The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 25, 1957, Image 3

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‘ —-— !
ICE SERENE RARER Mr. Gerald Becker, a stu- left Friday to spend some oycees Se / ~ 2 the Bulletin, Mount joy. Po,
. - dent at State College spenttime in Florida. J Y IC b S C y 0S n | pe ar
3 and : BUS TOURS a. FLORIN the Easter holidays with his| nj. and Mrs. William ' u S ee | as |
el April 26 - 27 - 28 — Historic Williamsburg Tour ._ —t.|PArents Rev. and Mrs. Henry and family of col- Vf} | N WwW E hibi I Fe G d
CH x Monticello - Thru beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Mr. and Mrs. John Kurtz Becker visited the former’s| isit e X | ition or rades DOWN THE ALLEY
May 3 —- Apple blossom festival ee iti Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Frey|grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. splay
al, -, aby z ere (=! { Md oy firemen display-
sim, Pa. ® May 11 — Winterthier - DuPont homestead & (and ay 3 Lite RD wes and daughter, spet the week- George Mumper on Easter,| Families Mount Jey : a 0 eretta [Tr eT,
May 25 - 26 — Niagara Falls and Ontario. Canada a Bless 3 Mrs Jol dq end with relatives at Union-jand Rev. Weist of Maytown| : ed a fire-fighting exhi fon MERCHANT'S LEAGUE
——— a : \ i ay RL, See 5 Ms. I lh om Ine andlown, visited at the Mumper home| Five families were visited for the local Cubs Wednesday) Minor roles have been an- FINAI STANDING
FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE i [Family eerie) of Mari. Mr. and Mrs. David Geib,jon Saturday. by the “Welcome to Mount night at te monthly, pack for the three-act STANDING
wl ®| Mrs. rie Ari” their 17th Wed-| Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauff-| ithe wal (meeting. Under the Cirecton ett: + presented i
3! MRS. MAE ROTH etta, called on Mrs Sard) ging Anniversary on Satur-man and Mrs, Adah Eichler, Committee” of the local of Ray Myers, fire chief, tobe presented il Team VW or ES.
a MAIN ST, FLORIN PHONE MT. JOY 3-6042 a Schiegeimilen on Wednestiay day visited Mrs, Emma Peifer at/JoyCees. Mr. and Mrs. wi firemen conducted He aie sda, May 7. In addition Craul's u jo 392
A LANC. EX-7-5660 Mrs. Ellen Hai Mr. Fev. and Mrs. Henry Bec. the Messish Home, at Harris-|lism Snyder moved lo East play ng on tary to the major roles which + SO gf fg)
Mrs. Ellen Haines and Mr.) "7 5 7 allowing burg on Sunday. Main Street from Lancaster./the rear o 1e elementary wi wklev + A :
val NER EE NENA EEE NEESER ENE ERE ite Ker» entertained the following PUT on Sunday : red the boys clude Thomas Meckley play ‘
p | Lester Bradley were united , "0 0 Sunday, Jean and Alice Shank, Dor- The couple has four children. school. They showed the boys) the character part of Tom Hopple Eh Lanai 2
in marriage at the Mount Joy 1. | Ten lothy Longenecker, and Paul- Mr. Snyder is employed atlhow to put out several o's °° © roils ;
Eld. and Mrs. Howard Bern-|0th ng er, t Sawyer in an operetta bY High triple, Hallgren, 631;
Parsonage by the Rev. C. ° rn ay ine Vogel of Sporting Hill./the RCA plant in Lancaster. [of fires, explained the use © °° 00 Ih
pard and son, Pred: Rev. and : Be Lan. chemicals, and explained how|the same name, Sally Ulrich, fio, coum single, Frey's 1152
2 [Ulrich on Saturday evening Fe 2 called on Mr. and Mrs. Lan-| Mr. and Mrs. George Her- xr e Fol-! : y
| $ 00.00 In Prizes at 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs, Ir- 1s: Ruiph Heisoy and ldis Hess on Saturday. lman moved to West Main|the auxiliary lighting system Bel os Lee Fo and High team triple, Frey's,

v : ter Janet of Lincoln, and :
; WILL BE AWARDED vin Bishop, sister and broth- Rev. and Mrs. Roy Forney. Mr. and Mrs. William De- Street from Lancaster. The and radio system works. and Fern Wolge- 3197:
inlaw. of De bride were paul Martin Jr. and|Vees, of Camden, N. J. were couple has two children. Mr.| Following the outdoor sixteen additional char- FINAL AVERAGES
DURING OUR GRAND OPENING [Phe children of Sylvatus, Va. ar- weekend guests of the latters Herman is employed atient, the Cubs held the T® acters have been named. Nome G Av
Mr. and Mrs. Ira’ Brandt io 4 sunday to spend some brother and sister-in-law, King’s General Motors, of the meeting In rev’ Meckley. David Al- Name . »
FRI. & SAT., MAY 3-4 visited the former's brother, i; = Ct oC her-in-law MT: and Mrs. Earl Gerlitzki caster. Mr. and Mrs. Harry|the school at which time = MB aur. : 90 182/77
1 Mr. John Brandt and daugh- _ wr We |Grubb moved to Donegallvancements were acknow-| en, ES rs 2 |C. Hendrix 90 180/63
re . . land mother-in-alw, Mr. and os | eres . h Ri Cub |Gessler, Richard Nornhold, |=. 90 177/70
’ a ter at Mastersonville, Sunday Mrs. Paul Martin Sr. Mr. William Mateer was Springs Road from Cleona,|ledged by Ralp eu “Robert Mariner, James Heis-|{1,11grar 85 169/7
BOYER S HOME FURNISHINGS lafternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess Fémoved to the General Hos- Lebanon Couns The Re el fev Kenneth Nauman Joan eco en 57 166/2
- yor I Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin iced We ord whee 3 “pital at Lancaster Saturday/has one child. Mr. Grubb his wo adge; nomas|tY: LE A a ue 5 /
MARIETTA AVENUE MOUNT JOY, PA. on spent: the Visied Mp oy MES Robert ovening ¥ employed by J. U. Baker, in|Tripple, one gold arrow and|Landvator, Jielen Batt, Shar Hopple 90 165/8)
! |kless 8 y sp uhrman. at Manheim on-| ike 5} . gt Le anne packer 84 0
weekend at Perry Co. day evening. “| Miss Mary Humiton, two silver arrows; Michacll schneider, Robert Wolge- [hacker 86 bi
| A, EN .-.. ....a.s Mrs Mabel Geib and Mrs the week end with Mr. and] Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas|Germer, one gold arrow, ve “Imuth, Judy Kipple, Robert|;300d 90 163/75
| ra Oe) Vel) ant "S:|Mrs. Richard Xraus and fa-|II moved to the borough from frey Hawthorne and Jerry grark and Dennis Beamender- na: ; 9
| Karl Haines, of Mount Joy), iy ot") ancaster Allentown, They are living|Snavely, bear badge; Eugenes "0° © en Tamed. Bard tas, 54 162/44
| R1 were Sunday after y C : apr. fer have been named. Bar-j..qis 81 161/53
| a rqest ag a a i {in one of the Hess apart- Vest au an gne gold ar, ra McGinley and Sandra Ne "8 161/40
| p T PF guests ol Mr. and Mrs. { ts outh Barbara dlrow; John Germer, one silver| = © AT RA a y /
| COM LE FE ONE-S O id Geib and family, FURNITURE STORE TO 5.00 Soup) Mr Ia and arrow. Stanson Graham will be prompie ty [Emenheiser 75 161/12
i Me inn le as, dh ig y . accept. Robert Eshleman and Randy |goltzman 90 160/40
i Mrs, Lester Long and HAVE OPENHOUSE {as 13 employed by the Penn- Larry Hostetter Wh Grove are co-chairmen of thelyw,jt 90 160/30
childrtn, and Mrs. Weaver, |sylvania Power and Light|ed as new Cubs and WTC stage committee; Mrs. John Rue ag =
| ~——— Boyer’s Home FurnishingsiCompany. Mr. and Mrs. Rob-|placed in Mrs. Jay tt will be accompanist 36 159/80
| S Il At A ti | fitore, Marlee win ert McMullen also moved in-|ter’s den. Mrs. George Broske will A 4 135/29
| a Sr op eh uy hk aa (Mrs. Ge 0s or ¢ :
HOME-MADE g Ue on! 3 grand epeiing pH Alia one of Hie {dss apartments In a special the production. |Ebersole 84 155/51
| Geo H B Two hundred dollars worth| JoyCees wiio visitdd: the gg a Robert Choruses from each of theiGemperling 42 155/13
i ’ : owers of merchandise will be inclu-|, 42> : {grades will be included injgRuss Funk 81 160/37
ATTCTION FRR Ine Walker were iven their/{he wii ate will dn. :
HAMI OAl . Ib C rer in the door prizes to Be rs ii es badges pt ret Dr Thee, xd in (Weiser 48 150/14
MOUNT JOY, R. D. 1 awarded during the open-inr.c John Miller. Mrs. Henrylover to Harold Etsell a 118 O A Men, Geib 48- 145/53
PHONE 3-4890 rs. John Miler, Vrs. Henryjover to hare set, SOUL skeletons who dance in the Beamenderfer 45 145/29
15-4¢ se adults wi isi : : ; 3
house. All adults who hey Miss Marian Rutt|master for admittance intolgraveyard at midnight, vil-| v


the store during the two Miss Joanne Brown. Mrs.|the Boy Scouts. lage girls and boys, sunflow-
ALSO AL LIVB.DF iarded, The Swe Will seine project. The visitors were/meeting plus a hobby show|square dance. ag 5
merchandise, 1 |armed with gift certificates|for boys who do not have] The operetta is centered the semi-annual Rexall
BIRDS EYE land gifts from the cooperat-|pets. Also during the month,/round a portion of the life of
ans Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boy-ling merchants of the marble tournament will be{Tom Sawyer who was a hale0unced today by Mr. Walter
Ho : Sloan, owner of the store, He
ES . located adjacent to the store.reported t 0 Mrs. Drace,ble champi i » NAME is ve ante Will continue it through Sat-
] S. ace, pion will be named.[40’s. He is very full of pranks
HESS FOOD STO Fruits & Vegetables W Hm Aa whose Phare A is listed{June 8. has been named as but has many redeeming urday, May 4th,
| —————— hen in need of printing weekly in the Bulletin. the date for ‘the Cubs to take|qualities. His Aunt Polly, He explained Ahat undef
MOUNT JOY, PA. now MASTERSONVILLE, PA. y remember The Bulletin. prety a hike. Cubmaster ‘Rice an-|
Krall S Meat Marke YY Se ——— TO ENTER CONTEST ‘[nounced that he will need{to be stern, but is always inated by: Rexall in 1913,
i : "TREE ERVI | Saturday, April 27, threelassistance from the fathersiwon over to leniency by hiscustomers can buy an item
| WEST MAIN ST. M I. JOY ;students of the Donegal high for this project. {lovableness. Tom has many at regular price, then get an-
BEEF i OAF ib C QUALITY MEATS ill, be Ben Tihs Drace is chairman off Next month, a pet showler girls, dancing sunflower, Sloan’s Rexall Drug Store
a < prizes 19 committee in charge of|will be featured at the Pack] hokey pokey dancers and a Will Join Rexall Drugs Across
{the nation Monday in putting
One Cent Sale, it was an-
FROSTED P~FO00DS er will occupy the new families are to bejheld among the dens. A mar-|/American lad of the 1830-|"
who has adopted him, tries'the One Cent Sale plan, origs
- humorous and exciting of the same item for

Ir A > a SAWING, PRUNING {school will take part in al ——— ; ! \ 3 :
Oo FIREPLACE WOOD ‘mathematics contest which is|DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME counters with friends and on y ons com more. All car-
AT THE HOME OF E. W GUTHRIDGE being sponsored by the Mil-| BEGINS THIS SUNDAY jenemies, pl iY die usu Resa guaran-
4 [lersville State Teachers Col-| Sunday, April 28, Mount Huck Finn, his bosom tee. here will be hundreds
R. D. 4, MANHEIM lege. The three are Douglas|Joy Borough will officially|friend, visit a cemetery atof items on sale, including
Phone Mount Joy 3-5832 |Fish, Kenneth Appley and/go on daylight saving time|/midnight, run into excite-jSome from every department
9 ; Ei 1 Injun/of his store. In addition to

0 o ® : ES Kenneth Wittle. with the rest of the nation. |ment in discovering :
A ; | - {Joe, discover hidden treasure the One Cent Sale merchan-
\3 | NNN NEP, od save the lives of three dise, there will be what are
QD a a They become pirates and es- termed Surprise Specials,

A SHOWS MATINEE tablish their hiding place on merchandise that is not being
oO a EVENINGS SATURDAYS ma deserted island. The storysold under the One Cent Sale
= AND AND ® features a big party which is/Plan, but is still bargain pric-
° 1 e mm u th B r O & in C x SATURDAYS TH EATRE HOLIDAYS ® given in celebration of a her- ed.
0 W OO ; °9 ® 7 and 9:00 P.M 2:00 P.M. 2 oic deed completed by Tom! As a special service to the
{ a MOUNT JOY, PA. mand Huck. shoppers, Waller Sloan said,
FLORIN PENNA [mm FRIDAY — SATURDAY, APRIL 26 - 27 = —_— Courtesy Advance Shopping
9 . 'N nl T ig cole are avails
mA. Charles Mayer, Jr., son now. They may be filled out

S, ry “FULL OF LIFE” Bf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.ahe: St ates
. Mr. ¢ S. ahead of sale dates, left at
Q 1 1:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Ladies— = ue - B Mayer, Mount Joy R1, has/the store and the merchan-

E y Extra is MONDAY — TUESDAY, APRIL 29 - 30 B been elected chairman of thedise picked up any time dur-
- arnyour Kx. oney w ALDO RAY — BRIAN KEITH -in- Bo -Cellage Social the sale.
BY SELLING *" " =m of Dickinson College. The Rexall One Cent Sale
c i vy in NIGHT FALL A junior, Mayer is major-|is being widely advertised in
Ladies’ Hand Woven @ — i - ling in history. He is a mem-newspapers, magazines, radio
c 5 5 NYLON HANDBAGS 2 WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, MAY 1 - 2 m ber of the Skull and Key, anand television.
| . i TONY CURTIS — MARTHA HYER -in- a honorary society for junior| . @
{ = men. | Diamonds are 85 times as
; J / v Y lL FE Good profit. Good item for|® oe
. E R ON WwW L COME Organizations, PTA’s Sunday|g MISTER CORY ® ® : Ihard as the nearest competi=
School Classes, Auxiliaries Bulletin advertisement pays. tive gem.
and Clubs needing money. | a
Cc These bags make excellent] | 8
| EE EATS ~ FILMS ~ DOOR PRIZES "0 25 nd see F022 Keep
Te LE 77 al heating bills


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