The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 24, 1958, Image 1

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n young,
d beef
Ib. 67¢
s. 37¢
x 73¢

¥ Recreation
Elsewhere in this issue of bers
the Bulletin appears a story groups
resurfacing grounds will present the pro-|{the six categories will be giv-|
en passes to the Joy Theater.
29, a Variety Show will be
(Elementary School auditor-
Union School
of five play-
concerning the
of north Barbara street. In-gram Tuesday in Mount Joy
cluded is a reference toland later in the week in
“new adventure.” | Marietta.
. 00 | The show will include a
For the first time, the bor- trumpet solo by John Hart; at the school playground this
ough will do some of its own|accordion solo
o w n|Mathinni;
workmen but using borrowed by Carolyn Sloan,
surfacing, with its
ee ©
If you're interested — the'and ‘Linda Shields; piano so- the Mount Joy girls will play
new government postal cards|lo by Martha Rainbolt; car-|
the kind which bear a three-
cent stamp, beginning Aug.
1, are printed in purple.
oe © oo
users can buy the new varie-
ty until Aug. 1. This week
the Bulletin was able to pur-|inger; and tap dance by Syl- nesday
chase from Postmaster Elmer
Zerphey a large quantity to
be used by commercial firms
who must have their printing
done weeks in advance to be
ready for certain projects
by Douglas
Nornhold, Janice Berrier,
Kathy Harnish, Jean Staley
playground|doll show was held at

lf « = Public Variety Show |
Next Tuesday night, July berling and Miss Doris Groft.|
The program is open to the
presented in the Mount Joy|public and no admission will
be charged but an offering
will be taken.
Special Events
This afternoon (July 24) a
Winners in
borough park.
These passes were
by the Joy Theater
ment. A pet show was

played the Mount Joy
iin a hardball game the
{borough park and next Wed-|
Inesday the Marietta girls and
{a kickball game.
[toon drawings by Walter] )
|Chin; pantomine by the May-| will be held at the Florin
[town group; polka by a Mari-|playground and today a
[treasure hunt was held at
etta group;
Marilyn Strom.-|
|reading by
[via Shields.
| Finalists of the jitterbug!
{contests which were held at|
|‘he three dances in Mount]
(Joy, Marietta and Maytown|
{will also be judged at the
which will not be ready for/yariety show. Finalists from
placing in the mail until af- Mount Joy are
ter the new, rate increase be-a n d Ruby . Collins;
comes eflective. |
® ® ©
And — speaking of purple
— did you see the rainbow,
Monday morning? There!
were varying reports of sing-
le, double and triple rain-
bows. Appearing in the west.
the colorful display featured
repeated arches of purple,
and some pink, which gave a|
georgeous spectacle for those
who were up and about at a
somewhat early hour. |
e ee oo {
The most interesting news
in Mount Joy this week,
from points of view, is still
undeveloped and thus can]
not be discussed. However,
you might anticipate some-
thing interesting for nex
week — — — — something
which may be a bit of a
surprise development to Mt.|
Mount Joy. {
®e oO o
Have you noticed the new,
picnic tables along Route 230
between Mount Joy and Lan-
caster? They are nice ser-|
vices provided for the travel-|
ing public. And — this time
of year it seems that they
are being used almost con-|
stantly. |
® o
A third table was placed a-
long Route 230 north of]
Florin near the Snyder Gar-|
®e © o
They are part of the good
public relations of the state]
highway department. Howard
Kline, assistant district sup-|
erintendent, is in charge. |
® oo o
What's In a Name? —
now about everyone around!
here knows that Linn Long-!|
enecker had developed and)
has in production an ingeni-|
ous ‘“‘art kit” which provides
material and instruction for
“do-it-yourself” art work?
® ® o
But, what local people will
not understand when they
see the product on the mar-
ket — beginning about Aug-|
ust 1 — is that the local
man’s name will not appear
in the way you might expect. |
® ® 9
Instead of carrying the
identification ‘By Linneaus|
Longenecker” the title page|
will say, “By L. Linneaus.” |
e oe oo
Now, take a good look at]
the new name. The design-
ers and engineers who are
experts in the field of
business felt that Longeneck-
er was not just
name to use. It was too long
(no pun intended) and like
t h e movie stars, needed
® oe o
Thus, you see, the initial
L. for Longenecker became
the first part of the new name
and Lig * own given name is
Ki& last name.
*o eo »
Prizes were awarded to
three couples at Saturday
night's teenage dance at the
local firehouse. They were a-
warded to Nancy Rainbolt
and Gene Newcomer; Nancy
Riedel and William Shire;
Linda Koser and Robert
There will be no dances
during the month of August
but dances will again be held
in September.

To Report New
Families Call
OL 3 «9954
{of the country will be repre-
big; of his farm record and was
the right
Walter Chin
Sherk and Pat Williams;|
Mary Lou Goodling a n d|
Georgianne Schneider. The|
music committee of the rec-|
reation program will also ap-|
near on the program as the
“bottlers”. This committee is
headed by H. Morrell Shields
also includes Mrs. Jas. Sar-
baugh, Mrs. Marshall Gem-|
Local Man Is
Outstanding |
Salesman |
Charles W. Brooks,
Park Avenue, recently
’leted his first year with thew ih10en Gruber and Donnaand Clair Ginder, Mount Joy
New York Life Insurance Co. gi,
During his first year
toe dance andj ]
However, only commercial vocal solo by Marietta youth the Florin pl
|vocal solo by Robin Germer;|
208 watz, Greg Schneider
Maytown playground
night from 8 to 10
and future events ‘include a
bubble gum blowing contest
and candy hunt.
in a softball game.
Lessons Continue
Swimming lessons for
advanced swimmers began
this morning at the
Oaks Swimming pool, Iron-
ville. The lessons will con--
tinue each morning until
August 7. In addition to the
playground directors, Patri-
cia Phillips and Bonnie Bair
will assist in the instruction.
| Lessons for beginners ended Two Shows |
the cup, Rheems Fire Company,
Point Leaders
at the bor-{Donegal
Point leaders
ough park are
way, Robert Mariner
Jeffrey Mariner in the sen-
Leslie Leak-!
Charles Brown and Kenneth
Leakway in the intermedi-|
ate boys group; William|
Thomas Stoner,
tied for first place;
With 1pelma Eltz and Nellie Derr,
NYLIC, Mr. Brooks estab-/_ .0. girls; Kitty Etsell,|
ished what the = companyin.n, ejb and Sally Hannan
erms a ‘Fine and outstanid-|; +. ediates: and Jackie|
ing record” As an agent
‘raining, hé completed
raining course at the Read-|
ing General Office which]
~onsisted of twenty books of
‘he latest sales
terials prepared by national-
'y known authors.
{girls; Becky Schneider, Dor-|
in humm, Mary Ann Hallgren ya held
4 nd Betsy Jo Hallgren,
ginners. |
Point leaders at the school
Bug nlayground are Kathy Good-|
training ma- hart
Carol Stettler a n d|
Schneider, senior
In February of this year, is Bair and Bonnie Gilliland,
because of his
of forty-six agents in
Middle Atlantic Region
handling insurance needs.
Since starting with
outstanding intermediates;
irecord, he was chosen as one man, Rebecca Hess and
the|aine Brown, beginners; Genel ,leted on the borough park contest which is held annual-
to, unk,
lattend a Career Conference|jon Dillinger,
{in Atlantic City to study and Dennis
|discuss the latest methods of Brown and Terry Kreider,|Lions Club will
New| Meckley, Michael Klinedindst{will replace the
boys; Barry]
afternoon. The Marietta boys
Next Tuesday a pet show
included a dance Wed-|
Next Mon-|
day the Maytown girls will]
challenge the Mount Joy girls
the| County firemen,
7 Poe

The Mount Joy
— -


Held In Mou
A disaster training pro-
{gram will be held in Mount
Joy, Sunday,

caster County Fire Police As-
{sociation. At a meeting last
{Thursday evening the plans
were completed for the spec-
ial program. H. E. Thomas,
|state coordinator f o r the
Pennsylvania Fire
made the announcement. He
said that units from Leban-
on, York, Dauphin, Chester,
Cumberland and Lancaster
counties will participate.
Lancaster county units
will participate
Air Patrol, Lancaster
League, Lancaster]
[tives of the city fire depart-|
iment, the rescue unit of Civil]
Defense, wardens and nurses)
FFA Members Marshall Dussinger, chair-|
Iman, said that the following;
Prepare For |
members of
FFA Chapter
preparing their !
in Hershey and the FFA Re-|
lior boys group; Christ Shirk, gional Dairy Show.
Kenneth Young, Mount
Joy R1, will be showing ani-
mals for the third year and]
will show Guernseys; Don-|
ald Musser, Mount Joy R1,|
R2, will be showing Holsteins.
will be held in
Aug. 21, 22, 23 and 24 and
he dairy regional show will
at the Guernsey
Barn, Lancaster, August
Grant Miller, advisor,
accompany the group.
Park Building
Is Progressing
The roof
has been com-
Huilding during t h e past!
veek. This building which is|
yeing sponsored by the local|
include a
hall and two restrooms
York Life one year ago, Mr.[and Rick Hopple, beginners. [structure now located at the]
Brooks has been of service,
(to the community to the ex-|cently
Bvitent of over $750,000. of in- board tournament a t
surance and
he represents.
Donegal FFA
Boy Chosen
Luke Brubaker, Mount Joy
a member of the Donegal
FFA chapter, has been selec-
ted to represent Lancaster
County at the American In-
stitute of Cooperatives con-
vention at the Pennsylvania
State University. He is a
Quest of the institute at the
university for one week from|
today, July 24, until next
week. Boys from all sections

sented at the convention.
Luke was selected to rep-
resent the county on the bas-
[chosen by the Lancaster Co.
[Farm Bureau. This marks
[the second straight year that
a member of the local chap-
ter was chosen for the honor.
Last year Kenneth Young at-
{tended the event when it was
(held in North Carolina.
| ®
Farm Women Society No.
8 members met Saturday of-
ternoon at the Donegal Club
House. Mrs. Lewis Bixler
and Mrs. Harold Ney, club
members, gave an illustrated
talk on the arrangement of
flowers. Members also
brought flowers and contain-
ers for practicing new ar-
During the business meet-
ing the group decided to as-
sist in the entertaining of]
the migrant workers this|
summer. The next meeting
will be held at the home of
Mrs. Martin Musser, Florin,
Carol Buchenauer, 4
the senior girls group; San-|[S€niors
dra Wolgemuth, Donno Eltz, [June
Gray Greiner won the re-|
completed shuftle-|
savings plansischool playground with Mi-[i}, building this
through the company whichichael Metzler as the runner- which will be
Contest Winners {
For the first time this year|

race, coasting,|
in the senior boys division|
with Jeffrey Mariner, second
and Robert Walker, third;
first in|
Sandra Kretzing, tied for]
second; Kathleen
and Nellie Derr,
tied for
(Twn to page 2)
to the local community am-
bulance, it was returned
use last Thursday. Friday,
volunteer drivers transported
Robert Schneider, Columbia
Avenue, to the St. Joseph's
Hospital. John Myers and
Harvey Stoner were drivers
and Mrs. Joseph Germer was
the accompanying nurse.
® ~
The borough authority of-
fice will be closed from Aug.
14 through Aug. 28 and not
July 14 through July 28 as
was printed two weeks ‘ago.
Payments will be accepted
during that time by mail and
should be addressed to the
Mount Joy Borough Authori-

John Landis, 5 South Mar-
ket Street, has received his
captain’s rating in the United
States Air Force Reserves.
Captain Landis is a member
of the Lancaster active re-

in August.
servists’ group.
Following complete repairs,made
nark. ly
the existing
members will
ground insidelj
weekend |,
followed by,
plumbing and the laying
the cement and
No date for the exact
a bicycle roadeo was held atpletion or a dedication of the hetween Manheim and Fair-
the Mount Joy Borough park building has been named at] " : }
which included bicycle races
of a ‘snail’
balance and relay race. Ray
Livingston won the roadeo|
the present time.
Six To Tour
Research Plant
Four Donegal
who graduated
in the
course will leave
Gruber|July 26, for St. Louis. Ken- py the different companies.
{neth Young, Kenneth Watts,
third; Larry Deibler, first in/John Gerlach and Jack Lan-
|dis will
be accompanied by
Grant Miller, advisor, on the
westward trip.
Arrangements have been
| through the Wenger)
Feed Mill, Inc., Rheems, to
{search Company in St. Louis,
(Missouri. A representative of
{the local company, E. W.
Rutt, will also accompany the
group on the trip. {
re as
Benjamin Stekervetz, Jr.
381 West Main Strtet Mount|
(Joy, has just completed the
|Auto Lite Technician Train-
ling course at Lancaster. A
{banquet was held for the 14
[graduates of the class a t|
{Penryn Fire Hall. Stekervetz
lis employed by R. M. Bru-
|baker, Salunga.

Wilbur Beahm, supervising
principal of the Donegal Un-|
lion School district, is on va-
cation this week.
| ®
The Secretary of State be-
comes president of the U. S.,
in case of the death or re-
moval of both the president
and vice-president,

: foricompany, and
and the Pennsylvania Dutch days|Salunga Jaycees.
99 contest will be
win the contest at
[Fair late in September.
|Winner of the Ephrata Fair
|contest will be crowned Miss|
|Lancaster County |
Relay Termed
Success Sunday
{view Streets.
|[Florin, HWizabethtown, Mari-
|etta Depot, Marietta Borough|
|Mastersonville, Ironville and]
|Landisville participated. An
high schooliunestimated number of spec-
Disaster Program To Be
nt Joy
from Civil Defense and doc-
[tors from various
lall-day program. Four local
men who attended the plan-
[ning meeting w e r e Ray
Myers, John Myers, John L.
'Schroll and Michael Pricio.
— — -

Six Groups To
Sponsor Girls
In Contest
| Six organizations have al-
ready announced that they
will enter a candidate in the
Miss Mount Joy contest in
September. Following a com-
mittee meeting Tuesday night
of the local Jaycee commit-
tee in charge of the contest,
organizations will enter girls
in the contest: Mount Joy
Sportsmen's Association, Mt.
Joycees, Florin Lions
Mount Joy Friendship Fire
Any girls who wish to en-
ter the contest who have not
already been contacted by
the cooperating organizations,
or who have not contacted
the committee are asked
The winner of the Mt. Joy
entered in
the Ephrata
and will
enter the Miss Pennsylvania
ontest next June. This local
ontest is the first step on)
y in Atlantic City, N. J.

As a result of the relay
1eld Sunday by firemen, Ray MORE TREES TO BE
level Myers, Zone 7 Fire Marshall
n charge of the event, an-
1ounced that there is suffi-
ient water in the area with

of lwhi . nts ane muoalong the Little Chiques
RY 0 jVhich lo combat a fire. The! reek at the Little Chiques
tile floors./relay was held around the ne di
com-SICO and Texaco oil tanks| >chool Playgroun it was
“lannounced this week. The
Approximately 80 firemen
Mount Joy, Rheems,
tators watched the program,
Fifteen streams of water
were in use at the same time

Six members of the local
Jaycees attended the state-
wide board meeting at the

to/tour the Ralston Purina Re-/Hotel Brunswick, Lancaster,
Saturday and Sunday. Mem-|
bers from the local chapter|
were John Landis, Geo. Al-Radio Station in Driver, Va,
bert, Charles Drace, Harold
Zimmerman, Jr., Gerald Hos-
tetter and Ammon Hoffer.
Over 400 men from chapters
through the state attended
the event.
The 17th annual reunion
of the Berrier families was
held July 20, at the Milton
Grove Sportsmen’s Club.
The oldest man present
was George Mumper and the
oldest lady was Mrs. Austin
Berrier. The youngest person
present was Keith Ronald
The following officers were
elected for the coming year:
Donald Berrier, president;
Clifford Adams, vice-presi-
dent; Mrs. George Berrier,

August 10, it'areas. Between 500 and 600
was announced by the Lan-|persons will take part in the
the road to the Miss America| nor repans.
school building)
Reds Release
Mount Joy
R. Zeller,
the nine
Germany June 7, was
leased last Saturday.
the American Red Cross
Mrs. George Zeller,
Birchland Avenue,
of Wednesday afternoon.
Major Zeller returned
his Air Force station
weeks of captivity
munist East Germany.
American Red Cross and the
East German Red Cross com-
pleted the long negotiations
for their release.
DE i.-R
Five Schools Are
Renovations are being com-
pleted i n the elementary
schools of the Donegal Union
School District. In the Mount
Joy Elementary School a ma-
jor painting program has
been completed. In addition
the outside trim, the auditor-
ium was painted a light

green with a dark green ap-|
to proximately four feet around)
contact Mr. Dussinger, Done-|the bottom. Before the paint- back their inventories and
\gal Springs Road, Mount Joy.|in€ was completed, the audi- have been living o
His phone number is not lis-/torium was a dull tan. In ad-|At the same time, they have|
Dutch Days ted in the present directory. dition to minor repair work/cue back capital expenditures
Hershey on|Hijs present number is OL 3-|at the (
new stairs were placed in the|'oans are low because
Florin North school,
building and the
was painted both in the in-|
terior. T h e same color]
schemes were followed as be-
In the Marietta elementary
school, two classrooms were
painted green and yellow,
furniture has been refinished,
plus replastering and other
In the May-|
elementary school
(which was the former high
five class-
rooms were p ainted, new
floors were laid plus minor
repairs. A new furnace will
be placed in the Washington|
School, Florin, before winter. |

More trees will be planted
Root’s Nursery will plant 35
trees this autumn along the
west bank of the creek to
the right of the park entrance
southward. The 35 trees will
include a variety of kinds of
More planting of trees will
be conducted within the
park also. Last week the
dead trees were removed in|
the area and new ones willl
be planted to replace these,

(trees. |


Seaman Second Class Tho-
mas R. Schroll,
and Mrs. Thomas Schroll, of
Detwiler Avenue, has been
assigned to the U. S. Naval
He completed a six-months
course at the radio school in
Bainbridge, Maryland, and
spent a 15-day leave at home
pug to being assigned to
Drivker. Seaman Schroll is a
1957 . graduate of Donegal
high school.

The Elizabethtown Rose
Society's annual chicken bar-
becue will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Ginder, Wood St., Florin, on
Saturday, August 2nd at 6:30
Members and friends are
invited. Remittance for bar-
becue at $1.50 per person.
(Children under six, 75c)
should be made no later than
Monday, July 28, to Secre-
tary, Mrs. B. GQ. McNelly at

secretary; and ‘Ralph Berrier,
A special program is plan-
one of
men who was seized in East
though a telephone call from
the news to her, she had not| Rotarians Hear
i i of
heard from him directly “Timely Talk By [heim near the bridge which/committee in charge of the
Frankfort, Germany. He and
the other eight U. S. Army
were freed Saturday after 6
in Com-
building/have been paid off and buy-
Bid Awarded For Paving
North Barbara Street
D. M. Stoltzfus, Talmage,|$8,834.50, bids ranged inlof the curbs. One new curb
was awarded the bid to fe-jprice upward to $12,846.00.| was erected by John Heisey
surface North Barbara Street|The bid was awarded to thejin the 300 block of the street.
Seven bids were opened at alfirm upon approval by Hen- Mr. Heisey placed not only
special meeting of borough, ry Huth, engineer. Accord-la new curb but a sidewalk
council Monday night in theling t o the specifications, through his lot.
council chamber. From the/work will begin within the] The borough will try a
low bid of Stoltzfus firm of{next 10 days. “new adventure” in the re-
North Barbara Street will|surfacing of portions of four
be resurfaced from Main St./other streets in town. Bor-
[northward to the intersection|ough employees will do the
lof North Barbara and Man- work with t h e property

Chiques operation. James Spangler is
Creek. Before work was or-/chairman of the property
dered for the street a checklcommittee. This work is to
fj was made on the condition'be started in the near future,
crosses the Little
Notes on the ‘condition o
the Economy” were given|-
[Mount Joy Rotarians Tues-|
[day noon at their weekly|
{luncheon meeting at Hostet-|
ters by David Green of Phil-|

Stauffertown Family
adelphia, associated with $21 000 D
Lionell D. Edie Co., invest-| ven ’ amage
a risors & }Cono- : ip) toed aa iqi
ment advisors and econo A damage suit by the Gif-lJadmitting responsibility for
uu : ; fert C. Gutshall family whose the explosion.)
Calling the situation aj,60 was destroyed by fire This February explosion
| ‘point of view” he noted the gir an explosion in Febru- was the first in a series of
|psychological aspect of the ary, 1957, was settled out of hroblems which hit families
current recession, particular- court for $21,500. During thei, the Stauffertown area
JV 85 Lt Aouches Spending flexplosion-fire in the Stauf-| which today have not been
= ii {fertown home, Mr. Gutshall, corrected. The area residents,
fluences the activities of they; ; ;
nid Ef » (his brother and his daughter plagued with : i
businessenmon. (plagued with a contaminated
were seriously injured in water supply, are still suffer-
Consumers’ income, h elthe blast. fing. Despite investigations,
said, remains high as meas-| William Mann, attorney|tests, and repairs to a gaso-
ured by dollars but purchas- for the Gutshalls, entered a|line line running through the
es of durable goods, particul-|netition in court last week community, the residents are
arly, have been slowed. asking that the suit be dis-/still purchasing water for
lecontinued. He announced to|drinking and cooking pur-
[‘he court that the case has/poses and are still dissatisfied
f ff the shelf | een settled out of court with with the efforts that have
|Futshall receiving $9,000 forbeen and are being made to
his injuries and $5,000 for/clear up the situation.
‘he contents of his home. His| The work of recondition-
Loretta Mae, 13,/ing the gasoline pipeline was
~eceived $7,500 for disfigur-|started by the Southern Pipe-
ng a etn. we, Ws hc. he suman we na ALA
the economy elbow room for, :q bo "the Mantiactureroi report issued by the’ R. W,
spending when the individu-|{ {op and Heat COmBany. Mafford Company of Evans
als decide to make purchas-| dbs i ot] i on, nm, natural gas was not
MY | (The attorney for t h e~ontaminating the wells but
. . PATE 3 . wat! the acaline »
Government spending pe Manufacturers Light & Heat hat gasoline could be at
a ‘ |“ompany made the statement fault. This report cleared the
said, will help economy dur-|, “° : : VL: fact 3 :
ing the fourth quarter of 58 | DP court that although the anu ac urers Light a nd
lefendent had settled out of Heat Company but did not
The program was arranged|court, the company was not absolve the Southern Pipe-

Businessmen have c¢ ut
vids y
they| wghte Yr,
He noted that
fad fe id introduced 'ine Company. The Public
DY enn Y. Forney. | Utility Commission, which
Joe Shaeffer has been| * 'mployed the independent
named treasurer of the Geo. Special Day Is lagency to check the pipe-
McCue Fund.
Contributions, which will
{lines, ordered Southern Pipe-
Set For Cubs {line Company to recondition
be used to honor the Mount| A Cub-a-Roo for all Cub its lines running through the
Joy boy now starring with|Scout packs in the western Stauffertown area. To date
the Lancaster Roses baseballjdistrict of Lancaster County|fifteen property owners in
team, may be sent to “George will be held Saturday, Aug.|the area have filed damage
McCue Fund” P. O. Box 21,9, at Kiwanis Park, College /suits against the Southern
Mount Joy, Pa. {Ave., Elizabethtown. T h e/Pipeline Company.
“George McCue Day” isimorning events will begin a‘| a
to be observed on August 18.10 am. and a box lunch will
-_— {be featured at noon. After
PICNIC IS HELD siglo nbi Sl, SSE
BY AUXILIARY parents New Arrivals
Members of the ladies aux-

maxed at 4 p.m.
Cub Scout leaders,
and other interested

fliary of the Friendship Fire|, invited to attend the pro-| ’ 7 3
Company held a picnic last| oom Activities include con- Mr and Mrs. Henty Ks
Thursday evening at the Lit-1¢ ts telove: ori tavas: Tnad Weidman, Mount Joy R1, a
tle Chiques Park. Members dition eS on Som, last Wednesday, at the
of the fire company were for first second Wo third Joseph's hopitek
guests at the affair. Duringiu inners. in each event a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
the business meeting foul ward 5 11 he Ver to thel f 4450 Adams Street, Den-
new members were accepted yo 4 Cis: Scout BN resent Vers Colorado, a daughter,
into the group; Mrs. James Ras ison OT A is last Wednesday in Denver,
Kipple, Manheim St.; Mrs. ie of the Cub-a-Roo [MTS Miller is the former
David R. Myers, New Haven rain date of Aus 16 was PCBEY Ann Kline, daughter
Street; Mrs. Caroline Shoop, ci py the mnt “of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kline,
New Haven Street; and Mrs.
z [Mount Joy R2.
Daisy Darrenkamp, Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gab-
le, Mount Joy R1, a son Tues-
\WHEAT CROP day, at Columbia hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. David V.
Donegal FFA chapter boys Landry, Manheim R4, a son
harvested their wheat lastjand daughter, ‘Tuesday, at
Ed Sheehy, a charter mem- week and produced record Lancaster Osteopathic hospit-
ber of the Columbia Riding Preaking poundage for this]
| olarea. Using all the improved
|Club, was named honorary i othe te
\chairman of the third annual L W Ihe ro g! that hey Keener, Mount Joy R2, a
[Children’s Horse Show which \carhed, the boys producedison, Monday, at Lancaster
wheat which weighed|General hospital.
lwas held in Columbia Satur- Dual
62 pounds to the bushel] Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weid-
day. He is one of the origin- :
al members of the club when Which Wps the former, Marietta Rl, a son at
it was founded ten years ago Sure. They harvested 68|the Lancaster St. Joseph's
and is one of the club's lead-|Pushels of wheat to the acrelhospital.
ers in stimulating interest in|" their three acres of land] Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bright-
horsemanship among th oland sold it to the Wenger|bill, South Market Street, of
youngsters of the community |T eed Mill, me, Rheems. Florin, a son, Saturday, at
“Ed” is known in Mt. Joy| mem meee a mi St: JOSeph’s- Hospital,
through his “fresh fruits and Te PRESENT TREAT Mr. and Mrs, Charles
vegetables” truck which trav-lchildren of pee jot y onelJohnson, 335 W. Donegal St.,
oT roel Ment, Jon Boner are of 1e ount Joy|a daughter, Saturday, at St.
dmes weekly. Jaye ounds were treated by|Joseph’s hospital. 3
.- jth local Joycees Wednes-| Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Nis-
_|day afternoon. The women’s|sley, Manheim Rl. a daugh-
Mount Joy Cubs and their|group presented an ice cream|ter, Saturday. at Lancaster
fathers will go camping this/treat to the children during|General Hospital ,
weekend at the Heisey ranch|the bicycle roadeos at the 2| .
near Rheems. They will leave|parks. Mrs. Charles Drace.| ’
from the Mount Joy Elemen- Mrs. Harold Zimmerman, Jr. If family doctor con mot
tary School at 10 a.m. Satur- and Mrs. John Landis served 2€ contacted for emergency,
gay moriing and will return|the theat. physician on call on
unday at 2 pm. Clyde Trip- ®- {
ple, Cubmaster, will be inl A metronome | Sunday
charge. musical time. Dr. John Gates :

Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
