The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 30, 1957, Image 2

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Mortuary Record 9
"™e Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pe}
Thursday, May 30

Mrs. Emma Neff Lichty,
ITY iary of the Friendship
70 Co. No. 1, of Mount Joy.
John Lehman, Manheim]|

ape | a > 3 :
—— MAYTOWN ife of Harry M. Lichty, of Besides her husband, she|R1 aod eae S. Lehman, Luke's Episcopal Church will
THE MOUNT JOY + R2 died Monday is survived by two daughters Lancaster lsponsor a rummage sale on
BULLETIN EE —, merase Colunuiia R2, He | Hos. Mrs. Hilda Caslow, Mt. Joy | John W. Ebersole, May 24, from 6 to Paint and Body Shop
ial Q in Lancaster ienera lp ) wife . oi yr ine
Published every Thur: day” Mrs May Hicks celebrated Tne item Mr. after an illness of six|and Maude F., wife of Robert [heim R2 ind Geraldine K. [9 pm, and Saturday, May|
at 11 East Main Street, Mt wr birthday Sunda ie infant son « i pital (Kunkle, at home; and four Lehman, Manheim R2. 125th, from 9 am. to 5 p.m. ; Painted — Body and
Joy, Lancasi*r County. Pa dr: te { theMr James W. Gerber, Flor-lweeks go/S0ns, Henry F., and Arthur| Norman Musser Heisey, oflmp "co 16 will be held in the| Wrecks Rebuilt — Cars Painie i
Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor The third grade © in, died Thursday at 4:10 a She was a registered Fd r F and Estl 8 salt Fender Work '
lchar ’ ew 8 , F., both of Mount Joy, and{Mount Joy R1 anc usther ender )
iba Mavtown Elementary School CE nr mas a graduate of the y, i Parish Hall,
and Publisher. 2 “Um. in the Lancaster General and was a g [Frank F. and Forrest F. both! Margaret Oliver, Mt. Joy RI. . {
tay ad their annual class Lancaster General Hospital| a Six _grandchil- ‘Harold Hollinger, Mt. Joy YY Electric & Acetylene Welding !
Subscription Rate $2.50 per 351 Wednesday. They visited Sh in ) tolSehool of Nursing, class of | a RL. ol) A a oy Dkr ior ints Veorseewpame " N
year by Mail he Holsum Bakery, Penn, Surviving in addition. | ( 5 dren and two great grand-|R2, and Ruth H. Miller, Eli-|STRICKLER REUNION ; Wheels Balanced and Aligned :
Advertising rates upon re- : CONE Nis parents are one brother|1919, "m 5 fchlidren also survive. zabethtown, The 45th Strickler reunion
pe dairies and the North Muse. ind one sister; James W. and Jorn in Manor Township mrs | ames : Rk Hole I" 17-6450 Pics
quest, jcel AM at Lancaster. Their teach- ~ aughier of the late Cyrus, Funeral services will be| will be held on Sunday, § PHONE E-TOWN 7-645 {
Entered at the post office! ss. Miss Ruth Ebv and Missi" onnie, both at home Caughey ol Lelman Neff. he ld Thursday afternoon at Honey bees are sold by the|June 2, at the Kreutz Creek
i} Mount 2 ie second | Sear D yhner accompanied ny ~ Sy of St 12:30 o'clock at the funeralpound. Presbyterian church, west of] db - “
class mail under the ct oO : : ALICE MAUDE BEAL SNe was & whome of James B. Heilig, kl lam. © Ja The program| TTT ova
March 3, 1879 hem Sr NE Paul's Evangelical United) L All be’ made il begin at 2:30 o'clock]
a News! Mice fletcher Alice Maude Be: 77. of peathren Church. interment will be made T, Breneman, Lancaster; egin a 130 o'clock,
Member, Penusylvania News-, Miss Elizabeth Fletcher of Alice Maude Beal, 77, ol gyathren Church, the M t Joy ¢ tery i i i ing tl
Navi hay Marvi N : . mete ss Car \ y > re ration
paper Publishers Association visited at leg In addition to her n ithe oll cemetery Wiss Caroline Manning, Mt. he os | FRIENDLY HELP. oe
mE = = of Mr. and Mrs. Harold 3unday at 2:15 a.m. Dllow-ighe js survived by two step SSE oy. : ne
angle VET the weekend. ng an illness of several gauuhters. Lois, wife of Dan. | MRS. MILTON BIEBER Funers) were held at 4 o'clock. Ca When Needed Most
Mrs. Glen Long {erwent | years 1 Will. Mount Joy R2; and| Mrs. Bertha M. Bieber, 89, Saturday, May 25, at he f . ;
Surprise Gifts : Mrs, Gle 1 Long undery ¢ re ; a ; ey tien rife of B. Fl16 tc axa St. Mount! Trinity Evangelical Lutheran] The Donegal Presbyterian| Inter-County helps pay hospital ex 4
surgery at the Harrisburg] She formerly resided in Mary Kathryn, wile 160 New Haven St. Ra CW neg } nses. Blue Shield helps pay doctors’
Given Teachers | Hospital last Thursday. Mount Joy with her son-in- Eshelman, Landisville; alsc Toy, died Thursday at 1 p.m. church with the Rev. Ww. Les- church will hold a Strawber-| pons S.
Mrs. Michael Kanoff is allaw and daughter, Mr. and nine grandchildren and threejat St. Joseph's Hospital after ter Koder ang. Burial ry Festival at the church| 11s. ol DIANE maxim
Two surprise presentations|reical patient at St. Jos-Mrs. Norman Linton, Birch- great grandchildren; a an illness of three rionths, (We metory. in the Mount Joy from 5150 to 8:30 Saturday Bot nin pron ns ES he Yagis i
were made Tuesdday hospital, land Avenue for 8 years. Be- er Cyrus L. Neff, Millersvi ¢| Born in Cumberland Coun-[cemetery [2vening, June 8. Strawber- protection Jor ile cost,
noon at the Donegal high The fourth grade of thelsides Mrs. Linton she is sur- R2; and a sister, Mrs. Annie] ity, she was a daughter of the ies, short cake, gi homes today. No obligation.
school. Sgt, II. A. Ries, Penn-{\[avtown Elementary School vived by four other children, Minnich, Lititz R2. [late Abram K. and Emma (made 1ce cream, coilee and
sylvania State Police, their teachers|Vildred Boyd, Philadelphia: A viewing will be helc Leeds Manning. She was a Graduation is | [lemonade will be on sale, Inter- County HOSPITALIZATION PLAN, Inc,
sented gifts to two members|yips Alice Meyers, Mrs wife of Kenneth Green this evening at the Nissley graduate of Mount Joy high [for the benefiat of the church Fulton Bank Bldg. Lancaster, Pa. +
of the faculty for long ser-|>harles Schlitzer and Mrs.>f Crystal Beach, Maryland: Funeral Home with funera’fschool and ‘Wilson College. building fund. -
vice with the school safety! Rupp had their class|Bertha, wife of Ralph Shall- services wl a She assisted her late hug From A Jewelry Slore I TT TT
g mn fr ri-| pi srshey Fort Lauderdale, Fla." » St. Paul's E.U.Blpand, the Rev. Dr. Milton . .
patrolmen from the Ameri-| rip to Hershey on Thursday. ross, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. /'n the S Paul's > |band, the IP i Postage stamp glue is made
can Automobile Association. |rhey visited the Chocolate!ind Leon Beal, with whom Church, Mountville _Inter- Bieber, in establishing many lre Lasting Gifts trom RE pg $ Patronize BULLETIN Advertisers
Alva Bender, junior high|actory, the Museum and the she resided in Charlestown ment will be in the Mount: utheran mission ro ——— na Er
nitvars) : arvland: sister. Mrs. cemetery ions throughout the United
school teacher, N. Barbarz|Zoo. Maryland; a sister, Mrs. Is-|ville cemetery, {tions t Ci os :
Street was given a wrist The American Legion Aux-/ ra Brooks of Auburn, Maine tn ” {States and Canada. Pace Dr. GIVE YOUR |
wri ingsignic | lary wi resent ri- (15 gre hildre : 3 INTE SCHNE ieber’s death in 1949, she | . - .
watch with the AAA insignie| liary will present an grandchildren, and 13 MINNIE SCHNEIDER Bic J Sh yf
for his twenty years of ser-|'an flag to the Maytown Ele: |ireat-grandchildren, Mrs. Minnie F. Schneider.|has resided with her sister, Graduating Friend | | Sunn ield Fancy Greamery
vice of leadership while z|nentary School on Wednes- | ———— 77. wife of George Schneide es, May Charles: Te
member of the East Donega |lay evening at promotior; CHARLES W. BARRICK [220 East Donegal Street, Mt She Was a member of [he
Township group. | Charles Weslev Barrick, §1|Joy, died at her home af [Trinity Evangelical Lutheran ONE FROM OUR
George Kauffman, senion | Promotion - exercises 197} | ied al the Rott of fic Som 11:02 P. M. Monday, May 27 Church, of Mount Joy, the |
high school teacher, was pre: | he sixth grade will be held wid daughters in-law, Mi. an¢|She had been ill for three|Women’s Missionary Soc iety FINE SELECTION
sented a papermate desk sef|n Wednesday evening at ¢ Mrs. Stoey Barrick, Mt. Joy months. of the church, and the Get-
for his five years of service|>m. Sixty-nine students will 21 aL aun. Saturday She was born in Raphc|tysburg College Seminary
while teaching in the New |e promoted, he : i SO Township. a daughter of the Auxiliary, Koser’ S Jewelry Store In Vs- Ib)
Holland Schools. | The sixth grade had their, He had been ill for io George and Anna Ma-| Besides Mrs. Charles, sh Lo NTR of GC
-® [ >romotion Party last year teer Fach and lived in Mount|is survived by twe other sis- MoU INT 407. PA. | 1-Pound
Los Angeles is the world's|day evening in the auditor-| Barrick was born in Perry| joy all her life. ters, _ Nancy, wife of Joseph Phone 3-5404 Solid
largest city-—in area. It cov- | um. After an hour of games [County, a son of the late Mr| Nr. and Mrs. Schneider] — Gps a
ers 457 square miles, or a-|‘efreshments were served (and Mrs. Henry Barrick. He|would have celebrated their i
bout half the area of Rhode|The chaperons were Missiwas a farmer all his life | |56th wedding anniversary on ONE PRICE . . , NONE PRICED HIGHER
Island. | 3ara. Mischlich and Miss |Barrick was a member of the} June 19th. ERE nr RR RTE
rr rm ee Frace Henderson. | Flossbrenner E. U. B, church| She was a member of St |
Mr, C. A. Straley is con-|'n Florin. |[Mark’s E. U. B. Sunday] i
oy { ined to the house because 0’ He is survived by his wife. [School and the Ladies Auxil-| ee ye
| Uness. Miller Barrick, and{ { i
| | Misses Anna and Ethel| he following children: Jas.| — 2 "
1 u ~ | Culp spent several days last| Leroy, Florin: Guy H., York i v er
n Yo | | veek with the George Morris 27; Helen, wife of Howard Dr. H. C. Killheffer be U.S. No. I-"A" Size c
wWolr | ‘amily at Lebanon. |3mith, Elizabethtown; and Optometrist New White un
{ Mr. Harry P. Frank atten-|Stoey, with whom he resided | 8 Potatoes 9
[1ed the Tall Cedars of Leba-| Twelve grandchildren, six- MANHEIM |
| on Convention at Atlantic| een great grandchildren, and! 163 S. Charlotte St.
| City on Saturday.
{ The members of the Don-|
[*gal American Legion Post]
{309 attended the Memorial
{Day Service at St. John's
|Cutheran Church on Sunday
| norning, |
Mr. and Mrs. John Bow-
nan of Philadelphia visitec|
{ a Mrs. Hazel Crankshaw and
Lf’ Mrs. Flora Shireman over
"he weekend.
The Boy Scouts purticiont. |
| catch ‘em
in the Annual Camporese
b f wer the weekend, It was)
1eld by the Western District
eiore it Stony Gulch near Bain
bridge, Pa.
they come The Rev. and Mrs. Mervii
Manning of Shippensburg
I'm a trouble expert. were vigitors in town last
J roa Sunday. The Rev. Manning
As an insurance man, I've was guest speaker at the
seen hundreds of cases of sunday evening service af
trouble prevented by insurance ‘he Church of God,
coverage against lJaw-suits, ac- Mr. and Mrs. Paris Garber
noved to Elizabethtown
Miss Elizabeth
Miss Annie
cidents, fires . . . and many
other forms of loss which may
come to anybody.
I know of dangers you may
not even suspect. I won’t scare
you, but won’t you give me a
chance to diagnose your dan-
gers—personal dangers—fam-
ily dangers—home dangers—
business dangers . and to’
show you how they can all be will
Brandt and Mr.!
Christian Brandt visited
their three sisters Lan- |
caster on Sunday
Mrs, Rozella
serving on the
grand jury
this week.
, exclamation
To the young in heart,

: ; afl 5.2942
{a sister, Mrs. Annie Kauff- Telapnone 29 9-518
. n. ednes. EH
nan, Harrisburg, also sur- ied 7 + 0
vive. Sat. by appointment


Good times
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Funeral services were held BLA Ty
Monday from the Nissley Fu- 2 OS a
{aeral Home with interment Tues., Fri, Sat,
{in the Henry Eberle Ceme- 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M| .
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all day Sunday when low rates are even lower,
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Large Juicy Lemons 29
Real Gold Lemonade r... 6°%.59° ;
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# Sliced Strawberries “7a 2 "= 31°
4 A*P French Fried Potatoes 3 "= 44°
it oT! THERE : i RE Si 3d
Cheddar Sharp Cheese “oc 59°
A%P Apple Sauce 4 4%
Salad Dressing on © 2c + 4Ge
Jane Parker pecial Price!
Pound Cake coin veh. “oi Met 38°
foe Cream Te Sealtest ico Cream gg),
All Prices in this Advertise- :
ment Are Effective
Saturday, June Ist. |
Mazola Oil Crisco Fluffo "
Pit qurt Tq Shortening Shoriening
gallon can $2,31 or 38° an 1.01 38¢ $1.01
Ivory Duz Dreft
Soap Granulated Soap Deiergent
enol [4 I-32 lB
ivory Oxydol Joy Liquid
Soap Detergent Delergent
ine 81 3% 79 [ir 3g yer.
Ivory Tide Duz Blue Dot |:
Soap Detergent - Detergent ‘
varie 81 [32 Sr 15 |e 34° Ui GAL
Ivory Cheer Spic & ;
Flakes Detergent Household Cleaner
3 I el Ty wi
— Dash =
Snow Detergent Cleanser 1
[ws 3 oo 19 | bor 39° (2499429 434