The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 14, 1960, Image 5

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Lancasiet, h h 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. 6:30 p. i s G 1 Te charg "
urc ews Studies in Isaiah”. will meet at Jou; Jigters OE mr etnies aenool lenge Sampulgh Prayer ANNUAL MEETING
Monies mee | : 10: m. Chur £ . Meeting for Women wil 1 be .
JON News Periaining To All _ 7:00 p.m. Community Waa : : S00 pan, Meeting for Dis: held In she Ciirch of God. The Annual Corporation The Belen {guvary Ha
The Churches In Mt. Joy Leadership Training school. 30 p.m. Prayer Meeting I T a the Princeton $00 p.m. Hour of Power Meeung of Lutheran Betvice — mz
FERS! 730 pm. County YF at eros Bn wg” Gospel Team in the Mi. Joy It you have never been to, will be held January 25, at ———
od Wednesday Cros Rosds Brethren In 7:00 p nt. Combined Mest or have gotten out of the St. John's Lutheran Church
; Manheim EUB Church. hrist Church on : ymbined Meet- p ‘actice of coming to this Wes 8 I Sts. i
rom Ohio. Buren of ig 1:30 pm. Ladies Union Florin, Pa. ing 0} esting Fellow- hour—why not plan to start Yee, feng 0 hon ii Presbyterian
TRANS: mov, Dori 3. Conick, Bl Jevice in Clureh of H, L. Brubaker, Pastor Monday oo De rg pm, the program will _in - Home News
chor , : Lloyd S. rs 00 9: Igy le a i .
ear Roch- L Pastor 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Sura 5 Myers, Suni. 0 - 9:15 pm. Mount Joy 7.00 p.m. Junior Choir. clude & presentation of ve
our sales punday : Thursday . 9:15 am: Sunday School the EUB School will meetin 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir cent program developments M i
10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- 7:30 p.m. Dorcas Society Hour. Adults and Juniors Wodnes b Croreh practice. En Jitife Pav, ye aon. y. visited the Home =
first calf 7:30 nm. ‘Even Wor at the Parsonage. 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour 8:00 p.m Hour of Powe n don Sf he joo] bugger an Wednesday. ni po 2
| ol p.m. ning ors Pooanpe Memoze by te Donor, "ww a. Ja pS Tlisind Church of the Brethren 2 significant message on ser- ednesday evening.
va. Breed: iD dey Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Wednesday on “Christ's Teachings Cor. Mt. oy gud Cedar Streets Yi oi the aging. Mrs. 3 hiss Emedl Hilton, Mrs.
o 7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Pray ount Joy, Pa. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Pray- cerning demons’. __ Elizabethtown, Pa. ut rigg Horting, Secre- - Bom Flahany, fis. Gey
30, nin, Mie ay Sunday or Tt 3 9:00 Pre Christian Educa- Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor lary of the Department of ge Haysrslics and Mrs. Ka-
:00 am. Sunday School tion Committee will meet in Sunday ublic Welfare, will speak Ps gner ot Rik
ASSN. | cni ae 10:00 am. Worship Ser- the. mane. 9:30 am. Church School, and introduce i a ee
PENNA Chiguos Melnoviss gn vice. p Ser Breton In Corie Church Chursday Extended sessions “for boys speaker of ig a "Mr. Gress on Friday ph
3 Sune: hits 7.30 p.m. Young People’s B. E. Thums: 7:30 p.m. Deacons meeting {7 girls; adult study theme Elias Coh issioner Mrs. Robert Jod
Menno E. Good, Minister 0 g People’s . 'Thuma, Pastor in the Educational Building, ihe Gospel Versus Legal- Ph omisione stiana visited her au-
———— ¢Sunday Meng Sunday n the Educational Building. Sorry ospel Versus Legal- of the Office for the Aging, of Christiana visited her au-
9:00 a.m. Sunday School. oon: ci Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- of the Department. ir eg ne
Mr. Richard Kline, Supt : p.m. Bible Study and offman, Supt. mmm —— ship; sermon, “Having Tt on. Seliigey sitemoen
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor- Craver Meeting. 10:15 a.m. Morning_Wor- West Green Tree Right Enemies”, by Pastor Sunday vid
hi : . Thursda ship. Sermon by the Pastor. Church of the B Zuch 5 Be Y ica 2st i On i
Span p.m. Fell hip I 7:30 on Gospel Ci 7:00 p.m. Christ's Crusad Abram N Est feta WEZN Radio). Rroageast on Revival i DT iin
: .m. Fellowsni 10U : mn. eer ; : . kshelman LLIN-hadlo). i i i ti isited
JPER 7:30 p.m. vont s Serv. Band at home of Mrs. Elam oem and Evening ° Moderator 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Revival services now in The Rev. Richard Bennett of London, England, will Mies > Balmer: ents
TY ice: American Bible Society Bomberger. Wed 2 Sunday Sacred Concert and Song progress in the Old Church lead the Christian Challenge Campaign, which Will be as teary rege
: Film. —— eants ay fav : 8:45 a.m. Sunday School - Service led by the ae of the Brethren of Florin held in Mount Joy from Sunday, February 28, through Mrs. Charles Nissley and
l 6 Tuesday Ch and Th ed Meeting Rheems and Green Tree Choir, Nevin W. Fisher, Di- will be continued nightly Sunday, March 13th. Services, to which everyone ap Penny called on Miss Mary
i) 0 7:30 pm, Evangelism Ral yee of ue Brefjumn 8 olugy Srp oi Moning Wor- Toston, and Mrs. Edward Spa Sunjey SYeying: Jan, Py Oh Te held in five local churches — the igs
y St. Paul's Church , Lan- . Trinity Evangelical at Green Tree. riil, Organist. , with Rev. Joseph Hoff- Methodist church, the Evangelical Congregation- TT Mary McCracken and
¥ ww ; : , i . ? . i 7: g Tnite > g 7 iei
SS eo. Teen Prayer Rev. Howard Bernhard Donegal & New Haven Sts. St. Luke's Episcopal Church To SHOW FILM ngelis . church. Originally, Rev. Borne i United Erefhren Fawn, Gov ie visited
; Moderator Mount Joy, Pa Mount Joy, Pa. 1 An added feture 30 his ery pl an THOR WES 3 Town Sh Con en amy pi
Gro pm. WSC.S. Africa Heber Shelly, Supt David R. Wolte, Pastor Rev. Emmert M. Moyer ti THT “second. setion Of SrOVN AS Shetis asic I Et ee Floren? mvadiiel
: .m. WS.CS. 2 S ’ . © . . t M. irilling sound film which and singing each nigh tHe : the Providence Barrington Bible coile Mr. Ned \urz
Thursday Sunday Abner Gish, S. S. Supt Rector faithfuily each night. After working with the extension de t ee A a
| . . . iv rout the ‘origins The public § rdteTiv in. e extension department of the col- Mr. W. R
7:3) - 8:00 pm. Youth 8:50 a.m. Bible Sct Sunday Sunday : : gins s cordially in- lege he returned to England, where he has » W. B. Aurend, Lanes
hoir hy A, 2 School. : :15. ann av © 0a) . and development of the Bib- vited to attend each of the- ful ministry /i TE bas Bad a Success- ter, visited Mrs. Ruth E
7:30 - 9:00 pm. Senior 10:00 a Worship Service 16:30 rig Sontay Soo ale a.m. Holy Commun- le, entitled, “Our Bible -5€ services. Binisiy Ind 8 Wigs siTarionee n durch Nos Mr. and Mrs Preston
hoir. :30 p.m. Worship Service. ghjp, sermon theme. ‘Let's : How It Came To Us,” will B Ramsay, Devon, Pa, visit-
9.30 Ch THE FOUR
genes : ” .30 a.m. Church School, be shown in Chi N Tongs gq Mes. RB
51 Be Consistent family service € ; iques Metho- ySHERS LEAGUE “The Four T " Mrs. Retta Ramsay and
' ewiown E. U. B. Church ossbrenner Evangelical 6:00 p.m. Christian Endea 11:00 dist: church Sunday, Jan. 17, \ Singer’ Gen, ir
irst floor, Newtown, Pa. United Brethren Church vor Service ¥ oa ud Bm Soly Commun- at 7:30 p.m. it is announced The Ushers League of the quartet from Singer's Glen, & WN Mr. and Mrs. EB. M. Cregg
inder €3 | Rev. HL. Geyer DD, PaSOr pe, Cputos” Wath, pastor Mission Bana. Thankofterig 0 ave by Rev. Menno E. Good. held its January meeting or eS a eh
) | Sunday , Ss 0 Tics ag ring ‘i Y, 4 ; S 7 meetin Iriya 1 ary ’
d storm 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Sunday gol NT 3 fd p.m. Meeting of St. Bi rear oe gl Moncay at the home of Fr. music at St. Mark's E. U. B. 3. Norman Srovey The Rev. Fred W. Lanan,
Ges 4 10:00 am. Morning Wor 30 a.m. Sunday School with Large Faith” Mary's Guild. been Ruiled zs. the most ap. nk Musser, Landisville. church on Sunday evening, . Mr. and Mrs. Norman S Strasburg, and Mr. W. T.
sy Phone ; for all ages. | Monday : thentic film document ever ourtgen fnembers and one February 7, at 7:30 o'clock. Broscy and family = were Burkins, Lampeter, vighetl
Wednesday v 10:30 am. Divine Worship = 7:00 p.m. Leadership Train First Presbyterian Church made on the history of the guest attended. The’ quartet consists of Sunday dinner ‘Eveth Sok Mrs. Bertha Weaver. :
f person- 7:30 p.m. Christian Endeav- Ss p.m. Evening Bible jing School, St. Mark's EUB. Mount Joy, Pa. Bible. Years of diligent plan- Rev. Donald M. C(ohick, Jack’ Derflinger, first tenor; and Mrs pn Bg w Or SRI GY es. ny
: or. udy. 6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts. Richard A. T ning, resea n- pastor of the Moun: Joy Leonard Hollar, second ten- Columbia. Tm Lueas of Stauffer and Mds. Paul Don
: : Monday p odd, Pastor g, research and scholastic Church of God j Unbie: i isi
rigerator: 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. 7:00 p.m Leadership Ed Tuesday Saturday coliaboration went into the the +o of Spoke on or, Linden Marnman, bari. visitors of M 1d Mrs Bie of Caeser
ig ik cation School. p Edu- = 7:30 pm. Cristian Ser- 5:30 p.n. Westminster ios Torre Gr pe BY subject, Going For- tone; and Walker H. May, gow i er on og Mes Mrs. Florence Stauffer and
bedroom Trinity Lutheran Church Tuesday Nice, League. Pe flowsidy Super for the took his place before the Sag ————B Ie less Don Smith Joes Irene Snyder were. A: "on Sunday Mr. and Mr.
Bae ov. ue . ; 3 cou 2m. X 5 ers. ; : 7 'n Elizabe mn. ur :
matress; § Rev. > poster Workers 8 Meeting. Church of God. for Party, with games refresh- Dlayers 5 Guests in this area, having appear- zpbethigw; burg brought Mrs. Hilma
2 chairs; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Midweek Servi Christian Challenge Cam- ments and devotions by the Guests of Rev. and Mrs. ed i ’ i Visitors of Mr. snd Mrs. MecCorg ome after 2 SIX
3 ; ; am. 13 nk am. ervice Princeton Gospel T D : eer a n several churches inHarry Weaver were reeks’ i i
es; card 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- Thursday paign. D spe eam al SACRED CONCERT . M. Cohick at the Moun! Lancaster city and ty sry Weaver were Mr. sud Woeks' Canisius Ne
d buffet; ship. 6:30 p.m. Junior Choir 3:30 p.m. Brownies. onegal. The Senior Choir of ti Joy Church of God parson- They also are kn wn for jetts Ben Weaver of Mor 3 erat Wee
nat? | P30 pr. Luther Lesgue 7:30 pam. Senior Choir 7:00 p.m. Election and Sunday Elizabethtown. Ch of the poe recently were: their adi orks nown for jetta. John B. Spaulding, of Win-
ils; deep | Monday 7:30 p. m. Good Cheer Nomination Committee. ‘ fo am. Church school Brethren will b ren of Se Mr. and ‘Mrs. Bud Bosser- wHEG Io wars On Sellen Jotun of Mr 2 Mo ae fo Se. ade
| Ol. Liars church Class Meeting. 7:30 pam. Midweek Prayer for Di) ages Yara: 4 a ® eatured in man, Miss Doris Kellison, : Irvin Witmer and family we north of Chicago. She made
rs; Easy | men will meet in the Parish Friday Meeting. ’ ship’ Service Morning Wor. Service emg ile and Song Mr. David Miller, and Mr. 7 5 re Mr. and Mrs. John Kauff [ie trie here 70 bo}
il stove; House. 7:00 pm. Boy and Girl Thursday The Princeton Gospel evening at 7: oming Sunday Lee Kellison of Harmony. HAVE ASSEMBLY razn of Columbia RL. ab
chments; | Thursday Fellowship Hour. 7:30 p.m. Trinity Bible Team will be On pe sening at 7:30 pm. in the Bethel at Dillsburg. The General Motors show ° Mrs. JoJhn Mell Me. Join P, Cumore an
icles too 7:00 p.m. Catechetical class SN ee. « Class 4 i 3:00 ph Info oi Church located at Mount Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mes- “Previews of Progress” was Mt. Joy Rt = —~ Mrs. Fannie P. Browne vis:
will meet in the Parish Calvary Bible Church : sion for all young people at Joy and Cedar Streets, Eli-<inger, Mr. and Mrs. Earl shown in assembly to the sick list. is fll onthe jieq Mus. Jeanette fipeding
> offered House. New Haven & Henry Sts. ro the Mt. Joy church. zabethtown, Penna. Profes- Baker, Debbie Messinger, Junior and senior high scho- og Sy seni isi and Mrs. Elizabeth Hothes
n by. AE feo 7 Tons Sov, Pa, Donegal Presbyterian 200 pat. Combined West: sor Nevin W. Fisher will di-and Ralph Messinger Jr. of 01 8roups at Donegal Wed- il ay evening visitors of on Monday morning. ;
St. Mark's EU.B. Church i ng vert E. Mayer, pastor Church minster Fellowship Meeting rect the 40 voice choir, and the Hanover Church of God. nesday, Jan 13. A special > ii Be Norman Bro. Sirs. Ads Jacobs ong Ne
mpany Mount Joy, Pa. 7:30 p.m. Seni Ad Mount Joy R.D., Pa. at Donegal with the Prince- lead the congregational sing- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herr Safety assembly, a lecture Se = family were Mr. George E. Myers of Tox
C. E. Ulrich, Minister Class > ti enor ult Richard A. Todd, Pastor ton Team in charge of the M5: Mrs. Edward Crill, or-?nd Dale Herr of Mt. Ho'ly with a film, will be present. Sal Mts Foul Previor visited Boe W
Sauders Saturday = meeting at the home gatyrday meeting. ganist, will be featured inSPrings. Mrs. Lester Cohick ed for grades 10 to 12 Mon- “178% dey - sfernoan,
rag a.m. Pastors Srsto. of Mr. and Mrs. James Gar ve wm. Young People’s Tabet several organ. selections. of Carlisle Springs and Mr. day Jan. 18. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. On Tuesday afternoon rs
} sion Class ber, Florin. Pony, Si Games retro 700 9:15 pais Mount Joy B snd Mrs. Paul Ortman of B Robert Frank Sr. were Mrs. W. J. Maglauchlin and Mrs.
53-3¢ Today ohn. die SS Sunday tor Ratti] pecs and devotions by the Training School ia the EUB Onlv-witii Washington Bevo. There are two thousand Jan Morinchin, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Bupp and baby ‘Lutie’
10:15 a.m. Worshi Serv. 10:30 am. M ay School Princeton Gospel Team at Church. . Oy tife . permission They attended . the Dedi- magazine publishing firms in Russel Herr and daughter of visited Mrs. Agnes Magiag-
pal gin, orship Serv. a ‘Ham orning Wor- the Rducauional Building. _ i p.m. Session meeting SD Dae may an offer in cation Exercises held at the the United States with a to. Column Rt. and Mr. and hlin.
Y : a5 DY aston Taisie “Fao IO, cei Service Se rn, Mopniay. Worthie iz the yngnss i Coven see Church during the day. fal, voline of more than one Mes. Bebert [ans Jr. and Wi Be ee its
ion Class. uesday Service with the Princeton 1:30 p.m. Christi al- honor f z y i i 2a one halt pitlion - qellars i
; hristian Chal r from another country. Bulletin advertisement pays annually. SENEEERIINNENEERSEREINENESENRESIINNENERUNENE,
ini & g \ : : :
y y Ap 10 C ’ a 28 Tune In - - - x
si] our po WOLR — millions leave them ttre / : :
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PA. GASOLINE JE FUEL OIL 3 Ss : Simon P. Nissley- ary G. Nissley 2 tation L N 1390 on Your Dial x
p 4 : 0)! Hal~ Funeral Direclors = LANCASTER COUNTY METHODIST MEN 2
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® Borden's Royal Special Ice Cream 12 Gal. 79¢ :
Kitty's Dress Sho 5 J RB Hostette & S x Fresh Frozen Chickens 33¢ Ib =
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(Five chickens or more - 30c 1b.)
ys Loder : . : Hardware — G. E li = i
a andl Children's Wo : Appears Appliances u Stayman and Delicious Apples $1.00 bu. and up -
# bi... Hang SSG Fob. PE WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY. PA : Fresh Supply of 1960 Calendars 35¢ plus tax -
A. : =
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—— | Union National Mount Joy Bank C-W. Hew B |
TING MOUNT JOY — MAYTOWN Foul: Seles & Servis feyers Sundae Pak |
{ |
3 : {
Ee rr vu Rr Gulf Gas & Oil Products One quart Vanilla Ice Cream and 8 ounce |
CLOSED SATURDAY sy TN PHONE OL 3.0701 i bes Crome Sousa { Javon |
> The Church is the greatest factor on FEST Mali STnEeY MouNTiot.ra $1 00 |
——— earth for the building of character and : |
neg Jif £ America is a land of bells! i rg i ths sioiehouse of
res . ' vase . . Wedding bells, door bells, dinner bells, school b Church, neither dem yoo ite Very Cherr
Crider's Cities Service Station linn dding bells door bell, der be er tvctoun [ton cn sie Thre ar fou sou y Pie am a
from tyranny exists ? Y Whtre Rees reasons why ev should The Fi t N ti | B k & P |
. : ons why ever penn shoud at irs ational Ban arty Pak - 8 cuts to the quart .
3-9351 Car Washing — Lubrication — Waxing Régie eijmes Kevioke freséom 7 specel) 53 com: CE NE DC Taisife Leb : oe
o mentators broadcast the mews. Typewriter bells rin (2) For his children’s sake. (3) F 5 MOUNT JO RIN | Lebanon Selt
Valvoline Oil out reson of the pes, And church bells, Oh sake of his community and pation. jo¥ = FL | Bo Boyne a lb8%e
a ey be the musical chimes from a cathedral’s spi For the sake of the Church itself, which 3 i am
— i* or the ding dong from the steeple of a erg Lio needs his mors! and racer! Suppor OPEN Zagelers Bolled BA -ooviriene Ye. S5e |
MOUNT JOY STREET PHONE OL 3-9162 typify freedom of religion. Flas to ga a chute egolavly dng resd FRIDAY 711. SIGHT --CLOSED SATURDAY ‘s Hi am
ris Hen ops edly Hershey's Hickory Smoke. .d Hams lb. 69¢ |
_— hel ure es throughout the land are open to all. Inside 1 i his |
eir doors, we cast aside the fetters of worry that i Book Clsplet Verses i
ce shackle our hearts in this atomic age. We find Tent Psalms 6 12 Gelder Ripe Panangs ......... 2 Yos. 25¢ |
eo Li i 3 soviege to face the unknown future. Our faith, SPouam 3 4 |
y ope and trust in God, who says, “ ; , [Loring 3 HH, HEATIN UMB i
; ncoin Restaurant am: vith thee,” is renewed A in Rear aot; ior 3 ar s 10 2225 G & PL ING Open weckday nights until 10:00 P. M.
souls. 4 tke 12 69 Xatirdav. 7 . I
(BOWLING ALLEYS) » a, oats o 14 G. E. Oil & Gas Units Saturday night 10:30; Sunday hours 4- 6.30 P. M. |
T— Open tor Soaduy Disiners . et us accep the invitation of the bells to “Come erm |
nd worship,” and go to church regularly ? aglas Hot Water Heater |
Automatic Pinsetters B bak y
Copyright 1960, Keister Adv, Service, Strasburg, Va i
A East shams ov mous H. S. Meckley & Sons Iu €r § Urocery
N STREET PHONE OL 3-8981 Choc | te A
olate Ave. FLORIN, PA.

—— S—

Brome ra vm