The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1960, Image 1

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Red Face Department —
This is a true story. It hap-
pened to a good woman of
the community just a few
nights ago.
® oo »
Two small, costumed
youngsters knocked on our
“vietim’s” door and announ-
ced “trick or treat.”
® oo 0
She treated them and then
asked, “Do I know you?”
® &
A nercative shake of the
head. “Then take off your
false faces,” she asked, So
that I can see you!”
® oo oo
We'l—her face was then
really red for the faces of
the children were black —
they were colored young-
/ ® oo
The ecommittee tn study
the feasibi'ity of a borough
manager for Momnt Jov is
not dead. although nothing
on the matter has been
heard in recent weeks.
® oo +o
At the latest meetinz. the
committee of eicht heard
exnerts on the subiect give
their studied opinions.
® oo
mittee will be held the mid-
dle of this month when the hand enmmented
J manager frorn Shinnens-
burg will eome here to con-
fer with the committeemen.
ea oo o
Now. this about the
limit. This the kind of
thing which tries people’s
® oO
The nicht AFTER Hallo-
ween someone visited the
Charles Watts home on R2,
and with a sharp knife. ap-
parently whittled down to
the ground a 2% {foot
Japanese manle.
Rrbert Kline and Robert
Sherk of the First National
Bank & Trust Co. of Mount
Joy attended a Bank Lending
Conference in York Wednes-
day and Thursday of this
week. The conference was
held in Hote! Yorktowne and
was conducted by the Penna.
Bankers Association.
Such topics as mortgage
lending, insta’’ment credit
and commercial loans were
discussed by senior officers
of the large city banks and
by officers of the Federal Re-
serve Banks.
BB .
5 Emmy Lou Foley, 5-year-
old daugh‘er of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Foley, rem-ins un-
conscious at St. Joseph’s hos-

: bovs in the crowd who was family
session of the com- fortunate enough to
warm. firm and transmitted Wation, avparently, was lin-
confidence. ed
tall was
clasn the hands of bath the
To You! WHAT?
What does the right to vote mean?
A chance to cast a ballot for a friend in a local
election? An hour or two, or even a day, away from
the job on election day? A chore grudgingly per-
formed that involves a trip to the polling place and,
perhaps, a wait in line?
—to some people who have the right to vote se-
cured, this may be its meaning.
—to others though, it has a deeper, almost mysti-
cal, significance.
—to the 15-year-old freedom fighter shot down by a
Soviet tank in the streets of Budapest, the right of
self-government—the right to vote—was worth dying
fOr . «vs
—to the peasant Chinese, slaving in the bitter
agony of a commune rice paddy, the right of self-
government—the right to vote—is a vision of an un-
obtainable treasure, the thought of which creates
mental anguish . . ..
—to the two young East Germans escaping from
their communist masters across a heavily mined bor-
der, the right of self-government—the right to vote—
was worth the price one of them paid several weeks
ago—both his legs.
It’s a precious thing—the right to vote—too prec-
ious to lose because one has something else to do on
election day.
At this distance, any at- ped briskly over a rope and
tempt here to add to the walked up to the end of the
tremendous coverage given receiving line and, in the
the Nixon visit to Lancaster confusion of things, was one
would be carrying coals to of the very first to give a
New Castle, personal greeting ta Mrs. N.
® oo 9 oe 0 +o
However. it wasn't re- Nor. was it revorted that
ported that one of the little one well-known Mount Joy
went to Lancaster
shake early and hung onto a select
candidate’s spot in the front row to see
“Mother, and hear the Vice-President
his hand was awfnl red.” at point-blank range.
® 0 o ®e & 0
whose hand would And. did anyone report
the presidential
not be red after a few thous- one of the sweetest sights al third period, the Mountain- i, chiarian. 11: FHA. Sec
and shakes? Girls Glee Club,
ong the motorcade route
® oo +o from the airvert to the city?
We can speak with auth. It Was at the Manheim Town
oritv on the auality of the Ship school on the Lititz Pk.
It was Where the entire <chool pnp-
man’s handeclasp.
up along the curb in
single file with their teach-
ers to wave and to shout in
their treble voices at a man
who is holder of the second
highest office in the land
and who within a few days
may become the most pow-
erful single individual on
One Mount Jov teenager
fortunate enongh to
candidate and of his wife.
An~ther felt rewarded that
Nivon had rlacned- her hand
“etween BOTH of his.
. ® © @
And. it was not revorted
haw two ore-schoolers he'd
high their “We're for Ken-
~edv”’ signs but clanned
~houted ard apnlauded lust-
ly with the thousands. (a shade past middle age)
ST oo rode one of the press busses
And. if it was reported, from the airport to the citv
we missed it. Nixon went with a portable tvpewriter
mt of his way to sav thanks on his knees. pounding fur-
to the high school band jouslvy almost every minute
which welcomed him at the of the trip.
airport. Neither was it men- ® ©
tioned how he gave a special About the time the motor-
lin-to-ear interview to 2 rade passed Laneaster Gen-
‘een-age school paper re- or.) pocpital he folded his
norter. papers. put the lid on his
tvnewriter and then 1lit a
Neither was it recorded cigarette to relax a minute
how one of Mount Joy's before he made readv to
Main Street merchants step- cover the main speech of the
Lancaster stop.
® oo o
It was his opinion Tues-
day that the election out-
come is a “toss-up’”. He has
been traveling with Nixon
since the day after the con-
No one avparentlv
tioned how hard the many
visiting press, camera and
television neonle worked. A
“Chicago Tribune” reporter
He added that after next
Tuesday he (the reporter)
plans to “sleep for a week.”
® oo 0
More than one woman
wondered out loud how Mrs.
Nixon could appear so calm.
so beautifully groomed and
so radiant in the midst of
such strenuous circumstanc-
oo oo oo
The question was, “How
can a woman live out of a
suitcase day after day, keen
her wardrobe presentable
and be under miserosconic
examination by the public
almost constantly?
® © oo
The Vice-President was
described as looking fresh
and rested. One woman by-
stander, perhaps out of her
own woman's heart, remark-
ed, about Mrs. Nixon, “I
think she looks a little tir-
oo © o
Nor, was it reported that
when the candidate gave a
warm welcome to an Amish-
man, the dozens of camera-
men who were within a few
feet of the incident, fairly
gasped with the realization
that, “Here is an unusual
picture.” And - there was
only a split second for the
action. No posing - just a
fleeting moment to catch a
part of the tremendous strug-
gle for election.
ere Bre iiis
touchdowns and
over two more touchdowns qq 1s.
and that was the dav’s .
had six first downs to Ebph-
passes against Ephrata’s one:
ties while the visitors were
The Mount Joy
Sn 4 A
OP ©
arms Ses
Wal, " regina tl VO
DH.S. Grid Boy and Girl of the Month Authority To Begin Survey
Team Bows
To Ephrata
Donegal’'s winless warriors
were turned back, 44 - 6,
Saturday afternoon on the
home hunting grounds. But ! “5 : 2
not until they had tossed a X
big fat scare into invading
With a first-quarter touch-
down, the Mountaineers had
a 6 - 0 lead at halftime and
no doubt had illusions of
coasting home the winners.
On the second-half open-
ing kick-off however, Liv-
ingston rambled from his
own six to the Ephrata 36
to set up a touchdown.
Three plays after the 58- pHOROTHY JUNE ENGLE JAMES H. HARNISH
vard runback, the ball was
on the 24. Livingston car- Dorothy June Engle, daugh- James H. Harnish, son of
ried and he blasted into the ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Har-
end zone for the touchdown old Engle of 100 East High nish of 34 W. Donegal Street
and a tie score. Street. Matown, has beenhas been named Donegal
It was one of Donegal’s named Donegal high school high school Boy of the
best moments of the season Girl of the Month for Octob- Month for October.
but the fans’ delight was gr. James is a senior in the
yo valu She is a Senior in Business College Preparatory Course.
Ephrata niled uo a moun- Course. His activities inc'ude: Base-
tain of 26 points on three per activities inc'ude: Lig Do 210 Baskeilyn # 10;
had things rary Assistant. 9-10-11-12; .00:ball, 8-10-11-12: Football
. Cantain, 12; Tennis, 11-12:
Future Homemakers of Am-.g Ti 9 : :
10.11-12: FHA. Par- restling, -11-12: Junior
P'ay Cast. 11; Student Coun-
short time
in hand.
To add antii-climax to the ....
eers in the fourth pushed
well Saturday.
Despite the score, Donegal
rata’s eight: connected five
and lost not a yard on penal
preciation the work the op- cial
by cil, PloN, Student Coun-
Class Treasurer, 12: 11 reasurer, 11: Student
Work 4 dent Manager of Jr. High Coun] Vice President. 12:
speaking. the Magazine . Campaign. 12. varsity Club 10.11.12: Band
it rather Ss gr Bl. 8-9-10-11.12; Band Treasurer,
ou a Yearbnok Staff, 12: Newspa- ,. Chorus. 12: Safety Pat i
ner Staff. 12: Safety Corps. , 11-12: Satcts Pa ey Pe ro
10 11-12: Girls Intramurals, D iirer 12: T 3 T reas
A : Ta'ent Assemblies,
10-11-12: Member of St. 9.10-11-12- Futu
> ® 21 : re Teachers
Tnhn’s Evangelica' Lutheran . America, 11: Orch
Church. Mavtown: Sunday, Ey of Tenesira,
Qchnol Teacher, Member of Sim nians tn attend Coll
ir side : ’ ollege
<et back 80 yards by the offi Piney (oomist, Prosident i after graduation, g
sels. Indians play Eliza. “ent and Treasurer of May- Bu
bethtown on the Donegal‘own Senior Girl Scouts.
field Saturday afternoon, be- Dottie plans to go into + SICO Holds
ginning at 2 pm. The final 4ce employment after gradu-
game of the season is slated atinn or possibly to Business Annual Banauet
for Saturday, Nov. 12, onpllege.
the home fie'd when Patton : Bahn The SICO company held
Trade comes here. its 14th annual bananet Fri-
The curtain-lowering game SALES AWARDS dav evening. October 28. at
of the 1961 season will be Three Jocal youngstersHostetters Banquet Hall.
Homecoming with. all thehave been named winners in Robert F. Sehroll. Oresi.
traditional festivities of the the recent school magazinedent of the ecomnanv. open-
occasion, inc'uding a dance a’es contest. They were: Jill ed the obrooram with aooro-
in the high school gymnas-Charles, first; Pamela Toppin ~riate remarks. then turned
ium that night from 8 untilsecond, and John Toppin,+the meeting over to Laster
11 Clock. third Mumma. vice-president, who
acted as toastmaster.
Dr. D. L. Biemesderfer,
Broom and Groom President nf the STCO Foun-
dation renorted on the SICO
SENIORS IN THEATRE Scholarship Program. and
acknowledeed with deep ap-
Rehearsals are in full swing Stage — Ken Eshelman, erating comnany is doing to
for the Donegal high school chairman, Russell Flowers, support the foundation. Rob-
senior class play, “The Broom James Gerber, Karl Haines,ert Pp. McGinley. general
and the Groom,” to be given Lloyd Heisey, Kenneth Kauff-cales manager. presented the
Friday and Saturday nights, man, Mervin Kline, Genecales awards and Arthur R.
Nov. 18-19 in the high school Koser, Robert Koser, Fred Zerphey, general credit man
auditorium. Theobald, Char'es Wise and ager, gave the credit awards
: : (Turn to page 7) to the various territories
Whi garin on 5 B aging Jn these fields for
“broomsticks” flying through J .
the air, and «wincherelt” wi 1 Boosters Plan Service a awards were
be much in evidence as the . . made as follows:
comedy unfolds. Third Meeting Ten Year Pins: to Arnold
Miss Catherine G. Zeller, H. Covert, Frank'in R. Eich-
English teacher, is directing Third meeting of the Don-ler, John R. Fassnacht, Har-
the cast, composed of Martha egal high school Boostersonld E. Fitzeerald, Paul S.
Rainbolt, John Martin, Jo- Club will be held Wednesday Gerlach, Robert E. Kirch-
anne Mart'n, David Johns, Nov. 9, at the Marietta com- ner. David S. Martin. Lloyd
Phyllis Brown, Donna Char- munity building, beginning at E. Shank, Elmer S. Shenber-
les, George Glattacker, San-7:30 p.m. ger, Robert W. Shimp.
dra Scott, Carole West and The next project of the or- Fifteen Year Pins: to Clar
Terry Zeller. ganization will be to stage anence F. Auker, Vincent G.
Assistant directors are ‘open house” at the high Simmons, Ivan R. Wert, Jr.
Jeannette Appley, Lorraine school to promote basketball pwenty Year Pins: to A.
Gibert and Carol Gratch. and wrestling. Roy Breneman, Robert E.
Committees for the play have No date has been set but Keener, Albert F. Keller,
been named as fo lows: the plan is to have the teams, Charles A. Lonkart. Mark
Sound effects and lights— coaches, officials and others¥ Mumma, Luella H. Wit-
Donald Houseal, chairman, oresent to give exhibitions mer.
John Dick, Dennis Fuhrman, and demonstrations. Thirty Year Pins: to Wil-
Kimber Lippiatt. Geoffrey Last Friday the Boosterslis HA Ament, Edna Kepple.
Mariner and Fred Theobald. sponsored a sports caravan Thirty-Five Year Pins: to
Tickets — Linda Shireman, 'nd took 100 boys and girls Harvey J. Barton and Jerry
chairman, Sharon Baker, on three trucks around the Leonard.
John Dick, Ruth Matheny district and finally back to Sixty Year Pin: to William
and Jenny Nagle. the school for refreshments. Sheaffer.
Researchers say, the aver-
age house cat prefers tuna
fish to mackerel.
“en Tuesday
definite step
instal- be necessary to have the
for ters installed
Each house
Mount Joy water
the direction of the
lation of water meters
ill residence users was tak-
night by the
Borough Authority
its November meeting in the of
fire hall assembly room. the area where
Arrangements were made line enters the building
to begin within the near fu- Details will be noted
ture a survey of the borough from
the pipe
the material
A new and vaduable additional postal service
is to be offered for Mount Joy and Florin patrons,
it was announced this week by Postmaster Elmer
Beginning Sunday afternoon, November 6th,
and continuing every Sunday and holidays there-
after, there will be mail collections from the let-
Thus, if a piece of mail is deposited in either
the Florin or Mount Joy boxes before 3:45 p.m.,
delivery will be possible the very next day, in
most cases. :
The collection from the local boxes will be
made by extending a service already existing
from Harrisburg to Elizabethtown.
The improved service will make it possible
for late Saturday mail and important letters rea-
dy to be dropped in either of the two outside box-
es—Mount Jov or Florin—to be put on their way
for Monday delivery.
All Who Are Interested
Are Invited To Open House
Mount Joy area
in what particular supplies will can
» me- fications
served by the
1S by
as itheld to be visited, a sketch made Authority.
to determine how many of lists of different type fittings
people those who are interested but ably
~ For Water Meter Installation
compiled and speci-
for the
ions be drawn.
The survey will be taken
employees of the Borough
The Authority, is looking
forward to having specifi-
cations and engineering work
completed within two or
three months. Then bids will
sought and contracts let.
Contracts probably will be
in three sections: 1. For
the meters themselves; 2.
for the couplings needed to
fit the meters into the water
lines of homeowners’, and 3.
The actual installation it-
The Authority hopes to
complete the installation
sometime in 1961.
When all homes have been
metered, the Boro Authority
will begin a study of meter
readings, actual water con-
sumption and will measure
these factors against the rate
schedule. After several mon-
ths - perhaps a year or more
new rate schedules will be
The new schedules will be
set to equalize the quarterly
charges and the amount of
water used. Thus, there will
be a basic, minimum fee and
graduated rates for varying
amounts of consumption. If
a householder uses very little
water, he will pay a mini-
mum fee. However, if his
neighbor has a big family,
uses a lot of water, washes
his car often, sprinkles his
lawn and fills a swimming
pool, he will pav a consider-
higher bill. The rate
have been issued a special were disappointed that they Structure will operate much
warm invitation to 3 some- may have missed an oppor- the same as electric bills are
of tunity last month.
Several members
what “different” kind
of Mr.
Nearly 1100 meters will
Saturday, Nov. 5. from 10 Carpenter's staff will be on need to be installed.
Carpenter will held an open
house at his home and at
the offices of the Mount Joy
Mutual Insurance Company,
located at Main and Deita
sireets. WINS TRIP
The event, the first pub-
lic open house at Carpenters
Corner, is an outgrowth
the recent Lancaster County John R. Miler,
Art Association tour, which Barbara street,
included the Mount
home among more than aend in New York City
score located throughout the Lancaster promotion
week. Because of
tender age, her father
several weeks ago,
visitors through
and offices and
interesting items.
At that time.
people had expressed
interest in Mr.
ter’s offices and home but gift.
were not particularly inter-
ested in making the entire
Thus, he graciously began
v'anning immediately to
hold open house strictly for
the “homefolks.”
The entire Lancaster co-
unty tour was staged as a
money-making profit by the
Art Association. But. it goes
almost without saving that
faturday’s event will be en-
tirely complimentary for
Mrs. Harry Witmer was
the recipient of many beauti-
ful gifts and two birthday
rakes (one with 93 candles).
Three of her good neighbors,
Mrs. David Charles, Mrs.
Gerry Nellenbaugh and Mrs.
Jacob Bechtel, brought her a
love'y Bible which she had
longed to possess.
The Mount Jov Borough
Council will hold its Nov-
ember meeting on Monday,
Nov. 7, in the assembly
room of the fire hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke B
Pierce, Mt. Joy Rl. are the
parents of a daughter, born
Monday, Oct. 31, at Lancast-
er Osteopathis hospital.

As a public servece, The
Bulletin lists the following
physician, who may be
reached for emergency ser-
vice or by those who are
unable to contact their
family physician:
Dr. David Schlosser
until 4 pm. Henry G.hand Saturday, as they were
to escort oo authorized acceotance of
the home hidgs for the
to explain eleven shut-off valves in the
Stacy Miller, three-months- ties
of old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. small sections of the system
North when it is necessary to make
Mount Joy, repairs.
Joy was named winner of a week
and School Board
spe- mother hope they. can substi- will meet
Carpen- tute for her in receiving this Nov. 10, in the high school
The Authority Tuesday al-
installation of
water system. There will be
six 4-inch and five 6-inchers.
The valves are to be instal-
led to provide better facili-
for isolating various
Union District
of Education