The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 28, 1957, Image 1

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Muscular Dystrophy | The Mount Joy
== Drive Is Planned |
fo Crm fon
Plans are nearing comple-|mysterious disease which at- Or TS TT
tion for the annual drive of tacks the muscles, eventually b Ae
the Muscular Dystrophy Asso- weakening and disabling the, al rr) DB
_ [ciation for funds. The local victim to the point where a RB eal - Tt
ba (drive will be conducted by minor ailment like a cold ‘ TH {ae


I volunteers in both Mount Joy may be fatal. It is no respect-
4 A £0 land Florin Friday and Satur-|or of age, race, color or » gre. =."
willl day, Nov. 20 and 30. Mrs. AL-It afflicts more than 200,000] === ===" FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 24 MOUNT JOY, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1957 SEVEN CENTS PER COPY
It hadn't occurred to us and Bigler is in charge of Of these, two- +1 regain cs £252
because a member of the area drive. [thirds are children and most

; | : : mw {
ily was involved we would] Muscular dystrophy is aof them will not live beyond
550 d > Mg (their 'teens—unless a cure is . ( | : | M J C . »
it popped into our minds. But tow. Notting new known io Christmas | arol Sing Jon Bender Mount Joy hristmas Lights
h : S. science will stop the muscle-| Pl d F
the senior class play given at| an ta [s wasting course of the disease. anne or
Donegal Friday and Saturday _ Almost 100 wos rer Musical Florin Is Student | Will Be Insta led Thi S Week
nights was unusually well
C ‘
well done.
© o | oming and abroad. In addition MD-| ls Dec 10 Again this year the annual |
. Florin Community Christmas| ont Mount Joy's Main Streetimprovement to the project.lused all the existing funds to
AA is now establishing an in-
(will have its “Christmas look” From the beginning o theldate. Through anticipated do-
pie who have followed / / stitute for muscle disease Practices have begun or Carol program has been plan-|
gh school dramatics went sol J () own where leading scientists will the annual Christmas program ned. It will be held Monday| Jon Scott Bender, son of by the weekend! project, some sort of improve-|nations this year, the other
jar By to say that it was “the Senta is coming to town! conduct research into the local elementary schoolevening, Dec. 23, 7:30 p. m. Myr, and Mrs. Alva Bender, of] According to Arthur Sprech-ment has been completed ecach|costs of the program will have
nh . : ‘muscular ailments. Other usesito be held Tuesday evening, The progfam will be held in north Barbara Street has chairman of the local com-jyear. Some years more unitsito be financed. Improvements
Santa Claus will arrive in Mt. of the funds received from an- Dee. 10. The first, second and front of the First National ith y ““Imunity Christmas decorationsjwere added; one year timejtothe community tree this
At any rate it was a highly Joy Saturday, Nov. 30. Henual drives go to clinics/third grades will present “The Bank and Trust Company been selected as the first boy committee, t h e decorations clocks were placed on the un-lyear will also include large
creditable performance given will be escorted to Way's Which provide diagnostic fa- Christmas Story”. A choir of Branch Bank. fof the month by the Mount/will be completed by thatits; one year improvementsred bells, white balls and a
time. (were made to the community flashing system plus the re-
by ten D. H. S. girls. And — cilities, medical supervisios approxims: 5 ices will] al men’s tette will| ¢
1 . land. West Mai ree h S, Pervisios approximately 150 voices will] A local men’s quartette will Joy Rotary Club. (Hashil ‘
therein, we think, lay part of wd a El n Sie t oe assistance and patient ser- be included in the dramatiza- furnish special music and) John Bas: just leted his! All the candle units have tree. imaining tree lights usgd in
the success of the production. | ount Joy schooliyices, The associations helption of the nativity production/familiar carols will be ' sung ToT yer) - SE ThePeen re-wired as this year’s. This re-wiring program hasjother years.

It is unusual when a higiyoand directed by Mrs. George the cost of apparatus written by Harriet the audience. A speciall 0% co po nd” thal — | The laurel arrived Monday
Santa will arrive at the toy- By patients. (Special parts will include ajspeaker will brize the heist varsity center. For the past 4 . . jand was distributed Tuesday.
De r 3 5 Volunteers will visit thelnarrator, Biblical characters mas message. he chil ren onrs he a . M B d S d No |Borough employees assisted in
Stories land at 2 2. mM. omes in the area door-to-and soloists from the three will be given a treat after the|Y he has been a me oe 1ssions oar én S ew the distribution and in the
and will climb the ladder to placement of the community
lin operation in approximately
Sunday, November 10, ato New Mexico to return thelthe same locations as last
new, 1957 nine-passenger sta- couples, his daughters and”
| ‘The Mission was very grate-
[ful for the food items sent by
|local residents.
all his friends are invited to h : :
8 visit him and will be given a| Volunteer” blue ribbon badge. written by Aline M. Cowan F ¢ yspital
soon as possible next week. land Frances T. Crowley, will
Each year the Bulletin re- | be presented by the fourth,
etin be located on his throne) ih ‘
ports on all deer shot in this wi OCR on is one Zeller Fund jth and sixth grades. A rt AuXI lary ;
: leach Saturday afternoon from
jr al] the Other soln ia to 5 p.m. grade chorus will sing during
pv oF e rR 1€er| mya route of the arrival will! : | the operetta plus special parts Meets
! . ormation =p Zend % |by members of the classes.
is the person who shot th at the east on iven : |
sho e Santa Claus and six children] gayen new members were
In order to inform the read-|; . |door armed with literature on/grades program.
: 'his throne on the second floor Bure oh graces. 3
ers about “deer stories”, the, 1 the disease and will be wear-| “Christmas In Foreign] S We S. h |tree. By Saturday the commit-
Bulletin staff asks that per- Of the store. After his arrival), ng a special “Jerry Lewis Lands and Home”, an operetta | tation agon oul west tee plans to have all the units

sons report all such stories as}
{treat following the visits. He!

Letters asking for yearly
|donations will go out this
week. Over the past years the
town’s organizations, busines-
ses and some merchants have
tion wagon, purchased by the
i Home Mission Board from
1 . [Herr Ford Garage, was dedi-


: {trance of the borough where cated at the Cross Roads mem ———
d ; : . :
eer, size of deer and number |}, band will meet him. Trav-| from America will take a trip accepted into the membership [Brethren In Christ Churcl supported the program. All
of points, and in what part of| ys isimas Eve to see ook i etn ! 8 . . |donationd received will be us-
fie state It Was slot leling in a convertible, the H R t lon Christmas Eve to see Mexi- of the Mount Joy branch of 1 The wagon was Sor the ris Nominatio | a
band will escort him westward, Y 0 ary {co, England, France, Holland, 4; . {1nited Lancaster General] i vu sd ns fed to both finish financing
on Main Street until he reach- |Norway. Germany, Yugoslav- Hospital Auxiliary at a 1 {sion among the Navajo In d B this year’s program and to
school boy comes along who es Way’s Store. Santa will ar-| A dollar per member — a-/ia and Italy. ling of the group last Thursday] |dians in New Mexico. ‘Ma e by make improvements for the
gives himself wholeheartedly rive Saturday regardless of mounting to $52.00—was ad-| Between the two produc-eyening in the home of Mrs. || Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. My- A ili Project foP Next year. it ted
to dramatics. It seems thatlany weather conditions. John|ded to the Charlie Zeller fund tions, the kindergarten chil- Frank Zink. Five members| lers, R1, Mount Joy, and Mr! uxi lary lis DoE to by DY peng
the girls take to the stage|Way is sponsoring the arrival Tuesday noon by the Mt. Joy/dren will sing four Christmas present at the meeting were,
earlier and more earnestly of Santa Claus to the borough. Rotary Club. songs. All the students of the irs. John Rehm. Mrs. Gerald]
than the Sironger sex. | The contribution, given injschool will take part in the Sheetz, Mrs. Ragner Hallgren, |
land Mrs. Jay N. Heisey, Eliza- Nineteen members school. The tree
[bethtown R3, delivered the regular meeting of they hich was located at the pres-
| |Auxiilary to the Friendship ong elementary school grounds
Fire Company last Thursday yas removed by the borough

| . .
station wagon to New Mexico

Ch h i (the form of a check, was pre-/program. This will include rs. Martin Reese and Mrs.| 2
Whatever the reason, Main| urc AZaal [sented to George Albert, pres-approximately 400 children. james Meminger. Mrs. Rich-| land made a short vacationeyening. Mrs. Harold Etsell
Joss ® Duque top| d lident of the Junior Chamber Mrs. George Broske will be inard Rainbolt and Mrs. Albert| JON EBNDER land pleasure trip, stopping was nominated for president aay oF
Miss Catherine Zeller and her anne For of Commerce. The jaycees are charge of the program. Gardner were also named as) op the school band and is par-| With friends in Ohio, Illinois, for the coming year; od East Main Streets.
young thespians. S d . |sponsoring the fund. - {new members. ticipating in his fourth year Kansas, New Mexico and OKk-/Charles Becker and Myrtle see (fe
{9 0 8 atur ay The Rotarians’ gift repre- | During the business meet- with the chorus. He was a lahoma. (Bates, first vice president;
Now hear this, as they say] sented their annual «ner. Merchants Drop ing the group made plans tolmember of Student Council in| Joseph M. Wolgemuth drove Mrs. Eva Zeller, Mrs. Irvin Old Ti
: Bora | Saturday, November 30, the| 1 2) ; imers
in the Navy‘ It’s time to con, en's Association of the Gift” exchange. In years h . meet at the home of the presi-|grades 9, 10 and 11. . : . [Kaylor, Mrs. Dorothy Chapin.
sider “Shopping early, Associallo [past the club has held an wy ristmas \dent, Mrs. Frank Walters, Jr.| A tie [second vice president; Mrs. Y H Id T
i First Presbyterian Church ill | As a member of the School ‘ Davi . Oo oO wo
ping sscurely 20d ailing will sponsor its third annual change among the members, Monday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. to/gafety Corps for three years Harr N Nissl (David Mumper atid Mts. John
early.” And, the post office| D However, recently the men Promotion Plan assemble favors for the is the current president of Y . Y sprout, recording and financ- Ball Games
adds, to “address properly » Christmas bazaar in th donated cash and gifts : |pital trays at Christmas. The: : . lial secretary; Mrs. Ralph Rice
“« : 3 are vs = is ith 3 b the, . | y
Please,”’, t h e department|chureh basement. The yo been given to To. copform with a recent ie He gion both cls Injured; and Mrs. Christ Charles, cor-| The fourth annual Old Tim= /
: : rie dict fram announcement was made ne er and ay
begs, “do not use nicknames. will be open. fo the publicly 4 year the money bought| 2% enforcement. .edict.grom Ibe ig gpd year [responding secretary; Mrs ars basketball game will be
: : ve TS _[the toy train tea held staffs. played basketb 1 *
Use proper names and middle TO" I hoon yl 3p i wagons and other ie OLD of the Distric;, 44, by the united year a y ar ball Girl Arrested Myrtle Nornhold, treasurer;ilnlayed Thursday, Dec. 26, in
initials with correct house > FF =) oY oo ol §. Haltoys and playthings for Ghillie \d plans for anas been cancelled. In itslin the junior play, is a mem.-| Hz N. Nissly. 101 Anne Geib and Mount Joy Grade [school
and street numbers.” Billow, chalrman. ldren of the Messiah home. [oc , ec: pans “place, the individual units . ! : Arry NN. [Nancy Charles, chaplain. it was announced this
Chris s I % {ber of the Donegal Varsity Barbarz \e ‘ at-| gym, 1 a
e © o Six special tables will be {Christmas promotion pro 1 1 £ toys! g Y Barbara Street, is recuperat-| : i
: d featured at the affair; a gift| Although the “Christmas”|gram. (will have Ingatherings ot and is presently thejing at the home of his son-in-| Birthday greetings were ex-\week by Benj. F. Groff.
During the Christmas s€a-tahle, apron table, goodies ta- gift is a few weeks early, it Orizitiatly. the Mout FoR replace existing toys in the|chajrman of the senior snack law and daughter, Mr. and‘ended to Nancy Charles| As an added attraction,
son, much “extra” help isihle, trifles and treasures ta- Was felt that Zeller’s need tail ae oy children’s ward of the hospit-istang committee. John has Mrs, Samuel Stayer, Millers-|MTS. George Copenheaver there will be a game between
€ rchants SS0CK al. Each member is asked active in the Y. F. C.yille : attack Was in charge of the meeting [the ex-stars of Mount Joy and

used by the postal service, : inow and that an early Christ- : i
ble, cake and pie table, and y 4 expecte aunc following a n : fe
and they are not familiar with christmas gift Siig table. «presentation is much in I bring a new toy, book or and is serving as repor- int Rog OY a decal ee @) mee Donegal. D.H.S. will be in
where every man, woman, yrs. Richard Swartz is chair. OFder- 4 .. progr Mons to the January meeting. iter at the present time. ov girl, Mary g=s [charge of Jay Metzler, now of
child and family pet receives! : : ail | : next week and to bring it to ajThis meeting will be held on ———— Ho oh il Fiftee C b {the - U. 8. Naval Academy
his mail p man of the gift table which] Zeller, who has been strick-llimax with a drawing the january 23 at the home of| Elien Ulrich, North Barbara n os [and the Mt Joy team. will be
; aly . A : vi LeAnna eal 1 i | ary J & 2 cs so . 3 J EY . JO} NE
o 6 includes a variety o f with Hodgkins disease, hasisaturday night before John Zeller, Pinkerton Christmas Part | Street, is being held in "“Recei e A d laivected by George McCue,
Mount Joo: Bi such 8 logs, doll clothes, 4 workerlmas. Road. | Y [county jail changed with as-| Vv waras hd Zntete who paved
hand puppets, ristmasand is unable to meet his ob-| ams sand tickets| : a {sault with intent to kill. Fiftee ards we SSE lt re Wr Ja
mer Zerphey adds that alldecorations and dried ar-|ligations and to maintain him-| Savers) | oN Cy Following th e business Is Planned | Miss Ulrich was reported to on Do conor any) Rl eh
8 a at 1 esaa) ackisumme e,
: | d have been distributed] peti : i
out-of-town mail should cols SPECIE {ots would have been “dimeeting, Mrs. Bruce Greiner re . |
bejrangements; Mrs. Maurice/self on special diets and to from some 20 to 25 stores injgpoke on “Christmas Potpour-| Again this year the tradi- have gone to the Nissly home|lmeeting of the Florin Cubs erm ela.
tied in separate bundles and Bailey is chairman of the ap-keep his young family. . ; ay her family’s re :
all Mount Joy and Mount Joy|ron DY Mrs. Howard a ny yO g an Ron j/Mount Joy and Florin. _|ri”. She gave a demonstrationjtional children’s Christmas 0 pay her family’s rent for Stan Koser, Steven Billet and| To be eligible to play on
ai i : : : EN However, the D.A’s office Christmas decorations party for all children of the the use of a garage owned by Rickie Hean received their|eithe a athlete st
rural route mail should be ber, pies and cakes; Mrs. Paul the Zeller Fund drive is only A on Christmas decorations. oF | J edly Steck : either team, athletes mus
bor 4 : has “cracked down” on otheriitem made by Mrs. Greiner borough and area will be held Nissly. She reportedly struckiwolf awards; John Farmer have attended (not necessari-

ackaged together. { > ifle asta fe : (Mr Nis : : rth! i ;
r ged £ ® Stoner, trifles and treasures;ia few days old and only mea promotions in the county and|ywas awarded as a door prize the day before Christmas in| r. Nissly over the head with|and Leroy Williams, Lions:|ly graduated) from one or the
Miss Martha Stauffer, pantry ger accounting has been made, pig » middle of : ic Ba ../a small axe. After the girl left Keith Brightbi Wray >
: Sod : stonped two in the middle oft, Miss Edna Charles. {the Joy Theatre. This party is|2 Small axe. Keith Brightbill, Jeffrey Ar-iother schools. Those who
shelf and the girlg of the jun-lhe knows of about $175 in do- gore the scene. Nissly was able to 1a. Brubaker. David]
Two Named 3 1 f the Sund hoo ination their programs. ———— [sponsored each year by the the scene, Nissly was ¢ mold, Barry Brubaker, David|played for both may make
in Say so a ons | Thus, before launching the MRS. ABRAM SNYDER Walter S. Ebersole Post 185 call Dr. Gates, who treated Miley and Rodney Miller, Bob|their choice which the y would
. {the Christmas gift tree. The ® AVC ‘he: lanl . | rie : him in his home. Police were Cat. we Brightbi
To Committee t is 1} 1 the| Mount Joy event, the plan |American Legion. im in his home. ce at; Steve Brightbill, John|rather represent.
| dr Ae d 3 wd ted i ser To Oo en \was submitted to attorneys SPEAKS TO B.P.W. { Emory Krick, post comman- called and volunteer firemen Farmer, Jeffrey Koser, Leroy| Anyone interested in play-
The majority of a group of Ye o i. pers og SI) © Pp and to the proper authorities Ji : ” der, has announced thet. the responded to ~an emergency Williams and Lewis Sauter, ing in either game should give
37 representative young gh R nape poss hrs 'N dditi Ifor examination. Ls Alora Shy ot party will be held Tuesday for help in searching for Webelos. ‘his name to Ben Groff, presi-
gh- New A Irion They ruled that the promo-| Ancas as ih meeting Dec. 24. The party the girl. | Indian dances were present-|dent of the Old Timers asso-
ple attending a meeting last in } Tha afternoon and evening
Trinity Lutheran Parish house] hi 2 8 18) A new addition to the Kos- tion classifies as a lottery and|?* will include the showing of She was found south of theled by the Explorer Post of ciation. No invitations will be
at Lancaster, favored the for-|With Mrs. Warren Foley inj r Jewelry Store will be open/thus is not acceptable. of the local B.P.W. at Hostet- alms and gifts. former Jamesway building. |New Holland as the special issued
mation of a County Youth/charge of the committee. Theo eweTy 9 0%: op At a meeting of cooperating ter’s. Mrs. Snyder was gis, : : om Bs De TY Pia
Council. This council would hall will be decorated inthis - Weskend. Ear] oe ae fs I 1d Friday aight duced to the group by Mrs.| tT | An honor student Aram of the evening. The| All players, Groff says, who
| . a nn merchants, helo rlaay 4 Nt x . Abie the seve srade 2 sir] E> "ers Se > » dance-lrenort wi i Qo ge 3
operate along tits lines of thelgreens for the occasion. This owner of the store, has taken De Nos store | Simon Nissley, legislative BUILDS ADDITION + [the seve nth grade, the girl SB the dane re} orl Vil pay in the games
Lancaster Coun’y Community Week, some items what will the Teams to the Yess of = ae hid fie oh plan committee chairman. | An addition to the Package ad Bees in the 2 EN a oo iy iC Sosuming 3 Balter Sow pon :
2 {be on sale at the affair are on/his present store which werej!t Wa NOD Rr vicars .«_|Printers Inc. building located Mennonite mental hospital ther e ack meet-Alread, e ay are:
gona but would be a in the Roberts Elect- formerly a dentist office. The/entir: ly ang to concenfrate on] The ve on Mount Joy and North Mar- near Mt. Gretna, for psychia- ing in December, Earl Bright-Donegal—Metzler, J. Hiestand
ate unit. |present store has been reno-|a “Shop at Home” campaign. mas part; : ra Ket Streets has been started tric care in June. bill, Cubmaster, announced. |A. Klugle and Earhart; Mec-

,, Following the favoring offical Store witidow. [vated with showesse changes A group of December 23 NTS he he addition will: transi em tel cia Cue and Bill Zimmerman,
e council, a committee was | i into sponsor considerable publicity|L€ ODberLs, presi ’ S 3: : ‘ i i
’ | and a new door opening into SPOnNsor consic p Yi | > J | and Old Timers—Gene Crid-
named to draw up the plans STUDENT TEACHERS [the new addition. p g lurging the spending of Christ-1n charge. Jory fhe Nu ay PLAYND 2 BAND TO PLAY ler, Charlie Pennell and Sam
discussed at the meeting. Of bp CTICING IN AREA | By the weekend Mr. Koser/mas money in Mount Joy and shag 4 bu ne on gs $ Next Friday Sassen The Donegal high school Nve.
the committee named, Deanna ‘ \will have the room equipped Pointing out some of the ad-TO PRESENT BN building oe MoE di 3 Doanoge) ng = Hoe! Jonge hand i been engaged “pare will be no admission
i | | S aces y er yf A. Hles av » © v ir re
Walker and Robert Buchen-| Fourteen student teachers\with display shelves a nd vantages. SI 903 Sores Cart OF, tre Si 5 : a 4 Bl io © i” of he county Gi lcharged for the games But an
auer, both of Mount Joy who are doing their practice small tables in the center of A Tl CONCERT. SING I tation hotiso: a Se Tsuiely [Dag ot a 9 he Bs Club, offering will be taken. Pro-
a ich! : : aL Se. am. Lancaster, Sc rday ae. 7
represented Donegal highiing in Donegal high school the room. He will use other TEACHERS SEE The Mount Joy Community! L r, saturday, Dec. 7. leeds, after expenses, will be
school at the meeting, were until January 24. From Eliza- rooms for an office, gift wrap- Chorus will present a Christ-| used for the Old Timers’ a-
Dame to the special commit- bethtown College, Ban Beck-|ping room and storage. DEMONSTRATION mas Concert and Carol Sing] . . ols . wards.
ee. ¢ ler Carlin rightbill, John, ls | basi lin the Ml t Jovy Elementary! eS SE
> | | Three demonstrations were|ln the Mount Joy lier ary|
The purpose of the Ruth Ann Yeager, Ro- CONDUCTING SALE at the annual workshop|School anditorium - Monday | ISCUSSS OSSIDIII Y Si ng BOROUGH COUNCIL
ed Youth Council is five-fold salie Erb, Bruce Wohnseidler,| p + ing. De at
: {od A eo rom peanuts and ballj ¢ «pe Lancaster County evening, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m.
fo Suh Lis point pens Se being sold by Home Economics teachers last The chorus which was or- T h e regular December
y » LOjman, ’ the Donegal high school band pp rsday. Mrs. Joseph Llew-|canized a few months ago is, t P t meeting of Mount Joy bor-
Pe anny rough Sheri and Bley Yuningelolub to defray expenses of the ellyn, librarian at Donegal practicing for the special holi-| Oo icewomen a e Y a Fro lough -council will not be held
y Jolnjare teaching in the junior an |pand. Band members and club igh school, gave a demon- day presentation. Dr. David Sgt. H. A. Ries was thejcall for five women for the percentage of parents {the first Monday of the month.

hands in serving their com- senior classes. Y ; 4 ; : i willltt is : ¥
munity; to plan lines of action] Miss Mary Gingerich, Clatsop are Sadun thestration on enamelled 5 7 of Pe guest speaker at the Tuesday obs; four to be on duty and keep an attendance Pane until Monday
on which all youth organiza-|les Mowrer and. Carl McFar- g liewelry: Mrs. Bruce ireiner|even Which is spons ht 4 $ the 1 pone as an alternate. The an-lwhich will be purchased by a
ti Al : el demonstrated Christmas dec-/the local Rotary Club. nig meeting o e loca Srey a . afc aa .
ions may work together; %o|lane are practice teaching in v | 4 Miss Flodror ee. School. and Home. nouncement was made thatthe association.
provide young people with ex-|the high school from Millers- THE WEATHER rations} and Miss A ot ane {organizations of the borough) Instead of t he annual BIRTHS
perience in dealing with so-lville State Teachers College. |Griffiths demonstrate scu - PLANS SHOPPING Sgt. Ries discussed the merits have consented to pay for four|Christmas cookie sale, a cook-
cial problems at first hand; to|In the Mount Joy Elementary By Kenneth L. Drohan tured lamp shades. TOUR FOR CHILDREN lof special policewomen on du-of the uniforms if the propos-lie sale will be conducted in
keep adult community-plan-School Yvonne Brubaker and Day Temps. | - Twenty-eight teachers at- {ty in towns to assist in child- al is accepted. The School and January. This sale will be Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dus-
ning groups aware of the maj- James Sarbaugh are practice Wed 20 — 32 50 ended the session held i the Residents of the crossing the highway to Home group went on record der the sponsorship o f the singer, Donegal Springs Road,
or needs of youth. teaching from Elizabethtown Thur 21 — 25 54 .00 Donegal high Sehool. I'S-|Children’s Home will be tak-land from school. He also dis-/favoring the purchase of the Pennsylvania Power & Lightla daughter, last Wednesday at
eer College. Fri 22 — 26 43 : Robert Brown, president, Was op Christmas shopping by thejcussed the need of Mount Joy fifth necessary uniform. Company. Members will Lancaster General Hospit-
MARRIAGE LICENSE — Sat 23 — 33 42 03 charge. local Jaycees Saturday, Dec./in this matter. | During the business cookies in Roberts Elect- al.
John Nissley, Lancaster and TO SPONSOR STAND Sun 24 -— 31 52 .00! ~~ (14, it was announced this] Ragner Hallgren, president,|ing, the members decided to|rical Store the designated day| Mr. and’ Mrs.- Andrew A.
Martha Wilke, 211 East Main| A special stand will be[Mon 25 — 30 42 .00 BAND CLUB TO MEET iweek. Robert Schroll is chair-lappointed a committee off dispense with awarding alin January. In other Lania Drive, Landis-
Street. sponsored Friday, Dec. 20, in/Tues 26 — 26 43 Trocel The Donegal high of the project. The chil-jthree to present thd group’scash prize following members voted to donate ville, a son, Saturday. at the
club will meet Monday qren will each be given $5.00suggestion at the next meet- meeting to the homeroom $35 toward Christmas parties Lancaster General Hospital.

front of the Greer Gift Store, i . fo :
High for year to date: Dec. 2, in the bandroom by the Jaycees to do theirjing of the Mount Joy Borough/having the greatest percent-in the homerooms; to sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Hess.
by the local Joycees. Holiday] Low for year to date: 10 2 ;
If family doctor can sauce in glass pear- y of the school. shopping and will be escorted Council. Aldus Hannan, Mar-age of parents present. In-ja roller skating party for the Mount Joy R1, a daughter on

be contacted for emergency.|shaped containers will be sold OUTLOOK by Jaycee members through-shall Gemberling and Park|stead of this policy, the mem-patrolmen and announced Friday, at the Lancaster Gen-
physician on call by the group. Orders for the DE out the borough stores. Fol-Neiss were named to the com.-|bers voted to give $130 to-|that the folding table ordéred|eral Hospital.
gift items may also be given] (NO forecast this week & —| To Report New {lowing the tour, their giftsmittée to present the proposal ward the purchase of library by the group has arrived. | Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E.
weatherman on trip to Indi-| ; {will be wrapped with the help/to council and if approved, to books; $10 to each homeroom. The next meeting will be Andrews, Florin, a daughter,
Sunday to Mrs. Harold Zimmerman,
A v ana)
Dr. Newton Kendig te gifts will sell for one

| Families Call lof the Joycees at the fire- work out the details of the From one meeting to the next, held January 24. Mr. Hallgren Tuesday at the Lancaster Os-
OL 3-6624 {house. project. The proposal wouldithe room having the greatest was in charge of the meeting. teopathic Hospital.

ie i are Pra a a a Fo NIB RR ok as sm ing a mpi an