The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 27, 1958, Image 4

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    one was forgotten Barry Armold, Marietta Toomey and children, Mich- |The Bulletin, Mount joy. Fa The Bu
r sd “77 "hicles, transformérs, poles|ies,” this ' 3
y | . © land other materials and sup- last week. Four boys from Rl, underwent an appendec-|ael and Christine visited Mr. | Thursday, February 27 4 Thurs
\ | | } plies. As soon as warm wea-town went to Mount Joy on tomy at St. Joseph's Hospit- | and Mrs. Arnold Fink Sun- rT i
ther arrives, the entire pro- Saturday night to attend the al on Sunday. day. SA
ject will be landscaped with Teen-Age dance. After the Nps Joseph Hollenbaugh| The Church of God will Siete Funeral Home
ge evergreens and flowering dance they were told that of Hummelstown is visiting | start Evangelistic Services on



{ou can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably ; : : :
: J shrubs, making an attractive all roads were closed and it|at the home of Mr. Robert | Sunday, Mar. 2 at 7:30 bp. GERALD R. SHEETZ dat
Through the addition to the neighbor-jwas not safe to Siren t0| Hollenbaugh. m. The Rey igh Bugis Funeral Director Pr
od. sive on any of them. Some . . ys in charge March 2-3; lev .
; hood rane. 2 ig 5 invite y Mr. and Mrs. George rarner of the Columbia| tl W. Donegal St, MT. JOY and I
> ; rey ~ ¥ Among the employees at good neighbors invited them Hicks of Lititz visited Mrs D. Warner of the 0 toes
WwW A N T A D ~~ ¢ the new center will be theito stay at their homes for ,, 05. Sufiday. MS Church of God, Mar. 4 and ect offic ah: S29 ot
£7) LAA District Manager, Mr. Frye the night. On Sunday ‘they Mr and Mrs Lm... Special musie by the Hum- — Ola @
ind his staff who assist cus- started for home but got on- i Y. and Mrs Lester Funk | me)5town quartet; the Rev WE'LL by Pear CAR
tomers with service matters; ly as far as the cemetery 8% family of Washington | wijest, March 5 and special Jigen ach. Orioes
FOR SALE FOR SALE: Brick & Fram omployees who maintain when the car stuck in a Boro Note Sundsy Stare | music by the Silver Spring's MIDDLETOWN PSALES
a Erie House on Donegal Spring customer records: 11i n e'snow drift. Monday noon Sa and Mrs. Robert “| quartet; the Rev. Hower ofl win and Spruce Streets
aby Carriage. in good con road, 4 rooms and bath and service crew personnel three of the boys decided to “7 ™ | Elizabethtown Church oo f MIDDLETOWN. PA ;
Baby aM So oO 01 garage, lot 650x200 ft Elec and Business Development walk home. being Mr and Mrs. Fred Wetz- | God, Mar. 6: Mar. 7 . No Phone WHitney 4-6023 Live
og oY Ngoc TRNES, venetian blinds, stor representatives who assist outfitted with galoshes and el, Jr. of Gettysburg visited services; the Rev. West, 6-1fc
gy OS Pho og Con customers through proper additional clothing, they Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel, | Mar. 8, David Weidman will
(TCT bin dired tol POUBNL for low down D icati Jdentvic wr. | starte heir trek ‘hen Sr. over the weekend be the Chorister. Mrs. Wiest
USED ga es. priced t oT OLdficld 32-6119 application of electric ser- started on. their tre kK. When . ; $ Mrs. ‘ i
incinerato - Call orasel 9-1 vice, to increase efficiency, asked how they were able] Be sure to patronize the will give Flannelgraph talks SAVE UP TO
ion. At town production or profit in their to get through, they said Baked Ham dinner at the for children on Mar. 3 and
State St, Epl business or add comfor. and they waded through snow fire house on Sunday, start-|March 8. Everybody is in- L¢
a 9007 0. : . ing Y: i . : en
rata, Pa. ne 3-2207 9-1¢ o-oo convenience in their home. [waist deep and when they ing at 11 am. |vited to attend these servic- ON TI
'RAW FOR SALE. Par XS sere ee meme encountered drifts too high] Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldles. !
S1 EO Did Tari HELP OFFERED TTI they rolled across them to js
Gruber, Phone OL 3-4846 er y ro iaind a 3 BIR 33333333
' - - i - Ea set to the field on the other 1
7-4¢ - 5¢ ‘
MAYTOWN i SE Your Best New Year's Resolution
Frozen Turkeys Reduced ped at two homes to warm INSTALL A SERIES >
from Solids} prices. Eugene x = ETI Fmasives Here they were § §
Kreider, phone Mount Joy i LNTER FINISHING TOUCHES SHES vania| Mr. Ge orge Bowers Of given something hot to eal S HO U LD BE TO U SE )
( o - 6-tfe . vill Cid LAR LIINI NG VU 10 S) d y ricito ed ivile Fa BYWAY
L ¥ 90: 36. ’ 6-4¢ Power & Light Company's Columbia Service Center is be | Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mr. and drink. After approx:- § OUR SERVICE REGULARLY
First cutting of Alfalfa. Call ——renee ig readied for its March 3 opening. Shown here are P. P. {Harry Bowers and Mr. and mately four hours, they ar- ° NA) 80
Mt. Joy OL 3-4841 Tr Gee & L's project engineer DeForrest S. Bast, at right, and Mrs. Norman Blottenberger rived in town safe and}
. construction foreman George Buizer, of Mount Joy, as|during the past week. He sound. Boys, you were luc- \ / Sho:
YPE WRITERS. add. mach., the y check last-minute arrangements in the center’s elec- [came by plane last Sunday, ky! $ OIL BURNER FARM
ash reg., check inter- coms, CARD oF THANKS ric kite chen n to be used for cus.omer demonstrations. expecting to land at Harris- The Friendly siile Class with
iafes, files, off. Sn new & ee ee dy =====|burg. Due to the blzzard,, ; gq John's Lutheran EEATURING. loader
ised. At Roots Sale Tuesday. = customers. where cus stomiersiihe plane had to go to Wash- ~ i : eT. ali ATi TAY
aSea. : : t I Church will hold a Food THE PATENTED COMBLSTION manu
Worth trip” ENG LE, 1% We wish " express our sin- PP&L Opens; can. in air-conditioned com- |ington D. C. to land. He then Sale at the Fire House Sai-1 You Phone OL 3. 2751 We Call HEAD which produces a hotter Combi
High Su, £-town 9i-C cere Janse 0. fl ho ! i’: fort, transact any businessicame by train to Lancaster oi... 0" coting at 10:30. SSH trseresen spassrist | Fame mors Hest rom ese 2 Touon
SW n RS membered us with lokKens ( . ,_|a z ‘mai re un- em Br 3 SUN-RA - avy
SEWING MACHINES: Au- sympathy in the loss of our with the company from pay-(and had 0 Te man there un They are planning a Rum- grsissssssssssss sesasess $ 3333334 TRIC OIL BRAKE which pro. De
) saler for the three!” . pci o ’ a - til Monday cvening when ‘, ‘ aye vides instantaneous il to
horized dealer f I dear mother. The Stella H. ling bills to’ requesting ser li d : mage Sale for Mar. 7. Take } olf, 2. TOV
eading Sewing Machines — |r ° Phan DO. ipa addition there is a the roads were opened. . . : Sp sania 4 ”" od “ SUN-RAY'S DUAL CARBURE- cipal
I A 2h - At Columbia ha os with seating] Bobby Frank returned to Bl clotiing x ag Se og How use doth breed a habit in a man” and Jo es ers Quint, 4 a
. hla r Sarroine wi a. a . SE ns > ome o Mr. anc Mrs. | § . er hea wit fuel savings up to truck
MESTIC. Sales and Service.|] wish to thank all my rela- space for 50 persons, where/his home on Friday from pg. prve These projects are B the older the habit, the less likely we are to ques- 40% over conventional oil burn- 1-hors
Binkley’'s Sewing Machine & tives, friends and neighbors 1 r nd Ap (St. Joseph's Hospital. His... x Cran bain 3 : ers. 2-whe
R : Sl 111 N Mar-(f roi ik. ards >ennsylvania Power and cooking and appliance dem for the benefit of (he church/f§ tion it. <=Whe
emnant Shop, N Me for all their flowers, cards & sf fetus trip was not quite so i . H BURNS ALL TYPE OF DOMES- ders 1
tet St., Elizabethtown, Pa. prayers during my s.ay in Bin Company will open itsjonstrations and shows will| ifficult. building . fund TIC FUEL OIL. ft. 1
27-tic [the hospital Mrs. Lester newly - completed Columbia be given for customers, elec- ’ The Mid-Week Lenten H ie Lt. lon
— smote {EE Us 9-1c|Distric. service center at tric appliance dealer —meet-| Me. 24 HY. James Dro- services of St. John’s Luth- § re : i
= os ce = Fifth and Poplar Streets, in|ings will be held and local] [2 ne om 2 nN eran church will be held ev- a Arthur J ‘Ulrich GPGS
gee my I LO DSS OF Sih|Columbia or Monday, Mar, Organizations invited to use| ips ip to Hawai and op, Wednesday evening ° at 3: . ir ig
cere NK to ol our smal . : the room for their bake|California. They are pres-i7.3) Ap exchange of pastors AUTOMATIC HEAT ater
FEMALE neighbors and friends for|3, at 8:00 a.m, for custom- d other civi qlently living at Mrs. Drohans p.¢ gd Mi pamors It pays to gonsult an Agent of SALES AND S ae
HELP WANTED their many expressions of er service, it was announced Sojes ani other ve a Loic hos been arranged as follows | z SERVICE BUSH
[love and sympathy duringltoday by T. R. Frye, P. P. &|charilable ac ivities o roa | : Vales CABGA | eb. 26—Dr. Fred Coleman,!§ Box 306, Landisville. Pa. er lan
Lh al the illness and passing away|L’s District Manager ,at Co- interest to the community. | ed Riley Served Hie of Bainbridge, will be ini MOUNT/JOY MUTUAL Phone TW 8-8122 4 ft.
Ea lol our dour Lushbend znd foe wing 8 The new center consolid- [ow pees ® with Nomads charge: Mar. 5 —t he Rev. Bulletin advertisement pays. rakes,
WOMEN sel guaranteed/ther. Your houghtfulness| = es Lou ates all of the local utilitie’s|’ a onday and luesday pyjmer, Marietta; March 12 ~Ansnrancs L.ompany
Dutch Maid Lingerie. Chil-| will always remain a cher-| *1€ distriel Service center! omer service functions! of last week. She made SIXtYl__Rev. R. Fetter, Elizabeth yf </ When in need of printing TP
dren's and men’s wear. Ex-ished memory The David concept centralizes the elec-| tol An ay loaves on Monday and fifty!|{ wn. arr h 1 % . oo Wi : ’ of dr:
: jission. Unlimit-| Hess family 9-1|tric company’s operations for Which, Jpreviousy, were atl Tuesday. "|own: March 19-.Rev. Les, remember The Bulletin. able
cellent commission. Ul HS foiily. MeL anys per : [scattered locations in the| 3 Landisville and Mar. 26 : : w= IL tablc :

oO srritory. ul or hart increased ficiency and!>, : ; on 5 . irs
od territosy Jui ive ! tv I wish to express my sincere Bs 5 56 officioncy anticolumbia area. With Hy Some milk was brought in the Rev. Koder, Mount Joy.
time. Also attractive party = "v2 I 1] re) oy convenience of all from ‘he country on Monday ) Nath
olan. Call Mrs. Anna W. i and Sppresiaiion fo) ee ae consolidation, P. P, & L. Ito Arnolds Garage and 9 The Lancaster County Whirl
arti a -6430, 2LL those who £5 kindly re-| : be able more efficiently Me : ’ VY 'Wonien's Toff epi re
Martin, Lencaster EX7 645 ith their|nersons indebted thereto are|q : at {Methany, a bread salesman, Women's League of Gettys- | 1. 2 N
Tite ( len Moore membered me with E €lserve the increasing needs gg S00. are. SB Tree
I i = 7- 3p prayers, cards, flowers and|"equested to make immedi- »f more than 17 eh also took some bread which nee : agi are Spohsonng :
y SANCASEr gifts during my stay in the|ate payment and those hav-|' ¥ ’ he had on hand to the gar- concert of sacred music by Convenient Reference To Firms is Community T
ers located 1n West Hemp- the Gettysburg College choir

hospital. Mrs. Albert H. Har-|ing claims or demands a- age, Instead of selling cars ss risk
ner, Mt. Joy R2. 9-1t!gainst the same will present field, East and West Donegal nro." (ag RR ag oo to be presented in Grace a i a ppany
———————— —————————|them without delay for set- and Mount Joy Townships|y.. 4 Lutheran Church, Lancaster, —— = mm ee aes Hertz]
MALE (tlement to the undersigned, and western parts of Manor, ~ nhc Meo Brandt ;1 ext Sunday, Mar. 2 at 3 p ° ~ AUTOMOEILE DEALERS o INSURANCE ® _ MEMORIALS mm
ee MABEL SHENK East Hempfield and Rapho | ajeprate aa 1 We m. You are cordially invit- =—on== ns — a" _ Ca
H L Es Flor:n, E. Donegal |Townships and the eastern alo her irihday Pri. it tt i iis
— | ie Fishvngion easter day. Her daughter, Cynthia|®d to attend. ELL AMENT | WILEY & RUTT AGENCY
; M SCELLANEOUS Lancaster Pe. Penny fe oR of Lower, Windsor pe, nolds celebrated hers on Mrs. Robert | Hollenbaugh AUTHORIZED REINER
WANTED: Boy for morning; Sm Sema ln ohity. Hoaaint A [Townshin. TheZared 'inelud-igeiurliay ‘of Just wook is a surgical patient at St.. DE SOTO — PLYMOUTH | Investments & Insurance MEMORIALS
aper route. Apply Kulp's te lohrer, tlonaman, es the Boroughs of Columbia while ath aa : 1 em Sales - Service 81 East Main S Phone Murieti: a5
Re v Agency 18 West Man Newcomer & Musser, Elizabethtown, Mount Joy hile telling “snow stor- Joseph's hospital. Dod y Jo I Rate di T ] Phone OL 3-2181 ne Seafielia NA 63331
ews Agency, io BSL HR a Custc Corn Stalk Shred- Attorneys -3c tr Lo Ys or —— dge “Job Rated” Trucks I iy TN MIAYTOWN, P!/
Street, Mt. Joy. 4 i ht gg agon gi Sn tome 3 Be Mountville, Marietta, Wash- Delta & Henry Streets MOUNT JOY, PA. MAYTOWN, ra,
; = la swath for baling. Phone Mt EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ington Boro and Wrightsvil- | ; MOUNT JOY, PA. PS - en
PART Tiwk WeLP, Ae] Joy OL 3-9929. : “a1 (fl Estate of Amy M. Sobers, le. 2 ol DISC UNT Phone OL 3-8271 ° re
cut Brass ol rT jobs re Jec'd, late of Borough of Co-| Also, at the one-story. /C y i WARREN H. STEHMAN PAINTING AND
nk gg Md 15th. Write ndividual designed Spencer] umbia, Lancaster County, puff-colored brick cenier.| RH Insurance Service PAPERHANGING
Box Ww o ‘Bulletin " 7-3tc| Supportors for Abdomen, Penna will be quarters for line and i EEMS GARAGE Square Street FLORIN — ==
Z © r—— Back and Breasts. ! Lets pastameniagy ON carvice crews and meter STUDEBAKER - PACKARD Pho Mt. Jov OI 6712
Man Tivis in or vicinity o MRS. WAYNE LEHMAN said estate having been gran- idol > Sale Sarin Aone Mi. Joy s0-bila -
Moat Sg Pa. ‘0 handle] gD 1. Elizabethtown, Pa tod to the undersigned. all readers. There will be stor- / 2 Sales and Servic z J. ELWOOD BRUBAKER
wholesale supply accounts "Phone EM 7-6119 33-tfc Persons indebted thereto are age space for company ve- : Raffensberger - Risser TE —
No selling or_solic ting Ap sions oT. requested to make immedi 0 Lh Asis —OF— RHEEMS Etown EM 7-1230 JAY M. HELLER Interior - Exterior Painting
proximately $700.00 a month PIES ite payment and those hay- Sale al Rumseys Monday — | oe
profit to start With extra... : ats : : ling claims or demands a- afternoon, March 3 1:30 GREIN ER BROS ya COMPLETE LINE OF and Paperhanging
hosoun's can be handled on Will take orders for home-|yqi) st the same will present P: M. — Seliing - A big run 1 ® CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH INSURANCE
a part time basis at first but| Made pics, any kind. them without delay for set-|0f top close and fresh cows, Sales - Parts - Service A - rsa rE
must be willing to devote BARBARA L. BRANDT tlement to the undersigned, Plus 12 or 15 from our own { y See the beautiful Chrysler Phone M+. Joy OL, 53-9512 PLORIY, PENNA.
full time in near future for FLORIN, PENNA. { JAMES HABECKER herd! - 14 Big Holstein . i = = — |
expansion accounts ‘hat the Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-8301 24 North Bausman Drive Frostars i bron) one herd - 2 PAUL H. STERN = Successor to E. C. Brubaket
company will obtain. Busi : 1th] Lancaster, Pa. he Bh he | zalance, oe epling, CENTER SQUARE MANHEIM Ph. MO 5-2193 © JEWELERS _
Ress Potential of 32800000} i SoH 5 Louis S. May, Esq. 9-3¢|¢ er food 1 any in Elizabethio ft Pp = : PHONE OL 3.4520
annual income L ) e-| I TEN ui eee 13 ! Sabb EA WwW a ai
le To a : \DMINISTRATRIX I E some stock bulls - Near- :
sponsible, have a good cred-|pHOTO COPYING SERVICE Jgiate of ATRIX NOTICH jag Some Moth mulls ik 2 3 ROSER'S JEWELRY i eh
Y gh od a | of Ir., de od late of East Done- interstate eit oe Sou Bankruptcy Case No. 25273 of Henry K. and Robert . BLDG. _ CONTRACTOR
ou wil: heed 8 ming Photos, Discharges, Marriage! sai Townchi A I Proc TE ? A Cvoines — 5 i
a $1450.00 w ig Ths Be i il Licenses. Ete ¥ ol ol ep ie a le rae 1. FRED LIEBERHERR
A sii Diy PRANK HASSINGER | Retire testamentary onjcated just 16 mi. from our THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1958 AARON G. LONGENECKEF I : I '
a tnans al fituve Oo GRAPHER [said estate having been gran-|Tioga Co. barn) - Mon. the oy nterior end Exterior
id a Ph. Mi. Joy OL 33-4162 |'ed to the andersianed, all 3rd at 1:30. : pa 9-1c YSONTOID BUILDING CONTRACTOR QRDINARY RINGS | “TRU-FIT” RINGS
give us your background 6-4c parsons Jdeaieg therels 11 ee ———— wv FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1958 MOUNT JOY RD. 2 { ae lntie any, Jide ere tie kudos PAINTING AND
tvs id we oa | ( © D, | an adjust automa
“SUPERIOR PLACEMENT IIS OPPORTUNITY IS ate pavment and {hose hav- I IZXOON TOP M Phone OL 3-6091 "yw pips PAPERHANGING
> = OT ‘HIS OPPORTUNITY IS |ing claims or demands a-| a * T roan Pi A
SE 0: FOR YOL gainst the same will Present] (FOR SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1958 Millwork - Fill - Grading Maa by Oh sau 237 Marietta Av
SUPERIOR wis. If you wear cosmetics,/them without delay for set i 9A M.TO6P. M BOING Ime —— «J{ Marietta Avenue
’ ok ’ RSE {BX Sv a pleasing ; persoraliy, Henan BL undersigned, 1 MOUNT JOY y RE Topsoil - Excavating —— = PHONE MT. J
a t——— “Ibetween 30 - 3b years of KATHRYN N. hs : p : ' ISISTING z ® HONE MT. JOY OL 3-337
lage, can spend 4 - 5 hours| = R.D. 1 I 2-FAMILY DWELLING J CONSISTING Ol Lumber - Kitchen Cabinets |= LOAN SERVICE L3-0ugs
ee {daily away from home,| Marietta, Penna {@ HOUSE near Donegal BR . ee
RR [AVON COSMETICS offers Rohrer, Honaman, high school. Live in _l C d G d d G Trae e DiVfhrosme~ — ba
REAL ESTATE [you a splendid opportunity. Newcomer & Musser, i ORs side. and vay of i anne 00as an roceries | Mones When You Need It” © _ PLUMBING
{ Write Henrietta L. Wolf, 441 Attorneys 9-3¢ mor.gage with income Ee = — ™
Tr == North George St., York, or] from other side. $1400 OF ALL KINDS ® CLEANERS H S. 'MECKLEY & SON
FOR SALE: New Split-1 1/phone York 2-9403. i own, payment; al- § 2 SS en
Home. ALE: New Spl love hE ance rent. ~ Entire Stock To Be Sold ~ CLEANING - PRESSING PLUMBING — WEATING:
Lane, Mt. Joy. Ready to live| . seigt | ~ ro 3) ~ A “ a TIX” TAILORING 8 { H. A. Mvers Manager OIL BURNERS !
in. Can ge seen anytime, call HOUSES 4 Yon Sy PE Bons § C OME ! REPARED ro BU } Rug and Far ‘Clonning RA Biers veer con Sales and Service
4 r ile & i y “o.l 5¢ 5 » ’ . 2 5 | " Fr Nai “
Mt. Joy le oe Linclenm SO mmm bedroom frame & slump 3 + = Sse Ba Tree lee eee _15 W. Main St. Ph. OL3-5981
J Grotve. Let brick, large living | ‘ ' TNA ;
FOR SALE: 38 Detwiler Av-| LEGAL NOTICES RANCH TYPE i room, tile bath, kitchen SALE NO. 2 Phone OL 3-4071 - We Call| ® SERVICE mm a
enue. Brick, 4 hooms & bath! == : with dining area, gar- i seh nel ° TIRES. _ Se
Sewer included, knotty pine| NOTICE is hereby given ! age attached, $14,500 § Saturday, Mar. 15, 1958 eed CM. WOT Ea
kitchen, oil heat. Call Mount|{hat on Friday, January 31, AND 6 ROOMS & BATH. E S V_ Dri ne M. M. WOLGEMUTH _ rT
Joy OL 3- 4711. 6- 1958 the Petition of WAYNE . All on one floor. Cen- fi AT 1:00 P. M. DAIRY "PRODUCTS _ . REO POWER MOWERS Kelly Springficld Tires
FOR RENT: Offices for Com- puGoNe RICPRORY Pini ST ORY tral heat, sewer includ- MH ’ 4 Sales and Service and Service
’| > > our ym - y y
Tercial use. Write Box i pled in, the out of Com ed. $8,900.00 | BLIC BANKRUPTCY SALE} ELWOOD MARTIN | Lawn Mowers Sharpened GEO. W. LEAMAN
Mount Joy Bulletin. tfc County, Pa., Trust Book No. NEW d USED ALMOST NEW, 2- j OF PENSUPREME PRODUCTS | Phone OL 53-8853 Mt. Joy Re . i.
FOR RENT: Third floor Apt.|39, Page 156, praying for a an BEDROOM FRAME, RB 3 a MILK & ICE CREAM FLORIN, PA. MAIN ST. Ph. OL 3-931 ¥
Write Box “PP” Mount Joy|Decree changing his name Tile bath, Modern Kit- : D.D.2 Ph. Mt. Joy i a ———r
Bulletin. : 1-tfc io WAYNE EUGENE HOFF- |= chen and Dining area. _| tore ixtures ang quipment a —
—— MAN and that a hearing $ Gd |§ Beautiful location. Sew- MA Tare 1
FOR | RENT. Florin Bank|thereon will be held on Wl er included. $11,800..00 INCLUDING — Se - MACHINE SHOP — ELEVISION
Apartment. 4-tfc| March 21, 1958, at 10:00 o’- ® [Fe | TT = EEE
ere eee le M. i oT FLORIN Two super market cash registers; 3 meat re- "BEAUTICIAN
FOR RENT: Five rooms and! clock A. aun Court Room m, 1 2-STORY FRAME ve i fri : : 9 . ‘ ———————————— ee ——————— MYERS MACHINE SHOP DAY & BERRIER
Bath. enlice Soong gas No. 2, in the Court House, TO -& AME, near HM rigerated display cabinets; electric meat saw; el- MOTOR y
Ja ot Above | Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at elementary school, ex- Nfl ectric grinder. scales: walk-in box: 1 deli BULLER'S BEAUTY SALON!/General Machine Shop Work {OLA — ZENITH
ida an Yeater, $75. £ “i which time and place all $ 60 I cellent condition except i oer, : Tn POX: pans Sityery Cold Waves: and Clutch & Brake Drum Repair ADMIRAL
"lorin Ban 7-tfc persons interested may ap- for some redecorating ® truck, refrigerated vegetable bins; office equipment Machinelcss. Permaneiits Clutch & Brake Drum Truing Sales and Service
FOR RENT: 3 Rooms and|P€ar and show cause, if any, 9 inside. Large lot. M and furniture: cases: shelving, cabinets, counters 1. Also Give T Knife Grinding — We ding [29 W. MAIN ST, MT. JOY
bath, 1st floor. hot water| Why the prayer of the said $10,500.00 and all useful property used i orati f thi IRE ons | 119 N. POPLAR ST. PHONE OL 3
heat. Recsonuble rent. Write | Petition should not be grant- : property used In operating of this MAUDE BULLER, PROP. | ELIZABETHTOWN i o-
Box A-1 c/o Bulletin, 8-tfc|®d: Cliretice C.*N D . IE G § JONESSZINK grocery store. FLORIN, PENNA. Phone EM 7-4206
se amen ot eae —— arence C. Newcomer, id . honda ; 2. nn |e id
FOR RENT: Modern 2-bed-|7-42 ariornerll L/ajiel 5. Juarman | TP MARK R. EABY, Jr, T Fone Ld 0 | 9 WELDING _
room Api with elect. stove,| ———r— NC. r. rust '® F \
immediate possession, locat- EXECUTRIX NOTICE REAL ESTATE i MOUN gy | 25 North Duke Street L uy ec —_— ARM MACHINERY = : a
ed in center of town $70.00/ Estate of Alice G. Horst, 1698 S. Market St | T JOY 3-3882 | : ke Street, Lancaster : ® MOVING & HAULING Electric Acetylene and
per mon. with heat. Call/dec’d, late of Florin, E. Don- « Marise . or Theo. A. Parker, Attorney for Trustee me | KAYLOR BROS. Portable
Jones & Zink, Mt. Joy OL/egal Twp. Lancaster Coun-§ ELIZABETHTOWN. PA. ELIZABETHTOWN 14 South Duke Street, Lancaster | CASE FARM EQUIPME WELDING
3-3882 or E-town EM 7-1159.|ty, Penna. James G. Pennypacker, Auctioneer ED. KEENE a NT | wagon
: PENNA : | s | g & Truck Body Bldg.
g-tfe| Letters testamentary on EMpire 7-1197 EN 111 East 35th St., Reading, Penna. Moving & Hauling Sales and Service | R.D. 1 MOUNT JOY :
said estate having been’ gran- 17-1159 @ Phone FRranklin 4-4150 Phone OL 3-8664 Hardware Supplies & Paints] Phone ( Rr
an TEm WEE RHEEMS, PA. one CL 5-905"

Bulltetin Advertising Pays ted fo the undersigned, all Je ———— | A OHN H “are—
Ca. MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone E-town EI :
' - M 17-4221 I Wrz