The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 04, 1960, Image 5

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’ 1
Ch h N Monday Meeting [ a :
urc ews p20 p.m. Sunday School oS 4 Shining Stars & MAYTOWN Larry Henderson is that he is Presbyterian The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa
4 News Pertaining To All 8:00 {aio clnbsds » aE TARR OrTed rom ac
at 00 p.m. Official Board Wednesday ww . land A Base to Chanute -
N The Churches In Mt. Joy Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Midweek Service VE Miss ‘Grace Henderson Air Ban, 1. He will attend . Home News JOHNSON
school there. Larry will cele-

The latest news of A/B Thursday, August 4 5

- 7:30 p.m. Young People’s 8:00 pm. Council of Ad-


es Church of the Brethren C. E, Business meéting. ministration Meeting. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth » his av @un. Mrs. Florence Stauffer re-
brate his 18th birthday Sun . st
Mt. Joy and Cedar Streets Welltiesday ; ret by ORAL ROBERTS Strominger and family visit- gay turned after a Noch s visit
Elizabethtown, Pa. 7.00 p.m, Ladies Aid and Church of the Brethren bi ed the Paul Billett family at Mr and Mrs. Harvey Ev.With her niece, Mrs. Dorothy
60 Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Missionary Meeting Bruce Avenue THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD Dillsburg last Monday. ans and daughter of E-town, Melvin, and Mrs. Horace Fry BUSES FOR
e " A ™ o - § . y . n .
Eliza- sundy Church School: B:00 bm. Missionary Pray Florin, Pa. The most important subject | could not comprehend the mys. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson called on Mrs. Rose Neiman" Philadelphia. . :
J 9:30 a.m. Church School; er Meeting. Rev. Howard Bernhard m the universe is God. It is|tery of Himself as a self. Swenk of Detroit, Mich. vis-on Saturday evening. We had many visitors over ALL OCCASIONS
Extended Sessions for Boys Thursday Moderator absolutely essential to the hap- | existing spirit. So the Son of ited the Kenneth Stroming- Mr. James Boyles, Mariet the weekend from places far °
eople, and Girls; study theme, 7:30 p.m. Crusaders for Heber Shelly, Supt. ie : . "os rN - owe wee 8 as the w xr. oo ,and near, including: Pitts-
beds “God's Love For His Child- Christ Class meeting. Sunday y piness of people to know God.| God came in the likeness of © S last k- 3 a was the Winner of the burgh, Quarryville, Lancast- FLORIN. PA
’ 8 y a: + Maytown Balloon Derby B 2 1 , .
ttress- ren”. 8:50 a.m. Sunday School )¢ there are millions to whom | flesh, took on the form of a Marcia Strominger Teturn. oo ball and Selie Yor. York. Baltimore, Md.
over- 10:30 a.m. Morning Ser- Donegal Presbyterian 10:00 Worship Service God is an unreal, vague, mysti- human being and began to ed home last Saturday from Png A No a see. Steelton, Lebanon, Hershey,
* bed, vice; Sermon, “Our Favorite Church Wednesday cal being. They do not know | express God to the human a week's stay at Camp Yop Mi prize was awarded to Kansas City, Kan, Durham, Phone OL 3.9221
, over Bible Character”, by Pastor Mount Joy R.D., Pa. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting nor understand Him. family. When you know Jesus, Wa, Doubling Gap. aaa ; YD N. C., Mountville and Mid
r 150 Hilficker. (service broadcast : " Thursday ho is Teall A : I" d d Marilyn Strominger, For- Eliese Pronckta, Lancaster,
Ki er. (service broadcas Richard A. Todd, Pastor : "dk : Who is God? What is the | you will understand Cod. ! ’ ’ whose balloon was fo i dletown. ENV
i ing over WEZN - Radio). 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir truth about God? What Jesus like? H est Wiest, Sylvia Foltz, Gary o si wi Ph Miss Ethel McCreary’s PRINT 1000 i ELOPES
A 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 10:15 a.m. Church School, Practice. First. His rank is supreme id a h a8 "2 Drace, Mike Houseal, Allan oughkecpsie, Ny and 9rd friend, Miss Kathryn Hutton Like Last Timd,
Bi in the Town Park; Rev. Don- Monday s— : : 8 + | perfect in strength. He was wiest Carl Houseal and Carl Prizes was awarded to S. C Mechanicsburg was a Got A Sample?
His power, rule and reign | never sick. Disease never marred Guthridge attended Camp Griffin, Camp Hill. This bal- of






0 nu-
: ot ‘will Drees 8:00 p.m. Trustee's Meet- i
css WR Ehafer ill pee ah ing at A yr isiee's Meet Mogi ni Mp oN WY transcend all earthly rulers and | His flesh. Mentally, Jesus was Yolijwa during the ‘pestloon and ticket was found weekend guest in the home.
itions. Co Tuesday Mount Joy, Pa. all human thrones and powers. | perfect intelligence, perfect week. The Rev. and Mrs, Dear Hopewell Junction, N. Wahi 3 ems and
: ‘ First Presbytertan Church 6:00 p.m. Women's Associ- Rev. Robert E. Mayer, pastor He knows no boundaries, either | wisdom. His spirit was perfect Forest Wiest served as coun- X- I Hoe nn Spears of Phi adel-
sack Mount Joy, Pa. ation’s Annual Family picnic Saturday by miles or men. love. selors. A prize was given to the Pa, Were our dinner guests
Richard A. Todd, Pastor ,¢ the Heisey Ranch. Every. 71:00 p.m. Fellowship Pray- Second, God is the source . . Tiss Anna May Hoover, of finder of the balloon travel- 2? Tuesday. Miss Spears was
Sunduy ) y . If you want to know more M y ’ i : a former Lancaster YWCA
or unday mn. Church Stool. It is to bring their own ©f Hous of all life. He created all life| .;, out" God. listen to the voice Lancaster; the Rev. and Mrs. jug the greatest distance. The Executi A Berean Phone Us for Your
-2 :30 a.m. y aus : ; : : 0d, i uc : a " seutiv cretary.
10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- Place Settings and a large 9:15 a m. Sunday School and made man His masterpiece. | ,, speech of Jesus, It was a Marsteller, Huntingdon, Pa.( Tall Parana Stephen B
ship covered dish. The program M Rick ard Klis . He made him a giant—spiritu- perfect voice visited in town last Sunday. Yi pion, Ni ¥- . : PRINTING
Tuesday which follows will be on 10:30 sm. Moros Supt. ally, mentally, physically. RE Ty so than 42: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fryberg- APProximately 100 tickets Patronize Our Advertisers
6:00 p.m. Women's Associ- Missions and it is hoped that gip Ay SIIng Wor. Third, God is the source of |, ‘hat is God like? His rank op celebrated their 37th wed- Were returned.
ations Annual Family picnic the Bupers family from Bra- Message - “Will There Be all power. He is the only self- lL vem. He ls the SOAS o ding anniversary last Thurs- ix, i ne Feed Jean! ary
at the Heisey Ranch. Every- Zil will be with us. Tears in Heaven?” existing Being. He is the only | 3" 'N€- Me 1s te source of af day. Jip ANG Ars. Yielvin of
one is to bring their own Thursday : 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Being not dependent upon any- power. His existence 5 eternal. Mr. and Mrs. Amola Fink ngs mn 8 25 The West Gree Tree Church Brethren
place settings and a large 7:30 p.m. Miss Gladys Ayl- Message, “The Greatest of thing or anybody. Yet upon His youth 5 eternal. His em- celebrated their 15th wed- Mrs. Orie ay ih elebidted IS PLANNING AN
covered dish. The program Ward, “The Small Woman” All the Prophets” Him all other beings are depen. | Podiment is in Jesus Christ of ding anniversary last Tues, To. "Lo 1 CC ebréte Old Fashioned H t Meeti
60 which follows will be on will be speaking in the First Wednesday dent. Nazareth. day. day. July 31 ay on Sun- asnione arves ee ing
. missions and it is hoped that Presbyterian Church of Lan- 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service, Fourth, God's youth is eternal,] How can we express God? Linda Houseal will cele- % y 31. She received SUNDAY. AUGUST 7, 1960
2liza- he Bupers family f Bra. caster. Also Pri d Juni ’ 2 ; ._brate her birthday Saturday. Wit a few cards and flow- bie
the Bugers fom: y rom Bra- Br Hmaty and Junior The vod that best ig We can pres Sod pest in "Miss Anna Culp celebrated FS: Among her many callers ON THE ChRL I GINDER FARM, MOUNT JOY Rl
hi Ds Green Tree : od and is most descriptive of | one word: love. For God is po. birthday last Saturday. Were Mrs. Helen Weller. San HICH YOU ARE INVITED
JICK | » J ey Miss Glades Atl Church of the Brethren Chiques Meihosies Chutes His being is the word Jehovah | love. It is for this reason that "Mr ond Mrs, Adam i Diago, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Services to Begin at 2 and 7 p. m.
heat- ward. © “The Small Woman" Abram N. Eshelman Mount Joy R. D. 2 —the God who has been; the | He gives good things to the Mrs. Margaret Brandt, Miss Brooks Shinfield, Rutherford Directions: Use the road from Rheems to Donegal
will be speaking in the First Moderator Menno E. Good Minister God Who is now; the God who | world. That is why all things Helen Sload and David H€ights, Pa, Mrs. Raymond § Springs and follow signs.
5 Postbaisine Church of Low Suliey Sunday ' shall always be: that are good come from God. Greer attended the musical Bird and Jody, Michigan, Sameh Will Be Served.
35 caster. g ns Sunday School © 19:15 a.m. Sunday School, God Himself said, “I change | It is love, constantly and never program at Longwood Gar- Mrs: Edna Michael and Mrs. 3 Boge trrsssesrreeserres a N ESHELMAN, Moderator
15 nr Log 10:00 p.m. Morning W or Mr. Richard Kline, Supt. not.” He is forever young. endingly shown, that makes us dens on Saturday night. Sells Bowman from Fort — = TE —
-15 Newtown E. U. B. Church SMP - Rheems. 10:30" a.m. ‘Holy Commun- God knew our finite minds | realize that God is a good God. Mrs. Margaret Brandt vis- MS lodge, ang Mr. and SWeSaNgaIAaNsuNs ERE LANNINE LANE INEESARENENS
-15 by Is Be 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. An Old- ion, Morning Worship Ser- ited her sister at Rome, N.Y. + Jesse Michael, Harris g a
-16 Rev HE lowe. a. Pastor Fashioned Harvest meeting vice. 7:00 pm. Christ's Crusad- Church or God last week. burg - PEACHES—Ready Now -
-14 Sunday hot wid be held on the Carl 7:30 p.m. Vespers Servicers Program and Evening Mount Joy, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. James Mum- Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Smith g ® RED HAVEN ® GOLDEN JUBILEE =
0-21 “9:00 am. Sunday School gpcr farm located between at Landisville Camp Meeting Worship. Rev. Donald M. Cohick, per and children of Newville SPent the weekend with Ker- § Fuad =
S017 al, Sanday ool 1eems and Maytown. Tabernacle, Rev. Norman L. Wednesday Midwiok arid Pastor visited in town last week. mie. Sridn, Bridgten, N. J.a OUR OWN SWEET CORN x
hip. ET Bowers preaching. :30 p.m. Midweek prayer Sunday The Everett Heuer family I. and Mrs. Robert Hous- g E =n
. ; BP p.m. Hymn Sing St. Mark's E.U.B. Church 8 Meeting and Bible Study. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School js enjoying a vacation at €2l accompanied Mr. and ® MeDIUY EGS. § DO2ZN Sav x
ator; : -m. Hj i Mount Joy, Pa. Lester P. Eshelman, Supt. Elk’s View Isl Mrs. James Drohan to Wild- 3 BORDEN’'S ROYAL SPECIAL ICE CREAM
sponsored by the “Youth Cc i ; Mt. Joy Mennonite Church yo ——— . : s View Island, Md. n ild-m 1 "
Sa . . » - 4 . - : + N. . on > os 1B | =
fout, i Fellows! ory eles E. Ulrich, Minister Mount Joy, Pa 10:30 am. Morning Wor- The Water Company just Wd, N. J. on Sunday. They vs GALLON 7%
iving* Fellowship , everyone we - Sunday ET . Pa. Trinity ' Lutheran Church ship,_service Le Worship COMPleted a new water line also visited the Arnolds and m HOME GROWN PLUMS & TOMATOES :
; - J: a.m. nday choo t Jovy. . ' p.m. venin orsnr : 5 Ww
sty clay 10:15 am. Worthip Ser- 9:00 am. Sunday School poy, Mougt op. pe ior Were gYore Pon Arnold Avenue, and King Graiches at Avalos. m POTATOES: 50 LB. $1.59: SECONDS 50 LB. 65c m
5) 7:30 pin. Christian En- vice, Sermon by Bruce C. 220 am. Worship Ser- gunday ’ 7:30 p.m. Midweek Pray fest, Coin Jensen B OSPEL IN Ys a NICE HOME GROWN CELERY a
ssing deavor. Souders, Director of Publici- YiC€- 9:30 am. Sunday School Service Ww housing devel- g NG ® =
suites 8:00 p.m. Prayer Mtg. ty, Lebanon Valley College. Wodnesday Bible Stud g 10:45 am. Morning Wor- We welcome you to all of opment on Kins St., OPPosite i THe Bh annual presenta- g MELONS 58: & 75c H
tand; re Wednesday : -m. Bible Study and ship. Sermon by the Rev.our services. merican Legion Home. tion of “The Gospel in Song” ® "
nd; — aescal ‘ Prayer Meeting. ; Mrs. Ray Fryb Miss will be giv = WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. =
lino- Trinity Evangelical Prayer Group planning to oe Raymond F. Wieder, Altoona re S. y ¥ryberger, 15s W1 e given Saturday even-m .
vivel Congregational Church attend the Mt. Gretna Bible Cross Roads Brethren In Penna. WENGER REUNION Jane Fryberger and Miss An- ing, Aug. 6th, at the Landis- g % MILE WEST OF FLORIN 2
desk Donegal & New Haven Sts. Conference. Christ Church Wednesday Thirty-eighth annual re 18 Aprigat visited Mr. and ville Camp Meeting Grove, jumusssNssNsssSs SEES EEEENI RENN ERENNEEENAY
TV Mount Jy, Pa. — S. Angle & Donegal Spri 7:30 pm. Church council union of all the Wenger fam- Mrs. Clair Cochran and Dick beginning at 7:30 p.m. mee = — :
Thi David R. Wolfe. Pastor Glossbrenner Evangelical 9 PTINGS 1 eeting in the Parish House. ilies, including families with Albright at Quarryville Sun- The event is sponsored by
hing ; Road dav
nah Earl M. Kaylor, Supt. S. S. Unified Srefaten Church Mount Joy. Penna Thursday related spellings, such as Mrs Mervin A Be Ras one Osteo-
= Sunday orin, Pa, B. E. Thuma, Pasto; 6:30 p.m. The Luther Lea- Winger, Wengert, etc., will : - Mervin Ar- pathic Guild.
ctric 9:15 am. Sunday School Rev. Charles Wolf, pastor Lloyd S. Myers nt gue will hold a corn andbe held at the Lititz Springs 2°ld; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ar- Willis Nolt is director.
“This will be the only ser- Sunday Sunday ? "doggie roast at the Parish Park, Lititz, on Saturday, Pold and children; Mr. and There will be quartets,
sets; vice in Trinity Church this 9:00 A. M. Family Worsh- 9:15 a.m. Sunday School House. Aug. 13, at 2 pm. Mrs. Glen Arnold and child- trios and solos as well as
, and Sunday. Members & friendsip and Bible Study - Holy Hour. Adult and Junior : ren and the Rev. and Mrs. congregational singing, led
' , are urged to attend the ses- Communion. Schools. Merle Arnold and children by Donald Climenson.
iI bel ! sions of the Herndon Camp Monday 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- PATRONIZE BULLETIN ADVERTISERS are vacationing,at.Avalon, N. Be
e i 6:30 A h J. th i
Meeting throughout the day. 6:30 p.m. Andrew Club ship. Message by the pastor. - this week. Bulletin advertisement pays.
03 Jake Your problems to Church this week = nitions teave #
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102 | Lily or Your Convenience
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Garber Oil Company PHONE OL 3-0701
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MOUNT JOY — RIN an iInas oO apers
; pen ul as THE CHURCH FOR ALL . .. .
rere Wren-you-are &ight yearsTold 1-13 not ll TT ALL FOR THE CHURCH and small items con-
OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TIL EIGHT difficult to transform yourself suddenly into The Chueh i be green factor o OPEN FRIDAY TIL EIGHT - CLOSED SATURDAY
= an Indian scout and to see a procession of rg Be caiavie) wa 1
CLOSED SATURDAY chiefs, with their brightly colored feathered Ml :™ fini Pyiih tere of veniently and safely.
nd headdresses, ga Ilo pi ng across the horizon ‘neither democracy nor, civilization, can
ON : ‘astride magnificent stallions, So. There ere ste bya reasons
NGa ; ; : Le why every person should glam services . : i
Children are fired with imagination, just regularly and suppor! the Church. They Simon P. Nissle —~Mar G Nissl
' as they. are filled with faith. The faith or 3 rr. 0) Fu HS y y SY
‘child is something SO simple and SO eauti u coneeaity. sod nation. (9 For the sake
581 that many an adult, viewing it, finds: himself B of the Church itself, which needs his Funeral Directors AT THE
\ : re « . . n
} ; s An crying a little, deep down inside, for his own moral and material support. Plan to go
mi Attend The Church Of Your Choice lost childhood andthe touching innocence that J '» church regularly and read your Bitte EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
was once his, & ro
ev ; ; a PHONE OL 3-9251
cs Yet before God,~all men are children; His
asi children, and Faith is there to ‘be accepted, M i : °
This Sunday 'if men will but take it as a gift. The Church Wednesday 1 John 2 98.20 ount 0 u €
has the answer, showing you how to live like Fuusiay" . Romans a uw tin
a man, while ‘still possessing the heart of a Saturday, Galatians, \3, 2529

9351 a1 .
child .#*. helping you to get the very most Attend The Church Of Your Choice
jou, of life. i you haven hen,
. lately «why. not go_this Sunday?’ '
The Mount Joy Bulletin ig
This Sunday

| I
The Mount Joy Bulletin