PE Mle baad Sd vagy “a The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa Thursday, July 25 2 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN Published every at 11 East Main Street, Mt. Joy, Lancastsr County, Pa. Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor and Publisher. Thursday Subscription Rate $2.50 per vear by Mail Advertising rates upon re- quest, Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Pa., as second- class mail under the Act of, ww. March 3, 1879. sraduated from Member, Pennsylvania News- 8 hi Dental College paper Publishers’ Association 9¢1Phia Dental College, ceived notification on =——= day that he successfully . passed the examination be- eddings TESTERMAN | Jane Arndt, to Charles Staley, of + When I By Martha Rainbolt i FIFTY YEARS AGO t July 22, 1907 l the re- risburg and can’ now ARNDT Miss Nancy daughter of Mr, William S. Arndt, Mount Joy calves which weighed R1, became the bride of pectively 95 and 85 pounds. Isaac H. Testerman, son of) Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tester- heim on in Pennsylvania. near, res-| Florin journeyed to Man-! Saturday afternoon man, Glade Spring Rl, Va. and succeeded in defeating! Saturday, in Donegal Pres-the team of that place by a] byterian Church, with the score of 13 to 10. The game Rev. Harlan C. Durfee offi- was a slugging match thru-| ciating. The couple will re- out, side at 4 West Walnut Street,, What might have Marietta, serious accident occurred | EE this morning while Mrs. Jac- ZIMMERMAN HESS ob H. Zeller was hanging up The marriage of Miss Jo- Wash. The wash prop fell Ann R. Hess, daughter of Mr. and struck her on the mouth and Mrs. Miller M. Hess, of breaking one of her teeth. been a Mount Joy, to Earl B. Zim- re merman, son of Mr. and THIRTY. YEARS AGO Mrs. Harry Zimmerman, of July 27, 1927 Manheim, took place Satur-| Frank Zimmerman, an em- day on the lawn of the brides ploye of Geo. Brown's Sons, home, with the Rev. Henry had his hand badly hurt on Lutz officiating. Friday. Mr. Zimmerman fell, After the reception at Hos-/and a fork pierced his hand. tetter’'s Banquet Hall, Mount, Four hundred members of Joy, the couple left on aithe Brandt clan held the 3rd wedding trip through Newlannual reunion on the Eliza- York State and Canada. They bethtown College campus, will reside at Mount Joy R2., The Well Baby Clinic was) mes (ff wien held at the American Legion! a. ‘Home on Tuesday, May 26. | There was an excellent at- ENGAGEMENTS tendance of 58 babies, 43 aoe oe eet LL mothers and 6 visitors . | A pretty wedding was sol- near Mount Joy on] NISSLEY—MALM Mr. and Mrs, Simon P.|Thursday afternoon at four Nissley, East Main Street, o'clock, July 21, at the home announce the engagement of of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sentz their daughter, Miss Sally when their daughter Ruth, Ann Nissley, to Duane S.became the bride of Roy Malm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shoats, of Canada. John S. Malm, Erie. TEN YEARS iN acters, ss co 1 5 AGO Miss Nissley was graduat July 24, 1947 ed from Mount Joy high, school and Simmons College, Monday Mr. and Mrs. Max Boston Mass. She is a gradu-/Kaplan, who conducted the ate student in nutrition edu- Lincoln Bowling and Res- cation at the Boston Dispen- taurant here for some time, sary and Tufts University, moved to Warner, Okla, Medford, Mass. where they will reside for Her fiance is a graduate of the presezt, . Yale University, New Haven, Struck by 2 bolt of ahd “the Harvard ning during a teeming thun- Graduate School of Business, d¢rshower Thursday after- Cambridge, Mass. He is 2 barn located one ciated’. with the Riso: Stand: mile north of Marietta on ard Oil Company. Bayonne, Mount Joy Road was destroyed in a $15,000 blaze. New Jersey. Sey Rev. Thomas A. McGregor of the Presbyterian Church was this week's speaker at Lost Boat Rotary. McGregor’s subject was ‘The Influence of the Is Recovered Printed Word.” ’ Mr. and Mrs. Earl W, The aluminum boat thought stolen from the Little Chiqg- Garber, 10 E. Henry St, Mt. ues School Park has been Joy, annocnced the engage- recovered. The boat had been/ment of their daughter, purchased by the SICO Com- Charmaine Faye Garber to pany {or use at the park and Ira Eugene Ruhle, Manheim had been anchored in the'™!: A creek. The boat was discov-, ered upstream near the local Bulletin advertisement pays. water works by a group of boys Tuesday. Although the oars had not been with the! QUALITY MEATS boat, it was discovered that L 7 7 limbs had been used to guide ALSO A FULL LINE OF the boat. Although it was! mud-covered, it was not BIRDS EYE damaged. FROSTED FOODS For finding the lost boat, the boys were given a rope swing over the swimming area which they had reques- Fruits & Vegetables ted. Company workmen stalled the swing Kpgfffs Meat Market After the boat has been WEST MAIN. ST.. MT. JOY cleaned, it will again be sta-| tioned at the park for use but will be chained. Frank Germer will be in charge of the key to the locked chain and persons may contact Mr. | Germer for use of the boat, | VS Beat the high cost of fire . ,. HIGHWAY ZOO | ke Be sure your fire insur- I ance keeps pace with ris- |i ing building costs. Check }i it with us. No obligation J of any kind. Wiley&Rutt Agency { TheWOLF "This is the prowler, the rogue of the road, the cruising Casanova. He + mis bo middesged bald and lite 856 EAST MAIN ST. ‘winded. But he’s giving every bobs 3 R26 the eye, regardless. If he'd react 10 © Suis i he does to a doll, he'd. M yy PA. koa dream driver insecd of TW 8-3711 nightmare, -Marietta HA 6-7471 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL wood God.” He is able and will: ing to help you. Our problem is to turn our faith loose. R. Heilig, who recently mann Hospital, Houston, Texas Phila-|~she was on crutches. Mon- whom Anna was riding when the train-auto accident occurred, fell lin love with her and they were married. fore the State Board at Har- her 22, 1952, she was stricken hang with polio and rushed to Jeffer- .out his shingle any old place son A Holstein cow "7. 1953. Two weeks later, and Mrs. Marietta, gave birth to twin crutches. VETTE Rafa ABUNDANT LIFE BY ORAL ROBERTS atti atte tert tists TURN ME LOOSE — I'M GOING TO The world cannot hear this couple were praying nessage too often, “God is a themselves, He said, precise moment a strane feel- ing entered into Anna's frail body and she said there was a general tingling throughout her Her legs felt strange and An overwhelming com. | | © WALK Anna's history was pretty In January 1951, she was n a traincar wreck and sus ained a severely*fractured right eg and complications, When Anna was released from Her- alive. WALK." “Honey,” she said, “help me get up.” She grasped his hands and pulled herself up from the divan with her own power. Sgt. Bill W., the friend with Bill watch apprehensively. She grabbed for Anna’s hand and at- However on Septem-| tempted to steady her. loose!” she exclaimed. “I'm go- ing to walk. God has hold of me.” Anna W. did walk. Her un- steady steps grew firm. She tossed back her head and cried exultantly, “The Lord has healed me!" Davis Hospital, Houston's Polio Center. The baby, little Benjamin Rex, was born Janu- Anna left the hospital—still on Just one year later, spondyli- tis, a disease similar to polio, entered into Anna's life. This left her confined io a wheel chair. April 25, 1955 they arrived in Wichita Falls, Texas where Bill was stationed at Sheppard Air Force Base. On the first Sunday, Bill and Anna and another young couple were watching a reli gious television program in their home. The program was concern- ing God's love and His power. He was presented as a good God, One Who is able to heal. At the close of the program there was prayer for those viewing the to lift him. What an excited group of peo- ple! Anna was crying and laugh- Anna was healed! Anna is walk- ing today. Here is the story of the Wich- ita Falls miracle that has been paper in the United States and broadcast over several radio net- program. Bill shot a quick glance at his | works. It happened on May 1, wife sitting across the room [1955 at 1:53 p.m, Sunday after- from him. He and the other TELLS OF THREAT An address which caused much comment when it was! originally given at the re- cent annual meeting of the . Donegal Society, was repeat-! fF ed Tuesday noon for wet I Caseo Ire Joy Rotarians. At the Donegal meeting, Simon Nissley transcribed the address with his tape re-! corder and he replayed it as the feature of the weekly luncheon at Hostetters. The speaker, Cameron Hawley, recently returned from a second trip noon. In Mount Joy and Vicinity around concerning Red China. { | It is his opinion that the U. S. has more to fear from {that area than from Commu- [nist Russia. { | | What, We Call News Have You Been Visiting ? Had Visitors ? Been Divorced ? Been Jilted ? Got Engaged ? Joined a Club or Been Thrown Out of One Had An Accident ? Bought Anything ? Sold Something ? Had a Party ? Been To One ? Had Triplets, Quads or Even a Baby ? | News. Please Tell Us So We Can Print It And Tell Your Friends @ The BULLETIN Phone 3-9661 MOUNT JOY pulsion told her to GET UP AND | | | | { oi ils Ellsworth are enjoying vacation for several weeks. | bel MAYTOWN The Union Picnic will [held at Hershey Park Aug. th, The Rev. John Wolfe is in| {charge of the morning wor-,.q friend visited at quietly to [ship services at Petersburg, Va. “At that Lutheran Church while Re vacation. Dons. Yoray his last Thursday. They plan on eave an visiing 5 stay three weeks. Misses) parents, : Donna Singer and Lorraine Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waller Gilbert are Miss Grace ; Ricl St. John and week v. Wilbur Allison is on guests of and Mr. and Mrs. 4 Smith left last Florida. gone for two weeks.’ : Mrs. lurched forward with staggering, Wilbur Kendig, Mrs. Robert! unsteady steps. In panic, Bill |r seal, Miss Patsy Houseal| “Turn me |and Mrs. Annie Arnold Friday for] Esther Shirk, Mrs. Zinn is al the Columbia ho ital. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wa of Enola also have a ne Henderson) Michael Gratch joined his family at Avalon, N. J. 1= eA SHANLES a aa 1 Notice Office of . . . Dr. Newton Kendig WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION | . JULY 18th to 29th Nn Gn SEE =/ MN, AN) a the Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Zinn They expect to be of Marietta R1 are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs.| S- t- w tended the Grocer's Picnic pay gir], Mrs. Watson was jat Atlantic City last former Mae Engle of day. town. Mrs. Vernon ‘Baum and, mye Boy Scouts visited {children of Easton are spend- wWGAL-TV Studio Monday ing two weeks at the home Mr. and Mrs. H. The Ladies’ Adult Bible She picked up little Benny lof raised him high over her head| ina head ne thrill of full motherhood. This was her child and although he was 28] months old, this was the first|day at Avalon, N. J. time she had ever had strength | ler and children “spent Sun- oye at Keener’s patio (Class of St. John’s Luthers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dup- Church had a chicken barb day of last weck. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Mr. and Mrs. we Tue in e- S- Richard |Sload and children and Mrs. Flickinger of Hanover : re {Sarah Sload spent Sunday at/guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ing, and Harold and Bill were French Creek. giving happy shouts of praise] for the miracle of deliverance. dren of Bromall are visiting {the Brandts and Gree week. Mrs. Minerva Brynes is published in every major news-|visiting El (New Holland visited at the | {nome of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. |Boltz, Jr. last week. |of {Albright and Fryberger fa- milies. { | ETS 40th Year . . Ford-Mercury Garber Motor Co. i a [pa |Rowenna on Sunday no inold Fink Mrs. Earl Carver and chil-\yeek end. Mr. and Mrs. and son over tl Ralph jon Monday evening. —— mr ee Misses Annic and izabeth Brandt. Miss Connie There is more water 1 Schroll of | — USED CARS Mrs. Robert Loury and son ne : > Fink rs this of Mt. Wolf visited the Finks than and on the earth’s surftce. Pittsburgh are viditing the ‘56 Plymouth Club Sedan [55 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan Fire Com-| 95% Plymouth Club Sedan call to|'54 Plymouth Convertible after-'54 DeSoto Hardtop ‘54 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan The Maytown ny answered a on. Be sure to patronize the | {food sale on Friday at 4:30 53 Chevrolet Sedan jat |SO {Troop No. 53. the Fire Hall. red by It is spon- ‘53 Pontiac 4-dr. Sedan. the Boy Scout's] Dodge 4-dr. Sedan Mrs. Ruth Henderson, Lar-| . aR Henderson, Jere tender. EI Ament > ry son and friend, Miss Grace] DeSoto i your Henderson and friend atten-| plymouth Sd é {ded the Diehm family reun-| jion at the world to accumulate! ° background material for ws Dial 3- 4 writing, made a strong case Mobile Homes 56 | | { {munity Park. on Sunday. did The Rev. and Mrs, William| Phone 3-8271 \ Dodge Trucks N Holl: -1 ew Holland Com | MT. JOY, PA. Delta & Henry Sts. 5 7 Chrysler Wagon. Olds. 98 Convertible “headquarters for valu: Windsor Station $2,995 Aldus (Red) Hannan, o6 2-door 61.795 E. William (Bill) Pontz, |'55 Chrysler New Yorker Proprietors | Sedan Soi or $2,195 a SERVI '55 Chrysler Windsor 2-dr. SALES and SERVICE Newport, Air Condition- | mg. i. 0 $2,395 ROUTE 230 '55 DeSoto Station Wag MOUNT JOY 3-4516 OBE. i. oa reas $2,195 ee — '54 Chrysler New Yorker Sedan $1,595 Dr. John H. Stauffer = #5» ac secs 39 OPTOMETRIST '53 Imperial 4-dr. Sedan $1395 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa '53 2-dr. aed 5 op i .. $1,495 BY APPOINTMENT 53 Chrysler N.Y. Sedan Closed Wednesdays $1,095 Phone 3-8411 '53 Buick 2-door Hard- top $1,095 Plymouth Sedan with overdrive ead 52 Chrysler New Yorker dr... Cadillac 60 Special Sedan 52 Sales Representative CHRYSLER - AGENCY 329 South Main Street 329 West High Street MANHEIM MO-5-2933 ELIZABETHTOWN PHONE .7-1181 10-tfc| $895 $ 895 2 $1,695 49 Dodge 3; ton pickup $495 aul H. Stern PLYMOUTH JULY CLEARANCE ON GOOD USED CARS 1956 FORD .'V-8" STATION WAGON 4-DOOR, (THUNDERBIRD MOTOR) 1956 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR 8 CYL. FORDOMATIC R. & H. 1956 CHEV. DELRAY COUPE RADIO AND HEATER 1955 CHEV. 210 4-DR. SEDAN RADIO & HEATER, V-8 OVERDRIVE 1955 OLDS "88" HOLIDAY SEDAN LOW MILEAGE : 1954 OLDS "88" 4.DOOR FULLY EQUIPPED 1954 CHEV 210 STATION WAGON 4-DOOR, RADIO AND HEATER 1954 CHEV BELAIR SPORT COUPE 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-DOOR 8 CYL. FORDOMATIC H. & R. - POWER STEERING 1957 CHEV 2 TON PICKUP Newcomer Motors, Inc. West Main Street “Phone 3-4821 EN INE RR ERE AER ANNAN ENE | OPEN MONDAY, JULY 29 Ee — READING THE ADS |, BULLETIN | ADVERTISERS AT A&P, YOUR POCKETBOOK QUICKLY AND CONTINUALLY COLLECTS . .. avings! (in Vs-lb. prints... Ib. 69c¢) Fancy Creamery [-lb. solid ¢ Sunnyfield Butter 3 16 0z, cans Ai Ann Page Beans . 31c Corned Beef Hash: 2: 55° Allsweet Margarine 2 .: 53° Triple Cola 61% 49° A:P Orange * "i" 3“ 85 Es First of the Season, Large 36 Size : CANTALOUPES Heavy, thick, pink meated Cantaloupes from California San Joaquin Valley . . . 9. 49 None Priced Higher! {Special Low Price... None Priced Higher) 2 .. 25¢ (Special Low Price . .. None Priced Higher) . 35° ans 09° to 59¢ 8 2, 35¢ pT AN California {| Bartlett Pears Western Sweet Eating Bing Cherries i A&P Orange Juice Real Gold Lemonade Educator Cookies Kraft shor Potato Chips Cherry Pie AP Coffee Ice Cream Crestmont 1/2-gallon cont. All Prices in this Advertisement Are Effective Through Saturday, July 27th: 6 45° 57¢ 49° 45° i 1.19 79° 93 me Markets Tide Detergent 33° Duz Granulated Soap large ian 34¢ Si 81¢ pkg. Gerber Strained Baby Foods 10 i 99° Cape Cod or Butter Cookies 10-o0z. pkas. 33¢ Jane Parker. ..Each Twin Pack Contains Two 6-ounce cello, packages. Pint Jar 12-01. box Large 8-inch Pie Special Price! 47° _Sealtest _ 1/5-gallon eont. Jane Parker - Streusel b-oz, Jar 2-01. Oxydol Detergent 34¢ Duz Detergent 34¢ Joy Liquid Detergent 39¢ “68° Ivory Flakes giant 34¢ pkg. Dreft Detergent 33¢ 5 79¢ Cheer Detergent 30° large giant pkg. giant pk large pkg. large pkg. pkg. 81° 81¢ 9¢ giant pkg. large pkg. 81 giant can large can giant pkg. large pkg. 71 Your Mount Joy A&P Store OPEN FRIDAY = © *.u | Yo Porch tion, Joy 3 Irriga for sg Moun 3-695( Wond Big st good ¢ Bottle Ephra Eveni evenir Free | sed ing nn Way's Joy. Delux Range Ideal f{ shall Joy 3- ROOF Alumi Red .. Green Black For m Covers per gs MT. Ji Navy 3; sum Lester 3-9263 AKC weeks Road 3-6283, Cucum 100 or picking Joy 3- 5-8859. SPINE Wareh up to § to sell now. phone Bros., Harrisl Sweet ning J near Mount NICI At th near F until station your o Mount SE I'YPEW eash re safes, f used. A “Worth High S SEWIN thorized leading SINGEI MESTI( 8inkley Remnar tet St., [ndividt Support Back ar Mrs R. D, — HE Operato! parts of Also le Greenbu St., Eliz Baby-sit week, Phone L after 6 PART 1 Horner Joy. LADIES to $60 three ho investme For inte town 7- 52 Eliza er Ladies I gold. Or P. Lost Florin. (