The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 27, 1957, Image 8

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. IS EVERYBODY HAPPY? . . f
* Thursday, June 27 8s Scouts Prepare | Lo | Donegal Society | To Move Office, 4 birthday party was held
2 ARE ATTENDING For Jamboree Change Hours man Thursday evening, June
= DON'T WORRY, 2 oy | 20, at the home of her par-
KEYSTONE CAMP Seven local Boy Scouts y Tel 3 Wi ot otro] | _ | Beginning Monday, Dr. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne
Wavne Kleiner, son of Mr. and Explorers will be among THERE'S PLENTY (wal et: Cameron Hawley, Lancas- |g. qo. posted the following Hoffman, 305 E. Main St,
is Albert ‘Kleiner. the 111 boys from Lancaster MORE WHERE Ny TSE] ter author, told members of hours to be in effect during Mount Joy, Those that at- )
Ey ae ,. County to attend the Nation CAME fie BoA id the Donegal Society that ‘the summer: Monday thru tended were most of the! SUPER
Florin: and Michael MceDiv ounty to attend Na a : THIS \ Ih AE : . re Friday 9:00 dl 1.00: T Boils OF Mic: Werren Hole:
ett. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- al Jamboree in Valley Forge. es Ang 21 China is the coming Com- [Friday 3:00 unt NY uss. i. Orla : , FR IR ITH LT LCE
21 . ott { The county boys will be er XY A RT y day evening 6:00 till 8:00, ey's 4th grade class of Mount a
nard McDivett, Marietta, lef I coun 3 - £5 munist power to be feared. J : oy school A
Rey: ale’e at t divided into three troops for fA " «| Saturday morning 9:00 till Joy elementary school.
Sunday for a week's stay at divide troops of <r Mr. Hawley was the main Jo} Fit day eve. - 4
the Pennsylvania Keystone the camping perioc July \ speaker at the 44th annual T°" dav oH . g
Camp Ta 4 is the date lof Yn) < ad of the Society held ang Sad Satin ten Fresh Ir Fund Rainy Bay or Sunny |
: those from the county who i% fm a : tan | Wi e by appointment only. Ai | vy »
The two were chosen to Ui," jive from Lancaster IW = PON Raf) in Donegal | Special hours, other than Aeme Saves You Money
represent the area by the nd teturn home July 19 J SH Py urch, Nis Y, u in those listed above, a¥e avail- Won't you share your
Walter S. Ebersole Post 185“ CO 2 : During the business meet- ed that he will move to hishome, for just two weeks, |
American Legon. They will] The Boy Scouts to attend 7 mn) we ing two local persons were "ome location at 81 E. With a needy New York City
both be seniors at Donegal are James Ph'llips and John pL PR oe gate of new Main . Street, 1st floor rear, Youraser during July and| A .
High School next fall Gates Explorers wi e ~ 3 : > officers. iss ary came- Lind Wiley & Rutt Insur- ugust: 1 B th
’ Haro tsell, Jr., Richard og 2 7 HH al Springs, $ :
Albert Kleiner transported 1 old a Re ena i. SILA wii Mgrs mo Wy ang: ance office about the end of Contact any of these A gives 0) 0
the two boys and the two : TD de : 2 & d res Ha
. Heisey, and Robert Buche- ; PN Maurice N. Bailey, Donegal
representatives from the YOU MEAN | 7a fy 2 Vk) aed : iy | .
Manheim post, obert Ureiner following the - PLENTY % 4 ~~ OJ) Wn i | The milk production of a Mrs. Adin Mumma, 3-6043
and James Lawton. The par-, _, "70 ert Buche- MORE"? A 4 > |" Prior to the afternoon ses-| ¢OW is reduced more rapidly Mrs. Paris Hostetler, 3-6135
ty assembled at the Sheetz = C7 lo) lo tor Europe sion. a memorial tree was PY too little water than by Mrs. Arthur Brubaker 3-4722
Funeral Home Sunday morn. for the Internati mal jam dedicated in memory of Miss | anything else.
ing for the rin to the Lock bores. jubilee : : 4 3 A x . Mary Watson Potierson. | A RA a es NH SEL
Haven State Teachers Col Harold Etsell will serve as ds 3 Mount Joy, a. member of an | :
lege Where be i Week a junior assistant Scout- INRA ) x old Donegal family, and a HR felis 4
camp JS Deing held. master ot the national jam- QA > © us {member of the First Presby-| | he St
boree. He was also chosen 2 fie kU § |terian Church, Mount Joy. BN | 1) | 1 (HH HT
AUXILIARY CHANGES to serve in the Region 3 ! 3 a : aii] |The tree, a white oak, was : i i
MEETING NIGHT band which will be the of- feasts. | (presented by Mrs. Elbert V.
Fifteen members attended jamboree band. He will AA = | Brown, Carlisle, who was a 2 HOLIDAY SPECIAL! SUNNYDELL
the meeting of the local fire play trumpet in the musical 3 2 os SARHAM friend of Miss Patterson. The
. Biv avs ling ‘ vis HUNTS : ’
company _auxiliar y last organization - I : Se =" tree is planted near the z 0
Thursday in the firehouse » 5h a |driveway entrance. A
Mrs. George Copenhaver was a - eel r——— 2 i
in charge. Birthday greetings a =— {
were extended to Mrs. Min- Farm Women INJURED IN CRASH ATTEND PICNIC rages om aml
He A ting of the No. 8 Sponsor Mrs. Jane Stites, thirty- Twenty-four members was_ called to take
group Bas Deen ® changed . : four, 37 West Main Street, tended a picnic meeting ofl ne trip last week. A Mr. -
a Hh yom thangs (Picnic was injured Monday while the Sisterhood Bible Class of Davis, Birchland Avenue, FREE ESTIMATES D. Earl Heisey
night to Thursday, July 11. Sixtv members and fami- riding In [car driven DY her St. Mark’s E.U.B. church'was transported to the St.
> a IXty membe es 1" husband, Coleman H. Stites, ed held ind Joseph’s Hospital Friday, “De Const PHONE
WAY'S ies attended the Saturday on Route 230 at Landisville. ues ay nigh ie Ir oors Jane 21, by drivers Christ ependable onstruc- ;
vienic of the Farm Stites was treated at because of the rainy weath- Chiatles od Rey Myers with ‘ion vou can afford” LANDISVILLE { IDEAL FANCY IDEAL FLA.
Snciety No. 8 at the Donegal Lancaster General Hospital eT A program and gamer ~€ : on oa. {
Record Lancaster General FHospital,. .jicd the evening, The Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster as APPLE ORANGE
Club House in Donegalifor a cut on the right arm. ac i
: 2 roup decided to sell Christ- nurse.
Snoring. Miss Mary Strickler : : g |
orner gy ace. an © State Police said B. H.| .¢ 3 - rr. |
C ave an illustrated talk on gp. seventy-five, - Landis. nas cards in the near future.| | SAUCE JUICE
BY feos av i iss Eunice Herr, president,
her recent stay in Europe ville, was headed south of Pp
Mrs. Clinton Eby, Mrs. Church Street, Landisville, was in charge. i |
“WHITE, SILVER SANDS" David Wiimer, Mrs. H. land his auto was struck { 16 oz. ec 2 46 Oz c
Don Rondo Crouse, Mrs. Amos Newcom- ya by the Stites auto ifi d 2 | cans cans
er, Mrs. Christ Stoner and as he crossed the bypass. ry lassi Ie i :
I'M GONNA SIT RIGHT nirs. Charles Shank were Shenk was charged with fail-
DOWN AND WRITE MY- hostesses. to Sia 1] ; 1 |
SELF A LETTER" “The next meeting will belie io yield the right of way. for QUicCK results | CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SAUCE

August, committee memberss

ctn C

next Total damage was estimated
Billy Williams held at the home of Mr. and at $550 | : |
” . Mrs. Norman Garber, Mount| — . | {
wr i a aa 3 Sr St PORK & BEANS
Jodie Sands will be guest speaker.
ew E | ® Florin Petitions | cans’
Mills Brothers been taken in the area with EAST MAIN STRE
results favoring t A A ET MOUN
“TEDDY BEAR" results favoring annexation, OUNT JOY WALDORF GLENDALE CLUB
Elvis Presley the commitice is anticipating . -
: a majority in favor of an- Will Close at 6 p. m. EE | TOILET CHEESE
WAY'S A liances nexation. Atty. was :
in charge of the meeting and
pp Joseph Michiels, engineer, EVERY SATURDAY - ~~ TISSUE LO
48 W. Main St.,, Mount Joy [explained the area planning Ww 4
Phone 3-3622 and maps. | =
cis, Ib.
= : : d ar rolls 25: box ©.
Announcing | 1 7 RIB ROAST
THe Opening | oo FS Be
OF THE | |
| Lancaster Franks ib 4c
D 0 N F G A L | : "3 Crab Meat Fresh Picked Claw 1b an
NEW and USED REPEL-O-TIZED - | C eit 53
45 E. Main St. Mount Joy |f SUIT Imported Canned Hams 2. $1%°


ONDAY, JULY 1st, 1957 || — Chickens + 37.
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Attend Cur Opening on the Double Quick and Scoop You can dip a Repel-O-tized Northcool in water. It comes ous
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