The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 25, 1957, Image 5

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    renner lye be,

Cong. of Jehovah's Witnesses |yice. Sermon by Rev, Clar-
Aen [men ‘Church News Congregation Servant lence D. Ulrich.
co cr
Harold E. McCorkel Wednesday afternoon and
News Pertaining To All
2:00 p.m. Street witness-|tj
ing in ie [Ronal Service. The women of Trinity Lu-
| theran Church, Mount Joy,
I . evening — Sunday school . n .
| The Churches In Mt. Joy [Saturday picnic at Borough Park vol Lutheran Ladies
{ 9:00 am. House to house|g,, ber at Hostetter's Pavil-|
And The Swrounding lion at 6 closing with devo- Hold Buffet
pi Sutdaw
a | Newt E.U.B. Church [Sunday | Trinity ®vangelical
! Newiown Ira 9:00 a.m, House to house | Co he Church last Tuesday even-
h ‘Sunday witnessing. Rev. David R. Wolfe, Pastor|ing in the Parish House
- i” 9:00 Sunday School |. 3:00 p.m. Public Address, oq, social room for a covered
| & am. Sunaay SChool ,, py Stepler from Harris-| y All the
9:15 am. Sunday School |dish buffet supper.

6:30 p.m. Youth Fellow-
WEEKS TO AUGUST th ship ¥ a p.m. Watchtower Stu-|, 10:20 a.m. Morning Wor- women's organizations of the
EXTENDED TWO 4 7:30 p.m. Evening Wor- dy : an hip. Semon theme: These Church and Sunday School
[Tuesd: [Things We Know. were invited to cooperate
ROUTE 230 ~ EAST SIDE OF MOUNT JOY Wednesday Testa ible Monday : with Women's Missionary So-
|" Christi En | 8:00 p.m. Public Bible| §.30" p.m. Project Night | y :
4 ldeavor I Christian En-Studies in the Kingdom Halll 0 jo ciety in this amnual event.
[desvos Praver Meeting | 263 W. Walnut St., Mar-" 230500, vig prayer|Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, presi-
5 YEAR OLD JUBILEE LISTEN TO | S00 pm Trayer lita and 1 Hemp St, Mtlgervice. dent of the Women's Mission.
1440 KC MOUNT JOY Wk “You may survive Arm-| 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Society, was
; Church oi God ageddon into God's New hearsal. | € supper arrangemen
MOUNT JOY p IN TENT MAN | William L. Tillett, Pastor |World.” ‘Thursday (and was assisted by the of-
BOY 230 P M 10 A. M., [Sunday Thursday | 6:45 p.m. Junior Choir Re-|ficers and members of the
: . . HEALED | 9:30 am. Sunday School | 7:30 p.m. Theocratic min- hearsal. society, The prayer of bless-
HEALED SUN., JULY 28 MON. —- FRI, | 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- istry School. | Reports to the Building ing was given by Paster Ko-
o |ship | 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting, Committee which met ois der, : :
| No Sunday evening Ser- ——— a past Monday evening, indica-| :
fos 2 i | wh Following the supper a
fice Sul Sere. 8, 1957. | Church of the Brethren | cd {or ah program was presented. Miss
! 4 - i | Elizabethtown, Pa. { iti .Marianne Fague, missiona
7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bi- ’ Addition are ready for limit Bue, ry
| LISTEN TO 3 YEAR OLD FAITH ible Study. ¥ }. Nevin RB. Zuck, Pastor [ed use and will be occupied to British Guiana, who re-
| LITITZ {Sunday by classes on this comingiturned to her home in’ Lan-
1390 K. C. MANHEIM MEETING | First Presbyterian Church | 9:30 am. Extended Day. The Building easter for furlough only last
605 PM WOMAN GIRL 7:30 - 8:00 Mount Joy, Pa. sions for boys and . girls; re he week fave talk illustrated
> i . HEALED : : Rev, Halen ©: Durfee, At, there, “Gideon, Foe Program and Publicity not- Bc ish is ama ison
SATURDAY HEALED NIGHTLY Sunday | 10:30 a. m. Morning Wor- Ig at a Dedication, Book- whe spent one term of three
9:30 a.m. Church School. Sermon png Message of the Dedication of Years as a missionary under
he wrch”, by Pastor Mis-

10:45 a.m. Morning Wor-© the Sunday School Unit that/the Board of Foreign
[ship, ‘Sermon: “The Devil's/2uck: will be held on Sunday, Sep-(sions of the United Lutheran

es, Fri, 7 - 9 $
5at. by appointment
|Rheems & Green Tree. wishes to do so to make a
10:00 Morning Worship— contribution and be listed as
[nie Anderson, «Peggy Ann
— ATTEND EVANGELISTIC CENTER SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:30 A. M. — Ji HS por Ser ember 22. 10 was decided to Church in’ America, is the
| ————lParik: The Y py, 4 include lists o S |daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
141 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Dr.H.C.Killheff ithe community will conduct/FTiends A tne D. Fague. Dr. Fague
r. .C.N1 Oo Sj service. for the purchase of various is pastor of 51, Siephens fu.
F AP LF Ns free); : ite i : $ :
Mireles fil | Optometrist West Green’ Trée a ee Or scripture ‘was read by
MANHEIM Church of the Brethren [OF in Dedication to loved/Mrs. Jas. Heilig, prayer was
Patronize BULLETIN Advertisers ~~ Patronize BULLETIN Adverti mien a Ay ar rer
| Tele 5.2 | 1 p -
atronize vertisers atronize ve 1SEr's We gan 9.5:30 [ 8:45 a.m. Sunday School—|to any AB Spe who en ae mn ie
(Brill, Shirley Brown, Sandra
Crowl and Kathryn Harn-
ish. Program arrangemerits
9430 ran. 2.5 P.M| Church of the Brethren [Were made by: Miss © Beulah
bol : Florin, Pa, Smith and Mrs. W. (L. Kod-
m= 8t, Mark’s E. U. B. Churchigey, Howard Bernhard, Elder|er. rahe YOM
— | is : gw
Mount Joy Samuel T. Becker, Su :
i } x , Supt. Mrs., George .
U S | C. E, Ulrich, Minister ett
I [Sunday

vor Ciauss
Fhone 7-4163
the Dedication

a patron in
(.. 7:30 p.m. Evening
at Rheems.



hy PEA te!
Sunday wife ' of: a | former, pastor of
= x 3 9:00 a.m. Bible School. wag. 'a” guest and
Union National Mount Joy Banl | 9:00 am. Sunday School | 10:00 am. Worship Ser-, (spoke ‘a few words of greet-
— MOUNT JOY MAYTOWI _10:15 a.m. Worship Ser- vice. =i ing to the group.
res oaste J Es ——— | ¥ Fak Ye Aller the offer:
ere OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT ’ | www! Prayer Service, . gram pon? Ong he Ire
: s
CLOSED SATURDAYS rene 'Sheetz Funeral Home Mount Joy Mennonite |Praver and the Missionary
| i
i er's Br Cy GERALD R. SHEETZ Church
i S | g UL ry Funeral Director (Sunday
: [ 9:00 am. Sunday School
Ki D Sh 16 N. Market St. Mt. Joy | 1 Ww. Donegal St., MT. JOY| 10:00 a.m. Worship Ser- Youth Plan
Se. itty Dress dhop Pr ae Vv Servi
Lod: 4 dean W re Ae 7:30 p.m. Farewell service esper ervice
=== adios an ildren Wearing Apparel SEIT SESS HN Or outgoing Missionaries,
ANY Chil g App 8 (Wednesday , Sunday, August 4 the
s EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JO" |§ D { D * oe.) pm. Bible Study and By.” hi. Youn
i IH iis Prayer meeting. ; 3 ir
IH } | ee second community vesper
Mabe If ays 0 € br re service for this summer.
-9331 H WITH Nay Ne rch The mali OF hf ser.
Booth Dept. Store | | Minn Ketter Walters; 1 pes i MOLE Ploture
: i . 0 ist icture is Cecil B. de
Complete Line Of Material # EVANGELISTS it Sunday [Mille’s famous epic “The
= EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS, MT. JO\ |} i 9:30 am. Sunday School King of Kings” The stars
oe a. ) i 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor-[of this film are H. B. Warn-
one 3- |$ H ship, “Was Jesus a Success?” er as Jesus and Joseph Sch-
day lildkraut as Judus Iscariot.
tin “ALL THIS 16 THE If INTERESTING — INTERESTED — INSPIRING | 7:30 p.m. Methodist Youth This is the beautiful story
ing = j Fellowship Party at the Par- of Jesus which will never
MERE FRINGE OF 3 sonage. grow old. It is a film which
Hi$ FORCE, THE % : AND A levery one should see.
. IH | Salunga Methodist Church This service will be }
FAINTEST WHISPER Attend The Church Of Your Choia Sal Method 1 held
WE CAN HEAR OF HIM/ MERRILL DENCE i Menno E. Good, Minister in the Evangelical United
Jo KNOWS THEN : This Sunday : Mrs. Mary Minich, Organist {Brethren Cl a Joy.
A HE FULL THUNDER a i Sunday [The program will begin , at
OF HIS POWER 77 ; SONGS THAT TOUCH THE HEART 9:00 am. Morning Wor. (7:30 po 230 are Welcome
1 on Hl ship, “Was Jesus a Success?” [and Invited to see this in-
= 278 26:14 \ The Mount Joy Bulletin : H 10:00 a.m. Sunday School (SPiring film by Cecil B. de
(MOFFATT 755) i July 1 4-28-7.45 hight Mr. Richard Peifer, Supt. [Mille of the life of Christ.
.m. eacn ni i Monday { Bees
tH y P 9 i 7:30p. m. Methodist Youth
i ONE NIGHT COULD SETTLE ETERNITY FS Potty or whe rar-| Acapella Chorus
+ age.
H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. i — | To Sin
i 8 I$ i Glossbrenner Evangelical Th 5 g Sundsy
.C.A. WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES : C al I d de Ch ch United Brethren Church | e Mennonite Acappella
i var y n epen nt ur Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor [Chorus will render a pro-
MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-336) |} Sunday {gram of Sacred Music at the
2 if PLEASURE & ESBENSHADE RDS., LANCASTER 9:00 a.m. Family worship East Fairview Church of the
and Bible Study. Brethren on Sunday evening
is ee Monday (July 28 at 7:30 o'clock. The
y . 7:30 p.m. E.U.B. Men's chorus is under the directio
a Becker S Bread Service ¢ 8 Auditorium Air-Conditioned For Your Comfort Meeting, {of Donald Gehman. a
: uesaay | ; i
Manbeck Bread 7:30 p.m. Ladies. Aid The program is planned
Meeting. for the outdoors on the
= | Wednesday church lawn. However in
)N FLORIN PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-444¢ | 7:00 p.m. Midweek Pray-icase of rain, it will be held
NG1 Service. |in the church sanctuary.
8 | Everyone is welcome.
: p.m. Senior Choir re- *—
598% C. W. Herr yy T Ive Quartet
: weilve ua
Ford Sales & Service Trinity Lutheran Church .
Gulf Gas & Oil Products Lester Koder, Pastor | To Give Program
S unday
4 WEST MAIN ear ot MOUNT JO 9:30 a.m. Sunday School b yisie will
. ofe one 3- 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- P¢ presented at the TS
National Bank & Trust Co. Heilig Funeral Home ship I ro Mesting |
5 23 WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY ; [ ayy JL ’ -
of Mount Joy SIMON P. NISSLEY — MARY G. |} hes Hing. at 7:30. o'clock,
Big SICO RESULAR Crossroads Brethren In Sponsored by the East
. MOUNT JQY FLORIN JAMES B. HEILIG Funeral Ditectors $I1CO EXTRA i eg Hempfield Osteopathic Guild
= lig . aul Z. Hess {the program will be called,
Open Friday ’Til Eight - Closed Saturday Funeral Director ESD MAL or dor ie Herik Brubaker, Pastors |The Gospel in Song.”
NAG ST. N ERs iii - in Mumma, Supt. | Officers of the organiza-
a gyn SICO & Sunday us :
Phone 3-9251 unday [tion ineludé Jennie Grube,
VALVOLINE 9:15 a.m. Sunday School |president; Bessie Graybill
H 20 Ech ls tary, izabeth
3. Sensening Sloan Pharmacy Arthur J. Ulrich reat mie Der. (Bros, eet
La, : SL . end and Mrs. John L. Ros-|
oY Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens Prescriptions Rexall Drug Products Plumbing & Healin Ge ) enberry. They have accept. | SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC
206 EAST MAIN STREET ~~ MOUNT JOY | 65 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY 9 : AT eo Lor ion pastorste ot!” 0 Lutheran
al Phone 3-8651 Phone 3-3001 22-Hour Service on al Sones Automatie 7:00 p.m. Christ's Crusad-|Sunday School will hold its
Heating Equipmen j ‘ers, Paul Frey will be speak- (annual Public Picnic Satur-
2 BOX 306 LANDISVILLE PHONE 812% ing and showing pictures of day, July 27, on the grounds
ja heifer project as'it operat-|ddjoining ‘the chugpéh. In case
hi ander ay He served in|of#rain, the’ picnic will be
J. B. Hostetter & Sons Wolgemuth Inc. Adam H. Greer § Equador, California and New held on July 30.
“ : 00 ay gg
dg. Hardware — Appliances Graceful and Sincerely Yours JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP Ming pan. | Message by’ Rev. | OBER REUNION.
WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY 14 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Artcarved Diamonds | Wednesday |" The Ober. reunion will be
Phone 3-3721 Phone 3-9681 *87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meetinglheld a t- Penryn Church
Phone 3-4124 —ry Grove on Sunday, July 28th.
i Bulletin advertisement pays. Lunch at 12 noon.