The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 14, 1960, Image 6

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i , 14
anied by Lorraine Felty, and ectors were elected as fol- . . b | . The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday. January
a clarinet quartet composed lows: Robert Hurst, Melvin Farm Women L orin Lions 0 eet State Meeting ————————————————————
M rtu Rec rd f Miss Keener, Carol West, Weaver; Paul L. Stoner and The Society of Farm Wo- kh
0 ary 0 M rie I yerso’e and Linda Charles Ruhl men Ne : 8 Wl sneet os ing The Florin Lions Club pigeons. Of B.P.W. :
( The board of directors Jan 16, a Le Wy Bc Hoa was surprised Monday night It was announced that the : : Sy
I eeting was in char- will meet Monday night of Clinton Eby, north Barbar: at the Kountry Kitchen wh- Florin Lions have appropri- Mrs. Helen R. Warwick, of
EVA E. GLATTACKER Street rs, L :
: ge of rice. Bailey, Cham next week at the Bulletin SU is Helen Musser and ©re¢ they met for their first ated money to buy uniforms Springfield, Pa ', president of
Mrs. Eva E. Glattacker, 74, Office to reorganize for the Miss or Esp en d s will meeting of the new year, and equipment to enter the the Pennsylvania Federation
widow of George Glattacker, dir- new year Miss -Evelyn Esp nS ave y eg Bresante ne Florin Midget - Midget base of Business and Professiona
y ive demonstration on John Hess presented one
Elizabeth St., Maytown, died g low To Make J Picture of his own fi'ms with an en- ball team into the league Women's Clubs, has announc-
Friday, dan. 3, in Si. Jos P ey Loa." Pe lightening talk on weed and this year. This is the second ed the Mid-Winter State
eph’s Hospital where she iS A Mh ion. als + insect Killing chemicals, He year that the Lions have sp Board meeting of the Penn
pe a patient since Dec ortmen’ S ssociation An auction also will be neck, i ing * « ical De re ti a a oon iil oo
been a patient held ferred to last November, = ‘a 3 i we
Born in Lancaster County : m————— when the nation had the big 12 team managec 'Y held on Saturday, Jan. ,
a daughter of the late Her nry t fl New Officers scare on cranberries. Hess Albert Forry. . the Hotel Penn-Harris, Har- SUPER MA kal A]
and Harriet Ufger rose Vv, In S a S J Hold stated that at the present, Jay Snyder, president, Was risburg. { Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest Li
she was a member of Ameri. _ del to “e aycees government regulations pro- in charge of the meeting. Plans: will also bse. orth Wo
can Legion Auxiliary 809 Elwood iY 1 was instal- included ree n ov les, (20 * hibit the use of certain che- ee Pn ; ans Ste ed po
Mavioww and Maytown *° e 1 ol the ve Fishi Henting: YF Canadian Jan. Meeting micals for spraying of alfal- COIN CARDS Pe Te hve a
y J ) in ASS0cCis shi an ‘rlorids . 4 al Aa "an "ar 8 ’. 1 wl 4 on, $ p < PO
Fire Co. Auxiliary ary e300 bon Life ne ne ladies of the au- Mount Joy Junior Chamb- fa fields, unless new horow Coin cards distributed re- ;, Harrisburg on May 19th LANCASTER BRAND old
Surviving are a daughter , Bt Jaruars: 1: xl rv served refreshments er of Commerce held its ed Sherleals Agi Ye eases cently by the Florin Fire Oa Mab 20nd end the out.
3 ip ¢ n , nt Ja ry 31a) ar} § ) § S fy y ~+ this spring. 1e av olds Nou pe tr : " . : iE ava) d, “
Rache!, wife of Allen K. bh Others in- fol'owing the business meet- January meeting Tuesday —_ oP burdened with we. company will be collected «iy hoon Honoring Women y Mair
Flowers Maytown; two sons, i the same time ing. night at the Friendship Fire ds and pests, he said starting Saturday, January ;," Government” which will ent
George. Maytown and Frank, .. “o/ o pperl, 1st vice a company hall. an pen = 16th, take place in Harrisburg on 1935
Mount Jovy: seven grandchil id nie: MM Ix For 2 Yih The local group will -par I as gnnosneed ot ie Those who will oe High April 2nd. The Mount Joy 93:
dren, four great-grandchild- __ ct is icipa in the Pennsylvania meetin al , January ing the co'lection include: : # o - s
ren and a brother, B, Wil- ._ : Shi Koser, Donegal Girls ag Bia of Commerce 25th the Florin Lions Club Brady Hess, Eugene Leb- BPW. club will Ue in charge Yo
Niam Brosev. Lancaster eeoremng secreiar b Ro D je art Or oTe “Community De- Will hold its annual Father, or James Weaver, and Ja- of the music an reserva- (WHOLE) (HALF LEGS) HOY
a) ri . } : ye i dale Doh 4" enter. SON and Daughter night. Al- nes Kirkpatrick. They will tions. and
Tr neral Fires wen Ne bi » * fs, financial secretary; Hor. WW in $30 Award yelopment chest , ‘enter so, the Lions will entertain p, wearing badges of the — B ane
fcay a rnof rom ine sea Wertz, assistant; Ken : , ing Moun oy. ‘ub Pack 63 and all of the : irr anv . . . iu
Hawthorne Funeral Home In Niggley treasurer; Dewey AT ak aris Beginning next month, ing For ang i Florin I re Sompany. ‘Mark Twain was familiar Jone
Bainbridee and burial _ was Hornafius. assistant Marsh- Ry at r be Homemzking the organization will launch meeting. William Zilka, bio- : : SE with Bewspapers from child-| B GC LB 0 oUF
made in the Maytown Union all Dussinger. executive offi- Loordinalo rt of? money-making project and logist and lecturer, will pre- When in need of printing, hodd and never lost the . oe
cemetery cer; Dick Kepple. assistant: Fdueation, Devarimen dnes- Will sell balls of twine. sent a live specimen talk on remember The Bulletin. journalistic touch. an
en Don Fraelich, pistol instruct Public Instruction, ones: The 600-00t DAVIS OF IWANC: ee rr rts
™ or: CGera'd Grove and Gene dav. January 13 that the J «34i1.0.Ball,” will be Or
Leber, directors: and Bill Future Homemakers of Am- so'd for $1. shot
Engagements Mil'er, rifle instructor. erica of Donexal high school, 8180 3° to tl
Committees for the year Placed seventh in the home- ing, to be held Tuesday, Feb. | ou er am Ib el nati
FRY — FRYE were named asf lows by BE Semongitation oon 9. there will be nomination § boas
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frye, of the president: ouse com. lest a ? , =I for new officers. man)
Marietta R1 announce the ~radv Hess. chairman Mah- Harrisburg. Pols Disciis car At the same : meeting a Hass!
engacement of their d-ugh- '0n Fore mman. William Fac ried 3 Drive of A he ® delegation of Columbia, Jay- » er o
ter. Marv Louise Frve to <'e™ Eneane 1 Der Horace yards Were By i ana cees is schedu'ed to appear b Lamb ho S Ib e| do
Engene Frv. con of Mr. and tin Newav Ge C. dg me On prizes MIDS sion for a “Roll The Barrel” pro- were
Mrs. Frank Fry, Elizabeth- Prondis Brose: ame on Wi keen amane ! @ Jar A gram. The visit is part of a Fran!
town R2. Pn Be ran, a : Joams a arions Jens OF state-wide program to foster eratic
Miss Frve attended Done i iri Bob Nigel a i ES ay Ta, oF .- inter-club meetings The vis- teuh
Ee! igh nd or 8 William Miler Hiram Mau iby or { itors bring No them a bar- | { THICK &h
ance attende izabethtown __ Nes Yo8 mges rel which has en previous- 5 | b
: rer. Willia Fark : Mem- — x
Area high school al h Wil Co 2 Loe Wor The demonstration entitled ly given them by another | ~ CHEVROLET -~ FORDS ~~ inter
e— and Worace Wart: Foraet Picture Party Loaf’ was Javree chapter. tory.
CRAUL — GFIB and Sireams Com. Robert Dlanned Ist summer bv Hel- ~ Columbia will bring it|| 1957 Chev. Bel V-8 4-dr. tions
Mr. and Mrs. Paul § Geib. Trev chairman Steve Sun- en Musser, Fve'yn Esben- here and on Thursday. Feb. }| F d 1/ PU stimu
Chnenlate avenue. Florin, an- nerl. William Mil'ar. Martin shade. FHA girls. and their 11. the Mount Joy c'ubmen | R.& H. P.C.. 1955 or >-ton do ey
nonce the engagement of YWeiscy. and Panl Richard homemaking teacher. Mrs. will take it to Millersville. | ire I
their danohter Doris J. to Tonee: Shnanting Mateh Cam Margaret Brown. Thev dem- { | of pit
James C. Cranl, ean of Mr. William Fackler chairman. onstrated a fancy sandwich | M n 4-dr | LB PKG :
0 Mrs Paward J Craul, Dwle Witte Poul Fikes made by using a oat of TV — Radio — HiFi || 1959 Chev *-ton FS PUNew 1953 Mercury Mont. | Lit
12 Pine Street Mount Tov. "Qteve Sunnerl. Richard Ken bread sliced lengthwise in ol d
Miss Geib attended Done- "'e¢. Herbert Warring Jam- three slices filled with ham. Hl €0rg
gal high schon! and ic ol os Heckenharry Jr. Franeic chicken, egg and olive fill- Record Players 1955 Pl Belv 4-Door R&H (yl daugk
plaved at Gerberich-Payne 2"°%°Y. M- Frroman nes. It was frosted with v y ib Georg
Shae Co. ign v and Effie Boron Bui Airir cream cheese and garnished | 1953 Chev 210 2. dr. Ip MORRELL'S of tir
Her fionce. a graduate of °° nhert Frey. Rieve wuyn water cress, ripe olives . > IN ang: t
Doneoal hich schoo!. is ser. . °P°Th Lloyd Mvere John 04 carrot curls. 1952 Pontiac Very Clean | the tk
ving in the 17 gq Na Sg ~~ * Wawiivy Haicav: bo 5 | SN
: TE avy. S'a- pApsherv nm. Rah Nigelav / df | somec
licned a New Lorsdon Can. Fraelj a 1951 Chev Ve ton PU Fes ausa e
3 2) d hairmar Don Fraelich a- HONORE A / . !
ne-ticut. : ] Witrl es Harald Millioan Char’ P T DINNER : CLEAN 1949 Willys %-ton Stake | a
No date has been set for oh Ken Nicslev and Ger- ar'es Brooks, local in. ?
the wedding ad Greve. Jr. Tran Com. Surance agent, was honored |
a oo oer WW he Ahir ha at a dinner meeting of the X | pI
& Chamber Farnafius. Ponald Fh- RN ate ig NE VY COMER MOTORS, ne. LB C She
(From page 1) Es 40 De i ry - a na Lincoln hote! in Re hi He PHILCO CORNER MAIN & NEW HAVEN STS. MOUNT JOY watch
ple spend ss great 2 ner alls, ae OE eC wis given a Seth Thomas | SALES and SERVICE PHONE OL 3-4821- ‘ “Bulle
: Ir nin ber. Chas. Leed: Wavs and Means 8 aan lomas
cent of their earninrmg for Crrn Fugene Lehoer chair clock, ¢ ngraved, and a mono- - v ———— TE a ys
Services (whirh includes roe man. PR ot rd K+ id 1 Be 4d 8rammed rate book for top ’ li - hr ro‘ We
Reation. entertainment and 5 1 ry Wooies Finer Con. volume year-end sales some
host of other non.cscont ove ’ $ ' : > in a
HEmsY ae do pero ore § nd Llovd Mv. 48 W. Main St. GOLDEN BROWN weeke
ie le in rR iol Te MOUNT JOY, PA. :
BR AUtomation. he decey OSH Francis Bro JOHNSON Phene OL 33622 FRIED H A DDOCK Ib & ¢ [ ome
butomation. he depres , bo ’ : anca
will not breduce ove | 35 1.7: Re ; I matior
ment On the other hand. , 3: hr 4 : Sok.
EI a ricnrd Keonel BIJ SERVICE Bargains Througnont diel anne Store are 8.
thont a 0b will nrahshlv ha > ey Nr er a 3
il : J brad Her : 1b € | ber i
BELL ee oa inh FRIED PERCH 59:
} + T I Pe ns;
SER eh Buses. for Sis §93) DRESSES |o- C He
bi Nr to cervice the 5 1 1 } = i 5
kind nf machine which fi Gr HH. Grove ALL OCCASIONS 50% dio ouses : a 1
put him ont nf wre riz = = - $ : 9 3 | Yerue to $1.98 Ib
v On the agrie: tural bic Kos- FLORIN, PA. MENS gern
e ees nn nartienlar eo} 2
in ’60. The farmers are Ean 3PeY. = S ort Shirts 5 Special rack lues Values | WOMEN’S JUST HEAT and SERVE Me
pat wt sr ron ATSIC 22 2 Bone OL 3-9221 p AE | 63 |
lower prices. higher prices a! 33 8h has Ix Loen ig i o Values to $3.95 to $10 95 $8.95 $12.95 Blouses
for their needs and govern Vero Mmdeblednoss EE Values to $2.95 TASTY
gm the assoc Y >) 7 ’ | ues to 2
ent aid. Program for the evening 24-HOUR MEN'S Eo sCoatsReduced | ; |
The saving factor he aid B é 9 . | N
is that there are hecomine a oh ) rr el er SERVICE! Sport Shirts CAR COATS - DRESS COATS 99 Y f Se
AAALAC DON'T THROW AWAY : Value to $5.00 $ 15 g 395 Skirts
the ilable nrn ; ry De
a smal'er number of Amo SLEIESE ead Sales Representative We get there fast if you have to | Val ues to $5.95 Murph
13 CIEL ER CER CRU | MES-DOLLARS CARD burner trouble. Dress Pants | gard}
in aoerioate—manaee. For ENNIS SEINE NILE Garber Motor Co. Values to $39.50 | WoneN's | =m 1
me arome larger. he adde- TY 01073 4 ° OFF ¢
Dr Grev was introduced - SEND Ls ? : i0th Year oi Ford-Mercury ar 0 . : Mr.
bv Robert E. Sherk. secre- ELIZABETHTOWN er 0. { Children’ Ss Coats Slacks | Ib Funk,
farv of the Ch: ; 105 Fairview Street regular price | 10 to 20 parent
Commerce VICE PHONE EM 7-1181 OUNT JOY Sunda
Durine the ever ~. TREE SER 10- tfc MOUNT J Men's Jackets | umbia
aooal Wich A, Phone oL 3-2021 | GIRLS’
oun nf Donega og B B IBACH - ip . |
students 1mder the dirertinn ° eo REAVER e— m— | ;] = : MARR
Morrell Shield sniert: Phong MO $4516 44 ag | ___ Values to 51995 Corduroy JUICY FLORIDA in
ed Ph: 14 Keener pl ed a ’ 1 69
FRIES 7 NEW YEAR'S SALE Ciderell Dress Owes 189 ORANGES ~~ 2 = 49 |
Values to $12.95 3 to 14 Yo 0
ee | REDUCED i and S:
w AT ~~ . . " RED EMPEROR Tov
! Out Sh WOMEN'S y.
ow! xclusive LEY’S DRIVE-IN a © od 2-29:
5-Y WARRANTY : n ie
Values to $6.95 98 Juli;
5- Fo 1960 ' ' ’ C | | Sweaters 2 GOLDEN YELLOW XH
Td Onlewts 7-'58-'59 Model g
NORGE ‘ . odels ‘Women’ sShoesReduced ., ., long Stecves " e sow
Sor 69 a sors Sweet Potatoes ; Ei
~_ DRYER As low 2s $995 Shirts 99 99 A499 | on
Gp |
gm IT'S RUSTPROOF Value to $2.95 | Outing IDEAL RED BAND éN Co
| 700! ’ ' / d Beit) Values to $7.95 04 At t
54 - 5 5 - 5 6 Mo els BOYS 598 | } Gowns PEAS 7 oz. ec Lanes
2 o
As low 2s $395 Pants Children’s Shoes | a
0g 99 99, | i 10 IDEAL TOMATO fo coe
’ ' ’ 4 PAIRS 00 es, SOUP oh © partici
2.92 MM ed sin
51 52 - 5 3 Models Work Hose Values to $6.95 san 8 Donce
"FAMOUS NORGE 4-WAY ORY As low 28 $195 BOY : Mop’ s & Boys’ Shoes hn 2 Women's | fer, so
——— (1) Tumble drying with heat y | Madris
——— and ir (2) Tumble drying Suit Jacket S | Thi i
with air (3) Heo nd ai
si ihe So 80 CARS TO SELECT FROM 5% 99 69 Nien cl s Market Will Be -
or PLUS EXCLUSIVE > 0 % OFF | Bulle
Modal Also NORGE { physi
LE gon NISSLEY MOTOR CO. Values to $1195 | Fesch
LOADING M ’ S | vice |
‘ymouth - Chrysler - Rambler Sales & Service en's weaters anab}
ROY S. LEHMAN ToLl Wily fied M t J oy Dept. Store |EverySaturdayNite |
Elecirical Contractor & Appliances OPEN 9:00 TO 9:00 Open Friday to 9 P. M. Saturday to 6 P. M. | TILL 9:00 P. M. DR.