The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 20, 1958, Image 1

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Donegal Hi Adopts | The Mount Yov SS
Ca =
=~ New Requirements
| Requirements for gradua- raphy and one in office prac-| fay, or Dy - a
[tion from Donegal High tice; in the general course, Tr Eman
{School were recommended three in English, three in so- i 0 0 dh
by the Education Committee cial studies, one in health SE Re 5. ond
[and adopted by the board at and physical education, one Sess hcl if 6
£ ‘ast Thursday's regular meet- in science, one in mathemat- I] REE 116 :

£ ‘ng. These requirements have ics and 4 electives; in the in- ik i>
hanged some from those dustrial arts course three ——
previously in force and re- credits are required for Eng-| wi a

his own building Monday, war the college prepara- education, one in science,
him. lcal education, two in science, agriculture course, three in| . Because the Bulletin's press :
®e oo o [two in mathematics and English, three in social sue On Display At Museum day next week falls on 0 ou nt oy ost ice
that all his keys were inside : : : ; : : m i .
keys were inside.|} 0" pysiness education [culture and two electives. Injos belonging to the latejic Mount Vesuvius in Italy Thus, advertisers, cOrres-5 gmall, insignificant notice/master Zerphey. es repainting the lettering on
Whe i : : T bya : : iat ec "SRY.
bi i Seunt Joy uginess fer to subjects taken in lish, three in socal studies, — "WE o mtsatz i? MT FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 24 MOUNT JOY, PA., THURS DAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1958 SEVEN CENTS PER COPY
: 02¢ imself out ofl grades 10, 11 and 12. [one in health and physical]
: | . .
morning? He stepped out the|tory course three credits in/one in mathematics, two in J [ ( [l { ) / | M R T by M .
ars front door for a minute and Inglish, three in social stud-|'ndustrial arts and two elect- oca 0 eC or S reasures Early Paper ajor epal rs oO Q a eo
- pulled the door closed after|'ts, one in health and physi- [ives and in the vocational
: : { i i ¢ age ‘es » i 8 and 7S- Thanksgiving, the paper will|
Then it was he res two in foreign language are|’es, one in health and phys | < ! .
e ealized) i 0d for graduation; in|'cal education, four in agri-| Minerals, fossils and curi-lother is ash from the volcan- be printed one day earlier. | What otherwise might be work may be had from Post-'which is to be white, includ~
: eo 0 {course three credits are need-|the agriculture course cred-'James Ncal, New Street, are and still another is molten'pondents and reporters wholy¢ interest only to builders! No exact date for comple-/the front of the building.
First he tried using a ham-{~d in English; three in so-|it for science and math are on display at North Museum, glass from Hiroshima, Ja- have material f 0 r nextihjs week comes as import tion has been set except spe-| Interior walls are to be

mer to break out the corner|~ial studies; one in health mart of agriculture. fon the Franklin and Mar-|pan. \week’s paper should makeyni good news to Mount Joy leifications given Postmaster'painted light green and the
of the front door glass but| nd physical education; one Additional material w a s|shall College campus, Lan-| Through correspondence arrangements to have their| As of now. Postmaster El-|Zerphey say that ‘“‘comple-wooden doors which are
it is heavy plate glass and in science; one In mathe- supplied to the board from caster Mr. Neal willed his with other collectors, he ex-|copy in the Bulletin office Mer L. Zer chev of the Yocalltion shan be 90 days after/painted will be a darker
that was not a good idea, al-|maticg; two in typing; one|the Department of Public In- collection to the museum. changed the items through-jone day earlier than usual. loffice re ting bids fot notification ‘0 builder “that green The postmaster’'s of-
though a couple of good|'n bookkeeping or stenog-|struction relative to the area] John Price, museum cura- out the years, and housed a number of De repairshe is successful bidder.” "fice is to be decorated in a
swings with a hammer did oo. technical school. An appoint-|tor, said “the collection is anjthem in specially built Wi a Be no t PN ar ig 4 " . aolcolor scheme to: be picked
some definite damage {ment was made for Mr. Ja-|excellent collection and is a shelves in a small building] | PR improvemenis %o | Bids are due December 9.¢€0 : :
amage. { ocCa post office building. Zerphey said this week after consultations.
jcoby, the state representa- credit to the museum’. ito the rear of his home. :
ld | tive, to meet with the board| The collection had been a|They range in size from pet- | Among the improvementsthat t h e work comes The new flag pole, to be
® oo 0 .
: ane JO B f | |
Then, he borrowed a hack| 0 ul [December 1, 1958 to further hobby for the local man fori rified wood tree stump ov Given listed are a new, ground/more than four years of let-located on the narrow front
saw and went to work to cut) {study the establshment of approximately ten years and minute-sized stones. | flag pole, which will replace|ter writing to various de-lawn about midway between
oft the front door handle, Radar Post | this school. [contains thousands of rocks, Mrs. Neal was presented] {the one now standing on thelpartments of the postal ser-jthe front steps and the cor-
Finally with some semi-skil-| | The board authorized the|minerals, fossils and curios./with a certificate from we Seal Sale l‘op, front of the building; vice concerning the presentner, is to have a two-foot
| Policy Committee to draw|He had each item marked as college museum which con- | the building. circular walk around the

led help and just plain] lexterior painting, interior/condition of
- .
- Y brawn, and destruction, the] np a set of regulations andlto its name and from where tains the wording “S. James; A number of women from painting, a new composition He noted that his original base.
3 / ; : p: ! an
door was finally opened. | : {rates for the renting of the 't came. They are from most Neal Memorial Collection of the Mount Joy area were a-roof, new front entrance letter was dated Sept. 27. Specifications call for a
oe © o | The United States Army auditorium. gymnasium and |of the states and from sev-|/Minerals, Fossils and Curi- mong the army of volunteers doors and driveway repairs.!1954. pole 35 feet above ground
Later in tre day a brand ¢ Engineers will build a|other school facilities at thejeral foreign countries. Onejos; A Gift to the Museum ho helped the Tuberculosis] Bid forms for doing the’ T h e exterior painting, and made of steel.
new door knob was installed.!radar air raid detection post h'gh school and the various|'s a vertabra of a buffalo/Coliection and expression of Society of Lancaster County
®e & lat Governor Dick mountain. ~lementary buildings. Any-|with an Indian arrow point gratitude for this mark of | srepare for its 52nd annual] —— IL . ‘ -
Another businessman who! The land at Governor Dick|”N¢ des'ring to rent any of embedded in the bone. An-| interest to the museum is Christmas Seal Sale now! . . .
: | : Q ing 3 n y Ene y » dd : ) |
watched the whole dramalnwned by the Donegal Union| these buildings should apply | a — Sign d by P. de W. Bolman, | | 4erway to continue thru Pi & Re aired - Odo r Remains
from a distance told friends!School Board, consists of 1,- n the bnilding principal of} Jr.,, college president; He- Deceriher. |
that night that he has a key|106.4 acres but the Army|'h7 bulding in question =—I\f LC WwW Post tic: ana LD Dume| The women filled the en-
“hidden out” just for such will take over only three 5 g'enation 0 IS. | BL . Jeadte ane of the De. [velopes which were mailed
Southern Pipeline Com-/cleaned, repaired and wrap-|is financing the drilling of a
pany officials .announced last ped with hot tar and felt. ow well on the Charles

' : Tessie Malmborg, girls’ phys-| curator
G ome 3 r a Ww : > > the 2S 4, ! ’ : re . ot. io; : po : : et a : :
ga But, he wend rofos ness i ey ¥ Doint fient education and health | . |partment of Minerology.” [tO 89000 residogis gor Be i the Company. Dad Te enize x Cuan BOW. Je Prank property tenanted by
" | yet teacher. yas ac & t Upo sntrance » mu- hess aces In ec ¢ ate » Tee -|said, is ‘like ne . Word was| o.
® © oo be constructed in the ne er ey a Begins ir hi id the te County. ing of 31, miles of its gaso-| started May 26 by order of Simon Se reap Joy
Old newspapers have a States under a new Fling was elected to complete the |lection is now on display on| Those from the Mount Joy/ine main in the Stauffer- the PUC. 5 lvide financial assistance to
{nassed recently by CONgress.|cnhnol ' vear. Carl Keefer included/town area. Officials met this] Although this work was| Herbert Brubaker for a
strange magnetism. James : N HH the right side of the firstjarea who assisted e ! hi : as |
Heilig brought in a copy of Twelve Army men will be wioh achool science teacher ew ome [hall to the left of the en- Mrs. Harvey Groff Jr., Mrs. week with the Public Utili-/ completed the residents said|T- well drilled on his
the Bulletin dated February|’ duty at the ‘post ai all| wag oranted a military leave] Work has begun on the trance. The buffalo bone and John H. Herr, Jr., Mrs. Katie lies Commission for an “on|the odor still persists and I yroperty last summer.
22, 1922, which he found -/times when it is completed. | of absence for the balanceleonstruction of a posthomej arrow point is housed in an-{Wissler, Mrs. Amos Newcom-| the site” final check of the 's still necessary to trans- A Tow trouble spot ‘Was
few days ago. The Gov. Dick radar post| af the school year, by the Mount Joy Veterans ther display in the museum. er, Mrs. Alvin J. Reist, Mus{VOE iis port or : buy water, Rohe reported Monday by Mr. and
Cll {will include protection for| The board received reim- [of Foreign Wars No. 5752 on Mr. Price said that he hopes/Christ Stoner, Mrs. Clarence] Wil jam C. Knight, South. Thome said the odor is still reps ved Haudabaugh ML.
News items of people stin| he cities of Baltimore, Phil-/“ursement from the state in|, site along the east end of ‘0 have more of the collect-lg Greider,; also Mrs. lern’s district superinte ndent, present and it is still neces- MIS. rod Ley ousome
: Td . 2" ladelphia and Washington, D/the amount of $187.228.89 | senecke : lion on display in the near|~, yd isville. |S2id final cost figures on the; sary for him to haul water| Aa welll E
in the community are inter- f ; : Longenecker Road. hat : : (Clarence Reist, Landisville. | 001 have not been compil-|for drinking and cooking as|contaminated and can no
esting but the most interest-| ; inf j*he first semi-annual install- | rhe proposed building was fun The museum is open| pg c Scout Troop 39, but that it will run into|he has been doing for near-| longer be used.
i A two-story, reinforced ment of regular reimburse- |staked Saturday and as soon|'? the public Tuesday and| ’ | S 3 | Stauffertown residents al-
ing thing is the dramaticjrgnerete buildin suring| «~~ We i oT ‘nos Tr |Joy, of which Harold Etselll{housands of dollars. He said|{ly two years. He called to
je 2 measurin ant Bills in the a t Of ne SETI a an Thursday evenings from 7] ’ : { > p : | ’ »
g g 3 mount of i35 the basement has been 2s > lis scoutmaster, assisted the the six-month project involv- attention the fact that South-|co wondered how the on-the-
emphasis on the way the ec-14x20 feet will i J €R 780 43 were prese : ato 9 and Saturday ¢ Sun-
{19x eet will be built by 80 43 were presented and willl '? and Saturday and Sun |Christmas Seal sale by plac-led renovating the 8-inch{4n had stalled a newt site inspection of three and
r he 3 4 Pond scooped, construction ) |
onomy has been pumped up February 1. The first portion|"nnroved for pavment. ‘be » day afternoons. : . : ] ? ee
| {pegin. ling posters and counter dis-steel main from Csiques'line bevond Stauffertown butjone half miles of recodition-
in 35 years. For instance —|of the proiect will incl Since. by law. each s 1 ; om
H. S. Newcomer was adver- an Cs road to ha hoard is rode > oh onal James Totes, qomptang B Si plays in business places gin Creek to a point 3'2 miles not in the village. led gasoline mains could be
tising a plain Ford touring This work is scheduled to be! first Mondav in December toon St the Jes Tos Count Meetin {the Mount Joy area. , {east of Sporting Hill. About Others said the situation inspected Whest hey hin four
car for $348. M. B. Hiestand completed by January 1. | reorganize for the following. .° ge d Lo of Y g Members of Farm Women’s one mile of new main was seems to be getting worse.[to five feet under the sur-
which will be done by the |Societies No. 5'and No. 8 al-iinstalled. Tre remainder wasIn one instance the company face!


of cement block construction]
would have sold you a Max-| eon Faces | vear, the board decided that|_ . RL
well roadster for $985 or a1 i this meeting will replace the DOS! Seber _hemseives. Planned For jso delivered materials in the 5 ok 5
light fo Overls ing! regula rot sche d| . yo : { and Landisvillee —— i — TT —
a for $695. verland touring Joyce @S Tour | Pras gl jimeasute 30x70 feet, will be Town dey oo id ‘the Soh | s \ ! : b
| The Christmas sale is the Secon 1212) Y in Bu etin op

would fave sold coffee ai 25 North Museum pe——2 with a brick front. For the first time, a coun-
cents per pound and Kendig FHT Basement facilities will 11 iyi meeting has been sole support of the Tuberclo- : : ; , er :
brothers were offering Inter-| Local Joycees toured the - Ves > © ico i vlanne Or .\.L \n'slsis Society o f Lancaster] This week, for the firstFarming will be printed on|publication but will be used
: g r I-ri INnsralie clude an office, furniture/planned for all women’s ) : ; : :
national tractors at $670. North Museum and attended | . 4 room. two rest rooms and/°roups similar to Jaycee AuxiCounty, which carries on atime in approximately 10 Friday afternoon. [to address the Bulletin.
® © o {the planetarium lecture| A ¢ First National one large room. First floor, il'aries for next Tuesday, preventive program aimed|years, the Bulletin print| 7, meet the increased Bulletin publishers feel
One of our theme songs Tuesday evening. They were November 25. The meeting at finding tuberclosis in time| shop is publishing two week-10ad. the Bulletin shop has/that the addition of the ad-
: : lans include an assembly
shown the collection willed] Music ma , ard | rans ; Se :
{ usic may now be heard room, kitchen, 2 restrooms,
the museum by the late/'n the First National BanK| ; ;
James Neal of Mount Joy, and Trust Company during [2nd main entrance With coat
for Mount Joy concerns im-
proving the appearance of
the approach to the Boro!
» {and attended the planetar- banking hours through the
is expected to be attended by for it to be cured. While they newspapers! lhad a minor “face lifting” dressing machine alone will
about 100 persons and is|death rate from TB has been| In addition to the Bulletin, the past two months. Ma-{be a big improvement step
[planned for the local Amer-|jowered greatly because of the three-year-old ‘Lancas-|chinery has been moved, in service to its readers. An
lican Legion home. Since the ew drugs, improved surg-ter Farming”, a widely-cir-iwork space has been reor- “ntirely new system will be

from the east, alon pa
230. g Route jum lecture on the sun. |installation of a Hi-Fi sys-| sestesuesl} escses (Mount Joy Joycees suggest-iary and methods of treat-|culated weekly devoted to ganized and new equipment involved, allowing faster and
eo oo | . Following the tour thetem. The system was nsiel- IN | fed the annual yearly event, |, .¢ there are still as many|the special interest of local added. : hetter changes of address to
We're not at liberty tol TOUR held its business meet- | ~d last week with the speak- uscuiar [local members will be hos-| jeaths as all other infectious, 2M people, is to be print-| Principal addition to the be made and a more suit-
mention it yet, but there are yor at ge Rome of Mrs RE placed at the platform] 5 tesses for the event. |diseases put together. led in Mount Joy. plant is an addressing ma- able method of actually
some plans in the wind for’ ames OT hn, _ Abbey n the bank and was : used Distrophy | The meeting is planned i B on | The Bulletin will be roll- chine which within a few »orinting names of subsrib-
Road, Lancaster. During the! for the first time Friday. | {for two-fold purposes; an| ing off the press each Thurs- weeks will not only be used ers on the top of the papers.
making one of those im-uicinace ots 4 : : : i . § i
jousiness Toeting Dians were Music is being played Drive Planned exchange of ideas for both Senior Play Is {day afternoon and Lancaster for the Lancaster Farming Lancaster Farming was
provements which will ive ns oles
our doorway toward PN ig i 2 county through a Phiadelphia sta- vi ; ; lcommunity projects and fund : organized a little more than
wr city : . e a le women's tion which lays classical ans are underway for the! raising cojects plus ellow- . . i he three vears ago. I rder 1
ter city a bette sarance. | J Play c : aising projects plus OW [ . ree years ago. In order to
oe > 3 Peatanee uns next Tuesday even-imusic da'ly. The system was annual Muscular Dystrophy chip among the groups . Friday, Saturday | Joint Thanksgiving Service better serve the entire coun-
Doorways and approaches on . They also made _plans| installed by bank officials drive in Mount Joy. The vount Joy, Elizabethtown,| «jine Eyre”, a costumed] ‘y the paner's ed'torial and
are important. And — at hy a2 neceniatt agli lios es another service to the drive will be held during Manheim. Lancaster, Lititz, v portraying the 1846 era. Mt. Joy's annual Thanks-|the Thanksgiving message. business offices recently have
: . 2 ch include) i the » ree ori iz Whlleveville. andisvilla P23 € : '| « JOYS y £ . : Jie tobe
time when Mount Joy is in-|a OroRrassive dinner for i B ome gg Yitllorsvitie: and Landay lwill be presented Friday and giving church service will be Special music will be fur} een Feostas he La
crested i acti > ISELG. Tee | TT are iE | alunga. ISaturd: v : Yu Yor: Lonictin ] CSI + Torth Duke Stree T
mn peng new Christmas party, to donate| J |conducted by young people| OT anh [Saturday 3 the Wiggin Ls, next Wednesday, No- nished by the Shure of Gog aster. All mechanical opers
S _ businesses, ‘ood and gifts to needy tam- Santa To Arrive [of the town. thigh school. The se ass womber 26, in the Church of choir with Miss Sandra Esh-| oo © Gi “pa handled by
some of these things become|ilies; and to assist the Jay-| | Funds are needed for the b I T lis presenting the play writ-~ 4 beginning at 7:30 p.m. leman as soloist. Mrs. George ‘he Bulletin :
of most cngony” "coe by’ Beivne” to” was Ngxt Saturday [poise tri the Moser. Basketball Teams coy Chatate roms, fhe ou, itn pilet Sk, SEL SM ctr the policy sor une
Elsow $s vresents following the an- [lar Dystrophy Association of . . Miss Catharine G. Zeller hastor of the church, will be play for the service. «dlownership of either paper
sewhere in this issue of|nual shopping tour of the| Plans are being completed America, Inc. The associa- Begin Practices will direct the production j, charge of the service. | The service is spomsored{ ACC FT way chang-
The Bulletin is another story|residents of the Messiah|for the arrival of Santa Claus tion gives financial support] with James Hecht as produc The Rev. Emmert M. Moy-|by the local Minesterial As lod. > :
about 4 “Mount Joy boy.”|"hildren’s Home. Hostesses/in Mount Joy next Saturday, through research, grants to Basketball practiens have tion coordinator; Helen Fel- lor pastor of St. Luke's Epis- sociation.
This is about a Mount Joy|Vere Mrs. Thorbaun and November 29. As Santa pre- scientists and physicians inphegun o n ; SE iran and Nancy Moyer as as-/copal Church, will deliver —
school. Unde > aders Cs .
stant directors.
girl, Lois Rutt Shinn, daugh-|Mrs. Frances Barto. Mrs. ipares for his trip to Mount|the United States and abroad he. ne Marshall! r—
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Titus|'ohn Landis, vice president Joy, the children are asked|fo try to find the cause and/of the new coacs, Asia" pon. White and Carolyn
Rutt. [vas in charge of the meet-l{o get their letters ready injcure of muscular dystro- Gemberling, varsity practiceig water head the list of, If family doctor can nol Six members of the Done- 5
oe eo o ng. |order that they may be pre-/bhy. The group also defrays began Monday. Junior varsi-l, tors with other roles be- be contacted for emergency. sal Chapter of the FFA at- ==


The beautiful brunette B lsented to Santa next Satur-|{*Xpenses of orthopedic appli-|ty practice with James Baug-li;,, portrayed by Angeline physician on call tended a livestock exhibition] . .
young lady reigned 1 a s {{CONFINED TO HOSPITAL (day. ances, physical therapy, her as coach also started oN ewis, Patricia Brenner, Pa-| Sunda ‘and sale in Timonium, Md. -
| weekend at Temple U. as| Elam Bomberger, School Santa will climb the lad-|‘Peech therapy, and psychi- Monday. Junior high schooli,i ia Elliott, Judy Ginder, a” y this week. The boys who at- ew rriva S
atric assistance to victims|basketball practice will be-ly,onne Hart, Jean Heisey, Dr. David Schlosser tended the 3-day event werc|
Homecoming Queen at the|Lane, cashier of the Firstider into Way's Toyland Sat-
nc 3 : : 5 G Wo Mi re eas-|gir ay with Hubert Petersip. i Clair Ginde Valter Myers
various functions which were|National Bank and Trusturday afternoon, 2 p.m. [50 that they may mote ¢ gin today Wit [Darla Kulp, Kitty Buchwal- te Clair Ginder, Walter Myers. p.” S
y » 2 pm, af-lyy agiust to their progress-land Donald Staley as coach-liol Barry Barnhart, Lawr-| Thanksgiving Day David Forry, Ronald Ober | Mr: ou SS Whi
‘ve condition. The associa-jes ence Wittle a nd Barry Richard Ober and Luke Bru-| = Friday, at St. Joseph's
part of the gala activities,/"ompany, is a medical pa-lter being escorted through
| ‘ion also sponsors the estab-| The first games are sched-|grandt.
including the Temple-Buck-|‘ient in the Lancaster Gen-{town by the Mount Joy El-|

J a i 1 baker. Ir Tits
helt Jootball geome ral Hospital ementary School Band. lishment of clinics in thelyled for Dec. 5 when the| Dr. David Schlosser Jaier Hospital, A ot Ng
is 4 TL oR) | 1 varsity wi av arwick! merit meer Set ects nm - ’ | Mr. an Irs. Jo .
5 This is another of many ’ ey Alvin Bigler, West gi Sd * , | Wolgemuth, Mount Joy RI,
onors hi Ss, _B y CAF: 4 L & | i. . rsday, . ta
pons wich ti vas vos of Juclges Are Named For 59 instil un Sid init Mount Joy Boy Makes Big Hit In Star Role =: visi ==
| the drive. home > ‘ spital.
| Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.

as cheer leader.
’ So a Art Exhibit At B k " TY | —t— { . . ‘ [m lligan, 5 East Donegal
Several days t le NO SCHOOL THREE W. h G. R P d A F d Street, a son, Saturday, at
two Mount Joy groups had an DAYS NEXT WEEK Ham Supper To | With Green Room Froduction At I'. and VL: Shera Harp
Mr. anc rs. ames .
A “Mount Joy boy” has|super-human powers to ac fren Hoon Sian, Fear 1946)3 berger, 152 New Haven
heen thrilling theatre goerscomplish all things with thelto 1950 he worked summe T\Street, a son, Saturday, at

the same idea about the| All professional and ama-|orofessional a nd amateur] There will be no school in| d
i same time. It was to bring to Fl in out Joyelass will be awarded, as|the elementary schools and Be Satur ay
; this community a high school! aytown, Marietta, ndis-|well as ribbons. The latter|h’gh school of the Donegall go , RY i® > c arn nt a he ool 5 > 33 3
student from Rs oi rille, Elizabe‘h‘own, Man-|also will be awarded for ex:|"Tnion beginning next Wel oaarsey is fe os Ws 0 past week at Lancaster SSP of 8 hand. SOARES. §s Jock and ee Lancaster General Hospital.
who is now being deprived of{n€im and immediate vicini- hibits having special meri‘|‘esday, November 26. Wed the cafeteria of Donegal|as he plays the key role in| he ° As a cat which Barrymore Sarah Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H.
education because the schools|ti€S are encouraged to enteriand deserving honorable|nesday is teachers institute|, . ih. tehool: Sponsored ao Avil to a Small Planet? monologue wi h a oa Phi Fai po % oy Po i Bowman, Mount Joy R2, a
are closed. the Second Annual Art Show mention. day at Millersvile State, 0 Don: HY 10 actually is a conversation Jeffrey Lynn, Zazu Pitts and jaughter, last Wednesday, at
i und-raising activity of thelpresented by the Greenlyith the animal, for as “Kre-jothers of similar star rank-yome,

i : . : : Tan Are ger sday 18
There > substan: SS ao i Be ey) Wii Cope “of (Thanks. Donegal high ssaogl, » T. A.lRoom club of F. and M. ' |ton” he can read all minds,|ing in the American theatre.| wr. and Mrs. Richard O.
tial reasons why this good held in the bank lobby from|structor of the Elizabethtown g'ving and Friday is anoth-EE0uD, The Thea) Nd 7 Br The Sle yO onl naruding gals. The oat Yani Incidentally, the eal” —|3inkley, Mount Joy RY, a
idea is not feasible but wel OV. 25 through Dec. 5. Area Public Schools, Mrs |°T Thanksgiving vacation |V he oR Hh I is Bil ar Wa o 3 » ou ed Kreton to kill a certainnamed “Rosemary w i t h{daughter, Monday, at Lan-
were impresced with one] All framed subjects n ofl Robert W. Stormielts, Sub WL \ |uaked ham, scalloped nota [ne of Richard Stark. | Sark's association withlogc rol, ame to the FAM] bir. and Mes. Donald
Which NES Shused in 1 Don re a a a Do REPAIRS BEGIN Eon shple gir A bachelor, Stark lives on|‘heatrics dates back to 1941 stage from Paris. Jber, Manheim R4, a daugh-
ing, where the idea was dis-|not later than Monday after- trict and Michael Weaver,| Repairs to the Sico barn] 40 dso on. gale [Donegal Springs road viihlwhen he sue Be Am- -— Br er, Monday, at Lancaster
cussed. One of the objections|00n Nov. 24. |Art Instructor of the Done-iust north of East Mailqpe gupper will be served l parents and is an ph = hy A rama MARRIAGE LICENSES seneral hospital.
raised proves what we've al.| Three cash prizes in cachigal Union School District, |Sirect where the old $(on€oreqeeding the showing of of Garvins in Lancaster. [with a tank oui in World|, John Demmy gr. Bain Mt Sed SUS DoE Sil
ints ll ea nyone having art work|" S remaved are| “ » |C el (WY bridge R1, and Patsy A 24 ’ ’ -
SE A at ve2 which was not en 8 Gini ig Mo Mig Di senior play Jane Eyre | In the current production War II, he taught speech at Cy 216 hon lay, at Lancaster General
— lat F&M, Stark, a graduate American University i nstreet. 10spital.
last year's show is cordially vandalism the window panes
an adult stgte of mind. Boys) To Report New [joi 00% ° Joti oer he building were broken |PERIOD TO END lof Lititz high scrool, playsShrivenham, England. Later, Benjamin Collins Groff Mr. and Mrs. Howard H.

and girls da not have it un- F oq Sut : i F bef i
: : y amilies Call Visitors are welcome dur-|Thi ti lus\ major, The second report periodithe part of the visitor fromjat F&M as a student ore[120 New Haven Street and|Vellinger, Mount Joy Rl, a
til they are ‘taught by their OL 3.9954 ing banking hours from Fensire de pine done\ to thelof Donegal high school willlouter space and has a won-jhis graduation he played inMyra Ann Landress, Mountison, Sunday, at St. Joseph's
Continued on Page 8 > November 25 thru Dec. 5. |building. : lend next Tuesday, Nov. 25. /derful role which gives him|14 productions given by the/Joy RI. hospital.