The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 27, 1957, Image 2

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.! RI LS ] = | Ju
Ey FLORIN | My Favorite | MORE TO FOLLOW Packages Sent | OR wre dh :-
"THE MOUNT JOY A - il Prayer phil, MR Bb ssi For World Relief! to Applicatons ate now bere Ac Classes :
BULLETIN Mr Th a Mrs ion 311 : | | or of ehe oll orn 3 1957. If accepted, applicants x
Published every Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Jones 5 | tials he Vs ive free instruction, free textbooks, salary =
at 11 East Main Street, Mt. Little Family of Duncannon SPENt og hmitted to The Laymen's| | ‘ tates ncrease TWO toilets nih iy edn, classes and full maintenance, A .
Joy, Lancasisr County. Pa the weeit-end with the lat. National Committee jettes have been packaged Classes are conducted by staff of Registered Nurses. m
Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor Bi d ters sister and brother-in by * oh » land seni to the Lutheran] Apply to: x
and Publisher. 13 law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles |World Relief. The layette * 7 MISS GENEVA HEPNER, R.N. x
tusbd . oy. Dunkelberger Hon. Charles S. Thomas ISA } i Y ene i 4 larticles weve contributed by Personnel Director
by M i pe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Re Secretary of the Navy |members of the Young La- PHILADELPHIA FREEMASONS’ MEMORIAL [
vear by Mai mr. & S arr) wiv oe ‘hose . : ry amie i i om I's ) Le / EMAL
Advertising rates upon re- Told Me "ei » heard and children spent Father whose A total of 15 states have increased maximautn [dies Bible Class of Trinity HOSPITAL a
quest. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ger- from Sunday till Thursday at ya sm X The ul ee workmen's compensation benefits and several others |Lutheran Church, which met ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. — PHONE 7-1121 M 1
Entered at the post ofTic berich Yh "i 3 into their new New York and New Jersey pat Br n a is over are expected to follow suit before current legislative [Wednesday evéning at the 26-2c § 3
a Maunt Joy. Pa. as net gh home on Park avenue Mon-| Mr. and Mrs. Aaron "aq whose love never Sessions are completed [Farisn louse BW Mary | S——————— :-+
class mail under 1c Act o alter ontortsine > as § : : . . presiding. a /
March 3, 1879 101 this week i agin De faileth: Let me be aware ofl The following is a list of mont also allows $2 a week| A, other a arial
somber. Pennsylvania News —— Ing pune on » ay,| esence and obedient ag spende io 706 -
Mi mbe 5 i ania yeu % 3 Mrs. Mary Buckwalter and Ty Pp Lan me true the states that have upped for each depe ndent : underfen and finished was the RGE CARRIG ER .
paper ublishers ssociatic Mrs James Elvin of Ta- Mr. and: Mis: Landis 1 WI P oD einavalle ‘under their the age of 21. Wyoming, al- housecleaning of the kitchen . .
a —— | PFO i P: . spending a to my best self, guarding me payable - benefits under : tie lard -
Ee mp Rane, RA. x PW nding a walter of Lancaster, R.D. and agains! dishonesty in pur-giatut though it did not change mw a group of, . d B d Sh :
. . week here wilh her son .,.q4 Mrs. David i rad, Slatules: top figure of $46.15, now per-jladies irom the class. { 0 0 a ~-
Landisville - Salunga Dr. and and children of pote IQ A uae 2 help. State From To nr an employe to collect The topic of discussoin Paint an y P .
Mrs . J. Elvin 3S y : Mr. and! DE me 6 y : 36.75 A as “Little ings a :
A Smoketown, . and Mr. and g..4 ynashamed and una- Colorado $31.50 $36.75 that amount if he has four Tile hel Wrecks Rebuilt — Cars Painted — Body and a
Emm TET Mrs. John Gdube of Lititz. ; . o yr (1430 40 48 dependents. : instesd £ jhe d 2| a.
Charles Heaps, principal at 8 |fraid before my shipmates, dependents, instead of the. and hostesses Doro- Fender Work -
By Richard Jones a Cn “Mrs. Walter Brandt held a my loved ones, and Thee. Indiana 33 36 previously required six. thy Heilig, Mae Gerberich »
y ; re he Mot Joy Elementary talliday Plastic Demonstra- protect those in whose love Kansas 32 34 New York cianged ite dla oY Ete Hels y Electric & Acetylene Welding i
oaresponae school, 1s working this at her home on Monday HE tive x s will 1 Spoils i Ne or he S sta-|d y. j . an
The Landisville at the Union National ayening with 25 guests pres- | ve. ive I hi ane Maryland is a [tute to permit coverage for There me plans being Wheels Balanced and Aligned flout.
BARS “°F Mount Joy bank, a ss Lillie Sauder of Share of 5 9 disabilities caused = by ioniz-made for a family picnic o .
of Foreign Wars, Pbst 5995, — : ent. Miss Lillie Sauder accept my share of 3250 A the class, to be held in July] PHONE E-TOWN 7-6450 RHEEMS P
= Lancaster represented thegponsibilities with a strong neve a. 4154 51.9208 radiation and removed at the Clyde Wivell farm
played host to the Lancaster] Miss Romaine Shank, col- Company. heart and a cheerful mind. [Lc M i 30 42.35 some time limits for contrac. Plans for the August meet. | -
County Council VFW at allege Sutlent, is working Sys Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauff- Make me considerate eXico 34 as [ting diseases a nd flinging are with a committee—| = A
; wi ng her summer vacation at, ich a. shes ahoma 35 Bria sv. Weed : are Bee
Meeting of the organization First National bank in|Kaufr and ro St entrusied bl It lead: south Dakota 28 3 lelainis, New Meio, nude gloria Keener, Patricia PATRONIZE BULLETIN ADVERTISERS
it. Friday might at - the [Kauffman were supper guestsership and faithful to the lcoverage of the law compul- Shearer and Mae Gerberich.
last FiGRy niga A 1€|Mount Joy. »f Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Big-|duties my country has tn- Tennessee 30 32 sory rather than elective and : fess
Mountville VFW post 8757. ler, at Mount Joy on Mon- trusted to me. Let my uni- Utah 40.50 47.25 0° administration was re .
i g lei forneyv ». dav evening OTR n ailv SP . $ Sire as - .
In charge of the meeting] Mrs. Glenn Forney, Done-|day evening. form remind me daily of the Vermont 28 30 Lo oot fron: the lands of the Most A&P Self-Service Markale will be

zal Springs road, is on vaca-| Mr. and Mrs. John Weiser/traditions of the service of Washington 42.69 56.77
} rage Tav . ‘ is- ‘ 1 $
were George Taylor, Landis lion this week from herland son of Elizabethtown which I am a part. If I am i : courts and placed with O en Friday to Q p.m.
ville, commander of the{quties at the Armstrong- spent Saturday evening with inclined to doubt, steady my In addition to raising itsja Workmen's Compensation P
Hempfield post VFW, and/Cork Research and Develop-/pMr and Mrs. David Geib. (faith; if T am tempted, make maximum $2 to $30, Ver- Commission.
ment center in Lancaster. q/me strong to resist: if 1 : Sat. to 6 p.m.

Mrs. Winifred Brendle, pres- Mrs. Harry Herr visited| : :
: . oo vi —_— Mrs. Sarah Espenshade at should miss the mark, give 4 Ci Of '42 TREE SERVICE
ident of the county council HT fe me courage lo trv again. 1ass . :
| Mrs. Aldus Hannon is at-|Mount Joy on Wednesday. 8 y agan
group, Ladies Auxiliaries. tending the Eastern Star al Rat dan Mrs. Guy wicherly Guide me with the light of (Continued from Page 1) SAWING. PRUNING All A&P Self-Service Markets will be
The meeting marked the vention this week in Phila- Nordistown called on Mrs truth and keep before me the activities during the past FIREPLACE WOOD OPEN NEXT
; ie m emg iss th lelphia Ruth Klugle and “Mr. and ge of Him by whose exam- fifteen years, Letters and G
first business se ssion for the a Mrs. David Geib on De and help 1 trust to ob telegrams were read from] E. W. GUTHRIDGE July
newly elected officers and ppc Eugene Eicherly, day. jain the gnswel to my pray-istudents who could not at-| R. D. 4, MANHEIM WEDNESDAY ( 3rd )to9 P.M.
the last meeting before thelstenographer at the Donegal 1M/Sgt. and Mrs. Richard eT, Jess Chnst our Lord. tend the affair. Phone Mount Joy 3-5832 r
department encampment to High school, is in Philadel- Kauffman left Wednesday The planning committee in CLOSED INDEPENDENCE DAY,
‘ . this week to attend a morning for their home in FIREMEN CALLED cluded Mrs. Ralph Alleman,
be held at Harrisburg in secretary’s workshop. Del Rio. Texas. after spend- my HAY FIELD Mrs. Marlin Ney, Mrs. Paul THURSDAY, JULY 4th
July. — ing some time with the for- Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-

Lae Mrs. Elsie Kirk of Mech- mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mount Joy, Florin and lace Zerphey, Asher Beames- *
ci lang ANiCsburg is spending two'B, F. Kauffman, Rheems firemen were call- derfer, Harold Fellenbaum, f
Mrs. Edna R. Sheckart, son-in-law ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barn-/ed Sunday afternoon, 2:30 Marshall Gemberling and n asco Ire

Hawaiian Purch v5.00
cans ?
weeks with her (BN) 1-lb Il
counselor at the Hempfield and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. hart of Elizabethtown visited P-m., to extinguish a blaze Mr. Hallgren. i WwW £ -Ib. cello, ¢
resigned Michael J. Pricio, Cedar their daughter and son-in- west of Florin. On the John, Mr. anc Mrs. Beamesder- e cia ugar o ers pkg. :
High School, has

andisville | law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul/M. Wolgemuth farm fire- fer were given a gift for the {
that post at the Landisville ie on Sunday. crackers were being set off couple having Rs: youngest In Mount Joy Lady Betty |5-0z. ¢
school, according to A. A. James Meminger is on| Mr. and Mrs. John Kissin- to scare away birds from the child. Mr. Hallgren conduct- ! vcum er & ers Brand ar
Hackman, Supervising Prin- Yacstion is Week ftom his ger and sons of Lancaster hres be aren: Pom ii ed a written quiz on past and Vicinity 3 !
th, uties at the First National were guests of Mr. and Mrs. fire o 1e firecrackers hay school knowledge amon >
cipal. {»ank. Earl Gerlitzki on Sunday. |in the adjacent field caught thirty class ee a he Hunts Tomatoes Stewed 2 14!/3-0z. 35¢
Both she and her husband,| Mr. and Mrs. B. K. auf. fare. tendance. Mrs. Richard Yohn ® Tomatoes cans
pax] i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurst man and Sgt. and Mrs. Rich-' ue to a heavy wind, the was awarded a rize for
Theodore Stierkart, will nd family will spend nextard Kauffman spent from fire spread. Firemen were having the aa ior Pal 3-3431 ¢ box of $
assume positions as guidance go at Ocean City, N. J. Thursday till Sunday at Mt./able to put out the fire afte~ the test. Of the class of 48 an Y ars 24 bars ®
counselors in the Red Lion art Pleasant Camp in New two acres of hay had been original 30 at- prs AE TRA) Son y
Area School District this| Mrs. Robert Miller and mantown, Perry Co. destroyed. = The estimated ‘cided the zai: and 10 sent BR RT SRR Pe obi of,
es. 0 .__|Faye Stephens have motored] Mrs. Warren Eshelman of damage was $50 worth of letters or other messases. He Sie
fall. Theodore Sheckart Denver, Colo., where and Mrs. Nor-thay. Ray Myers was ine __ = Red Ripe

been a guidance counselor at \fijler joined her husband, gen Mateer 0 M Joy spent charge. | Ee
: ; . is stationed at iy! sday with their parents ws eters fl mrp
Me Cot ore hor Sonos eran Soran Miss Ste. Mr. and Mrs. George a] Patronize Bulletia Advertisers. : NOTICE!
of tne Hempla facut tor Ys ik wit Sle Wi Me. wien vt of 1 PREF GEBVICE| We Will b |
two years, and previously ‘emain in Colorado. Verto 3s Spending ne i RVICE 1 e Closed
Fifteen members of the Ages 28 Sy ANI A and i A L L D A Y WwW E D N E S D A Y
Yount Joy Esplorer Brows Hess and sons and Mr. and B. B. IBACH UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
The couple presently #39 went recently
quarter melon 20¢
55 whole melon e
half melon

was a member of the staff at
Linden Hall, Lititz.

s Nawv Vard : Tadel. Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Pl 5-4616
side at 745 Locust Street, he Navy Yard at Philadel Nir Hanne va], ais one ; |
; »hia. Charles Buchenauer Mrs. Kenneth Hickernell and 39 g ain St. Manheim Pa ll Sh S | :
Columbia. Both have served ind Warren Heisey and Mr. 300 spent the week-end AY | € aC orner oe tore | California (Special LowPrics.. .. Nove Priced Higher]
as associate directors at/ind Mrs. Harold Etsell their camp in Blain, Perry VE UP TO | EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY % i ¢
. Tavis fu re 5. | 2 banied the boys he “0: SA Oo |
Camp Nawakwa, Arendts-| ‘Omi i 18: Joys on fie Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Nay- oo 95.1 | 3 Grapes Ib. 25
: . rip.
ville, Pa., for the past sevenjsi:i. qa ir CHT : lor of West Chester spent the —
hiladelphia Airport. A high-
years. ight of the trip was a tour Week-end with the former's)
chert of a submarine that was used aunt, Mrs. Sara Seblege-
The Salunga Fire Company| n World War II. On the Puilch. { M S | M
is completing a fund-raising!way home they drove Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ma-
8 hrough Valley Forge and SOD and Mrs. Katie Foreman
5 5 . Nice Marv Sel at Tie
saw the National Jamboree and Miss Mary Gish of Eliz
went abethtown, R.D. were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Kauffman on Tuesday eve-

+ Fresh Corn "> 5. 29¢
: Fresh Salad XS: Sale!
® hs: reen Peppers (bunc adishes (cello our Choice!
Hauling of All Kinds & hy Song Radi feels. 3. 10¢
Lettuce or Romaine Lettuce (head)
drive this week for the im-
provement of the Salunga- .amping site, and also
Landisville Community Park,/swimming at French Creek.

located on the Old poo poe 0 Horna- ning, . Badia 4
burg Pike, being sponsoreditius Jr.,, and H. G. Carpen- - Mrs. Aaron Buckwalter ge °
3 Area el ter were in York last week Was admitted to St. Joseph’s| C WwW L T i A&P 4 B Cut or
by. the Are. ittending the annual meet- Hospital on Monday as a H AN 2 pes fring euans French Style pkgs. ¢

SN a © A&P Spinach

<ite hi ‘h : iA: aii
The six-acre site, on which]. 4) Pennsylvania state surgical patient.
has been erected a large pic-iAssociation of Mutual Insur-

nic pavillion, swings andjance companies. y SERVICE €EATURING. now . ¢ i
: : re — — THE PATENTED COMBLSTION == ! -0z.
slides for the children, is ex- > . ; od S Cr Pp 0 g ot 6 6%
| Baxter W. Wells, newly- =I MAPA, HEAD which produces a hotter | STRAW -HAY -PEAS - ASHES - JUNK DE a 0 y sans

as USING A 5%-TON TRUCK Le rae E Soi J lh ¢
SA Sari : arge Eggs vi. sod cuir: §9
2 EET Sh h
: BURNS ALL TvPE OF DOMES- | arp C eddar Cheese Ib. A
oul Nutley Ol i i BGS
Arthur J. Ulrich UMey Uleomargarine 2...
nize ser Salad Dressing “7: 29¢ = 49¢
Crestmont Ice Cream 5 79¢
ds f Pennsylvania State Univer-
at . oceeds 3 : :
tract of land. Proceeds from giv {jis week.
pected to be increased Mount Joy sewage A
twice its present size with plant operator, is attending + pr
the purchase of an adjoining? Sewage Works School at

the drive will be used for a
the purchase of the land. An! Mr. and Mrs. AW. Fish-
Auxiliary building for stor- back ee Indian,
age has recently been com- for a visit with their son-in-
pleted. The Sertoma Club of aw ard Me and
n : ers , (AVAT'S, A. ainbolt
Hempfield Twp. is presently and family, Donegal Springs
completing a baseball dia- oad.
mond on the annexed tract i
of land. Miss Mary Smith, daugh-
: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Larmon = Se
The park area nas been py Smith of Prophetstown,
the scene of many recrea-Jil., formerly of Mount Joy,
tional activities, including is expected to arrive soon
ai for a visit with Miss Karen
church picnics, community Way, Donegal Springs road.
service organization activi-| ee
ties, family reunions, festi-! Mr. and Mrs. George Shat-
ay wuareito were in Erie, Pa. over
vals, barbecues and the week end to see their
dances. The park area iS|.,, in.]aw, George McCue
available to any group upon play ball. Mrs. McCue and
advance approval by the Sa-baby daughter Andrea, re-
. turned with them to Mount
lunga Fire Company Offi- Joy for a week.

from the home of
the man who meant to
tent a safe deposit box.
‘at the bank —
‘and didn't!

Box 306, Landisville, Pa.
Phone 8122

All Prices in this
advertisement effective
through Saturday, June 29th
Are You Proud of
Your Letterhead?


Kont Club Bosco Linit
i er Bl Chocolate Syrup Liquid Steich
box box 2% 37¢ 63¢ Quart 16¢ I/5-Gal. 27¢ box, $2.45 lar Bottle bottle
t you're not ycu should
es... because your

etterhead is your silent
cials. S| pie

willis Kendig is chairman| Mrs. Catherine Bennett of spokesman . . . your business ambassador to new |
Yon z i ” Mount Joy was elected a di- ~yrospects and old cus ers alike. Make sure that | I
for the drive, and is ‘being oa ry Pe prospects and old customers alike. Make sure that | / a i + B ue Dot Duz Dash Tritzels
assisted by Henry |p Association at its||| it is worthy of you. Let us design and print a Safeguard your vatu- Deter i D
gen og Food Pretzel
Robert Brubaker, William annual Meeting held Thurs-l| jetterhead you CAN be proud of!
Risser, John Kendig and day, June 20 at the Hotel ||
(Hershey in Hershey.
Clarence Mowery. |
p 7 : ~~" ablesinaSafeDeposit
7 Box with us — now! | ue 34¢ 6 85¢ Ize. ig
® pkg.

Benjamin Franklin design S fg I At Au ct 0 N ! | | Cut-Rite L - | L ith
ed a dollar Frigde 92 sivas G H R The “ss : | UNION NATIONAL Waxed Paper oe Rex ES or |
ao "Mina Your ow: | 2° Our OFS Mount Jo Bulletin | i or Chatrios
the motto, Y MOUNT JOY BANK | sh ae pint 1¢ bo Qe 1b. BEC
: ; 1 jar


© Business,” and minted in MOUNT JOY, R. D. 1 roll bottle :
1776. PHONE 3-4890 23-4¢ | MOUNT JOY MAYTOWN =r