size. style or The girls include Sissel {ho Amish Farm. Later, they
26 - July 1 in New York. season as long as it has SIX Hermansen from Norway, will come to Mount Joy.
y months of wear. Also need- Tuesday will be a “free
day” during which the girls
will have an opportunity to
rest and to enjoy whatever
hositality is planned by their
i A Rheems
{ a seminar in
On the Sgenis Xr Be ed are shoes, boots, capsand -
young people 1 gloves of all sizes. + :
were visits to the Brazilian, = apo 0" 1othing and shoe At Big Chicago
the area of oe,
Exhibitions hositality
Chilean and Venezuelan em- .....coctureres in
passies, with talks by their. = oii forge’ quantities
American University, brief-; ..a1 merchants re Gerald Estock, 25 Colum- Qn Thursday, the 13th, the
ings on the Pan American | © “oes and clothing, bia avenue, a graduate of the guests, with senior Girl
and Organization of oo" .hq furnishing trucks American Institute for For- Scouts from Mount Joy, Co-
American States and a Visit 5,” giving financial support. ©i80 Trade (Phoenix, Ariz)jumbia, Florin, Elizabeth-
has been selected as one of own, Maytown and Marietta,
44 serving on the trade infor- wi])] gather at Heisey’s
mation staff at the 1961 Chi- Ranch at Rheems as guest of
cago International Trade pIrs. W. Scott Heisey.
n to Fair, to be held July 25 thru There they will have an
ed a meeting of the United ponegal high school rear August 10. ; all-day outing, sharing ex-
Nations with Dr. Paul Hoff-parking area on July 15, The young men will pro-periences and treating the
man, director of UNICEF, from 6 to 10 p.m. on July vide service to exhibitors, two travelers to chicken corn
met several Latin American1g, 1 to 6 p.m. where a both domestic and foreign, soup, shoo fly pie, seven
delegations and heard a dis- truck will be waiting to de- providing trade information sweets and seven sours and
cussion on the church andliver gifts to the American to buyers and to the public, other Pennsylvania Dutch
ET Greeks ware- help process trade inquiries, goodies.
house. near York. There ease communications prob- On Thursday the girls will
donations will be processed lems for foreign exhibitors, Jeave Lancaster by bus for
for shipment overseas. Also, escort visitors and supervise Philadelphia.
packages will be picked up exhibit areas. In addition to the girls
by “United For Christ”. Ar- They also will assist at the themselves, their traveling
rangements may be made by Chicago World Marketing & group leader, Mrs. Emde,
calling EM 7-7301 or OL 3- Inter-American Industries will be in the Mount Joy
Legion baseball moved in-2051. Conferences, also to be held area as the guest of Mrs.
one partto the down-hill side of the in Chicago this summer. Henry W. Musser, R. D. 1,
schedule this week, h ——B— who is Lancaster County
oward the all-star Urges Thoroug SCHOOL BOARD president.
July 25th at Man- The July meeting of the The affair is part of the
Donegal School Dis- Heritage Trail, a project of
2 d ‘mechs trict Board of Directors will Girl Scouting, which pro-
Is your car goo be held Thursday night, July vides a 16,000 mile tour for
0 20, at 7:30 o'clock. 48 American Senior Scouts
Are You ig hecked mers anshussnrt and 24 Girl Guide Rangers
Have you a 9 get re GROW SUMMER PASTURE from 12 countries.
Manheim by authorized mecha Sudangrass is our most The group is divided into
and cently? productive summer annual four parties — one of which
on foreign aid. used for bandages.
In New York, they attend- packages may be take
and reparing game on :
prep = Union
two days later.
Thursday ‘night this
on the
i Next week,
install comes here on Tuesday
B Mumma was the
pitcher. Wagner, Emi
4/¢c John L.Lutz claimed the hits
Those SusSiions 3p arked pasture crop. John Baylor, will come here.
Keystone : cs ou Se Penn State extens'on agrono- Mrs. Eric Olsen is chair-
Last week, a four-hit at-Club to help a er ha. -, mist, says it can be planted man of the project in this
will ack of Lititz was good for ato the dzhEers © : Fivng. = between late May and late area and Mrs. Eleanor Sch-
eighth 4.1 victory at Donegal. car with defects Ra appareit June. One acre will supply losser is chairman of the ac-
Mount Joy, on the other at casual observa ES tak excellent grazing for three tivities at Heisey's Ranch.
thereby reliev-pand, tallied three blows but “Too many BT axe or four mature animals dur- Other Scouts in order will
errors helped spell a ing July and August. Piper have other activities during
) 2 y 3 POV Ri Sod
Vestn oor T. Milliken, the Club's Is a recommended variety. the Lancaster county visit.
ch and Service Manager. “This fact
for the iS proved year after year by FLORIN NEWS NOTES
: statistics which focus the pic-
ture grimly, but clearly.
“For instance, in 1959, la- Mr. and Me Howard Geb- Saturday by Jet plane to
. test vear for which complete hart and family of Staten Is-spend a 24-day furlough with
The Annual Bible Sehon) ras are available, p sie land, N. Y., visited the for-his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Bru-
h ‘wil be held core than 46.000 motor vehicles Mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. baker on Chocolate Avenue.
and Chure Mik e gl b Foouen. apparently in good condition Harry Gebhart over the Abram Hoffer and Harvey
his home inday at 2 p.m. Rt Bet AY were involved in fatal acci- weekend. Shank of Elizabethtown
Steve Homo ’ dents throughout the nation, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bal-spent Monday with Mrs. Sara
cowboy evangelist, will con- while 1,600,000 apparently Mer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Schlegelmilch.
duct games for the Shildren ship-shape machines were in- BOvlan and granddaughter of Misses Mary and Catherine
his and demonstrate iii ee volved in non-fatal mishaps. Elizabethtown, visited Mrs. Chin of New York are visit-
Fort Ben-Iopes and whips ore Aat- “A nationwide safety-check Balmer’s parents, Mr. and (Turn to page 6)
n- lending are avkes to M Tne program involving 1,719,254 Mrs. Harry Gebhart, Sunday X Bm
at Fort Leonard table service. Mr. Mar i cars turned up the following afternoon. Cindy, nine-year-old daugh-
had para- Wolgemuth is chairmen of defects: rear lights, 160.407: Mr. and Mrs. €harles Geb-ter of Mrs. Warren Hilt of
train- the picture committee, and g. +1: 98440: brakes Dart and son and John Geb-Florin was ascending steps
Ken- may be contacted by phon-g, 413. exhaust systems, 45. hart, spent several days atof the Florin Branch Bank
ing OL 3-2791. 304: tires, 39.517. and steer- tR€ir camp in Perry County. when a boy, unknown to
or fos “7 ing 29,961. Mrs. Harry Gebhart spent Cindy or any passerby push-
: “In view of those statistics, Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. ed her. In the fall she broke
\i the wise motorist will not obert Balmer and sons ather arm.The boy paid no at-
8! take a’ chance: a check-up Elizabethtown. tention to her and gatinto a
! now in many cases will show _ Fic. Douglas Brubaker of waiting car and was driven
“4 up hidden accidents causes N¢W Mexico, arrived home away. Cindy was hospitalized
*§ and in some instances cer- for xrays and the setting of
-, tainly will prevent tragedies her arm.

The Mount Joy Borough Edward N. Zerphey who
Council will hold its Julyresided with his grandparents
meeting on Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Zer-
Attends X-
Ray July 10, in the Friendshipphey at 18 North Market St.
Fire Hall. The meeting norm-enlisted in the U. S. Army
Conventions ally wou'd have been heldJune 27, and is presently at
“Chuck” McCulloh, son of the first Monday night of the Fort Dix, N. J. for his basic
Rev. and Mrs. Charles month, but because of the training. His wife, Nancy, is
|W. McCulloh of R1, Marys- Fourth of July, the sessionresiding at 121 Brown Street
g§ 4 ville, Pa., formerly of Mount was postponed. Elizabethtown. )
4 Joy, has just returned from
'§ attending the third inter-
¢ national convention of x-ray
{ technicians, held at Mont-
s real, Canada.
He is employed in the x-
4 ray department at the Car-
« lisle hospital, Carlisle, Pa
# where he is preparing to
4 take his state registry ex-
amination. He hopes to re-
ceive his technicians license
this fall.
The annual convention of
the American Society of X-
Ray Technicians and the an-
nual meeting of the Canad-
ian Society of Radiological
Technicians was held at the
same time in Montreal and
“Chuck” was asked to repre-
sent District Six of the
Pennsylvania Society.

CIVIL DEFENSE siren at Win- Address
ston-Salem, N. C., is installed by
a fire department electrician on
the Wake Forest College camps
with the assistance and technical
advice of Edmund P. Sullivan
(on ladder), new city-county
deputy CD director. Sullivan's
salary is paid 50-50 by Federal
and local governments as part
of a nation-wide program to
strengthen State and local civil
defense units, (OCDM Photo)
Telephone Number
Blood Type (if known)
Please write plainly and mail or give this coupon
to Fire Chief John Myers, Mount Joy, or leave it at
the Bulletin office