ich The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday, April 18 7 Christ Church Paul Z. Hess Crossroads Brethren In | Columbia Congregation of | Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors | Church News BAY an. Sunday School Adin Mumma, Supt. Jehovah's Witnesses Perry and Union Sts. Columbia, Pa. Saturday 9:00 a.m, House to house Trinity Luthcran's Young Ladies Bible Class Meet Young 2:00 p.m. Street witnessing Bible Class met Wed-| GUEST MISSIONARY LANDISVILLE pastor : : Church, Sunbury, will be the home of Mrs. Thomas Stohler mouth Pike, of which guest missioner at Zion Luth-|on Thursday evening with 14 James Daughtry is pastor KINGS DAUGHTERS MET Zion Lutheran Sunday School met at News Pertaining To All D 10:30 am, Worship in_Columbia, : cvening and attended gti ar ndisville members present The Churches In Mt. Joy By Re Pel ss essage He Rie Stren witness- the mid-week Lenten Service|, 1iem Mission April “og Mrs. Milt Mowrer, Mrs. A fas SS. a i. m. y J in i ee 8 § S¢ l a Rlsio NC wy ay And The Surrounding 7:00 p.m. Children's Bible sunday a a group and he W A short, rough May 5, Bie un Sli Hour, lwitnessing. yusiness meeting following i Cl nate, Mrs. Chris t Community. 7:00 p.m. Christ's Crusad- 9.00 a.m. House to house the services with Mary Hoff-| Pastor Koons 18 Chair man Jes, Mrs. Lillie Sauder, Mrs, jers, ‘Passion Week Monolog- witnessing in the rurals. master presiding over discus- of the Central Penna. Synod Barbara Pennell, Mrs. Ellen Donegal Presbyterian gue”, 3:00 p.m. Public Bible Ad- sions © n layette articles Committee on Synodical Lindemuth, Mrs. Mary Walk- Church 8:00 p.m, Message by Rev, dress, Address by 8. W. Wise, |\which are to be brought tol€ hristian Education and a er, Mrs. Kate Barnhart. Mrs. Joy R. D. 1, Penna, [Harry I Brubaker. Minister from Fawn Grove |... nay meeting, Also, Sec-/member of the Board of Blanche Parsons, Harlan C. Durfee |Wednesday ; Congregation, retary Dorothy Heilig will Higher Education of the Hoffer, Miss Wilma E py Dastor Place BL Ou Ce a0 Pm enlighten the class of the/United Lutheran Church in Mrs. Thomas Stohler and 7:00 am. Easter Dawn |Practice. Study. > a nv sed ries Mire. Fl Swmplions Service. Rg wv | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting pyesday Foodless Sale and Gloria America. (Mrs. Eli Smeltzer. 9:30 am. Church School. | m—— | 8:00 p.m. Public Bible Keener, Treasurer, will be in| He will conduct the two| The class will hold a rum-| ’ Trinity Lutheran Church (Study at 263 W. Waliut St, charge of returns from the|Services at Zion Church on/mage sale in the Sunday | First Presbyterian Church Mount Joy, Pa. Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Friday | Sunday 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Community Good |with Holy Communion. Friday Service. Monday _7:30 p.m. Preparatory Ser- vice. Sunday 8 7:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service in the Boro Park. Te . 9:30 am. Church School. |R€V: W. L. Wilson Jr, 10:45 a.m. Easter Morning Sunday Worship. The Sacrament of the Junior and Senior Choirs and guest soloists. [The Pgstor will speak Trinity Evangelical { Congregational Church Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Easter Sunday : Sunrise Service at Mt. Joy |Vvice. Park. In case of rain, at| 7:00 p.m. Hostetters; Our young people |lowship. will unite with this service. 7:30 p.m. 9:15 am. Sunday School. Lesson, “Jesus Victory Commission.” 10). There is also a 10:20 a.m. Worship, theme, [ing this service.) Your Child”. taught by Dr. ministration lists 149 “Post Resurrection Appear-| "Wednesday ‘ Paul Z. Rummel. Crocketts, and 221 ances. - Why for 40 Days" | 7:30 pm. Mid-Week Len- Zion Lutheran Church Boones. 7:00 p.m. Easter Cantata (ten Services : | Landisville, Pa. mani pt metas by the Choir. 7:30 p.m. Junior Prayer Thursday, April 18 A | hc To (Sor vice 7:30 pan, Service in Propa- 7 i gg Bible Study and St. Mark’s Evangelical | Thursday ration for Holy Communion. Prayer Mesiine i United Brethren Church | 6:00 pin. C. E. Ulrich, Pastor Sunday 9:00 am. Sundav School. 10:15 a.m. The Holv Com- munion and Easter Message. 4:00 p.m. Communion aged or shut-ins and groups. 7:30 p.m. Easter Musical by choirs and Communion ser- f vice. | Monday Tuesday for| Sunday family for all ages. Rev. W. L.' Koder, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. |Thursday Easter Service! 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood Meeting in the Parish House. | Calvary Bible Church 9:15 Sunday Bible School! Holy Communion. Music by|—Classes for all ages. 10:20 Morning Worship — [“A Successful Church”, lion.” 10:30 a.m. Junior Church | 10:30 a.m. Easter Morning [(A service for children 5 #0 Worship, Reception of nursery members by letter, for tiny tots during this ser- sermon, Pre-Service Fel-|z,ck. Evening Service Baptismal Service |— Message by the Pastor: and | "The Spirit of Truth” (There Wednesday lis a nursery for tiny tots dur-| Jack Wyrtzen [Rally - Meet at the church. | Glossbrenner Evangelical United Chureh Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Divine Worship | 10; 7:15 p.m. Easier Cantata. | Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Service. 7:30 p.m. E. U. B. Men’s {Marietta and 1 Hemp St, Mount Joy. also {try School, Instruction talk. 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting. The Washington Street Church of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Pastor] Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor | Sunday | 9:30 am. Church School. | Harold S. Martin, Gen. Supt.| Extended sessions for land Mrs. W. May, new la; and “Some Plain Words gation. |About Easter”. by Pastor month are announced |is Helen Wivell, Eileen held the last June 17 - 21 and L. Hostesses will be conducted hood will hold a banquet honoring the for the Mary Koder lin the month of May. It was - . raid ot that the an- 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Minis- |, a] Bible School Workshop Daily gave an boys talk on Mission and girls; adult study theme land evangelism service, on — “Jesus’ Victory and Commis-|31s0 announced the Brubaker, 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Ethel Craul and Lillian Dow- for child- ping, ren and youth. 7:00 p.m. “Understanding The Friday, April 19 | 2:30 p.m. A Good Friday {Service at the Church. |Easter Day Services Mt. The festival of Easter and Sunday 9:00 a.m, Ser- 'hearsal. (Holy Communion will be [celebrated at Worship vices. | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos = 7:00 p.m. Building and Meeting. { Frank, Pastors Planning committee. Tuesday |Saturday Wednesday {7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid { 7:30 p.m. Preparatory ser- Sunday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bi-| Meeting. |vice ] ble Study. | Wednesday : | Sunday ———— 6:30 p.m. Choir Re-| 9.00 3 m. Sunday School Church of The Brethren (hearsal. Florin, Pa. 7:00 p.m. Rev. Howard Bernhard. Elder ship. Samuel T, Becker, Supt. { 7:00 pm. Sunday | vice. : 9:00 a.m. Bible School. | Virsa , 10:00 a.m. Worship Ser- 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir re-| vice, hearsal. Wed. through Sun. 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir re- 7:30 p.m. Pre-Easter vices. Rev. Raloh Heisey, of 7.00 p.m. Lincoln. Pa. will bring messages. The Church of God Rev. William Tillett Mount Joy, Pa. Sunday Rector 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. [poster Sunday 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- S shin Service. 7:30 p.m. Baptismal Ser-| 10:00 a.m. Choral Eucha- ice rist. Te 10:00 am. Church School. | 7:30 p. m. Prayer and Bi.|Good Friday | ble Study. hour devotional service. rT Saturda West Green Tree > Church of the Brethren Abram N. Eshelman, Elder Pre-Easter Service at Green Tree from April 17 to 21 at| 7:30 P. M. Rev. Richard Hackman of Lititz is guest] evangelist. { Sunday 8:45 a.m. Sunday School at Rheems & Green Tree. | 10:00 a.m. Worship Ser- | at Green Tree. | 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic | Meeting at Green Tree. 3 BULLER'S BEAUTY SALON MAIN ST. FLORIN, PA. Machineless & Cold Waves $6.00 up Shampoo & Set ...... $1.50 Hajreuls ..0.00., 75¢ Tonis given ......... $6.00 Call Mt. Joy 3-8851 Maud Buller, Prop. Re ATURING THE PATENTED COMBLSTION HEAD which produces a hotter flame—more heat from less oil. SUN-RAY'S AUTOMATIC ELEC. TRIC OIL BRAKE which pro. vides instantaneous oil SUN-RAY'S DUAL CARBURE- TION which gives cleaner, quiet. | er heat with fuel savings up to 40% over conventional oil burn- ers. BURNS ALL TYPE OF DOMES- TIC FUEL OIL. Youth Fellow- Midweek Ser- | St. Luke’s Episcopal Church {Che Rev. Emmert M. Moyer 6:30 a.m. Sunrise service. Parish Breakfast following. 12 noon to 3 p.m. Three-| LUTHERAN EVANGELISM MISSION 9:30 a.m. Communion ser- Service. vice. Social Girls’ 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. | 10:45 a.m. Easter Worship | | | Hess, Henry Garber, Henry Salunga Methodist Church | George K. Ludwig, Joy Methodist Church | George K. Ludwig, Pastor | 8:15 a. m. and 10:45 am. |Viss Esther Walters, Organist Choir re-! Pastor Irs. Mary Minmich, Organist 6:00 am. Community Sun- rise at the Salunga Pavilion. 9:00 a.m. Easter Worship ANNUAL Boys and Girls Prizes given to children finding the prize eggs. 1:00 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt. | 4:00 p.m. Infant Baptism. y 2) THE LUTHERAN CHURCH “Talk About Sin Too Much?” “Why not tatk about pleasant things? Every Sunday morn. ing, you start out with confession,” said one John Doe, v-hen he had visited a Lutheran church a few times, “and | dont like it.” | 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. | | | EASTER EGG HUNT | SAINT LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH | Saturday, April 20th BEGINNING AT 1 P. M. ON THE CHURCH LAWN TICKETS 25c¢ available at the parish office or on the day of the egg hunt. Most of us don’t, of course — don't like to face the facts: | That we are sinners in our deepest selves, sinners in the presence of a Holy God, sinners living on borrowed time — time that runs on as long as God permits but destined one day to be drawn up short by Eternity! Such facts are pins in the balloon of human ego. They are not pleasant facts. Nonetheless, they are facts. Sin is serious. Sin Is so serious that God had to come to earth to deal with it = come to earth, and be born in a cattle shed, and bear the reproach of the “righteous,” and let Himself be nailed to a slab of wood and hanged up on a pole to die! That serious is the situation of John Doe, who didn’t “like” to hear about sinl — so serious that God saw no way out for John Dae except to go down Himself and get in the middle of the mess that John Doe has made of things and bleed a way out for him. The joy of the Christian faith is known only to those who face up to its background: Sin is serious — man is hopeless without Christ. That is why Lutheran faith and worship are joyous. If your life is missing such an inner joy, perhaps you are wondering why. A visit with Lutheran laymen could help you find the answer. Fill in the coupon, and mail it today. {RUMMAGE SALE MAY 3 Methodist | The and 20, at The sale which will be conducted|April 28 and also preach on|School room at the Monday nights at week day Services in May,|held at 8:00 P. M. and the committee in charge(Py a training session for lay Fern King,|Visitors. Meckley. |Vacation Bible School will bef] ANNUAL EASTER two weeks in|EGG HUNT 24 - 28 1 through the Church. Annual Hunt sponsored by St. Luke's! Episcopal Church, will be held Saturday, April p.m. Prizes will be Brother- given to the children finding) in{the prize eggs. Persons who Mothers would like to the and Daughters of the congre-/for the hunt may bring them [to the church on Friday or next|call the parish office 3-9811. rear of] Thursday the church on The May 17 - 18, Time 1 p. m. will be|Friday and 9 a. m. Saturday preceded until 6 p, m. ‘To Show Film On Good Friday The film, “I Beheld His| |Glory” will be shown on] Good Friday evening, 7:30] o'clock, in the Glossbrenner E. U. B. Church, Florin. This picture, which is a 55-| minute color presentation] represents the life of Christ from the standpoint of how, [Cornelius the Centurion knew him. It tells the Good Friday | story in a most vivid and! forceful manner, all of which church will makes the Easter story re- Easter Egg Mt. Joy, donate eggs ‘hold a rummage sale Friday, soundingly glorious. x Security Ad- May 3 from 9 am. to 9 p.m.,| Davy sponsored by the W.S.C.S. in| m—- Daniel/the Sunday School rooms of the church. The public is invited. - ——— — — Texas produces about 80 of the nation’s sulphur. “ane THED. Yesterday, these four were their Mothers’ despair. Their faces were grimy, their play. clothes spattered with mud. They were even ready to put up their fists and fight when the rivalry between spacemen and cowboys became a little too keen. Today, they are immaculate. They sing lilse young angels. They even look like angels... be- cause today is Easter! And these boys are pro- claiming the glorious message that Christ Is Risen. Easter is the time of promise, beauty, awe at the miracle of birth and rebirth. Easter is the time to let the joy of living seep into you. It is the time to tell yourself that you believe . . . and, if there’s been any doubt about it, to start believing again. Spend part of your Easter in Church. Spend wonderland God has created around you. the rest of it looking, with new eyes, at i (CHURCH PAGE The Kings Daughters Bible! Sunrise Easter services will Rev. The Rev. Robert W. Koons, [Class of the Church of God P¢ held Sunday at the church] Jo of the Brethren on the Fal- Rev. The services 6:45. will begin Other churches assist ling with the services will be Trinity Evangelical of Church, B. full time ministry church of Royalton, the Gey-/as an ordained pastor in the be and St. active ofA, Deck. the Swatara Hill Church the Brethren, the E. U, er E, U. B. church Paul's E. U, B. Falmouth. There church will be Miss Anna special music by each of the of aton, churches, including a trumpet Conference, Harold in Miller, York, Pa., Thomas Shoemaker and Ron- Deck will request quartet composed of Andrews, Kenneth ald Wagner. At 10 a.m. the pastor will will Henry Street,(speak on “He Lives.” BAKE SALE The Ladies Auxiliary the Rheems Fire Company| will hold a Bake Sale at the| Rheems Fire House, Satur- day, April 20th, 11:00 a. m. re ee en | PLAN FOOD SALE John’s Lutheran Church of Maytown is planning a Food| Sale Saturday, May 4, on the square, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies Bible Class of the Lutheran church will hold a rummage sale in the parish house April 26-27. The sale will open at 1 p. m. on the 26th and at 10 a. m. on the 27th. [ ® Bulletin advertisement pays. For All We Hold Sacred . . .. . Attend Church! THE CHURCH FOR ALL . , , ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest fac- tor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. Ii Is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup- port the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself which needs his moral and ma. terial support. Plan 10 go to church reqular] and [ Bible daily, Ws fod Yom Day Book Chapter V. Sunday... Mark 16 fn Monday.. Matthew 28 1-20 Tuesday . I Corinthians 15 1-2 Wednesd'yl Corinthians 15 26.98 Thursday. Hebrews 13 1.25 Friday . Revelation 21 1-27 Saturday. Revelation 22 1.21 Q. A. Deck To Retire Easter Sunday marks atjonly the close of his 7th year ranks of the Annual East which Paul's (retirement) available wishes are granted, supply as occasions arise and he of health. He and Mrs. Deck are plan-| make their future Sh F al H ome in the Alleghany moun- eetz uner ome starting at tains in Somerset County, Pa Chinese is spoken by more | people than any other lang- t1 W. Donegal St, MT. JOY The Luther League of GEORGE E. CARRIGER Paint and Body Shop Wrecks Rebuilt — Cars Painted — Body and ‘PHONE E-TOWN 7-6450 ‘TheFirst MOUNT JOY Open Friday 'Til Eight - Closed Saturday National Bank & Trust Co. of Mount Joy FLORIN teilig Funeral Home 23 WEST MAIN ST. JAMES B. HEILIG Funeral Director MOUNT JOY LUTHERAN EVANGELISM MISSION 43 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. Without obligation, § would like te more about M. S. Sensening Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens 206 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-8651 Prescriptions 65 EAST MAIN STREET Sloan Pharmacy Phone 3-3001 Rexall Drug Products MOUNT JOY Arthur J. Ulrich AUTOMATIC HEAT SALES AND SERVICE Box 306, Landisville, Pa. Phone 8122 APRIL 28 TO MAY 2 the Lutheran Church and its faith. ask @ team of lay visitors to call on me. Nome: Address. LEM-1 Ci 3} < od 1 J. B. Hostetter & Son Hardware — Appliances WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-3721 Wolgemuth Inc. “Graceful and Sincerely Yours” 14 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9681 The Mount Joy W. C. T. U. will meet in the E. U, B. Church in Social Rooms on {Monday evening, April 22, at not 7:30 p. m. Everyone is invited to at- in Mount Joy, tend. Congre- » — but also his 0p FRIDAY SERVICE in service; a Good Friday service will Rev * held at the Mt. Pleasant eV. Q.|Brethren in Christ Church [from 9:30 to 11 am. Elder Meeting Henry Frank of Mount Joy Pennsylvania Mennonite Church will speak convenes on the crucifixion. The public E. C. Church,lis invited next week, Rev. superan-, Mrs, Wilbur Derr and son a n d Kenneth Wilbur recently re- after his|turned home following tonsil to serve operations for both of them minister at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lan- has caster, GERALD R. SHEETZ %* — . Funeral Director ve Fender Work Electric & Acetylene Welding Wheels Balanced and Aligned RHEEMS on Staley’s Garage NEW & USED CARS GENERAL AUTO & TRUCK REPAIRING SOUTH MARKET STREET Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951 Union National Mount Joy Bank MOUNT JOY OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT CLOSED SATURDAYS ny wiess Onop Ladies and Children Wearing Apparel EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Booth Dept. Store Complete Line Of Material EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS., MT. JOY Phone 3-3741 Attend The Church Of Your Choict This Sunday The Mount Joy Bulletin H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. R.C.A. WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-336¢ Becker's Bread Service Manbeck Bread FLORIN PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4449 C. W. Herr Ford Sales & Service Gulf Gas & Qil Products WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9701 SIMON P. NISSLEY — MARY G. NISSLE{ Funeral Directors EAST MAIN ST. Phone 3-9251 Arthur J. Ulrich Plumbing & Heating 24-Hour Service on all types Automatie Heating Equipment LANDISVILLE PHONE 8122 Adam H. Greer JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP Artcarved Diamonds 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-4124 MOUNT JOY BOX 306