® Farm Show Wins | The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. . : RAINY DAY OR SUNNY = = # — Thursday, January 16 8 Rotary Hears |Holsteins Make Elm Tree PTA | ACME SAVES YOU MONEY | (from page 1) ot — over 26 inches, twelfth in fil- Landisville ’ Salunga @® Union Lenten Of New Tax Lactation Test ‘Meeting Planned 0 ; ler under 26 inches, third in binder over 26 inches, sixth rolfire iol o ity. | (Fom page 1 The Holstein-Friesian As-| The January meeting of the E Day in binder over 26 inches. Oth- By Richard Jones gh HO Iwill be the evangelist in me Value Program sociation of Ameria rh Elm Tree PTA will be held 5 Wed EF local winipers were Jay R Correspondent Richard E. Forrey, club pres- service held in the Presbyter- How the re-assessment of the Eomp ation eh w — Wi next Monday, Jan. 20, at the 4 Thu Nissiey. Manheim Re, sixth lans for a new senior high ident. Guest speaker for the|ian Church. The service Mar. | .hcaster county property Hon averages yD TE school east of the borough B Fri in wrapver B under 26 inch- Plans for a ne w 3 nioy he ae t pS s the Rev Ernest P,|19 will be conducted in the will be accomplished was told ed Holstein herds of A. W.|sC a i & Sat es; Landis L. Nissley, Man- school at Landisville were yen wal : £11 4 Zi 1 ‘Church of God with the Rev. y+ you Rotarians Tuesday Wickenheiser of Mount Joy Mrs. Elizabeth Loney, school sa heim R4. seventh in the class; discussed Monday night at f ser, past 7 By Fre A W. Maynard Svarks, chaplain GOR EV. Herbert Wagaman, and M. M. Wenger of Rh~ems.|gistrict nurse, will show a = Lee Snyder, Manheim RI, Me! ting f the Hempfield hesan hue 0 Len oy ~f Lebanon Valley College county comissioner. Lactation averages are cal- health film. Devotions will be or MARKETS 4 Tue ninth in the same class: Lizzie J70int Schoo Joard at He FAD] VIas ey IRS serve preaching The concluding > 3 ‘hich is cal- culated on the two-milkings/in charge of Musser Forry sur ARIE To Snyder, Manheim R4, elev. ficld high school. The action Ofieas DDO Line Fost service of the series will be The DE Regs" a day, 305 days, matureand group singing will be in Where Quality Counts and Your 3 : enth. is a result of ne rapid glowh: Hempeld = AI Chin held in St. Mark's E. U. B. ld ase ue ea vil equivalent basis commonly charge of Mrs. Elsie Hosler. Hi ) > 3 nn opulation d y € ast as ’ yi as bee anaate \ So es i ine s Se : XK J. Arthur Sware won sec- % oe So rear elected president of ets EO os Tevin sate to attempt to more fair- epnplaced 9 provi park) Polling he Jrogeam. te) / J Le" ond place in filler over 26 in- ; .. 0 conjor high sc all field Joint School Board, He MER, pai 2 ““"lly distribute the tax load a= xm : Ste soniin choos i ] Y G C h S i a A ches: Lee Snyder, tenth in fil- J arr ag ny reoeniily granted a char-|P°thtown Church of tn e a ht S roperty owning A CON an registered in chatge hil Joltedn ou et as av ngs an N a ler over 26 inches; Lizzie py .ccon’ building. which ter for the J. Richard Nissley | Brethren, bringing the mes. citizens, he said. Holsieln' breeding ‘programs. Fig ‘a 0 lg pros xn od stot ee, | for t Snyder, eleventh; ‘Landis L.|. i oe tray nw Foundation. a vhilanthrovic)S2Ee: i : : : Wickenheiser’s 29 cows av-|!1€ association, wi e nf oo* *e, g : Niss cers trv Bl rp .is only in its third year of us ead p pict : .: : _| Certain regulations are im- _ 4 19 =¢ is of milk charge of the meeting. { * °, : ing 1 Nissley, second in filler under since its completion in 1955. organization. Last year the a-| Special music will be pro - Ee e ethe raged 13,590 pounds of mi a ® * expec 26 inches; J. R. Nissley, ninth _ . n . vi i Saipeh : re > AA lvvided by the choirs of the posed to prevent a use of the with an average of 493 lbs. : » w e used fo vin sh ward went to Sgt. Herman A. V1 ) : Aves ' ; to th Lizzi rdlew : vill be used for a juni~r high We g ’ pr ot ». reevaluation to hike taxes tients ‘hile Wenger's Bulletin advertisement pays. izzie Snyder, tenth. In bind- cchool upon compbletion of Ries, Barbara Ave., Landis-|narticipating Churches. B of butterfat while enger's La mul and er over 26 inches, Lee Sryder proposed new building. |ville, school safety ’pairol 'ieving prayer to be vital to Field workers are expected 32 head of cattle averaged ous g took fourth; J. Arthur Swarr, The new building will serve ~fficer for the Penna. State ‘he success of these meetings, to be at work by about April 13.456 pounds of milk and Faifi ; sixth; in binder under 26 in-\;)., 1, dents in grades 10. 11 Police. the Committee is urging to begin viewing property 499 pounds of fat. ota mixec ches, Lee Snyder, first; J. Ar-|_ 4 19 Members of the em Christians to unite in inform-and setting value figures. russes BN so so som | The thur Swarr. fourth; Jay R hoard indicated that the need| Hempfield high school's," prayer perinds preceding Some 100,000 to 110,00 pieces! pfjss Judy Naugle daught-| { FY ) Satur Nissley. fifth f+ increased space was real-|varsity team dropped two big, “ch service from 7 fo 7:30/of property will be inspected, oof George I. Naugle, 213) Fresh Roasted | Oouk ROOK cleari David Martin, Mount JOY i,.4 when the present bu'ld-|2ames last week to the king-|® mM. in a place to be desig- he said. However, il is prob-|gchool Lane, Mount Joy, was ’ . ¥ * Little R1. won third prize in the, 0. onerived. but that|»ins in the section 1 battle “ated within the Church and able that the system of fixing recently elected to member- *v. oo ture 4-H class of wrapner; Leviupa papartment of Public In-|for league and county honors, ‘? Otherwise join in prayer taxes can not be placed into ship jn Kappa Lambda Nu- *%ectiennn® weeke Beiler, Manheim R1. fif'h; .,.,, “ion would not approve esday nights battle saw the, "°F these meetings. |fall operation until 1961, he (Clijpian) Social Society at . y | ings r Joy Hostetter, Manheim R1, hrilding plans based mm ex- Black Knights lost a thriller| Serving as chairman of this said. Lebanon Valley College. Hassinger S Grocery IDEAL FLA BLENDED OR nightt sixth. David Martin, second nected school enrollments ‘0 Columbia on the victors’ “ommittee is the Rev. C. E.| The speaker was introduc-| A graduate of Donegal high { . slight) in filler; Stanley Newcomer, hevond six years court, 55-40. Besting t h e "Tlrich. St. Mark's E, U. B.;| ed by Earl Koser, Rotary pro-!school, Judy is majoring in 16 N. Market St. Mt. Joy | Mount Joy R1, sixth. The new building wi {Crimeon Tide 9-7 in the first “he Rev. D. R. Wolfe is Secre-| gram chairman. psychology. 44-tfc | — Our winners at the show de new bullding w II be v : ,i : tarv. and the Rev. Menno E.| —— Cesena te Ep ee rh°ln - ; ll i LG iiibbiiiiit ikki 1 huilt somewhers on the pres. varter and tying it up 18 to ‘ary. a v ’ y S JUICE | | from the area announced thus Landis. 18 at the half, Hempfield was ood is Treasurer. Otherl| 46-02. 2-49: Re | mt tract of land in rille. Cos's can be cut since fari’ities I'ke the gymnasium! "md auditorium in the present hnilding can be shared. far are Mrs. Edna Shearer, of “mable to overcome its height "omm’ ‘tee members are the| Mount Joy R2. second prize ‘jsadvantage and eve-tuallv,?~v. Wm. Tillet and Mr Tor wheat rend; Mrs. Shear. succumbed t o the sharp [Manrics Bailey renresenting er al » won first prize for ‘hooting Columbians. Friday! ‘he Presbyterian Congrega-| dried peaches and a first for 3 . . saw the Black Knights enter-| ‘ion at present without a pas-| dried peas; first and second a Other business, the JOINt yin a fast Penn Manor team tor. in seedlings (pecans) and “*h?91 board accep'ed thei ith the final score in favor| Tndividual Lenten Services first for kernels of pecans. [5 gnation of Miss Elizabeth ¢ 1, sharp-shooling. exnert|'vill be conducted by the| Oo Miss Ruth Shearer won third I Bick as dietician, to be ef-lp.)) _ handling Manorites. ~ongregations of tae Trinity fore in "he kernels’ division. ective atithe end of the pres- Hempfields’ jayvee squad "utheran and St, Luke's Epis-| Sr : The Florin Farms Inc., Mt or *chool term. The meetin raved themselves a team to|~opal Churches. GOLD SEAL Mo nt Joy RI1, received a fourth 'f the school officials was. by turning in wins over| 9 ciat prize for single comb white resided over by J. Richard bo i : ’ sociati leghorns in the poultry d‘vis- Nissley, president of the joint pe ie Solus ond Porn| e Jaycees Give { ! ELBOW Spores {anor Junor varsity (eams.|. _.¢Continved ‘from Pave 1) 4 Sr., ct } : z . . hoard. ion plus a fourth and fifth in (They only lost one game this, POTITE the cornish and cornish eros. ~lp clean the area of eastern| | f § season, and that one to Eph- a : r > i Ma class. Gerald Greiner of The annual congregational rata. P fa lad i MACARONI pheasa anheim R4, received a six'h meeting of the Zion Lutheran, The junior high school bas- uined by floo al el 30 fer prize for white eggs in the “hurch, Landisville, will be ketball team at Hempfield re- |, Oflier | Dust presidents 0 - : ai a WwW ! ization are Michael i Penna. 18 n R2, won a fifth for 2. 7:30 p.m., at the church. team at the Landisville school |e ] ER Nichnlag 1s oz, C stocki white eggs. Chief item of busine iil Belin + ihe d ro itor, Jr, 1953-54; ichnlas Pkgs. § in og i ! ess will belin turning in consecutive|y nitper. 1954-55: O. K. Sw were t. He election of a superintend-|victories over Pequea Val'ey| tor Ir 1955-56: and Var Mount P.P.& L. LETS "t of the adult Sunday in a non-league tilt last Tues-| .. ry. oo sora : club p School department and other|day and a le: i layman, 10%. ion T | CONTRACT FOR “fficers. Also scheduled Tore oy cy ey Te present Simin HROUGH JAN. 1 Sth SPEED up Flisass c ic : . ! We p, ] lve i - ease BRUNNER ISLAND he agenda is the election of wrestling squad fell to Minnis Conon ge Will ; [Ive members for the church|strong Solanco team last »ast nine months in addition | i i ) f the One of the final business gouneil. The Rev, Ernest P.|Thursday at the Landisville fo the "find raisers” OnE 1 ACH ie transactions made in 1957 rail pastor of the church, gym, 39-11. Scoring for thelation and totes oy in | | ganizat was the awardi f th» con-|/has also announced *t Bl: i S . 2 ? ELRY & GIFT SHOP as the awarding of th= con ced that Holy Black Knights was 112 Ib. three parades, a fix-up pro-| ADAM H. GREER JEW Commu tract for clearing and grading “ommunion will be observed|Dan Forry, decision 120 lb, the site of P.P&L.’s new, his Sunday at both the 8:15/Tom McMahon, pin: and ane: Po.2n Fast Main Srree) ings. A Brunner Island power plant nd 10:45 a.m. services. |draw by Byron Gift. ; Fin ey bi be ny E. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. secretas to Kimbob, Inc., of Harris] Members of the Couples] — Der -\ cacquarters, Bottles C Wr plus burg. Pa., according to Chas.|Club of the church attended| Walter Holbein, jam] sutading. eight counly Bank St.,|- sts zentions ies i a E. Oakes, P.P&L. Chairman he final Week of Prayer|Landisville, was re-elected] nd site Sotfyentions. : John of the Board. |Jervice at the Landisville|president of the East Hemp-| Pennsy. The contract calls for the| “hurch of God. Guest speak-|field Board of Supervisors at Protect removal of brush and timber 'T was the Rev. Dr. Robert|a re-organizational meeting of the from that area of the new 3tephens of E he Market of the township group last| LANCASTER TENDER CHOICE pheasar site where the first unit of the) "quare Presbyterian Church, week. Elceted to the vice- ing pr big new plant will be con- Harrisburg. Following the president post was Robert! singer structed. Located about 15/service, members of the club/Good, who was elected to the| organiz miles below Harrisburg onr|returned to the Lutheran|supervisory group last year | outdoor the Susquehanna river, the/Church Sunday School room-|after the retirement of Edw | He ask initial unit is expected to cost/for refreshments and a short Starr who served for a peri-| indicate about $48 million and wil'|business meeting. Plans for od of 18 years. Benjamin L. | . a progr have an expected capacity of the Feb. 8 meeting of the Greider was elected secretary The Shoe Clearance You Wait For. Center Cuts LB Sloime 330.000 Kwh. {church social club call for a|- treasurer. h h tion fo Following brush and tim- square dance to be held at| ————— { 1 ore. or .45 BE A A no Yaa 2 d Here are a few of many bargains throughout our st o 45 15 feet of earth fill will be|Wwith outside guesis invited, | D al I y the Dej spread over the entire opera- 5 Rida oneg | MENS ONE TABLE J wy. Wi ting area in order to raise the . Richard Nissley, Main &| . EN’S NE T/ JE i oy As. ground level three feet above Cooper Ave., Landisville, wa Mobile Homes $ 09 | Tender Chuck Steaks b 59¢ 5 IRprabe! the 1936 flood level, highestlawarded the “Service To DRESS OXFORDS Sale n HOUSE SLIPPERS f . f take ad in history. This will involve|Mankind” award last Wed-| a)qus (Red) Hannan VALUES TO $12.95 ; Lancaster Rib Steaks Ib 7 9c Ww moving about 1,600,000 cubic nesday night by members of] Pr 7 . § After yards of soil with giant earth-|the Hempfield Sertoma Club] roprietor: ing La: moving equipment. fat a dinner meeling held at] SALES SERV : caster, -_ ®—— the Mount Joy American Le-| ALES und SERVICE ; SALE CF SMALL, LEAN, TENDER i pictures While other Presidents gion Home. Nissley, a build-| ROUTE 229 MEN'S STAR BRAND Ww ' D Sh C C § ing trip have died in office, William ing contractor, was cited for! . $ 29 omen s ress oes 04 PI NI og ! ed acti Harrison and Zachary Taylor his many contributions to the! MOUNT JOY OL 3-6891 WORK SHOES Sale . 3 the We are the only ones whose, — meee al VALUES TO $10 95 i and the deaths occurred in the White BROKEN SIZES ; House. ( < Economical © Swe conomi Ee WARMTH || 3 F | | o A joi Lancast Lean Sliced Bacon Ib pkg 49c | Counsel e al Fresh Boston Butts Ib 49¢ | Nurse's held WwW egal h BOYS’ OXFORDS $499 $10.95 Miracle-Tread 5499 1 LEATHER AND SUEDES SIZES 3%: TO 6 ALL HEFL HEIGHTS 350 pr. Children’s Shoes $ 4% Gr>wing Girls Dress & School Shoes FOR BOYS & GIRLS - SIZES 84 TO 3 $399 and *4°° his gro! U.S. No. 1 PENNA. WHITE Hallgre POTATOES | i= | the nui 50 = S$] 59 l & HEATING OIL Garber Cil Company $6.95 Children’s Leather SA $3.95 RAIN BOOTS $1 83 $10.95 WOMEN'S . WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S Fur Lined Leather Boots $ 7% RIPONS $1 00 pair ! it rkevs for only a few cents a month. ’ 2 | Better get one! LIVE OR DRESSED OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT 5 SOUTH BARBARA ST. | MOUNT 20%; Pa. WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S princip: Phone OL 3-9331 | Easy, Dad! Those valuable pa- FUR LINED BOOTS WHITE - RED - BLUE { : session og Pen it's so easy to misplace CRISP, CALIF. ICEBERG DS BECKER & about the house can all be kept | ETTU CE | Ane secure in a Safe Deposit Box | ! a 4 | Rent ; | pal spe noon. I C aspects clinic schools. ~ CLOSED SATURDAY schools ' , % 00 ne : ; ; glatees, 8 4 pram] | Cia sons: sek ots rect S99] fncsis sr ue rome | £5 see [3] [ROC] JACK HORNER SHOES mo |B Me. Joy 05.5599 | Bud JP Omit TENS coLuUMBIA = 14 gt : ' etta pi 2 a - ' L i