the program. pastor of the church. Sunday, Dee, 15, at 7:30 p. m.| The cantata, “The Glory ofland > - *hristmas”, will feature solo- mans more Hempfield Hi To Give sts Charles Denlinger, bass, supply of food, clothing, bed- Haldeman, Irs. Robert Herr, contralto,|ding and Yule Prog ram Dec 18 190 ind the children singing, “Welutensils and other equipment Bushong, - . ’ Vill Seek Him". The church/to set them up in housekeep- Londa Zurin, Lee Roland, Pe- held in vill also have a special chil-ing in the trailer. Tearfully ieer Cope and Glen Schaffner. gry school auditorium. Music training. Iren’s program to be present-ithankful, Mrs. Newman said, | | Sunday, Dec. 22, at the “It is more than we had be- 0:30 a.m. service. The Rev. fore the fire". | “Christmas Everywhere” seniors in this years squad will be a featured part of thesaid that his boys are in gooc annual Christmas program/physical shape and shoulc sponsored by the students oflwin a “few” of the meets the Hempfield high school Competing in their seconc N music department next nesday and Thursday, Dec. 18 ‘ition, the Black Knights have and 19, at the Landisvilleja tough schedule. They will school auditorium, action on January 2nd “hurch will hold a family at 8:00 p.m The pageant was|‘ollowing the Christmas va- “hristmas party at the church written by a senior girl, Miss| ration after tonight's meet. on Dec. 15 at 7:30 pm. The Jean Kauffman, and will fea-| Dec.12— Hanover at home, ture the music of other coun-| 7:30 p.m tries. It will be narrated by Jon Fackler, a junior . L. Bowers is pastor of the| 9 special Christmas Day service| way 7:30 p.m an organ prelude by Joyce Sacco, Mary Fahringer andl Muriel Ripley, followed br the Boys Chorus singing -| tivity Miniatures”, and “O| Jan. Columbia, away, the Methodist Church. a Jan. 23—Manheim Centralof Landisville, will have a Come, O Come Fmmanuel”| away, 7:30 p.m childrens’ program presented Following a candlelight pro Jan. 30—Warwick, home. lto the adult Sunday Schoo cessional, the senior chorus 7:30 pm : department Sunday, Dec. 22, will sing, ‘Gloria! Gloria!” Feb 6 Manheim Town- [qt 9:30 a.m. This will be in “Behold a Star From Jacob ship, away, 7:00 p.m. |addition to the two regular Shining”, “Christ chilg”. Feb. 11—Hershey, at home, church services at 8:30 and “Christmas Day”, and, 7:30 p.m. [10:45 a.m. The children’s par- “Chrismas Caravan’. This Feb. 13—Lancaster at home‘y will be held at the church] series of vocals will include 3:00 p.m : [Saturday afternoon, Dec. 21.| soloists Esther Brubaker, Loi: feb. 20—-Reading at home, The Couples Club annual Ann Haag, Robert Ridder and 7:00 p.m. Christmas music program is BR; 7 Oberholtzer. The orches- lscheduled for Dec. 22, 7:30 .%:J will play, “I: Came Upon Churches Busy n.m., and is open to the pub-| © “{. Town of Bethlehem”, and |and Salunga communities League will have a party with “Away in a Manger’. The seventh grade chorus will be heard in the selections “Bring A Torch, Janette, Isa- belle,” “Behold That Star”, “White Christmas”. The junior high school chor- 5 = 4 us will sing. “The Christ io “ram Sunday. Dec. 15, 10:30 rill be in charge of the ser- Born Today’. “Jesu. Joy of am. to dedicate the new vice. Mans’ Desiring”, «Winds church hymnals. The hymnals | Through the Olive Trees”, will be dedicated to the mem- Aid Family | and. “Susan Belle”, a of the late J. Urban Bak-| The Salunga Fire Company | $ain carol. The organ presented by his employ-and residents of the Salunga| tory will feature the In the evening, the/~ommunity came to the rescue selections, “Greensleeves”, igh school mixed chorus a couple in more ways than and, “Cradle Song”, played po, he direction of Richard/'ne when fire caused by an] by Norma Book and Betty Kline will present a pro-| werheated stove completely] Jean Hostetter. (fram, Christmas in Many| lestroved a frame dwelling Fhe featured part: of the Lands”, 8 7:30. The programilast Thursday n which they| program, the pageant “Christ- bd - he Bublie: The) resided. iy Everywhere” |Rev. E. Thomas Tillett is pas-| Fire completely destroyed nreparing for several servic- at the East Petersburg church. es and programs to celebrate The annual Christmas Eve The Church of God, Landis- held Dec. 24 at 11 p.m. The . will' openjtor. On Dee. 22 at 7:30 : p | 3 op 3 22 at 7:30 p. m.| he dmelling of the coup'e Vi with the orchestra playing ‘he 25-voice choir of and Mrs. Ralph Newmar & en- Pp ® “Trepak”, and Sleigh Ride” |“hurch of God will present a last Thursday. Salun- The Girls Chorus will sing. -antata, “Christmas firemen responded to the “Little Bells”. “Mexican Lul-l'inder the direction of Miss\larm when it was sounded laby”. and, “Swedish Dance Vary Nolt and Mrs. E. Thom-|at 3:00 p.m., but it was com- Carol with tableaus. Als Tillett. Open to the wrapped in flames by woodwind sextet composed off here will be a ‘White Gifts ‘he time “hey arrived on the Paula Wissler, Sally Nolt, "or King’ offering for thelscene. A trailer, also belong- Jerry Soringer, Lois Snvd I. hurch’s mission station inling to the couple and only a James Clark and Linda Youns ndia. The annual children’s/few feet away from the frame will plav a medley of British Thristmas party will be was saved through carols. The Boys Chorus willl aturday, Dec. 21, at thelthe efficient work of the fire: sing. “Parade of the Wooden| hurch beginning at 2:00 p.m./men. The Newman couple lost Soldiers”, “I Wonder As \ devotional period will beleverything they possessed in Wander”, and “Winter Song” | bserved, followed by group cluding clothing furniture The senior chorus will b> -inging, a film, and refresh- food and cooking equipment. featured in a series of vocal/ments. Reacting to their plight, the including, “Carol of the Bae-| The Salunga Church of the firemen immediately canvas- pipers’. “Calypso Carol”. Brethren will have a Christ-sed the Salunga community and, “The Sleigh”. Miss FI- iy aine Earhart, senior, will br \ the soloist in “Come Unt Holmes &) Him”. from the ‘Messiah’, an E Donald Forney, senior, will dwards be the soloist in the Spanish language, accompanied by the chorus. The finale will include the . i» popular seasonal music, It Snow”. and. “Home for th 1 ve I Holidays”, followed the by German carol, “Silent Night” an Directing the musical is Rich a new concept in silverplate ard L. Kline, high school vo lavished with EXTRA silver cal groups; Miss Helen Soud- inside and out! ers, junior high vocal group- and Miss Zoe Cummings, or chestra. IT ZL Ti Danish Princess - All these EXTRA qualities to be proud of so much longer... EXTRA... additional silver. all over each and every piece. EXTRA... inlaid with sterling where your table touches most-used spoons and forks. | EXTRA heaviness . . . more | luxurious in your hand. Christmas Program The Couples Club of th Zion Lutheran Church, Lan disville will present a Chri mas program of music Sur day. Dec. 22, beginning a’ 7:30 p.m., in the church audi torium. The annual musicale by the church social group will in- 1 clude special music in addi-| tion to the group carol sing-| Buffet Service for 8 ing. A string quartet from the $125.00 high Schoal. unger Open Stock Price $136.91 the irection of Miss oe| Cummings, will play several TERMS ARRANGED selections. A ladies trio, in-| cluding Mrs. Dean Lowry.| Mrs. Glenn Stehman and Mrs | Robert Bair, will also be ADAM H. GREER heard in several numbers. A male quartet is also listed orf EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-4124 er TTR RR FR RS As 3 EXTRA serving pieces for more gracious entertaining | Choice of 3 smart patterns. | All Patterns Made in U.S.A. USED TIRES Mud-Snow-Winter POPULAR SIZES Followirg the candlelight] recessional, members a n d guests ot the club will be ser-| ved refreshments in the church basement. Program| chairmen for the annual event! are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gil-|| berg, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas) Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Biemiller, Mr. and Mrs. Ben-|; jamin Greider and Mr. and] Mrs. Richard J. Jones. The) Reverend Ernest P. Leer is Reasonably Priced Hempfield high school will ~~ open a 10-meet wrestling schedule tonight when they take on the Hanover high| school wrestling squad in the Landisville gym at 7:30 p.m.| Coach Don Bissinger, who re- ports that there are only two Newcomer Motors, Inc. West Main Street Phone OL 3-4821 ENLISTS IN ARMY | Henry B. Klugh, Jr.,, 221] The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mount Joy Street, is one of for the New- les Schaffner, James Schaff- Donegal Post 809, Maytown, thirty-five men who enlisted for service in the U. S. Army/| Teenage Club @* the Lancaster recruiting station during the past three Freddie Schaffner, 3:30 to 11:30 p.m. It will be months. The men were sent to Ft. Jackson, S. C., for basic ey, Hen- TEENAGE XMAS DANCE mas cantata presented by the|The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. Binkley, Harry Binkl Russel AT MAYTOWN Landisville - Salunga church's 18-voice choir on Thursday, December 12 Herr, Richard Binkley, Char- John Aument, Robert ape sponsoring Zurin, Dance for the cooking Michael Dennison Saturday, furnished by METER REPORTS The collections from the H BIRTHDAY parking meters during the of Mount Joy past month totalled $777.81. Entertain Children . . | The Women's Work of Salunga Chure y os Fire Chief W, C. Hiestand Salunga Church of the Breth- EIGHTY-FIFT Wed-|year of interscholastic Church of the Breth-isaid his men fought the blaze. entertained 60 children/H. N. Nissly ren for 11% hours. Ralph Newman, The Salunga Methodist/>mployed as a watchman for {the Rudy Butcher Shop, w the only casualty in suffering minor burns of the hands in ots were performed by Ken- Vas. S. B. Stayer and ‘ttempting to save some of his neth Bowers, a senior at Eli-Sam of Millersville. zabethtown College. Christmas/was afternoon/on Sunday in hoor of his 85th in the/birthday on Dec. 9th, by his Magic daughter’s family, party on Saturday a5 The party was congregation will also have a possessions. " Herel participating in the Ji ershey a- : are: > c pr in von rSNEY a=. 9:00 a.m. A ‘Watch are: Rev. and Mrs. gjjetin advertisement : OUTS i serve N. L. Bowers - The brozram will open with] : will be observed on] . @ program will open Jan. 9—Solanco, home, 7:30 New Year's Eve. The Rever-/Denlinger, Rev. Wm. Roland, p.m lend Menno Good is pastor of Mr. When in need of printing pays. remember The Bulleti and Mrs. John Herr Jr., and Mrs. Paniel Heisey, . and Mrs. Galen Bushong, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Groff, and Mrs. Stanley Hosler, and Mrs. Samuel Zerph- Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ez-| John Herr Sr., |Mildred Ginder, Marion Mus- How to pay “Na-| 7:00 p.m. The Zion Lutheran Church Mr. = Mr. nr. Ph 2 ATT xX heating oil bills Sandra Brandt, Mrs. Marvis the EASY way All you have to do is use our special budget plan. In this way you spread payments equally over the months. Your payments remain the same, even during a severe cold spell. And there are no carrying charges. We make automatic deliveries of Atlantic's famous triple-refined heating oil. It’s now made with a new additive that helps prevent the formation of sludge. You get even, Mrs. Paul Cope, Judy Cope, Groff, Lindo Haldeman, Don-| Midnight Clear”, “O, Lit-| Churches of the Landisville lic. On Dec. 23, the Luther Roland. Phyllis Zerphey Pre Sara Bushong, v Kreider, Carol Zurin, e Binkley, Dawn Shonk Kenneth Bru- ob ay ’ : baker, James Chambers, Ger- the Christmas season. nn; go > o> > ' | 1 hristmas season indlelght Service will be ald Bushong, Gordon Groff, : : 'denc is have a busy schedule during the East Petersburg Zion Lu- (gp ie Davis, he next several weeks in thera hur ler League : K eran C ch Luther Leagu Debbi NNT i PRR RST Penny Yoder, Pe For clean-burning Atlantic heating oil—at a surprisingly Harold Kulp, Samuel Zurin low monthly cost— please write or call us today vile, will have a special pro- Luther League of Zion church Carl | | . Hooray e | Hollinger Oil Service Buffet- We carry the following Name brand merchan- dise: Speidel - Anson Prince Gardner Ronson - Sheaffer Parker - Paper-Mat~ Sunbeam - Schick Remington Seth Thomas G. E Motorola Van Dell Kodak Westclox RPE ed Sm PG Som 3 om LS FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-3483 LEHIGH AVENUE LANCASTER, PA. wR Sms swe Can. Ses : GIVE HER A LAMPEL SWEATER & SKIRT SET AND AN EXTRA SHIP & SHORE BLOUSE SWEATERS $398 to $8.98 PN PER $3.98 to $10.98 BLOUSES $2.98 to $4.98 OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9:00 ITTY’S SHOPPE MOUNT JOY WA BY ST I WR Pe AR RS oT wm EAST MAIN STREET TR RA RAR RNR RATE RT NTR RT TR RR RATE RTE TR RR SR RR RT RT RR RT RTE RTT RT RTE RE RTE RE RR USED TV SETS Enjoy The Holidays With One of These Fine Reconditioned Sets PAR 1-17" Philco $48.95 1-17" RCA $49.95 1-17" Emerson $39.95 1-17" G.E. $35.95 Ta 55 STR Th PT ST KC FR Th Sh 1-17" Zenith $62.95 1-21" Sylvania $98.95 1-24" Magnavox 5 2 H.S. Ne To EN UR x Ya ESE YAY RE RINE » PIRATE A A A YA A EA EA TAN PS Bb RUA RUT RTE RATE NT RT ROT ROSTER RTE TER Va HAMILTO Give A Gas Appliance To Mother Give mother a gift she can use all year long to lighten her work. TAPPAN — ROPER — MAGIC CHEF gas stoves JOHN WOOD & WHITEHEAD gas water heaters = N - BULOVA - ELGIN - WYLER WATCHES TEMCO gas room heaters NORGE washers & gas dryers WARD BOTTLE GAS EPHRATA, PA. AN i a3 rd KOSER’S JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP EAST MAIN STREET | A PA A PAN PA A A IA SR FAKE We TOT TR NT RR RT RES WN RE : ) i ) > GE 3) ied £7 NCH, RAE (d 0 ) 4 A MOUNT JOY, PENNA. CAN PA PAN FRY PRIA SEAR ET Te RST: Tk 35 RTE ANTE SNR RT ANT RS RY SHIRTS . . $2.95 HOSE . 2 pr $1.00 BEDROOM SLIPPERS $2.50 GLOVES . . $2.98 TIES . . . . $1.00 JACKETS $8.95 vp SHOES . . . $6.95 Nylon Slips $2.98 Cotton Slips $1.98 Cotton Dresses $3.95 Pajamas & Gowns $2.98 Skirts . . . $3.98 Blouses . . . $1.98 Gloves . . . $1.39 CHILDREN'S DRESSES . $2.98 to $7.95 CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL COATS $10.95 CHILDREN'S SHOES CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS oie +s 9398 .. . . $1.98 Boys’ Shirts $1.29 BOYS’ Shoe Lock Boys Jackets $6.95 $5.95 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9:00 unt Joy Dept. Store Appr turned public Donega home m Monday coach, s better t feels th: good att potentia Wrest All To All tk Joy and to atten mas par Dec. 24, The will ope films wi The chil with giff ing of tk This p fair for t ea and t Joyc Prog Dinn Joycee day seas dinner I four of t The tw had an a of Mrs. J the home merman, the home man; anc of Mrs. During ing the g $15 to th mas Dec The grou tion to v Jaycettes letter wa lersville the local in getti charter s Zimmern was in cl meeting. Uniol Hold The ar ty of the and frier tional Mu held Wec cember 1 quet hall vice pres chairman as co-cha Warren student « College, of vocal « companie organist the Chur ville, Mis the Hem; Dr. Jol Franklin Museum The pa bonus to announce the empl to Samue Decora of Mrs. ( Mrs. Alv Harvey I Parts At FE A Mou part and etta and members staffs as lege pr Christmae Dec. 19. Jay G play the er in the To Ever; Mrs. Cla dramatic Milton etta and ga are Iv duction MARRIA Kenne West Do resa Wel James West Do cy Loui: Market To F (