The Bulletin, Mount Jor Pa. Thuteduy. August 2 5 FP 1 ORIN Mrs. Susan Miller, Mrs James Garber, Mrs. Aaron Buckwalter and daughter, Kitty and Mrs. Irvin Bishop spent Wednesday at Lititz, Mrs. Viola Bricker enter tained the following at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jay Brandt and Miss Shirley Steinman and Gerald Brandt, Clyde Brandt, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Heisey, Mr an Mrs. Abram Shaffner, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandt. The event being Mrs. Jay Brandt's birthday. The following called on Mr. and Mrs. George Mump- er Sr. over the weekend. Rev. Weist, Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. James Mumper and fa- mily of Cumberland County, Mr, Clarence Fry of Landis- burg, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mumpe~r, Elizabethtown, Mr John Fry. Mrs. Couch, Miss Mary Kock, Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Keck and family of Rheems, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mumper of Neffsville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard er and family of Needham Heights, Mass. Mrs. Sara snent Sunday Park Mr. and Mrs. Roy Herr en- tertained their Sunday school class of the Mount Joy Men- non‘te church at their home on Thursday evening. Mrs. George Mumper re- turned “o her home Monday after undergoing surgery at St. Jos~ph hosvital. Mr, George Kunkle, Mount- ville, called on Mrs. Sara Schlegelmilch Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess entertained Mr. and Mrs. f.ovi Fuhrman and son, East Petersburg to supper Sun- dav evennig. Mr. and Mrs. of Sporting Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandt on Sunday evening. Mr. Alvin Sides spent sev- eral days at Cleona Camp last week. Mr. James Musser is spen- ding the week at Rehoboth Beach, Del. Mr. and Mrs. James Eich- Ir and daughter visited the lat’ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bless at Falmouth on Sunday. Schlegelmilch at Colonial Mrs. Clyde Fenstermacher |and Mrs. James Grove, Joseph |and Mrs. daughter of Mount Joy was admitted to St. Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheaffer and son Raymond, Lancaster visited the former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hess Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hilt and children, Mr. Charles Doyle, and Mr. Mrs. Jack Scott, spent sever- al days at Wildwood. N. J. Misses Mary Hamilton and Ruth Wittle, spent Saturday at Harrisburg. Miss Catharine Wittle re- turned to her home Monday. after being a medical patient at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mrs. George Berrier and daughters of Elizabethtown RD were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetter on and SCHOOL CLOTHES TIME TROUSERS In Polished Cotton $395 Khaki and Black, Western Dungarees $959 SHORT and LONG SLEEVE SPORT $150 snp ue Buy Him “The Good Kind” o Esai Bros. MOUNT JOY, PA. and Mrs. | PAYS COSTS AND — FINE IN COURT Brandt Nissley, Landis- pleaded guilty to oper- ating a motor vehicle under the influence ' of intoxicants and was fined $200 and costs at Friday's session of county court, He was 25 by Park Neiss, local polic chief, following an accident During the court Jean R. Markley, 10 West Main Street, granted a divorce Thomas O. Markley, twenty- two, 145 North Market Street They were married Sept. 1954. G ville, Session was BANK EMPLOYEES ATTEND PICNIC Thirty-four employees and families of the First National Bank and Trust Company at- tended a picnic Wednesday evening at the Little Chiques School Playground. Following the picnic meal the evening was spent in recreation plus being taken cn boat rides by Frank Germer, custodian of the park. Mrs. Alex Mitzka- vi.z was in charge of the ev- ent. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fellenbaum. | ee (rs BABY HURT IN FALL Jimmy Lee McCue, ten- month son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCue, 103 W. Main Street, underwent head sur- gery Tuesday at St. Joseph's Hospital. The baby was thrown from the seat onto 25, | place Club Week, held recently at Pennsylvania State Universit arrested June § eighteen, & from! = Herbert Frey (left), hard, Mount Joy R. D. 2, stration on for Marietta R. D. 1, are shown above giving a dem- “Horizontal Silo” livestock demonstrations at the 33rd annual 4-H 4 Steps Manage and Fred Bern- which won them a second y. Registration Place Named Registration for voters Mount Joy held in the local Saturday, September 7. In order for residents to be eli-! Novem- two not house. David Charles, Rheems gible to vote in the ber elections who had previously been eligible, the fire chief, in{000 Borough will firehouse| Mount Joy CHICKEN HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE Damages in excess of $3,- occurred last week on Walter Gish property, R2, when fire caused by sparks from burn- ing paper ignited a 30x40 story frame chicken said they were special day was announced. |burning trash near the house The place for the regis-|and sparks fanned by the tration had previously been|breeze ignited the building. Newcomer's Hard- ware store but the has been made to the fire- house; - in the lounge to the rear of the building on first floor. set for Theodore Roosevelt was the|by lack of When firemen arrived the change|strong gusts of wind had fan- ned the flames out of control The company fas hampered water and was orced to lay a mile and a half of hose from a Rheems hydrant. Mr. Gish his building loss at $2,5 the floor of the auto in which the youngest president of the There were 500 laying he was riding when his fa ther was forced to stop sud- denly Saturday. His parents said he appeared to suffer nc ill effects until Monday even | Oliver Ober |= Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. H | { D. Barnhart called on Mr and Mrs. Shetter on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Liddich, cannon, spent several days with Mrs. Ruth Klugh and Mr. and Mrs. David Geib. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogel entertained the followi ing | guests to dinner on Sunday Mr. Geo. Mumper, Jr. daughter Georgianne, Dun- and Mr. Mr. and ! and Wm. Vogel Miss Priscilla McKain. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price | and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. | Geo. Neuman and Mrs. Ella | Satteson. Lebanon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. vin Bishop Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hie- | kernell and son of Falmouth called on Mr. and Mrs. Ben- | jamin Hess and family Mon- | dav evening. Harold Buller returned tol his home Saturday from the St. Joseph’s Hospital. A shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.| Buller for Ronald and Mary| Heisey. Sixty guests were] present. The Heiseys received] many useful gifts. SHIRTS United States. He was 43. Make _ Your Trip more pleasant with all expenses ‘paid in advance by joining our Vacation Club for 1958. Save small amounts from $1.00 to $10.00 a week and have up to $500.00 waiting for you a year from today. Our Vacation Gib for 1958 is now open . . . destroyed in the fire also. | | | | | | | | | | Join This Week! OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS °'TIL EIGHT CLOSED SATURDAY Co EEE NATIONAL Se HIRST NATIONAL BANK TRUST COMPANY 4M JOY| | | B. Little Bird Told Me .. Mr, and Mrs. Larmon D. {Smith and family are moving this week from Prophetstown, Illinois, to their home on Spooky Nook road. A form- er publisher of The Bulletin, he has sold his paper in Illi- nois and is returning here. He has no plans for the im- mediate future. Harold Shaffner, son o Mr. and Mrs. Abram Shaef- fner Jr., Mount Joy R1, was graduated a few days ago from the Reisch American School of Auctioneering at Mason City, Iowa. He lives on Lancaster R3. Robert E. Kline, teller at the Florin branch of the First National Bank, has re- turned home from a week's intensive course in Bank Op- eration and Bank Lending, held at Bucknell University last week, sponsored by The Pennsylvania Bankers Assn. Mrs. Isabella Kistler, o f Mechanicsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne and chil- dren Harriet and ond . Jeffrey, TREE SERVICE SAWING, PRUNING and SPRAYING B. IBACH Phone 5-4616 (39 S. Main St. Manheim, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mumper and daughters Sylvia and Cindy, all of Mount Joy and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Diffender- fer, Florin, spent the week- end at Wildwood, N. J. Mr. Daniel M. Wolge- muth, Florin, gave a recep- tion in honor of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wolgemuth, on Sat- urday evening, August 24th, at the Hostetter Pavilion, in Mount Joy. Approximately 130 guests were present. The couple recently returned from their wedding trip and are now residing at S. Mark- et St., Florin. A family get together was held at the home of Allen B. Shearer, Mt. Joy R2, Sunday, August 25. The following were served dinner and sup- per: Mr, and Mrs. John Sherer and Christ, Mrs. Ray Shearer, Kenneth and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Frey and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sheareg Marlin, Mary Ellen, Arleen and Suzanne, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Witmer, J. Lester, Don- nie and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shearer, Doris and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. David Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 5.2942 Mon. & Wednes. 9-5:30 Tues.,, Fri, 7 - 9 Sat. by appointment ELIZABETHTOWN 2nd Floor Clauss Phone EM 7-4163 Tues., Fri., Sat, 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M lin ll 5 lB BA Mr. and|’ JUST BETWEEN YOU Shearer, Linda, David, Lee) and Stevie, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shearer and Joyce Elaine, Miss Ruth Shearer and friend, Dan Fausnacht, Stanley Shearer and friend Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ford Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Jac- ob Hostetter and family, Mrs. Fannie Risser, Mrs. Ru- ben Emenheiser, Mrs. Kaufl- man of E-town, Mr, Harry Snyder of and Mr. Guy Spittler, Mrs. Hossler, Fannie FIory, r- les Rigglemen and Billy and| Donald. William Henry Harrison was the oldest U. S. president to take office. He was 68. LOTTA LIVIN'— Gene Vincent LONG LONELY NIGHTS— Lee Andrews WHOLE LOT OF SHAKIN GOING ON— Jerry Lee Lewis SWINGING SWEET- HEARTS— . | Ron Goodwin | WONDERIN EYES— Charlie Gracie | | AND ME— | Chordettes f WAY'S Appliances 48 W. Main St., Mount Joy] Phone OL 3-3622 and laundry. August 21, 1957 ATTENTION! WATER USERS! Due to the extremely critical supply of water for Mount Joy. residents are asked to use water only for drinking, bathing Anyone who uses water for sprinkling lawns, washing cars, washing sidewalks or other unessential purpos- es will be dealt with according to provisions of the law. Signed: ROBERT C. ROSSER, chairman Mount Joy Borough Authority PAPERMATE TU TONE PEN $1.69 With Piggy Back Extra Refill FREE NEW REXALL ACNOTHRICIN Speed Healing 98- NEW WESTCLOCK FAWN ALARM CLOCK $3.25 REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS 'ESTERBROOK FOUNTAIN PENS Choice of Points $2.95 WRIST WATCH by Hanover Regular $9.95 BOYS ONLY special $6. G6 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE CARA NOME PERMANENTS Ea. Reg. $1.50 2-$1.50 plus tax Limited Time Only Take Movies of your favorite team in action BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA $29.95 Your children’s good health is as prized a possession as your own. Protect it! When a doctor prescribes for a child of yours, we will be glad to give our best professional service in filling the prescrip- tion exactly as ordered. Trust in our préscription depart- ment is trust well placed. Your EB) Pharmagist TAKE PICTURES of your School Friends with «a Brownie Holiday $3.25 NEW PAPER MATE NINETY EIGHT with Silver Tip Refill 98- SCRIPTO SATELLITE BALL PEN 1 to 2 years of writing $1.95 SCHOOI. LUNCH KIT with 2 ot. vaccum bottle $2.39 BOSTON PENCIL SHARPENER $3.69 SCRIPTO LONG LEAD PENCIL 29 OVERSIZE ZIPPER BINDERS Reg. Price $1.75 Now $1.39 WALLETS large selection | $1.98 vo BE SMART BE SAFE‘ VACCINATE ASK YOUR DOCTOR E. Main St. Sloan’s Pharmacy MOUNT JOY GLENDALE CLUB CHEESE Farmdale Bread Princess Margarine 2 1: 3 9c Green Peas 2 Shank Half 1-1b. JUICY, CALIFORNIA, VALENCIA Oranges FANCY, CALIFORNIA BARTLETT Pears SUPER MARKETS THR 2 1 Lau LES] Goes Furthest where Quahty ITLL Rainy Day or Sunny-- Acme Saves You Money You Get More for Less New Pack Farmdale Large Sweet PEAS 2-29¢ 2...69s Labor Day Special! --DELVALE 17 oz cans ICE CREAM 15 Gal. Ctn. 9c 16: 10 oz. pkgs 295 SALE OF SMALL, LEAN, SMOKED HAMS 49: -99¢ Center Slices of Smoked Ham 1» 98¢ Lancaster Chuck Steaks Ib 49¢ ACME QUALITY, CUT-UP, FRYING CHICKENS 3 cing Freshly Ground Beef 316s 99¢ Fancy Claw Crab Meat 1b can 83c¢ Lg. Lump Backfin Crabmeat 1b $1.59 Lancaster Skinless Franks 1b 4 9c Lebanon Bologna Ib 59c LARGE, RIPE, CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPES won Re ~ 35, 29 Ce Butt Half 1-Lb. Ibs