The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 12, 1961, Image 3

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    Demorra 540, Garber 548, Aldinger 476 Barr 349,505, FE. Greiner 470, Total

MT. JOY TOWNE “A” lockenberry 179 os Thursday, January 12 3
WK Hegxenbelsy 1 Gemberling 502. Total 2510, Doe 432, Newcomer 415, and 2393. Donegal Eagles Familiar Stars The Bulletin, Mount Joy D L


ghey a LEAGUE HOCKENBERRY'S... A Wagner 379. Total 2051
oun ( ¥ vr MH o ! 4 —————————— ‘ . . «Uda. ——————————
m—— BOWLING “STANDINGS Farmer 584, E. Brown 501 BARNHART'S—3 | S— FORRY—4 : Edge Faculty By Head Cast of 22 A N d
w L Way 464, Wells 450, Hopgks J. Brown 492, Hoffer 497, KOSER'S—3 Re v.00 Gingrich 540, Garlin 567, ’ d re ame
ockenberry 4 0 enberry 596. Total 2694 Snyder 488, Craul 607, and Boltz 402, ennedy 909, paimer 570, Forry 439 and - . .
rey's 3 1 = < J ve y Barnhart 539. Total 2623. Johnson 491, Koser 557 and Habecker 538. Total 2654 Score of 57 56 61 Ice Capa es To Sing With
] : : HENDRIX'S—0 arnhi 5. Total “ooh 2 Siaraatas pimk © 2
arnhart’s 3 1 Tavior 468. Weiscor 455 NEISS—1 DDoe 405. Total 236 ABBOTS—0 On Wednesday night, Jan. Ronnie Robertson and
Service elss’ SECRETIN. 3 McLain 478, Heisey 524 and , R: Nelss 516, Brandt 511, STARK'S—1 sae «Farmer 526, Mumau 455, 4 the Donegal Eagles en- cathy Machado, world pro- County Chorus
emberling’s 1 3 Hendrix 519. Total 2444 Drescher 499, Packer 531, P. Stark 506, Ruhl 396, C Pricio 512, H. Greiner 514, 8¢Fcd in their second game fogcional skating champions, te. wi} rere
oaiadoet ©... 0 3 x 519, Total 2 ’ Neiss 520. Total 2577 Wagner 427, Balsbaugh 332, Be 30 ota 0a 'of the season with Donegal will head a champion-laden Twenty-two vocalists will
High single, Hockenberry PREY'S—3 ll Krick 408. Total 2063. — high school faculty on the oa51 when Ice Capades of represent Donegal high Home-Made Fresh
pe. ; y i OFS 580. Wall 147 np or vO mee [Bm SAM'S—2 fg Donegal high school floor 1961 (The I'm 21” edition) at the Lancaster County
nla . id of NY mow’ MT. JOY TOWNE B INTER CHURCH LEAGUE “0° ° : 97 and emerged the victor by a checks in at Hershey Sports Chorus Festival to be held at
High triple, Craul 607. Robinson 525, Penncll 529, LEAGUE STANDINGS Kaylor 489, Rice 497, C single point, 57 to 56. ary 13-28 Manheim Central high school
First 5 high averages, Frey 542. Total 2623 BOWLING STANDINGS Rehrer 463, Hurst 504 Arn-""pjio.’ in the season the ATCRa February 13.28. February 18. They will be
endrix 187, Frey 187. Gem GEMBERLING'S—1 : Murphy ...coevees 9 3 1d 466. Total 2419. AiPIgY IN ee Stason Lies Weak, sickly, and. under. COTHER ; :
Fig 190. Nels 199 and _ HDGren 555, BK 07 copy Vy Tacker II dE RUTE0 faculty handed the Eagles li SO pervs whon member of 8 100voice chor o
tm mes arison s versa BRIE + sve 200 sive ns : a : ] lefeat, “81. he was 3 wd seven years WM » " r.
ow-Bgx jussnnnsnnssnnnsnnnannssannnnnnunanrnnnnnnnny Heisey's 3 1 Way AAs Ces 5 7 seth oa ig I Conch Jr Ealley Said, Wi old, Re ert followed his Jack Best, noted choral di.
— a Koser's $e mnsepnsy 3 ! Hostetter ....:(.... 3 9 s49 Myres 471. Total 2440. Pow hi oe Ai il] o physician's advice and took rector and staff pheinbet of
P| Fim] JO Ts 8 Garlin's ee rain g ZoTpey. evs ssiv 3 J nm—— tremendous game, pa) lo ice skating to benefit his he Dred Waring Music Work:
N < xé S Ves swnn ‘ " ; . als > er ate -y '
ayel AND AND mBates ............0 4 KLUGH—2 FIRST NOT Let ui Ken Depoe was high genvey RII. Ton Years Ioter nom Chosen in competitive au- Puddin Ib 65
. poe SATURDAYS TH EATRE HOLIDAYS ® First five high averages, Bishop 466, C. Hean 443, . Weaver 522, A. Noise a for the game with 40 points flying sit spins jump camel ditions held on Jan. 7 in g
. Hi-Fi 2 ands P. M 2:00 P. M. ® Garlin 161, Stark 159, Lan- B. Myers 345. J. Klinedinst ‘1Ark 496, Matoney 423, and for the Faculty scored. The tags and Russian splits in Lancaster, were: Sopranos,
"| MOUNT JOY. PA. = dis 159, Divet 157, Xoser jo; YO Kuen 591. Total eLain oN. Total 2379. game was tied most of the SRS A Bel ion Sue Martin. Carol, West, Hel Scrapple Ib 35
157 ga ily . nls oy AN— way except for near the i AP 1} : 4
TV FRIDAY & SATURDAY - JANUARY 13 & 14 & .-- 2206. Dougherty 518, W. Johns end when the Eagles took a Avery Brundage, when giv en Rutt, Judy Nissley, San-
Jerry Lewis -in- "CINDERFELLA ® HEISEY'S—3 MURPHY —2 490, Keebler 446, Frantz 382 five point lead.. ing Ronnie his medal at the he o
= ) S 4 1 Wolf
Also Shown at Saturday Matinee B Doe 375, Becker 402, L. Stoner 471, R. Sauders \nq' Garber 492. Total 2328. High scorer for the Eagles Cortina Olympic Games said Bios lary 6 isore Naney Boil d Ham
= OARUARY 16 & 10 8 Brubaker 450. Heisey 454, 387, M. Thompson 406, C. ———— was Frank with 21 points, Young Inan, you are e Yori vs €
[1S MONDAY & TUESDAY JANUARY 16 & 17 B® [ andis 488. Total 2169 Wolfe 495, H. Murphy 485. JOHNSON—4 followed by Ashenfelter greatest skater I have ever tha Rainbolt, Sally Ulrich,
-a “WHERE THE HOT WIND BLOWS" SGARLINS—1 Total 2244. Flick 533, Brandt 427,with 13, who also did some Seen aay gRoberison Loraine Peli. Linde Sump ;
’ - errr Shickley 347, Keebler 463 ren Lawder 429, Hendrix 525,tremendous rebounding. The : Laws
= ) , ) ' ’
WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY - JANUARY 18 & 19 wm Djvet 425, Brown 468, Gar- HOSTETTER—1 Johnson 585. Total 2499. Eagles now have a record of pades Bg A Hort aah Jar: po ji e
“THE ELECTRONIC MONSTER" shown at 7 & 9:30 B lin 478. Total 2141. D. Wagner 343, T. Phipps HESS —0 4 wins and 1 loss. Sou ry, Spang ho. a Li ie B Ro an
also “KILLERS OF KILIMANJARO" a ——— 382, Dot 468, J. Farmer 394 Taylor 461, Weidman 388, Score by Periods: asic speeds nab LIg A oyd . Helsey; Dasses James ——————
M Syor ’ eye sees only a blur. Last Harnish, Kenneth Kauffma
with Robert Taylor — shown at 8:10 m CARLSON'S—4 L. Hostetter 456. Total 2043. [yess 463. Maler 410, Waltz Eagles 12 15 15 15 — 57% ° : ut. y B uffman, C k
B Carlson 662, Blessing 395, WAY—3 474. Total 2196 : Faculty 12 14 15 15 — 5g year in Detroit, while Ron- John Martin, and Darryl Au- enter-Cut Por
COMING - JAN. 27-31 — “BUTTERFIELD EIGHT” Qpeiffer 460, Gantz 485 D. Eichler 439, J. Brandt — Officials, Hawthorne and Ni¢ submitted to scientific ment. .
FEBRUARY 10 & 11 — “MIDNIGHT LACE” 8 Lauth 430. Total 2432. 463, W. Jones 338, R. Myers BOOTHS 31% Heisey. NE A or luolic Convert will be CHOP S
1 : 2, y : 58, 1% $ . centers o e body, do pre-ent eb 18 at 8 m|
BEESNARENERENENNNNNENNANER ARRRANERRRRL nn’ BATES —0 J. Way 598. Total 2269 R Kesher 52h, Beseth 35 Felt Slocked Roberisons spinning including music of ar
ttt ll tll ltl lll tl lll. Stl a . Bro ’ € ’ 1 speed at RPM - almost Handel as well as folk music
ER 476, E. For aa 2518. horsaing gy Seyen revolutions per sec- and contemporary music. 1b ©
: " y. E. - Lo ond. Bein
} wood 503, J. Harple 413, F. Gerberich 563, Groff 422, Makes Orchestra
’ a ’ ’ Cathy Machado, a black-

J. Mueller Jr. 476, N. Lin-

the Annual District Orchest- star. Cathy began winning
ton 365, M. Ryder 480, L.A GOOD CATCH ra Festival of the Southernskating competitions when The
v . : : R1, Marietta, P. 1 ia.
} COMMERCIAL Bowers and Karl Reddig of penn senior high school, inmost coveted prizes is the on Sates on ds
} BOWLING LEAGUE Ephrata went fishing at In- : Richards A ich sh
Harrisburg, oa Thursday, Richards Award which she « <i
} Teams w L dian River on Saturday. January 4 20, 21 with Wit. won for two years straight. So Congressional Reap-
} Forry’s Texaco ,... 3 0 They caught 39 cod fish, jot G. McCord as host. This award is presented to Ph aan. lesder Donald

; Bring the youngsters in today . . . they'll
enjoy choosing Hallmark Valentines in convenient,


Geib 464, W. Fackler 473. M. Wolgemuth 355, Bern Lorraine Felty, senior at haired, black eyed Castilian . .
FOR SCHOOL VALENTINE BOXES sen Haltwark. OL on: 1 hard 537, P. Neiss 515. Total p,negal, playing beauty is now in her fifth Advisory Council Hershey Chocolate
v b ar 2392. the viola, will participate inseason as an Ice Capades At Wi Il H
vell Home SYRUP
’ T
3 p Gantz 505, V. Zerphey 487. Jay Barnhart, Ralph Ber-picirict of the Pennsylvaniashe was only 12. Besides ~~ Donegal = Advisory
Pa J 18 { LINES Total 2313. rier, Calvin Kramer, C. Rob- fic Educators Association, her world’s professional Counei] met at the home of
Ewer ert Frey of Mount Joy, Sam; he held in the William championship, one of her pir and Mrs. Clyde Wivel
: . 1 4)
inexpensive packages! We have “Penny Koser's .......... +2 1 the largest weighing 23 Ibs. The 149 members of the the most artistic free style Ney told the group that

Valentines”, lacy “Make-Your-Own” Doily bs , i i
Valentines, packages of Valentines especially for jst Ne & ore 3 J and was 39 laches long. The orchestra, representing . 46 Skater in the couniry. Pennsylvania will lose three ‘
boys to send and special packages for girls Sons ons { smallest weigh pounds. schools from 10 counties, Ronnie and Cathy arec.,ngressmen in 1963, bring- Montco Facial
oO ” . } Hollinger’'s Oil ... 4 4 B ill i Thursd t featured in solos in “Oper-
Make just one visit to our card department for ich’ ’ Tei ST Mws(dy 2 i ing Spe number of U, 5.
raps Jos 08s v5 p : Gerberich’s Shoe .. 31% 41; MOUNT JOY WOMEN'S 900 A. M. in the Lobby ofama IV”, a pooling of four Congressmen from 30 to 27. TISSUES
ines for the children . . . and the whole family | Booth’s Store. ..... 3% 41; BOWLING LEAGUE the high school. The orchest- segments of four operas, and po stated that reapportion-
. ‘e Wiley & Butt ..... 3 5 w ra will present two concerts, 3s a pair in “The King and ment is based on population.
v » Sam’s Tavern es 3 5 Johnson Bus esses 8 4 the first being on Friday ev-1’, one of four famous musi- pyen though Pennsylvania's
w " j Drohan’s cerieaens 0 4 Esso Service ...... 8 ening at 7:30 p.m. and the ¢al scores which salute the population has increased sin-
v j Abbotts Dairy .... 0 4 Red Rose . ........ 7 5 second one on Saturday eve-Mmusical team of Rodgers ce 1950, the rate of increase b
v Hess’ Coal & Oil .. 0 8 Arnold.’s Garage .. 6 6ning at 8 pm. in the audi-and Hammerstéln. ” has been less than that of oxes
tiie Newcomer's Hdw. . 5 7 toriu f the Willi ewcomers Barbara Wag- some states. For example, in
SLOAN’S PHARMACY osm Sri Di. 1120 3 101mm he Wiliam Penney Cod" hr "WON al Se an,
} Heilig 565, G. Brown 406, eine peed | torium has a seating capaci- their first professional ap - 465 per cent as compared
FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE } J. Miller 503, C. Koser 471, RED ROSE—2 ty of 1,400 seats. pearance since winning the with an increase of 7.1 per
E. Koser 556. Total 2501. M. Gantz 395, G. Maurer ~The guest conductor for World's pair championship cent in our state. . Goodland Kid
BAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY [PHOLLINGER—1 470, B. Wolgemuth 393, T.{his eveat will be Dr. Geo 2l Sduaw Valley, while ano- — ysing the average popu- oodlan laney
} Booth. 423, Hollinger 490, Berryhill 348, H. Hean 330, Wilson, vice president, in CF NeW pair, the beauteous ation figure per district
Fellenbaum 505, Diffenbaugh Total 1936. charge of instruction, at the o2Y0¢ Sisters, will be seen (416,270) and “allowing a BEANS
we X 1 , for the first time. Ice Ca- paroin of 15 nt, nin
MT. JOY ESSA—2 National Musié. €amp, Inter- ; igh gin o per cent, nine
y pades will also spotlight gistricts could remain intact.
Ho ho A gn Michigan. Since '46 such well-known skaters as Four districts have populat-
J. Brown 361, F. Taylor 407. ie 1as served on the conduc yny Patsy Finnegan, Sandy ion figures in excess while
- bro ,» ¥. laylor -ting staff with the following cy pertson. the Old Smo- 17 have fewer people than
Total 1911. camp organizations: High gthjes, Bobby Specht, Ro- the average. The logical
JOHNSON BU school and university orches- mayne & Steele, Bill Henry move, according to Ney is
. S—4 . tras, high school, university and Son, the Three Bruises, i, combine the smaller dist-
P. Habecker 349, J. Stark and honor bands, string or- Labreque and Rochester, Eric pats
835, L. Johnson 395, D. Wel-chestra chamber music en- Waite, the Ice Capets and NlST omepn
YY mr senibles. Ice Cadets, and Alan Kon-

B—u rad, youthful star who has CAGE SCHEDULE
Two Pennsylvania ‘Latin’ returned = after a four-year a
A : . »» The complete schedule for
towns, Emporium and Reno- absence. “The Wizard of Oz the 1960-1961 season is as
vo, 45 miles apart and both is featured among 10 glit- follows: "

hemmed in by rugged moun- tering productions. To 13.Penn. Maror. Tew
tains, were named for the Bree Pips infin ?
Lain Vor hon, “8 pr Gaye CUB SCOUTS on: fy, Soham oor Sey
Sonics Of wane 2nd Renovo Florin Cub Scouts, Pack Jan. 27, Manheim
: 63 closed the Christmas seo- Twp. ........ ees away
liver 434, J. Ginder 439. To- son with a Chriscmas party, Feb. 3, Columbia ... home
tal 2002. uniform inspection and pre- Feb. 10, Man. Cent, home
§ Lo SMITH.’'S DIST.—0 . sentation of awards, Thurs- Feb. 17, Hempfield .. away
. B. Robinson 392, S. Barton day evening, Dec. 29, at the *Feb. 21, Penn Manor, away
EASY BUDGET 414, J. Wiley 375, N. Weid- Florin hall. 2 Feb. 24, Ephrata ... home
man 357. H. Holtzman 194. Den mothers, Mrs. Virgin- * Tuesday night games - var-
1 Total 1732. ia Reheard, Mrs. Maurice sity game only starting at
PLAN » ml Crowl, and Mrs George 6:45 p.m.

ARNOLD.’'S GARAGE—2 Kaylor arranged a Christmas
Paymentsspreadovertheyear. “'p’ oi. 388 M. Brandt party program for their cubs
No big bills in cold months. 377, R. Farmer 343, G. Mc- that included games, good
Kain 394, J. Hostetter 420. things to eat and the ex- VE
: Total 1922. change of gifts. The Cubs
Gar er 0. NEWCOMER HDW.—2 ove fhe “Vulifer sessor
Youd F. Sumpman 387, P. Diss WI a jolly .
105 Fairview Street 406. G. Keener 363, N. Mr. Irvin Weaver, neigh-
MOUNT JOY Smith 46C, J. Rahm 437. To- borhood scout commissioner cAR
Phone OL 3-2021 tal 1953. was present to check the
cubs on the annual uniform

and for a general neat ap-
Free Meals
awards: Timmy Emenheiser,
pearance, the cubs pasced
1st Prize. One full course meal for whole family Domed. Bobircon. Rice
MR. & MRS. CHAS. JOHNSON & FAMILY 8 Cooke Elwood Flowers, Bar- Y O U
M J R checked the cubs for proper
inspection with flying colors.
Ass't cubmaster Paul Bar- L | F E
MOUNT JOY : x ry Leber, Bruce Ryder, and
Here’s how the Wide-Track Pontiac keeps pace
with your stepped-up driving schedule!
Pontiac for '61 is tuned and tailored to and straight on curves and corners. This
enliven the extra hours you spend in a car. comes from the built-to-the-road stability of
Weight is trimmed to give you more action new Wide-Track. And Pontiac's famous
with less expense. Wider doors open V-8 performance lets you take city or
turnpike travel with assurance.
wearing of the uniform, cor-
rect placement of awards The
Announces Winners of
to presented the following
m Barry Barto received the
rize. One dinner platter for two.
2nd P p B 50th anniversary achieve-
mw cieved a Silver Arrow. Ter-

B® ters received their 1-year
RESTAURANT HOURS §service stars. Ma

Valley Forge
Str'berry Preserves
" 51
Morton's and Montco
Home Grown
Keebler Chip Cookies

FRANK HAUG, MOUNT JOY ® ment award. Barry Hess, re- y .
3rd Prize. Breakfast for two. = ceived the Wolf and Gold Your Choice ea. 39e
HENRY G. CARPENTER, MOUNT JOY B Arrow. Samuel Crowl re
2 ry Zeiders and Robert Wa- NBC Ritz Ib 35¢
Krispy Crackers
2 bs 55e¢

Barbara & Main Sts.
Complete One-Stop Food
Free Parking
Prices effective Jan. 12-13-14
farther to ease your getting in and out. =
There's more room inside. Outside, Pontiac Choose the car that has kept pace with the - Ben
has a more parkable, garageable size. change in your driving Bl Pas os WEEK DAYS 5:00 A. M. TILL 10:00 P. M. - The world famous Pocono
; : : ) . : Ee a Mountains derived their
You maneuver without effort, sit steady drive, select the '61 Pontiac of your choice. TEL NEY WIDE TRACK can! SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS § names from one of two In. B E
. ian expressions: ‘“pocohan-
PONTIAC '61— IT'S ALL PONTIAC! a 6:00 A. M. TILL 10:00 P. M. RE", Ireaniae o Sra I
sereenes wheels for sure-footed driving stability, 8 tween two mountains, or Oo U R
SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER : : = “Pahaqualing”, the Indian ’
We wish to thank all of you for making our name for Delaware Water
a first week a great success, and hope we have the g Gap, meaning “a mountain er
® pleasure of your continued patronage. ® with a hole in it”.
DONALD an BE When in need of printing
un - Boe
7 SNNNESENENESINENENEENENNNEnEunnnEns snnnnge) Bulletin advertisement pays