The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 31, 1957, Image 7

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ship - Sermon by the pastor, Saint Luke's Episcopal |Extended sessions for Boys & Detwiler, Mrs. Harry Beam- AMIL The Bulletin, Mount
j v Chur ch News citian Love” id Church Giris; adult study theme! |endorfor. Miss Elly Sherk HELPS F ¥ Thursday, October hr Pe;
1 7:00 p.m. Pre - Service/rhe Rev. Emmert M. The Spirit of Christian Wor- mrs. Kravbill Strickler. IN GERMANY emt
News Pertaining To All prayer Fellowship, Rector ship”. | Wednesday be tans 5
| The Churches In Mt. Joy | 7:30 Evening Service —|3unday |, 10:30 a, m. Morning Wor-| :30 p.m. Prayer and Bible The Christian Couples class \
. Mr. Richard Marti AIL te . ' es . 'ship. Dedication of Parents id ’ of the St. Mark's E.U.B.
And The Surrounding | My chard lartin = wi 8:00 am. Holy Communion 4 Children; Sermon, “God's Study. hurch is helping a family in| i
. . : . speak. 4 y of y n- . Ie ’ Oa " ng church 18s he i & il) Bama
Ditch Digging -— Septic Tanks Installed . Community. vy “Village Missions" WR on Ny 3m. Holy Commun |Grace and Man's Imaturity,”| po 8.5% PM: Cirareh, Coriell |Germany who had been in al
Field Drai . wi. Tt MA oo ee—— —— : start churches in churchless| Confirmation classes, for [PY Lok [ 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir concentration camp in east-| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs,
1e rainage - Footings — Grading Mt. Pleasant Bretaren in communiiies, in the near fu-|children 6 p.m. for adults "Feast La Cor J Das. Love | Rehearsal ern Germany for 12 years. Rober! Frank Er. and daugh-
: . | Christ Church ture p.m. Wednesday mmunion, 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir Re-The members packed and ter were Mr, Jan Morinchin,
Hauling = And Light Jobs Pastor, Graybill Wolgemuth Wednesday |Friday, Nov. 1 & 'hearsal shipped ele 's of clo- Manheim, Mr. Robert Frank
* H. Moyer - J. Earl Martin 2.0 ain Pl | 7:30 p.m. Study Class on |hearsal, shipped eleven boxes of c¢ ° ’ ’
. {C. H. Moyer - J. Earl Ma 6:30 p.m. Transportation All Sainis Day, Holy Com-wphe Christian's Use of the [thing to the family Jr. of town, Mr. and Mrs,
Port. Air Compressor — Concrete Breaking || Jr. Associates will be provided to attend munion 7 & 9 am. "ey Tr On Ie wis Pareiv ‘Russel Herr and daughter of
' [ 9:00 am. Sunday School. [the prayer service in connec-| Halloween Party for the Bole ; taught by Dr. G. | Newtown EU.B. Church | Word was received Satur- Pn t Jo an aug Mae
Top Soil and Fill [ Menno Brubaker, Supt. tion with the visitation semi-|Church School from 6:30 ayne Glick, of Franklin &| Rev. Ira Fortna day that five parcels had al-| oun 3
| 10:15 am. Worship Service nar in Lancaster. There will 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Marshall College. {Sunday ready reached their destina- Weaver of town.
Rock Drilling [ 7:00 pm, Beginning of Re- be no prayer service at the | 9:00 am. Sunday School tion. The class is working] Master Kenneth Stoppard,
{vival at the Mastersonville church. Donegal Presbyterian 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellow- through Miss Sigrid Becker|Ironville, spent the weekend
{church. Henry Hostetter, Ev-Thursday Mount 30 Church ship. who lives in Wolfsburg, injwith Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gelt-
angelist. 6:00 p.m. Aberdeen Ser- | "ch Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna. 7:30 p.m. Eveni ship/'the British zone of ac ily
114SAGER ROAD ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | Wednesday yb service - Meet at|Sunday Rev. Harlan C. Durfee Wednesday Worslintae grits Zone ol westerns er An Lami ak
iqgi ary Prav-| a 9: a. avy o 3 . : ied aly. S 2,
PHONE EM 7-1256 oT a A een | 1000" mms. Servicelsunday re pr Chimie Bn) eof Mr. and Mrs. Rober: Praik
It J | Glossbrenner Evangelical | Wednesday Bible Study and| 5:39 am. Church School. | 8:00 pm. Prayer Meeting GIFTS GIVEN gr. 3 " patient of the St. Jos-
| Trinity Evangelical | United Bretnrea Church | Praver Dan y 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor. ens SRE TO QUINCEY eph's hospital and is improve
Congregational Church | Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor | "¥¢ hg a Sermon; The Margin| | Q ing at this writing.
Rev. David R. Wolfe, Pastor| Sunday . | ~ pf ‘Two Hebrew | One hundred and twenty] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weay-
[Sunday 7 9:80 Rin, Sunday School ci Wom Fheen B $e nity Lad Church | gifs were taken to the Quin-|er visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben
| 9:15 a.m. Sunday School. {for all ages. | wrch of the Brethren rinity Lutheran urch | : te sf . [We i :
| 10:20 a.m. ang Wor- | 10:30 am. Divine Worship [Sunday Mount Joy, Pa. Speakers Aft Rome for us, fed oy Weaver of
Iship Service. Sermon theme:| 7:15 p.m. Evening Bible 8:45 am. Sunday School—| W, Lester Koder, Pastor | [en er 8 4 ng rin, E him gs : Po Geo. CT:
‘Giving with Understanding” Study. Rivers & Green Tree Sunday Local Church IU. B. church Saturday. Each|Moore and family were Mr.
6:00 p.m. Christian Endea-| Wednesday : 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School basket (made by members ofjand Mrs. Theo. B. Sener of
VOT. [ 7:00 pm. Midweek Pray- ship. 10:45 am Morning Wor- On Sunday, November h e Dorcas society from|Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Vie-
7:00 p.m. Evening Wor-|er Service. 1:30 p.m. Love Feast, hip. fig 8 the American Board of Mis-|Chrisimas cards) contained|tor Frey, Columbia, and Mrs.
ship. Sermon theme: “Does| 8:00 p.m. Board of Christ- speakers—Rev. Harold Ket-[Thursday |sions to the Jews will send fruit, nuts, raisins, home-|Leanora Halter, Kinderhook.
Jesus Care?” Low Education Meeting. tering, Hagerstown, Md.; and) 7:30 p.m. Church CruncilltWo of their representalives made candy and homemade Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
{ Wednesday : __ | Thursday : |Rev. George Kenney, York. |[Meoting in thé Parish House. t0 speak of their work at the cookies. Wm. Fogie and family wer
3:30 pm. ...... Brownies| 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir | 6:30 pm. Communion Ser-| 7:00 p.m. Catechetical class Cross Roads Brethren i n| . 1 1 ah y 2
: 6:30 pm. .... Girl Scouts Rehearsal. ios. meeting Ir. the Pork (Christ Cho rin | Church members presented Mrs. Geo. Schoelkolp, Colum-
SICO REGULAK | 7:30 pm. Midweek Prayer] 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re-| All services are at Rheems. —— "4 : : la short program at the home|bia, and Miss Jean Witmer of
Service. (hearsal. | — gl ; The Rev. Arnold Seidler, before making the gifl pre-/town.
SICO EXTRA | 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re-|Friday Church of God Church ot the Trethren who will speak at the morn-|sentations. - Lester Hostetter] Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
hearsal. |, 7:00 pm. Boys and Girls | vyilljam L. Tillett, Pastor Florin, Pa, |ing service, escaped the con-showed slides of flower gar-|Howard Gamber, were Mr.
Thursday : ; Fellowship. ISunday : Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder centration camp by his time-|dens in the area and a devo-land Mrs. Salem Gamber and
SICO & Wawa p.m. Junior Choir Re-| mm 9:30 am. Sunday School. |g el T. Becker, Supt. [ly exit from Germany. He is| ional portion was given. Mrs. laughter of Norwood.
|pearsal. te Eiri Crossroads Brethren In | 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- (Sunda : lin charge of ‘he Pittsburgh John Hershey was chairman| Mrs. Earl Geltmacher visi-
YALVOLINE lc 50 p.m. Beacon’s Bible | Christ Church ship. 9:00 am. Bible School. ' Branch of the Board and willlof the project which waslted Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lip-
| 7:30 p.m. Busy Workers la hp 2. Hess ling pm. CG.Y.A. meet ic? 00 a.m. Worship Ser- peak oa Joe “The|sponsored by the W.S.W.S. iperd of Middletown RD.
fd Bible Class. : | Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors |Ing. : : : of Israel”. gy Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
WILLIAMS Bl Tact 12 | 7:30 p.m. Evening Service| .7:30 p.m. Revival Service. : Sb sr bs |
Sawai We i m. Catechetical Sat am. Sunday School [Wednesday We P Servi [Te Speak Sree TO REMOVE HOME Bt Baty Mt, Joy R.
gv pm. a dre Aas ad | 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bi-! 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Dame! Yuchs, the pres-| 2 . .
Class. | Adin Mumma. Supt. | Fe gE FEY ent head of the Mission. He FROM MAIN STREET [D., Mr. Jack Witmer, Mrs.
7:45 p.m. Teachers Train- | 10:30 a.m. Worship NL i [will speak at the 7:30 and Blanche Frysinger Mrs
ling Class. |“The Stone of Israel” by .thelStudy in the Revelation. t. Mark's E. U. B. Churehig:.g9 p. M. services. He is al, ‘he home located west of put Haberstroh, Mrs, Jean
[Rev. Arnold Seidler. { A BY ey. 2 tv C.G Mount Joy | third generation - Hebrew! First National Bank and|j ja. Mrs. Irene Sn der Mr
| Calvary Bible Church |p 1:00 PB. m. Rev. Daniel a Mint coi "fe Central] oC: Ulrich, Minister op well informed Trust Company will be AES
! R vary wc. a direcior of The Am: > as 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. | RI fut we it was decided at thefyy so om vel I. an
! (Rev. Ww. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor]. Board of Missions toManor Church of God at 7:30 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 0 an¥ subject pertaining tly esday voard meeting of (MTS. Robert Frank Sr. and
i {Sunday the Jews, will speak on the Pm. é Sermon theme “The Church!/Jewish evangelizalion, Dae 3 8 the daughter, all of ‘own, Mr.
[9:15 am. Sunday subjects; “The| See Strengthened by the Word of ?hecy and the present Middle| {h of the b KB ._|and Mrs. Ernest Kohler, Red
| ichool—Classes for all Ages Work Among Israel” and at] Church of the Brethren |East problem. His subjects|> OW > © ig Tg 3 “ Lion RD, Mrs. John Heisler,
i Te HDR Oo Work A) Ta |" sunaay. il be: “The work “among 10% Ue 0 WL be ana Mean is un:
11S 8 se ice Israel. 3 A on srael” z “ 's L 1 Xpa . Ss
youngsters from 6 to 11. Wednesday Sunday ~ p.m. YF Executive : Re ” 2a ei 1 ove fof} Formerly occupied by Mrs. sel So Mount Joy
Council. Israel”. These meetings are Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben and the late Mr. Fel-


10:30 am. Morning Wor-| 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting ' 9:30 a.m. Church School;

ran aed for de been unoccupied this year. Were po
Tuesday (FOOD SALE PLANNED SE RE (Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzkee
7:30 p.m. WSWS Commit-! [COOKIE SALE TO BE land son Danny and grand-
se in charg=. Mss ows A food and bake sale Will HELD AT ROBERTS children, David Lee Fox and
Herr, Chairman, Mrs. Ma the be held in Font oy Greer's| Next Friday, November 8,'Donnie Fogie, all of Mt. Joy
es on Gift Shop Friday, Nov. 8, Mt. Joy branch of the] Mrs. Katie Moore who: 35
(«he benefit of the Assumption|Needlework Guild of Ameri-|a patient at the St. Joseph's
{of the Blessed Mary Church.{rq will e ies : te ie hy s
| [ca will conduct a cookie bake|Hospital is improving at this
| The sale, scheduled to be-|and sale at the Roberts Elect-| writing.
and Complete Sales Service 8in at 4:30 p.m. will feature -‘ca] Store, East Main Street.| Mrs. Irvin Witmer and

7:30 p.m. Evening service. open to all and everyone Io the balding has Maurice Frysinger and Ida

Lhe Living Scrip Lures by Jack Hamm Union National Mount Joy Baal

Naa Taroom RUFUS GEIB (homemade vcgetable soup. Members will bake the cook- children visited Mr. and Mrs
; [Preview orders for the souplies in the store and will alsoljohn K Yeh :
OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT MANHEIM R imay be given by calling OL 1c e ohn Kauffman, Ironville.
- D2 {may be given by calling sell them from ‘the store. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
CLOSED SATURDAYS Phone MO-5-4136 and OL 3-4179. | - . [Norman Brosey and family
—— ee Bt
ITO HOLD FOOD SALE ‘were Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
-@ - ———
[3 Ss. Presidents wi ave Girl Scouts of troop #270/Lucas, Columbia, Mrs. Pearl
rie Thain Jy oa Hane @ will sponsor a food sale Fri- Brenneman, Mt. Joy RD, and
jn lancoin, Harvisoiday 1 the/Mr. and Mrs. John Brosey
evening, Nov. 1, at
Storeland daughter Debbie, Sport-
Kitty Dress Shop Harding and Roose- Harman Furniture
x Fresh Roasted [ve A ae (next to Robert's Electrical/ing Hill.
. Ladies and Children Wearing Apparel * ) rp
im., the scouts will sell a va-'Earl Geltmacher and family
=| Store). Beginning at 5:30 p.| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JO) — Sheetz Funeral Home [riety of food items, Briar and ass. Herold
irs |Stoppard and sons of Iron-
Hassinger’s Grocery PD B, SHEE FLAY RUMMAGE SALE |ville. ua
Women’s Association!
16 N. Market St. Mt. Joy 21 W. Donegal St., MT. Joy of the Mount Joy Presbyter-| Babe Didrickson, a woman
Booth Dept. Store alan Church will hold a rum- pilcher, once struck out Lou
. . tian ee —— mage sale in the church base- Gehrig and Babe Ruth in an
Complete Line Of Material sete et tess tI Ts IITs sts II ment Nov. 1 - 2 jexhibition game.
EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS. MT. JO) Cleaning Pressing - Talloring
H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. i IC hy £2 rlys
# You Phone OL 3-2751 We Call
sss strates 32 333840444:



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Open Friday 'Til Eight - Closed Saturday Funeral Director EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY (V) IT S SURE
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208 EAST . MOUNTJIOY 65 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Attend The Church Of Your Choi | safe. Second, oil costs so little. Third, you are | like you. who want fair yetizm for thelr
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Phone OL 3-8651 Phone OL 3-3001 assured a steady, reliable level of heat no matter us to give you better telephone service a te
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IPhone Lancaster 35-3401 Ph. Mt. Joy 3-3483'