The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 12, 1957, Image 2

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa | .
Thursday, September 12 2 National Crochet Champions ® Main Street ® George McCue Miss Loretta Minich, Col-| of the Florin Fire, The auxiliary of the local
(Continued from Page 1) (from page 1) umbia RD, was named to the Company voted to purchase/Friendship Fire Company, pues are now payable for
Donegal High School faculty 3 new heater for the fire will hold a picnic next Thurs- the 1957-58 school year of
Little the Dot.czal high school band


he time of its liquidation George fial to deliver in the

BULLETIN in 1932, crucial spot. in the capacity of high school house a! the regular Tuesday|day evening at the
Published every Thursday : ® 0 © Finally, with not much Y0¢al music instructor. Miss night meeting of the group [Chiques School Park begin-club members the group an-
at 11 East Main Street, Mt. {5 | b. Other choice to make, heMinich replaced Ewlne A pus heater costing $252.80ning at 6:30 p.m. For the nounced following the Mon-
Joy, Lancas! *r County, Pa. ; On the occas ion of the 2 sont MCG: To. he hil), Tritech who resigned last will be purchased from Rob Septe imber 19 evening, mem- day night meeting, They are
Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor servance of Indepe ol George gave up only one hit month, ert Kling for the hall, Eugene|pers are asked to bring a 25¢ $1.00 per year. The xt, Ww
and Publisher. phone v gee: Sis Weak mie in five and one-third innings SS a Leber, vice president, was in|gift (wrapped) to the meet- meeting will be held Mon
Subscription Rate $2.50 per of which Henry Y. Smith is ind Erie won the game 3 to Bulletin advertisement pays. charge of the meeting. ling. October 7. —

year by Mail president is issuing a special ne
Advertising rates upon re- 488 invitalion to the public to George finished the season \
quest, WP isit the offices and to see With a batting average of.301 PE a
Entered at the post office the equipment in operation. |80ing to bat 362 times, scor- & Cc
at Mount Joy, Pa, as second- x | ling 86 runs and hitting 109 y
class mail under the Act of &
March 3, 1879.
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association
The Columbia company fines. Re Ha oe NOW 6c TO 20c¢ A LB. LESS THAN A YEAR AGO
ich serves 8 a, was
which serves thi are LS" were 49 and he stole 21 bas-
rganized in 1895 as a Penn- ae y :


ee hk i A sylvania corporation and was Willie Risser hit 312 and
x bir ; 3 % capitalized at $5,000. Two|p, . iy i
I 3 stat were at 125 Barto, a pitcher, won eight
N 3 3 ed shares ere al $49), QF roo
F | A JR The nation’s top crochete rs are show n after their cor-'par value. There are now games and lost three.
==——————= onation as Champions of Crocnet in the 1956 Nationwide 18 000 shares and the plant Tre

: ; Crochet Contest. Reading from left to right: Mr. H. G.. at vii
Miss Betty Pelers, on, a farmer from Bedford, Iowa, Champion of Male 'S valued at $2 miilien. . @® Scouts Plan
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Crocheters; sharing the Grand National Championship! v > v ‘ (From Page 1)
Peters of Washington Boro,crown were Mrs. John Palaskas of Munhall, Pa., and Miss The original operating
and Harry Richard Gebhart, Irene Schlicher of Allentown, Pa.; recipient of the Teen- equipment was a 100-line masters, will open .he Scout-
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, £82 Campion swurd igh Le na, Mae Peips, a high School Saber iy Cotumbls, Na house one night per week for
art, were married at/SoP ore {rox ohnson City, Texas. Cash awards, all-ex- fewer than 00 subscribers. general recrea: \
yak, August 24th pense trips to New York and engraved ‘rophies were the|Last week the Bulletin re- vill be o be bien The ogi
ary d Mrs national prizes in this contest that was sponsored by sta.e, ported the installation of thelg os to al
r. an ATS. i and local fairs throughout the country during the|15 000th couts, bu 0 all boys. An
Hess and sons were BUCSIS Oliyear, The Mount Joy Community Exhibit will sponsor the ° 2 will be in charge each
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith in this vicinity. Those interested should contact 1... ’ evening. James Phillips, com-
Elizabethtown Sunday. Mrs, Paul wl Witman. There is in existance a cer- mittee chairman, was in YEAR AGO 89c
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Frey = re ——————————=|tain opiion on a piece ofcharge of the meeting.
YEAR AGO 99c¢ YEAR AGO $1.03
family, Adams County, {ground in Mount Joy which —— -
vig or Ss Berrier| 151" Taxos Baked Into may lead to the erection of a MARRIAGE LICENSES 3 Ib bag $2.13 3 Ib bag $2.31 3 lb bag $2.43
of Elizabethtown, Rev. Weist, new building and the esiab-| Richard W. Newcomer,
Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (lishment of a new business. and Annabe le Jane Williams , y Ch
Bitner and son, Milton aw Single Loaf of Bread ae eo | Paul Nelson Serie, Mount A&P Vacuum-Packed Coffee Year Ago $1.07 1-lb can 8 C


and Mr. David Mumpery, Mt If the option is ‘picked up’ joy R1 and Christine Marle
the building would be locat- Strickland, Rheems.


Nl RE 2 8 T2010 FT TTT TR ITT TI IT TT TTT TTT 1T TT 1 771°



Joy called on Mr. and Mrs.| "no :
Ce Mumper over the as on Wa! San 5 to Dinner’ was a piker along on 2 Place of grovnd on -
: | Slae ol you ncle I che north side Main s ot
Weekend. Uncle also came to breakfas lunc ch, brunch and rar vert ot the Mi |GUILD TO MEET A prisss ly 1s Aduertiseuel
: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandt tes VOL ane 0 Sra Se nea, ory 20 na mee The Needlework Guild di- Ara Effective Through
- entertained the following to] Eo re Y 2 ie > sion Sng CKS. 8 i lon ana (40) Slallie 5 rectors will meet at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14
dinner Saturday, Ta eo aneaa oi you wnen you start for the refriger- | Wednesday evening, Sept. 18
Mrs. J. Ralph Brandt, iza-| . e To at the home of Mrs. Simeon
bethtown, and Mr. and Mrs. After an economist had) hich were being TA 1 1) Horton, 313 W. Donegal St. ATTRA AHERN AA NW A TE N
J lea Donen find seriously charged that there), ng to the COTTA TL amy \
mily o . | alc . | or . i - A
Mrs. Joseph Henderson andare somwhere between 10,- 4 i Shen vi go ly US. No. I A-Size 10-lb. 25-Ib ¢ ¥
rector, od gi IYI 3 . .
Miss Grace Henderson, May- 1500 and 50,000 hidden taxes Total Impossible "bers and presented them with OUR WANT Local White bag bag
town, called on js. Sara| jon a loaf of bread, the Tax Robert 1. Bingham, €CONO their pins and cards. ADS ARE
Schlegelmilch on Monday. : : mist and administrative vice] Four new members were i i
Mr. Harry Herr is a surgi- Foundation of New York de- E bh SMALL T k G Special Low Price... ¢
eal patient Sat “St Joseph's sided to. investigate president of the Grocery Accepted by Vie group: Pash ay rapes None Priced Higher lb 10
Hospital. | : Manufacturers of America, Sey. ening ger, Rob- Jot they get > : 4
Pp. o Loc jer: Williams and Richard NOTICED a F By p Pi None Priced 3 lbs 29¢
Mrs. Henry Engle, Mt. Joy ne Lo whistled, “We honestly don’t|Kepple, A fire Sreyontion lc) as 7 Fes rune ums Higher *
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, They selected an imaginary think it is possible to add up| lm Will be rented by / ; Z
a “alle S SS WD © % . H rozen i
He gy of ordinary bread the taxes on a loaf and will be shown in QUALITY MEATS / Banque! Dinners Saickon se Turkey 93¢ A*P French Fries Potatoes 3 pet 40c 7 =
on rs. Sara Schlege | : : : 3 iis * “he al theate &
EO eins ad sold ins Indianapolis. ” he Jum shester diag Bre Le POLL LG OF Ap Baby 4 Lima Soans Frozen 30m 43¢ _Patti-Pak Frozen Steaks pha: 58¢ ox 99¢
Miss Maude Buller andjrestricted the tax count to] wr Bingham said he is/The er ets A aad SN HH 7
: . ghe salc S Broup also decided to + MER 0 oH TERETE RRR FTTH SIRENS WW
Miss Sandra Miller arrived Federal, state and local taxes|conyinced that without taxes|-ent a colored film on natur Fine
2a . : ’ at axes | I diet ai alt ine 10-1b. 2-lb.
ir of Frit in paid by the grocer, the baker, [road would sell for at least|al gases to be shown at the BIRDS EYE Sug Granulated bag 52°! bag 2.03 Elbow rr; phe. = 35¢ 33¢
ville, orida, a making the ingre-l{hree or four cents a loaf 1€X: meeting. Refreshments A& ° » 16 A + +
ied by Miss Buller’s sister, dients and the railroads haul- gi * re served 1 g al P Grapefruit Sections or §B¢ Salad Dressin po ir 27¢ Sar 45¢
) y 5 : less. were served during a socia cans 9 Page jar ar
Mrs. Emery Waters and four, riod following the busines Fru it & V t bl 3s :
p 1g these redient Rite be period following the business K'IUl $ egetapies 46- 5 3
children who will remain ne Jone ing edients. ; L go : is not con meeting yr. Albert wae i g Haoweiian Punch 3 iy 1.00 Butter None 69¢ got hig Ib. 71¢ :
here for 2 months while Mr. 16 time investigatorsifined to bread. z tin Poe
Waters is overseas. threw in the sponge, they] It is estimated that there charge of ihe eon i K Il M i M k i Hunt's Stewed Tomatoes 2! 356 lona Peas Nox 10 cans 17.02, 10¢
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauff- had reached a total of 15ljare 100 or more taxes on an, When in need of Id S ed ar T Hein. or oa . Teg : . can
ih Ms. on identifiable, direct taxeslegg. remember The Bulletin. WEST MAIN ST. MT. JOY omaio Soup Campbell's 3 cans 32¢ Mel-0-Big "cx; Sri or Pimento Ser 49¢
’ > 2, Heat 'n 8-02 ® °
and Mr. and Mrs. Landis : oR eo 4 so Borden S 8 3 Z. ¢ Jane Parker large ¢
Hess to dinner Sunday and in : i pr B Seuiis Eel cans 23 Pineapple Pie Special Price 8" pie 45 :
the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. cmp mn
Kauffman and Mrs. Felty and 1
, Mrs. Eichler visiled Mrs. Em-
. «+ ma Peifer at Harrisburg, and
Mrs. Lillian Palmer at Pal-
myra. The latter being 91]
years old. { Fe : Ao A
Ge Non Futons und On the BOOK-A- WEEK Plan!
«+; son of East Petersburg were Start 4 H
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. al VOL. 1 ere’s the greatest encyclopedia bargain ever offered?
Landis Hess Saturday even- EB E FOR —— fr = Start building your set TODAY by getting
je. you buy any new car, only : = Volume No. 1 for only 25c
: J Soe: Mo — ve 1] Your € i (with $2.50 in purchases)
rzer, 2 i
Yor 100k I Mrs a take a close look at an Oldsmobile "88"... ¢ or »
ton and Ruth Wittle out to glume af the Set «
- - ’ Unt I”
dinner on Sunday ‘he occas- the Rocket that’s easily within your reach! nth Your Set’s Complete
. don being the latter's birth- - — t .
day, and in the afternoon purchases d
visited friends at Hershey. 4 )
Rev. and Mrs. D. 1. Pepple Each
of Woodbury were entertain-' own Volume is |
ed on Monday afternoon and :
to supper at the home of Mr. ——— i FU LL
and Mrs. Clayton Brenman. i
Rev. Pepple 1s conducting 2 All Prices in This Li i RARY 2s
J3 = ; c VOLUMES
weeks of Revival at Blue Ball seme S i ZE .
d M d Advertisement . 9,446 PAGES
1 accompnied them services bia Ho i inos wis 850,000 WORDS
2 : 2 Sat., Sept. 14th. $4.00 A Volume 30,000 SUBJECTS—5,750 ILLUSTRATIONS
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weiser
and son of Elizabethtown
1. were Sunday evening guests
of Mr. and Mrs. David Geib.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barn-
oo hart and sons, Lancaster, and
, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barnhart
of Elizabethiown were Sun-

Star Kist Nabisco Spam : Bachman
Tuna Fish Potato Chippers | Luncheon Meat Pretzels 1
chunk 6l/5-02 8 -oz. x -
ey Sy 3i¢ hs by 35¢ 1% 43¢ Tin ea 37¢
d s of Mr. Mrs. g 8
a Shier x Mr Ajax Rein Beechnut Hi-C Fruit
gt. an rs. Robert V. em
M ert V Cleanser Krispy Crackers Baby food Drinks i
Gebhart of Levitiown an- (2c off sale)
c off sale
nounce the birth of a daugh- AFTER 14 :
ter on Sept 10. Sgt. Gephart ve ” 2 ¢ 9s Ter chopped 26.0,
is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Har. you check the 88 feature 2 ans 21 can 17¢ pkg. 19¢ All Varieties 6 jars 85¢ en 3 — 85¢
BC own for feature... you’ll discover more luxury... dv Pont Vel Liquid Ad Flovioms
Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Eich- more comfort and safety... | Sponges Detergent Detergent |Aerosol Deadognt


erly have Assignments te help medium ‘size ¢ (Se off sale) | tant y 4
© stage the 46th annual conven- ~ wy ¥ ’ a arge ¢ giant 3/3 Stam 5V/2-0r. ;
§ Jae the 460s annus! conven. more power for your money! Now’s the sponges APC | a3 Ion 68¢ ro 30¢ 3. 75¢ nah 1
sociation of Dyers and Clean-
“ers, to be held ste smart time to get out of the ordinar Ss |
ri be eld In Lancaster Pe ary Clorox Bleach Burry’s Fak Ivory
Brunswick Hotel, an Olds! Remember... oe 12¢ Sone 209 Raisin Cookies Detergent Snow

Mr. Eicherly is chairman of
the fellowship committee and ¢ large giant forge ay iant
+2 will serve in the registration, there’s a Rocket for every ocket! Y/2-gal. bottle ¢ kg. $2? ¢ : § Ses ¢
+ housing and room commit ee ———— p > to 39 ith a i 33°; > 79 os. 34 Pig Bi
+ and Mrs. Eicherly will work D |
oy Kleenex Kraft Parkay Dash 4
ut ith the Ladies Day Commit- Coming Soon! “THE BIG RECORD”, Starring PATTI PAGE! Every Week on CBS-TV! .
5 . *
Yummies Tissues Margarine Dog nd
23.01. -0Z. ¢ 5. -
3 4 Po Se 1742 2.5%. 29% wo 27 ¢ 2 be 8% $3
a. Vaal Your Mount Joy ABP Store
cal elementary school wish os |
i WO (7a
residents who helped make OPEN FRIDAY TiL Or it


dh Committee members and!
ar evening's festival SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED hc QUALITY DEALER NOW! |