The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 23, 1960, Image 4

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PORK ROASTS Thursday, June 23


» ,
Turns Down Voters Don’t Valuation {2s ens hl ton ou hn ae. mow io. #4 fy rg
: g ayer 0
urns Lown oters Lon Farm Youth Lag Behind Urbanites rout look for a layer of Ea
» + ’
/ A third of this year's high vely fewer farm youth had ing the outside, suggests EE
. . Age Bar [ rust Power Fails 0 Give school seniors who live on ever attended college, ac- Catherine B. Love, Penn EE Churc]
fou can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably . farms have definite plans to cording to the survey find- State consumer economics IC. : —
3 : / pH attend college in 1960, com- A complete report of the extension specialist. Pork fat i |
Through the Ww Deparunent; of nO Ui . rue icture pared with about half of findings from the October indicates quality and is nity Lu
as . lurne umbs .. Gown, nions : 1 in. the high school seniors who survey is scheduled for pub- largely responsible for the wv WL
temporariy at least, on legis- Although the annual in- jive in cities. lication later in the year. flavor of the meat. Hay Lg
WwW A N T A D S lation prohibiting Govern- The replies of 6,500 con- ventory of federal govern- mic is one of the findings Ings. B 30 am.
ment contractors from dis- stituents of Rep. Budge (R- ment property shows a total of 5 special inquiry ‘conduct- Some light bulbs are bet- DOUBLE CORN YIELDS 45 a.m.
pr —— criminating in the hiring of Ida.) to a questionnaire re- of $264 billion, much of the ed last fall by the Bureau ter suited to one type of fix- Average yields in the last ‘
aE my persons because of age. veal strong distrust of mon- property is valued at its of the Census of the Depart- ture than others, states Erma five years in Pennsylvania is : ’ is servic
Great progress has been Opoly power by internalion- original purchase price, in ment of Commerce in cooper L. Langford, Penn State 55 bushels of shelled corn P if d for b
FOR SALE FOUND made in en age discrim al labor unions. some cases as long as a cen- ation with the Agricultural home furnishings extension per acre. ~ However, many ° ° e eri WEZN :
reve —— ination through voluntary To the question— Should tury out of date, according Marketing Service of the specialist. A silvered-bowl farmers with good manage- eee
A . a ing. Woe > 81 . 9 Jules 1 i Department of Agriculture. bulb is a good choice for an ment produce 100 bushels Sales Representative Trinit
oe Ble gg To FOUND: Black d wi methods, aseprding to Bail labor unions be stowed to 13 Rep. William 1. Dn The advance report, “Ed- indirect ceiling fixture. A per acre, reports Wayne Hin- ale. P se
; ice size. Natura VD: p whit : ‘ i i .(D.-111.), irman, A ’ . : ; : ctonsi
Ny an eg Pot spotted Dalton Sateen T. Klein, manpower special- use dues for political pur > He Sharman; Ouse ucational Status and School silver-coated half of the bulb ish, Penn State extension ag- pgal & |
picked by the quart. 20 cents June 18. Owner may have ist. Who represented the poses, either directly. or OmMmIte¢ on GoOVernmenl pj ns of Farm and Non- directs light upward and ronomist. Garber Motor Co. Mount
n quart. Bring containers. same by proving ownership. Labor Department. through so-called political Operations. ~~ farm Youth: October 1959" produces indirect lighting. avid R.
Vernon B. Nissley. Phone Call OL 3-6651. 25-1c “The effectiveness of vol- education organization? — The White House and its released today, is based on Benn SAW - KNIFE SERVICE 40th Year . . Ford-Me M. Kay
[0 5-3873. ha untary programs has been the replies showed: Yes, 9.3 18-acre choice site in the a study conducted in Oct- Six out of 10 students who Scissors - Shears sharpened ELIZABETHTOWN ay
Wy £254 Ma like pov: Semondrued in Se Rese percent; NO; 78.2 ferceny ener of Y aoinghos Sg ne i a Be a complete the 8th grade go in 203, EAST MAIN ST. PHONE EM 7-1181 RS am
So AE we WANTED TO BUY IZitucel py the DresientsNo answer, 155 perce. 'ventotied at $1000. The Hope fo obiein iniormation, on Hie olf cdutsic Trom tage Sade; MOUNT JOY, Pa. 10-tcli 11 Serv
222 Savage Rifle, with 4- se Committee on Employment mq, (he question—Do you Diamond (estimate ar rom + U. S. farm and nonfarm 2nd half of all high school Phone OL 3-6372 : :20 a.m.
power Weaverscope and sling of the Handicapped,” he p.jiave decisions as to which $200,000 to $2 million) is youth : graduates complete at least OSCAR R. BRENEMAN Sermo
i.ike new, $75. Brooks the WANTED: Two young crows said. : : . not included. Assets like the : . ‘, one year of college. . ple of F
Barber, Florin. 25-1c Call OL 3-8241. 25-1c t I id, oth fandidales and mantissa Wn Smithsonian Institution are , /A larger proportion of _ 00 p.m.
: : , In contrast, he said, other jo, (i) support should be 50 5 n farm youth of high school : Sermo:
Delux Tappan gas range, in TOBACCO PLANTS WANT- countries have used legisla- made at the local level — rated no value because of and college age (16-24) P U B I ruth?”
Ficclient condition. Modern. ED. Call John Beheirnat: tive means to compel the the replies were: Local 72.3 their patriotic or sentiment- {40 of a comparable urban L h” Holy (
ge or 9305. po Oss om: “IC hiring of fixed quotas of dis- percent; National, 8.8 per- al, rather than intrinsic, group had failed to finish
a. Hart, © 252¢ abled persons, ne have cent; No answers from the value. high school, and comparati- Sn, OF tues yo Chris
been as successful as the Uni- ind Sh
= : ko, : : remainder. n g
ps WT Otor aT REAL ESTATE te Sets a voluntary On Federal spending, © 1 * PERSONAL PROPERTY on
i ret S Jeend heavy majorits—78 percent J JQIIATION AUCUION € = 06.10 9:
For Sale: New $135 5 h.p. i hearing by a : 1: 0 9:
Clinton Chief outboard mo- FOR RENT: Four rooms and Ss Durjng oo Tg aol —said that the $290 billion Saturday, June 25, 1960 =i] e School
tor. Will sacrifice for $100. bath, with garage, on Done- S¢nhate Judiciary SHE national debt should be re- On. fhe premises located in the B h of Eliza: 00 p.m.
Also 5 hp. Elgin outboard gal Springs road, nicely tee on age discrimination Pp ses lo in ihe Borough o Junior (
motor, ‘57 model, good con- landscaped and decorated. legislation, witnesses cited a Ena Saturday, June 25, 1960 bethtown, at No. 971 Groff Avenue, close to Hershey dheim P
dition, $65. Call OL 3-9942 Call OL 3-6659. Immediate recent National Association At 12 30 o M Meat Market. prastay
in am. OLS3-7081 in eve- possession. - Manufacturers survey to The first American turn- . ; i . a
nings. 1 WANTED TO RENT —Want show the high quality of pike, known as Little River ON THE PREMISES OF A R. MUMMA, 404 0 LONTIAC S-Passenger Station Wagon with V.
Living room suite for sale. 6, 7 or 8 room house. Prefer _ 3 Turnpike was authorized in 3 he ’ rayer 1
oy blue chair, davenport & country but would rent Mon older erployess Virginia in Jee. Today, Bo WEST HIGH STREET, MANHEIM, PA. : 1958 Monterey 4-Door MERCURY 1959 Chev. Bel. V8 Sport Dh Sane
other chair wine. $40. Good town. Will give good refer- éricans travel on over ri : ‘ y ts Bind FelmAn tin idaraior OR Ar . . ay
condition. Call OL3-9393. ences. Call EM 17-5112 and To better inform tne pub-000 miles of highway. To Live Stock: Farming Equipment; Hay & Straw: Tools ft. Whezal Sisgric Stoce, prisutaine Rorrigeraion 35 i Sedan [00 p.m.
25-1c ask for Tom Greer. 25-2¢ pe x Je ony ent Jo a Cig ha and Hardware; Garden Tractors: Lawn Mowers; Ap- Automatic Washer and Dryer; dining room suite; large 1959 Chev. Imp. Sport n, Bible
Sales & Service FOR RENT: One-bedroom Pe deriv rom ownin, “the luxury and comior : : : i : oods extension table; living room suite; davenports; Barcaloun- Coupe ° :
terol Srv - Radio house trailer. Mores Joy vi- surance of all sorts, Insur-driving a new car, auto man- pliances of all sorts Stoves Refrigerators Dry G ger; Kimball Consolette Piano and Bench: Miller Reed oF ator. P. S. hiques Me
Lester E. Roberts & Son cinity. Write Box 88-B care ance companies last year in-ufacturers last year spent (Piece Goods and Materials); Canned Goods: Baked Organ; Philco HiFi Automatic Record Player; Webcor Mount
47 East Main Street of Mount Joy Bulletin. 24-2¢c vested $12,925,000 in mation-over $80 million in news- Goods: Misc. Articles of all kinds. Record DIRyon esr Revord Player, Webcor Tape Re- 1958 Shev. Bel. V-8 Sporfillicnno E.
;. Penna. eee 4] rspa advertising. dvertising. . ; corder; miral Radio an ecor ayer combination; an hday
Mount Joy, Pen FOR RENT. Four desirable 21 MeWspaper Ising paper adverusing . This sale is for the benefit of Black Rock Retreat As- Zenith floor model Short-Wave Radio: Zenith Portable 250 Motor, P. S. 15 a.m.
YPEWRITERS, aad. mach, rgoms for professional or MOUNT JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY sociation. Goods will be received any of three days prior Radio; bedroom suite; Child's Crib with mattress: two ie. Richar
tash reg., check inter-coms. commercial office. Fine con- MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA to sale. Your interest is appreciated. single maple * bunk beds; maple dresser, bed stands: 1958 Chev. B. W. 6 Cyl., 0:30 a.m.
wfes. files, off. gn new & dition. Heat bs hot water g SEWER REVENUE FUND Lunch on premises. springs, IRAtEsIes) rocking chairs; chair with ottoman: Station Wagon, P. G. b Service.
sed. At Roots Sale Tuesday. furnished. entral location. The undersigned Auditors, appointed by the Mount : : other chairs; lawn chairs; old Family Bible; blanket 3 3 Me To
‘Worth trip” ENGLE. 411 E. Phone OL 3-3601. Mt. Joy. Joy Borough Authority, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, have Henry E. Shreiner and Black Rock Retreat Asso. chests; clothe tree; Cuckoo Clock: kitchen clock: antique 1957 Buick Rivera Coupe pr Me
High St., E-town. 37-¢ 24-2c completed their report of audit of the Sewer Revenue J- Omar Landis, Aucts clocks; other clocks; cane-seated chairs; cupboards; old ery: Liean
gh } f
Ee = Fund Accounts of said Authority for the fiscal year ended 24-2c Clyde E. Keener, Sale Mgr. fashioned rockers; old fashioned bed; quilts: linens: coal 1956 Chev. Belair V-8 4-Dr hurch o
FOR RENT: Upstairs Apt., 3 April 30, 1960; and, in accordance with the provisions of : oil lamps; flat irons; braided rugs; hall carpets; two girl's . Power Glide . Joy an
large rooms and bath; heat the Municipal Authories Act of May, 1945, P. L. 382, as bicycles; bridge, table, floor and boudoir lamps; spot light; Elizabe!
HELP OFFERED and hot water furnished. Im- amended, have prepared the following concise financial Hoover Upright Sweeper: Hoover tank type Sweeper; 1356 Olds Super 88 Hid. Jevin H.
medinte Neeupatny, S90 go Stafeelt of the Sewer Revenue Sind of the Authority for Hammock with stand; end tables; TV trays; coffee table: Sedan day
month. nes & %, C., the fiscal year en pri 3 0. OF — suitcases; bookcases; pictures; picture frames; bench: :30 a.m.
High school girl wants house EM 7-1159. 24-tfc BALANCE SHEET Srl 30, 1860 ¥ ; child's lawn bench; fireplace basket; fireplace set; Fiesta 1955 Olds 98 Convertible ie Se
york or baby sitting, in Mt. ; Goblets and Sherbets; other dishes; cooking utensils; vas- Full Power, New Top ele
ye or Landisville area. Call Property, Plant and Equipment $1,353,853.93 Household Goods and Antiques es; electric toaster; electric sandwich grill; electric waffle B =
OL 3-4192. 24-2¢ ———_ CC g8h Fuhds 64,808.71 iron; Dormeyer French Fryer; electric corn popper; elect- 1955 Olds 98 Hid. Coupe leship In
: Al MISCELLANEQUS Investments - U. S._ Treasury Notes, at Cost 110,446.03 ric iron; electric steam iron: meat grinder and salad mak- Full Power :
Experienced woman will Uncollected Sewer Rents 5,763.77 Saturday June 25 1960 er combination; automatic electric cooker; Coleman Camp 1956 Ford Fairlane 4-Doo 0:30 a.m.
baby sit and do light house ==——=————=———————== Ageessments and Connecting Fees Receivable 21,313.34 ? 9 Stove; whatnots; baskets; waste baskets; trays: thermos v8 p; Sermon
work in your home. Cgll OL 12:30 P. M. jug; bathroom scales; kitchen scales; crocquet set: shuffle- : mility”’,
3-9843. 25-2c Small Appliance Repairs. TOTAL ASSETS 1,556,185.78

board set; quoits; carpenter
tools; garden tools; wheelbar-
Power Steering

rvice k
Way's Appliances. 48 West LIABILITIES Located in Florin on North Plum Street. Rear of .. oe 90" ; os Mico br
] 0 ; stepladders; 20” Eclipse Power Mower; hand mower 1955 Ch 3 i ZN - Rad
Main St., Ph. OL 3-3622. SewerRevenue Bonds - Series of 1956 1,020,000.00 i ; ihkler: Sh Sa : . Si Yer, ev. 3; ton Pickup
,020,000. ess Bros. Spraying. (Look for Sale Signs), lawn sprinkler; lawn sweeper; garden hose; aquarium: EE : m.
c ee = 26-tfc Accounts Payable 19,313.14 ® P ying g fruit jars; extension cords; two sleds; Christmas tree dec- bove e275 all clean - Good 0:30 hod
HELP WANTED Deferred Income 18,713.34 ABC ironer, good condition; G.E. refrigerator, electric orations and foam church; and a lot of articles too num- ~°Y* al. Confere
Net Equity of Authority in Sewer Project

1,058,026.48 drain sink, cabinets, utility cart, kitchen stools, toaster,
498,159.30 bedroom furniture, beds, springs, needlepoint vanity
= bench, dresser, wardrobe, chairs, rockers, radio, 3-way
1,556,185.78 table lamp, desk and other lamps, sweeper, child’s desk
AND DISBURSE- and chair, book shelf, picture frames, couch, pots, pans,
MENTS — FISCAL YEAR BEGUN MAY 1, 1959 new and used dishes, reed lawn furniture, other lawn and

We need several men full
time for about a month over
harvest time. Apply Wolge-

muth Bros., Inc, Florin. Estate of Samuel K. Nis- AND ENDED APRIL 30, 1960 orch chairs, garden tools and equipment, wheelbarrow,
25-tfc sley, decd, late of Mount cash Balances at May 1, 1959 S$ 76,994.82 Bet drums. z oe
— FO Joy Township, Penna. CASH RECEIPTS
Letters Antiques—400 day clock, two kerosene parlor lamps,

testamentary on ; ie "7
ye. said estate having been gran- Re ns ohnecting 381781 cherry drop leaf table, coffee grinder, cradle, old high
ted to the undersigned, all = pees Collected 19,664.32 chair which converts to child’s rocker, Hohner German
accordian, ironstone dishes. English china, carnival glass,
milk and brown glass, pitcher and bowl set, and many,
108.134.89 many items not listed.
persons indebted thereto are
requested to make immedi-
ate payment and those hav-
Non-Revenue Receipts

hot water heater, porcelain top table, other tables, double
erous to mention.
Sale to commence at 12:30 P. M., cars ip be sold at
2:30 P. M., when conditions
Walter Dupes, Auctioneer
Landis & Garman, Clerks
will be made known
Walter S. Martin
Cor. Main & New Haven Sts
Phone OL 3.4821
Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Community


the Deleg:

ing claims or demands a- ne ——— Terms by ® CLEANERS -
= Bom. witha Se Brn TAL CA nsaAlANCE. 15.18.71 Frank Bland > 2UTOMOBILE DEALERS 3 MOVING & HAULING
tlement to the undersigned, Plant Construction Costs "4,604.20 3 A sisiks - CLEANING - FRESSING i
Female MARY M. NISSLEY _ Plant and Administrative C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioncer 25-1¢ ELI AMENT TAILORING ED. KEENE
Florin, Pa. 25-3p Expenses 15,488.07 AUTHORIZED Rug and Fur Cleaning Moving & Hauling Hi
ge Other Disbursements 100,228.73 DE SOTO — PLYMOUTH | Storage - Laundry Service
elp ATI | IM U B i I C fay A i E Sales = Seroive EICHERLY'S Phone OL 3-8664 WEST M.
«Z You Can't TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS 120,321.00 Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks [Phone OL 3-4071 - We Call MOUNT JOY, PA.
Wanted! Yi Tau Br LIKE Cash Balances at April 30, 1060 AnD cont B0LT! OF VALUABLE PHGUNT Ov, pac a a
week $130 bi-weekly mini- AUDITORS =
mum salary, annual increase. Dated at Lancaster, Pa. ° CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH ELWOOD MARTIN KEENER GASOLINE
15 days vacation. June 1, 1960 25-1c Friday, June 24, 1960 Sales - Parts - Service |pENSUPREME PRODUCTS MEMORIALS "
15 days sick leave and MOUNT JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY 6:30 P. M. See the beautiful Chrysler | MLK & ICE CREAM GREASE
13 paid holidays each vear
On the premises located in the Borough of Eliza-

Apply at

Joy Borough Authority, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, have Spruce Street, known as No. 180 East High Street.

The undersigned Auditors, appointed by the Mount bethtown at the corner of East High and South MANHEIM
Ph. MO 5-2193

N.D. 2 Ph. Mt. Joy DL 3-8191

Phone Marietta HA 6-3531

completed their report of audit of the Water Revenue ® FARM MACHINERY .
8 Be . Fund Accounts of said Authority for the fiscal year ended Lot of land 37x140 ft., more or less, thereon erected a S. F. ULRICH, INC. ® PAINTING AND 5 FAIRVIE
State Hospital For i Bargain Week on April 30, 1960; and, in accordance with the provisions of 1 & HN : EAYLOR BROS PAPERHANGING
C : ] i Cl il Yaicsis fscciion 8 of the Municipal Authorities Act of May 2, 1945 2 L, Story Gs Authorized . _
rippied hidrer P. L. 382, as amended, have prepared the following con- = CASE FARM EQUIPMENT
i Real Estate



EM 7-1161 25-2¢ cise financial statements of the Water Revenue Fund for i 3 k H : ji Sales and Service
Iy MouNT JOF the Beal PALANCE SHEET ~ APRIL 30, 1960 ric ouse Dales 3 Sétvice Hardware Supplies & Paints| Interior - Exterior Painting
MODERN 2 BEDROOM ASSETS : jis) Body Work RHEEMS, PA. and Paperhanging .
Masonary, 1!2 baths, Beeovers Plant and Equipment $308,903.10 containing seven rooms and bath, laundry adjoining; and : Phone E-town EM 7-4221 FLORIN, PENNA. nion |
HELP WANTED Garage attached, com- MCash Funds and Investments © 56,606.69 second floor apartment containing three rooms and bath, 505 North Market Street PHONE OL 3-4520
I I pletely finished base- uw Uncollected Water Rents 4,291.50 outside stairways; Stoker fired furnace, hot water heat, E'town, Pa. Ph. EM 7-1175 MOU
Ma e or Fema e ! ment, beautifully land- i summer-winter hookup. Cellar under entire house. © INSURANCE
———r=—————o—— 0 scaped lot. $10,900 TOTAL ASSETS 369,801.29 THREE-CAR BRICK GARAGE
SUMMER JOB. College stu- NEAR MT. JOY LIABILITIES Immediate possession can be given. Arrangements to OP!

dents considered. Earn $100 ff STORY BRICK Water Revenue Bonds - Series of 1954 250,000.00 view property can be made by calling Elizabethtown EM- WILEY & RUTT AGENCY |e PLUMBING
a week full time or $50 a Oil he: os ’ Accounts Payable 4,827.19 pire 7-4888. Investments & Insurance
week part time in vour own il heat, Garage attach- Reserves 2,631.50 81 East Main St.
a : d Pocsocs: :
home town. Call for appoint- ed, Possession July 1,

in Range, Oil Heat, Cer-
amic bath, with vanity.

TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS & BALANCES 93,374.18 Blue Water Set; Rogers Silverware; benches; porch chairs:
CASH DISBURSEMENTS small extension
Also at same time and place the following per- o BLDG. CONTRACTOR

utensils: Victorian China set for 12; some antique dishes; Lumber - Kitchen Cabinets

Phone OL 3-2181


J. P. Glass, Manager


ment. Lancaster EX 3-8807. ! $10,500 TOTAL LIABILITIES 257,458.69 sonal property: wu
23-41 ® 2 BEDROOM FRAME HM Net Equity of Authority in Water Project 112,342.60 Frigidaire Refrigerator: Chambers Gas Stove; kitchen MOUNT JOY, PA. PLONBING Shag
rr om with Garage attached, oo cabinet; utility cabinets; kitchen stool; jelly cupboard; AARON G. LONGENECKEFR URN RS
WANTED: Part-time dish- ! Good location and nice- TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET EQUITY 369,801.29 high-top cupboard: dining room suite: china closet; buffet; Sales and Service
washer at Mount Joy Res- | ly landscaped . $8,500 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSE. extension table; drop-leaf table; end tables; library tables; BUILDING CONTRACTOR |® LOAN SERVICE 15 W. Main St. Ph. OL3-598}
taurant. Call OI 3-99+2 in 1 STORY, 3 BEDROOM MENTS — FISCAL YEAR BEGUN MAY 1, 1959 3-piece living room suite; Krakuer Bros. upright piano and
mornings, OL 3-7081 in eve- B Brick, oil heat, Large AND ENDED APRIL 30, 1960 stool; Victrola; Victrola cabinets; small radio; Bedroom MOUNT JOY R.D. 2
ning. 25-1 concrete Block Building [§ Cash Balances at May 1, 1959 31,957.97 suite; wardrobe; chest of drawers; washstand: three 9x12 Phone OL 3-6091 “Money When You Need It”
in rear $16,500 R i ot CASH RO So: 1 rugs; Focking chads: other chairs; clothe tree; og ahd ., ® TIRES Attend
NEW ONE §’ zg evenue Receipts 202.17 floor lamps: small stool; large and small mirrors; double - Fill : / = —_—
R— i Bese Ey STORY, 2 Non-Revenue Receipts 7,214.08 viihdow 21 veg fan: 12 yuauge Souble barrel hammer Millwork - Fill - Grading Ai LCA
garage attached. : ms mi . C. Smith Shotgun: Wizar Jashing Machine, like Topsoil - i a dan RAE SS Kelly Springfiel i
CARD OF THAR ern a ah Joa TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 60,416.21 new; clothe hamper; bedding; linens; dishes and cooking so Excavating | FBVES 23 inter Spumrc Fzohetiomr Fon Y in rie Tires

I wish to thank my friends Landscaped $17,500 Bissel Sweeper; large extension ladder:
and neighbors for their pray- ? te Plant Additions 16,092.63 ladder; hand lawn mower; garden hose; garden tools; elec- ® LAWN MOWER MAIN ST. Ph. OL 3-9351
ers, ecards and flowers during ' Plant and Administrative trie Schick Razor; canned fruit shelves; « baskets; books;
my recent stay in the hospit- JONES&ZINK i Expenses .» 22,388.80 and a lot of articles too numerdus to‘ niention. . SERVICE :
al. Paul E. Diffenderfer. a Other Disbursements 14,246.20 ‘Sale to commence at 6:30 P..M., real estate & BEAUTY SALON. a on
25-1¢ NC. - SE spin ’ ffered at 7:30 P, M., when conditions will be made know S TELEVI
i 2 1 Rh tg TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS 527927.63 py oo A FI] oon § Spown BULLER'S MM WOLGEMUTH [orem rie J
I —— 9 South Marke J : : E
i seh Pale : 3 Ee ° Authorized Briggs &
We Print Ever ing ELIZABETHTOWN = Balances at AD 08 NG AND COM 0,35 Anna S. Heisey Estate BEAUTY SALON Siration Service | Tne C. DAY
yi i PENNA, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS RUTH S. LONGENECKER, Administratrix ~~ [aude Buller, Prop. |poyer Mower Sales & Service io & 3V Service
But Dollar Bills EM 7-1159 AUDITORS
Jack B. Horner, Attorney
. Valter Dupes, Auctioneer
20-1c Landis & Garman, Clerks

pated at Lancaster, Pa.
Hm June 1, 1960 24-2¢


Call OLdfield 3-8851
Phone OL 3-8853 Mt. Joy
47 E. MAIN ST.,

PHONE OL 3-8021