The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 28, 1957, Image 1

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Plans Night
MAIN STREET | To Celebrate
been planned
of the Washington
ary School, Florin,

quiries are being made about
the use of the prefix Oldfield
with Mount Joy telephone
numbers at 7:30 p.m.
Miss Lily Martin,
: eo o oo
IS OFFICIAL that use
of the name will begin next
fall when the new issues of
the telephone book are dis-
tributed probably in Octo-
system. Mrs.
school nurse,
discuss the
ov o polio shots program.
Workmen already are in- eq concerning the new
Saline new telephones, tem of report cards.
where necess: Fy ¢ are :
: : ary, and a During the
readying necessary equip- ;
merit, ETE :
of selling Redi-Jell
will be discussed. Mrs.
Only the Oldfield will be wil] be in
placed before the Mount Joy meeting.
exchange numbers. When
time for using the letters
with the numbers arrives,
only the first two—O and L
will be used.
® oe o
IT HAS BEEN interesting,
here at the Bulletin, to note
how many inquiries there
have been about the tele-
phones. Businessmen look
ahead, wondering
or not to include the
Oldfield on new letterheads ior contest,
and other needed printing. Market Street,
® eo oo
WHO SAID that lightning
does not strike twice in the
same place?
oo, © ©
ONE MORNING las: week professional
a school bus was headed to- importance
charge of
Three Win
At School
won the
North Market Street,
prize, in the national
executive club’s essay
of Selling
youngsters. As it stopped at
an intersection in Mount Joy
a car following ran into the
back of the bus.
oO o
THEN, AS if that were not
enough, that same evening,
on the return trip. at the
very same stop, the same
bus was hit from the back
sobert, a $5 award.
the club for all the
winners April 17 at
Brunswick, Lancaster,
Catherine G. Zeller,
tor, and John Hart,
school principal, will
® oo ©
One of our ace
this week turned up
formation that a
well-known tobacco
hereabouts with the initials
J. R. who usually finishes
his stripping job about July
1 has the chore done already
for this scason.
® ® eo
Some time ago this column
published a list of a dozen
people whose addresses were
needed by Maryln Myers,
treasurer of Friendship Fire
Co. No. 1. We're happy to
report that every man on
the list has been found.
John E. Schroll, former :
publisher of The Bulletin, contest.
who has watched a few sea-
sons come and go, believes
says are also being
the in-
defense bond is the
say contest among the
iors. She will
first prize from
American Legion

a $50 defense
test was
Both in the
Legion Plans
that he has some indications
that spring is “just around
the corner.” Scout Party
eS 0 A record dance-party will
At least he has some early be sponsored Saturday night
spring flowers in the yard for the local Boy and Girl
of his summer home south of
Mount Joy and he has seen
a groundhog playing around
the premises.
Walter Sloan
Wins Trophy
G. Walter Sloan, owner of
Sloan’s Pharmacy, Mt. Joy,
is one of the nation’s first
Rexall druggists to receive
the new Mortar and Pestle
Trophy, presented by the
Rexall Drug company as an
annual award to outstanding
Scouts by the Walter S. Eb-
ersole Post 185 American
Legion. The Brownies, Cubs,
and youngest Girl Scout In-
termediate troop will have
their dance and party from
6:30 until 8 p.m. The Inter-
mediate and Senior Girl
Scouts plus the Boy Scouts
and Explorers will be enter-
tained from 8 to 10 p.m.
This annual affair is in
charge of James Shaeffer,
chairman for the committee.
Approximately 50 persons
attended the family night af-
fair of the Florin Lions club

The award is an authentic in commemoration of the
replica of a 16th century fourth anniversary of the
bronze motar and pestle cast Organization of the group.
at Deventer, The Nether- The Monday night meeting
lands, in 1950. It was pre- Was held at the Clearview
sented Tuesday by Rexall Diner, near Florin. Clarence
Representative E. R. Page at Hollinger, president, was in
Mount Joy. Guests at the charge of the affair.
A three-point program has
for a meeting
Tuesday, March 5. Room vis-
itations will be held from 7
to 7:30 p.m. with the meeting
correctionist of Donegal Area
will discuss her duties in the
with special emphasis on the
A dis-
cussion will also be conduct-
the fund-raising project
no er Holmes is chairman of the
change in telephone numbers. project. John Hess, president,
Three essay winners were Subscriptions for the
whether announced this week at Don- Life Magazine for
name egal high school. In the jun-
Ruth Krall, S.
prize and Robert Buchenauer
test. For their essays written
on the subject “Selling as a
The mittee
as to persons
ward school with its load of our Future Economy”, Ruth
will receive a $10 award and
The prizes will be award-
ed at the annual banquet of
attend the affair. The two es-
in the county contest. A $50
Barbara Thome, Delta St.
won the American Legion es-
receive a $10
her essay will be entered in-
to county competition toward
bond prize.
The topic of the Legion con-
“How Concerned
About the Welfare of Others
United States
and in Other Contries Should
a Good Citizen Be? Miss Zel-
ler was also in charge of this

Phillips To
Head Scout
James Phill'ps was named
the new chairman of the Mt.
Joy Scout committee at a
re-organizational meeting
last Friday. Lester Hostetter
was renamed secretary and
Christ Walters, renamed the Gy 1 Ait cn
The Mount Joy


treasurer, Other members of
Plans Are
the committee include James
Heilig, institutional represen-
Made For
tative; Harold Etsell, Scout-
the in Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
master; Donald Zerphey,
sistant; Harold Milligan, as-
school John Miller, Lumber Street,
was counted 20 robins in the Eb-
sistant; Clyde Gerberich, Jr,
erle cemetery.
Wesley Wittle, William Fec-
kler, Walter Sloan, Dr.
Thomas O'Connor and Rev.
BPW Holds
Dinner Meet
Hears Talk
Emmert Moyer.
Paul Herr, Elizabethtown,
of the county council, con-
ducted a charter review for
Post #39. Rev. Moyer was
named chairman of the
Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, of
the Woman’s Page program
WGAL radio, Lancaster, was
the guest speaker at the
Monday night meeting of the
Mount Joy Businegs-and Pro-
Board of Review committee;
Mr. Phillips, head of the
fessional Women's Club. The
program was arranged by
transportation committee and
the public relations commit-
Mr. Gerberich, fund-raising
tee with Mrs. James Shaeffer
The announcement was for an inspection to be done
and Mrs. Michael Pricio as
co-chairman. Members of the
made that the Scout building of the buildings in the area,
is completely renovated ex- sites available for schools.
cept for some painting. The This is the first step to be ta-
group decided to purchase ken to provide for the in-
Boys’ creased enrollment. Within
each of the next five years, the en-
the Scouts in the troop and rollment figure of the high
they set aside the second school will be increased by
Tuesday of each monh for approximately 50% using on-
meetings to be held in the ly the children now living
Scout Den. Any persons in- in the area.
terested in Scouting are in- puceball Field
vited to attend these month- jy, Hart,
ly meetings. principal, was
A special promotional com- the board to proceed with
was set up to secure the erection of a baseball committee were Mrs. Cole-
in the area who backstop for the athletic man Stites, Miss Helen
would be able to serve on field to the rear of the high Schroll, Mrs. Cloy Risser,
special events for the troop; school building. Part of the Mrs. Evelyn Webb, Mrs.
such as, transportation for money for this project was Richard Rainbolt and Miss
events. raised by the selling of pro- Jean Darrenkamp.
The Scouts returned home grams at the basketball Delegates were chosen ior
Sunday following a weekend games during the past the state conventiion to be
camping trip to the campsite SON. held in Philadelphia June 21
of Westly Wittle, Cumber- From the beginning of {, 23. Mrs Lester Roberts
land County. The boys have Donegal High in 1954, the 3nq Mrs. Marlin Sinegar
chosen photography as their high school baseball program ere named delegates with
Mrs. Robert Keller and Mrs.
Hans Helm, alternates. Dele-
gates were also named for
the district convention to be
held April 27. They were
Miss Mary Strickler, Mrs.
Simeon Horton, Miss Thelma
Taylor and Mrs. Geo. Broske,
Alternates will be Mrs. Rob-
ert Hoffmaster, Mrs. Roberts
and Mrs. Alex Mitzkivitz.
Plans were also discussed
about the forthcoming con-
cert of the Franklin and
Marshall College band to be
Sight of the first robin
may not prove that spring is
here but it makes anticipa-
tion of nice weather more
Formed For
An application for
spection of needed
buildings in the area
authorized by the Donegal
Joint Area school board at
their meeting last Thursday
evening. Following a lengthy
discussion, the board auth-
orized the completion of an
application to the Depart-
ment of Public Instruction
been named to take care of
the three-
ion-fire victims
weeks-ago fire
Lester Hostetter,
Lehman and Jay Shirk, Sr.
have beetn named to take
charge of all cash donations
to come for the victims from
groups, churches and indi-
At the present time,
Gutshall family is still in
need of furniture and fur-
nishings but Mrs. Gifford
Gutshall still doesn’t have a
home in which to move with
her son, Robert, and her
daughter Beverly. Her hus-
band and daughter, Loretta
Mae are still on the serious
and critical list at the Lan-
caster Osteopathic Hospital
Therefore, she would appre-
ciate any furniture and fur-
nishings that persons wish to
give her but she hasn't any
storage place at the present
time. If persons will give
their names to any of the
three committeeemen, she
will contact them when she
either has storage place or
has a home.
In last week's Bulletin, it
was suggested that persons
call the Harvey Balmer home
on East Donegal Street to
tell Mrs. Gutshall about
available furniture. Since
that time the Balmer family
has moved to Rheems and
Mrs. - Gutshall has moved
with them temporarily.
To Celebrate
50th Wedding

To Be Used
high school
authorized by
theme for a county-fair ev- was carried on at the local
ent to be held this summer €lementary school field. In
on the grounds of Lancaster fact, both hockey and soccer
Catholic high schoo were also played at the lo-
-—i cal school the first year. As
the first field was completed
Grades at the high school, the two
autumn sports moved to the
To Present
n 1
Tom Sawyer
high school. Now following
one year of grading won the
new field, the spring base-
“Tom Sawyer’ has been
chosen as the spring produc-
tion of the local elementary
ball program will be held at
Donegal High.
New System Adopted
The Peteson Handwriting
students. The operetta will System was adopted for use sponsored by the group in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linde-
be presented Tuesday even- in all the elementary schools the local elementary school muth of 361 Donegal Springs
ing, May 7, in the school au- of the area. At the present auditorium. Mrs. Broske, Road, will celebrate their
president, was in charge
the meeting.
The F. and M. Band Con-
of fiftieth wedding anniversary
on Saturday, March 2nd.
The couple was married
time, the system is being us-
ed in the Mount Joy Elemen-
tary School.
ditorium. The production
will include numerous solo
parts in addition to choruses
from the various grades. 3ills amounting to $14,500 cert will be held Tuesday, March 2, 1907, in the parson-
The date has been announ- Were ordered paid. Wilbur Apri 3 ere age of the Bt. Jopr's Lush
ed 1 te ols . supervising principal, eran Church, Maytown, by
ged ak this oarly date in or announced that there was a the late R Phillip H R
der that groups lanming i Lhe : : Ag, sate hey, on rks
special 8) BY ie Se 95% attendance during the Florin Girl Is Mullen, pastor of the May-
: “J past month. The enrollment town Lutheran Church at
keep this date in mind. Mrs.
George Broske will direct the
that time. Mrs. Lindemuth is
the former Miss Rosie Leese,
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Christ Leese of East
Donegal Township,
Lindemuth was the
the late Mr. and Mrs.
uel Lindemuth also of
Donegal Township.
Mr. and Mrs.
immediately after marriage
moved into their furnished
home in Maytown, but later
bought the Bull Moose farm,
where they lived until 1945,
when they sold their farm
to Walter Keener and moved
to the present Mount Joy
address. The couple have no
Mr. Lindemuth, who cele-
brated his seventy-first birth-
day last October 4, is in ex-
cellent health. A year ago
he retired from his trade of
bricklaying in which he was
engaged since he was a youth
of sixteen. To keep in trim
figures were 1450 in the ele-
mentary schools;821 in the
high school, giving a total of
2,271 students in the area.
John Daniels, graduate of
Franklin and Marshall Col-
lege, was hired on a tempor-
ary basis to replace Mrs.
Marilyn Herr, Lancaster,
who resigned January 31.
Date Stone Authorized
Following a committee re-
port of the building commit-
tee, the group decided to pur
chase a date stone for the
high school building. When
the school was built, no date
stone or corner stone was
placed in its construction.
The board agreed that
when teachers of the area
are asked to serve in an area
of special service which re-
quires special certification, The concert included more
the board will pay half of than 300 students from coun-
the tuition rates. At the pres- ty high schools and was un-
ent time, the special positions der the direction of Mr.
are special education, guid- Wagnild and James A. Dun-
Chosen As
One Donegal high school
student was chosen as one
of four so'oists at the annual
Western Lancaster County
Chorus concert Saturday
night. The four were select-
ed at auditions bv guest
conductor Parker V. Wag-
nild, director of the Gettys-
burg College Choir for solo
work in the concert.
Audrey Musser, of Florin,
a senior at Donegal high, was
chosen in addition to Lor-
raine Bohlander and Loretta
Fisher of Penn Manor high
school, Mi'lersville; and El-
aine Earhart, Hempfield high
school, Landisville.

Cookies To Be
Delivered Friday
Girl Scout cookies will be
delivered beginning this Fri-
day, March 1. Girl Scouts
and Brownies in the local
neighborhood as well as
neighborhoods thruout the
county will deliver the first
orders this weekend.
Following the first deliv-
ery, a second ordering of
the cookies will take place.
These orders will be due on
March 22 and the delivery
will be made March 29. As
of this week, no reports have
been made of girls already
having sold 100 boxes.
Next week, the Stevens

Trade School will present an ance and school and home lap, director of the Penna. he still follows hig old sport
exchange assembly program visitor. State B'ue Band. The girls’ of ice skating, having tried
Tentative plans for next chorus, boys chorus and the his luck gliding over the ice
in Donegal high school.
school year call for two spec- combined chorus sang plus this last year.

presentation Were Linas BA — jal education departments in the all-county band which Mrs. Lindemuth was sev-
a exa ale S d the elementary area plus the played nine selections. enty on December 24, 1956.
g er. Ch h S U already existing junior high te af eres She too enjoys » st of
histori alread) sun ! 8 She njoys the best of
og i econ urc etfs P Special education” class. SCRAP DRIVE PLANNED health and is quite agile in
Posie. 3 jin 2 a druggists Te The Mount Joy Explorer performing her household
os 0 a Ey MEETING POSTPONED Scouts will hold a scrap duties. Both Mr. and Mrs.
is an oi Mass Care Center The regular monthly meet- drive Saturday, March 2, at Lindemuth have been mem-
° oo Ll nar is St. Mark’s E. U. B. church Mrs. Robert Stoner, Mrs. Les- ing of the Mount Jov Bor- 9 a.m. until noon. The boys bers of the St. John’s Luth-
pu iy g the histories of became the second of ti : tar Hostetter and Mrs Rich- ough Authority will not be will remove the paper from eran Church, Maytown, for
recorded in whe A ceame tne seco © Ae i held next Tuesday, March 5, the place of storage for the many years. Their many
an~ Egyptians, Hebrews
of times and the Ro-
man era.
Mr. Sloan’s Mortar and
Pestle Trophy, mounted on a
black walnut pedestal with
local churches to set up mass
care centers, in conjunction
with Civilian Defense. Mon-
day evening, Glenn L. Kay-
lor, manager for the church’s
a plaque inscribed with his center, called his organiza-
name and store, will be on tional meeting. Arthur Spre-
display at the prescription cher and Ralph Berrier were
department. named assistant managers;
@ erm Mrs. Orthur D. Sprecher in
FURNISHINGS SOLD charge of registration with
Household” goods of Mr. Mrs. Alvin Yingst, Mrs. El-
wood Mateer and Mrs. Char-
les Shoemaker; Mrs. Ray-
mond Knorr, Mrs. Charles
Drace, Mrs. Kenneth A. Gai-
nor and Mrs. Gerald Anrtz.
first aid ‘committee.
Mrs. Joseph Buchenauer,
Mrs. Walter Zercher and Mrs.
and Mrs. Victor J. Koser, of
Mount Joy R-, were sold at
public sale Saturday. A bed-
room suite brought $292; a
rug, $51; television set, $100;
rifle, $58; check writer, $51;
metal filing cabinet, $58;
1952 sedan auto, $540. Omar
Landis and Elmer
were auctioneers. to the lodging committee;

Spahr Glenn Kaylor were named
ard Latchford, clothing com-

mittee: Mrs. Clinton G. Eby but wiil be held the follow- residents of town. friends congratulate the cou-
ir. Mis Ralph Berrier and ing weck, Tuesday, March - rm em ple and wish them many
Mrs. Frank R. Germer, feed- 12: z = Mount Joy Explorer Scouts Pare years of happiness to-
ing committee. Mrs. Clarence held a dance at the local 8¢t er. Fo
Ulrich was named as a sub- Members of the senior geouthouse last Wednesday
science class at Donegal high ayening. Guests for the occa-
stitute for any needed com-
mitteeman. school will visit the Arm- gion were the Senior Girl
Following the organization Strong laboratory, Columbia geouts of Troop #175. I AND S GARAGE
of the center, the members P ke, next Thursday. Homer ies ree tn One local mon. and. one
drove to the local Trinity Lu- Schoener will accompany the = jean R. Markley, eighteen, formerly from the borough
thren Church to witness a 8roup. The group will be 19 West Main Street, applied will take over the Esso gas
surprise calling of the Luth- given a tour of the plant; es- for a divorce from Thomas station and - garage located
eran mass care center per- Pecially to inspect the work og twenty-two, 145 on West Main Street. Ivan
sonnel. Known ahead of time done by the laboratory tech- North Market Street, on Wolgemuth, Mount Joy St.,
only by Mr. Sprecher and grounds of indignities. and Sheridan Angstadt will
OK. Snyder, Jr. — rman eae (fee ett operate the establishment to
of the Lutheran center, the Next Monday evening, the be known as the “I gnd S”
Physician On Call
monthly meeting of the Don- garage. Mr. Angstadt had
egal high school band club formerly
will be held in the band where the present Newcomer
room. Samuel Harnish, presi- Motors is now located prior
Dr. Newton Kendig dent, will be in charge. to his living in Florida.
call was issued by phone to
the personnel. After the ar-
rival of their personnel, they
showed the newly organized
group their set-up.
Committee Two Methodist Churches
Vote Program To Merge
Cubs See
Acts Of
A three-man committee has NEIGHBO Expect To Build
all donations for the explos- MEETING PLANNED
Next Monday,
New Building
A step toward
two Methodist
was taken Sunday
as congregations
Joy and at Salunga voted fa-
vorably on the proposaal.
probably will
be many months before final
4 joining of the
- is completed, it was the first
Mount Joy-Florin
George Neighborhood will
beginning at 7:45 p.m.
will be present at the meet- persons attended the
did to raise money for Scouts Tues-
two churches
man, will be in charge.
Cubs Are Given
Blue, Gold
Approximately 110 persons
ichard Sloan : :
Richard Sioa at morning worghin services
plus gold and one silver ar-
Ronald Cooke. pastor of both congregations,
of the people of their inten-
tion to build a new church.
has been sel-
ected but the plan is to pick
Edward Forry,
Richard Gilcrist,
Scout, presented a series
magic acts and Douglas Met-
heney, of the
Blue and Gold banquet Wed- Mount Joy and Salunga.
nesday evening in the
Achievements were
Robert Miley,
least three years away
perhaps longer.
step can be taken, there are
matters of disposing of
properties owned by the con-
year service stars were awar-
James Metzler,
Dennis Brown,
gold arrow point;
long-range plans.
The merger proposal
been taken for many months.
Mrs. Charles Hill and
Mrs. Robert Flick and Assist-
bear, one gold and two silver
The others went to : :
joint congregational meetings
Leon T. Moore
Wayne, Pa., district superin-
silver point and John Brown,
gold arrow point.
Charles Maiser,
one year of Scouting.
: told birth-
nd Gold birth- Philadelphia
agic for the Cubs an ir :
magic for the Cubs and their ence of the Methodist church
centerpieces which Lancaster. The
given sanction by the Quar-
ed on the various tables. The = : ; Q
terly Conference.
Sunday's action
: congregations,
matter will be ‘sent again to

of the flag cere-
buttered peas,
coffee and chocolate milk.
The evening's program op-
ened with the singing of Am-
erica, the pledge to the flag
; for the appointment of com-
there is standing need mittees to study the program.
Den Mother in
! a more effective program for
section of town Methodism in this area.
April or that the western district
ing, was present
members of the Florin Club,
theme will be Westward Ho,
and will feature cowboys ¢
churches since
He also is a student at
of the Evangelical
and Reformed
will be graduated
June of 1958.
master, was in charge. for ih Ly
for the coming
ORDINANCE Richard Heisey
1914 acres of land from East 28, the new officials will take

Rotarians Hear
Of Ice Hockey
An inside look at ice hock-
and as a busi-
has been filed with the meeting of the group
held Tuesday.
Indian theme
and Mr. ough
of Lancaster
final This
ey as a sport
Approved by borough coun-
arti - wati
Martin, Inc. annexation peti- ., .; p megal high school Llovd Blinco. general .man
Joy i 8 an-
days pending court approval.
was the speaker. He used
movie “Know Your Hockey”
as the basis for his remarks,
this opvortunity to
and answer period.
also visit the
Sally Ulrich
lems of the ice hockey busi-
players to man
teams. It is not only a prob-
lem of quality
to save before you get broke
re 8 inviting Mount Joy Rotarians
Donegal High School to be his guests at
sp2oker was
Planning Youth Day
Donegal” will in Geltmacher chairman of
Earnest Roberts were student
: ion of party
Government printing with James
Tuesday the primary election
will be held with the general
election March 12
Hartman and
Representatives of the Re-
of Lancaster
to both the boys
the senior class
mittees were named cruiters office
school will appear on WGAL includes James
eon wi'l be held for all mem-
nesday. The special program
planned by
guidance department.
Lancaster March
This year ten offices will
be filled; governor, lieutenant

Douglas Fish.

collector and school director.
The winner of the governor's
will be the student to
appear on the TV show.
Jacob Zeller
operated a garage of the planning
with Joanne Reynolds, Glenn
Edward Lindemuth

.. and, Mrs. Thomas
, West Main Street, Sa-
a son. last Thursday,
at St. Joseph's Hospital.
and Mrs. B. Frank
47 Frank Street, a
daughter, Friday, at St. Jos-
eph’s Hospital.
Thelma Snavely.
Edward Portner,
jamin Groff. Sandra Machin-
son and Fred Bernhard. Don-
ald Staley and C. A. S. Hol-
linger, social studies faculty
instructors, are in charge of

A a IRR cosa Sit fli