The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 19, 1957, Image 6

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(and son have moved into Williamshbui Va, where th annual Paules-Paulus reun- Jersey this weck observe Rall Day and Har he Bullel lin, Mount Joy Pa.
their new hame at Rheems. will resid Capt. Smith is ion at Mt. Zion Church Parl Mr. and Vrs Fllsworih vest Home on Sunday, Scpt.! Thursday, nber 19 6
GEORGE E CARRIGER MAYTOWN The Rev. John Hiestand isgoing to atiend Advance on Sunda Brandt, Miss Anna Mae Ney 29. The program is in charge DUPES SALE LIST
' n California on business [ransportat 1 Scho at I Mr, Paul EBEecshler celebra-and Mrs. Esther S k atten-©of the E ore 1d) clo He y
y ea : Harvest Home wa bsery Eustis, V t I birthday on Monday led their nephew, E, Charles provided Spee Lh Saturday. Sept. 21 qm
Paint and Body Shop Mr. and M David Shaffer od on Sunday morning a’ tl VIr, and Mn Mel Wel Mr. and Mrs George Ober-|Ney's wedding at Philadel and a guest speaker of Elizab tht yw. close
and daughter of Landisville R ioh's E. C ( hurch comer celebrated their 227d of Atlantic City were/nhia on Saturday. It took A special congregation: H small
Wrecks Rebuilt - Cars Painted Body and and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks The R Wilbur Allison We ding ¢ versary ot veekond guests of Mr and olace at the St. Mary of the meeting wa hel a : farm. some equipmel
Fender Work of L titz visited Mra. M Ww eal w t a i i thd v Fri. The'r so Robert, Mrs, Elmer B. Grove Eternal Church ig : Se is household goods by Rayme
: x I » 1 ame « r nT 7 . ¢ Ir & Mp esday evening.
Electric & Acetylene Welding Hicks on Sunday day ud 2 y ; Mi Alan Shuman of Jew big ye a ys the Building Committe wag)" uit
Mrs rary at Miss Ir. and Mrs, Carl Drahan oR vastle v { her mother, Haroi J Sur Yee.
Whesls Balanced and Aligned Es John { nm And 1 is ol gin Jo Were dinner Tiss Sandy hman Flo Vir Minnie Haines, last were: Mr. and Mrs. John pn 4g 4 1 " i } Tuesd Vv. Sept 24 al
TR 'N FM 7 £45 TNS Va., visited Mr. G. Clovaland guests of Mr, and Mrs. Rob- in and Ro were marred week Fletcher of Richland, Miss Y uth Sunday will Pel ond leading from Mount Joy
PHONE E-TOWN EM 7 6430 RITEENS S! 1 i and dauzhtor over the Dt on Sunday ever Saturda Yr Ane Mrs: Melvin Wat. Mary Trout of Harrisburg, «¢ bserved in St John Ss Luth- | Metta od wing "Done
a1 laug! y bing ! : bi Mr. J. Edward Haines cele 300 and farnily of Bool and Miss Elizabeth Fletcher, of eran Church on Sunday of School. ‘a very: desirable

oatesville and Mr. and Mrs. this week. The youth of the

— Mrs. Ida Dchoff rcturned Capt. and Mrs. Ray Smith brat birthday Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker and and poultry farm by
= wi 8 > ssel Shreiver ren church will be in charge of 7 Q op
. . home after visiting her sis | elebrated their 11th wedding Mr, and Mrs. Ray Frybe children, Elizabethtown vis Bip gL Shr iver and children the: Sunday Solio) ses Be. VIrs. Elmer Shearer
Patronize BULLE verhisers ters at New Bioomfield. anniversary on Sunday. Theer, Miss Grace Henderso ted Mr. and ‘Mrs. Samutl Linz 1€ a) -


. ‘ on m rr Lv pleas . Luther Ie met on
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hess Smith family left Monday for and friend aitended the 20th on Sunday. The Excelsior class of el nd Wedne Sept. 2
- Mr. Eugene Sload visited Church of God Sunday Was 4 Cha r C Bre 1
3 2 Ee y ; 80: his brother. Marlin. at Mid-/School met on Tuesday even- ‘M Wetzel Stein Sale. Place to
dlesex. N. J. over the weck-/ing at the home of Mr, and od Charles nounced later
nd Mrs. John McCall of Eliza- W. : I v
hath elz £ C1 -
Mrs. ' Marguerile Culp is Pethiown ans’ Hx lay Thursday, Sept. 26 Six
i Stone Harbor, N The Church of God will ” mil Fast of 1 a
gi i seal me: long Rt. 3 Gu
: 9 «J Pavilion, 10th annual royal
uernse ale. Managed by
Vm. Juzi for P.G.B.A

At the Ass'n.

turdaw, Sept. 23, 195 7 6 miles East er, 92 Led
) onday in th
The undersigned will offer at Public Sale cn the 50 Head TB & 1idson, Rob
premises at 809 Mt. Joy Road, 2 mile west of Monhcim,' This : Lol} 297 Marietta
Lancaster County, Pa. 1e Ro



A ; boi 43 Tr top
All that certain lot or piece of ground on which i qualt 0
1al ty
rected a ors i nt .
1 3: y. h 1 {hi x inity
ey» om - leading ! :
21 Story The most of his life. He was a
type a ( ter ¢ 1 only
5 \ Te hem fresh or heavy sp-inger<|survivors are 3 grandsons
| 5 AF © ng 1 A tit I re to
» qd 9 ji i : el
[oe ha! dix Sa A an this 1 r
y : ) 10 n. Thursday
3 : ail F 11 n Lan
floor has 5 rooms and sun parlor, 2n XN : 1
and bath. Entire dwelling has than " = oe n *
with oil burner and 2 storage oil in | \ ry,
ows, 3-car garage attached. tay away fi ! t wi
PLOCK PAVILION, slate roof, and vou can use a hh; avy miiker, ®
large cistern. The pavilion can als A n. aut} i ih
garage i 1 A 1 W 1
1 is in excellent condition and may be
nspacted any ime on or before day of sale by contacting FC wa
: 1 g 5
16 OW by telephone MOhawk 5-2905. Property will be i 4 a i
{fered at 2:00 P. M. on day of sale. Ra hd LTR XE



igerator, 1 Kelvinator 7 i
R Norge Gas we, 1 1- Burn ~~ ns
r Double Drain Board Cab inet t
nk I Range, 7 pc. chrome
ved 5 pe. chrome Red & White
3 1 able chair 4 whi ig
FH ahi £) Fy §
LIILYN Ccaoll & w
] ee at 3 1 from
iat d Inner Sp 4
1 SIN i 17 5 . Sh udhd i ! cf
lisher, Handy-Hot portable washer, Wesibend 48 cup t oi Eliza
coff2e urn, Old 1831 Bible, 1834 Websters Dict onary,
trunk, comforts, 1 lap robe, lamps, curtain rods and
r,t rocks, pint and quart je

r 1s





ni ighchair anc
hig icha r and CL wry
t 3 oil lamp, twi ARI
io I : 16 quart Stre:
u kor 1 2 hor-Master Garde PR — i fh
8” Mx lawn mowers, i M9 A bee
ess, hand meat saw, Meat slicer, Hand Duster, W nT pe LA
r, Elec. hedge trimmer, Hand saw. 3 828 m ee a. i
as l be Its, and wrenches, s £ nammers
dgos ile grease guns and oil cans, ropes and PRY #1
ull.ys, d'gging irons, en shovels, assorted lum IN 9
yi ve rolle assorted tools, and many other —~d NB
um ems.
Refreshment stand (: iso chicken corn soup) sponsor ontain'ng nine rooms ard 1 «Sui (
y Ladies’ Aid Society of Colebrook Lutheran Church. live in. Sum ii house. Eank i 1, ste
No Hucksters allowed le room for about 14 head « attl yom | 1300 la
Sale to pegin at 12:30 P. M. Terms by ns. Corn v. Roomt } ac of
( ) g ( ar
H h! \ 3 ne » py
H.-R ! 1 Mrs. ar clis of never failing water; electric water sys-
v 3g.1¢ | lem. ‘Water and electricity in all buildings 3
ol 1 This farm has a lot of fro iitable for buildin
amd S Y | ee A
| ® LX bog Al at Pp 8 me re 2 bal tye and
5 MN Bo XC, gas ix od 3 0 } 1 some imple:
15h ‘ 3 11 1 S 1 Jot of l
—QOF — walnut planks, well seasoned
Arrang-meont WwW prep ’ , bv call
CT ATE an x prep } mace by call
CRB 3 1:00 P I ! tata to ¢
2 ig Vi Willi ) wil ma } YW il \
en on . 2 : - :
Ed {9 Kn FE
baby 195% i t reed FA $2 ramen ym
# ~ 1 ™ Fh i ower pf he
LLECE AVENUE. Landis & Garman, Clarks Zhe LB. 1
a 37-2

5 Story P

WH RE os Cie i Frame House
4 : ro

containing eight rooms
new oil burner, forced
storm doors; screen lay, §
® ® eo pw oy f . . | at: : yt Ww ARC hi >
1001 StoTm win ’S Fi 2 RG AGE. : : 4 2
lL Ul n t e n I re a 2) [his property is in very good condition and a good Cn the premises locaied of #141, South-
location. Arrangements to view property can be ode by west of Mcunt Joy, adljcin’ng Donec School.
call’ ng 3
can be

zabethtown EMpire 7-1251. Immediate posscssion 0
given. ' Farm containing 60 acres, more
. N . acres are permanent pasture, th
Also ct the same t'me and place the follewing per- § are 3 pas
/ °
La nC q ste r Co u nty S U n ited C a 11 2 el Cl in ; aim gi 5 he parse. i compartment; pl 2146 & tory

3 bs’ 2

kitchen cabinet; small cabinet: kitchen


stool: kiteher air, 3-pi~e» living room suite; large — A i ary Le Foo,
hookea vit} » drawers; bedreom suite: double bed, 8
oe S wing, and ress; single bed spring and mattress, one i :
a / matt s 1} new: shs'ands; mar- 3 *
bl p bureau; night table; knee-hole desk; desk chair; bi LI
Kitchen tab extersion tabie: librarv table; small t: tbl les; vw
Wo DvD tiie: BY aii A yin ag snr) rT ol | . 4 A
oe THE R o- vo 9x1 2 1 8 37x10’ 8” rug: new a 1d sed Ny § 1 i ING . . WA
Kn hie : clothes ree: ne : two pine died od ; bowl Sate!
ith d *: plank-bot bs 3
wn ch tv { rs: brides. floor and ta nt 4 TAN
ors mirrors: pictur picture covered iri 10 rooms and bath,


fan; quilts; comforts: counter- kitehen
las ~dinierss: baskets: F i
‘ic pop-up toaste .
Tle iron; electric iron:
house adjoining house:
Give Enough For All! En
You Help More When You Give
The United Way! El
ast iror : A TP BT
ri 92-piece Laurel China £3 R 1
> 3 £5 RR
2 doz pans,
one set of
ut : 1linum, room to
fut; la ; small DAIRY
roning board. new on
three steolaclers; lawn mower; lawn roller: CRETI E;
; edger; garden tools; Speed Queen Washer, tens; CORD PIG STY: 3.C AR GARAGE; 4 cisterns:
like new; Speed Queen double tubs: buck-ts: tray wheel-/water and electricity in 211 bt ildings.
rrow; vice; garbage can; empty jars, jugs. and crocks: This is a very desirable farm: good locati on. Farm
THIS AD CONTRIBUTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY garden hose: extension cords; four recappa=d ‘tires 600x16; in high state of culjivation. Arrangements to view / premis-
: and a lot of articles too numerous to mention. es can be made by calling Mount Jovy OL 3-4229.
Sale to siart at 12:30 P. M., real estate to be offered Sale to start at 2:00 P. M., when conditions will be
I M J at 2:00 P. M., when conditions will be made known by |made known by
C. Alspach, Atiorney [Samuel S. Wenger, Aitorrne RA
| A e O uu n t O y 11 « t i Nn Walter Dupas, Auctioneer Smit [Walter Dupes, Auctioneer i * Mrs. Elmer L. She er
Landis & Kraybill, Clerks 37-3¢

n bench;
| 2 1101 Ss: a lot of storage room
r for 1504 ying



206 E/