The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 20, 1957, Image 2

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eo Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. - Not because there is any | FIRE
Thursday, June 20 2 MOTHER GOOSE DOT PULILE MAIN STREET local connection but becaus | Local firemen were called
— THE A M ER I CA N WA ¥ : Road 230 through Mounf| : : G I R
THE MOUNT JOY Wh t (Continued from Page 1) Joy carries almost an end out the third day in succes- .
BULLETIN Tex Qr a les 2 | ion Wednesday to extin- n
More rereky y ERISA rE playa GTI srwhel +. the matter is/1ess stream of their trucks ) sda) >
at Pied EY Sr 15 sausage!" SG ’ d IS Ss 4, / A gy Deine for in- We glean from a publicity| ruish a grass fire. On the Paint and Body Shop
bia SA { iy 4 PTE SA lease that the E. Brook:|, . ETT
Joy, Lancas *r County, Pa ohnny: “it 18 od ; JESSE ff vestigation and decision, If T¢ ; ‘ orner of East Main Street a
Richard A. Rainbolt, gator J J: a dround Vly TYE Fr CEN {the number of signers in fa-|Matlack, Inc, trucking com | nq Longenecker Road, the Wrecks Rebuilt — Cars Painted — Body and !
and Publisher 7 q 17 i 3 ; “iy ERE vor is only a simple majori- PEAY has ve bight grass started to burn from Fender Work Op
Rate 0 Ci IR» en He ty, the matter will be honors in 1c Fennsyl 1, unknown source. Wheat : ;
Bubscriplion Rat M Vi 49, per : 1015 to 6 312 7 / 4 a Regi Nanton py|vania State Trucking Safet) | n the nearby field caught Electric & Acetylene Welding 4
ar A « . . / f » I~ : . N
Adve gi re 18, 1 5 JA 7°07 Fi "74 the courts. If less than a ma- Contest for 1956. * ire but was extinguished by Wheels Balanced and Aligned SI
quest 2 ow ‘8s /" 4 3 ‘ 505, jority are favorable the mat- a |the firemen. a a. be REHEEMS
Entered at the post oflic NY] 4a’ id vol ter holds little weight in] The 250 drivers of the | PHONE E-TOWN 7-6450 LIVER
at Mount Joy, Pa., as second 19 The Bible has been the 28 court, company were prese nted|
class mail under the Act of Mn Book that held togeth TA oe oo oo certificates for their Sub i SE
March 3, 1879 20 ok thal held Together ; i wan. Safely record. The) sn mm
. Then, if the matter is con- >" SAWING. PRUNING
Member, Pennsylvania News the fobric of Western £3. a big, black trucks are famil. | )
ee Civdiaabon. JF Has 4 sidered farther, a new area.” Gop through this area| _ FIREPLACE WOOD i BULLETIN Ad ti
= been the handbook of / for proposed annexation may © © | E. W. GUTHRIDGE atronize ver 1Sers
/ife to countless millions ; je set up with new boundry| o..., kids. We've had nc| _ R. D. 4, MANHEIM .
of men and women ...... »/ J lines and the process begun roll release from Don-| Phone Mount Joy 3-5832
ie lV again. legal for the final grading .
: rel Ny eo oo o period of the past school
For the past two or three/year.
a " > : “ } ————— a —
weeks we had noticed a ‘‘do OF DELICIOUS FOODS . ale
it-yourself” job under con- FIREMEN ANSWER
struction on the back of the/CALL MONDAY i" |
lot at the Robert Stoner] Mount Joy firemen were
'home on North Barbara St. called to a fire Monday af- an
The first week we wondered, ternoon, 1 p.m. at the farm
: ish. silently, “Why is he build- of Samuel Merkey, located
: 51 ing such a large incinevat-north of the Mt. Joy-Man- 0
Zn or?” heim road. No damage was ;
# v.09 reported from a grass fire
o o The next week the mental|that started near the fence-|
sh Aulhot and Stalisman, question was, “How could|line.
he possibly need such a big

Told Me
Mrs. Ruth Henderson and
sons Larry and Jere and
Miss Alma Lewis spent Sun-
day at Red Point Beach on
the bay

Sandra Stehman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Steh-
man of Florin. is spending
this week at Kenbrook Camp James Hockenberry, Sr. pm incinerator.” Geo. H. Bowers
near Lebanon, Pa. is a surgical patient at Lan- NER REUNION ee © A o :
: caster General Hospital. iv E. W. Car Wash WAG : : AUCTIONEER American or Pimento 2-b. ¢
reunion will Tuesday noon we got the| MOUNT JOY, R. D. 1 -~ -m Cheese Food loaf
ad The Wagner
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Charles S—— Project Changed be held Sunday, June 30, at answer, It wasn't an incin- IPHONE 2.4890
rank : hildre f Fort Linda Martin, daughter of . 4 hr ab ir
Frank and OE Char- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin, the St. Paul Dubs Church erator at all. It was a dandy a All Green 15-02. Fr
Smith, ark. and rs : Ir f Svivatus, V has Rain forced a postpone- grove, located 5% miles 12x12 cement block swim) ee ———— S ard Us Spears can &
les Bond, Jr. and childrenyr, of Sy vaius, Va. Ln S ment of the V. F. W. car south of Hanover. There will pool and a couple of young-| D H. c. Ki lh ff
ing #
of Rydal, Pa., have been vis- been spending the week wash je aturdav. be & asket dinner f stars pv last .
a project untl Saturday, be a basket inner rom sters were splashing con ® Holid Ib
iting in Mount Joy with their with her uncle and aunt, Mr. : ) til 12 noon and ithe|tentedly oliday
June 22nd, all day at Geo. 10:30 unti tentedly. Optometrist uct or 00 ie Assortment boxes 9°
dozen in
. . incinerator. Even with Pop, 1 ;
EE EE The Bible — Handbook of Life HS iin Wn i Sell At Au ction! Large Eggs Cledivicy ig dated cartons 89¢

parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray- and Mrs. Arthur Oberholtz- a : at 1 o- oe © ©
mond Gilbert, who observed er and family, while her Gee's station, Prog. am will begin » Painted a beautiful blue MANHEIM :
iy 40 redding anniver- parents were attending a; 0 : ye ay . ¢ Ab. $
Hix - Hh Wording Gigi I in West Milton, tional Bank. Proceeds will . color inside, the job is very '63 S. Charlowte 5 ranu a fel v jar bes IN 5 rs
sary € 8 y:; : hic. £0 into the post's building PLAN BARBECUE professional looking and — Yalphone 3: fee ag ag ® ERE
Mr and Mrs. Paul E. Hol- — und, : The Men's Bible class of while Bob didn't say so Foes. “rin Nese ‘
ind four children A number of people from The next regular meeting Ruhl’s Church plan a proiler himself — it couldn’t have sat. by appointment 3% ET
it Joanne Shirley Mount Joy and vicinity wer eV will be held June 24 at the barbecue Saturday evening been very expensive. Looked ELIZABETHTOWN oa i
di tn : : post headquarters on North 4 to 8 p.m. at the Elstonville'like the kind of job a good one 7.4163 ri Pink Moai

: Phil woved Saturday in West Milten, hio, thi
ing Poin ye 2 week to attend Bn interna- Market Street Grove. handy man with a couple of, Toes. Fri, S36 =
to the home they recentlyitional conference © f the = qT youngsters could do in any 9:30-1:00. 2-5 pW ;
purchased in Donegal Springs Brethren in Christ churches. Bulletin advertisement pays. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. backyard. Le a Spates sitet as
road west of Chocolate Ave. Among those attending were J er meses“ et ———— - i
emp Mr. and Mrs, Paul A. Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gil-'tin, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mus-|
¢ Special Low Price . . .
Each 25 None Priced Higher!
christ and son were on va-iser, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hess
cation last week and visited Rev. and Mrs. John Rosen-
with relatives in McKees- berry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
port, Pa. Mr. Gilchrist is the Martin Jr., now of Sylvatus,
manager of the local G. Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Murphy store. Wolgemuth, Ethel Wolge-
—— me muah, Mary and Lois Hess, :
Pvt C. Richard Nissley Jacob Schock and Elizabeth
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde/Hess, The Donegal team,
L. Nissley is home from ba- composed of Ethel Musser
sic training at Ft. Knox, Ky ‘ind Edith Weaver, Mt. Joy,
He will return June 21 tc Richard Thuma of Marietta
Fort Gordon, Ga.. for train-/R, D., and Shirley Miley
ing in military police work. [ind Jane Morton of Eliza- .
enn bethtown, won the church-
Two Donegal high schoo! wide Bible quiz on the first should be bought as an investment
teachers, Roy Armold anditen chapters of St. John at
Miss Catharine Zeller are'the conference. They were
working this summer at the sne of six teams that had
Cargill Grain Storage plant. Seen picked to compete pre-
mm vious to the seating. The ‘ 3 : : :
“Curly” Hendrix, of the ney oR, eho designed to accomplish Some definite
Bulletin staff, will be on va-ithe churches east of the
cation next week. Susquehanna viver

Red Ripe
"i+ 98°
California Large (Special Low Price . . . None Higher)
Fresh Strawberries © 25°
A & P French Fries 300. 41°
A &P Strawberries © 231°
A&P Frozen Peus 3 ar |
Se i a


Salad Dressing mw gge 49°
Mr. and Mrs. William Hop- Rev and Mrs. Menno
ple and sons Bob and Rickic 35,4 moved into the Mount
and Tom Chunko returned fo, “Methodist parsonage on purpose, whether it be used to stim-
Bunty i spending € Tuesday, arriving here fol-
wee RY a lon at 1 owing the gradua- ’ 12-02. ¢
wood, N. . ion from Garrett Bible In- ran S everages cans
Se stitute in Chicago to take
Lancaster county expectfiyyer the pastorate of the
Eight O'clock Coffee ::°2.43 .: 83¢

to be host to some 1500 Mount Joy and Salunga Me- 1 1 h 1 1
needy New York City young-|‘hodist churches. u ate Sa eS or cn ance prestige. ts RE
sters for summer vacations a FRE
Br ST 0 we nt cos Crestmont Ice Cream =: 79¢ St
and vicinity will have their|Xrall and daughter, Ruth, container
share, according to Mrs. Ar- have gone to Indiana to at-
Her one hs the end the wedding of the . . Jane Special Price! ¢ POP
embers of the loca com | Krall’s son, Carl Richard. 1 t 1 t h t t t Parke p
Eo Tn % Corl Bigham value to you ues not im wiat 1t COSt, Large Pie Oo
arrangements. . J 2p
ey 1 Mrs. Donald Walker and All Prices in this Advertisemenr*
i aughter are visiting Mrs i
Mrs. Albert Fike spent the Walker's parents, Mr. and Are Effective Through
Josten in Harrisburg with Vrs. Bernard Kear. North . Saturday, June 22nd NOR
er aughter and family {qigh Street. Mrs. Walker is b h 1 h
Mr. BY 4 M-s. Ernest Penn former Kay Kear. Her ut mn WwW at 1t accomp 1S eS. O
ington, She was a guest 0’ jusband is on manuevers ini
honor Sunday at a dinner with the National Guard at Linit Spry Salada o
attended by all her children |'ndiantown Gap. . ° . NOR
in celebration of her em Liquid Starch Shortening Tea Bags
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ger- quart 16% //2-gallon 27¢ I-lIb. 38¢ 3-Ib. 9 01 10c off sale ¢ Gr
: or se", Marietta RD, entertain- bottle bottle can can ° Pkg. of 48 57
Lester Breneman, [2d the following children & HUN
avenue, left Wednesday forind relatives on Fathers’ HUN
a YM.C.A. camp north of{ Jay: Mr. Christ Hershey old Dutch Cleanser Woodbury Woodbury 0
where he wil'|{'nd daughters, Mrs. Carl 2 arge can 21
serve as a counselor for the|3hank, Misses Dorothy, Bev comb. ¢ Soap Soap
remainder of the summer tly, and Donna Hershey of giant can 2 ¢ 4 bath size 44¢ i size ¢
Mr. Breneman spent las |%ast Petersburg; Mr. and comb. 6 cake comb. cakes 39 HER
week at Newville in Cum | Mrs, Robert Gerber and ec ® ° ® ®
berland county with Wally | laughter, Linda, of Park 3 : vr
Fikes. | Lancaster; Miss Joan Surf Rinso Blue Wisk
| .ehman, Marietta; Mr. a
a Detergent Detergent Detergent
the Youtt | drs. Christ Gerber, Grand
Fellowship of the Presbyter | /iew Heights. Lancaster;
{VIir, and Mrs. M.chael Johns
ian church enjoyed a swim
ming party Tuesday evenins|'nd son Larry, Maytown:
at the Hershey Pool. They |r. and Mrs. Walter Woods
were accompanied by Rev |Nd children, Karen, Wanda
and Mrs. Harlan Durfee. | and Ronald, Wrights-
- | rille RD.
William G. Foerch of River| AR
Edge, N. J., formerly of Mt | James Meminger of the
Joy, visited here a couple Tirst National Bank and
days this week. Crust Company will attend|
| he 1957 Pennsylvania Bank-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wag | rs Association Trust Train-!
ner Jr, 120 E. Main Street | 28 school June 23-29 at|
Li ; 3 off) (7c off) : 3
large 29¢ i 68¢ lorge 32¢ Gant 75¢ pink 39¢ y 69°
Lux Liquid Lux Lifebuoy
Detergent Soap Soap
large 38¢ . giant 67¢ 4 size 37¢ 3 agus Ge 20¢
Rinso Lux Lifebuoy
Granulated Soup Soap Soup
large ian ath size ath size
iy 34¢ ha 79¢ 3 bo 41¢ 2 pl 29°
Do Your Printing


have returned home afte | ucknell University.
spending a few days ir] 4 i Ph 3-9661 M t J y
Scranton, Pa., visiting rela-| Carol Ginder of Florin] one oun 0
tives. | von third prize of $100 in| Your Mount J A&P St 1
oy ore (East Main S84) MO
he Church of the Brethren’s|
Harry Ashenfelter, son of ational Peace and Citizen-|
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ashen. | DiP speech contest Wednes-|
felter Sr. W. Main Street, is lay at the 171st annual con-!
on furlongin from service jn erence Ye the church in’
the Army. ichmond, Va.

OPEN FRIDAY = @ r.x || |