The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 18, 1957, Image 1

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that the industries and busi- various colored enamels and from North Manchester.
| The Meditation for the ser-

ll In ‘ Sang RC
Good Friday | Name Speaker For CA) Resistor | BOWIE NY ail
Servi “EGG” TREE IS Evinm es oe 6 NC, bp dp
oil. ervice Planned | | Sunrise Service Zs ~ i Nor
Yt The annual Good Friday IN BOROUGH | There has been a change nll N fe ' . We , 7
nd, Service sponsored by the| Mrs, Clinton G. Eby, 330 in speakers for the third an- a =
atin be held April 19, NOT Barbara Street, has Paster Symise Serves i J 2
fron™1:00 to 3:00 P, M. in decorated an out-door Easter|,” bandstand in a 2/7 FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. 44 MOUNT JOY, PA THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 SEV \
the First Presbyterian church 'egg tree for the holiday sea- the community park. all. 7 frome wp wr WH ", AR, 1 . i « ’ “" I'HURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 SEVEN CENTS PER COPY
a in Mount Joy, son. Using a pine tree on her| Mr. Fisher, who was pre-|
BB The theme for this Good{lawn as the base, Mrs. Eby viously announced as the Wh
SQ Ft Sees wl earn peed seven npc to ston
of Christ from the Cross. "(colored eggs on the tree. She|North orto "College, ha |
ny i _ The ministers of the Asso. saved the egg shells (which/North Manchester, Indiana, © | X P q | n ewe I SE
i ciation seek the cooperation have had the egg food re-|will be the speaker. He is
“oy J of the entire community inimoved) for the past several; from Elizabethtown and plans
2 e sponsorship of this sol- months; painted them with|t® enter Bethany Seminary
§ emn service. It is our hope in Chicago upon graduation n 00 Ll P aq Nn
ness houses of the community placed them on strings.
will afford to all within their]
vice will be led by a student
{from Elizabethtown College,

State Inspection
Official Action
nection notice, setting out the,
employment the opportunity
8 to set aside these few hours Special music will be provid-| | : . }
i y a Yuratel \ ass ¢ ale § am
\ : on this Hoty Day to ‘“watch| Maytown io DY Ge Fo ad Sule ¢ Key To Situation *" Tr Beor » making a con May Come Monday
: ay. | qua § 2g “Se ‘ : gi
5 : . . ! 2 3 _ nection to the sewer lines,
Los tle isan occas | Gf Wins To poy Although there is one big {he property owner MUST and there are penalties for
ion to meditate upon the) rest of tl FORT: F, it looks now as if Mount, 10 application in person at Violations — are connections
: things that pertain to our e-| hi of rae. prog a |Joy’s new sewer system andy. office of the Borough Au-10 be made until or before
ternal salvation, ever remem. SIC Awa rd 1B ren 3 at disposal plant will be (located in the fire the $200 fee is paid and the
y bering that Jesus “gave Him-| en A ey iB the jen first use sometime during for a permit to connect permit issued.
cH ing? ih) : ervice t lithe wee i *
self Jor A a and et Mary Ann Felty, Donegal [pr held in Hostetter’s banquet he Weel of Aad 3 3. At that time the $200/ The Borough Authority of-
we should present our bod- high school senior, daughter |p) 1at was the ofhicial ection fee MUST be paid fice, located on the first floor
; iés as living sacrifices, holy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fel-| all. | fnouncement made this week Ri ho i] & i
3 A ic 4 ® y n payment the permit will along the north side of the
and acceptable unto God,|t¥, has been awarded a SICO| {by Robert Rosser, president. iccied and the t adi ; 5
1 eC Th Bl RM roviire] Y Sr >be issued anc the home own- building, will be open from
which is our reasonable ser- p jof the Mount Joy Boroughler then may proceed i i il 24 i
: vite State Teachers college. she N B k er then may proceed immedi- April 23 to April 26 from 9
a is one of 20 granted scholar-| ew an | Honored guests at the annual Old Timers Athletic association will be the Hershey | ley to connect his lines tountil 11 a. m., from 1 until
ping \ *— [ships to that school. Forty Olivets basketball team of 1918 and 1919. All are expected to attend the reunion and| The one remaining “If"jthe sewer system. [4 and from 6 until 9 p. m.
'banquet, to be held Friday night, April 26, at the American Legion home. The group, concerns an approval of the The Authority points outand from 9 until 12 on Satur-

trout fishing and the boys
have had — in the main —
‘Hours Are
Year Old
Rabbit Clark.
ers Athletic Association will
communities. The change 14 at 6:30 o'colck at the|does
cluded Friday night
pictured above, includes: (Left to right) Russ Zentmeyer, John Snavely, manager, de-|disposal plant by the
ceased; Irvin Doggie Elliot; Win Zimmerman; Sam Stine;
the work gratis and
hours| ; : a
UrSi Mount Joy American Legion Whose work among the youth county who has missed only|yital at this stage,
Russell 'sylvania health department. |
An inspection was schedul-|
ed to be held Thursday after-|
Ken Stover and

Uncle Charlie Mayser, after further work is
81, dean of coaches in but which is not
final in-
that under no gircumstance— day.
na . a After that week, the office,
“iin charge of Mrs. Clyde Trip-
= . °
gh MAIN STREET 0 % ‘3. A Old R | : alte wf Ale ple, will be open Tuesday
be ne year ago last Friday, | noon at the site of the dis ~~ . by eA Cee
E ‘he First National Bank and nnNnua imers eunion Iposal plant—rain or shine. C 0sSs2 rs Be ray evening from
4 Trust Company, Union Na- : b+ | : | At that time the state in- Ge Pan ES og .
fi | Dias, Bop Florin Bank Nal Friday, April 26, the 8th/porter of high school sports; and Dr. Harold Fellenbaum|¢pectors will make what a- To Retu rn days from 9 until 12.
| Maytown Bank introduced|2nnual banquet and reunion Charlie Pennell, one of Who have made tennis to a “semi-final in- As the project moves along
This is the first week of new banking hours for the|°f the Mount Joy Old Tim. few officials who still tory in the county. spection” of the property. M 1 i Wis anfiounced hat an a
| ay mended plan for handling
|sewer connections of proper-
Dr. and Mrs. David Schlos-|ties along the north side of
ood luck. First catch to be from 5 to 8 p. m. instead of] gh tv is : J
Exhibited for the Bulletin Saturday bt id hours. At/home of community is Out-gne dinner of the eight. lspections will be completel. ser and family left Alaska Main street has been adopted.
8 | 4 | . . . Le 5 i 3 3 di | : . av dar 4 ir i I
staff was by George Geibe,| 'the time, the Friday night, Special guests will include standing. Marv Miller, sports editor| “garly this week the local Monday on the start of their] A line north from Barbara
Cedar Lane, who before noon lhours had been adopted by the Hershey Olivets basket-| Reuben Fellenbaum, rec-of the Intell-Journal; and the engineer return trip to Mount Joy. Dr street in Apple Tree alley is
on Monday had a nice lcounty banks in Manheim, ball team of 1918 and as the oldest tennis Rev. Lester Koder who will fe]t that all is in readiness Schlosser had his practice in being extended westward and
of eight, topped by a dandy East Petersburg, Columbia [The entire team will be pres-|Player in town as well as alead the memorial services. the inspection and that Mount Joy prior to his two-|will terminate approximately
16-incher. They came from| - [Harrisburg, Lebanon a n dent, except the manager, of other sports, and T to Ps 6 {'he plant is to the best of year stay in Alaska with theback of the Acme store. An-
! ) the father of two sons, John (Turn to Page 6) ltheir knowledge at this point|United States Army. other line in Apple Tree al-
Hammond Creek, he report-|

Campbelltown plus the Lan-/John Snavely, who is deceas-|
caster city banks. led. The players include Russ|

|—ready for use.
However, it is possible that

The arrived in|ley west of Market will be
Wednes-|€xtended to back of the home
Seattle, Washington,


eo © © Officials of both the local/Clark, Win Zimmerman, Sam f R Lester Kod Anotl
; ISirine . Sn qn! . : av have sendy cemaration/of Rev. Lester Koder, Anoth-
Mount Joy Rotarians have banks state that after one /Strine, Russ Zenymer, Bill Ti 0 { F Mid { / some detail may have beenday. Following his separation(®" CV. «5 C2 sigh ng
been ins themselves on year, the new hours have Leitheiser, Ken Stover and] ry- u S or 1 gc eams werlooked and there may be ‘rom the Army eXtension in the same al-
the Back MARY ANN FELTY proved successful. They Irvin Doggie Elliot. | . mother slight delay. (April 19), the family wijley will sxtend but
. . to 2 | ine > inspection-—larrive i » “Bor not join the other line in
oo © wards Were given to bu sled that business has grown| It is a coincidence that | No { Following the inspection— arrive in the borough by May| and . aa :
nd girls fr £ ts of P Ys with each additional the Hershey and Mount] C eC u e or ex cee fF everything checks out Ist. |the same alley, breaking at
Attendance at the noonjand gir's from paris of :enn : . i ; dividing line of the fall
lunch i ie of the impor- sylvania and Maryland in|night and that the opinion of{Joy team, which played a ] satisfactorily, he Borough He wil be resuaing hi of the I: ig
June Salt isa RE which Sico company operates.|the public is satisfactory. The|regular schedule at that time,| Mount Joy's Midgets will athletic field on both of the Authority will hold a special oractice at his East Main St [© rs BI roperties be-
ih REE ist rach rive Grants are for $300 per year hours from 6 to 8 p. m, Fri-|will be able to meet for ajstart their 1957 baseball sea- named dates. neeting on Monday night, address tentatively i I AR oh i) et
Fi Ts or for $1,200 for four years/day nights are the busiest after 37 years. It isjson Monday, April 22 and! Due to a change in thc) April 22, and there will take May 8 and 13; with office] a Manhei d he
airy bélween . varioy and cover about half the col-|¢j, k. One Frid on-|unlikely that ther Apr. 24. All league by-laws, al |.he necessary legal action to hours the same as before [2D anheim road on the
for high attendance records./lege fees, and room and Wee ng even HEY any other Wednesday, Apr. 24. A boys gue VS in acti During his abs orth side of Main St. will be
During the month of March|pboard of who live ining during the 6 to 8 p. m.[lar groups in Lancaster Co./from Mount Joy and vicinity boys up to fifteen years o place the system in action. uring his absence, the re ar - ht cian
M 2 ated aber onelthe college dormitory Selec-|time, a count proved do the same. lare invited to try-outs which age plus boys who becom: | Following that action, of- mainder of his office has|® 0d byt i
oun iif Oe injtion of recipients was on the/five persons waiting at one] When Mount Joy played will be held on the two na- sixteen after June 1 are eli-{ficial channels will be clear- been remodeled so as to cor he dor war an as e i
with a 99. 1 \ A ayed| Ee hr 4 Ye The | » soir aeons Sm . |inating connections to 1e
this district re includes/Pasis of scholafship, person-|of the banks Hershey in those days thereymed dates. Boys from the vi- gible for the team. The d to begin accepting connec Jespond to ‘the addition thail ne Main street However
38 clubs Only ote mun was ity. and extra curricular ac-| The Landisville bank was a chartered spec-|cinity including 'Florin, Mil-change was made to avoic(tion fees. ; 1ad been erected in 1951. I air a i yer
absent ’ during the entire] 1Vities. {gone on record favoring these|ial trolley plus the ragularjton Grove, Maytown, Salunga the gaps between Midget and| Thus, assuming that : the a Seals Ee de DT A
month | Miss Felty has been unus- new hours and expects to[car and plenty of automo-|and Landisville have the/Junior Legion teams’ ages (health department approves |= OHO rs
: sally active in Donegal highladopt the new system next|biles, In those days there was|choice of deciding for which When some boys were toc the disposal plant and the Post | S r con impossible
®e © o iam: i i, Se days as oe i 3 Ti Rant Tye - 4 te stan s legal a ervice nd where the alley sewer is
baseball fans school, centering much of month. more interest in town basket-|team they wish to try-outiold for Midget ball and twojAuthority completes its lega | ot practical, the laterals wil
Now--you. baseba ans—iher interest in music. { ren mn ball than in the local high|but their names having been(small for Legion ball andaction all is in readiness. Pi h R | j 0 ‘braces the era : will
here's a real heartbreaker Competitive examinations |school if 3 placed on the roster of one/they had to wait a year or| Then - the following steps inc elaxe I= into Vin street.
Bon Groff, Donegal high for the scholarships were giv- Golden Age Club on w . team, according to the this caused large num- will be taken. Effective at once, all cur, 1s mstatia on ° laterals
school pitcher, on Tuesdaylen at the college on Mar. 9. Other guests a week from laws of the league, they may|bers of boys to lose interest 1. A member of the police | ijne : serviced n Main Street is not expect-
hurled ‘a onehitter against Those who. receive «the 1 Friday will include; Charlie ot he » 10 & ther te: [and uit. baseball. Another|force will deliver, door-to- 4 poste) SETVICES) qd to beg'n until weather is
visiting Warwick but was|scholarship are expected to Holds Dinner |Snyder, representing Donegal|"}, €"ange to ne A Sah requires all 4 pieces of important which were experienced b)| nore favorable. In the mean-
beaten. 5 to 0. He gave up 4/complete the regular elemen-| high school, who was winner|, Boys are requested] 10 come change i ie De rerio LO. post office patrons last week | je the alley construction is
aten, g Hoary : The Golden Age club cele- for try-outs at 5:45 p.m. ati{to wear safety helmets whenlinformation and forms. The | CR W adhd 3 ; 5
alks and was given error ary school curriculum at : of the annual foul shooting)?’ Wyouls a: Biel pm. 8h ° il i : end have been rescinded, it} along in good speed
an $ 5 : heir college and to teach inibrated its second anniversary Jocal elementary schoollat bat. [papers will include: a letter... announced Thursday ¥ 5 g speed.
Ben also claimed ip, elementary schools for alon Saturday, April 6 in the rg Sponsored bY Dist | The Old Timers explanation; a sewer De Noam Joy Post ———
DHS. s two lone hits of of at least two years. |Salunga Methodist church at|;. ° the American Legion; CEC ltion will again sponsor the/sessment bill, giving the qe; Eimer Zerphey .
game. arte fies noon Lee W. Ellis and George | ith Bernard Ke as/mount due; an explanation of phe only change fr the .
. 0 0 | . Brown, who introduced Mid- . . {team with Bernar ear i Which mays 1e only change from th cers
Marietta is fighting an up- ., The following group had), po George Sixty rientation jehairman of the commiteel 85 Foy ome they local schedule in | .
il be agai ige Local Skaters To its photo taken: Annie Bren-|& oo 00 Lo oF football: assisted by Henry Klugh, Sr.[be used in payment of that .jydes window service hours
hill battle against pigeons. in. 83: Elizabeth’ Wi ... |Groff, promoter of football; i ; and a sewer con- < : TF
oe © © gy tti ' B 128 a i me [Charlie Chuck Bennett Sr. Plans Made Donald Staley is returningy ’ and Saturday night lobby] For P A
Mount Joy, on the other Appear In Show b 3 olue Beverly, Who Wilall-around athlete, and one i coach of the team. With ee closing. y i?
hand can applaud Bill Fack- > ge Spr. = ay sg the main stays in the| Seventh graders have been|the addition of new boys plus] Window service will be|
stan > 2 0 AINE ihre malor “Boots. 1 ame ane iscussion|last year’s team, both Mr. : maintained from 8:30 a. m |
ler and Abe Mumma for the] Two local skaters will be were the oldest mem- three major sports in the named to panel discussion ik Oo bi Rotarians Fete Ro avs pee Elected
fact that the droves of mes-lincluded in the twenty-second borough; |groups in conjunction with|Staley a . ar < I ays |
il Ss ests which once madelannual ice carnival ie DOL of the group. 5 He Klugt 7 orientation day at Donegal ced that they expect good | h Friday and from 8:30 a. m |
# yD SR Br MR p iin 3 turkey dinner of — gh high school. The students of|ball playing from the boys Daug ters until noon on Saturday. Be-| The Rev. John Hiestand
wi > ~i i as|< 3€ ase a or a 5 : > Va STI { di ing Qr rr weil. Vyas” elacte resident i!
Street are gone. Figure Skating Clu TCR Aaa number of years and a hard hs even grades have oi 9nd $e tum us year al Daughters of Mount Joy Yon] go { RS Line
: oe © o will be presented in the inner oe oP JLRS worker and a staunch. lo SrOUDS Yor IN ihc to he bo salle 4. [Rotarians -were . honored on| oa dros the rarulnr
& The two have spent many/shey Sports Arena April 27th no ie Sen BO P-loroject which is being spon-|teams to be played will noon as the clubmen 20300 at 6:30 p.m insiend 6 Sy at the regular Mesting
: many many hours huntinglat 8 p.m pig gos y 0 Were un- mee {sored by the English classes announced following a "ot Hostetters’ for their 7:30: p. Mm the group last Thursday
4 I 1 Ficcons until the appears) Richard Sloan, son of lo Wed of yacaTioN | the suidanee department fing Spr 2 weekly lunchuon meeting ’ TE
po ance of one in the communityjand Mrs. Walter Sloan, will lowed by an interesting talk Next Tuesday, April 23, Shan, J pte i Ranging in'age from threc|c ASS HAS SHOWER ce ovesident: ‘Mrs. Lester
+ is indeed a rare sight. be included in the “Birthday and pictures of local interest BEGINS TODAY “lone group will visit the six- < . to an’ unverified | 53, “thel Wp 00’ oF the Hom Yalzomuth seratary aod
eo 6 0 Cake” scene of the second|There was time for Chats oh : : th grade of the Milton Grove Named Chairman aughters were honored in an Buildings. last ot the. Fal | 1 awh Sw tz is t ve =
Although they have hadjact. Carolyn Sloan, daughteripout olden times a School closed this after-igehool to explain the junior . . lannual event and as the spec- © Church. of the. Brothi{\ ony I A So t
the situation well under Mr. and Mrs. Sloan, will . a A : noon in the Donegal Schoolihjgh school program; Wed- In Hospital Drive lial feature of the day heard, .~ til. cu : urs Hf Tene, Dl
wi > : : The Salunga Womans clubjp pe, f a two-d: Easter : be Mai re gd a ren Bible school gave a show | f the Lancaster County PTA
trol for a long while, theybe featured in the Teener|sponsers the Golden Age club co or a two-day Rasteripesday, a group will visit the ii Snivel Te: alan address by Miss Rebecca = Cie Mr Mrs Audi
3 bh s the Golden Age The schools will re- Ties rade Ti | William navely, randtic, © der of [5 ntly for Mr. and Mrs {organization installed the
still take a hunt now and|group of the club when this] Hea i | Mt. Joy sixth grade; urs or pr SSOT ( inglish y, > : . :
8 8 furnishes free Tuesd: : til 3oulevard, Landisville, and| landed os pk Vincent Engle, who were re | ew officers following the
3] then to knock down any|group presents the “Roaringitation to guest: open luesday morning. day, a group will visit "qc "pr bord Lane Millersville State Peach-| iv The cB | th 5
& strays they can locate Twenties” as the third act gues loa The Rev. William sixth grade and on eslie 5, Hubbard, Lancasterl,,., cently married. The cbupl | lection
J S Lean locate, ¥ . Those who are 65 years of| orth. pastor of the May-|Monday "April 29, a group R3, have been named She calied bor: address “Ds received many nice gifts. | The program which follow-
- x Henry Carpenter gave us a age a yer may qualify as town Evangelical Reformed|will visit the Maytown “sixth: chairmen ny the Lancaster}, — Dads and Daughters.” d the theme of “Youth in
¥ quick tour through his treas- LADIES NIGHT a Re oor oh] the group, with|chyurch, gave the Easter mes- grade. Feneral Hospital's ’57 Char-/ She talked of the high he Community included
i ure house of antiques and in-lqpy py BY LIONS Mrs a a in a special assembly! Following these panel dis- ly ond Cam in which women must { alks by Marshall Gember-
teresting keepsakes. on. | oy Sl of Sal-lprogram this afternoon atlcsusions, orientation day has| 28M Coumy | ig Gifts Divi-ip "hold in the minds of Am- | ing of the faculty who spoke
NE a er tar mora persons atten: unga is the ples) ent. the high school. Mrs. Eliza-|peen announced for Thursday S08 i Jas. oe lerica, for 7.3% in the ‘home )n summer recreation; Judy
important items which|ded the Tuesday Ladies Nite EASTER PARTY |beth Carruthers was 2. On this day, all the rr, - Neu °F that strong communities are icin Ph LS Whe
would have many people gas-|dinner-meeting of the local = |charge of spec:al music. sixth graders of the area wil is associated with made, she said. And, she cal- EE a cau 4 a.
i si iece which ostetier’s. lvisit the high school. Byely 15 as led » daughters Juchensuer, 8 3 :
| ping, he single piece which Lions Cb. 8) ee ee AT MESSIAH HOME HIGH SCHOOL DAY isi the lish sei! he firm of J. C. Snavely and nan pe oe {discussed Boy Scouting; and
| a “herd tack" or ho ig th est s Pe Residents of the Messiah ¢ “ons, Inc, Landisville and a high lace” the need f goarbara Thome, a senidr,
Piece oi» herd fac which|Penna., was the guesi spe Ld ; PLANNED AT MSTC esp cee ee. 488: Boon petive In clic cluble HE Dice jects. 9 ‘discussed Girl Scouting. Each
was issued during the and spoke on the “use of/Children’s Home will be = i mankind or . :
AS Er ys a 1b a con-|guests of the local JoyCee : : vork. Hubbard is a member, The sheaker was introduc {discussed the functions of
War «2 M soldier. the whee oie bo 2 og S So a i ee High School Day will be] BIRTHS f the firm of Hubbard Farms) i he pes or 8s 3 roduc- he various groups and. the
.'9. 9 junction with elub and or. group y a Tlobserved Saturday, April 27, 3 Fi Soultrymen, - and is Four 4, founding of each. In Mr.
Be articul _lzanization work. Special mu-|party, the fifth annual affair, illavsville Na] ee : : : Besides the daughters of 4 ry
| It has no particular appe- = i to be given th oD by thet the « Millersville State known in the industry. He is i re 4Gemberling’s talk, he stress-
tite appeal but it looks as|sic was provided by an or given e group OY the Teachers College. The faculty] Mr. and Mrs. James Al, member of the Hospital embers and “adopted fed the importance of the
much like an old fashioned/cordion trio from York, Sam-|local organization. A specially, 4 administration of the|Newcomer, Mount Joy Rl, a|Board of Directors and a past|daughters of others without chool, parent, pupil and the
soda cracker in a countryjuel Taylor, Beverly Hafer|program and game will meet with parents daughter, last Thursday, ati,resident. i gg 24 hose gus ommunity working together
Lancaster General Hospital. jguests included iss Lilly i ‘0 better the chances for the
store cracker barrel as any- nd Gloria Hantz.

will be held with lunch being, 4 students for the day. The]
The two men will be tin and Ragner Hallgren

thing else. | The meeting marked the served to the group in the 4,75 activities include a tour| Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hed by a number of other vol- | routh
| em twelfth anniversary of thellocal firehouse. lof “the college, tour of the|Geltmacher, 202 East Done-lunteer workers and guidance. eounselors of Arthur Sprecher irms
club. John Weidman was in| Mrs. Charles Drace heads qo mitories, special programs|gal Street, a son, Friday atlcover the area of Landisville, Ponegal high school, and i {1 hur Sprecher, chairman
ESCORTED TO HOSPITAL charge of the program andthe committee in charge of ; 4 baseball game. All par Pe Bitar Ao Fost brag gy de Mary Ann Felty and Ronnie ) ae Jodie WI
John “Cappy” Mumma, 58, Lewis Bixler, president, was| he affair. Her committee in-lonts and high school students| Mr fit Mrs Ra G Ober Mount Joy and Rohrerstown. Jean Reese, D.H.S. students. ws is en Lor Be
Central Hotel, North Market in charge of the meeting. cludes Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. 3 re invited to attend. IRheems, a SOT. Tondo ot el ers — by the group. His
Gerald Sheetz, Miss Joanne npr Af ts ri {

Ronnie Jean Reese, daugh committee included Adam
s. Street, was admitted to St.| rt i) iL Ooo
Joseph's Hospital in critical One Mount Joy man was/Brown, Mrs. Donald Miller Tn er ‘Lsteapathic siospl-l, 11. MEETING Saturday, April 27, three/ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin|Greer and Le A
MP! condition at 10 p.m. Sundayamong five county men to re-and Miss Marian Rutt. TOURS PLANT Val. The first meeting of the students of the Donegal high A. Reese, Mount Joy, is the This Sy th poley
The Lancaster City enlist in the Air Force it was ——| Members of the newspaper season of the 4-H club will take part in a Rotary Student of the Month {tor the re Your

Police were requested to es-lannounced last Saturday by
cort the Mount Joy ambul-|M. Sgt. Edward J. McCurren.

|staff of Donegal high school
|visited the Lancaster News-
paper office Tuesday after-|
To Report New

ance from the Dillerville Rd.|John G. Kanode, Mount Joy
and Manheim Pike intersec-|R1, was sent to Lackland Air
tion. City police cleared theForce Base in Texas for fur-
way to the hospital ther assignment,
noon. They were given a tour |
of the plant. Mrs. Paul Gin-
|grich is adviser.
Families Call
MJ 3-6294
Physician On Call |
Dr. John Gates
be held at 2:30 Sturday after- mathematics contest which is
noon, April 27, at the Educa-|being sponsored by the Mil-
tional Building of the First|lersville State Teachers Col-
National bank of Elizabeth-|lege. The three are Douglas
town. Plans will be made for |Fish, Kenneth Appley and
future meetings. ‘Kenneth Wittle.
President of Donegal high The next
school’s senior class, she is £/held the
member of the Emerald October. Before that meeting
staff, of the and of the new president, Rev. Hies-
the May Court and she will appoint his com-
ed a part in the senior play. 'mittees.
meeting will be
first Thursday in