The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 28, 1957, Image 1

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Fiorin Minstrel Show
Is Saturday Night
Two Florin boys who ap- Approximately sixty
peared and won prizes on the will be on stage for the pro-
Ted Mack television amateur duction.

If you saw the pictures
this week of Governor Lead-

er opening the Sportsman show will be highlighted in Arthur Wolgc muth and
wv, § Show at Harrisburg—show- the Saturday night minstrel Reuben Goodling will pre-
5 fo ing Mim holding a big fish show at Donegal high school. sent a special’ skit entitled
“wi caught in a trout pool—you Fred and Dick, “two hicks “Bliss”. Jay Snyder will play
pes will joy this story or. if with the sticks”, will feature a banjo solo entitled “old
you | vou'l) enjoy it the playing of bones. The Folks At Home” and during
: ba i two are Fred and Richard his second number, Benjamin



Gerlitzki of Florin. Staley will join him in a
9 eo 9 The Florin Lions Club is duet on his saxophone for CANDIDATES ARE L | BPW AUCTION SALE b kh & M h I I d S A
Monday, while school was sponsoring a repeat perform- “Bye Bye Blues’. NAMED FOR COUNTY Oca ran in ars a an even re
in Vatahion, aid Bod, ance of the “Darktown Fol- Russell Getz will direct Nort ; fice } DATE ANNOUNCED
ney Stoner, son 0 r. and lies of '57” which was first the production. Proceeds ominees for office in the Ob ; ns I A H A il Qo A d
Mrs. Robert Stoner, N. Bar- presented by the Landisville from the show are earmark- Lancaster County Senior Ex- se rve Srey; in oT A Hay oO ppear ere pri ppointe
bara Street, went to the Lions Club last month. The ed for recreational projects tension Club have been list-
Sportsman Show at Harris-
burg with friends. One of the
performance Saturday even- for the youth of Florin.

In- €d and new officers for 1957
ing in the school auditorium stead of the regular meeting Will be elected at an April 4
Florin Fire Company public ,
auction sale it was announc- §
ed last night by Eugene Leb-
Birthday To Faculty

attract. ns is a trout pool, wij]] feature the endmen from of the club Monday evening, Meeting. Local residents are oy's Business and airy ;
where for a fee, those inter- the Landisville Lions Club a dress rehearsal was ie included in the county slate. Pr Oy Club or ghelrmen of pe Some Seven new members were
ested may fish and keep plus special numbers from for the event. Clarence Hol- Henry Reist, Mount Joy R1; its second anniver- All a or i the appointed to the Donegal
whatever they catch. the Florin Club and a com- linger is president of the James Endslow, Marietta Rl: gary Monday evening with a le are those po sted Bb Joint ‘school faculty at lasi
oe o o bined chorus from the two. Florin Club. ind Hess, Strasburg dinner meeting at Hostetter’s. He a Dra Pes Thursday sighys meeting of
Rodnew (lucky boy) — ii i anual candidates for presi- nips. Ann Rich Risser was ceeds from the Sale will be the Schoo! ; ard. : :
caught a beautiful 16-inch : : , the guest speaker for the 0¢- to cover the mainten- Miss Mary L. Thome. Mil-
trout. He hauled it out and Other local candidates IN- casion and discussed Pennsyl- of the fire COMpany's ton Grove, a senior at Eliza-
as he was admiring his catch, L | Gi | S S ll clude Carol Ginder, Florin, yania Dutch Arts and Crafts. nent anys beliitown College. was elects
there was a big commotion. ocCa Ir couts e for recreation committee; Risser also displayed er if ed to teach fourth grade at
In came Governor Leader Jane Greiner, Manheim R4, p41); Pennsylvania Dutch an- Maytown. Miss Marian Heis-
and Harold Musser, Mt. Joy
R1, music and Verna Good,
Manheim R2, refreshments.
and his entourage.
® o ©
“rt, 4,763 Boxes Of Cookies
Trg fe Girl Scouts in the Mount ty boxes per girl. Of these =
tie boy of he big Beh, hole Joy-Florin Neighborhood top- four troops, troop No. 8 with
the pole to the governor ped their last year’s total for Mrs. William Nnser and Mrs On Penn State
Leader smiled as er Girl Seon! cooley id in Ye Pullip Sears as perder S01 E + . S ff
4 ey le _ project complete his week. oxes over their quota.
popped fam ules, Sy joy. This year a total of 4,763 The troop has nineteen girls X ension : ta
round May feet of Alm boxes of cookies were order- and the group sold 786 box- Norman K. Garber, Penn
gre a Jal ed from the girls which is an es. The troop to reach the State graduate in agriculture
v 0 increase of 581 boxes. second highest number over and for the past five years a
The scene completed, the One girl in the neighbor- quota was troop no. 270 witp farmer on Mount Joy R.D. 2,
boy was handed back his fish hood sold over one hundred Mrs. Charles Shoemaker as has been named to the Uni-

and received a half-hearted poxes. Miss Judy Shoemaker, leader. This troop sold 78
“thanks” from the governor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. boxes over quota. Two othe
90 O° Charles Shoemaker, David to go over the “top” were
A The pictures were in the Street, sold 115 boxes. Mrs. Robert Johnson's troor
papers and the movies on Thirteen Scouts were also No. 121 which sold 48 boxe
TV. named to the “fifty and over” over quota and Mrs. Ear’
oe © o group for selling. In troop Koser’s troop No. 220 sold
But, the Stoners plan to No. 8, six girls sold fifty or 14 boxes over quota.
eat the fish. over. They were Louise —rH-----
oo o Schroll, Jane Mumma, San-
Mount Joy was given a bit dra Gebhart, Connie Jo Ger-
of “national” notice this mer, Joanne Bennett and
week, in a very select circle Thelma Eltz. In troop No.
of readers. In ‘Publishers’ 270 in addition to Judy Shoe-
Thomas Meckley
Has Lead In

Ideas,” a publication circulat- maker, Sally Hanna and
‘H ed throughout the U. S. to Jean Waltz were named to Operetta
newspaper people appeared a the fifty group. Marlene Sin- ie Sale ne. hae
reprint of a full-page Spring egar was high salesman for Laima DY x eer
N Clean-Up, Paint-Up adver- troop No. 75; Dorothy Martin i Te ih the a PE Mit
tisement which ran in The in troop No. 82; and Kath- Soke Elementary JopIng oO 3
Bulletin a year ago. lene Zimmerman, Doris Bair bo a i p
eretta, scheduled for Tues-
eo © o and Barbara Meckley sold day, May 7. He will play the
Tb The magazine, which is de- over fifty in troop No. 280. CL Bit of Tom ‘Saw-
signed to give advertising Four troops reached their a Root bY (he
+ men top ideas and sugges- quota which was set for ~~ ° wn Sowy ah NORMAN K. GARBER
} tions on “how and what” to. re I are de, :
b sell,” gave prominence to the ~~ = a AE by The- versity’s agricultural exten-
| work of Bulletin Advertising Rh Pl $ be 2 . sion staff as assistant county
|} Manager Mike Pricio and eems ans odosia Paynter. : agent, effective April 1
} layout expert Paul Diffender : Seven rotlier main charact- “Garber will serve in Mer
ey th 9 z / ers have already been nam- __ °° th Pat
+ for. o.oo OK. d For New ed for the production. John Ser Win: Offices in the
} 5 Gates has been chosen to =. ig os
+ Be Jide: oT toe Pony Fire House play the part of Huck Finn; from Avera a
Sylvania railroad are bein Sally Ulrich will be Aunt |. ok SR:
} given their spring checking. Approval of temporary polly: Clayton Bell will be high school, and in ’50 from
This week the Market street plans for a new fire house at joe Harper: Lora Lee Foley Penn State where he major-
and Marietta street crossings ed in agronomy. He is a

Rheems has been given and will be Becky Thatcher with
permanent and detailed Helen Rutt as
drawing are now being made. Mimi O'Connor

member of the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce, and in col-

are being given attention.
® ® °

will play

A few days of good weath- It is hoped that a fine, Amy Lawrence; Dennis Fac- lege was active in the Glee
er already have made pos- new building can be complet- ler will be Injun Joe and Club and Clover Club. He
sible some progress toward ed by fall. Ferne Wolgemuth will be Was a member of the Ag

street improvement - - West Plans call for a 40x78 foot Widow Douglas and an under Student Council and was ad-

Main being the chief gain on concrete block building with study for Aunt Polly. Mrs. vertising manager of the
a bad situation in Mt. Joy. brick facing on the side. In- George Broske will direct the Penn State Farmer, student

Jefore going into farming,
he was with the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture, for
a year doing forest service
research. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gar-
ber, Mt. Joy R2.
P.S.E. A. Plans
Area Banacuet
The Lancaster County P.S.
E.A. Sub-Area II Pranch will
hold its annv2l banquet at
th» Warwick Union high
school cafeteria on April 4
at 6:30 p.m.
The 100th Anniversary of
the National Educational As-
sociation will also be celebra-
ted at this time.
Teachers from
Central. Donegal Area Joint,
Warwick Union and Eliza-
bethtown Area will attend.
The guest speaker will be
the Rev. Harry Richwine,
nastor of Salem Lutheran
Church, Lebanon. The invo-
cation will he given bv the
Rav. Cari Helmich, pastor of
the Lititz Moravian Church.
~al vocal and instru-
will be giv-
students of the War-
wick Uhion high school.
A Centennial Ceremony
will follow the banquet
Retiring teachers will be
honored and a number of re-
tired teachers will be spec-
inl guests of the districts in
which they previously taught
Gilbert Young will be the
master of ceremonies.

Jim Bailey,
school senior,
® [J
Donegal high
isn't the kind
of a lad to be plagued with
an hallucination. And — he
almost wishes now that he
hadn’t ‘even mentioned it,
but he reported that one ev-
ening not leng ago he was
walking home from down-
town when he noticed what,
to the best of his knowledge,
was a “flying saucer.”
o ® °
He has taken such a
ing from his “friends” that
he wonders if anyone else
happened to see the ‘“‘saucer”
° * °
A few weeks ago we car-
ried a story about a Mt. Joy
baby named Dwight Richard ik
and evidently the article a-
roused some talk and specu- AUXILIARY TO
lation. For, a few days later ENTERTAIN
the subiect came up and the
question was raised as to MAYTOWN AUX.
what other local adults carry Noxt Tuesday, the log!
i ® Walter S. Ebersole American
. ; ; _. Legion Auxiliary will enter-
_— name volunigeted oy toin the Maytown Auxiliary
I; Ar the others? at the local posthome. The
berich. gs gee > ors local members will hold a
Wh we get away from half hour business meeting
d 4 oS 5a at 7:30 pm. prior to. the
Dome: Sings hap arrival of their guests.
en. ; inni Jm., the
names but it seems fat a Wig rll Bi An
Mint Joy man wes, on a tained by the local group.
re v ing io i The hostesses for the event
rac as : “
x n are asked to bring a ‘cold
Ye hed ou Te covered dish for the refresh-
BC Tako os DC ments, 11 auxiliary mem-
ond thought and pulled back. feiss re Al ed Fosont
But in that short time a ors a g p
highway patrol officer saw ®
the maneuver and arrested SCHOOL AND HOME
®e © ®
He was taken to a magis- Next Tuesday. April 2, a leader Miss Joanne Brown,
trate’s office a n d fined meeting of the lonal elemen- assistant leader Mrs. Mark
something a littie more than tary School and Home Asso- Mumma and Mrs. Raver Mil-
$26, which was about half of ciation will be held in the ler and Mrs. James Roberts.
what it could have been. As school beginning with visita- ir
he left the court the police- tions at 7 p.m. The meeting GYM NIGHT CONTINUED
man who had arrested him will follow in the auditorium Gymn Night will be con-
drew him aside and got ot which time Ralph Cole- tinued throughout the month
chummy and confidential. man, elementary principal of of April, due to the interest
eo © o the Donegal Area, will be that is being shown, accord-
“Novy, this won't get back the guest speaker. He willing to the announcement
(More on page 3) discuss report cards. made today.
cluded will be space for production.
three pieces of fire equip-
ment, a 20x20 foot rental
space, a basement kitchen
and dining hall and other
Martin N. Heisey, chair-
man of the building commit-
tee for the Rheems fire Com-
pany, said that no ground-
breaking date has been set
but indicated that within a
few weeks work will start.
The new building will be
situated on a lot across from
the Rheems garage and will
reguire a minimum of exca-
vation for the basement. The
old building, erected in 1928,
eventually will be for sale.

Plan County Day
Mount Joy Homemakers
will serve as hostesses for
the county Homemakers Day
Wednesday, April 24, in the
First Presbyterian Church,
Lancaster, when a fashion
show of dresses made by
county women in the adult
program of the Lancaster
County Extension Service.
Two members from each
of the clothing construction
groups in the county will be
selected to model their com-
pleted garments.
Mrs. John Hershey, Mount
Joy R2, and Mrs. Jackie
Newcomer, Mount Joy RI],
have been named to the
menu and meeting place com-
mittee; and Mrs. Clvde Hot-
tenstein. Manheim R1, was
named to the publicity com-
Homemakers Day is plan-
ned for all interested women
in the county. Reservations
for the luncheon should be
made by Saturday, April 20,
at the Agricultural Extension
Office in the post office buil-
ding. “Imonroving Family
Living” will be the theme of
the day.
Brownie troop No. 280 of
Mount Joy visited Wheatland,
the home of James Buchanan
in Lancaster, Monday. They
were accompanied by their






en by

bi as,

The Milton Grove Sports-
men Club will meet Friday,
March 29, at 8 p.m. at the

Physician On Call
Dr. John Gates

ey, Elm, a senior at Kutz-
town State Teachers College,
was elected to teach art in
the elementary schools. Miss
dur- Lois Kreider, Mount Joy Ri,
tiques and items that she has
made and decorated. In her
talk, she traced the Dutch
theme from the beginning of
its history.
Make New
Rules For

The Franklin and Marshall many as forty concerts
Guests for the occasion in- College Band will make a ;, AR. ron . a senior at Greenville
cluded Mrs. Elizabeth Or- . Wak appearance in Mt. mg he sero year os: lege. Illinois, was named to
phanella, district director, Drawing Joy Tuesday, April 9. The these in various h'gh se 100 S teach fifth grade in Maytown.
from Lancaster; the present concert is sponsored by the and prep schools within a Mrs, Audrey Benedict. Mil-
president of the Elizabeth- A change in the rules for 1 B Pp. W. Club and it radius of several hundred Jersville, a senior at Millers-
miles of the college. In April. ville State Teachers College,
1952, the Eastern Division of was named to teach first
town B.P.W. Club, Miss An- holding the weekly Silver
: : ., will be given in the local
na Ruth Hess; and the past Dollar drawing will make it g
elementary school auditorium
president of the Elizabeth- possible for ticket holders to at 7:45 p.m. the College Band Director’s grade in the Washington EIl-
town Club, Mrs. Mary Chron- win without being present. The band was organized in National Association h a d ementarv School. Florin.
ister. T h e Elizabethtown Decision to alter the plan from a thtir bi-annual meeting at Miss Irene Heisey, who is
1936 and has grown
group sponsored the local un- of operation was made Tues- Franklin and Marshall. The precently teaching fourth
3 band of twenty-eight to its
it two years ago. day afternoon as merchants present size of a munching was host to the Penn- grade in the Mount Joy Ele-
Special table decorations held a special meeting toy. ot" seventy-five and a Sylvania Collegiate Band in mentary School, will teach a
included angelfood cakes discuss their current promo- concert band of fifty. Since December, 1952 and in May, special education class next
1953, they were host to the year; Mrs. Mary Martin. who
Pennsylvania Bandmaster’s js presentlv teaching fourth
vith different flower arrange- tion program.
ments in the center of each. Beginning this week, per- its establishment, the
ing band has missed only one
Some were used for the des- sons whose names are drawn football game at home or a- Association annual conven- grade in Mavtown, will also
sert course and the others at the fire house at 7:30 o'- way and on this occasion vo- tion. teach a special education
were awarded to those hold- clock on Friday night will ted Yo play at the Now York John Howard Peifer, Jr. is class next vear. Miss Anna
ing the winning tags. They have until noon the mext yo Gi hor than to the director of the band. A Mae Eby. who is teaching
were awarded to Mrs. Nor- Friday to claim the prize > 1 , resident of Lancaster, Mr. first grade in the Florin
accompany the football team
to Dartmouth. The band was
the first college band to play
at the Fair.
The band won first place
in the Senior Band Division
at the annual Mummer’s Pa-
rade in Hagerstown, Mary-
land. Playing for the reviews
and inspections of the Air
Force R.O.T.C. unit is also
an important function of the
The concert band plays
man Linton, Mrs. James money they won.
Spangler. Mrs. Samuel Bals- Names of winners will be
baugh, Mrs. Charles Ryman posted.
and Mrs. Joseph Germer. Al- If the person whose name
so in conjunction with the is called does not claim his
birthday theme, individual prize by noon on the follow-
favors representing the vari- ing Friday, the money will
ous months were attached to be returned to the merchants’
each member's name accord- general fund.
ing to her own birthday Tickets will continue to be
month. distributed free in the stores
Mrs. Adam Greer was Of the merchants who are
named chairman of the nom- participating and they are to
inating committee with Mrs. be signed only by persons 16
Peifer was educated in the school, will teach third grade
Hempfield Township high in the same <chool next year
school while he resided in and Mrs. Wilbur Beahm, who
Salunga. He received his ba- is vresentlv teaching third
chelor's degree in economics grade in the Washington EI-
at Franklin and Marshall in ementary School, will teach
1936. fourth grade in the Mt. Joy
Members of the sponsoring El°mentary School next year.
group are selling advance tic- Miss Los Risser, who is
kets for the concert which Presently a temporary teach-
are fifty cents for adults and in the high school. was
twenty-five cents for child- N@med to teach English and
as ren. social studies in the senior
high school. James Baueher,

named to a ten-
Ryman and Mrs. Robert years of age and above. = Slatington, a senior at Eliza-
Hoffmaster as her committee. or veViougly, winners were bethtown College, will teach
The band concert featuring obliged to be present to win. seve a ei ade
the Franklin and Marshall It weather has Mount Joy Boy Featured I Ea re
College band to be held on not been good on the nights Middletown. who is presently
Tuesday, April 9, was also of the first drawings and In Kansas College Paper substituting for Thomas Wolf-
discussed. crowds have been relatively ; ; ; : gang who is on military
Mrs. Robert Brown, chair- slim. Therefore, only one An interesting story about 1947, Bill investigated a leave, will teach instrument-
man of the public affair com- Person has been a winner. William F. “Bill” Conrad, number of possible futures upon Mr. Wolf-
mittee, introduced the speak- son of Mrs. Maude Conrad, by working in a foundry, BR one's At thnt tine
er of the evening; and Mrs. . > 11 Lumber St., Mount. Joy, shoe factory, a mill, both Mr. Tritech and H. Mor-
Earl Koser, chairman of the appeared in a recent issue on a highway construction rell Shields will take over
hospitality committee, had D [ of “The Conquistador” stu- gang, and in a printing plant the instrumental music pro
charge of the cake presenta- onega dent publication of Dodge that produced cigar box =e = grades one thru
tion, City (Kans.) College, where wrappers. All this was in the i
Mr. Conrad is attending four year interim between : :
ff reer PTA Meet school. high school and a tour of Ralph Leed. high school
To quote, in part: “Stu- duty with the U.S: Air custodian, was named head
New Den To Be dent, soldier, salesman, stu- Force. Bill's air force career custodian for all the build-
Changed dent, scholar—that will be took him to seven different mex of the jolniure
Started In Florin the nutshell history of the bases At Enid, Okla, ie two guidance cdunse.-
life of William F. “Bill” Con- Bill met the girl who is now 9TS were
The April meeting of the 4 5: Ld SC rer jes
Florin Cubs will organize Donegal T A has been 'ad a few years hence if ev- Mrs. Conrad . Making IO) soho] Year Both as
a Webolos Den Saturday it changed to Thursday, April erything goes as Bill antici- Thole pos Ee, Bore A ris tar
was announced at the Tues- joing Cs . pates at the moment. . , rau, hans, Li a = oo %
S 11th. Originally -schedul high Jewel Tea distributor, and office two weeks after the
day night Pack meeting held
ed for Tuesday, April 9, the After graduating from
in the Glossbrenner E, U. B.
meeting was changed due to School in Mount Joy, Pa. in
church, Florin. Charles Hill 3 conflicting date which
will be the leader of the new marks the appearance of the
den to which Cubs who are Franklin and Marshall Col-
ten and one half years old Jege Band in Mount Joy.
and have passed their Lion Marshall Gemberling will
requirements are eligible. discuss the summer recrea-
Three : alre: asse 3
Chree have already passed (j,.) program for the youth
decided to take advantage of close of scheol and 2 weeks
his G.I. Bill scholarship, Por to the opening of the
Conrad took a less time con- “"hool vear in order that they
suming job with a printing May discuss schedule chang-
firm in Dodge City, and is in€ with students and par-
working six hours a day and “nts and in order that they
carrying a full course at M?V assist newcomers to the
Dodge City College.” arca.
Mr. Conrad plans to teach

Dr. Ford Tells i
Of Anaesthetics
He didn’t to
sleep with his talk, but
Receives Auto
the necessary ; : 2 1
: and will also discuss the pos- mathematics, according to The school received a 1949
Ronald Cone: Sicha Sloan sibility of a year-round rec- old how he bas ba Was the article. and to attend four-door Plymouth sedan
anc Richard nosey. reational program. Miss Bar- 2nds of people to sleep with poy “State Teachers’ from the Faderal Surplus
anaesthetics. Properties and Distribution
Center. The auto was assign-
ed to the school bv the state
department of properties and
supplies and will be used for
various errands and trips by
The new Cubmaster, Earl bara Thome, a senior. will
Brackbill, presented one gold discuss Girl Scouting; Robert
arrow point to Steven Flick. Buchenauer, a junior, will
The Charter and new regis- discuss Bov Scouting; and
trations for the year were Miss Judy Ginder, a junior,
also presented to the Pack will discuss 4-H Club work.
; college next fall.
For-—anaesthetics was the
subject of the talk Tuesday
noon of Dr. Edward Ford of
Lancaster General hospital,
who addressed Mt. Joy Ro-
members. The parents of students tarians at their luncheon at school personnel. (The auto
Fridav evening, the Cubs now in the sixth grades of Hostetter’s. arrived with a new coat of
will tour the new WGAL-TV various elementary schools Chief anaesthetist in the naint - green - similar to the
studio in Lancaster. Tuesday will be invited to the meet- Lancaster hospital, he told Kelly green of the scheol col-
nicht’s theme for the pro- ing. The nominating commit- of the many and varied ways ors.)
gram was along the Indian tee headed by Albert Klein- that patients are prepared To Renovate
theme. er will make its report at the for surgery and how life is Work on twos rooms for
rn rn (rm em Tuesday night meeting. His maintained while skilled doc- spaciel education in the ele-
committee included Miss tors perform different opera- mentary schools will be com-

Scme of the new
drugs and
Mary Strickler, Mrs. Edward
Charles. Joseph Shaeffer and
Lester Zuck. The Rev. How-
ard Bernhard, president, will
pleted over the summer
months. Since the classes are
not formed according to ages,
the “primary” class will be
techniques were

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoov- be in charge. Decision as to what an housed in the local element-
er. 46 East Main Street. a anaesthetic should be used ary building and the “inter-
daughter last Thursday at ST ge should be left to the doctors mediate” class will be hous-
St. Joseph's Hospital. FINISHES SCHOOL in harge, pie said, oy it is ed in the Maytown element-
elr utmost concern to pro- ary ildi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Pfc. Carl M. vide the very best et or ing. John Gorden
Shank, 16 East Main Street, whose wife, Joanne, lives on for the particular individual Yast f tl Fi >
a son, Saturday, in Lancaster Route 2, Manheim, recently pastor of the First Presby-
and particular operation. terian Church, Lancaster, was

General Hospital. was graduated from the Ar-
The program was arranged named Baccalaurea >
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Stoner, my’s European Engineer and the speaker introduced Graduating as an honor op. for the re Rs
Mount Joy Rl, a son, last School in Murnau, Germany. by Dr. Thomas O'Conner. student from training as a service, the board’ Jay 25:
Stauffer completed the
% school's eight-week artillery
' surveyor course which train-
ed him in the fundamentals
Aircraft Electronic Naviga-
tion Equipment Repairman at
Kessler AFB, Miss, A/3c
Tuesday, at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Star
Mount Joy R2, a daughter,
Buildings Discussed
REPORTS FOR TRAINING The building project for

Monday, at St. Joseph's Hos- : : is James R. Pennell. (above), changes i Tau
pital. y p of surveying and in the use George McCue, East Main son of Mr. and Mrs. James A ihe B12 Was Sis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Kir- 3nd care of its equipment. Street, left Friday to report N. Pennell, 116 W. Main, inspection of the area it exe
choff, Manheim R1, a daugh- for spring training with the Mount Joy. pected to take place in the
ter, Tuesday, at Lancaster Detroit Tigers baseball farm The airman, who attended near future to determine
General Hospital. system. He reported to Lake- Donegal high school prior to what will be built.
To Report New
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. rs land, Florida. This year enlisting in the United States Bills amounting to $17,116
Weidman, Manheim R1, a Families Call marke the second year for Air Force, will be reassigned Were ordered paid. Pictures
son, Tuesday,. at Lancaster the local man to be associated to .duty. with .the USAF at of the board members
General Hospital. MJ 3-6294 with the Tigers. Westover AFB, Mass. taken