The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 03, 1957, Image 10

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. had climbed inside the truck MAGAZINE SALES PRESENTS NEW FLAG .


Thursday, October 3 10 and wanted only to be friend- GOAL After seeing an American Ji - - |
Sf ly TOP flag with a “ragged edge” m <
@ Main Street We W : Bu hod to fail The 1957 magazine from a flag pole at the
' Page 1 ring ut 1 at this is N scription campaign at Does Elm Tree School, a local man WwW i ‘Kl " to Nr —
(rom Fage 1) y wt hie Te ig shool topped $6,50(
Newspaper Week gal high fon ol ! Pore Sosy presented a new flag to the \
zed JOSSESSION of antique Hout nes ca e're 20 g Worth 5 On ar . Te [ps lor
I ct yt, My ob mark passed last year's $6,- school for use. ¥ rank Ger.
® eo © Hd ol de WE RT oh the 000 total mer, who was doing substitut-
Many of 1} verlids i nd invite the detiel 1 Proceeds from the driveing school bus driving, notic-
woven without name or date, in to see how their Will be used for extra-curri-ed the frayed flag and pre- A
occordi o 1 \ of home town paper is printed. |cular activities such as sports, sented a new flag to the
the customer [any Lin v0 music and assembly programs school.
the owner n and som ually. anvone is invited! Students who sold $10 worth - «TT
date of his c! Were Wov-|.. on. Yime. "The Mount Joy of sales the first day were en- HONORED AT PARTY
en into t corn I ly Bulletin is not ne: Pig or ng titled to wasch the first game! Maurice Bailey, Donegal As M
the ba color was usually " ela ops the Ph lade] of the World Series baseball Springs Road, was honored week
red but cecasior v bl nd Bi le ta but probably a on television. Prizes are also at a surprise birthday dinner the Cox
sometimes gree lat tof oole would be sur-|8iven to the high salesman Sunday, at the home of his f well tc
®e oe =» Sor ot Interested to seo/homerooms. The entire stu- daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Joy sh
The | trad { ho ed | chi rv it ac-|dent body is also entitled to and Mrs. Lee Hess, Orchard est of |
fi wn . ot eh Ag er om re OR see a full length motion pic- Road, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn {
h ich Ie ae ILS hed i Ty ol r print a Week ure since the goal was re- Bailey, and Mrs. Bailey at- = n But
wonorable and distinguished ly publication . x 3% . »
occupation. ‘The cost of th S Vv © ached. i tended the dinner. ur fo re e en i un one wh
product was relatively very If you'd like to see the | » » = been C:
high, and the possession of a Bulletin actually being prin exhibi
coverlid was one of the marks ted, stop in about 3:30 or 4
Ee oo Bi? de WED. - THURS. - FRL - SAT., OCT 9, 10, 11, 12 i
e © "w 1001 mmur
Jay Eicherly is a man who “a © ° given 0
enjcy life appreciate a Wit all the stories about ® entertai
good joke and has staunch Christmas in the summer
friends Yet, almost all of for various reasons—the in- On .]
those things fell apart—mo- vitation received this week . Heisey's
meontarily—one day last wetk. is more timely than it might | improve
® oo e ippear at first glance. The | ! *
Fl am pd es Ist Prize—$89 NEW UNIVERSAL JET 99 CLEANER [| iF
go when he bought for his points out that Santa Claus, S riZ public.
business a panel truck which his helpers and animals will
had been used as a service be at Santaland, Wanamak- ‘6 3) It mig
vehicle by Simon Nissley. ers, Pa. each Saturday andj 2 d P 24 95 LASKO POP UP | OA na wa
Jay's friends frequently have Sunday from n o w until] n rize ® - program
reminded him of the grim Christm Sed Fe
part of life for which the se. For
truck we ART EX T AT front on
truck was once used and kid- ART EXHIBIT AT That $ where man of the nice 3 nn 19 95
ded him about spooks, spirits, UNION NATIONAL BANK y a r I'lZ ° - -
ete. Apparently he listened The Officers of The Union| .% a » went on
more than he himself knew. National Mount Joy Bank] things m life e¢ome from, €Se
o eo announce that a public art| : - t - t Ir'1ZeS— . Finally
One day he had made a- exhibit will be held in the| ° . a een pee
delivery to a customer in the bank in November. Cash| pecially when you add our big now is a
country. He got back into prizes will be awarded for all| . . glass froi
the truck. But as he dropped Drize winning entries. dividend. Stop in, won't you! Come In And Get Your FREE Tickets, No Purchase Necessary For Prizes The im|
his elbow down along the Further details will be] . * y . : building
seat, he felt something moy- announced later. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS "TIL BEIT Drawing Will Be Held At 10 p. m., Sat., Oct. 12—-You Need Not Be Present to the
ing, pushing and wig- | CLOSED SATURDAY street.
gling. His instant reaction be- You Cant |
lied his laughing at the jokes Tell ‘Em Like | FREE COFFEE FREE COFFEE Off-sch
about spooks. He jumped lata s+ Wage. A both the
from the truck, almost 1 is pes 4 and the
rom 1e ruck, ailmos ieav rT 4
ing his shoes behind Want Ad
? @
See the ELECTRONIC RANGE in operation
night the
a special
SEE-Cup Cakes and Hot Dogs Cooked In Seconds
1957 Westinghouse Appliances Too Low To Adv.
1958 TELEVISIONS as low as *1999
some mis
’ the Autho
are and v
3 |] tion exclu
“Safely” on the outside, he
calmed himself and looked
cautiously back inside. There
it was—the cutesi little pup-
py dog you ever saw, which
ory» adr AA Ne

One of
ed to be |
is a writt
least one

The Ay
the “hot
the sewer
tain prop:
part of
many mar
lems whic
handling *
drives to «
sewer pro
1958—_See the New WEBCOR RECORD PLAYERS fl =
is under
Many in t
ready havi
Trade In Your Record Player To-day On A New Webcor
jection an
1958—-TELEVISION See Them Now Tree
Bulletin sf
From pe
we can sa
| the least
| ever had :

‘The word your newspaper sets
every time it sets type
1958-NEW NECCHI will be demonstrated by roe
amount of
much like
as anythin
Here’s that word as it looks to the typesetters. Hold it up now.
before a handy mirror and you'll find it spells FREEDOM.
Every time your local newspaper tells a story or expresses
an idea, it spells out this word, FREEDOM. For here in America
our newspapers have that rare privilege of freely and openly
reporting on the parade of human events. They also have the
even rarer privilege of freedom to editorialize on those events.
They can scourge the wrong and crusade for the right! They
can humble the arrogant and raise the weak! They can kindle ; That mq
the public’s ire or allay the public’s fears! They can inform! Simons, mr
educate! elucidate! entertain! It can be done with scathing | T 0 Y 5 LAY A WAY TOYS NOW Air Force
irony, with sparkling wit, in stately prose or lilting verse . . . . . much in t
tempered only with responsibility, and flavored with an interest with his
in a better community and a stronger nation. SEE OUR LARGE CH RISTMAS SELECTION science.
The only censure of the press in our land is a self-imposed —
censorship . . . as each newspaper interprets for itself what is in |
good taste and in the public benefit. Il
We owe much to our newspapers, large and small, for their
part in preserving this freedom of theirs, which is a part of the ™~ U Y i a p a Mr. and
fundamental American freedom of speech... and without which | " y . ler, Mount
our other freedoms can hardly exist. We proudly take this oc- Friday, at
casion of National Newspaper Week to salute not only this news. Hospital.
paper but the entire American press. | | PPLI MN CES Mr. and
Freed, 14
# # # » = : on,
Ev A A er
A pz 7 7,
NY Por : Mr! and
ber of Cor
ross the
zation plas
man to sh
USED SEWING MACHINES as low as $29.95

Dr. and
losser, 304
a %on, Mc
General H

rs A Ne Ri a Ba i As i AAS rs Fw RRR 57