The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 28, 1957, Image 7

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| x
! e Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.|about Jerusalem during Holy | === amd er . . DRIVES OVER HOSE
Rost 4 8 : A
Thursday, March 8-2 Ne | NEWTOWN y Choirs To Give My Favorite I Lawrence Sears, Mt. sor | WATER HEATERS FOR EVERY NEED
6, 7:30 and 9 a.m. Holy| R1, was prosecuted Monday | 10, 20, 30, 45, 50 GALLON CAPACITY
[= I i i i
ravyer by Manheim Towns ice 0 .
Musical ¢ ocmedy Pray i a: Township police, Three outstanding makes to choose from and various
sig ———— he "It sizes and different speed burners for automatic

Senior chorus members of Submitted to The Laymen’s | March 19. Police said that an} \wachers and restaurants.
Donegal high school will pre- Natiosal Committee [auto driven by Sears on the}! Automatic pilot burner - heavily insulated
sent a musical comedy op by ‘ old Harrisburg Pike crossed} Temperature control 90 to 160 degrees
Communion. {
Church News 7:30 pm. Evening Prayer,
{ and Mrs.
: 8:00 p.m. Lenten Study: | Visitors of Mr.
News Pertaining To All “Pitfalls and Temptations prances Haberstroh were Mr.
The Churches In Mt. Joy Bred J Bh [Edwin Fry wi! Clratiofte eretta in tl hool lit la hose being used to combat 1
SS. [Fry of Lancaster 2D. ; ‘etta in the school auditor-| : i S¢ 1 sed lo comba 0 year guarantee on tank.
And The Surrounding I" Visitors of Mr. and | Mis. ium Friday, April 12. Eugene MAJ WM. E. MAYER, M.D. the fire which destroyed part} Gas water heaters cost less to buy and cost less to
Newtown E. U. B. Church | tt 3 Trich, vocal music instruct-| Brooke Army Medical Cen- of the Lancaster Brick Com- || operate.
ter, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.

Community. Rev. Ira Forina 3m Fos a Sons, or, will be in charge of the pany plant |
| Sunday |Miss Joann ehman, heems oh ye 0, . aii : MW ee aw
Glossbrenner Evangelical | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Miss Priscilla Fogie, Mrs. production Bells of the Almighty God, who has ° WARD BOTTLE GAS
United Brethren Church | 10:00 am. Worship Service Martha Orio, Mr. Harry West". created man in ‘Thine OWN The first folding fan was EPHRATA, PA.
Rev. Chagles Wolf, Pastor Wednesday |Mammino, Philadelphia, Mrs. Leading roles will be tak- grant us grace fear produced in 670 A.D. in Jap-|}| Town Store, 25 S. State St., open 8 to 5 p. m. Friday
Su Sunday School 7:00 p.m, Christian En- Paul Smith and children, of en by Kay Kauffmdn, 3 gn against ap, evening 6 to § p. m. - Free Parking in rear
ie al, nag Chnool, i. ST 2 . 3 ntrinia (CVE, AN make no yeace >
for all ages. y re. Brave i |Columbia RD. WS n, Rose Raber, Patricia (5 0 A anid } that |. The first U. S. Postoffice||| Showroom, 1 mile N. of Ephrata on Rt. 222 open
: p. « P ayermeeting. | aro Martha Fogie and son Tumper, Patricia Sechrist, We Mav Hoe our nation opened in New|] daily 7-5 p.m. Friday evening 6-9 p.m. Free parking
Kitty Buchwalter, Carolyn] i) woe York City on Nov. 28, 1783. |

10:30 a.m. Divine Worship
7:15 p.m. Evening Bible
Richard visited Mrs. Rose freedom, help us to employ

Showalter, Joanne Stehman,|; : :
Darla Kulp, Fred Bernhard [it in the maintenance of jus-|

Study Coluinbla_Congeesgation of ‘Ressler, Mrs. Pearl Brenne-
Wednesday an nesses man, Mt. Joy RD, and «Mrs. [tres 2 sions |
6180 pm. Youth Choir Re- Perry and Union Sts. Eith Erb, Columbia RD. Douglas Fish, Richard Bow-|!icc among men and nations,
hearsal. Columbia, Pa. Fi Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 3 ers, Jacob Zeller and Glenn id the glory 5? hy Holy . “ow
7:00 pm. Midweek Ser- [Saturday | a Weer were Mr. and, REV. A. R. KRATZEY |Eshelman. [Name; through Jesus Christ. fy the spirit hy
oa 9:00 a. House a : ; So a our Lord. (Book of Common
vice. a.m. House to house Albert . Myers a n “An Air Trip To Palestine, A chorus composed of 32
8:00 p.m§ Sunday School witnessing. Si Dep y C iy bia With My Movie Camera "| voicas vill als Pt y in ha I
Council. 2:00 p.m. Street witnessing|daughter, Joann, io Min a2 will feature the Sunday night | . AE an the = rn of Laster... .
tins in Columbia. R. D. and Mrs. Benjamin» UL ct eg shi operetta [© es
Thursday . : service at 7 o'clock at Trini-| | OBSERVE 48TH |
6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir re-, 7:30 p.m. Street witness- (Weaver, Marietta. ty Evangelical Congregation-| wi gb lf worst panne [ANNIVERSARY | * Kk
hearsal. ing in E-town. | Misses Shirley and Janet 3] Church by the Rev. A. R.| | c 1 1
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir H ‘1 Witmer spent the week end Kratzer of Myerstown, Pa. |G Q Class Meets u My. and Mrs. Harry K.| us
hearsal. | 9: am. House to house at State College. {The Rev. Kratzer is Superin- | «7. ' inkle, 244 Marietta avenue,
Friday ne, Watchtower | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jendent of he Myessiown E. [Mount Joy, are quietly cele-|
7:00 p.m. Boys and Girls | : .m. Watc Oliver Witmer and family/C. hurch Home for the! The Kings daughters Bible/brating their 48th wedding aster d S
Fellowship. Fy were Mr. and Mrs. Lausch Aged, Sd Ang re class of the Church of God anniversary Friday, Mar. 29. I
8:00 p.m. Public Bible and family, Manheim. the church in this supervis- Sunday School, met wn the They fre Wie patents of wo : :
I d
Crossroads Brethren In Study at 263 W. Walnut St,| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea- ory capacity, he has traveled home Of Mrs. Elsie Grove Rughters, Mrs. Samuel ler-/ During this happy Easter season, a beautiful
Christ Church Marietta and 1 Hemp St., ver visited Mr. and Mrs. Ha- considerably and has become! With 13 members present af- ley and Mrs. Harold Over. Hallmark Religi i : yi
Paul Z. Hess Mount Joy. thaway Brenneman, Mount|quite an expert in taking and 'er a short business sess on|deer, and two grandchildren, | mark Religious Card brings a message of peace
Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors Thursday Joy RD, and Mr. and Mrs. producing motion pictures ments were served Terley and Barbara and joy straight to the hearts of those you love
unday | 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Minis- Lloyd Steele, Lancaster. which he shows in his visits Mrs. Myrtle Mowrer, Mrs./Ann Overdeer, all of Middle- |
9:15 am. Sunday School \iry School, Instruction talk. | Mr. Norman Brosey and to the congregations of his Stella Sweigert, Mrs. Thomas town. See our complete selection of Hallmark
ap: Mes 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting. children visited Mr. and Mrs, denomination. paps Anta . Hoffer, mre Easter Cards today.
En oT wil ree Henry Hess and family and : id (Mrs. Barbara Pennell, Mrs.| |
sage by Rev. Harry L. ; : RUMMAGE SALE MAY 3 [Lillie St rs’ Lizzie|
Aker. First Presbyterian Church [Mr. Frank Brosey, Sr. of Mt. + VL 3 (Li lie Sauder, Mrs. Lizzie| h
[Ike ay Mount Joy, Pa. Joy. | The Methodist church will|Charles, Mrs. Blanche ys eetz Funeral Home y
7:00 p.m. Youth Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, | Visitors of Edith Erb and hold a rummage sale Friday,iSons, Mrs. Eli Smeltzer, Mrs., . GERALD R. SHEETZ Sloan S Pharmac ho
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting PE a.m. Churel Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brosey May 3 from 9 am. to 9 p.m, Jon Sve Mrs. Ellen Lin-| Funeral Director Rr
meen :45 am. Morning Wor- |were Mr. and Mrs. Harry sponsored by the W.S.C.S. in demuth, rs. Mary Walker, | ie . . -
s 21 W. Donegal St., MT. J0Y| E. Main St. Phone 3-3001 LM i Fi
Mrs. Oliver Witmer|the Sunday School rooms of Mrs. Kate Barnhart, and Mrs.
|Elsie Grove
Mt. Joy Mennonite Church [g. i a ’ » [Weaver
y Sermon: “God's Concern.” daughter Janet, Mrs. the church.
¥ Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos .. :
§ Hess, Henry Garber, Henry, $159 p.m. Family Night Martha Fogie and son Rich-!
rogram. ard, Grace Geltmacher, Mrs.
Frank, Pastors : dd 3 EH RAR
Sunday TT Daniel Geltmacher, Mr. Gil-|, ‘ Plant in Baltimore, Md.
9:00 a.m. Sunday School Trinity Rvangelical bert Geltmacher, of town, S only one in the United] §
Congregational Church Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shertzer | States to specialize in making or e 0 acre tten
es 004 urcn.
10:00 a.m. Worship
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor 37d daughter, Nonie, Mr. church bells.





7:30 p.m. Bible Study and, Sunday a : {Sam Shertzer Jr., Salunga, Even the kids know that |
Prayer Meeting. 9:15 am. Sunday School. |\ys Emma Kopp and daugh-|/the best things in life are]
10:20 a.m. Worship - Ser- R > free—even if it does te :
imon by the Pastor. Theme tel» Ruth, Mount Joy R. i it does take a| - .
Trinity Lutheran Church (“My Church” (Mr. and Mrs. John V. Wit-/box-top now and then. . ,
Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | Reception of Members and mer and son, Johnnie, Eliza- Staley S Garage
Sunday Baptism. (bethtown RD, Mr. and Mrs. |
9:30 a.m. Sunday Setiool, 4:00 pa After a brief de- John Brosey and daughter, | i NEW & USED CARS
10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- votional period, A sound and Debbrie, Sporting Hill, Rob- { ho 4
ship. color film of Palestine and ert and Re Winer, of | id GENERAL AUTO & TRUCK REPAIRING
Wednesday 3 2 Rev. A. R. Marietta and Rev. O. K. | Tid SOUTH MARKET STREET
“2 pi, Mid-Weck Len- oR Myerstown, Pa. puch, Manheim. | ; \ FF Phone Mt: Joy 3-5951
3 orvices. a) 1 : y Be .
Thursday 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting Lots Ep wea 18 Mor She | : : nN Q [ e ho? —
7:30 p.m. Catechetical 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal; oh Th £3 : a 3
fe sede 3 - weeks is still conf 1 to he £3 52
Gnd Far 0 PE FER RR | ne Union National Mount Joy Bank
. Mark’s Evangelica imme lf | | : av. NT JOY
United Brethren Church | : | G0
Church of The Brethren Saturday The members of the May- HIGHWAY |
Elizabethtown, Pa. 10:30 a.m. Instruction town Fire Company are CLOSED SATURDAYS
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor class. ing a Sauer Kraut Supper at|] ‘The search for causes has
Sunday | Sunday the Fire House on Satnrday,|| singled out one major of- |! -
9:30 a.m. Church School. | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. March 30 from 4 to 8 p.m i a cl i
Harold S. Martin, Gen. Supt.| 10:15 a.m. Worship ser- [This is for the benefit of the fender. This is the driver J Ki D
Esioniled sessions jor Chemin Love Imper-|Byilding Fund Adults $1.00: | Who has been drinking. { 3 itty ress Shop
and girls; adult study theme 1shable. Voi : I Ri: Dali 5, > +
cp =. y . children 50c. State Police Capt. Robert .
The Last Judgment. 5:00 p.m. YF Supper. Mis- | Ladies an i arin
10:30 am. Morning Wor-|sions Souteast Asia. 70 HOLD. FL <A V. Annett reports that of fi 4 Children Wearing Apparel
ship; Sermon “How May I; 7:30 p.m. Evening service. 1 SALE] all persons given tests af- || EAST MAI
Become A Christian;” by| “Seven Comforting Certain- The Ladies Bible Class of| ter being in major high- | MOUNT Jo!
Pastor Zuck. ities”. the Lutheran church rill a : 5
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship|Tuesday hold a rummage sale in bn way accidents last month,
Revival Service, Rev. John| 7:30 p.m. WSWS at the!paris iy og ogp.on || half showed signs of alco-
D. Lox X hi Church, Mrs. Nora Eby, lead patish Jouse April. 26-27. hol
. Long, preaching. >, MIS. ra vy, lead- a gale wi Nf hol ir ir systems.”
Wednesday ar, Mrs. Clara Hostetter will The Sale will oben at 1 p.m. Ol fn tor syviems { Booth Dept. Store
7:30 p. m. Study Class/give the book review. on. the 26th and at 10 a. Editorial in the N.Y. | C 1 i i
“Understanding Your Child”|Wednesday . (on the 27th. Times, June 10, 1956. omplete Line Of Material
taught by Dr. Paul Z. Rum-!/ 6:30 p.m. Instruction Class EAST
mel. 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bi-| Monticello, ine nome of] (Free copies of thi article. | AST MAIN & MARIETTA STS. MT. JOY
a—————— -— ble Study. T ace Mf rc eves _lj may be secured by writing to Phone 3-3741
West GO Z 550 pm. Churéh Council homas Jefferson, was un-|!! GRANT 1). BRANDON, St
est Green Tree {ie Bah. ed + most of the time for| Committee of 100, S18 State
Church of the Brethren abot 50 years after his!; Street, Lancaster, Pia) : |
San N. Eshelman, Elder | patronize Bulletin Advertisers. ‘death in 1826. I A
8:45 a.m. Sunday School ey | ttend The Church Of Your Choice
at Rheems & Green Tree. IS THE LUTHERAN CHURCH | This Sunday
iT Ro, i, Ser- » ” { After the gf winter Somes Spring. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . .
¢ - Gree ree. ; 0 7 Fulfilling a promise of long ago, the seasons ALL FOR THE
mg Loo 3 follow one another in divinely planned suc- The Church is the Ruch The Mount Joy Bulletin
The Church of God | : CessIon. Ioan eanh for foe nani
Nae | . charact 1d citi A
Rig Witten Villey Let's look at that word, “catholic.” All around us we see evidence that evil pres is a RII i
9:30 ¢ Sunday School vails throughout the world, but the Churc Without a strong (Church, neither
Vo a.m. un ay C ol. | td J tush 4 ie) a gives positive assurance that God 1S ever democracy nor civilisction can H S N
10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- i oesn’t mean. just one particular denom- "present. As Spring brings new life to nature survive. There are four sound . . ewcomer & Son, Inc.
ship. ination. In fact, it means quite the opposite. | so, God, through the Church, brings more why every person should
7:30 p.m. Song Service. abundant life to human beings. HS ai Yegularly and sup. R
Wednesday an | It comes from two Greek words — one Consider the daffodil—its freshness and Por A on sake. (2) tv
7:30 p.m. Prayer and ee meaning “down,” the other meaning “whole.” beauty speak of hope. Consider the Church— sake. (3) For the scke MOUNT JOY, PA.
Bible Study \ \ i i i d community and nation. (4; PHONE 3-3361
i 9 \ And that is precisely the Gospel: The downs its steadfast faith reaches out to an For the sake of the Church itself
mei . h vole fi strengthen mankind. 30 creates daffodils which needs his moral and ma.
Selunga Methodist Church | ward movement of God for the whole human | without our help, but intelligent cultivation terial support. Plan to go to
bE I i er i; race — never the upward climb of a few ; makes them even more beautiful. Likewise, He regularly and read” yous ’ .
Mrs Mary Organist humans who feel they can qualify! : depends on us 15 worle in His helping ie day. Becker S Bread Service
- AVE ach, to spread its influence, to broadcast its mes- D
Sunday | s to make a better world. Sund Mok (Chapter Verses
9:00 a.m. Worship Service In Christ: God comes down io us who Ree 9 Cid 4 Hai Monday Taian a2 Manbeck Bread
10:00 a.m. Sunday School. . . . oC et us accep 1s tremendous c enge Sday . Isaiah 40 Y
wiley unday Scho have no ‘way up to Him. In Scripture: God and become a part of God's Church today. Wednesd yMark FLORIN PA
8:30 pw. Ladies Class comes down to us who can know nothing of [ike ki : Phone Mt. Joy 3-4449
Meeting. Him except whatever He chooses to reveal. In the Holy Communion: Christ comes down | : Saturday. .I John "2. x7 FF 4
—_——e to bring forgiveness to us who can offer Him nothing except our guilt. 1a : ee esr se
Mt. Joy Methodist Church | PR CR C Ww Herr
George K. Ludwig, Pastor | That is why the most catholic doctrine in the world is “justification by grace : Copyrieh 103%, Reiser Adv. Service Sash, Vi, Bf ’ :
Miss Esther Walters, Organist ! a: 1 os y | 7 8 ‘ | : : - & i gh Ford Sales & Service
Sunday through faith. Sh NE ig RLY
oa : a : a Gulf G i
9:00 a.m. Bovs and Girls as & Oil Products
Choir rehearsal. It means simply that God comes down and does everything that needs to be done. WEST
) a IAIN
ag adn Sehool: He has to, because we are helpless — because the very effort to save ourselves by our ‘a \ H i F pn 9701 Moun: Joy
Vics: 5 =. Worship Ser- own “good works” is blasphemy, idolatry, arrogance, presumption, the very essence TheFirst National Bank & Trust Co. eulg uneral Home i
2:00 p.m. Pastor's Class. of sin, f M J 23 WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY ’,
6:00 p.m. Junior Youth . : 0 ount oy SIMON P. NISSLEY — MARY G.
Fell shi i : : .
up. Sehior Youth Let God be God. That is the catholic faith. MOUNT JOY FLORIN JAMES B. HEILIG dD
\ hig leave | , 3 3 : NE : . x uner ire
cages for Mt. | Let Him be born in a stable for you! Let Him agonize on a Cross for you! Let Him Open ‘Friday Til Eight - Closed Saturday Funeral Director
Wesnesingly forgive your sin simply because He wants fo — not because but despite what you are EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY
: 20 pY Mid eek oid and do! Let Him save youl Phone 3-9251
en Service ot the alunga |
Shur | If you have not understood the catholicity of genuine Protestant faith, you owe it M. S. Sensening
7:30 Rm Senior Choir re-| to yourself to find out the facts. Clip, fill in and mail the coupon. Sloan Pharmacy Arthur J Ulrich
hearsal. Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens Prescriptions Rexall Drug Products :
.. | J SO I SO I SO 1 SO Ai 4500 pe STE Ml 0 AEN 0 E00 Ht Se A Pl i i
Fhe Rev. Emmert M. Moyer| LUTHERAN EVANGELISM MISSION Phone 3-8651 Phone 3-3001 24-Hour Service on all types Automatic
yer | |
Mount Joy, Pa. 43 WEST MAIN STREET i Heating Equipment
Sunday hi 3 7 PHONE 8122
8:40 a.m. Holy Communion Without obligation, 1 would like to know “more ‘gbout ! } J B H t tt & q Ww I h I
:00 a.m. Morning Pray-| the Lutheran Church and its faith. Please ask a team of ostetier on :
er Bud Sermon. lay visiters to call on me. | : . 9 gemut Re. ” Adam H. Greer
10:00 Ri Chupa genoa), | { Hardware — Appliances Graceful and Sincerely Yours JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP
i Si 2 Name: / V
Cathedral, Harrisburg. Fel-. Address: City: Phone 3-3721 Phone 3-9681 87 EAST MAIN STREET = MOUNT JOY
lowship Hour and iluustrated APRIL 28 TO MAY 2 | LEM Phone 3-4124

talk by Canon Loope “In and :