The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 15, 1960, Image 4

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rm the proposals received and imprisonment not exceeding Farmers Bank and Trust Lancaster, Trustee for man, exo The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pu Thursday, September 15 4
to accept any proposal deem. Sap days. ’ Company of Lancaster, Sarah Irene Snader. MARRY H. GRING, [
ed to be most favorable to JECTION 3. All ordinances admr : 17. KREIDER, LIZZIE H, Register of Wills and Clerk v {! “
aN tue interest of the Mount Joy gnd parts of ordinances ine J. CuaMBERS, ANNIE M dec'd No. 139 of 1860 of Orphans’ Court
Borough Authority consistent herewith, are here dec'd, No. 92 of 1960, First and final account of 15-4c s
Bids will be taken under repea.ed First and final account of Jonas H. Bucher, exor ee
a 1 g DY Xej [. Chambers, ex- 18. LEONARD, FRANKLIN vee
‘You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably advisement and the award of JURDAINED this 12th day of Jacob M. Chambers, ex- 18 HN "NO 4048 oy 'S FUI FUNNY
a Contract, if awarded, will joptember, 1960 ccutor. : j . dec'd, No 04
Through the be made within (30) days af- JAMES B. SPANGLER 7. DAVIS, SARAH, dec'd, 1938. FILS: nd final ae. UNTIL WINTER WINDS
jet the date of opening the President of Council Re HS, ou 1088. i Fivat cou 3 illiam H. Leo- How Folks ROB YOU OF YOUR HEAT?
ids. ; ATTEST: a al acco Mar- St Stuff !
r 16-2¢ 4 . jaret D. Jacobs and Wil- 19. LINDAMUTH, HOWARD Store
Jac . Corll, g ¥
\\/ A N I’ A D 2 ———— ta teenpetentm cob R. Corl liam K. Davis, exors C., dec'd, No. 133 of 1960 In A Attic =Z .
. SEALED BIDS Be LY 12. 1960. I here- 8. EBERHARDT, CHRIST: First and final account of n Ie eat erstrip
lll Ll a Bids will be received until, > A the above ordin- [IAN E, det'd, No. 982 of Martin H. Baer, exor. When They
SS —— Le z - = —_——— aah AM. Ortober 2 195¢, ance. $os Sirs M nd Boal Sr 20. MYERS, RAYMOU.LD E, Can Cash In
— . - —mmree at ‘he ] 0 3 Ie 0 Mary sber- A REPAR
FOR SALE For Rent: 3 rooms and bath, A Be painting 16-1c FRASER 5. "Burges hardt, el sop oid k) — (ISL of 1965, With A WANT ANT AT AND BE P P ED FOR :
hii __ second floor apt. Apply to of woodwork, both interior . ——— 9 GALLAGHER, EURET- Richard N, Myers, Orpha WINTER'S ICY BLASTS! ]
BS So — manager G. C. Murphy store and exterior, of the drying NS COURT TA G., dec'd, No. 74, Au- Hess and Naomi Zeager,
G.rl Scout c'othing & equip- 14-16 W. Main St., Mount beds (greenhouse) at the Au- ORPHA gust Term, 1951. First aXOrS,
ment. Good condition. Reas. Joy. 26-tfc rly SewiEe Disposal fo all (Claimants, Beneféia:. apd Bug), accoumy of F Be ol. NISSLEY, SDA Qed CAD . We Have Only Top-flight Mechanics for
onab.e price. Call C : Crary Th ant rcifications a) © es, Heirs » n, fu 4 Nationa, Bs No. 121 of 1960. First & A H Al P if .
16-: fc FOR RN Sree pase) In gbtained at the Aatlory ob ng ther, parsons intereste: Lisncaster, Su. viving fina. account oi The Key: . . € er Expert Installation.
—— 0 4 § UR OF 1 | -8861. t’c fice Tuesday and wrsday N S given tha e [rustee. ~ . stone National Bank o
4 young cows good rec FOR RENT: Ubstairs Apt. 3 evening, 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. and ollowing accounts in deced- 0. GARMAN, JACOB K, al- MaRRehn. eXOr. ales Representatin
ords, due to freshen soon. rec inl ps Irs PL. 9 gaturday 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 .nts' incompetents’, minors so known as J. K. GAR- 9 RANDLER, STELLA C., Xs
Ca.l OL 3-5902 evenings, Jarge YOU Sng oat By heat Noon 16-2¢ and trust Exjatos have been Maa Sec : Re ou ot dec'd, No. 912 of 1957. G b M C
6--1¢ ¢ ( e she filed in the office of the Reg- 955. Third and final ac Mret Anal ac { yo. Sr
Re iodine Slupaney; ay jhe AN ORDINANCE ister of Wills or Clerk of Or- count o: the Elizabeth- First and Gas) deownto arber Motor Lo. CONTRACTOR 3
ist e s. Good month. Jones & Zink, Inec., ” s rlrana’ Cet ancaste ; Trust 3 any ' : .
Two Eng. sh Bicycle ® a 3 Sones 24.tfo ESTABLISHING 5 CER Sane Court of Roam age} town Trust Company, Char es G. Randier, ad- 40th Year . . Ford-Mercury |] SOUTH MARKET STREET FZLORIN, PA. b
East Donegal St., Mount Joy. Sr — STREETS AS mie WAY sia Orphans’ Court for1l. GRAEFF, EMMA K., an,, inistratols. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone Mount Joy OL 3-2651
5 fo STREETS to saic rphans ou . £ | / ‘ los SHEAFFER, i.
LL 15-tfc cor Sale: 3 Bedroom Ranch, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED audit and Sontrmation and compel tent, No 20 of BLANCHE, dec'd, No. 831 PHONE EM 7-1181 (If no answer, ca'l OL 3-3383)
Super Flame oil stove, five- dnisked basement, HW. Oil by the Borough Council of or distribution of the balanc- PSL Ang a of 1959. First and final 10-1:
room space heater, equipped neat, fully insulated, Alum. je Borough o: Mount Joy, €S shown therein to the par- count of Farmers Bank & account of Gene M. Lutz -
with fuel saver and oi. tanks screens, storm windows thro [ancaster County, Pa., as fol- les legally entitled thereto: Trust Company of Lan- and Gene M. Lutz and K. ili .
on stove. Aso one 55-gal. oil ughout, including many ex- Jows: OCTOBER 3, 1960 ” Eo adiah, 1 Jeanneite Zwally, exors.
drum. Call OL 3-5054. 16 2¢ tas (nothing need be add- SECTION 1. The following 3t nine o'clock a. m, Eastern “© Ey oh ely also. 04 SMITH, EbL:vAa M., dec'd,
: . ringvil 5 at known as NETTIE A s
Sot g—— — 2d), located cor. Springville g reots or parts of sireets in 3.andard Tme, in the Orph- GROFF. dec'd. No. 1059 No. 104 of 1960. First
FOR SALE: Buggies, sleighs, t.d. and Birchland Ave. Mt. the Borough of Mount Joy, ans’ Court Room in the 4th IROES, dec'd, } y 1993 and final account of Har
1 donkey, female. Call OL- Joy. For_ appoiniment call are hereby designated as one- floor of the Court House in 0 195¢ E ES bs ns) ris C. Arnold, exor.
3-4839. 14 4c Mt. Joy OL 3-5216 or Terre way streets, and vehicular he City of Lancaster, Pa.: Rocount ee uriey A.o5 STECKMAN, CHARLES
_— To =r Hill HI 5-511, 28-tf {fic thereon shall move in 1. BARR. JOHN H. decd. 13 HEIN. J. CLAYTON de A, dec'd, No. 39, August
Motorola Sales & Service Lowe the direction hereinafter sta- No. 54, August: Term,” rascal on” 17 NN oe. Term, 1950. First and fin
Stereophonic - TV - Radio R BALE: 2 5tory. . ted, name y: 1931. First and final ac. ceased, No. 1019 of 1959. al account of The Fulton
Le ter E. Roberts & Son FO SS Deioie. 6 DA, h. (a) Wa nut Street from Mari- count of Eugene C. Smith Sos an Rial account of Nationa! Bank of Lancas
a! Main Street HW alum nun s.orm e.ta Avenue to Sassafras surviving exor : $310. Sn, ov ter, Trustee for 3
Mount Joy, Penna. Ol 3 : { rear Al'ey shall be a one-way 2. BAUER, MARY a'so 14 HUFFNAGLE, HARRY Steckman
Nnaow gar. g snaded re £ yg = - 21e J a AU y 4 : ar, A Ee o Lec . oy
Coal Heatro’a, mahogany fin ha i. On E Ma in St., street southbound only. known as MARY 3. BAU- oR Ses ion. 355 Pi 26. VEIDV AN SANE 8
sh, excellent cond.; two che- OL 3 5664 after 5 p.m. 16-afc (b) Sassafras Alley ‘rom Wal- ER, decd, No. 26 of oll of” Mare BB Hudl leo dl, NO ao. :
De one ao ey OL 3 5664 afer iy o ee nut Street to South Bar- 1960 First and final ac- or ely ua First and final account of
380x108, with 4” fringe; doub- 1958 House Trailer .or fac bars Street easlbound on count of Agnes W. Sch: le, Jr. and The La a T: Musser Weidman . and
le size bed stead, metal, ma- Three bedrooms. East Wood war and Johanna A. Wil- County National Bank Lloyd G. Weidman, ex-
fone Rriehe To ombina S.reet. Florin, near Bachman SECTION 2. It shall be un- ey execes. re abbas: ey ecu.ors.
iPSENY Sn'sh; rad o combine C Com on lawfu’ to drive or operate 3 BECKFR JOHN H., de a: 27. WITMER, ROSE C., de
ti o records). Earl Mi ler Chocolate ympany. fu to C ate 3. °C} TT ATMA vg * , 3 3 E
Bhne OL. a a. Mi lc able Ken Alexander. 2 any vehice on the said one- ceased, No. 103 of 1960. 15 RIL Aras dec’d, ceased, No. 861 of 1958.
y ill Se. - wi : way stree‘s in a direct on irst and final account of NO dev. PD 0. First Second and supplemental
mm— J ; First and fin coun: and final account of Wil- i
FOR SALE: Glass Show er FOR RENT: House with si e: than the direction here- Alpheus V. Becker, admr bert K Kittle exor oount of 5 Frankin
Door Enclosures, Special pri- rooms ang. bath. Call Mount inabove provided. Any per 4. BREITEGAM. HENRY L OSPF. ANNA = wd os mer, exor. :
te $53.50. Mt. Joy Tile Co. Joy OL 351892. 16-2c son who shall violate this an incompetent person, 10. R30sP. ANNA 3 deeds. YANKO, MORRIS, decd,
RR S240 eT TTI J ion ton. NefSo of WO DUR EM Breen of he my No; L103 of fo Jeo 1959 Chevrolet Imp. Spt. Sedan V-8 Powerglide
- viction thereof, in a summary fina! account of The Eph- tA : : a nal account of Mey- evroiet imp. . -
‘YPEWRITERS, aad mach, —————————————= proceedings, pay a fine of not rata National Bank, Guar. __ 0% National Bank os er Cohn and Leon Lip- : Pp
ash reg, check inter-coms, CARD OF THANKS less than $2.00 no more than dian. x 33 ser + pss eyes 1957 Ford V-8 Fairlane 4-Decr Sport Sedan 1 , ?C
fos Jes, 0 SA —- $10.00 and fogs of prosecu- 5. NAN wiaMEs iL $ 3 1957 Chevrolet 210, V-8, 4-Door, Power Glide y 8
ised At ots Sale sday ET — tion, and in default of pay- ec'd, No. 0 4
a LE ne We wish to thank our neigh ment. thereof, shall undergo First and final account of : 1956 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel I
— bors, .riends, and relat.v DONEGAL UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT EAL STATE ; 1956 Ford One-Half Ton Pick-Up Custom Cab |
SPECIALS! PREOWNED fo: their many kindn AUDITORS’ REPORT H : . "
Kelvinator Chest Type Free- and expressions of sympa thy FOR SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY 3, 1960 H To B Sell Call © : 1956 Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Sedan
elv.nator 1€e pe = he time of the death of RECEIPTS : Oo uy or e a L3-8521 be - .
ger, 9 cu. A mother. Ba'ance on Hond July 9 53 70 4 : 1955 Oldsmobile 98 Holiday Coupe, Full Power
our “belov ed wife and mothe : v 5, 195 $ 253 70 # FLORIN 3 ac
ofricoarato 7 cu F . ay \ J % rent ~al stat axes 5125. be 3
a a : 1 Le jist oi any Bop Nev Coron iy Yo School Code 305.120.0387 ROOMS, bath, new hot water heating plant. Home § 1855 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan ,
Kelvinator Refrigerator, Apt. col Ra - . ’ ’ re i in good cond.tior eady 3 . so
Sivinvtor Refrig Pt - h Sec. 679 26,752.94 | 3 8903 Sond.tion and ready for immediate occupan- f 1959 N. S. U. Prinz, 5 passenger or
Size wish to thank my many Current Per Capita Taxes, Act 481. $ 50 $ la
Easy Spinner Washer, Re- fends and re Btives for the Per ‘Capita 119514348 8 ROOMS, bz ith, hot water heat. newly painted in- $ 1954 Chevrolet 4-door Ww
asy ony nd expressions of sympathy De'inquent Taxes, All Levies 23,563.35 # side and out - $11,900 - Mortea : ury
Motorola Table Model Stereo Sven me during the sudden Tuition From School Districts in Pennsylvania 1017948 at 59. «$3 origage money available : 1952 Merc 2-door
V ‘a lable I ST passing oi my beloved hus- Refund from Donegal Union School District 3 1953 Ford 4-dcor Ti
Ironrite Ironer band. Mrs. Fannie S. Myers. Authority : 3,000.00 # MOUNT JOY : 5
New Sunbeam Steam Irons, . _... = 16-10 Rent from Shoo! and Other Faci'ities 865.258 L.OVFLY SMALL HOME practically new, 4 rooms 1951 Chevrolet 2-door Ss]
Very Special Price. One : We wish to Epes our “Teaching Units Penna.—Reimbursable 430.742. 77 § ng bath, Jo) basgraum; & Automate’ gas heat—close : 1948 Chevrolet One-Half Ton Panel \ Ca
cox ny reartfe.t thanks to theneigh- og 000 wealth of Penna -—Reor ganization TR fo senwr Of Jown. Cus Renge, Drapes and TV an B
wi Dre manus er aA bre v f tenna included. M Oo
LESTER E. ROBERTS oors, friends and relatives = rheentives (supplemental payments) 52,936.49 # : $ “W 0
AND SON ot me RS or. ane Commonwea’th of Penna.—Extension Educa- # IDEAL SMALL HOME — 4 rooms and bath. New § NE C MER oT RS, Inc. $s
47 E. Main Street Cares ¢ ‘bereavement i tion and Recrestion 3,777.278 H/W baseboard heat, attached garage in rear. New Hi CORNER MAIN & NEW HAVEN STS. MOUNT JOY Al
MOUNT JOY. PA of our mo. Commonwealth of Penna —Homebound # knotty finished basement with powder room. PHONE OL 23-4821. p
16-1c¢ otiter. Mrs Instruction 533938 Lovey irees and shiubbery. 3
other. ter R= Commonwealth of Penna.—Closed Schools 2,800.00 RE) 4 - . SO!
family. 16 1c Commonwealth of Penna —Special Education if RESTRICTED BUILDING LOTS for sale in Pleasant in
La } amily. 0° Handicapped Pupils 775172 8 View development. : ra
—————— Commonwealth of Penna.—Transportation 24 314.87 § : iy
HELP WANTED age Commonwe ea'th of Penna. —Vocational } fons: “ as ou want to list or buy a home in § Ne
ducation : 967.96 1caster :
FEMALE MISCELLANEOUS Commonwealth of Penna.—Rentals, and 3 Membe 2 . : 1 1 1 1 1 Io!
SC king Sued Parvanats 53,169.40 fl Rent pono gene Multiple Listing Bureau—Lancaster § Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Community tio
_ = > .__ Commonwealth of Penna.—Driver Education 1,823.72 § ¥ : 3 = un
BABY SITTER wanted. 5 Small Appliance Repairs. Commonwealth of Penna.—Medical and } H | ToC
days a week. Mrs. Donald W ay’s Appliances. 48 West Dental Services 2015 0c H § i tw
Williams, 126 Mount Joy St. Main St., Ph. OL «to Commonwealth of Penna —Nurse Service 7,005.45 8 EORGE EENER : ® AUTOMOBILE DEALERS * DAIRY PRODUCTS | ® MEMORIALS ch:
0-2p € U. S. Treasury (Federal Government) PL. 874 30.566.00 § » : (= | i
Non are Lot two or toe 1 Loans, Temporary (Increase in Fiscal Year 57,250.00 § MOUNT JOY — . H AMENT MAR | - '
Woman fare oy oh Cover Four 0% ig oe Sal e of Sits and Podipmon? IR Yen 137 2 20 A OL 3% H £11 | ELWOOD TIN | EEENER IN
Jen, Sve days 2 Woes: B.S Deits. Bee our bie All Other Non-Revenue Receipts s : Representing i AUTHORIZED PENSUPREME PRODUCTS | EMORI FF
light house wor Write Box of bel uckle pt : vine Cy : DE SOTO — PLYMOUTH | MEMORIALS :
101 c/o Mt. Joy Bulletin. or noti (Inc. HHF.A) 102.990.7284 ~_S. NISSLEY GINGRICH i Sales - Service | OOLE & ICE CREAM | Phone Marietta HA 6-353) oH
geo 16-2p $ Ww. oF TOTAL RECEIPTS, INCLUDING 2 S. Duke St. EX 3-3933 Lancaster, Pa. § Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks DD. 2 Ph Mt. Joy DL 3- 8191 | MAYTOWN PA
WANTED. Reliab Profs OL i: BEGINNING BALANCE $1,363,437.79 mma ms nrmmmm DUNT Joy. Brac | | ER
for baby siit y — — E GC FarENpITURES, Phone OL 3-8271 { a sn
5 dos all SAW - KNIFE SERVICE Fxpenses of Genera' Control 33.836 59 : i® F Y |® PAINTING AND :
OL 3 16-1p n ses of Instruction 592 745.55 ARM MACHINER PAINTING AND Pi:
ir - gr A gl Pema ses of Auxiliary Agencies and Coordinate J CONTINUING OUR BIG S. F. ULRICH. INC PAPERHANGING LE
use lay: go JOY N Bin Operation of Plant grigs i RATLOR EROS, | wa
Good Box 103 c/o : : 5 Expenses of Maintenance of Plant 98957 28 i : Awthorized | CASE FARM EQUIPMENT | I. ELWOOD BRUBAKER AL
' 16.1 Phone OL 3-6372 = , | i
Moun y Uletin. 16-1c CSCAR 3L. BRENEMAN Expenses of Fixed Charges i ita 54.232.76 - BUICK — RAMBLER Sales and Service Interior - Exterior Painting Su
= 3 xpenses of Debt Service (Incl. $219.250. i Hardware Supplies & Paints
a : ; pes ; Sales - Service r € pplies and Paperhanging
Temp. Loan, Decrease in Fiscal Year) 378,633.99 ALL M RHEEMS, PA. { . IP RC
rr "eres Expenses of Capital Outlay from Revene wou ODELS MUST GO Body Work | Phone E-town EM7-4221 | FLORIN, PENNA EA
ee ece’pts and Temporary Loans 7,719.5¢ . | 5 I
—_— Refunds, Current Receipts 365.00] 8 Rambler Sedans and Station Wagons J 505 North Market street Jl’ TE
MALE LEGAL NOTICES cinerea £'town, Pa. Ph. EM 7-1175| 4
ey = TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,350,859.01 kL » | AN
WANTED: two men to si oro NOTIC £ Total Balance on Hand July 4, 1960 (Total 6 Plymouth 2 and 4-dr. Station Wagons ® INSURANCE w
EXaN 4 ) mM n 0 SE 8 EXEC ” AVAL 4 VOT c —
tobacco. J. Harold Frey. Pb Estate of D. Victor Shank, Receipts less Total Expenditures) $ 12,578.78 | '® PLUMBING NE
HA 6.4421 14-tfc dec'd, late of Mount Joy Bor- ee a 3 12978788 4 Valiant Sedans and Station Wagons | WILEY & RUTT AGENCY —0o £2
A <moe, + igh, County of Lancaster, ASSETS: ® NTRA | Investments & Insurance | E
WANTED - Pa Ending Ba'ance in General Fund 12,578.78 TRADE NOW AND SAVE Eubg. Se C10. | 81 East Main St. R 5 MECRLEY SON
Ratios tly Letters testamentary on Ending Balance in Sinking Fund =1 (6 Mos. 60 Rambl d Phone OL 3-218] | PLUMBING — HEATING ane
par: time » said estate having been gran- Certificates of Deposit) 6,18750 ff ° ambler Ambassador Custom AAR ENECKEE | MOUNT JOY. PA. OIL BURNERS Pal
Mount Joy yo ted to His undersigned, all Ending Balance in 1960 Bond Issue Account 65,231.17 4D $3295 ON G. LONG Sales and Service ehi
I O\Vieres'a P > 7.31 persons indebted thereto are Ending Balance in Cafeteria Fund 8,634.61 IGOR ere dre | : ere
Tupn I ~ i oe 17:41. Fequested to make immedi- Ending Balance in Activity Fund 12,013.73 POWER BUILDING CONTRACTOR a {15 W. Main St. Ph. OL3-598) qn
erniree ara $i "ate payment and those hav- Endng Balance in Playground Account 48.3: : i i UNT DD. TO:
vi Ford ae shed i ad. Ing claims or demands a- Delinquent Collectible Ee Soouy ns S38 35 60 Goliath 2-Door, Jikenew ....... $1595 pig or 25 3 j 2 LOAN SERVICE Str
ancement. Write Box 102 Zainst the same will present National Deiense Education Act 3,700.00 § x one - |
yeoman: J yoke 2 = “ them without delay for set- Sites (Appraised Value) 18,000.00 53 Chevrolet Belair 4-Door, AT .. $2095 . : f if ¢ TIRES per
9, ALU Ly oY 16.4c tlement to the undersigned, tbooks (Replacement less Depreciation) 75,000.00 ’ : Millwork - Fill - Grading | “Money When You Need It" ——— FI
willy CLEO SHA NK (MRS ) Elementary Schoo! Buildings (Replacement 5S Rambler 2-Door, Low mileage $1545 : i x “ : 3 ren
1 less Depreciation) 283,000.00 Topsoil - Excavating | | Kelly Sprngeld Tues
ilk M ' Element: iry School Equipment (Replacement : 58 Imperial 4-Door Hardtop Stes. $3295 Lumber - Kitchen Cabinets i | and Service Che
i a 74 ATE County, less Dep: reciation 115,000.00 POWER | PE AR GEO. W. LEAMAN che
REAL ES A Clarence C Second ry School Equipment (Replacement ’ 5 ; IV : :
All less Depreciation) : 125.000.00 § "S8 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan ........ $1195 |" J. P. Glass, Manager MAIN ST. Ph. OL 3-935) br
Sk TOTAL ASSETS $750.563 96 ‘87 Dodge 4-Door Hardtop se cialis $1595 { Spa
reccivec by Y Salaries Payable 4,503.96 rien. | | @ TELEVISION Bor
; eh of odlaries ayVdbie 39 . 'R 3 ~ EC RR SR
Borough Aut Bonded Indebtedness (with vote of the S57 Buick Hardlop Chl Rab a $1695 ’ | ®
Hal!, North electorate) 80,000.00 LIGHT BLUE AND WHITE, POWER BULLER'S
4 ) Bonded Indebtedness (without vote of the ' BEAUTY SALON PHILIP C. DAY —
until 9:00 De rate isi 56 Cadillac 4-Door DeVille Sedan .. $1945 : ;
torate 65,000.00 ED. KEENE
) > | Radio & TV Service
{ Z y : - Maude Buller, Prop. { .
they 5 601,060.00 @ “58 Lincoln 2-Docr Hardtop $1295 : Moving & Hauling
ey ii a EE — Te TE rrr reer FLORIN, PA. | Pi OL 3-8664 47 E. MAIN ST, MT. JOY —
i, an TOTAL LIABILITIES $750,563.96 SHARP bobo E420 PA PHONE OL 3-8021
Sr iHE LL hereby certify tha! we have examined the accounts - Call OLdfield 3-8851 | ’ i o-004
- nd 3 CA-UD » School District, and find ho Oro! A inf 60 OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM i
San ese Aruce, An ite bid will curities of the Officers accorda jee
Fit pers | Mount be: received x 6 Cv niger oe ks jhe O! icers of the Board are in a¢cordance with HIGH TRADES — EASY FINANCING
for a quirements of law: | ® CLEANERS

Be rnard Grissinger )

ne r 1 Haines, Jr. ) A
9d r Huber )
n Sova report is on
Pleas of _Lancast er County
t « ncaster Count

in | 143 oC
v Schools,
in y Doras High School Building.
JOHN D. ROLAND, Secretary
uditors Dale: August 29, 1960
Court of Common
of the Superinten-
and the School Office
file in the
the Office
Open 9 ‘til 8 — Call WH 4-4662

Try Classified
for Ya results
Sug and Fur Cleaning
torage - Laundry Service
{Phone OL 3-4071 We Call!