The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 08, 1957, Image 8

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. R VER BY ZONING MEETING | ————
Thursday. August 8 § Rose Society Is YOUR Family Part Of Rotarians Hear | A A public meeting of the
Mount Joy Boroug oning,
East Donegal Holds Barbecue PERATI L D.? Of Development Bog 2 [Board of Adjustment is t0 he
O i SB ee NOTICE. - [Important - NOTICE
Class Of ‘42 The Elizabethtown Rose Of New Razor town, was run over by an held at the Mount Joy Fire
auto in the borough at mid- House on Tuesday eVeNing,| ees

Society held a chicken bar-

. hYecue Thursday, Aug. 1, at SA aan manage STE Some of the trials and night last Friday. William August 20th, at’ 8:00 p.m. to|
Holds Reunion the home of Mr. and Mrs rm -— oY Ue -_— problems of developing a gpersole, Florin said he was conduct healings on. the ool To. Our Subscribers:
The class of 1942 of East !'Vin Ginder, Florin, with a = DL oe ow 8 A 7 mew electric razor model driving the auto that ran ov- Vor] :
Donegal high school held its !arg= attendance. The ment Lh 0 were given Mount Joy the man, quest of Henry G. Bucher for ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th AT 3:01
a Bl union on Saturday included chicken, baked po | 1 ¥ k ians Tuesday as they hes Mr. Ebersole is building qa permit to make minor al- A. M. ED.S.T.. the and ©
. ato s ickles sir weekly luncheon meet. VT. LDETS E .
Blin 1 2 Bn oliv i . to ree ~ Pl | EE aN Elem new development and had terations at his dwelling, lo-| Mount Joy central offices and subscribers I
Pavilion. SE hothe jade fran op R| |F “Ar E21 gr DY = AT 1} g* cy driven to the house to close cated at 350 Donegal Springs will be brought into fhe new nationwide 2
This class has a reunion coffee ne oS Pe OT | 3 & / Nop 3d Sy = John J the windows in the building./Road. Bucher proposes to ac-| Letter-5 Figure Numbering System for dial
every five years. uest cde cl re: and Mrs : RB = : i ii igh from Sie but As he turned into the drive- ig! img up-| offices. The new central office name for ' Or
G S ~~ / ya caste ¢ » i ol . hi
Of the fifty-five members Har-y* Weber of Shiresmans- & A #d , talk on YY: Which has a grade, his stoirs and one family down Elizabethtown telephones will be EMpire. Bi.
i i A557 NE J highly informative ta ON jights were thrown upwards stairs. This dwelling is now| for M .
the following eighteen were town, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob * 2 Vr / “Te the various steps through pot A In ae rE nn The new central office name for Mounts has}
present: Lurene Brinzer Sil Harmer of Mount Joy, Mrs. a Ir]. MN" [iA \ i which developments a Tr €,..ker who he believes was] The Board of Adjustment telephones will be OLdfield. every
va, Baltimore, Jack Frank, Minnie Kolp of Florin and . made. He used as a sample lying in the driveway. Helinvites any citizen who has| Elizabethtown and Mount Joy s fn, alke
Jane Fryberger and Esther Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ginder OPERATION LIVING OUT |cial weather-proof wiring outlet 1 the is . 1 Flori
Schroll Boltz Maytown, of R} Slid f ODORS gets underway through- [and enough electrical ci cuits , the new model the company wag taken to the St. Josephs|any objections to the issu-| ers, to make any call within your loca until
; 0 Sy ay m0 theems. S >S A TW: 5 . e 8 a .
Barbara Garber Stoltzfus of were ems. ard SY out America the minute hot |which provide for all the light- Nas recently aw Hospital by the community ance of the exception of the| calling area of both exchanges, simply
Parkesburg RD Tour: Hess|and h total st : fy nl weather comes along. Families [ing and appliances used either/ Which wi be Ty aval ambulance. above request. dial the first two letters of the central of- a
hi yg A Sand helpiul suggesiions were haye learned that they can use [inside or outside the home. able to the general public . . 4 c
Yunninger, Marietta R D, discussed concerning roses electrical appliances outside the| To live comfortably in the within a few ,weeks. | fice name, plus the present five figure num ana
Gladys Hoffman Books, of The next meeting will be house to cook and that they can |modern fashion, the minimum He had samples of various | ber. Suppose, for example, you are at an 00% 3
Cleona, Ruth Musser, Gran- he held at the home of Mr have all He Jishting hey eed capacity which a Jamily models and styles to illus- EMpire telephone in Elizabethtown, and outsid
tham, Katharine Nies Geiger and Mrs. Harry Erdman at ©® their patios and lawns for {must have is ampere service J "ly Site he made as : a = in Mount Joy ”

; . : games, dining, reading . . . but |entrance, with three wires con-
Pp ¢ re . . h eS
of Allentown, Naomi Ober- their. Mount Gretna cottag: only if they have the proper wir- | veying electrical power from the he followed the development
holtzer Rhoads, Manheim R. August 22, with a covered ing to accommodate these appli- [utility line in the street. If a through the initial engineer-
D., Minner Rager Dauz, of dish supper. ances and lights. family has full HOUSEPOWER, ing, the styling, the sales
OLdfield number is listed in the directory
4 R ECop as 3-3901. Here's all you do: His
D YEAR 1. Lift the receiver and listen for the to hir

Lancaster, Averill Rice Haw- Announcement was made How different from Grand. | they also have enough circuits to 3.1 rtment d then to the sts
: : 72378 as é > | DCO Talat er rectum Of partment an en to the
thorne, Highspire, William concerning the following ev- mother’s or even Mother's day! Sone, Hv el Ie i Sr final elimination of “bugs” dial tone . . . have,
= aver, Salmga, iy ents of interest to rose en-A few years ajo, the family oa or on the patio or terrace. and irregularities. | 2. Dial the Letter O . . . then the lelter Pct
elly Wingert, Chambers-thusiasts: on Yon porch, Jul 10 got a | Switches which © -of - arie 1
burg, Mary Alta Stauffer] The Red Rose Rent day breath of air they sat in semi- Switches Dads nud) Mout Soy Sonar ans i L. i 1 purch
! : “Y darkness. Dining out-of-doors tS A : 3 ad entertain the district gover- 3. Dial each of the five figures, 3-3901,
Rutt, Mt. Joy R. D., Robert will be held Saturday, Sept was a “picnic”, with meals carted venient positions right inside the |. Rotary next Tuesday. ‘of :
Dunbar, Thomasville, and7 at the Star Rose Gardens outside laboriously. doorway which leads to these Governor William M. "3g in turn. The
Apna Mary Hawthorne Hessat which time payment of fpoday, electric rotisseries are “OPERATION L. O. D. re. paugh is from Hershey and Please be sure to dial all seven, two now
oO orin, one red rose will be made tec gsed outside the home for barbe- | quires the services of your elec- will be making an official lefters and five figures. otherwise a wrong bright
The guests were the hus- a descendent of William cues, hamburgers and roasts . . . |trical contractor. Simply ‘moving visit to the club and for a number will be reached. or none at all. And, |
bands, wives and children Penn at 2:15 on U. S. Route *offee bubbles freely... effective, |appliances outdoors and cating with club officers. : anyon
of the class members. 1, two miles south of West %ell-planned lighting eliminates |ing” makeshift lights and cords Tuesday's program was en-| When making a toll call and the oper- feels :
Prizes were awarded to Grove. or a this living out yourself just doesn't work gaged and the speaker intro- More checks were used ator asks you for your number, please give he tak
Lurene Brinser Silva for] The Penn-Jersey district Pore 128" possible spe: oul, duced by Earl Koser. last than § $ her the complete number - the new central and si
traveling the greatest dis-|"onvention will be held Sep- a LS TY — =| JS year than in any pre- office name in addition to the present to the
tance, William Risser for ‘ember 21 at the Sheratin = WAY’ S 598 9) ¥YIOUs year. People every- and calls to other seighboring points or “I'm 1
having the youngest child/hotel, Philadelphia, at which where are discovering the . i
present and to Ruth Shelley| imes prizes and awards will Rec ord m ease, safety, and conven- Columbia, Marietta and Mountville We
Wingert for having the most» given. cei @ ore of a Br subscribers, to make a call to Elizabeth- Bullet
children. | The third annual Rose’ Bo Thi pay ng 4 Shes town or Mount Joy, give the number to yor ial sta
Each class member spoke! how by the North Jersey De Hy ne “QO” operator as usual, only precede the there
of his activities since the Rose Society will be held or | vites your checking number with the new exchange name. For there
last reunion. Letters were October 13 in the Colonial | BYE BYE LOVE— account. example, “I want to call Elizabethtown, of the
read from members wholLife Insurance building, 111 Everly Brothers! ’ EMpire 7-1234" one
could not be present. Prospect Street, East Orange .'TO THE AISLE— { OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT PY . 4 ; >
One member, Capt. Wil- New Jersey. Five Satins! CLOSED SATURDAY All free service or local calling areas,
bert Rogers is making the Stn J J gf anl calls to other neighboring points or Ii he
army his career. He is at WELCOMED TO BOROUGH —__ BLACK SLACKS _ i, long ‘distance remain as before. Please a
present stationed at Wrightl wpe william Conrad who $ | tell people who call you from out of town tion’ =
Patierson Air Force Base, in moved to Mount N . 0 ffi f MR. LEE— to use the new central office name in addi- And, h
yO reminiscing Joy frem Dodge City, Kan- olice ice or. The Bobbettes| tion to your present number. This new to cour
ord] Re eng Oe sas, was visited by the Joy- [| YOUR'E MY ONE AND | | nationat system is in precaration for future develop-
8 p Cee’s “Welcome to Mt. Joy ONLY LOVE— ments in the nationwide telephone toll sys-
was served. Committee”. Mr. and Mrs r oop Ricky Nelson t Thank t i Bas
The planning committee Conrad and their two chil- : D E N T 1 ST you 192. your cooperation paper
for fhe ext Younon i hop. dren were visited by Mrs. BENENDEN YOU'RE ¥ AW FY 0 YY) TN) 4 .
€I'S Harold Zimmerman, Jr. last a : i wd thin ® mi
present in 1962. Thursday" 7"! WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION | Pat Boone € 1eiepnone company . onetw
meron ff) cms the di
; os — eG
Shaving was originally a AUG. 12th to AUG. 17th WAY'S Appliances major
protective measure since, Yankee” comes from the} INCLUSIVE P ¥ BULLETIN Ad tH 39.9 within
long beards were easy for Dutch ward ‘“yanku’” mean- | 31-9¢ 3 W. Main St, Mount Joy | FQ ronize verrisers . LM ed, bu
opponents in combat to seize.|ing to snarl. | a. = Phone 3- 3622 wens with th
BL — iP aaJLII-I IL lL —-— - ; : in his
> for hir
for nov
Short Sleeve come.
a Caut
ork Shirts beginni
Ww (at'3:0
PARKING it will
METE your
\ OAT $ 1 59 careful
T wide n
R SHOES the ex
for Mo

1 : for Eliz
that ph
ber wil

1/5 | 20 9% Ls
331, 15s |FRL, AUG. 9 to SAT., AUG. 17 Incl. | > wv 820.63 | =
fl BUY TWO SHIRTS AT REG, $2050 NOW $22.50
ches he

of the

$2.95 Now §2.22 14 PRICE ONE. LOT $ 1995 | ong 107 $2295 20% LESS Ask for Lot 1311 — get a pair for a
$3.95 NOW $2.96 VALUES TO $35.95 VALUES TO $37.95 Regular Price $12 95 gregati
: ® project
$4.95 Now $3.72 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ‘BRAND project
$5.95 NOW $4.46 IVY LEAGUE ¥ MEN'S Worl
Two n
so Were $6.95 — SALE PRICE $5.21 SHIRTS AND BATHING TRUNKS added
BOYS’ NSW “81. 49 Were $7.95 — SALE PRICE $5.96 32.55 Now $2.21 TO MATCH : ar
Were $895 — SALE PRICE $6.71 . 3 , They
DRESS SHOES = ma Were $9.95 — SALE PRICE $47.46 *2.%3 Now $2.96 MEN'S $5.95 Now 84.19 profi
yi Were $10.95 —_ SALE PRICE $8. : :
$529 now $2.21 Were $1.95 _ SALE PRICE $8.99 $2.05 Now $3472 | BOYS $3.95 Now $2.79 | taking
J Sommer Cops | press Shins | BROTHERS | “rb Hobby Jeans if © 2.
25 Po LESS $229 | MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA S19? $222.89 96 hove g

Broken Sizes structu
part of
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- - = cs ro mm i " PR ; re i aay : Stites,
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