MOUNT . PUBLISHED EVER 11 EAST MAIN STREET, In the heart of fabulous Lancaster Richard A. Ramnbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate If not, muse for a in casy driving distance Perhaps you think Chances are it is because t commonplace is only on the fringe which has been boomed : the charm of the surrounding area has been over- looked To ‘the traveler—the stranger something new and interesting might well be called Donegal valley Its agrarian beauty alone can not "attractions which To build your list center here, we'll start Springs church and the visited each year by far local citizens realize. Try stranger, or Chiques rock Add Hershey and its fabulous Grewna, the steel mills at Steelton and rection include the capitol building at Harrisburg Don’t forget Manheim, rata, Landis Valley Wheatiand, and, of course, Pike You take it from a busy weekend, try showing a beauties and all the fascinating things and places, using Mount Joy as “home The moral of this ists a day throughout economy cquivalent of dustry. with an annual payee WINS CONTEST Karl Metzler, Manheim prize. — ®- a Dauphin was a title given to the eldest son of a King of France. The Mount Joy BULLET year Advertising Rates upon Entered at the post office second class mail under the Have you ever considered ideally situated as a center familiar So long has Mount Joy trips » into the land of your “ dreams a a Up TO the mountain or down to the beach, for a week or a month, wherever you go, whenever you go, you will need money for your much needed vacation. No need to say, "| can't afford it". Fer with our mod- erm Vacation Club you buy next year's recreation out of this year's income. + Mount Joy Bank was dock the graduation College Constance Mr Lane, Y. of she Stone prize The an UNION NATIONAL THURSDAY » JOY request Joy, ! March 3, Member, Pennsylvania News paper Publishers’ Why Not Tourist Trade? Mount tourist » dozens of in teresting things to see and to do which are with every direct two feeling ‘Amish material on the the is fascinating + surpassed with Tree, people » mountain on @ overlookng attractions, in that Cloisters at Lancaster Old Philadelphia if you stranger is this—The States Department of Commerce says that a com- munity which can attract a couple of dozen tour- added to manufacturing f $100,000 AMBULANCE TAKES placed first in the al FOUR TRIPS Safe Driving Contest spon- sored by the Manheim Jun- ior Chamber of Commerce last Saturday. This is the third straight year that the rural youth won the first samo Keil taken Hospital Hoffmaster with Mrs was taken Hospital Molgemut hn -.- GRADUATE HOLYOKE 263 1 i Mount sophomore Holyoke, was named a Sarah for her distinguished gy record received Cot lence PARENTS NIGHT IS MONDAY » night for 3aseball Ol interested come baseball * of the school and bring shovels : In order condition the work is league ® Sports Awards County. Shirley high school May 1a ing by derson; Mary Smith, Joseph Buck, Bunche; Christine Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; Pa- larnish tricia Mehalik, Albert Stan Gingrich, weitze James recite “The James Weldon Johnson; Harold Krall will sing “Service & po ‘admon Jon Bender will 4 . Tar Y Parr has become , Charles Barr, » given Nan Reisinger, v held Sunday, May 23; anc will be held May which than our man ent Darrenkamp Patricia ing guests to dinner Wednes- 01 Cupper, a saxaphone solo; McKain. day, Mr : u Hess. Mrs. Adah Eichler and tric guitar solo Kenneth daughter Margaret : Mrs. Levi Fuhrman and sons monies for the evening. Donald Zeller were community week taken y John Gates to the prandt. Hospital Wolgemuth with » as nurse Frank was Gene ral “Richard Ober, . Hospital Der nnis is “sche duled awards winners and Mrs. J. Ralph Brandt | s at Elizabethtown on Sunday ARTHRITIC Vir. and Mrs. Robert Hertz ind son spent Sunday even ng with Mrs. David Geib PAIN ATTACKS? : 1 . and children @ Gemberling g to dinner on Sunday. Mr. 1 Wai Sohal tn Flori and Mrs. Walter Becker and portant, bone-benefiting Vitamin “C 1111s I . 8 . family, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel No Becker and family. Mr. and ) Colonial Park. same Franklin Co spent days with the 7 Bru bak I on Donegal Spgs. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hoff- man of Rheems visited Mrs Sara Schlegelmilch ening All September and daughter Nancy and Jill Sc hatz, ( called on Mrs perso | Wo; parents, Mr. and Mrs. » William Lawtin, Sr. at Man- evening 24 Baccalaureate: Midgets, e Commencement: opens May. be released the se as m's games. Bernard Kear Mount Joy Maytown and coach of the management work. harmless to man. Speakers For F.F.A. Holds Commencement Annual Banquet Are Named Members of he Ragin Chapter of the staged Student speakers and solo- their annual banquet Thurs- have been chosen for day evening in the school av annual : Exercise of the Donegal ductions and the banquet, 29. Follow- Kenneth Young, president, the theme “Toward the gave the welcome address Betterment of Mankind”, the Miss Lois Fuhrman was, program will be based on named the F.I"'A. queen for Sandra humanitarianism In the mod-'the year and Miss Jean A world Mumma was named the at- 1] tendant. Miss Carol Cupper, Rober! Buchs Has r is the F.F.A. sweetheart for he Prrrato) eh Spee So the year, was presented with vi he Jag Y > H Br ant a jacket from the chapter. a Hob i Relsch, Jon- Honorary Farmer Degrees E. Salk Linda Fellen- were conferred upon Elam um Leonard Bernstein; Brubaker, lagner Hallgren Kramer Nancy Rainboit. Marian An- and Daniel Wolgemuth for Pearl outstanding contributions to Pat Charles, Ralph the chapter during the past Hostetter, year. They were given pins and plaques. Winners from Seh- the past two years were also r Jean Mumma will present and received plaques : Creation” by They were Charles Young Ruth John Wenger, John Weid- py man, Milton Mowrer, John Hart, Wilbur I. Beahm, Whole Ralph Coleman and Clarence sing He's Got the y Paul Wor'd in His Hands”, a neg- Newcomer spiritual Patsy Mumper Grant Miller, advisor, pre- nd Dorothy Fletcher will sented three awards to mem- play an organ and viano du- bers of the chapter. Kenneth ~{ “Adoration” by Borowski; Young was given the Chap- nd Kav Kauffman will play ter Star Farmer award; Ken- flute solo “Idylle” by Gad- neth Eshleman, the dairy a- ward; and Richard Ober, the services will farm mechanics award. This { was the first year that the senior awards assembly dairy award was ever pre- 20 sented to a freshman. Ken- -— neth with his brother, own Baccalaurcate ey, aNd care for 18 Holsteins. Dr. Gilbert D.. McKlveen, FL ORIN Lebanon Valley College, was the guest speaker for the ev- Mr. ea Mie 2 T Kaufl- ening. Special musical num- rtained the follow- bers were presented by Car- and Mrs. Landis and Luke Brubaker, an elec- Mr. and Young was master of cere- East Petersburg and Mr Guests for the evening in- Claude Fspenshade and son. cludes the members’ parents, Mr George Henderson. the winners of the honorary nt Wednesday at May- degrees, members of -the fac- town with relatives. ulty, and reporters o ff the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shoe- daily and weekly newspa- maker had the following as papers their guests on Sunday, Myr —rmeer — and Mrs. John Kr ider, Mi CELEBRATE Robert Joy, Mrs. Jacob Shenk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shenk ang ANNIVERSARY family. Manhcim RD, and Mrs. Vernon Shenk and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B i family of Manheim, Mr. and Hostetter, West Main Street, : Mrs. Borne” Nolt and fami- celebrated their sixty-first v of; Bast Petersburg, Mr. wedding anniversary Sunday nd \irs Vienno Ober and May 11. A family dinner was I and- Mrs. Ribert Shank held at Hostetter’'s which d son of Manheim was attended by 355 Vin Adah Eichler, and, The couple has six chil rgarel enter- dren; Paris, School Lane: \ liowing on Mo- Raymond, Landisville; Clar Te vi nd Mrs. B. ence, West Main Street Ir Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. vin, Park Avenue; Arthur, ndis Hess, Mr. James Mus- Mount Joy R. D. and Mil and Mr. Claude Espen- dred, wife of Clarence Doup de and son, David le, Mount Joy RD. They Mr. and Mrs. William Cas- have fourteen grandchildren entertained the follow- and six great grandchildren on Mothers Day Mrs. The program included the ulah Hilt and Mr. and singing of - hymns by the virs. M. Caswell of Colum- children and the showing of The fermers brother and slides taken at the couple's ster-in-law fiftieth anniversary. Ceramic Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandt tab’e decorations and favors were dinner guests of their for the occasion were made son and daughter-in-law, Mr. by Mrs. Paris Hostetter ¢ Mr. Glenn Shank, of Lilitz. Feel Better Fast! Cc Yied on his uncle and aunt . and Mrs. Ira Brandt on I'ake PRUVO, the faster-acting anal- gesic that goes to work in just minutes! aay evening Gives you relief of cursory, nagging, Rev. and Mrs Henry dee minor pains that often spe 1 . : ing, relaxing or sleepi or, entertained the follow- containstwo special in lamide, considered to m J and faster-acting than aspirin plus im- ause it dissolves instantly waiting for heavy outer coatings to tissolve or possibility of passing from Acts fast | svstem prematurely. Won't upset stom- Mrs. Charles Becker, Mr ch. No habit forming drugs or sodium and Mrs ‘har in Tors Safe even for those with heart condition Charles Becker, Shieh blood necssure, Only 31.50 or 1h and Mrs Martin Wit- tablets, op save more on economy size bottles. Your druggist can tell you there is no non-pr iption pain reliever, even aul Martin and family, it twice the cost, that contains such nec- essary ingredients or has as much po- in and family, Roy and 1" 1d By and Mrs Henry tency per tablet as is found in PRUVO. Becker Jr : I dni ve : You must be satisfied with trial size or > ind daughter vour money back! Ask vour druggist Mrs. Sara Schlegelmilch for PRUVO today and feel the difference! and Mr. George Henderson SLOAN'S: PHARMACY Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wickenheiser at Yay a Rev. and Mrs. Ra Bruba- r and family of Zullinger several formers par ev. and Mrs. Harry Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Vigel Enjoy mitk any time, 1 day or night Ridge Drive Wednesday | vou'll Vog- love milk’s good taste with meals or snacks > Preven . plain or flavored! Use GETS DIPLOMA it to enrich cooking and Galen S. Spickler, manager {or the baking, too. It's an any- service : hour treat! Newcomer | Motors, Inc., West Main St. Red Rose Dairy 1:as been awarded a diploma {i the General Motors In- Clarence S. Greider og S ute, Flint, Mich., for com- MOUNT JOY. R. D. 1 n.Pleting a course in retail Phone OL 3-2502 tch, The Bulletin, Mount Joy. | Pa. Thursday. May 15 Sheetz F ord Home GERALD R. SHEETZ Funeral Director 21 W. Donegal St. Commencement cafeteria. Following intro-; — SKIN ITCH HOW TO RELIEVE IT. IN JUST 15 MINUTES, If not pleased, your 48c it any drug store. feadens itch and burning tes; kills germs, fungi on c¢ act. Wonderful for exzema, ringwcerm, insect bites, s ice rashes. Today at SLOAN'S HARMACY., cen tt ety ITCH-ME-NOT WELL BUY YOUR CAR MIDDLETOWN SALES MIDDLETOWN, Or. John H. Stauffer OFTOMETRIST 81 E. Main St., Mount Joy BY APPOINTMENT Closed Wednesdays Phone OL 3-8411 ICHFIEL a shine under the hood! see us for the finest maintenance! HI- a Drive re. Get the savings and the satisfaction of longer run- in for the best of car life and greater opera- economy. Modest rates . fast service Baker's Richfield Station ON THE SQUARE OL 3-5241 Want More Time For Fun In The Sun? Now Is The 2.19 California Florida or Pretzel Jane Parker Florida Lemons Iona cut Green Beans lona Bartlett Pears Educator Crax Lion Fig Bars Crispa Pretzels Nabisco Thin Parkay Margarine Welchade Grape Drink 2 Reymer’s Blennd Vinyl Garden Hose Fab Detergent 32 Charcoal Brigquets i: 39¢ Vigoro "ii Angel Food Ring June Parker Pies Jane Parker Enriched 1-1b. ¢ Sliced White Bread loaf 17 .929¢ whens 3 #0-51,00 53¢ 59¢ 58 *1.99 77° 69° *2.99 wer 49° length Golden Vigoro 50-1b. bag Blackberry or Peach Large 8-inch Pie New Jersey FRESH ASPARAGUS Finest . . . Colossal Size Ny Large Original Cc Bunch pint FRESH STRAWBERRIES © 33° None Priced Higher None Priced Higher FRESH CORN °- 49¢ 6 - 25° we 39% Fresh Pineapples -. 23° 10¢ 85° 29¢ Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery - Butter . 39¢ Sold 63¢ bit a &5¢ None Priced Higher Large Brown and White Crestview Eggs o'.» 53¢ 2 New Low Price ...DELMONTF Pineapple Grapefruit Drink wr BPS A&P . . . Our Finest Quality Fruits and Vegetables Freestone, Slices or Halves Peaches 49¢ Tiny Swee! 24¢| Peas 2 = 45% 2 5 39¢ A . P BIG SALE OF FINE FROZEN FOODS! A&P (Our Finest Quality) Peas & Carrots Cut Corn & French 3 for 44 Fried Potatoes Your Choice A&P (Our Finest Quality) tench, Style Green Beans Broccoli Spears & 3 wm RE Fordhook Your Choice Lemonade C & B Limeade Lemonade Your Choice 6 on BOE SNOW CROP Broccoli Cuts Succotash and Cauliflower Your Choice 4 oo. 85° A &P Orange juice A&P Leaf or Chopped Spinach Banquet Beef, Turkey or Chicken Pies Grand Duchess Buttered Beef Steaks Shortening 37¢ 99 Rinso Blue Detergent Linit Liquid Lux Liquid Detergent we gC in 73¢ Surf Detergent 3c off deal 7c off deal iy 32¢ -: wie} +764 Karo Blue Label Syrup Ven 5¢ = 47¢ 5 99¢ g ie 3 os 35° 75° All prices in this 5 pkgs. 99¢ through Saturday, Wisk Detergent 41¢ « 75¢ Swish Liquid Detergent 23c off large ¢ deal can Red Heart Dog Food 6 89° 49¢ May 17, 1958. a — ina mead All Detergent oige © 33¢ © 10-1b. b $4.55 Mazola oil art = 79¢ Gallon can $2.29 Scott Soft Weve Tissue white 3 volls 38¢ colored 2 rolls 27¢ advertisement effective , \ i» - - f G. GR/