OF TEE TY bla. died at 11:25 m. Fri Fshleman was born, in Mt Funeral rites will be held Gantz died in 1937 made his home; Viola, wifeRussell, all of Columbia, 28 may call at the Heilig fune- Thursday, December 15 6 M R d Dee. 9 in the Columbia Joy Township, a son’ of the from Heilig's funeral home He was a member of St» woclev Jiles. Lancaster:8randchildren and one great- ral home Friday between 7The Bulletin, Mount Joy st. 1 ortuary ecor Hospital. Having been under late Benjamin K. and" Jane at 10:30 am Friday, burial Paul's AME Church in Lan Naomi. wife of William Me grandchild. and 9 p.m, . SA RAAT i pl 1 for Pierce Eshleman will be made ia the Millers. caster. Neil, Mt. Joy: Miss Myrtle Funeral rites will be held EN Perseverance ES vated 4 Cc the care of a physician for 1, addition to his wife. ville Mennonite Cemetery nal Bets fiantn Bn ra GbE tha fr he M Joy AME : : strong will; obstinance a 3 ; : Survivors include the fol- Gantz, Lancaster; Bertha, from the Mount Joy INRA te selmENer x . . . Se ; ISAAC P. ESHLEMAN several years, his death was Minnie Garman Eshleman, of ———————— lowing children Mrs. Dora wife of John Harrison, Mt. Church Saturday at 2 p.m. Turkey production 1s o strong won't. | | Satie Isaac P Esh cman, seve nty caused by a cerebral hem: Elizabethtown, he is surviv- FRANKLIN GANTZ We'don, Philadelphia: Miss Pleasant; Franklin Jr., Mt.and burial will be made in coming more concentrated in ra Pees zation one, 448 Cherry St., Colum- orrhage ed by three daughters and p.onviin Gantz, 80, a for- Annie Gantz with whom he Joy, and Arthur, Harvey and Lincoln cemetery. Friends the midwest. Patronize Our Advertisers. parties A I —— o ———— —— four sons, 11 grandchildren, mer resident of Mount ‘Joy, == —— —-——— _- - —— SR sunda: » Rl Fy Ny v el di al and Iwo great grandchildren died at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 i i He was the last of his fami- "gq Joseph Hospital where ~ A aday “ Xmas ] 30 . Gia he had been a patient for-the - Divisic el 2 Funeral SETyIces Yire held past month, He had been a sagt partme U id irom Miller Funeral Home resident of Lancaster the ‘ ® 10:1 i g Elizabethtown, with inter. past five years. . A vice. v ment in the West Green Tree” yo had’ worked for the 2 7 LOE ' .6:00 i cemetery Grey Iron Casting Co., Mt »L/ NARA I ship. i Sn i. Joy; St. Joseph's Hospital, 7:30 " M JIRS. BRED K and the Steven's House, Lan- \ both c¢ Mrs. Elizabeth McCork- «q y ‘ I : a 1 a * ichlv inted 1 i Z ippi # el, 62, widow of Solomon B “hE ™ 3 been vetired i Whatever their original reason for purchasing a 1961 derived from the richly appointed interior, the greater ' Shipp { y rT e had bee etire or . . . ' A Or . uh acs f McCorkel, 120 S. Poplar St. to past three years Cadillac, all owners swiftly reach this same conclusion: ~~ seat-height and headroom, the finger-touch driving case ro Bee Ne by San. Thursday, His wife Hanaah Pinion I'hey have acquired the most luxurious personal trans- and the completely cushioned ride. Your Cadillac oF - « 4 ) 2 _———————— _————————— A — —————_ . . m ~ > a . 3 » “wr co i Death was unexpected portation on all the world’s highways. No other word dealer invites you to take the wheel sometime very soon 7:30 Securing 30 De. Softy wd co nerfectly describes the wonderful sense of well-being and enjoy the most luxurious experience in motoring. and E arber, Elizabethtow ep- { all. Uaty coroner, it was due to a hallmark, derfer # siroke. Wedne yt She was a resident of Eliz- Cardo «+ 1:30 abethtown for 37 years and and Bi fi Was employed at the Gerber- When yo care enough fo send the very best Subj 8 ich-Payne Shoe Co., Eliza- and Gq # bethtown division, where she # worked on Thursday. New ; She was a member of the ; = Jehovah Witness congrega- Rev. H FY J \ 4 . . 3 N\ yA 7 B tion, Co'umbia. ' Sunday THE PERFECT GIFT 2 Surviving are three sons: ' 1 9:00 # Harold E. McCorkel, M:. Joy 10:0 ten 3 § Marlin S. McCorkel, Salua- ship. a Membership in the fea: and Richard G. McCork- 4:3 = el, Puertd Rico. gram i 4 Also surviving are three departr # grandchildren; a sister, Flor- Wednes f ence, wife of Clarence Soop- 7:30 3 er Hershey; and three bro- Seaver. AU | Oo ( LUB thers, John Bowman, Rose- Lp A ville, Mich., Martin Bowman RI AR "First & of Cleveland, Ohio, and Wil- CH STMAS C D AL : Easy to Buy « « « Sure to Please! liam Bowman, Anaville. COLLECTIONS ‘Rich: { Funeral services were held y ; - i S € neic a In A Colorful Holiday Box 4 at 11 am. Sunday at Hei'igh IN BOXES Egiday 1 4 DUES $7.50 ENTRANCE FEE* * No entrance fee present member $2.50 TOTAL S10. for a person residing with a Funeral home, with burial in Shank’s Cemetery at Deo- date. MRS. C. G. SEIFERT From 59¢ to $2.50 Rich designing at a moderate price makes it so nice to remember those near and dear Fou I ER ES ER Clip this application and bring or mail it Mes Ann L. Seifert, 72, th a Hallmark df ~~ 4/7 to Club Office, 12 S. Prince St., Lancaster &H widow of Clayton G. Seifert, With a Hallmark card—irom 7 v 1 - TL fr f 7/7 ny ESC CREER fidica at 5:30 Cras RL Md, our large selection of Hall VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED ua ” DEALER . ! ec. 13, in Harford Memoy. Mark boxed collections. % Lancaster Automobile Club Zi ir Bre ve rer ’ i H. S. RISSER MOTORS Sim ¥ 12 S. PRINCE ST. LANCASTER 2 AL ms promis, Sloan S Pharmacy 120 S. MARKET STREET, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ¥ Please send a CHRISTMAS GIFT membership q Bue and Amanda Bedi __ MOUNT JOY. PENNA. remem - 3 1 ¥ hargel, she Was a native of ‘ ” B10, inion vid badd vr NeW Mewbis ouiy ini oR IE i : # Rout a year ago, she lived in ¥ Address ......... cuca idiaiianins aa a § Lancaster, Maytown and © “> PI ¢ MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY i From Joy. 4 iRTber 4 phe > - § os er wow ggg wae scurvany § Bop = ¥ Send gift direct ( ) Sent to me ( ) 4 {of Donegal Post 809, Ameri- ¥ a Roan Legion; and the Womens # Sender's Name a FE miblicen Club of Lancast- 7 urviving are a son us A AE fram with whom she re Over 50,000 Members In Lancaster County 3 ih Si Ag pg 5 WES CC A AT A A 4 EAT A A ES UA PUA UA PA Ma pA pa a papa LANCaster. S PR ER 0 5 Sa RE FS SE RAS WE RA RANE RA RAIA 4 % 4 % 4 2 GASC . GIVE A GIFT FOR THE 4 i 4 i # : WHOLE FAMILY i # 05 FAI 8 7 i i Once upon a time a man until he counted all i # . * * ° > > . i thought his Electric Service the things electricity Uni a ° ° @ ® ° i : Bills were too high... did for his family... i 4 ‘A 1061 Genera) Electric i €nera €CLric — 3 L | i Z . TV or STEREO | . 7 a g o : : 4 WEST 1 i e STEREO equipped with AM-FM Tuner : : up to 100 Watts Music Power. y —— s 7 ® ; e TV .DPortables, Table Models and : & You too can live i Consoles, 14" to 23" Screens. z happily ever after a 8 . ; is Electrically... i ® A Few 1960 Models at Close -out Prices 1 . . y a : : if you will count all the MISE ii ? c . ; : and realizing many jobs your own i : what a bargain electricity is, electric service does for The F y : he lived happily ever after... you at so little cost. Hous : J. B. Hostetter & S ; ELECTRICALLY! ge : J. D. HOSTELLer ons : : 35 W. Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA i f RE AIR AO 4