The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 27, 1958, Image 1

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hind us,
things to look back
®o o ®
instance—if the snow
accompanied by
the snow
there are many
on with
had been
“jeing” weather, there could
have been a horrible emerg-
ency, frightening in its pos-
e © ®
Had ice formed on electric
and telephone wires suffici-|
ent to tear them down, the
relatively minor inconveni-
ences we suffer might have
been unlimited. Without,

% Oldest House %
Workmen have started
tearing down Mount Joy's
oldest house.
The unoccupied stone
house, located west of the
Little Chiques creek and
north of Route 230 will be
removed from the property

storm be-

Approved |



(Wed 19 — 13 30
Thu 20 — 21 34
By Joycees iu ow

By Kenneth L. Drohan
‘Sale Date
Set For
» March 13
General Cigar Co. May Lease
Old "Cotton Mill" Property

at. 22 — 33 44 00] a " 5 > e yO nisa ial waa 1 sveliestdni aw s od .
Three spring projects were Sat. 29 20 44 00! The public sale of the E.| Hopes were raised this|week that tentative ar-tween Main Street and Sas-
liscussed at Tuesday night's os or £ "00 Stanley Booth property, injweek that the old Cotton rangements have been made safras alley.
Ic ting of the local Joycees. Mon 4,2 a 0 Florin, by the Internal Rev-{Mill” on East Main Street for leasing the property to! rhe details of the transac-
[mee oe | Tue 25 — 40; J 0 enue Service, has been set|will once again be put tothe General Cigar company.iy; are being andled t
[The second annual ‘“Seventy- High for yea te date: 52 T q Mar. 13. F nse by industry { tion are being handl¢ Oy
[five Plus” banquet will bel Low for yea to date: 1. "jor Burs: Hi il "a held| Se Te Approximately 65,000 sq./Jones and Zink. Fr anklin
held jointly with the Jay-| : ¢ {other auctions will be held] Gaorge Brown II, who is/feet of floor space is involv- Zink is a son-in-law of Mr.
cees at Hostetter’'s pavilion] OUTLOOK by agents of 0 50 le in handling the property forled in the transaction, inclu- Brown.
|Thursday, May 22. Mrs. Jas. | Rain Friday Zana Fridays eloct Sol POLeYS. [MOTE the Brown family, said this'ding all of the property be-| For General Cigar, George
|Meminger is chairman of inight will end gr change to] »d to the federal govern- Carmin, Lancaster manager,
|the affair and committees light snow flufles Saturday owed 0 © al g is handling the details, work-
will be appointed in the|,g colder air again invades 4 Mi 1 | Sh P fi t fing through the New York
near future. All persons inlthe area. Saturflay nightand| The largest tax bill in instre ow roTiTs office.
> Mount Joy, Florin and im- |Sunday will be partly clou- this series of auction is $27,- . Although the building is
Members of the Florin Lions Club have made avail-Imediate surrounding areal dy, windy and, colder. Fair-|889.45, owed to the federal To Finance Park Bld apparently being taken for
ghis to the community a new piece of hospital equipment.|who are in their seve nty-|ly generous anfpunts of rain|government by Mr. Booth. . -d* |warchouse use at this. time
i is available to anyone who needs it. The project was fifth vear and older will be|are expected iday. Day- U. S. seizure labels were| pollowing dress rehearsal bands. there was a feeling that oth-
comvleted by the club members, who contributed by|invited to the special even-ltime temperatu@es over the| placed on the Booth home| : : : : . $ :
working on the project in the evenings. At the prese d < : ime tempers t | Feb. 7. Julien Hansens, lo-| |tonight, the Mount Joy Lions| Miss Judy Holizinger, of €r uses may be found at a
time, the walker is in use by Robert Hoffman, Mt. Joy R1. ing. weekend will Be n i 25-| 1 al IRS “chief. sald that his [Club production “Minstrels Columbia, will present a later time.
range; ighttime |€ [ The building has been va-
In the above photo Lions president, Irvin Gerber is|
An Easter party was again| 35 degree

covered back in-|of '58” will be presented injspecial tap dancing act. Ju-
by Richard Nissley, Landis- Len . ,
ville sonteactor Shown exhibiting the equipment. —Photo by Dussinger planned for the children of readings 15-25 degrees. The tax Ae bt ol alts] cated for three years since
: : {the Messiah children’s home. |weather will continue rather| come axes ang penalties/the Mount Joy Elementary dy is a student in Columbia y,mesway moved to Lancas-
‘ of 1d Mrs. Charles Drace and Mrs. cold on Monday. from 199) 10,130. a Hep School auditorium Friday high school. Her novel ac-ter. One of the old indust-
SE B h T B E t ed John Miller were named 2 }sens Wil act as auctioneer ind Saturday, Feb. 28 andle anying rhytl /ill be ri ildings of 0
ve Doan of yo . for the government and all? Daturoay, Leo. € companying rhythm wi be rial buildings of the com-
have een Co eY tear] croud oO e n ere chairman for the party with |sales will be held 2 = Mar. 1. Show time for both furnished by the playing of munity, it was taken over
20 rh Wi 1 * BO le St mes, | St t C 1 1 |Mrs. Jay Johnson, Miss Bev-| BPW H [premises evenings is 8 p.m. and tick- “bones”. Miss Marian Ger- by the Brown interests in
And, withot phe S| n a oe on es erly Boyd, Miss Charlotte ears ! re Ary o i lets may be purchased from|litzki, Florin, will play the about 1893 for the textile
the emergency arrangements : : Feezer, Mrs. Marshall Dus- | Four other sales will be lelub members or at the door. bones. Marian is a student|business and fr 1014 t
necessary would have gone The Mount Joy Lions club nities of 2,000 to 5,000 pop- singe Mrs. Reuben Kreider {the property of W. G. Leh-| easy ! : D Fo Is a Ye en [use Ss ha fom h di 9
oh v ¥ : . ' S yr, S. | hi ve 9 o£ J oO ar- ‘ U nO
un-made and the snarl of will sponsor a local entryulation. The first prize in| J Miss Joanne Brown on ane man, Lancaster; H. Land's| The local club began pre- at Done ga righ school. Be i or erwent rebuilding
communications would have in the Community Develop- this group is $1,500 with a He commitiee . . |Hill, Inc., Lancaster, the Mec-|senting the minstrel shows ry Br: met, a Donegal high and additions.
been terrible. ment Contest. The contest is second of $1,000; third, $500 "po were also discussed Discussion |Teague Sportswear Company|'n 1948 and this year’s show school student, who lives inl Part of the property is at
6 © a project of the Community fourth, $400; fifth, $300; Cor the Factor Bazar plan-| a“ lof Seven Valley, York Co., will feature two of the orig- Maytown, will accompany present being used as ware-
T Mout Jov dan be Development Committee of sixth, $200 and seventh, 4 4 ESPON . Mrs. Toh . : land the Glendale Septic/inal endmen —S: \ssafras and three club members to formihouse space by the New
ua ~ tl t tl wore 10 he Pennsylvania State $100. jhe io) ~X6 > oup. Sys ¢ oe panel discussion 0 Nimank C.. York [Artermandy Sassafrasa trombone quartette in the Standard Corporation.
c 2 > ~ . “ : 5 s 1S chairmae ( \ pr 9 . ; \ rr ree !
ann u 1a 1er¢ : Chamber of Commerce. A| The objectives of the loc- ATK is Is 2 1 frm in ; ) Pu ‘How to Advange Your Car-| bi .- = [(Freeman Naugle) and Ar- show. The other three mem- Present arrangements
fire calls during the time total of $20.000 Al hes 1e objectives ( 1¢ c- event which will be held at...» was the féatured pro- ltermandy (Morrell Shields) bers are Jay Barnhart, Roy! ws: : i :
the streets and highways or ged to ns ad al entry will be as follows: the storeroom in which the|gram of the Monday night have 3 appeared as endmen in Packer and Samuel Harnish Fan pa geo cpr
rere ke te S i (1. To attract new residents|s ildren’s s JRE ssl Ei ht € ¢ € bi . Sto take possession May 16.
were blocked * [the state whose projects are|ang give young people a poriner Shildnen Se a meonns of Wii Pt] 10 een leach production. Other end-| A special quartet consist- - tame
the x se ot usine anc "O1ess < sn wi \ nrv Zer SR P . P \ . \
Oho. ambiance’ tall was voted the best toward com-lg50d reason for wanting to RCo ar ad 3%. Every 1siness Te men will be Henry Zerphey, ng of Mr. Naugle, Maurice
] h op i yo er munity development. otay and invest thelr youth VE © p 2 io nizuCont Women’s Cl a — er’s. Receive Jay Barnhart, Jacob Au-|/Bailey, George Brown III fea aC
made qQuring e sion er- r wri > * es member o ie organization|priss Mary trickle was| . . ha nls chan TaTh ls : ;
bul that wns Saturdayt: Mount Joy will be enterediand energy in your home|igwmaking Easter and spring, the di ¢ ment and Charles Ashenfelt ind Sol Harnish will
: ht bef ij {1 tHe Sore " in the contest with commU-loommunity gl To offer pres-|it x ? the : € . {moderator for the proceed AA ol er. sing: Gerald Sheetz will pre-| T N |
night before things were « | yy. ie» -litems for 1e¢ bazaa > o :
a worst - lent and future citizens com-| Amendments to the VO Wy Sop Troe war S Yive guests Will be sppear. nt 2 le A a O orma
oe . . . Sols ta: . ¢ © < © | > i : > "pp re
®e © © A | + fortable living conditions, T,aws were approved by the : t cofamitice, was ing in the production. Lloyd "2¢Ker and tobert Brandt With the sun at work
; aii: 3 PP ICarions such. os le: sttva clive : es a, vancement commitiec, ¥ One hundred nineteen Kline. Jr.. Columbia, is the Will present an olio. » th 3 srrA Veg
Members of Friendship] such as clean, attractive group; Mrs. Eugene Eicher-|j, charge of the program. fo ap f wrilics ye yw 1 5 . melting the remaining snow
Fire Co. No. 1 virtually held T 9 R d squares & parks, well-light-/1y. Mrs. George Albert and ; D wl 1 stht whol {Cubs, parents and families ro-d'rector and will be in-| Proceeds from the 2-night of the now-famous 1958
their brea‘h during the em-| Oo e eceive d streets, health, sanitation prs. Harold Zimmeman Five onega HIgh school | attended the Mount Joy Cub terlocutor for the show. Mr. show will be used to erect ajgnow blizzard, meetings and
club mem-|Blue and Gold banquet on Kline teaches English in the new building at the Mount programs in the area are re-
ergency, hoping that there
land recreational facilities

seniors plus four
were named to a nominating bers were inclided in

the Wednesday night at Hostet- Columbia high school and is Toy Borough Park. The club turning to schedule.

would be no alarms. But, FOF Directors (and other factors that con-committee; and Mrs. Drace, iss Lois Ful
Lad 2 call come, there woud! Apsiications are being re-(tribute to a high standardMrs Landis and Mrs. John acl is Lo run tore, Dilan wy ere a forme r native of Mt. Joy. adopted the building as aj The fire company reported
have been a response. lcoived for two positions as| of living son were named to the in- tor A Miss {Loretta Horna Drese his 4 DS: 3 Si : nay. Violet Shannenbrook, alsojoroject and the men Wwilllthat there were no fire calls
0 © Jy ner playground direct Contest time is from Jan-(stallation banquet commit- 091 or 55 hs Soma ely, Jars Mower, ray from Columbia, is the guest not only finance the building|during the height of the
When bad weather comes,’ \.« in the borough This| ‘ory 1, 1958 until December tee a gl, x operator: Ni 5 A Sa a past for the show. | 8he ut Yu also supply the la- blizzard days and the ambul-
chains are put onto the fire| ar there will be five direc-{31, 1958 and scr: ipbooks are! Next month the group has Jour: Ntarmms, who plans to BR jelve a” a IK DB BD Pr Ployes wii county at oy aye erected This ance was called only once
trucks, the equipment is toes for the summer pro-lue in Harrisburg March 1, been invited to visit he) ome . i ie DS Ro * r ) sav x, Bl 2 Pls i or Sepers) Years, pl ing Wi replace the ex- during that time. The Satur-
double checked and every-/g.,;y;, One director will be 111959. The scrapbook will in- Landisville Jaycettes Thurs- Follenbaun Who plans 10 Re QS ny Ww Do i» pecan So heing Pianist L ed arnt “building how day night that the storm was
thing made ready to roll. [jh charge of the entire pro- Jude news clippings, before day, Mar. 13; and the Lan- Tot : or a ate oo) Ale i ' " Dong for dance ore lestras, she has Joe ec on the North Barbara beginning the ambulance
9 gram and there will be twoland after photographs and caster Janecees, Wednesday, , Miss A Aas ‘Ste hi ni ol leman, x anson ptaham, also been a vocalist with the|Street side of the park. This|was called at 7 p.m. and
The handling of the em- directors at each of the two|>ther information about the Mar. 19. Mrs. Zimmerman, 50 Miss ingle BlophaNIs: Michael Gormof, Charles aged frame building was managed to reach Lancaster
ergency—from a boro coun-|,j,verounds ['mprovements. An example president, was in charge of pa sed Te 1 re bear badges: . ‘John jonce used as a plane spot-iand return to Mt. Joy safely.
cil standpoint—brought this AYSToune® wid on wopanliE one fem that will be io: the, meeting. ors discusser Whim ing Toppin, bear plus gold a Two Are Name ters building during World One of the last roads to
comment from one member yi] pe selected. A person|*luded in the entry will be : tie John Day go" David i pan, > ena [War IL Al Supplies oy the be opened in the immediate
of the group: must in the Donegal School| he erection of the new Yocear and Mrs Droske ’ laold Dom cl ea Ray: Essay Winners win ayground use willjarea was the Marietta Pike.
®e © © Area and must have a col-building at the borough park Youth Day Plan: a” s. Broske. fo point; ig Goi es, be stored in the new build- Tuesday, Feb. 25. one-way
“This has been another oso degree. The program|which is being erected by . Special muse for the Dros 0 ht Dy yn yn David Nissley and Paula in well ug the erection traffic was still in existence
‘jme when we needed a bor-| ij] be an eight-week pro-{the Lions Club. Another ex- Near Completion gram featured plano solos ‘ie pi Jager . wi Weien are the winners of 9) il Ho restrooms in the on the road. Farmers were
ough manager.” It was his gram. Applications will be ample will be renovations . : by Miss Martha Rainbolt Mit hell lp bo) + the two essay contests re- ul ama. - obliging the motorists by
observation that practically| received until Mar. 21 and|done this year at the Little Youth Day in Government Miss Ruth Krall, the girl of ! x Re oo iy Da Po HN icantly completed at Donegal § allowing them to drive thru
every man on the council ;r6 to be sent to the Mount Chiques School Playground i Dr Poses Re a, inoquosd ed ORglas Brown, gold high school. Miss Catharine AUXILIARY PLANS their wheat felds as ons oe
and the boro authority was jov Social Welfare Associa-|and still another will be the igh school. 1¢_preseniito ‘the op members, (ae Ne bi a G. Zeller announced that Da- the road was not openec
shouldering his share of the vil 2 Mount Joy. | erection of more refuse cans/time political parties are girl of the month project he program vas opened vid, a sophomore from Flor- CARD PARTY — ®
responsibility but that by| Three directors from last along Main Street by the being organized and fhe/was endorsed by the club WJ } 2 vga by Ari) in won the American Legion] Plans were discussed to CONTEST POSTPONED
so doing there was a loss of | year have been renamed for [Joycees. [platforms of both partiesfyre| last month and Miss Krall Wf ki bree ik Se x ores Jol- Auxiliary essay contest on|sponsor a public card party The county cheerleading
efficiency which should have {his summer: Mr. and Mrs. Mount Joy will receive an being prepared. was the first named. : lowe: > 2s i 2 : en 8; 8 “Freedom’s Blessings”. Es-at the monthly meeting of contest originally scheduled
been avoided. Marshall Gemberling and{aluminum “plaque throughi, The ‘climax of Youth Day] During the husiness meets : Y Seay emer ang says were written by tenth ‘he Friendship Fire Co. aux- for tonight (Feb. 27) at
| gh ikea : ing N a the history of the pack b : :
® © © Sonn Dav. the courtesy of the Alumin.|'® Government will be the ing, the group planned a y oat pac y grade students. He will re-iliary last Thursday evening. Donegal high school has
Not that a good job was The Social Welfare alsolum Company of America benquet for elected shident pie; Shop for (his weskend i, “A fi the Aun: ceive a $5.00 cash award The party will be held in been postponed until March
not done, but it was his be-approved a swimming pro-|The plaque is 24 inches by officers at the Stevens House Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, in the © Nas nm oh he AM-|pdm the Walter S. Ebersole/the firehouse Monday, Mar. 13
lief that one man, one chief,|gram this vear. While one|32 inches. enuneled in gold? Lancaster, Tuesday, Mar. storeroom which was form- erican flag was shown Ve Post 185 American Legion 24, 8 p.m. and will foattic =
one fountainhead of respon-| op two dirColors are +“akingland blue, and will be pi 25. Grover Gouker, Hanover, erly the children’s shop on Hovey cDaymong of the Eli- |Auxiliary, Mount Joy. |pinochle, bridge and 500 BIRTHS
sibility for coordinating the|charge of the swimming pro-|played otudoors as evidence state Jaycee president, will Bast ae Street. ii Les 200 ea Snr a Leg Paula Weien, Marietta,, The 1958 dues for the
emergency work would have/gram, the other directors|that the community receiv- be the gues: Sneaker, Oy vor ener Prosident, Was ing and Mr ‘Pennell offered| won the contest based on the auxiliary are now payable Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.
given better, service faster. |will be in charge of play- ling it is engaged in a pro-1 he same day all Siadonin ih ha ge 0 o he Sting the closing prayer . theme “Our Living Democ- Dues at 50s per vear may Boll, Manheim R2, a daugh-
ee 0 ground activities at the same| lgram for civic betterment. elected to office of stale rep De ! yay eae 30) Mr Pennell : presented racy’ which is sponsored by be paid to any auxiliary ter, Saturday, at Lancaster
During Friday and Satur-|{ime. | The contest is made pos- resentative will tour the/persons. chemi li Clyde Tripple Ce ox the American Legion. Mem-member or at the next rou. General Hospital
day nights’ performances of | _— 'sible through the sponsor- state capitol building, Har-| with a service. award: ond bers of the senior college ular meeting Mar. 20. Birth-| Mr. and Mrs. Gene T.
the “Minstrels of ’'58”, we| [ship of the Bell Telephone| 08: with lunch at the| Elmer Brown, East Main py, Tripple in varn Nesent preparatory class competed day greetings were extended Myers, Parker Drive, Lan-
understand Henry Zerphey Company of Peansylvania [2° Dept. of Labor and In-|Street, is hospitalized in the od. Mi Pennell : Bs 5 il in the contest. Paula will re-to Mrs Pauline Hess and disv le, a son, Saturday at
will b e demonsirating a # Penna. Dept. of Chamber of Jusuy halding, s _.|Lancaster General Hospital oo... pin Mrs Yordy rice ceive a $10.00 check from Mrs. Josic Arndt. Mrs Har- Lancaster General Hospital
“curing machine”? # Commerce, Penna. Electric] Saturday, Mar. 29, willlwhere he was taken Mon- : or WEY OHEY the Mount Joy American/old Etsell, president Was in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S
Last w : ' : included § Sane, Perma. Farm Bureau} Jlaotupe. 8 ieievision Neith alll gay. (Tum to Page §) Legion post. charge Stauffer, Manheim R1, a
Las ree we include ederation, Penna. Gas As- oi : daughter, Sunday, at Lan-
with the storm sidelights a ; : sociation, Perna. elected student officers pee 4 : ol. Taam,
comment that apparently EN Lo »nt Telephone 2. Independ: ticipating '$8, 500 D T Vv hi | B castor ener espn G
Hiere ore no Chueh sery- i j Motor Truck Assoc., Penna. : . amage oO e IC es ut No One Hurt Piper, Landisville, a daugh-
ices the morning following Natural Gas n's SOC : at S ph's
the snow. We have been cor- y : Penna. State Mens Jue BPW. To Hold Property damage estimat- glo Peiday. at St. Joseph's
rected. Thirty people made A Commerce, Portland Cement| T1 . Sh |ed at $8,500 resulted from Mr. znd Mis. Donald d
(Turn to Page 6) : Avsee, and the Society of/ rift dS cop an accident involving two Garden, Landisville a daugh-
a a a ters Pennsyl-| The Mount Joy Business tractor trailer trucks and ’ ter, last Friday, at Lancaster
TO JOIN TEAM ams — land Professional Wome n’sian automobile on West Main enteral Hosp tal
“¥ill Risser, Landisville TALE lelub will hoid R Thrift Shop gireet at 11:25 p.m. Sunday. VN a I and Mrs. Jere Buizer,
wilt leave home today (Feb | NT PROGRAM [Friday & Saturday, Feb. 28] : ‘ Moin Street, BS, last Wed.
27) for spring training With 1S PLANNED and Mar. 1, at 43 E. Main, Michael Good, patrolman, ne Soay, at Lancaster Gener-
the Detroit Tigers’ baseball Street. Clothing and house-|reported a tractor trailer Al lospit) ’ n
teams. He will rebort to Students from “he fourth, hold articles will be for sale. truck, operated by Robert Mr and Mrs Warren Funk
A Min nehdiion fifth and sixth grades of Mt. | The shop will be open oe EY ca. of Delta Street, a son, last
Lakeland, Florida. This is Tog . from 1 p to. 0 Friday/E- Sumner, Grand Rapids, Thursday. at Lancaster .
the second year that willl Joy Elementary School will! m 1 pa, » 9 p.m. Friday Michi teat io Tie = wil i Ancaster Os-
has signed a contract with |present a talent program in and from 9 to 4 p.m. Satur-| Mic igan, irs sideswipe Sopal lie Hospital. ;
he Detroit tearm. Miss Ruth Krall, daughterithe school auditorium nex: day, in the location former- the trailer portion of a trac- : he Rev. and Mrs. Vernon
et ff mrs of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krall, Friday afternoon, Mar. 7, at/}Y occupied by a children’s tor trailer truck operated by Baum of Easton announce
BAKED HAM DINNER |S- Market St., has been nam-|1 p. m. Approximately 24 shop, — |Robert R. Scuse, Dover, Del. fhe pirsh ot a son, February
A Baked Hum Dinner wid the girl of the month by|8roups will present a varie- wR land then went across the mer Miri: a ae the for
be served at the Maytown | the local Business and Pro- ty program which will in-| The riffie match between rosy hile * : 4 re . Er tow Mriam Haines of Mavs
fire house on Sunday, Mar [fessional Women’s Club. Miss clude dances, vocal solos Donegal high school and(road striking an auto opera- on. : " ;
2, starting at 11 a.m. by the| Krall is a senior at Donegalla n d groups, instrumental York Central high school ted by Nelson W. Dougher- To > and Mrs. Richard D
has been rescheduled for ty, Rohrerstown. Srubaker, Mount Joy Rl, a
members of the
pany and Auxiliary. Tickets
can be procured from mem-|
bers of either organization.
To Report New
Families Call
OL 3-6624
Fire Com- |high school.
She is editor of numbers and readings.
|the school the; Each year a talent
“Tomahawk”; is a
{of the school chorus, was as-/tire
newspaper, pro-
student body of the

member gram is presented to the en-|
Mar. 4.
next Tuesday,
Damage to the
If family doctor can not 000, about $2,000 to
|vehicle was estimated at $6-
son, Sunday, at
General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W.
Brandt, Mt. Joy R2, a daugh-

|sistant directress of her ju-|school. Mrs. George Broske b
: e contacted for emergency, Scuse truck and $500 to the ter, Monday, at S ’
i ay, an ras osen is in che y \ ’ ¢ C , Monday, at St. Joseph's
the DAR. gly i in ; pharse of the program. physician on call Dougherty auto. Patrolman Hospital. ps
school. Ruth is taking col-y Mr. a nd Mrs. Adam] Sunday Sood $3 there Were Bo IN Rok Bn Mrs. Hemry B.
lege preparatory course at Greer attended the Gift jjaries- ugh, 221 Mount Joy St.
a daughter, Sunday, at the
Show at New York Monday.’
Dr. John Gates |
—Photos by Dussinger

ISt. Joseph's Hospital.