The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 05, 1957, Image 1

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Mount Joy Family “Adopts’’ Orphan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. [family’s only source of in-to attend school. By ex'lend-
Leaman, 208 East Main St. [come is the few pennies aling a helping hand to this
Mount Joy, have financially [day the mother can earn as a impoverished youngster the
“adopted” Nguyen Thi Tu, a|water carrier. Leamans are providing her
6-year-old girl, one of the Although she was born [With vital material aid, in-
first Vietnamese children to/during the Indo-China War, [cluding a §9 monthly cash
be helped through Foster|Tu had a comparatively grant. shoes, clothing, peri-
The Mount Joy
[ody 0
Lash co Ne



ticular color dye shows up |
in the wells.
Time ls
Friday evening is the date
or the annual School and
In the meantime survey]
[work continues in the area.
|After the three-day weekend,
ea Tuesday to continue on
the work. A topographical
map is being made to help;
pinpoint some good suspect]
workmen returned to the ar-|#
Begin Installing Equipment At Ne
Ground For |
Fire Hall
Ground-breaking ceremo-
nies for the new Rheems fire
Mount Joy
Church Unit
Trinity E. C. Church of
Mount Joy has completed
plans for the dedication of beginning
1all will be held on Monday,/its new, Sunday School unit. new play
Sept. 9, it has been announc-| Lhe program will begin on gajlable to the
Playground at Little Chiques Creek
Not only has Mount Joy an item with a center polethe sport. The swing rings
gained a new picnic area but and a round frame to hang are similar to a regulation
this weekend, a onto while traveling in a cir- swing set but the child holds
ground will be av-'cle. onto the rings,
public! Tuesday] Two other items will be in-| The playground is being
sites. Chemical, bacterioligic-| Sunday, Sept. 22. The Sunday workmen beg
al and combustibilily tests) “sees i
will also be continued. COACH HUBIE PETERS
° Fourth Season
Society No. 4
In celebration of the thir-
ty-eighth anniversary of
Farm Women Society No. 4,
a special program was pre-
sented Saturday afternoon at
the home of the first presi-
dent. Mrs. Landis Charles,
Mount Joy Rl. Four other
2d by members of the com-
mittee in charge.
The new structure,
built in the center
community, begins
consiructon of a project
zommenced about two years
It is expected that the
building will be completed
by next spring.
Ceremonies on Monday
will be short but will include
an address by the Rev. Ab-
ram Eshelman and a partici-
pation by the Cub Scouts,
the Girl Scouts and Brown-
ies, which will begin at 7:00
Construction will be in
in charge of Howard Sipling.
—— @
Home Association festival
scheduled to be held at the
elementary school grounds.
The festival will begin at 6
p. m. and will be held re-
gardless of the weather. In
case of rainy weather, the af-
fair will move indoors at the
Entertainment for the eve-
ning will include foods for
sale with Mrs. Arthur Sch-
neider and Mrs. Chas. Shoe-
maker in charge; cake walks
with Arthur Schneider in
charge; games with Aldus
Hannan as chairman. The
games will include pony rides
another ride, a fish pond,
an the first stalled as soon as they arrive. made possible r
School departments and the stallations an a thirteen-item They include an additional SICO le do 4 te
to bel|classes will occupy their new playground for the Little outdoor basketball outfit and ceives funds through the
of in the Sunday Chiques School Playground. rings. With the addi- SICO Company. It will be
actual School session, beginning at By Saturday, five pieces tional basketball outfit, an located near the center of
9:15am. The Rev. H. 8. Hef-|, 10 be in opera-ouidoors court ‘on the green’the peninsula around the
Wr presiding elder, wa tion; monkey climb, two sets Will be available for playing flag pole.
bring the vonage a : © of swings and two sliding Prior to the placement of
orning Orship DeTVICR ards. By next weck six the playground equipment,
snd a Se Dedigation Ser. additional items will have the park has been equipped
Tce. 0 ro 2 00 PM. een installed. These items [with three pavilions, picnic
unday afternoon. will be a merry-go-round, |tables, charcoal burners, 3
A series. of four week- horizontal ladders, a set of 4. isandboxes, a park boat, park-
night services has been plan- seesaws, a wave stride and . ag? [ing lot, restrooms, and re- -
fed wit evening, one outdoor basketball outfit. Still Critical {placement of trees and na-
Sept. 0 be observed as The horizontal ladders are| Wate by i tural surroundings.
Community Night. The Rev./for the children who wish to er Ty ou 0 —————
Harlan Durfee, pastor of the balance themselves approxi
J : -was reported Thursday morn- .
Mount Joy Presbyterian mately 7 inches from theling er Borough Author v| PTE View Plans
Church, will. bring the ground. The wave stride is pn: : |
2 > { : officials, who are keeping al
sage and a Quartet from the ‘constant check upon the sit- For Parade
E.U.B. Church of Mount Joy
Wal bring stetlal vor) set Although the local Include Floats
i . has been able to keep water
Wednesday, Sept. 25th will |in the lines, the consumption
be: as jlomeeoming lis practically even with the
an Wh he f. io «| The Columbia Telephonejintake of the pumping plant.
ev. Q. A. Deck, former pas- Company installed Friday In a survey of the situation.
[better enthused for the job
{ahead than in the years past.
| That drive to make a good
ishowing and that enthusiasm
ito play and to enjoy the
game was demonstrated satis-
factorily to the coach Friday
evening of last week when
the squad had a scrimmage
session at Donegal with Man-
heim Central.
Fans can expect the locals
to work from a T formation
and to rely heavily upon the
quarterbacking of sophomore
Jimmy Bennett. He will be
assisted by Jerry Bradley in
the backfield, working from
a halfback spot.
Peters, apparently, is mol-
ding the line around John
Bender at center and Frank!
Kramer at guard.
Mount Joy
Water Supply

Install 15,000th

Preliminary plans are be-
ginning for the annual Com-
nunity Exhibit parade sch-
|eduled for Wednesday, Oc-

Company has recently com-|
the first blind and unable to|riched Foods and any neees,
located in the slum quarter international relief organiza-
Viet Nam. She shares it with have helped needy
her t i isters: Thi (Italy, : rea cently | |
wo little sisters: Thi Nu! and Korea, recently Gri eam Low High Rall
i Who fled Communist tyranny | Fr 30 89 00/talks a little less than most| But, her reports of the out- The adventurers descenda half carat each. '
| Fr: { 00 talks : 5
Opposes during the bloody Indo peli Rr am i 1 93 "06 the average! [son family (Mr. and Mrs. pans and then wash it in thelare being “cut” from their
[football team for its opener] Low for year fo date: 10 Joy's Main Street! Now, that, sestion Is divided imo many | differ (Wo SHEL Slo an
of Florin with Mount Joy: After twice-a-day drills OUTLOOK 'story to tell, a story which/There are in that part of the ‘pigeon blood” red ruby. This] “What am I going to do
J - IN
ers. The group filed a petition NGUYEN THI TU \ A/ + L | to duplicate his last| It was the ture cr the val-|diamonds and in certain cas-|Johnson, who as yet ,has no
require the borough to support his wife and chil- @ nights and temperatures in'and bring you up to date, it/ly- From Franklin they went/Johnsons. let alone where the big Sap-
the annexation proceedings is a slender, graceful [regional health director, an- day with temperatures back ype" pi aire bord Where they paid $2 each per!field with startling results| One thing he is sure of,
also asked obedient to her parents and how Stauffertown wells are Sa Tt | : :
bat Jn tie sens dn rol and. In fact, no heavy rain iS.and hunt for precious The mine is an open face
shou scharg a e
1 : d out a 48 carat star inf
seems shy to strangers, she [some good suspect sites such ‘interested but Mrs. J. the top material J, star sap-jably informed that the value
ing body to determine all as-!
They elain fiat the propos — _|is inserted and investigators
formity with law because the!
jority in number of all the,
They also claim the num-
ed in the petition for annexa-
original petition desire to
the clerk of Quarter Sessions
Property owners
King, Nellie L. Vogle, Paul
Baltozer, Harry S. Gebhart,
G. Kline and Richard A.
council had passed the ordin-|walk. jent, . Mrs, Lehman Swarr,
certified to Quarter Sessions/Shields and Ragnar Hallgren Nolt.
mat ir League Opens
ers and property owners in| Charles Heaps and James Previous secretaries books. | g P
i i > On . atee = | 1 > > i i
Sessions court objecting to parents of grade school chil- man. The same Scripture 1957-58 season on Monday {Warren Bates, a son of the system. that the only source of water] Will be held the opening nite
the/day’s meeting as was heard|
The petition against an-levent. In case any parents at the organizational meeti jgren’s rolling Craul’s at 7:00|congregation at Pomeroy, McCue, on Malleable along Little Chicques creek. James Spangler was nam-
ed by Attorney Wilson they may call the plus twenty-five available to freshmen ener- Roster of the Monday nitelwill be observed as This represents a 50 per into the creek and they are|!€ event. Mr. Spangler has
! 3 cL, ‘ : ix years. The 10, tele-|ter has been collecting ¢ 8
will of the majority of the'to donate cakes and pies, theymer members of, the The foundation’s board Frank Good, John Landis Jr.|the E. C. Church at Millers-|> years 10 000th tele-iter has been collecting above nounced, organizations, clubs,
: ! 0 During the same peric p>
Po an. ares south) of residence. issued the announcement? ov-I Hendrix's — Charles Hen- Mount Joy by members of his| uring the same period tk
{pany increased over $1,250,- daily. MERCHANTS TO MEET
wes ists; and Susan Musser, Mt. to Millersville State Teachers|Russ Funk. cent
Emestl Mount Joy firemen were capt.; Jay Meckley, Clayton will be observed as Youth important meeting
Naver M1. Toner ita les had played a piano solo ware, 6; West Chester STC, facilities in the past few supply. There will be no the Mount
Ani Ba Hollgrews — Ragner HAIG: TOR. there is building, beginning at
X i ing. scholarships ‘are each worth ; : : : oe . :
er, Benjamin V. Gainer, Columbia Rl. Fire companies in charge of the meeting P by installing automatic run-off of surface water into, Plans for activities during
: and Frank Zink. ior Choir of the congrega-
selected by the college on
Sears, Joseph A. Sears, Alvin fought the blaze which com-|[FUND STARTED
pleted a three-year project of
Parents’ Plan, TV star Steve happy babyhood. Her father, |?di¢ parcels of vitamin-en-
child sary medical care
8 . wr
Tol tos home is Foster Parents’ Plan, the /¥ FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 14
of Saigon, capital city of the tion through which more! -
two-year-old Republic of 600,000 individuals and | v "
| * / ) 4
her parents, her mentally-re- children in France, vey Donega THE WEATHER Johnson Martin Finds un and 10] it
tarded half-brother and with | Germany, Gresee, Belgium, By Kenneth L. Drohan
(3) and Thi Anh (1), The | opened this new project in | We 28 84 Johnson Martin usually isllittle — if any — worthwhile which the stones ed 10 smaller star sapphires
- og "3 — ! (jst Nam to help the ehildren Pp . Th 29 82 00a quiet kind of man who results. |are found. and five small rubies of about
Petition in the North of their liitle | romising Se 93 00 : |Ing were, apparently satisfac- upon ‘the gravel beds, dip the Unfortunately, none
jcountry and suffered so ter- | |Sa 31 oe ‘oo People and is calmer for Jagt week the John- gem-bearing material into|/them are in Mount Joy but
: Relying heavily upon anSu 31 92 Loree ie
{ww China War | i i
: : 3 . J : . + But—this week he is about'and son, Jackie) took their nearby stream. rough state into fine gems.
| 8 boys, Coach Hubie Peters isTu 3 92 06 {vacation i : sy are looki p > big st ire is
A nnexation ies 3 ! readying his 1957 Donegal High for year to date: 103 the most excited talker along| vacation at Franklin, N. C. | What they are looking for|The big sapphire is to be cut
I ow D e Test : sek against Elizabeth. Average temp. for Aug.: 71 inal CQ above all others on thisent groups, but what theyjthe others will be nice indi-
The legality of the merger i | Y jes week against Elizabeth- Ty tal 47 | Actually he has an i n some ways. hope most to uncover is alvidual jewels.
borough has been attacked Ce 'Stauff rt n i |makes his listeners wish they|Smoky mountains rubies and type stone — very rare —ig/with them?"
by 13 Florin property own-| e Hee out August on fhe The cooler weather which/could rush right out and|sapphires. even more valuable than| “Keep 'em, of course,” said
: jarrived Wednesday night will {ry ; A
August 29 asking the Lancas-|work, was a member of the 6 remain through Friday night, week's vacation experience. uable, and the sport of is worth a kings ransom. |very definite estimate as to
Yor County Court to bob Wolly police fore oma Wo with several very chilly To begin at the beginning/ing that attracted the fami But — to get back to the| he value of his total find,
Dr. Mark Ziegler, Reading, A : ; > dave \ ir i
cause why the merger shoulddren adequately. the State eB ‘he 40's. A warming trend happened like this: [he 12 miles Hitaugh Sad, Top Shires days de Moun pire Ml) lang on ithe ale
not be declared illegal and! Tu will set in Saturday and It all started a year ago) hess to the Coween Mine, JOY 1: y 0 he gem| Hf gem values.
YS hild who is quite frail from nounced that dye tests will 4 Sab | at's : : )
hy ho r: in tie 80's once again. No . ‘|day for the privilege of hunt-'And—that’'s what makes the{though, is that he's sold on
This petition She is always ussd 10 uy fo find "out rain is expected for the week I My eH aling precious stones. jlocal Jariety store owner solthe value of hunting previous
that in the event the rule tries to help them as much [being contaminated. Tod rt 2 gems. | To top the list, they IRN hg for a's Doo el
court then name a board of >> possible. Although she| He explained that first in sight at present. Johnson wasn't particularly Bulldozers push,
Pi 0 ; ire, which is expected to|of his 16 pieces wil
commissioners as a fact-find has a host of friends. Her one |as a crevice or sinkhole land tried her luck with very and expose sravel inlbe y: , a a ojo Ais Pleas will far more
Yi p gravel be a beauty. They also glean-'than finance his trip.
|dream in life is to be able |must be found. Then the dye ein com : :
pects of the case. To Break dic =
] |
ed annexation is not in con-| Walt to sso wheter the par To De cate
petition requesting annexa-|
tion did not represent a ma-|
freeholders of the territory |
to be annexed.
ber ‘of property owners is|
greater than the number list-
tion and that numerous free-
holders who have signed the
withdraw their names.
The petition was filed with
Court by Attorney Mark R.
the petition were:
Julie F. Arndt, Helen B.
J. Arndt, Frances A. Liggins,
Lloyd E. Vogel, Joseph G.
Harry E. Derr, Brady A. Hess
Grover S. Eichler, Howard
The Mount Joy borough|peanut scramble and the cake charter members were pres-
ance annexing Florin at its] A dance will be featured in Mrs. Prank i gt Mes Sin
August 5 meeting and i{ was/the auditorium. H. Morrell/€lia Nolt an rs, ora M d Ni ht
onaa I
Court August 12. will be in charge of the! The program wet baged on Y 9
A second group of taxpay-|dance. information Tea Som
the Florin area filed a peti-|Pennell are co-chairman of Narrators were rs The Mount Joy Towne . A pas! :
tion Wednesday in Quarter{the fund-raising event. All Will and Mrs. Pau {Bowling league will open its|tor, bringing the message. pa 15,000th telephone in its officials have determined| Per 9. The parade which
the proposed joining of Mt. dren have been contacted to reading was given at satur-| Sco To Offer right, Sept. 9 with RY congregation and now serv-| The installation was at feeding the Mount Joy the show will be in charge
Joy and Florin. imake contributions to wi hi linceting Hendrix's and as pastor of a Methodist the recently built home of ing plant comes from springs f the local Lions Club.
nexation was signed by 18/were missed and wish to do-/in September, 1919. Scholars Ips . and Hopple’s tanglingjwill sing. (Road, one mile East of Col- Officials have walked a-|°d chairman of the commit-
property holders, represent-nate foods or cash contribu-| Thirty-one members were Forty scholarships will be|wi'h Packer's at 9 p. m. Thursday evening, Sept. Tomi. long iho which food tee of the club in charge of
] : : sts were|ing college in September, league is as follows: ational Night, and the Rev. : i ; suggested that til final
er. They claim that the pro-/co-chairmen. If parents or/8uests. The gues 5 rounds : A ' icent increase in a little over dry. yet, to date, enough ab nny mg
posal il not interested persons wish/largely women who were for-/1958, by the SICO founda-| Frey's—Marlin Frey, capt. (Sterling Thompson, pastor of| 8 ry a 0 ae. hough wa plans of the parade are an-
; : : . A hone was installed i ay the dg Ss > -
freeholders in the area in-may be taken to the school NO. 4 and now belong to oti of Soto Whica Is Peiffer, Clyde Ebe°r-jville, will bring the message. of os] i Ral he oo to supply te de |Scouts and other groups may
owed. |trom 2 to 6 p.m. Friday. er groups due io their place by Albert Seiler, president,|sole. [He will be accompanied to Approximately 300,000 gal-| Plan for float entries.
: . : total plant value of the com-lons of water are being used
| Music was provided by Ju- er the weekend. \drix, capt.; George McCue, congregation who will bring]
of the Cross Roads church, FIREMEN CALLED : : The forty will be alloted Ros is illiamsit OEE] les
fhe Sizniers of the protest ines FIGHT FIRE lian and Maribel Erb, vocal y Ross Neiss, Edward Wi Rmeiie special music for the 0c-lg09” an increase of 80 per Deion sires hat the] Members of the Mount Joy
A ian W. Johns Joy, granddaughter of Mis oo Shipeniburg Croul’s — Edward Craul,| Saturday evening, Sept. 21, In addition to the contin He Ran oh SU during Me nants association , will
: ianist. . Char-| , 8; University of Dela- oN. t n-l pas NE
F. Braun, Donald P. Jones,called out Wednesday after. Charles, pianist. (Mrs { ’ Waris, Bill Ementeiser, Vib de hey oe) uing large expansion of its nothing to the local water on Monday evening, Sept. 9,
Braun Helen D. Jones noon to assist in fighting al,¢ the 1919 meeting.) Mrs./4; Rutztown STC ang William Snyder. Reeder, pastor of Bethany and the completion until Joy Elementary
, Helen D. y E tC i as'ney STC, three each. The : : Al :
ward R. Jones, Erma S. owned by Arthur Sholly, Jo ee Wasiney gren, capt.; Oliver Mateer, Ed/preaching, The special music iis dial Conversion rain—.enough to have a? o'clock.
i $300 for each of the four Keene, Marshall Gemberling,|will be brought by the Jun-| : : i
Clyde W. Fenstermacher, from Ironville, Marietta, Sil-\p ZERPHEY years of college. Winners are 8 y Ft in he El zabethtown|the streams which normally the Farm Show and Christ-
John L. Drescher, Apna A Br al a a ETTY r=. Win. Hopple,ltion and will or central office in 1954, the/feed the local water plant. |mas time will be discussed.
: the basis of aptitude and need|capt.; Lester Funk, Junior
Sado A Sep Yingst| p Pp st 1 strumental duet by John and
Esther B. Myers, Clarence B.!
Myers and Mabel Fenster-
In the meantime, the Lan-
caster County court has or-
dered the Mount Joy Bor-
ough to file legal papers
showing why it should annex
the Florin area.
The papers must be filed
within 20 days from Friday,
Sept. 6, the day the order
was issued.
A Donegal Indians Booster
Club has been organized by a
group of citizes interested in
furthuring sports at Donegal
high school. Booster tickets
will be sold by citizens be-
ginning this weekend to pur-
chase a Whirlpool.
to injured players
school’s sports.
The whirlpool will be plae-
pletely destroyed the frame
According to Mr. Sholly,
he did not know the origin
of the blaze and couldn't give
an estimate of his damages
Wednesday. Nothing w a s
saved from the burning buil-
The Betty Zerphey Fund
has been started by the Flor-
in Lions Club. Mrs. Zerphey
is now a patient in the Phila-
delphia Hospital with a
plaitate deficiency o f the
This fund is to help finance
hospital and doctor expenses
which have accumulatel dur-
ing the past forty months.

equipment will be used to
give hydrotherapy treatments
in the
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fack-
ler, Main Street, a daughter,
Monday, at Lancaster Gener-
11 Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Long
of Manheim R2, a daughter,
Monday, at Lancaster Gen-
eral Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Beamenderfer, Mt. Joy RI,
a daughter, last Friday, at
Lancaster General Hospital.
Mr, and’ Mrs. Robert E.
Kulp, Manheim R1, a son,
last Thursday, at Lancaster

Warren Bentzel has been
named acting custodian of
the fund.
Persons interested in sup-
porting the project are asked
to make checks payable to
the Betty Zerphey Fund anl
mail them to Warren Bentzel
First National Bank, Florin.
Mount Joy firemen
called out twice last week;
Thursday and Saturday. On
Thursday, the firemen check-
ed a fire of rubbish and logs
near Erisman’s Church, be-
tween Mount Joy and Sport-
from their lists of competing
At the present time there
are 76 students in college
under SICO scholarships in'
Millersville; 27 at Shippens-
burg; 8 at West Chester; 7
at Kutztown; three at Chey-
ney and three at the Univers-
ity of Delaware.
Sometime this month a
booklet will be released to
all the high schools serving
the areas in which the SICO
Company conducts business.
The booklet will reveal the
money value of the scholar-
ship, number of scholarships
available, who is eligible,
what high school officials can
do, how high school gradu-
ates may obtain scholarships,
obligation of a winner and
what officials have to do with
the programs.
The first band club meeting
of Donegal high school will
be held next Monday even-
ing, September 9, in the mu-
jcapt.; John Barnhart, Charl-
Farmer, Geo. Hardish and
George Albert.
Roy Packer,|
es Pennell, William Brown,
and Charlie Ruhl.
Lewis Hart and a vocal solo
by Roger Bates.
James H. Booth, 24, School
Lane, was injured at 11:15
p.m. Sunday in a motorcycle
accident on the Harrisburg
Pike, one mile east of the
For the benefit of announc-| He was taken to the Lan-
ing new families who movelcaster General Hospital by
into the borough, a new tele-ithe community ambulance
phone number has been nam-|land is suffering from a cut
ed. Mrs. Donald Zerphey is below the right eye and mul-
chairman of the “Welcome to tiple abrasions of the body.
Mount Joy” committee which State police quoted Mr.
visits new families who move Booth as saying he did not
into the borough from outside know what happened. He was
la ten-mile radius. found lying along the high-
The JoyCees, armed by a passing motorist.
gifts and certificates, from
the cooperative merchants GRANTED PAROLE
visit the new families and] The Pennsylvania

adding the required equip-| Committee Urges Building
ment to place all of its ex-|y, I"
"Soapbox" Racers Now
changes in the nationwide!
2L-5D toll-dialing system. :
— Boys, girls and parents arelcommittee. Persons who have
reminded at this time that a concerning “t h e
forthcoming event may, ask
Auxiliary Plans Mr. Kaylor,
TR next month. In order :; od \
Fall Activities [to have ample time to build|PLAN ‘BARBECUE
Fall activities for the Wal-|racers, the committee i n| Plans were completed to
ter S. Ebersole Post 185 Am-|charge of the event urges the|sponsor a chicken barbecue
erican Legion Auxiliary will|children to start work on the[on the church grounds of the
begin next Tuesday, Sept. 10,/racers now in order to have|local Presbyterian Church on
when the annual corn roast/them ready by race time. Saturday, Sept. 7. The supper
will be held at the posthome| After an absence of one|Will be held outdoors but in
grounds. {year due to the conditions of inclement weather,
| All members of the auxil-the streets last year, the race|Will be held in the church
{lary are invited to attend the|will again be a featured at-|basement.
|meeting which will begin atitraction of the show. It will|
6:30 p.m. Plans will also belbe held Saturday afternoon,
discussed for the forthcoming|October 12, on Manheim St. |
installation of all the new| Cash prizes and other priz-|
officers of the county will again be awarded the!
For the first time, the Mount|winners. All boys and girls|
|“soapbox’ race w'll again be
a feature of the community|
To Report New
Families Call

welcome them to the town.Board has
The new phone number isto Elmer J. Murphy, Rheems
OL 3-6624. who was sentenced by
granted a parole
the| The
Joy Posthome will be the thirteen years of age and,
[scene of the joint installation.lyounger are eligible to enter)
affair is scheduled for|the race. {
OL 3-6624

Lancaster County Court
. |
in| Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6:30 Pp. Racers will be classified!

ing Hill. Saturday morning,
2:30 am.,- the men assisted
the Mastersonville Company
in extinguishing a garage
|blaze west of Mastersonville.
Physician On Call
Dr. John Gates
ed in the dressing room gf|{General Hospital.
the school and will be for use| Rev. and Mrs. Robert Har-
not only during football sea-mon of Ventnor, N. J. an-
son but for the other sportsinounce the birth of a daugh-
of the school also. |ter, Janice, August 14th.
into two divisions; the official
wheels group and the unof-
When in need of printing|ficial wheel group. Glenn
remember The Bulletin, Kaylor is chairman of t
sic room of the school at 7:30
p. m. Clayton Aument was
the. new president named atknown as
the June meeting. Bars”.
The flag of the 11 Confed-|1956 to one and one-half to
erate States of America was three years in the Eastern
the “Stars snd Pentienilany on arson charg-