The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 07, 1957, Image 5

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lovember 9--by G. B, A, Harrisburg. Dup The Boy Scout and Ex- week The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.
: ry 5 , £4 Harry Gantz mile w of Auet plorer Scou held a Hallo The Ladi Auxiliary of Thursday. 3 November 7 SS
dd » AJL LY Cre "nt 1a Mon ove Fire Comps ill hold
i hig ( reh. farm mach iY \ 1 pa Vionday eve 1 In ompany will h — -~ a
| Ey ( Saturd (30 Wher 16 ning at the Legion Home. a Chicken Corn Soup Sale on
or . 1 i ) Pp . 1 Vv,
1 3 NO Kast | by Mahlon M. Shelly, along Gam Wi plaved and re- Saturday, Nov. 16, at 10 am
LEITH i032 Gh AD BUT 2 go day ov. 8 i of . i . . . Pudi a are. BEY wms-lat the : fire house. Please andi I3 Vi lle -
FURR | | URE and A IN iQ > Hell , Dispersal of Guern Saturday Nov. 9th at road lea ling from Mount Joy Mrs. I Newcomer is at-/freshments wei served, Ru h i ous
sya { q SOL Tso (



lam : Ray
- \ Ver " ii won a prize for bring ntainers for soup
SE ol ad (ttle. © alsolStoves vii a somerset to Mast cl ouliendine the Women Lea sel Meredith won a pri fo ring « 1 fo 0 P
A : \ \ i ul y I pc oe less
ZL (dairy and: farm equipment bylCoutt ties al of Guern-jsale of farm equipment Gettvsburs College today Pei [| difficult to Mr. and Mi Harry Bless By Richard Jones
Now. & 1957 Harry H. Baylinson. Salelseys, hay, straw, grain, and all household contents and Friday. She is a delegate BY and Lurry Henderson in f Clearfield spent the Correspondent
9 managed by Wm. Juzi for cauipment by Wayne — from th Lancaster Sub-Lea-/Won the priz r the trea weekend with Mr. and Mrs, —
RHA Vv . x I re Hunt Mr. Joh Joyer, (3. Ct 3 gE
Four Mle eas! of I Pa. on road lead-/G. B. A. Dupes, Auct Youu managed by P.| Ants keep cov nt-cows/gue. It is | ; held on the ire Py Bo) er, G. Carl Shenk Fate was against the success
‘ ! oO : "Cs . . Pe \ 1 viorri n Mr. Smit Vm. Ar i 1 ‘ ens YT i
ing fron wp Riz s Church lo Milton Grove, Pa. : hich jd & ey-likecoll campu a relly: i Rov Five a ir one oe Ww hol vi had bea ful realization of the Hallow-
: a an \ Fd Liars" on th t for 24 weeks, ; isvi
URNITUR hd our aire. Engl h bi : y x een parade in Landisville for
i I ol Lngle 5 ‘ again able Tiorm 8S, : ’ .
G.E. Freezer, R . vr. Kalamazo yr Hy 0 perio Us (wo weeks in a row. The par-
urgical patient at the Lan- regular duties in the bank.

Electric and

Perfection Space TITED & A my I Hosnital ade, an annual affair spon-
: QA n 4 lo cas rr Go ral r A rel] :
Cabinet, Sof: ‘ ll-top Desk, Extension Table, - - Fl J | a a5 arial wi [he Ladies’ Aid Society of sored by the Landisville El-
board, Sev bl and Tu Bookcase. 3 B dro m a ££ H 4 i C ay V BE I'he Mi nary Society of St. John's Lutheran Church ementary School Parent
Suites with and Mattr Elec- : i oo the Church of God will hold will meet this evening al the Teachers Association, was
tric Swee; s and Carpeting
ing Utensils, Niagarat Vibrator, G.E. Washing Machine. We A fo W
OF VALUABLE ' Rummage Sole at Coumlbia home of Mrs. Clarence postponed on Saturday, Oet.
1 Friday, Ni 15 it 8 o'clock A large attend- og b v of the flu epidem-
np "NJ ) because o 1€ u epidaem
SONAL PROPERTY Mr 1 Mrs Mervin ance is desired ic and the cloging of all the




upboard., Cherry Table, Old us wil to addi :
Supe: Marble. ton room St a old a Brandt and son Barry and "Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sirick- schools in the Hempfield
- Wie JAC AT 00 1 ~~ ’ i - mY 2) \ nN 1 4 4 3 "cy .
Chests. loi of Old Chairs m ockers. A ON GRANT SIRELY 1 Mi aT pe iiss Mary Witmer visited the ler and daughitrs, Nancy and school disirict, It was to be
Picture Frames. Bus lois AT HOFFMAN'S GREENHOUSE Fo AN Ov. 1 Oo, Rev. Joh ) Wi mer and chil- Jayne of Manchester _Vvis.led held again on Now. 2, but in-
ter Tool : ning Tools, 2 Eleetrie Motors. > dren Fracksvillé last Sun- the Arnold Finks on Friday. clement weather and contin-
il >
Fuel Oil Tank, rrow, Brush Bu ne , th "eo. O 17 Tne undersigned offer at public sale on tha day Brandt was the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fink ued illness among partici-
Rifles and one nall Tools, Wooden Tui GLE iV 9 eo Wa uh guest speaker at the Refor- ang son Joe visited friends in pants and PTA workers fore-
10 neo 4. many articles 4 of J nd . . 1
a2 19 Pp SOTO 4-DR. many articl no mation service a the Re- york County on Sunday. ed the cancellation of the ev-
ioned. EIR TST 3 \ formed Church. The Rev x4 vein : ent. The decision was reach-
Sale Yearly 12 o'clock nooi Lay HE I'Ol | . rm Mr. Bill Grofl, a student at a. I
Sal starts promptly at 12 o'clock noon, when IR Teves i : : 6 Witmer is a brother of Mz oR yo ne led at 1:00 Saturday after-
will be made known by ) ) : Er 13 WH wv : Patton Trade School, Eliza- ;
8 lo {1 3 9 4 | ( Brandt and Miss Witmel beihiow rors Larry He neon, three hours before pa-
ADMINIST te} ver : i ws CE bethtown, was arry en- de time. according to Har-
neo i : toi} : 1 | 100 Ihe Girl Scouts were a- derson’s guest on Saturday Tade ume, acc d 4
2 ) 1 1 \ 1 i 10 y « y 10 led a riz nf QOR . x p d nssev are 8 .
AMOS H 200 « tod 3 to +12 i 1 00 waraed a prize oi for the evening after the football old Cassey, parade chairman
on" oe a add ; float they had in the Mariet- game Fa candidaies for the
Wm. J. Wagner & G Wagner, Aucts ing Jath; lot of : 1 tracks: Fou ta Halloween parade. The prc Cochra d son Parade queen and scores of
yD i 1.8 . y 2011 i ) < S. a ) ( Te
Lester Weidman yon Kraybill, Clerks Tg in ; 1 pres Li Luther League of St. John’s Ricrird of Gy eh and other children were disap-
om \ try ae en Nr ‘a Y } ) In OQ « A ‘ . 210 uary S1.€ tod aE
Refreshments by Milton Grove Sportsmen's C Sor wooden steps: 1 of { l Lutheran Church was award- th "All 1 : yw bv Wisi ee pointed as a result. The Mt.
OU 1 \ . > 44 a 4 y IC r
Nv. tar rT RUL y m led a prize of $10 for Jo? gn BY Joy Elementary Band's ranks
er iten 1 : { ies on Sunday.
tc begin at 1:00 P. floa Ames on sunday were cut fifty per cent due to
1 | 5 ft. bv 200 ice Ger. Approximately $221 was jllness and withdrew from
’ d 5 { a { b= ronlizer Pre “ine 1
on Wo VY if lua 1 ng on ) Yn ; Sload realized from the Chicken the parade Friday. The Lan-
A 8 R. D. 2, MANHEIM, PA. 15; od i t ooll coal i Phyllis Pie Supper sponsored by the disville troop of boy scouts
x r + apni ( 10 , ¢cem it Cel a * S Rrien ‘1a A i
OF VALUABLE od Er SORA rh on nd f : Friendly Bible Class of St. were unable to man their
Dupler 0
. John’s Lutheran Church last float becaus
REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD GOODS PUBLIC SAY I, FR ey were on the list The proceeds Willmore om
» “heir numbers
sed due to vari-


. PERSONAL PROPERTY GUERNSEY & EQUIPMENT be placed in the Building ous illnesses. Robert H. Si-
w 5 - od a Et 2 Cf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE & ANTIQUES ining om suite, with 6 chairs; liv x suit el , DISPER Fund mons, PTA president, indica-
Batiuirdav. 8% OY ® Sa ay fen“ 4 ———————————————— en y n sui 18 1 116 lo i H. Baylinsor Mrs. James Sarbaugh, the ted that the four sixth grade
Da J - . ( ); doughtray. abi ( music supervisor at Florin candidates for the Halloween
the undersigned will offer at public sale a th ri x a A ¢) North ‘ashington, Milton queen may be used in a later
hina : very | i E nen — He *'Grove and Maytown Elemen- activity sponsored by the
£ 1 ( x et ’ 1 i com Toss 2 ary Schoo crowned the school group.
: vv. alot ey book West of Wi ts. Home Cx Queen at Sus-
: c guehanna ersity, Selings The congregational dinner
4 1 i Ire OVEMBER 8, ‘57 81 last Friday evening. of (he Zion Lutheran Church,
{ y Boh irig EQUIPMENT The ceremony took place in Landisville, will be held on
too nut 1 Si wr with follow- bert Chapel, 7 p.m Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the
be h ( rem : Uo attachments: grain seed-| Mrs. Sarbaugh, the former Landisville Fire Hall begin-
Ru ate 2:08 I BRA CONG vo Sr, ray. pies up; biower: ' St of Bar- ning at 6:30 p.m. The dinner
W be mad own | Lhe Se cont Md, was the Home was originally scheduled for
Eo on ied foe Lk & Toned Ca DR i ot h eI il i Coming Qu year. Nov. 1 but was postponed to
2-STORY FRAME GAR wh : CL 1XUSL VO er and Mrs. Sarbaugh are the Tuesday da'e because of
3 TALLED AND PAID. conta 14 bath and 30) tly living at 478 West the flu epidemic which struck



HI u SEH IOLD GOODS large epilion 11; open stairw lige St., El'zabethtown the area.
rf % 1 0 Ee yA \ she 1 4
( \ floor lamps, y dr from y ) ( baugh is a senior at Included in the program
Se bottom ro Jom Elizabethtown Colle be a report by the sector
ster f water heat. © project commiitee. The com-
c 5 handmac de ru or XE “ A howdah i a canopied mittee, through research, will
ishes, two paren rockers, A nier, wrole from right to resent proposals to increase
2 n tool )se, porch sv lawn mower, a sts .
gal 1 ) pord 8) ! ower, ia : ; We ; Ni arage it upon the back of an ele- th effectiveness of t h e
drill V jeetriec motors, bench vise, alm > J 2 at] be “io 2 nari 3 x. aan
Licar l ‘toot LOIRE, tor: X ge hant. church in future activities
and will explain the steward-


3 > premises st: vi :
Estate at 2:00 P. M. when 5 ; 7. ARM B m ship 4 a in the sector pro-
1 : oe be d > i e 1
knov Ei je short film will be
: i { é she own. Th Auxiliary
10 os : bv. tal the fire company will
O i 8. serve the meal. The Reverend
Com ev N orf Ernest P. Leer is pastor of
G AN CF GEO { and pla in i % Actomatic 2A . is pastor of
A )MPETENT i ; G Fe ae Landisville church.
A 1 £ )e Soa heat regulator dole
J. Omar Lc: Auctioneer i ; extension ) bag! % Thermostat z
ouis S ornes ) ¢ Colored slides of the 3
Louis S. Atio ats “thinks” for youl |... 0/9180 Silges the Lions
en ns ‘hile vac i ¢ International convention at
; ional Ends man 8 lo
ALSO SELLING C { ! It am, : 2 Avil, J ex Fa / * hele (oon Francisco last July were
Single bed complete i aire \ : : jet : 1 ( Herman Geib Farm. blue coal’ TEMP-MASTER | men? trips shi at a meeting of the
NEE bea compilewe, bi i V JUL J ( { y1 i nD 4 12S | bad rw . / kee | rid 3: 4
er 0il Vv Y ip: 2 set with four chairs . 0 . I' HC Ul for @ fimiled lime only! * Makes Land.sville Lions Club last
old che ureau, 1 stand, Hoov I sweeper, ||: . doilfes: double tubs. stepladder: Int mn gar- WEIN Dd 20° Ww JIE . wy? LU 5-YEAR GUARANTEE Te 0 Mele econon ical Monday nigh at a meeting
Electr 0 dding, lot of throw ! WITH CUI i I Vi i % No “extras of the or ion
handn 2; vare, cooki Is, oil room heater, . ERE : I A n
and other items. AN } Op. le with 2 draw drop sv
t with ¢ le: . ( ) : > A
Terms by Ya aes el 1a ARAL AL ; .
£™ mre A fry rE re Fo. Ba: i Gro i 18, i Lal & : i
JOSEPH M. MILLER, Ait.-in-Fack on tands; 2-drawer walnut farm tab on ead Marte
NT » NTS ANC TT v Ori | 1 tha We
FOR SUSAN G. GROSH E : ; he West Ear!
J. Omar Landis, Auct 413-3¢ top 1} i iP} no were official
va ith « inal 1 ii 1 the California
‘epresenting their






A | Ti members in atten-
' 1 chail \ ai C dance 50 witnessed the ine
OF $e I ) i duction of two new members
3 ; {SD wheel $e mn ( y nto the Lions Club. They are
FARMING IMPLEMEN ri sping whe Torun, oto th Lions Club. They an
a IVIL TX IM LEM El 15 7.1 b yack ¢ Wi Armchair; Fadner and Harvey
Se. oe ree Ce 1ICh \ ( 1 CK Lo a Gross, both of Lz: ndisville,
ian Lov ( dm I rT, Larove i o wet inducte ba
G4 ¢ fal £0 Tt SE with back ¢ a wagon on pe A STA p ort Nal 8, E
atura ay ¢ alBVe Pa i Pa cutter plank-bottom chs ; REAL ESTATE and PERSO! NAL PROPERT ooh, Immediate past
Yor} ) i ae Bde siagent oi the club and
. yw - bh \ ) 4 Nnpl
Locaiec in Rarho Twp. Lanc ster Ccunty, Vj qd: pina. nah "a : vy a Zone Chairman
Southwest of Chiques Church of the Bre or on cupboard: pine ches Yt ) 3 53 BETS on wp Lancaster County or-
a Tein : | 1 | . v DEE CG Eau” ZB WW ¢ s & *
road leading lo Milton Grove. with 4 drawers; sewing stand with spool rack and gules Shovels, I wer. | IS BIEN G aE o oi ry 8. T.ohman
TORI i” wiin neeql 1 ) Tot The us nt ided at the
1943 FARMALL H. TRACTOR, F Mount Tov The u ;
mower, Super “6” manure loader, : Ly
Deere Corn Plan'sr, with ferillizer o y-iwo members of
livery hay rake, Oliver Wagon, on rubber, wi : les Club of the Zion
manure spreader, hay lcader, McCormick Deering 2-14"; : wl] Charch held a
x TL wo . ac ajolning anda I . dice i
plow, Oliver Radex 2—14" trailer plow, onz-row Tobacco | trive Holter {oth ; X discussion on a relig-

ious topic last Sunday night
in ‘he church basement. The
lk centered on the subject
A Vant Religion
with the
mbers breaking into four
eparate groups and present-
ing their conclusions in a

z Deer

Plonter, McCom
kook plow, Syracuse horse plow,
ike ha
banks Scales, 500 lb. cap
Fence posis, block & tackle, one reel i bed + wiie, hay!
hook & rope, wire for elegiric fence, bells. lot of Locus!
posis, {wo fences, six 10-hole Keenco Chicken
ness, Chicken Feeders, lk ains,
chicken crates, 2 ur Quoker-made Fle
two Premier brooder hard fon:
cloves, 5,000 tobacco lth, sizing boxes, tobacco
Farm Maser, 2
cf tractor chain
lins, 30 fl. extensi
forks, shovels,
body and bed.
disc harrow ic

cne-hole ¢

Serving as discussion lead-
were Mr. and Mrs. Mat-
thew Harrison, Mr. and Mrs.
James Vogel, and the Rever-
nd and Mrs. Ernes: P. Leer.
{ ents followed the
discussion At a short busi-
ness session, plans were dis-
cussed for the annual Christ-
nas musicale which will be
eld on Sunday, Dec. 22. at
andisville church. The
y 1 will be open to all
nembers of the chureh and
¢. Sunday School, invited guests
gs, 6 ft. and friends of the church.
ipboard, -
brary tabie, small] pap lvania i ny
] é ennsylvania is America’s
rola, chairs :

\! milkesr; 30 gal.
ron wal ering a a, two 17x20 tarpaa-
n ladder, 300 gal. gas tank with pump;
ces. buckets, grass seeder,


ger Sewing Machine, small Premi
on bed, coffee table, cot, studio couch, exten-
gion lable with 3 boards, porch swing, dry sink,
jars, puis, pans. four, S-gal. buckets of paint, and many
crac hle :
Scale fo conmu


two bedroom es
ld cherry table, old c«
oard, fiour cl
ing machine,



niea croc or]

1 £ nn
400 OL aruicies
ence ai 1:00 o'clcck when conditions ¢


Ww. he throw rugs, two china t{oilet set Dated greatest cigar stale. More
1 fad 2 i ugs, ( 1g Lod sets, ate bas a1 Rr .
! be made known by Ets i wn a3 South due {o ill heal Sietures, mirr iron kettle & furnace. than 2% billion cigars were
i een, K. 5S Views on evening of Nove Sale to commence at 12:00 noon, when conditions Pk Manufactured in 1950. P
Ho ei Tore stiles 4 SOX enc { “e noon, wien 1 IONS i g u. rocks gauge . af
Auctioneer—Rufus Geib ber sale, ie to commence ¢ oon, when conditions cooking u cro gauge actuz in 195 enn

ver, garaen tools, whe cn
n Sylvania leads the nation in
tains, and many other articles not men- Produciion of leaf tobacco.
al ry MOR he mind sot Liat] made known bs
Clerks—Moyer and Hess i Ww. Sale to s :30 A. M. Real estate to be offere d at| will be made known Y
Y il arry Gantz 2: 2 P. M. wh en conditions will be made known by
Refreshments to be sold by Mastersonville Aux. Fire MI. M. Ha 3
ich, Aucs. John A. Snyde:

fug . Geib

Lancaster County alone pro-
duces more of that iype than
~~ 3. 1 3 Nn Be. R OT : . . Vv
Co. (Chicken Corn soup, sandwiches, baked goods. 45-Ic Pup Sh eh Ref menis | will be sold by the Auxiliary of the Py ; Any Othe are in the a
Executor for the Estate of Anna Shearer a sterso ville Fide Co. (Chicken corn soup, sandwiches, J. II. Ruhl, Auctione JOra L. Meideigh ERY aw
ke an ony ) 45-2¢ 45-3c¢ Bulletin advertisement pays,


- ~ fe ie me a ie
Arh a. a. dA pa ih he tn ~~ - AA Nas w= mo SN a me Tw de a » =
- es me = wn B SIE SS a
- ~~ - -
Nt tm — Pe a a LE ~~ - - =