The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 02, 1958, Image 4

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/ SEE——————. es. Rust Fairview Church of lhe managers of ihe aselsoll The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pej
No " MAYTOWN | Landisville - Salunga Zi; “ae, fies come wiih are sponsored Thusder: October AY pan darfut Good - - Wonderful Fast”
n ster Sunday norning, , x 3 — —————————————— — 1 -
ee oor zm October 5th "10:00 a , by the Sertoma Club and A Ph Servi Wonderfu 60 on gr U ds
Ee — | the Salunga Church of the chard Nissley. Pictures of nser- one Jvervice ||
fou can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitablyl Mis Phillis Keener, May-| MAS. MILDRED RISSER [grethren. he paschall teams were) Victor J. Koser, Co. |[| Small gas heaters sure make rooms comfortable in
town, was entertained at her Lorrespoae . Ml shown Kenneth Benc er and! POULTRY |! . :
Through the home on Saturday evening in — L Wine ‘Landisvilie:. Latheta: Gonngs 3 tPariand, Meniers] 1 No Answer Call | a hurry — try one once! And so inexpensive too!
honor of her sixteenth birth-| The Landisville - Salungai~y ow "hol oe of the Sertoma club, (ook deh
WwW A N |day Jaycees held their monthly Shireh wu! hoa commen the pictures MT. JOY OLdfield 3-3601 ®
| A D 5 After a social hour of dan- meetings the first Thursday dav. Cetober 5th at 8 ‘o'cloe -
cing and games a buffet lunch of each month. : land 10:45 a.m. i John H Stauiter WARD BOTTLE GAS :
__ was served to the following) This months committees a . . TAT. PENTA ;
mre : So suests. Linda Kleiner, Bruce are being formed to get x : You'll feel OPTOMETRIST | PHRATA, ‘ ™
============ each night? For this enjoy-\Qhetter. Christine Leakway, ready for Christmas. Plans The Hempfield = Sertoma 31 E. Main St., Mount Jo) - . —
lable dignified job, call EM 7-/& . : en lave in the making to set box-|{Club held their meeting Wed ° BY APPOINTMENT
FOR SAL ‘376 : 4! c1 5 LT-ISam Grove,, Bonnie Bair,are in the making 10 £ ’ € eir meeting h diff
F761. You will get 319 to $20 Rodney Stoner, Dianne Reese, €S around the town for peo-inesday evening, September i e i erence Closed Wednesdays

Phone OL 3-8411

in merchandise (not mention- : tot St new or used toys
Dexter Washing Machine for N8 the fun plus a booking Larry Henderson, Louise plc 10 Pt rl ak tc 24th at 6:30 p.m. at th M ° h
sale 120% E. Main. Call Mt. g ft by having a Blanch-ette| Houseal, Robert Hoppel, Pat/in SO they can be taken 10(y,, American Legion Post. in your ome
2.606 “tfe fashion show in your home. A Johnston, Gary Gillham, Christs Home at Christmas“ “py. cluh entertained {he ® "wedi? - Norio
Joy OL 3-6064. 40-ie Jou pan an, and in your § JCli'S MEAL Marke
eoo ed

thrill just to see the cute Marlene Sinegar, Jim Zuch lime.

Kelvinator Washing Machine, childrens AL ig obligs ind Jack McDonald. | —— REPORT OF CONDIT ;
Used 6 mos; Man’s brown, 10n. La TM-3761. 39-4¢| re Larry McDonald, the] The Salunga Women's clubj TAH FIN ATIO AL pur e 00 » CHOICE MEATS 3
- oY) y . —— re re ree —— O. 4¢ J #% iid ’ . . re, Sitvie } HV rR WE A *
tweed, wool suit, worn once, former Mae Keener, was in|is planning to have their an- MR Joy mJ His STA $ 7 eo SAODUCE BLUE SHIELD
size 32 waist; Tr.cycles for Le nurge of the games una nual banquet in the form of] o/osE OF BUSINESS ON v rORS! BIS
sale. Ph. Mt. Joy OLS), = \dancing a Smorgasbord at Meadow Dl 4, 19 ® GROCERIES FOR DOC
-1¢| ’, i . 8 av . st (Published in Response L t t for all your famil
TTT : MISCELLANEOUS The Brownie Scout Troop lls Monday, Orono made hy Comptroller hy © FROZEN FOODS ; ow So Da o > Jo y tamiy.
Teen size winter coat, size| —————————===—== 255 will hold a Food Sale at |! enoug P Fosorve lon nt +3 IE ron 1 id t rE bro TV: fing
teen 14, peacock blue, excel- |. ! ics Cree Swarduy aiiurged. Reservations gist be Set Ai |e FREE DELIVERY | NAH) ITT
lent condilion, reasonable. /,, oo v and. Cement. W k:110:30 ZAR ’ lin by October 1st. Hac : SS he UC a RE AS
MASONry an ement: yor Ri ath emscorettee an " [Closed Wednesday at Noon| FULTON BANK BUILDING,

: “0a19 |
Call Mt. Joy OL 3 2812, , tgp mason by profession. James] The Gettysburg College
{ Cierney, 206 E. Main Stree! i
{ Ad ' a 0 "Woman's League will hold
(YPEWRITERS, add. mach., (Ph. Mt. Joy OL 3-5264. 35-tc
:ash reg., check inter-coms,| ...4..1 designed Spencer '°hn’s Church, Columbia on
ates, files, off. furn., new & | gals . signe Spence Mon Oc ot DO
ised. At Roots Sale goa] ii TR Abdomen nig So 43 pm those who attended, I am
" ENGLE, 411 E. | "ioc woh Ms : MIS sure had a g ime Corp
vorth UE wn *l37%| MRS. WAYNE LEHMAN Lester Johnson, secretary to *'"* had a good Hime,
—— eS — tito R D 1, Elizabethtown, Pa |'he president of the college. | my. Hen lleld Sonior and le or
Now is the time to think| Phone EM 7-6119 33-tfc ny and Mrs. Ray Fryber-|Senior hi h sch ols re cons] in
Spout Sr See Linn ALTERATIO NS ger, Miss Jane Fryberger and a : m reralite cam
Hassinger for a fine selection s Ee A VEL der ) 4 ting ¢ agazine cam-
g Miss Allbright left Friday paign. At present the Junior



The Hempfield Sertoma
; : club held ther square dance
: al ret. a St. : : v
heir doll meeting at St last Saturday despite the in- 2
clement weather. And all

West Main St. OL 3-9411 I A

money is an old,
old story to those who
use ‘blue coal. They have
the warmest homes in town,
because ‘blue coal’ goes
farther, burns longer and
cleaner—saves time, and
effort, as well as money.
You enjoy all-winter com-
fort with ‘blue coal’.

Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-3734 | ~ h ; {| i iio ; 1
RichardEMiller Ff “fatigue
Complete Sales Service



of personal.zed photo Christ-| Are your Sills coats too or Piitwourgt t cit W 268, Jur
mas cards, made from your|short? too long? [t : lo. vis) I. high students are leading with. rund ‘ ’ - :
favorite snapshot or negative. Have your clothing altered and Wis. Robert Lowy and :pe sales. than bank pres ORDER ‘hlue coal’ TODAY! o Sale too large or Small FUEL OIL AND
206 Birchland avenue, phonej'o fit. Boys Pants - Peg. son Joel. They returned -— ther assets RD. 4 MANHEIM, PA.
OLdfield 3-4162. 38-4c¢ PHONE OL 3-4261 home on Monday. | > Sz a C ‘ »] Total Assets with Bros., Inc R. D. 4, MAI : SERVICE PLAN
; A | MRS JOSEPHINE KAYLOR » The Salunga Church of the Fotal As J YL 3-2411 idle H d
: a: . 4 4 | iss ev Singer is : ihre , > amilv| LITT Joy OL 3-2 dealer in S > Horses an
White cosmel bas. cabineliREAR OF HALL, MNT. JOU], Miss Audrey Singer is oi-|Diclhun Bell mer Fomiv LIABILITIES ora Oe aon
16x20. Like new. Call Mount ee aL sentmy izabethtown Col- Night Fellowship banquet on Domand sie asi of in- i dairy $
Joy OL 3-6772. 37-tfc lege. Wilt B Wednesday evening, October] i ne hips, PR - CRETE % or
em nr. sme | === ams ee r. William Earhart cele-|1 at Hostetter’s in Mount Joy.| Tim: deposi eh s ahye | ss than
SEWING MACHINES: Au- REAL ESTAT brated his b rthday Tuesday, Grant Hurst, teacher at Mc-| "= FoF 14.1 - Sp ————— Rhenmatisin - Arthritis COMPLETE HEATING & =
norized aealer for the three A ATE Sept. 30. > “'lCaskey was the guest speak- Dele Fpn ine POLITICAL K neitis i Sciatica ENGINEERING SERVICE peryear| $1.58
saniug Jewing Machines —| =————————————| World Wide Communion er. The Kreider mixed quar-| ‘7mm (mind 82,254 ):) A &3 1 Neat 5 ori ins or per month
SINCHLR - PFAFF DO- FOR RENT: 2nd floor, apart-| Vill be observed in all of the tet furnished the special mu-| Deposits of 5 1 : of RQ j Relief from those torluring pa : : : :
Mis 11C. sales and Service. | NT: 2nd floor, apart y I De ; ioe hE 4 no charge. Only cne trip required. 1. Yacuuming, cleaning, and adjustment of your heating boiler
Aowing Mock iment; 3 rooms and bath; local churches on Sundayisic. John Herr Jr. was toast-| Jolitical Sun fea i Disabled persons mey send a friend. or furnace, cleaning of all parts.
sukley's Sewing Machine & newly finished. Call Mt. Joy morning " ‘master, and Mr H aa iQ f { CC | 45 Scuth Mt. Vernon Ave, 500 it 2, ff heck d adj
S Remnant Shop, 111 N Mar- OL 3.9563. rie Tho remus i : & :. J arvey | oo] 1 hier 3885.00 or CONGRE a nicaten, Fa. Oftics | Once a year efficiency check-up and adjustment.
ret St., Elizabethtown, Pa. 0 Ie 0 ~The regular monthly meet- Group led group singing. a anos a Ti Aen LY SINE od pours: Daily 10—6. Sunday 10—4.|
27-4¢|fOR RENT: 3-room & bath ng of the Ladies’ Aid So- mmm A ther liabilities ss wo ni located. Complete Te- | :
T MATIRESSES AND Fy Jrepel In Nowown aol of 51 John's Lutheran] Rev. Howard Merle, of von Lippi covery with one purchase.
Cail OL 3-5765. an te. Church will be held Tuesday ‘CAPITAL ACCOUNTS B manor
BED SPRINGS 2 0 3765 ate evening, Oct. 7 the home ® Capital Sto ; p HA proven herb remedy write or call for free booklet
Save up to $22.00 FOR NT: are . {of Mrs. Har A | Common stock, total Soi: than vanes 10 2 IBA
22s ON RENT: Warehouse, anf Mis Had Erge ANNOUNCING for the past 15 year mmmmmsmonmmn
THIS WEEK Call OLdfield 3-9585. 36-tic/church on Sunday morning ded pa on:
8 . Sunday morning os: g . — The SICO Company
CALL OL 3-8521 FOR SALE: 1.story House mr Mr. Vincent O'Conner OUR NEW Accounts... if When in need of printing, | Mount Joy, Pa. Oldfieid 3-3111
Gone WEmNin [TON SALE: Taio House of Buniase LOCATION "i. 1 egy
Showroom 3 Ina he iy Shree 3: Mrs. Carl Houseal celebra- O | Capital Accor 3
205 Columbia Avenue. Rd. Call Mt TReEL Spring: ted her birthday Sunday. ‘ acts DloamnOnANDA :
MOUNT JOY, PA. : r 39_tfc Mr. and Mrs. Larry Me- 105 F : . St a iy ,
38-1C] mesereeee eeeeeeee Donald of Niagara Falls vis- alrview i, and for other purpos- ; x
: — —— |[FOR SALE: 2-story semi-de-/iled Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fotal :
Used Gas Stoves, good condi-|tached brick, 6 rms., bath, Keener and a MOUNT JOY Ee oe 1 * : ' 3
: i v , Sy , ‘ laughter as r o
tion, priced low to sell. At|ojl HW heat, alum. storm week. Mr tL ughter last a i Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Community
2 < lous Saga K. Mr. .McDonald return- WWE EXTEND AN INVITA tions thercof, 1 ee i
town store, Ward Bottle Gas, (windows, screens, _garage,led to his home last Wednes- TION TO oe A 10 : sof, Whi —_——
25 S. State St., Ephrata. shaded rear yard. Call Mt./day while Mrs. Me) > T { Q| ured Ly agencies of ; eae rms
y « * . da) 2 s. McDonald re- p ge —
40-1c Joy OL 3-4062. 28-tfc mai Sn C VISIT CUR NEW AND EN the » : ik : - Ee ————
id mained at the Keener Home a = ernm ® AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ® MOVING & HAULING
— rere ) € r I €: arn p : ® | irene
9x12 Rug, felt pad, $20.FOR RENT: Space available the remainder of the week. LARGED FACILITI E &;} . nited States Govern. i : Er GEE a FARM MACHINERY | ememmm———"
Call OLdfield 3-4227. 40-lc|.n professional office build-| Staff Sgt. Richard F Hou. WHICH ENABLE Us TQ oka oriel hi J ELI AMENT | == £D. KEENE
—— ; ing. Write Box A-1 in careseal, Maytown, has left tor SERVE YOU BETTER. 1a} _ Bomb roo ELECT A MAN AUTHORIZED KAYLOR BROS. Reais :
1949 Mercury Station Wagon, ,f M t Joy Bullet -. Yarn - n Li i \ . AUL R1ZL i : Moving & Hauling
: ) 3 ) ount Joy Bulletin. 17-tfc/Germany after spending al®***'**************** nly affirm that U we stat DE SOTO PLYMOUT CASE FARM EQUIPMENT
tires and motor in good con- rer re Py yee eT g a Con Cr i WW iY TEC { ~P = 0 -— PLY] UTH | CASE ARN Se by nd Phone OL 3-8664
SE erny: rater radi: | furlough with his mother oe or W HOSE VOTES Sales ~- Service »q rice ois 0
dition; hot water radiator|pOR SALE: New Home inMrs. Frank Houseal, He is a o ib Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks Sales Qu Serpe MOUNT JOY, PA
3% plano rolls. Call OLdfieldlpount Joy. Full basement, member of ig Heh 8 ids ¥ MET « IN WASHINGTON sta 2 aro Won N [Hardware Supplies & Paints
a 0-2¢lexpandable 2nd floor. 2 bed |Squadron. His we ane son HENRY H. ERY wil DECENT | MOUNT JOY, PA. | REFEMS, TB oy | me
Clarinet, in good condition. [rooms. Call OLdfield 3-4144. oy ER tis y fe and son| PARIS tH. HOSTETTER WILL REPRESENT | Phone OL 3-8271 Phone E-town EM 7-4221 © MEMORIALS
Phone OL 3-3831 40-2¢ 38-tfc expect to join him within the JOHN 1. MELHORN YOU | dione Ma ai i.
+ errr next six months. a ts in! ! SEY Tt 7 snes] | :
One Cornet. Fine for begin-{FOR RENT: Large, spacious Pvt. Edward F. Hoover Jr. : on Sikes : | CHRYSLER - PLYMOU TH | KEENER
ner. 201 W. Donegal Street.|Apartment, very reasonable. recently arrived in Alaska | Sales - Parts - Service ® INSURANCE MEMORIALS
Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-6183. Heat & Hot water included and is now a member of the! 1 1 i See the beautiful Chrysler |—m———————= Pho Ma {ott
Price $25.00. 40-1p|in rent. Contact Manager, G.96th Antiaircraft Arti ) n tay Con | | . | ne arietta HA 6-3531
BE I Is wre. Tir ow, 0 | Astisitoraty Artillery 3 caster County | PAUL H. STERN | WILEY & RUTT AGENCY| MAYTOWN, PA.
40-teliris wife Nor OF} lehardson, ; a VANHEIM Ph. MO 5-2193| Investments & Insurance
lis wife Norma expects to eX} Richard A. Snyder. Ch. } — { 81 East Main Si an
, em join him i * near x ’ vist -: es Be AS En oY ———
HELP WANTED sccm 10.7, MILE Whe near fiture. £2 —— TTF FOIITIT3L | Shere OL ® PAINTING AND
Se C | vi i JU PA. v
ale or remaie } Fire Company A beds a Ee a A
sme {Was posiponed until Satur- {1 { ~prrac ail. L ONnaress # * BLDG. CONTRACTOR | EE
WOMAN. Unext DISSOLUTION OF [987 October 11. PLAN! SEIS, Pau lof Smyill E03 f gee amase WADNEN 7. STONY |
AN Onis *Dnexoset WOLGEMUTH, INC. | _ Me Harold Jones, York, . TI A x ky AARON G. LONGENECKES Imsurance Service | J. ELWOOD BRUBAKER
: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV-called on the Arnold Finks Payments spread over theyear. Sarid 5 : [Square Street FLORIN
¢ BUILDING CONTRACTOR | Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-6712
Interior - Exterior Paintino
and Paperhanging
im, ITount JOY.| any m ]
aia oP une a EN TO ALL, persons interes-| m Thursday of last week.
over established business ted or who may be affected,] The Finks visited in Phila-
oy Wolgemuth, Inc., Borough ielphia on Sunday.
Many Dealers earning $100. ot dey. Garber Oil Company
No big bills in cold months,


\ Mount Joy, Lancaster g ese
per week and over. For de- County. Peancvl 2 2 § ey
; TT: pe : y, nnsylvania, a busi-| { i Phone OL 3-6091 ° ’ S
BS aT aa Crs Pert. aess corporation, that it filed| The extended right arm of 105 FAIRVIEW STREET [ff | % | 3 EVO FLORIN, PENNA
’ ’ 37.7¢ with the Department of State ithe Statue of Liberty is 42 Phone OL 3-2021 Mx Vata Dar Aerafie gl Millwork Fill Grading arn’
lof the Commonwealth o ifeet long. MOUNT JOY. PA Lo TR a Ee [AX] VOIC UCMotratic o > KOSER'S JEWELRY [Successor to E. C. Brubake
INCOME OPPORTUNITY (Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Nt v2 FET EE ik a 3 { Topscil - Excavating |
Reliable man or woman Pennsylvania, on the 26th Lancaster 1 'CINOC rat C ol mty Commie \ Cie . ~ | N 45
from this area to service aday of September, 1958, a , David R. Eaby. Chairman a | Lumber - Kitchen Cabinets \ / PHONE OL 3-4520
route of cigarette machines.|certificate of election by its EBERLE NONACEREURI ANNE EEE AURIFRTROCARAEN | !
Will take 5 hrs. a week ofjshareholders to dissolve the] oF a SE ERIC QL SE A A A |
your spare time and can netfsaid corporation, and that the! | Beautiful ‘ TS fn
as high as $275 monthly andboard of directors is now en- ! hl RT & { 3 aan | amOINARY RINGS | ~TRU-FIT* RINGS |— es
can be built to full time|gaged in winding up and set- B & TED Ni £2 ) Bia ¢ CLEANE the knuckle only | aide over the knucke= | © PLUMBING
s : {13 A Ter3 aca Sy ! { NERS Sen viet and tum on | hen adjust automatically |
business with our help, wh ch|tling the affairs of said cor- BUY IMPORTED os NS | eo finger. wo fi perfect, | Sy
could eventually met $20,000/poration, so that its corporate IN FLORIN ee ; | H. S. MECKLEY & SON
No experigpce of selling nec-iexisience shall be ended by MUMS 2 I | CLEANING - PRESSING [MAIN ST. Ph. OL3-5404| p; ;0r
essary, route is establishedlissuance of a certificate of DUTCH % ~ PRY - WF BY a we TAILORING — BE MBING — HEATING
for the operator. To qualify|disolution by the Department 21 / Si ORY FR AME HOUSE Rug and Fur Cleaning |__. See OIL BURNERS
you must have $1,100 to $2,-[of State” of the Common-| /2 AS Ai RaY : Storage - Laundry Service |g —— Sales and Service
200 cash immediately avail-|Wealth of Pennsylvania, un- BU LBS Xs on i | E1ICHRERLY'S | LOAN SERVICE 15 W. Mai
able, which is secured and alder the provisons of the Large Clumps Containing 8 Rooms and Bath Phone OL 3-4071 - We Call] - Main St. Ph. OL3-5981
serviceable automobile, If|Business Corporation Law of . : ih 7 e
sincerely interested wr.te forthe Commonwealth of Penn- Oil Forced Hot Air Heat Money When You Need It
ersonal interview iving|sylvania, approved May 35, - . i ) ET EIR ®
P giving Br y 2-story Garage withworkshopon2ndfloor § Sr : TIRES

phone number and brief out-{1933, as amended.
line of background to Box 40-2¢
5182, St. Paul, Minnesota. es
Notice is hereby given that
RELIABLE PARTY in the Estate of J. Walter
Special Prices 3 Chicken H 's DAIRY PRODUCTS
2 Chicken ouses ia it LR Kelly Springfield Tires
ELWOOD MARTIN | H. A. Myers, Manager and Service



Must be capable to operate|Frev late of East Hempfi
: . { v, late é »mpfield 8 & ‘E CRE
aud mariage a business. Work Township, Lancaster County _— eee eee | hs & ICE CREAM [gy AwN MOWER MAIN ST. Ph. OL 3-9351
gonsists of servicing route of pennsylvania, deceased, the E fl D.D.2 Ph. Mt. Joy DL 3-101; © ernvice
gar Ee St Lieg ster of Wills of Lancast- vergreens { ° Teme —_—
£. : . er County has granted Let- ~ alg ye: ih
iu be Seta gr ters Testamentary to Barbara . Desirable Home or ad 1 foe M. M. WOLGEMUTH * TELEVISION v
200 00 Bast 1,100.00 to $2, A. F. Reist. All persons hav- Flowering Shrubs | y |'e BE AUTICIAN | REO POWER MOWERS ®
red Sh investment Tre-ling claims or demands > $ aun sales Servi DAY & BERRIER
Se ie 1s a pery prose against said estate are re-| | en L Sey and Sore MOTOROLA TH
3 nlouested to present the same ; . ‘ awn Mowers Sharpened A — ZENI
that, an 2 ner rie ae uo without delay, and all per- and Trees 240 South Market Street BULLER'S BEAUTY SALON Phone OL 3-838 Ms. Joy gu ADMIRAL
sons indebted to said estate 05 anu P, ales and Service
Io every large prof annual- are requested to make im- M 5 J | Machineless Permanents FLORIN, PA. 29 W. MAIN ST. MT. JOY
y. Write giving phone no. tojmediate payment to the said oun oy | I Also Give Toni’s 3
American Viking Mfg. Co. |executrix. | DE . PHONE OL 3-8421
8000 Excelsior Blvd. Suite “BARBARA A. F. REIST | | MAUDE BULLER, PROP. |r
2, Mpls, Minn. 40-1p 186 Main Street FLORIN, PENNA. © MACHINE SHOP =F
Laidiseinte, Pa.’ | 4 Bedrocms, Living Room with fireplace, Dining Ml Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-8851 —|® WELDING
- 2 : - mel 1 ~
| Executri: Room, Kitchen with Snack Bar, Tile Bath, Full Base pr —— MYERS MACHINE =?
t - M. M. Harnish ; 1 Tatas {3 Fhirnacs Broozawav. Pati i SHOP | E i
L h . | ment Hot Water Oil Furnace, Breezeway, Patio | TAL > . i | lectric Acetylene and
5 HELP WANTED Attorney 43-3c [| and Semi-Detached Garage. On beautifully landscap- fi { AKE STEPS Ve Lo Sr en Ww pele
E FEMALE Benjamin Franklin was the I od lot 60° x 200° with picnic grove and outdoor fire- | y BUSINESS oé Clutch & Brake Drum Truing Wagon & el Lrg 5
= (lf place, adjoining grade school property. i CES | Knife Grinding — Welding R.D. 1 MOUN ; ?
5 first postmaster of the United : 3 "Ry, DN) y 119 N. POPLAR ST. .D. T JOY
Ladies, can you use $30 to | ; Manheim R.D.1 (Rt. 72) ! 38-tfc 3 : ELIZABETHTOWN Phone OL 3-4957
$60 for 3 evenings, 3 hoursStates. PHONE LANDISVILLE TW §-6611 eee — | " ? Phone EM 7-4206 JOHN H, LUTZ

PND bd bd