Co-Eds Plan Clothes to Fit All Their Campus Activities Newly Feminine Casual Garb Becomes College Favored Fashion Trend for This Fall LASSES, campus doings, dating, homework or “just yack- ing” with other gals in the dorm — there's a busy world ahead for the college-going gird. Her horizons are broadening §H to include new friends and new activities as well as new learn- ing, and she looks forward eagerly to getting the most out of both the academic and social sides of college life. In the exciting days before going back to college, the smart coed can, by good planning, accomplish a lot toward making her school year more rewarding. She can review her projected’ schedule, consider what extracurricular activities she wants to * go out for, and talk over her plans with parents and friends. Whether she’s a freshman or upperclassman, an important part of her planning will be to get her back-to-college ward- robe in good order. Because her class and campus life will include so much variety she’ll want to be sure she has appropriate clothing for all occasions from lounging in the dorm to dancing at proms, as well as the day-by-day de- mands of the classroom. Her wardrobe planning can be simplified if she makes her shopping list in terms of these occasions and activities. Under such headings as, “Classroom,” “Sports,” “Formal Dances” and “Informal Events,” she can sum up the clothing she’s likely to need for her busy life. Then, checking her present wardrobe against the list, she can quickly decide what additions and re- placements should be made. Be Versatile New skirts and tops should be chosen with a view to versatil- ity. For instance, the same sweater or blouse might go to cither classes or football games, while a daytime skirt could take a dressy blouse for an in- formal date. Of course, she’ll want her new clothes to reflect this fall's fashion news, and here she will find that the current trends are a real compliment to her good taste. Favored is the casual ivok and casuals have long neen the mainstay of collegiate wardsobes. Letters Home Correspondence hard to coax from collegiate off- spring? Good plan for par- ents is to equip the college- bound with a supply of stamped, addressed enve- lopes. Include some postcards, too, for use on extra-busy occasions such as exam time. Working out a family code for quick reporting of the latest news from college, on the back of a postcard, can be fun for all. TEEN-AGER TAKES the casual approach to extra-curricular activ. ities, in flannel Bermuda shorts, with sweater and knee-highs of Tycora yarn. MORE THAN EQUAL TO THE SUM of all parts of a busy school day is ‘this geometric print dress. Her choice for class and high- times, too, it’s made of wrinkle-resistant cotton, crisped with white and jet buttons. Organdy petticoat is included. By Henley Jrs., in Lowenstein fabric. Fashion Reaches into Past £2 For New Teen Age Styling = blouses add pleasing femininity Chanel-Look Separates and Shirtwaist Dresses to the casual look. | . Simple dresses such as shirt- Leading the 1957 Parade to School / By VIRGINIA M. SHAW waists or modified sheaths play Associate Fashion Editor, Parents’ Magazine _ a major role, and thanks again 2 Sen ris Seal ee ING in the old” is the way Tennyson would write it today, ray Er a R were he referring to the teen age fashion picture for classroom. Coat choice most Back to School. Almost all the new clothes are a renaissance of | S001 ON the Campus is th | styles that flourished either a few years ago or a century ago. | SE ave I p ¢ SH The “old fashioned Victorian” style lends its influence to the { coat, ool, Loden with cloth fq) teen-agers version of the ever beloved shirtwaist dress. The or well-lined poplin. With gjjhoyette is marvellous] i i ice li “ > | y flattering, with a long bodice line that, shorter-than-long” coats get-' your waist to a tiny ring. jackets, blouses and sweaters are musts, with sweat- crs particularly important this season. The new textured varns that wash without block- ing and the Shetland-types vie with cashmere and the fur blends for popularity. Jacquard sweaters are news, too. Blouses Please ting fashion attention this sea-| Prints show their strength in the dress category and are son, dress coats, too, take to, delicately enhanced with touches of white at the necklines and the car-coat length. For all-| the sleeves, which are newest, | around wear, the classic camel-' when reaching just below the Car Coa t Leader Box-pleated skirts with straight-cut jackets reflect the! belted boy coat style. They Go Far With Pictures hair boycoat remains impor- elbow. é 5 tant. Popular Sweaters For School Wear é In sportswear the influence] . Ca i shorts plus knee socks and is circa 1930. This was the era fn Many Fabrics | suNIOR HIGH bell-ringer is this sweaters still the leader, al- When Mme. Chanel was py, 0 00%: is the leader for)" though on some campuses ped- tionizing the fashion picture, 5 wear and is available collar i A fred touch, | Avisco rayon; by ieen Lolony. Ste gaining In fever, Dette a a and| Poplin, wool, alpaca. Many have| g {lush Orlon pile linings in white Pack Up the Charleston. Mainstays of a OF red. This year you must have| All School Need a’ rdrobe, sweaters are| {£ S ee I come under one| choice of one that is detachable| 3 or attached and designed to| For teen-agers who like to 1 Shetland yarn comes) Hi fea She Snax: off Scot-| use. [school, new wallets are design- land and is very scarce and| Dress-up coats are elegant in ed in washable leathers and black broadcloth or fur-like plastics, with roomy pockets, American mills have produced a yarn known as Shetland-type school and on dates. They can When more carrying capacity and this is what is found in the|be had in sophisticated clutch is needed, teen-agers favor the Shetland sweaters. 'books to gym equipment. It is a coarse yarn compared - with cashmere and the stitch is the feeling of more bulk. The Shetland-type sweater isa glass sie, with close fitting crew neck, and cuffs. Both pullover and cardigan style are long lined with waistline by-passed and sweater in the long sleeved] pullover and cardigan styles| promises to be the big “on cam-| Leisure hours find Bermuda, rim, pretiy dress. Pique insert, with her casual loosely cut sil- al pushers and tapered slacks y levery wanted fabric, including In it is the rage now along with| a hood, and you have your| heading: Shetland. | : g fold into a collar when not in|travel light on their way to quite expensive. However, our . fabrics that can be worn to/gussets and expandable tabs. majority of popular priced|Style or double-breasted, back- duffle bag, for everything from naturally much looser and gives ribbed to match the waistband] fit coming at the hips. This pus” excitement. : | Another Revival To go with these boxy sweat- ers, another revival makes fashion news: the box pleated| skirt. The pleats are stitched| down to give a smooth slim-| ming effect around the hips so| : Se 3 Ed re FOCUSING ON A BACK TO SCHOOL GIFT suggests selection of a camera for the girl or boy in any class. Some want it just to make | pictures of friends in action. Some go further with photography as indicated by the Popular Photography contest of last year which drew thousands of entries. Here a happy scene being recorded with an inexpensive Brownie Starflex. GETTING TOGETHER to compare notes, big and little sister agree | it’s good to be back at school. They agree, too, on jumper dresses | . : for classroom wear. Plaid tie and belt spark little sister’s jumper; | worn over the skirt without too big sister’s choice features high-rise waistline, print blouse. Of | much bulk. These skirts are most effective when done in ~ bright or multi-colored plaids.| that the boxy sweater can be