The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 21, 1957, Image 1

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    Fire Destroys Home Interior;
Explorers Give Assistance
Nine persons were feft i
homeless Saturday when fire
gutted the interior of their
homg in Florin. Mr. and Mrs.
Mil*@ Reider, their five chil-
dre ind a brother and sister #9
of Mrs. Reider, lost all their *
clothing and most of their
household possessions in the
blaze which raced through
the interior of the house, a
converted frame barn, with a
cement block addition under
According to Mrs. Reider >
the ore started when two of Harry Brooks, ames Martin, Robert
her ®mall sons, Gary, two, Sprout, John Hess (Adviser), Raymond Livingston and
and Ronald, four, dropped a John Martin, members of the Florin Explorer Scouts are
John Hess, J

lighted match into residue at Moving furniture back into the burned-out house Sunday
the bottom of an oil space- after they prepared the house again for living.
heater at 2:13 p.m. The oil
exploded and in a matter of
seconds the interior and fur-
nishings were in flames.
Mrs. Reider managed to
get all the children outside
to safety and a neighbor
turned in the alarm. Both
the Florin and Mount Joy
fire companies fought the
blaze. Mr. Reider, an em-
ployee of the Bachman Choc-
olate Company, was not at
home when the fire started.
de In
Easter Plans
Made By Post
Florin Explorer Scouts ject. They gathered ‘at the
were on the job within two scene of the fire and cleaned
hours after Saturday's fire in the debris from the interior.
Florin. By 5:30 p.m. the After the initial removal of
Scouts circulated fliers an- burned debris was finished
nouncing the Reider’'s losses the boys cleaned portions of
and that they would canvass the building and erected par-
the community for funds, titions. They concentrated
clothing, furniture and fur- their efforts on the former
nishings. Last night, they had kitchen and a portion of the
already collected boxes of building which had been us-
clothing, food, some furniture ed for storage. By Sunday
and donations. evening, the kitchen was in
Sunday the group contin- condition to be used and the
Sylvester Swords, fire chief ed their work on their pro- storage room was ready for
of the Florin Company, 'esti- use as a bedroom. They man-
nate the quingge 21 -— ~~ aged to get both the kitchen
imately $5, h e dwelling . stove and a coal heater in
is owned by Mrs. Reider’s Opportunity working order.
father, Lester Bradley, Flor- . As a result of their efforts,
in, who oid that me loss Given To Parents the family was able to move
was partially covere y in- into a portion of the buildin
surance but the household Next Maren 28, unl ling The troop ing
articles were not insured. will be Woogie 2 continue to accept donations
The family spent the night at Donegal gh se WA g to Of money, clothing, food and
in the Boy Scout room of the the students mn 9 os < furniture for the family.
Florin Town Hall. The Lan- 11 will have the 3 schon OL john Hess, explorer advisor,
caster County Chapter of the courses discusse wi i om will act as chairman for the
Red Cross supplied the fam- for next yeoar 5 protien do project. Persons wishing to
ily with clothing and bedding classes, Fo owing te contribute may contact Mr.
Saturday night. cussion, “the papers will © Hess. The Mount Joy Wel-
taken home by the students , vay
* for their parents’ signature. fare Association gave the fa-
Ragner Hallgren, guidance iy food Saturday night al-
Joycees Plan gounselon, yu be In Jus of - © The Explorers who work-
fee x leg Fg 32 pay ed both Sunday and Satur-
Fo Old t to answer questions from the vay oy fhe J Ty
or parents. Parents are invited eS yg Hohont Sh
i > the office Hy toys
Craft night was observed i Sither coms 2 rE = James Stoudt, Gerald Kirk-
at the Tuesday night meeting selections or may call patrick, Harry Brooks, Ray-
of the local JoyCees. The pi on the phone at the mond Livingston, and Advis-
members, having been told school between those hours. °F Mr Hess.
to bring two raw eggs to the pha following evening Miss
meeting, were taught how Lily Martin, guidance coun-
to cut and decorate the emp- golor. will remain in the of-
ty egg shells to make egg fice from 7 to 10 p.m. to an-
trees. swer questions that parents
During the business meet- nav have. The selection pa-
ing, a committee was named pers will be returned to the Easter activities were dis-
to begin plans for the old- gohool by April 2. cussed at the last Thursday
sters party for June 6. Nam- ° night’s meeting of the local
ed to the committee were American Legion.
Mrs. George Weber, Mrs. smoker plans are being made
Charles Drace, Mrs. James V.F.W. To Name and tickets have already
Memminger, Mrs. Charles . been distributed. Lee Ellis,
Zeller, Mrs. John Landis, New Officers Jr. is chairman of the event.
Mrs. William Gassman and 2 Volopans i Plans were also continued
Mrs. George Albert. Addi- wa Sf for the annual Easter Egg
tional members will be nam- ¢ the 1957-58 term Monday Hunt to be held the Satur-
ed from the JayCees. evening at a regular meeting, day before Easter on the
The group passed a motion starting at 8 o'clock. posthome grounds. The group
to have the by-laws of the “acting is being held Plans to hide 2,000 eggs and
organization changed from aa. Post Headquarters, 97 N. also plans to offer more priz-
a maximum age limit to a Street. Refreshments © than in previous years.
limitless maximum. The age will be served. A one hundred dollar check
limit for the group is eigh- "pic are being completed Was issued to Gerald Sheetz,
teen years and over. The ; . 11 Easter Smoker, to commander, to present to the
group also discussed doing yp. held Friday, April 5, at Elm Tree Elementary school
some project for the gradu- the fire house. Prizes will be in Rapho township since pro-
ating seniors at Donegal high RATS. jects are conducted in both
school. More dgtails for the Veterans desiring member- the Mount Joy and Hemp-
project will be issued at the ship in the V. F. W. may do field schools.
next meeting. so by going to V. F. W. County council announce-
Three past presidents of post headquarters on Mon- ments included Keystone
the groun, Mrs. Eugene Eich- day evening and filling out Boys Camp for June 16 to
erly, Mrs. Warren Hyman _~ application. The member- 27 and Armed Forces Day,
and Mrs. Alberts were nam- ship fee is $3.50 and Korean May 19. The Mount Joy Ele-
ed to a nominating commit- vats will be given free mem- mentary School band will
tee to make a report at the bership for the year 1957 take part in the Lancaster
: parade in observance of the

April meeting. Hostesses for >
the April meeting will be . day.
Mrs. Charles Ryman and Emlen Buller, Florin, was —_—
Mrs. Zeller. arrested for driving over a
Mrs. Harold ‘Zimmerman, fire hose at the_house-fire in

Jr. was in charge of the Florin, SUNY rns Sarg: FOLLOWING PLAY
' meeting and hostesses were were brought by tne ATV Ile inke
Mrs. Henry Zerphey and'Joy Fire Company. He was Gary Zeller, Pinkerton
Miss Charlotte Feezer. summoned for a hearing be- Road, entertained the mem-
- a fore Justice of the Peace bers of the junior Play eas
James Hockenberry. and their friends after he
F. & M. BAND TO ¥ second production Saturday

evening. Thirty-five students,
the director Miss Catharine
G. Zeller and Miss Thelma
Taylor attended the party.
Refreshments were served
following a St. Patrick’s Day
The Franklin and Marshall
College ‘Band will make 'a =———
personal appearance in Mt. My. and Mrs. William Dif-

Joy Tuesday, April 9. Spon- fepderfer, West Orange, New
sored by the local B.P.W. a son, Friday. at the theme and the group spent
Club, the concert will be Orange Memorial Hospital, the evening gonemy.
given in the local elementary Orange, New Jersey. Mrs. YY
school auditorium at 7:45 p. Diffenderfer is the former TO OBSERVE
m. _ Catherine Breneman, daugh- ANNIVERSARY
Members of the sponsoring ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Guy D.
group are selling advance 7 NM. Breneman, Marietta Spitler of Mount Joy
tickle or the concert which Avenue. Mr. Diffenderfer is ed
wedding ‘anniversary
day, March 28. It is also the
birthday of Mrs. Spitler.
They were married by the
Rev. Kiefer at the Avon U.
B. Church in Lebanon coun-
are fifty cents for adults and the son of Mrs. William Dif-
twentv-five cents for child- fepderfer, Manheim R1.
ren. The members of the Mt. ny. and Mrs. Paul Landis,
Joy Elementary School ‘band galunga, a daughter, Satur-
will be guests of the club at gay in Lancaster’ General
thé performance. Hospital.
ey = Mr. and Mrs. William C. .
AWARDED GOLD BADGE Batef, Florin, a daughter,
Thomas Meckley was nam- Sunday, at St. Joseph’s Hos-
ed the winner of the gold pital. The Women’s Association
badge among the local safety Mr. and Mrs. George Mec- of the Presbyterian church
will hold a rummage sale
patrol members for the week. cue. 17 East Main Street, a
Thomas was elected by the daughter, Sunday, at the
patrolmen because he assist- | ancaster General Hospital.
ed a small boy in pulling a pp and © Mrs. George F
spike from his shoe. Myers, 116 Silver Spring Rd., April 12 and 13.
Landisville, a daughter, on
Tuesday, at St. Joseph’s Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Lester O. |
Nolt, Manheim R1, a son,
Tuesday, at Lancaster Gen-
in the Sunday School room
in the basement of the
church Friday and Saturday,

Physician On Call
Dr. Newton Kendig
To Report New
Families Call
MJ 3-6294



wd ally, +8 Fountain ap 21 lL
The Mount Joy


Chiques Chorus To Give
Concert Here Saturday
This Saturday evening, March 23, the Chiques Chorus shey Bears for their hockey ~
will present a musical program in the local Church of God. match with Buffalo.

Burgess, Council Pres., Tax Collector
Do Not Seek Re-Election This Year
The Balcony
Wednesday night the Mt.
Joy Rotarians and their la-
dies were guests of the Her-

Three Contests

I'he chorus is under the direction of Mrs. Robert Hess. Early in the third period }
The Ergatan Sunday School class is sponsoring the the group — some 70 strong In Borough
nusical evening with proceeds to go toward the building — was introduced to the §
‘und of the church. crowd. There was a big hand, 3 Burgess Titus Rutt, Presi-
The acapella chorus will ~ the local folks beamed with dent of Borough Council
of self satisfaction and were L'oyd Myers, and Tax Col-
male voices for aturday : happy. lector George Brown III are
night's presentation. Becker Conce rt ls They sat down but, in the not seeking re-election in the
sing a baritone
solo, “When the World's On
Fire”, and Barry Haldeman
will give an Easter reading.
Firemen Plan
Relay For
Sunday, 1:30
Mount Joy firemen will
take part in a relay Sunday,
:30 p.m. with the Master-
sonville company at Master-
sonville it was announced at
the Tuesday night meeting of
the Zone 7 firemen held in
Salunga. The zone firemen
also planned a trip to Phila-
delphia in May to see the
city’s central radio system
and the fire boats.
The group went on record
to send a letter to the county
association suggesting that a
letter be sent to the county
commissioners asking for re-
pairs of the country road
bridges. One objection to
many of the bridges is that
the tonnage minimum is too
small for the large fire equip
Ginder will
Friday At
The third annual spring
concert of the music depart-
ment of Donegal high school
will be held tomorrow even-
ing, Friday, March 22, 8 p.m.
H. Morrell Shields will di-
rect the instrumental num-
bers and Eugene C. Tricht
will direct the chorus num-
Part I will include seven
numbers by the junior band.
The personnel will include
Janice Berrier, Linda Shields
Carolyn Sloan, Patty Norn-
hold, Catherine -Harnish,
Sandra Eshleman, Linda
Huck, Judy Hawthorne, Bar-
bara Becker, Jean Staley,
Geraldine Barrick, Joanne
Larkey and Nadine Bailey on
clarinets: Larry Williams,
Sharon Baker, Arthur Sch-
neider, Carol Buchenauer,
Harry Brooks, Patricia Hart-
man, Torrey Leininger and
Roger Bates, percussion; Ter-
ment ry Stark, Dennis Naugle,
The Muastersonville com- Johns, Lonny Wolge-
pany will house its new fire Muth, James Snyder, Karl
Saturday a .: Haines, Gary Maxwell and
engine Saturday, May 4, at
3:30 p.m Following the George Roth, trumpets; Jeon
5 x : Brenneman and Cynthia
remony, a lic ham sup- To
teremony, 4 Public ham sap Tripple, flutes; Connie And-
per will be held at the fire-
house. The group also decid-
ed to attend the county as-
sociation’s annual banquet
Friday, April 12, at the Eph-
rata American Legion Home.
The zone responded to 15
fire calls during the past
month. Eleven companies
were represented at the
meeting with 46 men in at-
tendance. The next meeting
will be held at the Shawnee
Firehouse, Columbia, April
Sees No Peace
But No War
‘No peace but no war’ was
the forecast given Mount Joy
Rotarians Tuesday noon at
their weekly luncheon meet-
ing at Hostetter's by E. C.
Ramsey, well-known world
traveler, news commentator
and writer.
He sees a continued anx-
ious state of affairs but he
believes that Russia is far
more fearful of war then the
free nations of the world.
The Reds have far too much
internal resistence to war
to deliberately start one, he
The speaker was introduc-
ed by Wilbur I. Beahm.
Student guests of the club
Tuesday were Mary Ann Fel-
ty and Emerson Roberts.

Plans have been made for
the installation bancuet for
the newly-elected officers of
the local Junior Chamber of
Commerce for Wednesday,
April 10. Eugene Eicherly
and Michae! Pricio, the com-
erson, James Phillips, Darryl
Wittle and Raymond Bowers
alto saxophones; Samuel Wil-
liams, Roger Packer, John
Rosenberry, Lewis Hart, Rob-
ert Young and Barry Stoner,
trombones; John Dick, bari-
tone: Jeanette Appley, Rob-
ert Eshleman, David Greer,
Jurgen Buettner, horns; and
Thomas Roth, bass.
Part I will include four
numbers by the junior high
chorus. The chorus is com-
posed of more than one hun-
dred and twenty girls and
boys of the seventh, eighth
and ninth grades. Their spec-
ial presentations will be
‘Welcome Sweet Springtime’,
‘Steal Away,” ‘Down In The
Valley’ and ‘Serenade’.
Part III will include num-
bers by the senior band. In-
cluded in the last number of
the evenihg. The Footlighter,
the majdrettes will do a
twirling routine. The band
members are Douglas Fish
(president of the band). Lor-
etta Hornafius, Paula Weien,
Nancy Diller (vice president)
Joyce Berrier. Pat Johnstin,
Carol Wittle, Joann Stehman,
Anna Boyles, Marlene Sine-
gar, Carole West. Jon Bender
Marie Ebersole, Joanne Dar-
renkamp, Martha Sprecher,
Geoffrey Mariner, Mary El-
len Smith and Carol Gratch,
clarinets; Harold Etsell. Joan
Shaeffer. Patricia * Mihalik,
Robert Buchenauer, Kenneth
Wittle, Sally Wolf, Betty
Brooks, Kathleen Goodall
and Judy Rice, trumpets;
Richard Bowers .(manager),
Karen Baker, Sarah Gutshall.
Kenneth Young, Sylvia
Mumper and John Martin,
saxophones; Joanne Bixler,
Aglaia Stephanis. and Judy
Ginder, cboes; Phvllis Keen-
er, bass clarinet: Jackie Mar-
mittee in charge of the af- Bernell Heisey, basses;
fair, announced that the ban- §amuel Harnish, Jacob Zel-
quet and meeting will ‘be joy Barry Brandt, Jeffrey
Highway between Mountville
and Lancaster. Guests of the
Jaycees will also be invited
to attend.
The Rev. C. L. Ulrich, pas-
tor ‘of St. Mark's E. U. B.
church, showed slides of the
Holy Lands at the Saturday
night class meeting of the
Christian Couples class of
the Sunday School. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Stohl and Mr. and
Mbps. Carl Brubaker were co-
hosts and hostesses.
Richard Martin, president,
was in charge of the meeting.
The next meeting will be a
covered dish social Saturday,
April 20.
will held at the Lancaster Riding Brian. Jere Rutt, David Nis-
observe their twenty-second Club, located on the Lincoln sley, Kenneth Kauffman, Jas.
Harnish and Darryl Aument
tromtones; Judy Naugle. Kay
Kauffman. Darla Kulp, Patsy
Sechrist, Linda Kleiner and
Audrey Appley, flutes: Sally
Hollinger and Carol Cupper,
tenor saxophones; William
Young, baritone saxophone;
Barry Barnhart and Fred
Bernhart, baritone horns,
Lawrence Wittle, Linda Fel-
ty and Kitty Buckwalter,
horns; Robert Reisch, Gary
Zeller, Samuel Zuch, James
Nissley, Lorry Leininger,
Roger Bates, Shason Baker
and Jackie Rohm, percussion.
Kenneth Wittle was chair-
man of the poster committee
with Kay Kauffman, Joann
Stehman and : Paula Weien;
James Nissley, chairman of
(Turn to Page 4)

1957 elections. Monday was
the last day for the filing of
petitions prior to the May
primary elections.
Three contests will be de-
cided in the May 21 primary
interval of silence which fol-
lowed, one of those voices §
which make life interesting,
rasped from the high reaches
of the balcony. ;
“Why don’t you
fix the

streets in’ Mount Jovy?” election in the borough in
. the Republican party. Aldus
Hannan, North Barbara St.,
and James Hockenberry, E.
Two Calls Are Main Street are nominees for
Gerald Sheetz, on the right, is presenting a check to burgess; Mrs. Dorothy Kip-
Answered John D. Hershey, president of the Elm Tree Elementary ple, Manheim Street, and
M d Pram the local Legion Post. Mrs. Arthur LeRoy Shaeffer, East Main
ostetter, secretary of the group, looks on. Street, are nominees for tax
on ay nia) septs sb Se Sosa time bs tae at collector; and Mrs. Christine
Two fire calls were ans- Es TT Brown, South Delta St. and
wered Monday by the local George Groff, North Market
companies. Monday noon, Mount Joy Sportsmen Ope Street, are nominees for bor- *
the local company responded ough council from the east
to a call near Risser's Mill, ward.
north of the borough. A state B A-Bl bk F; d P { > » atic A
department employee had uy- oc un rojec fran tie at a
Charles E. Ashenfelter, West
Main Street, and William
Dommell, Donegal Springs
Road, council; Charles Eber-
sole, West Main Street, in-
spector of election; and Ar-
thur Schneider, judge of el-
ection. The Republican nom-
inees from the west ward are
Simeon Horton, West Done-
gal Street, and James Phil-
been heating tar which be-
came overheated and started Come Spring, and there is located a very short dis-
burning: the wagon on which is every indication that it's tance northeast of the boro,
it was located. The company, just around the corner, the in Mount Joy Township, ad-
with John Myers, assistant new plot of ground recently jacent to the Mount Joy Bor-
chief, in charge put out the purcMased by the Mount Joy ough Pumping Station, near
blaze. Sportsmen's Association will Cove Park.
Monday evening, both the undergo many important When purchased, the im-
Florin and local companies changes. provements on the land in-
answered a call to extinguish The land, formerly owned cluded a large bank barn,
a blaze in the toolshed of the by the late Harry Stauffer, spacious stone dwelling, and

Camphill Cemetery, Florin, outbuildings. None of these °° “0 "== © Sve :
Although the tools and the will be disturbed at present, ios. Natieus A OS ar
equipment were removed but have been rented. There Ye oa or Dp i ht
without damage, there was School, Home are also two large ponds and Walter Eshleman, West
which produced many, many
tons of ice prior to the elec-
tric refrigerator era.
considerable damage to the
interior of the building. Syl-
Donegal Street, judge of el-
ection. In this year’s election,
Meet Postponed
vester Swords, Florin fire ; re
two councilmen from the
Er : SOBs The Sportsme ave, f .
chief, estimated the damages Week ; bo is 0 n h ave Jor vest ward will be elected.
at $200. He also announced Some imme, een consi ering In the east ward, Cyrus
that he will continue an in- The regular meeting of the various improvements and
vestigation to determine the local School and Home Asso- after careful consideration,
cause of the fire. ciation originally scheduled decided upon the following:
Gainer, Mount Joy St., is the
Democrat nominee for inspec-
tor of election; John Schroll.

— es for next Tuesday evening has The entire plot, with the Ay ab :
been postponed one week exception of eight acres ly- East Dorey Steet,
Teen Age Dance due to a two-day Spring va- ing northwest or across the Christian Sherk, South Bar-
cation. The meeting will be road leading to the Garth . :
d held Tuesday, April 2, in the bara Street, Republican, in-
Is Satur ay Jocal elementary school. ‘Turn to page 2) spector of election; George
Another in the series of Following room visitation yr Bren ang Mss sti
teenage dances will be held from 7 to 7:30 p. m,, the PLANS MADE FOR election. one councilman will
meeting will be held in the
auditorium. Ralph Coleman, COUNTY MEETING
elementary principal of the fh
Donegal Joint Area, will be Two FHA girls from Done-
mes vy gal high school attended the
the guest speaker and will YHA Sounty council
discuss report cards. Refresh- gounty meeting
asd . last week at the home of
ments will be served by the Mrs. Ruth Marsh: Hempfield
second grade mothers. ie, ars,
home econimics teacher. The
two were Joyce Dinkleberg-
er, who is county song lead-
NAMED OFFIECR er; and June Brandt, dele-
Walter T. Becker, Mt. Joy gate from the local school.
R2, was elected secretary- The group planned an out-
Saturday night at the local
firehouse from 8 to 11 p.m.
The dance will again be
sponsored by the ladies aux-
iliary of the fire company.
During the last dance, pri-
zes were awarded to Sandra
Reisinger and William Mar-
shall, Patricia Hamby and
Robert Dressler; Marsha Eng-
le and Benjamin Groff, Eve-
lyn Scott and Jeffrey Brian,
for special dances.
be elected from the east
Officers to be voted upon
by the entire borough are for
burgess; tax collector; audi-
tor, J. Arthur Moyer, Repub-
lican, South Market Street;
and two school directors,
Frank Walters, East Main St.
and Albert D. Seiler, South
Market Street, Republican.
From the list of nominees,
those secking re-election are

— treasurer of the Lancaster door meeting for all county Mr. Schroll, Mr. Sherk, Mr.
MARRIAGE LICENSES County Honey Producers on FHA girls Monday, May 6th, Gainer, Mr. Groff, Mr. Esh-
Harold E. Long, Middle- Tuesday night at a meeting at Bushmiller Park Lancast- leman, Mr. Schneider, Mr,
town R1, and Florence M. of the group at Hostetter’s er. The local school will be Ebersole. Mr. Shupp, Mr.
Zurin, Mount Joy R2. Banquet Hall. Other officers in charge of the music for Dommell. Mr. Walters, Mr.
Harold N. Graybeal, Mt. were Gerald Hossler, Eliza- the affair. Mrs. Robert Brown Seiler and Mr. Moyer.
George Brown II, 301 East
(Turn io page 4)
B. is advisor for the Donegal
bethtown R3 and John
Lapp, Bareville R1.
Joy R1, and Nancy I. Knoll,

This group of Mount Joy Explorer Scouts and another section recently toured the Armstrong Cork company’s
Research and Development center at Lancaster. G. Robert Spalding of the Center (extreme) left conducted the tour,
showing the experimental work which is being carried on. All of the Scouts are science students from Donegal
high school. The group pictured includes (left to right) Spalding, Tom Roth, Counselor C. F. Buchenauer, Gary
Maxwell, Burnell Heisey, Ralph Rice Jr., Robert Brandt, John Baucher. In another section of the tour was Harold
Etsell Jr., Jerry Buchenauer, James Hockenberry, Roger Bates, Richard Becker and Counselor Joe Buchenauer.