The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 08, 1957, Image 2

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3 Church and parsonage.
or rietta friends on Saturday
Marietta friends on Sat ¥ New
¢#% spent socially in games and]
Hr refreshments. jer portion of the year’s vol-

The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa
‘Thursday, August8 8 M AYTOWN
Published every Thursday! Miss Laura Dupler return.
at 11 East Main Street, Mt, €d home from a visit with
Joy, Lancas: er County, Pa. friends in Indiana, Pa
Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor Miss Mary Faye Kendig, a
and Publisher. nurse at the Lancaster Gen-
i .. eral Hospital, is enjoying a
Subscription Rate $2.50 per
Ave a re. Mrs. Ray Newcomer and,
quest. daughters returned home af-
Entered at the post officeter visiting Mr. and Mrs,
at Mount Joy, Pa., as second- William Newcomer at Boston

and Mrs. Nicholas Abbatiello

~ FLORIN Manheim C nia NEWTOWN 1 Line KD of Co-

=== lumbia spent several
— — Plan Registration — ut
Mrs. a! James Deano, Mr. Aug. 12, from 9) Visitors of Mr.
a.m. to 3 p.m.. will be regis- |Elwood Kuhn and
and daughter and Mr. and tration day for students who were Pastor Flosser
Mrs. Allen Killmyer and. vo. moved into the Man-/daughter, Mr. Chester
daughter all from Staten in, Central School Districtjmer and Mr. and
land, N. Y. spent severalig, . the close of last year. |Carr, all of Lancaster.
days visiting in the home of All new students, includ-| Mrs. Edw. Isler and child-
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gebhart ing kindergarten, clementaryiren visited Mrs. James Ger-|
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geb- and high school pupils,ber of Florin.
hart and son, Mr. and Mrs. should report to the office of] Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
family| Mrs. Elwood Kuhns
|“White Crystal Beach,”
Visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm./of Norwood spent a day
[ted her 59th birthday Aug. 4 |
|INorman Brosey and family
Howard Gebhart afd child-the Manheim Central high|gRopert Frank Jr. and son [Were Mpg Mey I
and Mrs, with John Lehman of town. was admitted to the
| ACCIDENT car was estimated at $500
Mrs. Charles F. Walter,
mma daughters visited Mr. Albert INTURED IN AUTO [to signal for a stop police)
said. Damage to the Walter|
of, and the Judy car, $300.

If not pleased, your 40c back at
|any drug store, Try instant.dry.
ling ITCH.ME-NOT for itch of
- -——— | eczema, ringworm, insect bites,
foot itch or other surface itch,
and|Good Samaritan Hospital in (AUTO STOLEN | Easy to use day and night. Now
and/Gamber and Mr. and Mrs |Lebanon, Sunday with head| An auto owned by
Wwit-|Salem Gamber and daughter|injuries received when the M. Heisey, Mount Joy, was
at|car she was riding in struck
[the back of a car driven by :
Mrs. Wm. Haines celebra-|Earl Judy, Baltimore. town Saturday according to and Complete Sales Service
She was a passenger in the state police. The auto was]
auto driven by her husband described as a 1953 light
[traveling east of Mount Gret- gray model, bearing
na when the Judy car failed 6331R.

ven and Mr. and Mrs. Robert school located at North Hax- \were Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto sporting Hill, Mrs. Edith|
Slass mail under the Act of Mass. during the past week. Balmer ein Spent Su el and East Kohler of Red Lion R. D. Buch, Manheim, Mr. and|
. . yore ay & © a. vi i g
are y Mrs. Samuel Gaskell and|day at evittown 1. visit- and take along with em Visitors of Mr. Geo. Moore, Mrs. Lovern Lueas, Ct slur,
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association children of Lenox,
spent the past week
EE = ‘Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Trone|

and son
at Frackville.
ack Misses Dorothy and
ane Berrier of Milton Grove
ARCA A mily
Sd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peiffer
By Martha Rainbolt ind daughter Linda, visited]

No . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dupler|
FIFTY YEARS AGO and family over the week-
August 7, 1907 end.
John Myers will enter his} Larry Henderson celebrat-
fast pacing horse in the his birthday on Wednes-
Class at Lebanon the latter day.
part of this month. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jolhm Mayers|
M. C. Bowman is convert- and Miss Fannie Diebler of]
ing his stable on Marietta Lancaster visited relatives
Street into a wareroom. Con- and friends in town last]
tractor Jno. Hamaker has the week.
contract. | The Scouts have moved in-
Philip R. Greiner has very to their new quarters op-|
satisfactorily repaired his
pavement on Lumber Street,
which was condemned by
Oguncl] Jug month. putting Heights Swimming Pool at
"concrete coping around the Ro 9 Tuesday sven |
Jawn gi the United Dretlren Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
Miss Laura Pennell enter- an Leas were the chaper-
lajped a number of her Miss Barbara Schroll of
evening I Holland has been visit-
Hamaker of Indian-| "8 at the home of Mr. and|
ar : <7 Benj. Boltz, Jr.
apoils, Indiana, arrived here Mr. Albert Ebersole of
Monday evening on a twa 4 ‘ .
Bd er Sun Valley, Calif. is visiting
sojourn with his Par- t+ the home of Mr. Howard
The regular monthly meet- si of Mrs. Ida De
ing of the school board was Be set Ar rae
held Monday evening, all] 108 last weekend were: Mrs.
bers being OXs Mabel Cullins, Mr. and Mrs.
mem oe 5 Bl Prese Cullins and son of]
cep Tr. Tampa, Florida and Mr. and
THIRTY YEARS AGO Vrs. Price, Kennett Square.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Arnold
August 10, 1927 ire enjoying a vacation at
Messrs. John MM. Booth Atlantic City.
Geo. Mumper, Clayton New- Mr. and Mys. Marvin Tre-
comer and Russell Kaylor on of Lancaster spent the
spent Monday at Oxford, Md. veekend with Mr. and Mrs.
on a fishing trip. The weath- Martin Trostle and daughter
er was anything but ideal
and as a result few fish were has been the vis-
caught. ting minister at the E. & R.
Mrs. Annie Baker, of this; -hurch while the Rev. Ells-
place, was hostess at her cot-| vorth is on vacation.
tage, at Mt. Gretna over the] Mr. Norman Houseal and
weekend. {Mr. J. Edward Haines visit-
Mr. Albert Hollinger, | d the Gratch family at Av-
isi lon over the weekend.
quite ill at his home. He 12 Intermediate Scouts
meant to take a dose of salts nd two Explorer Scouts
and instead took a large por-{ ft on Sunday for Camp
tion of saltpeter. He is
ill from the results. { Mrs. Ruth Henderson,
Miss Fannie Kramer start- [Larry Henderson, Gary Gill-
ed work at the Gerberich- [2am, Jere Henderson and
Payne Shoe factory Monday. ‘riend spent Sunday at Co-
Warren Givens is sporting/Wan's Gap.
a new Pontiac Six. Mrs. Sarah Schlegelmilch
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Florin visited Miss Grace
t' Henderson Saturday.
The Teen-Age Club had ¢
Splash Party at Locust
Rev. Donald Schlicher of
plumber west of town,
and children spent Sunday a
Middletown. Mr. and *Mrs. Samuel En-
gle visited Mr. and Mrs.
TEN YEARS AGO [Melvin Watson and family
August 7, 1947 at Enola over the weekend.
The Berrier reunion was The Rev. John Wolfe is
. held at the Cove Sunday, Preaching at St. Mathews
Aug. 2, with the largest num- Lutheran Church at Lancas-
ber ever to attend with ap- ter during August while the
proximately 115 present. regular minister is on vaca-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Fellen- tion.
baum of town, and Miss Sar- Mr. Marlin Sload of New
ah Habecker, of Philadelphia Jersey spent the weekend
- are spending a two weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Vacation at Mt. Gretna. Mrs. Abram Sload.
Three persons were injur- The Rev. and Mrs. Forest
ed in an auto collision on the Wiest and sons are enjoying
hill just east of Elizabeth- two week's vacation in Can-
town. Trying to pass a truck ada.
was the direct cause. Visitors of the Arnold
Only the sandstone walls Finks during the past week
remain after the barn on the Were: Mrs. Arthur Shafiner,
William Randler farm, Man- Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Koh-
f+ heim R3, caught fire Thurs- ler of York Hawen, Mr. and
day. The farm is also tenant- Mrs. Jack Shuster of York,
ed by Lloyd Bollinger, John Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sipe
McKinney and James Mays. 0f CoHege Park, Md, Mr.
Spontaneous combustion Fred Apple of York, and,
ak: caused the fire. Miss, Nancy Groff and friend
Mr. Harvey W. Hawthorne of -College Park, Md.
‘entertained at a surprise
birthday party for his wife NET EARNINGS
_at their home on July 30th. = G- C. Murphy company net|
a earnings for the first six

. GERMER REUNION months of 1957 were $2,782-|
i "Phe annual Germer reun-| 440, slightly below the $3,-|
jon was held Sunday, Aug. 07,014 reported for 1956, al-|
4. at 325 Marietta avenue, ough still above the $1,712-|
Mount Joy. Officer elected 929 earned in the same per-
for the coming year included of 1955.
Frank Germer, president:| In the first 6 months of
Joseph Germer, vice-presi- {1957 the company opened &
dent; Ida Germer, correspon-/"€W stores compared with |
. dent, and Carl Germer, in 1956, and installed its]
2 treasurer. There were 44 in Quick-Service equipment and)
attendance. The youngest °Peration in 115 stores
was Mark, 15 months, son of _ July sales increased 6.67%
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesher, the total sales in-
town. The time to 3.4%. The remain-
Elizabeth ing months, when the great-|
lume is obtained, should con- |
A Bu ulletin St it pays. tinue to show increased sales
"Way Mr. and Mrs. John Frew|
5 spent the weekend
Strauss of Lebanon and Di-|
| | visited the Frank Singer fa-|
W 1¢ n i last week
posite the American Legior |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandt or other evidences of having (Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauden- Fry of Manheim RD.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sillers br Torte
and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandt their schedule registrations
spent Sunday at for the coming year shall fon, Fruitville Pike andlbia RD.
seen leit children, visited Mr. an
of Fruitville

| The Good Cheer class oflg 1 John Kauffman of
i advertise ment a
{'he E.U.B. Church held their] IX uve 0 ig
meeting at the home of The
(Mrs. Ruth Klugh Thursday

dinner was ut the Holi= man Jr. and family of Cone-| Arndt, of Millersville,
day Hotel at the Gettysburg stoga R. D [Larry Seamerderiar,
ing at the home of Mr. and bir sertificate, vaccination h
Mass. (Ing A io X birth certilicale Soins and family were Mr. George bia, Mr. John Brosey Jr., of
y I bhart. ertificate, ¢ re @ :
with Mrs. Robert Gebhar certificate, and report ¢ ards Mr. Robert Brown, Sporting Hill and Mr. Galen|
& and family. The _ Gaskell'sland family of E-town R. D So heir Tost year ® berger and daughters, and Mr. Geo. C. Moore and]
d were former residents of were guests of Mr. and Mrs. x ol ‘High schioal. tty Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Frey, grandson John Lehman spent|
{ra Brandt Saturday evening. Cou. 4 Bhs all of Columbia, Mr. and|Wednesday with Mr.” and]
dents who desire to change Mrs. Theo. B. Sener, Lancas-| Mrs. John C. Moore and Mrs.
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Havard Leonora Halter all of Colum
AnnalBeach, Md. {50 Peport to the high school yy, Leonora Halter, Kinder-| Visitors of Mr. and
nd and bring with them papers) ob
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kyle|gigned by the parents and, hook. {Maurice Frysinger, Ida
spent Sunday at Ocean City the changes. Mrs. Irvin Witmer and enberger and Katie Moore]
"ap ang d Mrs.|were Mr. and Mrs. Havard|
{and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kauff- Rev. and Mrs. Raymond]
{Ella Shirk, both of Mount]
|svening after the business . Th { 5 /
*[Interchange. { Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.| Joy, Mrs. John Mellinger
joer iod they enjoyed a cover
»d dish social. All present| Mr. and Mrs
Robert Gantz! |Wm. Fogie and family was and children, Miss Elizabeth-|®
ad an enjoyable evening. land Mrs. Mary, Gantz and Plaster Renmets Schoelkoph Hess, all of Mt. Joy RD, and|
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miss Mary Hamilton called D Vi 0 am By M d M | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzkee of
Brena visited the former's/on Mrs. Lillian Gantz at Mt. Db ie ne Re "he ri (Mt. Joy.
mother, Mrs. Fannie Brandt, Gretna on Tuesday evening. ang eumacher were r. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs
and Mrs. David Greenly, East Abram Gamber and daughter
I" the Fairview Manor Nurs-| Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brandt pater rsburg. !
ng home at Columbia, onientertained Mr. and Mrs.| pe and Mrs. Merlin Funk
[Thursday evening and then|Walter Brandt at the Shenk- formerly of town are the ber and f
later visited Mr. John Linde-|weiler Hotel near, Allentown parents of a baby: girl, born
[nan, and Mrs. Ada Henne ation Sunday. Sunday. |
Washington Boro. { Mr. Jonas Leinart returned| visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuhr- to his home on Tuesday after gohert Frank Sr. and daugh- Strect,
{nan and son of East Peters- being a medical patient atte; were Mr. and Mrs. Rob-/Culty
|yurg, visited Mr. and Mrs. St. Joseph's Hospital foriert Frank, Jr. and son of!’
I ;andis Hess on Saturday. some time. [town and Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin| Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barn-ge]l Herr and daughter, Mt
{Frye of Aspers, Adams Coun-/hart and aunt, of Lancaster jy.
['y, were Sunday guests of and Mr. Harry Barnhart, of, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ha-
[Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper. (Elizabethtown were Sunday perstroh and family visited! For MEN,
Mrs. George Mumper Jr.|dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Irene Haberstroh of Ww MEN.
vas admitted to St. Joseph's \Paul Shetter. Mountville. : | 0 '
Hospital on Monday. | Rev. and Mrs. Paul Martin! visitors of Mr. and Mrs.|
Mrs. Hattie Long of Har- Jr. and children of Hills- Harry Weaver were Mrs Ed.
[<isburg, and Mr. and Va. are visiting Mrs. jth Buch of Manheim "Mrs
“laude Henderson, Elizabeth- Martin's parents, Mr. and Mary Lucas of Colviinbia. CAN
[town, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mrs. Henry Becker and will and” Mr. and Mrs. Albert
vey Hoffman of Rheems, cal-jattend Roxbury Camp Meet- Myers and daughter of Iron- SWIM -
led on Mrs. Sara Schlegel-/ing this week. ville. i
nilch on Tuesday. ! The children and grand- S. y
Mrs. Elizabeth Kauffman children of Walter Brandt and in 3 ward N

‘teach English.

day night meeting of
school board. Mrs. Muir

{were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gam-|
amily of Manheim. |
Mrs. John Muir, of Frank|
was named to the fa-|
of the Elizabethtown
Area high school at the Tues-
ind daughter and Mrs. Dem- very agreeably surprised him
{ny of Maytown called on at his home on Sunday even- Richard E. Miller RUPT
{Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper ing by bringing refreshments v
pe g by pringing reireshimen AUCTIONEZER Only $4.95 and $5.95
In Monday. and games were played.
{ Mrs. Walter Brandt and There were 24 present inclu- Complete Sales Service
{their husbands who are twins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brandt of R. D. 4 MANHEIM, PA.
and celebrated their 66th E-town, and Mrs. Viola Bric. Phone 3-3734 Mt. Jov E. Main St. Phone 3-
birthday on Sunday, Aug. 4. ker. © 32-4c
Your Authorized Oldsmobile Dealer
has it! Ask him to show you why the
budget-priced "88" is the value-car of
the year. More car for your money!
Greater luxury! True big-car ride and
handling ease. Top resale value!
Get the facts and figures . .. you’ll
see that an Olds ‘88° i is just the car
for you...that now’s the ue to in)

{Mrs. Paul Brandt entertained'ding his brother and wife, Anywhere Sloan's Pharmacy


reported stolen in Elizabeth-
Alvin at SLOAN’ $ PHARMACY. 32.3¢

license MANHEIM R. D. 2
Phone MO-5-4136

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Asp Strawberries Fron 2 pion 35¢
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All Prices in this Advertisement
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Quarter Melon. ..25¢ Half Melons______ 45¢
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