The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 15, 1960, Image 4

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rm . :
CL ASSITHIED uscusssous
WANTED: Home for 2 nice
kittens. 8 wks. old. House-
You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably broken. Mrs. Florence Pen-
nell. Mt. Joy OL 3670 0c
Through the
Madame Melisa, Indian Read-


N Lost Articles In !
Bulletin Window i
to the
Miss Grace Henderson

From time time
Mrs. Ellen Gruber and gyjletin has in its front dis- i
Mrs. Verna Brandt of Mount p15y window “lost” articles RB
Joy visited Misses Annie and which have been turned in i
Elizabeth Brandt last Thurs with the hope that the Fi |
er owner will see them and

Not Titled

Extending Our

© TL 2 9 2 1 9 90 1 7 9 9
RR RRA RR RAR AR The Bulletin, Mount Joy Thursday. December 15 4 \ ] a

W A N TF A D S er and Agvisor. Shes advice day. 3 : Not Titled ¥
on all affairs an reuntie ’ ‘ebrat- thus reclaim his property. ' } .
the ‘separated, bring happi- Mr. Hare Fran © TOC Tis kind of articles i ‘60 PONTIAC 4DOOR STAR CHIEF i WAS NOW jg
_-— y ee Ness, prosperity. Look for TT pc Ta Th right cele brought in is endless, almost, i Hardtop, Not Titled #% '56 Hudson Hornet ....... $1095 $775
i For Rent: Desirable the Indian sign 2609 West birthday on Wed- but among the most frequent a 4 i 4
FO SALE and bath apt. First 223 Mazket Stu York, Pa Open brated i hn day Dut SOR ee gloves. 3 60 CATALINA 4DOOR HARDTOP 1 OD. R & H :
Private entrance. a - Daily undays, am. tornesday oi las . n A . r Mileage ” 3 u
i" 3-9563 after 6 p.m. 20-tfc 11 p.m. Ph. York 2-3909. The huaters of this area Some, parsieulasly evs. Low Mileage i i '56 Ford Station Wagon $1095 $795
en — S——————— 26-4p were not very successful in appear B Va 2 ‘60 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON i AT. RADIO a
Deacon Marimba, good con- For Rent: 3 room apt, heat ; , eek. Tois easy to imagine that the ” 4 ’
dition. Call OL 3-9881. 20-1p and hot water furnished, Small Appliance Repairs. Rage I one has owners are greatly iaconven: § New 2% 5p Plymouth Belvedere 8 d
: - 250 W. Main, call OL 3-3661 Way's Appliances. 48 West : ht to town ienced by their loss. ‘58 PLYMOUTH 4.DOOR STATION WAGON qi
Pair white majorette boots i been brought to town. A { . 45
oh Site jotet Phone between 8 am. and 4 pa. Main St., Ph. OL 33022 te Mrs. Arnold Zink ce'ebrat- If you have lost oi 57 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF 4DOOR SEDAN 1 i Convertible ............ $1195 $8 a §
ar 1001 1 : 25-tfe ite bi 7 look in the Bul- J ’ " AT. R & H. P i
OL 3-4901 Mt. Joy. ID A ee" ed her birthday last Wednes- glasses, etc. loo a , , PS #
rictiy T ROOMS FOR RENT: By day Cover your own buttons and day. letin window. ‘s7 STAR CHIEF 4DOOR SEDAN ’ ¢
Christmas Trees. Wo on week or month. Joy Tavern, belts. See our big selection Mrs. Anna Seifert, a form- B Full P ¢ v Cle: u% 56 Rambler Custom SW -o $1045 $595 4
Pies, pe Shes and Ce- 62 W. Main St.,, Mount 3% of belt and buckle kivg and er resident of Maytown, is a8 MEET POSTPONED 9 ull Power, Very Clean ii AT, RADIO & HEATER ad
ame "NI 28-tfc our sewing notions. ay’s : ; » Hartford Mem- J . ) 7
ars ‘and Norway spruce." Appliances, 48 W. Main St. Batti, 0 he Ha 0 Ng A wrestling match sched. f ‘58 OLDS DOOR SUPER 2 11 55 Plymouth Belvedere 6 .. § 995 $750 4
i Md : * For Rent: Four room house. Mount Joy. Phone OL 3-3622 , ' Lh ou or Friaay 4
195 Coumbia Ave. Fhone No children. W. Main street, "~~ 12.fc Grace, Md. Her condition is pigh school between the In-§ ‘55 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF CATALINA COUPE § jj HT, AT, R & H ‘
3 : "°C Phone OL 3-3331. not goo¢. dians and Columbia, has ' # ‘55 Old &
re | ee ; ate yg ' y s Super 88 Hard Top $1145 $845
LOOK AT YOUR HAT— pOR SALE or RENT, Option Have Your— SAL a es who decoraled heen postponed until Tues Jf “55 PONTIAC 2-DOOR CHIEFTAN Wi P a op 1
Everyone Else Docs World; to buy, 3 bedroom Ranch Kitchens Custom Built for gould be commended for a as od Thursday by John § ‘53 PONTIAC CATALINA COUPE i 0 a
styles, $7.95 and $9.95 at dnished Dasemenl oF 1 0ll that New or Old Home. ou, ine job. founes Ta i = % '55 Chrysler New Yorker Sdn $995 $695 Hi
Kings’ Elizabethtown. screens, storm windows thro Quality Workmanship Our “Ay children who have rea, | # ‘53 PACKARD 4DOOR SEDAN 23 WITH POWER
a » aghout, including many ex- 2a been attending the ildren hE
Building 10, D8 TemOV eS nn tras (nothing need be add- Vanities - Counter Tops Church service at St. John's : #¥% ‘55 Ford Custom 8 Sedan $ 895 $695
ern, $150. Write Strasburg 2d), located cor. Springville All Kinds Cabinet Work Lutheran Church are invited ARNOLD'S GARAGE q% BLACK & WHITE #
Wrecking, Ronks R. D. 1, Pa. Ra and Birchland Ave, Ni OL 34211 to attend a Christmas party N L » i au AT, RADIO & HEATER # ) ‘
Z3iie Joy OL 3535. BRICKER'S in the Social room from 2 to NEW LOCAIION % mayrown, pa. HA 89291 §§ ,cc pt Riviera Co $1195 89s §
Bedroom suite, Kelvinator FOR RENT: 3 room Apt, CUSTON-BUILT 4 pm. 43 & & uic iviera upe ... 195 !
refrigerator, 3-piece Living with bath, 18 Detwi or Ave., KITCHENS & The Bicentennial Choral Fasuxompmomexaoxemen speed 1 GREEN, FULL POWER 2
ite , bookcase, Mount Joy; a. so -room _ Group are presenting o : - —— a > BE
i I Te a ag So vith bath and oi R.D. 2 MOUNT JOY Christmas Cantata on Sun- Knif Vi PEPE CE TET CE CL TE CE OE TE ZEEE] ii '55 Statesman Sedan . ..... $ 895 $675 2
“hi-fi tw i 1t heat, N. arke eel, a . 18 2:30 p. - TE ge
EE Tey von and 1 cal. "EM 73285. Ot Ee ay, Decenber By lA Saw nire i Don’t Miss This it i te oR pom EYE i sees ;
p.m. 28-2 Mrs.Arnold Fink is the direc- . : ‘55 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sta Wag $
Kier Gf CoritBonte for PIANOS AND ORGANS tor. The program will be Service ¢ . . Ti TRH ®
the hard to buy for fellow. am All Finishes broadcast through the cour- Ve y oi ; , as 2
a ne a . LEGAL NOTICES From $395 to gazes = 6% of Kesher Memosials Stautfert 011 ay pecia e It} ‘54 Buick Sedan. Green ... $ 895 $395 §
selects the merchandise. v r. an rs. C. J. Hies z y
Kings’ Elizabethtown. 10% Down tand, Kansas, called on autrertown % ‘ : 1 WITH POWER #
Boy's skates, size 7, in good EXECUTORS NOTICE No payment until February andy in Eainbiidee last AT THE BRIDGE 3; One of Mount Joy s Finest $ 2 "54 Chrysler 8B Sedan ...... $ 695 $395 R
condition, ca'l weekdays af- Estate of Anna. C. Dear- CHRISTMAS SPECIAL hursday, r. Hoffman is : i AT.R & H 2
ter 4 p.m, OL 3-6674, 2c beck, dec’d, late of Mount : vighing be Missanas. ! te Quality New Houses ¥ od 2 /
day Saturday. 282¢ joUSpiough Penna. HESS’ MUSIC SHOP _ The Adu't Bib'e Class of (Jgcar R. Breneman 3% % ‘54 Packard Sedan ........ $595 $395 B |.
jo upholste hairs. Letters testamentary on 1660 South Market Stree: Reich's E. C. Church held its ) R : LLY EQUIPPE 8
Two upholstered easy ¢ 3 said eoote having heen gran Eleobeth Pa 27.9 annual Christmas banquet at HEIM ROAD . BEAUTIFUL, 6-ROOM BRICK RANCHER B FU Q D #®
xcellent : - said e ing be - i on. | : TED ¢
most. new. one green; also a ted to the undersigned,” all eabethiown, Fa. ZT Hostetter's Banquet Hall last Ya : 2212 WITH ATTACHED GARAGE 8% '53 Ford Custom 8 2Dr. .... 5395 $195 &
12-in. RCA table model TV persons indebted thereto are ursday evening | tl \E
Call O. 3.8002. 27:ifc requested to make immedi The Semior Girl Scouts He g. © CERAMIC TILE BATH AND POWDER "3 AT, R & H, PS 5
oD = a ate payment and those nav- will hold their Christmas : ’ AP Tx . me : : @ +
Boor Ed am oie aL A H i ’ P if Party at the home of Dr. and Kreider $ Delicious Ye ® TWO FIREPLACES. 2 i 52 Rambler Station Wagon $445 $245 :
I C S . - a Ss > Ayo hE > i
we $9 50. Mt. Joy Tile Co. them without delay to the &£3e Ble Al eler Jars. Wgnesl i ny % © ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. if ‘52 Nash Ambassador 4-Dr. $ 195 $75 A
L 3-3492. 28-tfe Si qd.’ 1 E o
cms uniigtggne King Street Sales Representative liam Gilbert will be in 1] g i 5 T ® BASEBOARD HOT WATER - OIL HEAT. #5 GREEN, AT, R & H, 2
PEWR/TERS, 25d mach, C arence C. Newcomer charge. ® SM PLEIE SESToY BL any ot i "53 Nash Statesman 4-Dr $ 295 $150 3
ash reg., check inter-coms, Lancaster, Penna. Mrs. Norman Leas ce'e- KITCHEN H G.E. APPLI ES. lI . . Z
or eo Se re Clarence g Newcome! sa. Garber Motor Co. brated her birthday Dec. 2. SAURES, 3 © FULL BASEMENT. B BLUE, OD & H 8
ts! 100 > . Atto ney -3¢ , i a NY ve J
‘Worth trip” ENGLE 411 E 40th Year . . Ford-Mercury , 1¢ Women’s Guid held Y8@ eo ADEQUATE CLOSET SPACE. #1 Z '51 Olds 88 2.D $195 $85 %
digh St., E-town 37-c EXECUTORS NOTICE amily Night at the E & R z un % S oor ...:.... 3
ys. Esta of Issse T. Ginder, ELIZABETHTOWN Church on Monday night. A i 9, HUGE UTILITY CLOSET AY SERVICE ik AT, R& H 2 .
a + ro late f Rapl Township. ’ program was presented in = 8 . a a
To or sen Bent nO Mi Tlie PHONE EM7-1181 the Church Auditorium and \ ® CUSTOM MADE DRAPES THROUGHOUT. Ha ’50- Chevrolet 2-Door ...... S150 $7 1+
Se ay 2 deceased A TCITeShments were served in nt 5 BLACK
Nex ELWOOD i Letters testamentary on the Sunday School room. { > © EASEMENT SHOWER. i »
ER a RL Das eh said estate having heen gren. WM. J. WAGNER The annual American Le- & w= This house on 80 foot, landscaped lot with : 7 MANY NO DOWN PAYMENT MODELS #
g-4c ted to the undersigned, a gion party for the childrea ¥ macadam drive, overlooking beautiful pond on 5 AVAILABLE »
DE i are od C io a ER wil! be held at the American Zed §* Chiques creek. Borough water and sewer. Np 2
questa : . one Elizabethtown Legion Home on Saturday at oY, a i j ar i 3
ate payment and those hav- ’ } This can all be yours for the low low price —
a Er a _ ing claims or demands a- EM 7-3488 10 o'clock. : u AVR i of only $19,500. p Hl % HIGH TRADES EASY FINANCING 2
rs re gainst the same will present A/3c Larry Henderson is _ ES. ED WEIGHT Ya 5 #
CARD OF THANKS Them without delay for set- GG, K. WAGNER enjoying a 30 day leave LIVE or DRESSE Yi \ NISSLEY MOTOR CO 2?
ee OL 13 I eerie, SCniowpes tw Sl me Feds on ey ua i JHELMA 4. ESHELMAN 4% + 3
s ; sch a ute AF. se “Turkeys are 3 r 0 ; ; ae : " ;
I wish to thank all those THE FIRST NATIONAL Phone Elizabethtown the past five months. He tein, Lower in calories than '§ CALL OL 3-0291 MOUNT JOY Plymouth - Chrysler - Rambler Sales & Service 2
who remembered me with BANK & BUS Eon EM 7-3745 completed a course in Hy- any other meats.” 34 99.3¢ i G Mercury Outboard Motors »
cards, flowers, prayers, and PANY OF MOUN No. sdle ARG. frantic: ore Ty . ‘ - hss : 3 : : - E¥ re .
visits while I was in the hos- Mount Joy, Penna. o sale boo Jarge nor {oo gra ic & Missle Repair last E ene S Kreider Ysmogm aries imi lamr gas series] : CALL WHitney 4-4662
’ : Tuesday ug . 5 I
pital. Roy E. She.ley. 29-1p L : Executor pnrany years of experience Nr and "Mrs J Bobet RD. 2 MOUNT JOY % MAIN & VINE STS. MIDDLETOWN. PA 3
- — pre ouis S. May, CITE TG A : 1S. 9» hober . Ae : :
We want ‘0 express our sin Atiorney 27-3¢ GIVE US A CALL_ the Wolfe of King of Prussia OLdfield 3-3036 PATRONIZE BULLETIN ADVERTISERS i OPEN 9:00 TO 9:00 3.
gers Hens and gratopdi ap HAREICLDERS MESIING La “i rw visited Mrs. John Wolfe on 20-tfe : A A A A A A A Am YAN YA 2 EAR PA AT PA PAN eo SA A PRAY 4
lation 0 ¢ a Tieh °F ME N , y - z = g - —
aad neighbors for their oS The regular at meet- fungay. arias ST TS TR RS TF Sh RRS ST TS BR SR FT BT BS GS Fo 8 Foe So Sos Ri TRS a5 oh Sv 5 oo 500. SSE SSR oS Foss oe 3, Sh Fash Fos Soe So 3d. ive
pressions of sympathy and jpg of a shareholders of The fire compaly answer-j FREE Coupon for Silverware Set
i es to us at our time the Union National Mount $4 8 oe oe a Je ot ell SATURDAY ONLY M U R PF [A Y 9 fy Drawing Saturday Night, Dec. 17, 1960
of sorrow. The Family of Joy Bank will be held at , r. Christan Leash r
Mrs. Eiizabeth B. McCorkel. Joy i i the Foch of last Friday morning. Several FREE SUCKERS TO KIDDIES Neme bor era Phone
—_— — Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, on rooms were damaged by the Address Loot a aot al
Tuesday, January 10, 1861
at 10 o'clock A. M., for the
election of directors, and for
other business as may
Fresh, Roasted

Need not be present to



’ nh 2 E i
sucn 1 =r . 7 « J
HELP OFFERED come before “Kea, Caer Hassinger’s Grocery Try (lassified i WASH AND WEAR MEN'S COLORFUL
0 J ce - > . .
ee OTT Tis. 0 More on. - or fo, (iO JOSUMES WHITE LONG SLEEVE
ane re gh “Le RR men mee geen, PSS 8 ppEss SHIRTS has Bing
Fill 6 ors tie, ilo Oil ;BPRO0GH Of i '
gump truck work. = AlwyrUis HEREBY ORDAINED i 2 05 Sizes - Small, Medium & Large
chain saw Wx rk, removing py the Borough Council of i °
of trees. Landisvi.le TW 8 (pe Borough of M~runt Joy, be
8044 28-tfc [,acaster County, Penna. as

follows: :
An Ordinance adopted Ap-

a December 12. 1960 I here-
bath, uv apros vo tlwsnte rch
= Ov approve the above Ordin-
storm 500
. 6 rooms,
se, shaded rear Frank B. Walter,

Men's Ties
each $1.00

Reg. $2.49 Now $1 98


ril 6 1953 and entit'ed “An J ;
= Ordinance es'ablishing cer- MEN'S :
tain stop inter-ections in the MEN'S COLORFUL
ft mr———— 1 LAL ne - \ n
Beets : _ signs so indicating, and im- .
For Rent. 7 rooms and path HE0S 0 Iedcating, a i I COWHIDE WALLETS Mens Loved Toiletries ARGYLES
SR ea 18 Detwiler Ave. amended by adding to the For
h. EM 7-3235. 2%-tic _ s rdinance. 3 ediatelv 4 T r .
i i Ate = said Ordinance immediately ‘ i REGULAR $3 49 VALUE Perfect gifts for the man of SOCKS
2 REN artment. after Section 1,2, a new sub- avor: perfect —
FOR RENT — Apartment. chiar fo. bo designed. 25 4 the house. Many famous .
* v ess Food Store. sect e £S ? 2 iy : pl 3 ’ 3
Apply Hess Food Store. oil 13 as follows: coffee i Now $1 08 makes . . . sets include shay- TO REGULAR 89c VALUE
Section 1.3: The following B . . : ing lotions, shaving soap, tale
FOR RENT: 3 room and bath additional Intersections re NEW ¥ PLUS 14% pi men’s cologne. All in bright $2 65 0. i
apartment. Heat, hot & cold hereby designated as Stop ¥ gy hoves, Yeqdy: to enclose 7 pau
water and e.eciric range Dersecions: apd = i J : your card. pus tax
hmished 2nd flgor. Ph. OF the type approved by the CO Gk ;
33011 1. 2nd floor Py Secretary of Highways of RNIN o> WA E : .
. . Pennsylvania shall be erect- 5 MEN'S TOP GRADE B d
FOR RENT: mS, <itch- €d on the street at the in‘er-
FOR RENT. ih am, Ft Clon ine below. 1 ercolator i oye
floors, privaie entrance, heat Wi David Street white 3 i COWHIDE BELTS » »
furnished. Adu ts preferred. oC LV Feel where Made of super-ceramic Pyroceram® 5 Cift Hankies
Available Jan. 1. 128 North ™ 7 The catt'side of New Si : SIZES - 30 TO 42
Barbara “St, Mt. Joy. Cali (@) lie S23 side x Unconditionally guaranteed against ¥
OL 3-9585 after 6 pm. 274" (BY the rst Side of Nev damage from hottest hot 4
FOR RENT: Furnished one- Haven Street or coldest cold. ¥ 9 8- ¢
roo efficiency apartment On Delta Street where it +B : : Wi
apartment with bath. Call in‘ersects the south side of cautiful on your table " : :
OL 3.7923 29.tfc Co'umbia Avenue o The ideal gift fof showe b Give him fine boxed
-— um ————— Ordanied this 12th Day of ‘ showers : ° . i ‘hi
\'T 3-room apart- December, 1960. oi and weddings i Cift Pajamas handkerchiefs, White
private bath, James B Sonangler é $2 95 : « with satin stripes or col- i
Florin. Call OL Pres of Rarnuigh Council 6 curs $9.95 i : Fast color stripes. Coat ored borders. Some have
28-tfc Jacob R. Corll, 5 AND styles in sizes A,B,C,D. initialed corners
story, semi-de- Secre*ary of he Borough 8 Cups $10.95 v $3.89 He'll ‘need two!’
3 .

I St. $8,000. 29-1c
3-5664 after 5 p.m.
16-tfc Patronize Qur Advertisers. East Main & Barbara Streets

Phone OL 3-3361

9A.M. TOSP. M.
PE a A ER i a I EO EN MB EK 0h om owe SW. IW TW 3. IW SOW LW I TOR. Son Town ow on I. Lm 5 oo I Am ow EO nn SE A RE LSS IE A ni