The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 21, 1957, Image 7

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    stroke of good fortune which
| e Bulletin, Mouni Joy, 9:00 am. Boys’ and Girls"house to house witnessing. .
Th 7 Choir rehearsals. 2:00 pm. Street witness- Cross Roads Church To Build Tell Of Recent cancelled some regularly
i 2 : ire : led
Thursday, February 21 9:30 am. Sunday School ing in Columbia. scheauled parts of the tour
Classes for all ages 7:30 pm. Street witness- Church Plans New Sanctuary Visit To U.N. but provided an opRorunity
Newcomer's Used Cars i



: - »
f n
10:45 m. Worship Ser- ing in E-town. to see ai hear King n
urc ews vice Sermon: “The “Chal- Sunday : f Glossbrenner | 1 B Ke { Mariett Titus R ot dn Ei the boy a a:
lenge of Discipleship” Con-| 9:00 am. Assembly for Bible Con erence, weh has embarked on a Ken Appley of Marietta A : VS og -
N P 3 ut To 'All enge I I . he ae nurcn hats n rK n al .d Leroy Kaylor, Mt Joy. 10 New York and they were |g FS v . . ~ -
ews Pertain'ng To gregational vote on merger. house 5 house, A Bible Conference ad fund raising campaign. The!’ = al H. @ accompanied by Rev. H. M.|m RECONDITIONED and CLEAN :
urches \ « .hursday 3:00 pm ublic Address i li Rw of a re aie . seniors 1 Onegs Dy PR bbe py | -
The Churches In Mt. Joy 7 30 p.m. Official Board |by Russel Klopp, Minister Evangelistic meeting will be} of the provided the program Tue Moyer Both men talke d = -
And The Surrounding ting from Reading conduct d at the Cross Road 0 0 ( ad 4 Sell wary day noon for the Mount Joy It He I bi wil n OH and - '54 . =
“ fa irda wh * Jatchtower irethren ii rist Church, replace the presen church ‘nev. alu : + ot Joseph Shaeffer, who ar-/m =
Community. Saturday, March 2 4:00 pm. Watchtower Brethren in Christ Church, ! . \ Rotary club as it met at : Oldsmobile Sedan »
5 7 ie Class Study Florin. Feb. 23 Mar. 10 located at Church and Angle slotter ranged the tour, gave a brief
LE Ho Suppor RG Class Cuesday : ith Bi sh v C. N. Hostetter, Streets in Florin Rog In Wi boy ote tw outline of the procedure by ' :
Church of The Brethren 8:00 p.m. Public Bible Ir. conference speaker and The campaign organization he tw 4 oyé peu by in which the boys won the trip 53 Ford Hardtop Coupe
Floria, Pa Salunga Methodist Chulel Study at 263 W. Walnut St., Rav. Hoek cv h ‘ed Ty the pastor, NErs of the annual 1 I ® n -
Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elde: au Ba K 1 oh! a ' Marietta and 1 Hemp St, 4 N He I Charles W. Wolfe. who is contest, sponsored bj ' .
{ ™ 1 1 Q eorge . 4 8g, astoi 4 Bich HD osietter. Jr. ’ . Vi sedi 5 APPR AT as r ES ‘ONTEST
Samuel T. Becker, Supt. vs Mary Minnich, Organist Mount Joy Tdi D A ver, Jr. 4 onorary chairman, and the Rotarians, received a JUDGES CONTEST - 52 Buick Sedan *
9:00: a.m. Bible School. oe y Mim » Te President of Messi ih ( eg Park. Shotter as general their prizes a one-day New pr Thomas W. O'Connor u
00 a.m. Worship Ser- riot y ' 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Minis- \Grantham, Pa.,, will be the| ''. _" ’ ie, York trip to see the United wie y' of the three judgesid / . n "
9:00 a.m. Worship Service ,. ent nk Nora cs viva. chairman Vice chairmen 3! ; was one 0 16 ree judges 2 Old b | 8 S d -
yi Sermon: “The Challenge of iy hool, Instr Yon tall [main speaker of the Bible named are Jacob Stehman, [Nations to judge the twentieh annual § 5 smopliie 9 edaan .
We I Discipleship Congregational 8:30 pm. Service Conference mary S De ’ John K. Wittle and Elmer 8 Each boy taiked for about American District finals of 4 '51 P :
) Yoctrinal Stud es > : —— 923. 7:30 p.m and Sunday... . ’ y +
] vote 8 nerger ; : 4 Forwood 15 minutes, telling of some the National High School|g 3 | mouth Sedan -
Rev. Ralph Schlosser J ty ty 5t. Luke's Episcopal Church Feb. 24, 10:30 a.m., 2:00 p rs ; the highitohis ob the ty ined io em Y =
MH oi ny Schacl, Mount Joy, Pa m. and 7:00 pm ip pi JY ‘ Sora ns I ae pi ig ge Ore Week \ b
br ! ay ET . Che Ww. BE ert M. Moyer wi ye conducted on Sunday, S 8 8, at 1 Manhein owns i " S de
Chureh 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellow he Rev. | mer oye Dr. Hostetter will be! March 10. between 2:30 p.m. organization and some of the High School, Neffsville. John |g 51 Mercury eaan 2
fos Sup Sunday : 1k on the theme and 8:00 pm. by a commit interesting things which they gE, Hambright, Jr., a junior (8 ; 2
Ts. Tw 8:00 am. Holy Commun- ¢l. the Prophet of Pen COSv. tee of 96. This will be the and did from McCaskey High School, a 50 Chevrolet Sport Coupe -
Sunday West Green Tree on ermon iil include: jargest committee of work One of the features was a was the winner 2 ‘ 2
"9:00 a.m. Sunday School Church of the Brethren 10:00 am. Morning Prayer “Preparation for Pentecost. arg ever assembled at the u ' x
{ 10 A 5 0 a chool Abram N. Eshelman, Elder nd Sermon, Ci he Selo] Provision in Pentecost and Glossbrenner Church (a 50 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan
"30 vr Yer Wins sunday . 0:00 am warch Schoo I de to Pentecost’ The We av ' “ A > i
3 sl) p.m. Revive > He 8:45 a.m. Sunday School Thursday < v evening message will oe { d ow Shs id g a ANNU AL SPRING SA LE - VEN x
We its it Rheems & GreenTree 7:30 pm. Choir Rehears-|,.. istic. re oo a eure In Ll : Pei a 50 Chevrolet 2-Door Se an
| p.m. alydy and, 10;00 a.m. Worship Ser ! YS ardship and Xe astor i
4 - Prayer Meeting vice Rheems Sh Feb. 23. 5 to 8 p Dr. Hostetter comes as an Wolge stated. “We have set | Feb. 18 to March A | . ® .
CK : nes NE ay, Feb. 23, « [+] va ali Bible teacher : d! for ourselve a task i tre- . lm =
30 p.m Church Service, 1. Si r+ Kraut Supper evangelist, 31 acher and to urselives « ask oO I'¢ oO
i E Luthdron SH n ue SD nes: PP¢ church leader. He is chair-|mendous proportions, but 10 Jo OFF Already Low Prices A '56 Chevrolet 1 ton Pickup =
Rev. W. L. Kypder, Pastor : . man of The M. C. C. and has|with the sacrifices of all our . - an =
Sng C 1s Brethren In CR traveled throughout United|members, we will win the Oo n A G as A PP tances . @® i
) am. Sunday § 1001 _rossroads wrethre > ’ Qt. ‘eur Aas TT Urone vietorv! Na nel 5 phe n
i t as am. nay ono Christ Church Elizabethtown, Pa. States. Canady ond EDS OY re asl members oF WATER HEATERS REFRIGERATORS |= =
ipmen tn BH NS Paul Z. Hess Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor in behalf of these and otherithe Church to include in q mi @ OUR USED CARS ARE CLEAN AND ON DISPLAY =
i ship Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors |Sunday church interests. He was a their prayers petitions for STOVES - black and white a . 2
195% Wednesd : SAU. 9:30 am. Church School. member of The Brethren in God's guidance and blessing CLCTHES DRYERS ROOM HEATERS INDOORS DURING THE BAD WEATHER. =
(00 Pp ra ! m "oan C oneal] Id S. Martin, Gen. Supt.!Christ Home Mission Board. as we undertake this, His
( uni 7:30 p.m. Bible Conferenc Har Id S. I 3 -
abetht I hm a 7 “hh Biel op "C. N. Hostetter. sessions for boys Rev Albert Engle, Secre- Work WARD BOTTLE GAS - ® :
zabethtown 1a 1 | oh A Vv land girls; adult study theme 4 mm ‘rath | — os DEIR AT = -
s South of Sire Speaker Viusic by Youth 5. “ the T tary of he yrethren in! ee : EPHRATA, PA. - =
yD Chuysda Stans of the TIM. vor. Christ Home Mission Board TO MAKE DEVILLED 1 St 5S. State S Ephrat N M t In =
fT | oraleers 0:30 an Mot g or y AE “T AMS TER 97 Town Store, 25 S. State Street, Ephrata, Nn
at Groves 7:30 ( ¢ Sunda hip fom bo “Not Mine To Will be sharing in the Sun CLAMS FEB. 2% 8:00 ag to 5:00 > m Daily re os the » ewcomer 0 ors, Cc. -
Cla Te r in th Pp <h IR. Gren = Ply DL 111, ON \ a ARTI ng he ,adies B v Class J 0: da. . J! _D. ally. a 16 Si
Cl vi : I 9:15 am Sunday School Keep”, by Pastor Zuck day afternoon service speak 3 The 1 dies 3ible lass of will remain open Thursday and Friday Intil 9 p. m. i a :
Hou Adin Mumma. Supt 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship ing on “Practical Aspects for the Lutheran church will : : ; A ste m West Main Street Phone 3-4821 =
Hogs 10:30 a.m. Worship, “Pro-iipngtructional Vespers on the the Second Coming” make devilled clams Feb. 27 i Ocice Show rcom, 1 mile north of Ephrata on " -
TRACTOR J Joy 1 Chur h vis on in Pentecost Bishop theme, "Steps To Christian The ranrual- fe parish house Orders 222 open 8:00 am. to 5:00 p. m, AEN INCENSE EEE EEO
re loader, J org , 1 2 or N. Host gi Jr , led by the Meeting will be d be in by Feb. 22 y ar
750d con- ‘ 15s wa I nis 2:00 p.m. “Postluc Lo as or Feb. 25 to Mar. 10 with the | gsm SR
aod "ON - : : Pentecost” Bishop C. N. Hos Wednesday Rev. Hock wangelist
ry a 7:30 p.m. You Adult {otter Jo 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting, och,
yr ew Part pie iki Rev fock comes fr
ansplanter; Practical Aspects For the Leonard Hoes hon He tom |
‘ubber tire gio Second Coming”, Rev. Albert Mt. Pleasant tiene Svan elie f Tl : .
nd wagon; = 9s Engl 3rethren in Christ Church fuli-ime evangelist 0 ng
packer; 2- AYET i > Graybilll Wolgemuth and Brethren in Christ Church
on y “ BY 8% 6:30 p.m Prayer Hour. v' * Pn a [ has rved hr ol ER
Fairbanks t dad pn TL Evan solistic C. H. Moyer, Pastors He has served throughout
; SAWIN TUNING 7:00 p.m BPs Ee 5 tor Sunday United States and Cuba ;
ETS TT AAD pa viessage DY Fr Osi ne 9:00 am. Sunday School Rev. Hock formerly was ’
; 2 brood- iz. FSR EERE bo, Lusi J the Mena Brubaker. supt. pastor of God's Love Mission Staley S Garage
rater - A FW. ions by a duet, quartette! 10:15 a.m. Jorship Ser- i I ANS x :
Re Ee HT vice, Message by C. H. Moy- in Detroit. Mich. where he NEW & USED CARS
tchore toa R. D. 4, MANHEIM y Pep 25 Mar. 10 Evangel + on “Past Revival.” served faithfully for seven G AUTO TRUCK REPAIRING
ts hin Ph ount Joy 3-3632 [=D 4 ih y | wd ro: GENERAL AU & {
Stehman tic Meatings with Rev. Har 7:45 p.m Sermon by J. years 3
s; shovels; © —-pR, JOHN H. STAUFFER ry Hock, evangelist >] Martin Jr., "Christ Our SOUTH MARKET STREET FLORIN
o mention. y Example. . Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951
itions will 3. OF TOMETRI 3 : — Wednesday Bible Class y
39 1 I St. Mt. Joy, Pa. columbia Congregadvon of 7:30 pm. Prayer meeting

T I 1 Jehovah's Witnesses at the home of John Shenk, i
stettler » Mo at—10 am. tc Perry and Union Sts. Helids Meeting
Union National Mount Joy Bank





248% pon Pues. & Fri. 6 tc ‘olumbi PE orate oo The Yc g .adies Bible) RTA Et
jo “ny : Yor lta uni Laie PO. The Church of God one Young » ladies Bible! ni ts MOUNT JOY
owing ar- I Lioscd all da yCQ- Saturday Rev. William Tille Class of I'rinity Lutheran i :
VCs 9:30 a.m. Assembly for wey. tt Church met Wednesday eve-| 7 2 n
; 9:30 As; : hutch met Wednesday eve be My thors Zz : cE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT
or — On tisTy y Qn} ning a he darish ouse
ghts and 9:80 an. Sunday School I Me Earl fo CLOSED SATURDAYS
'’RACTOR ¥ ’. 2) 10:30 am. Morning Wor- Va yt Oh 5 31s : 5
electric Don’t let fire wip DONS owing, Je Eo Those words do come from
tarpaulin 1 7:00 nm. Evening Service Hons and the discussion top- Be : have oj
a take your savings || Wednesday : icic : “What ; Is Happening| : the Bible. And iid he. » So
elts; sled- " oe j 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Fo The Family”, Pastor W.\ sometimes been quote . J Kitty Dress Shop
barrels; let or mut: the bite: on 3ible Study I.. Kodel gave a talk on Be tify a man’s lack of concern
elbarrow; nie UMM X On March 3, at 7:30 p.m. “Visiting The Sick.” ; g . :
shovels; vour bank account. Make sure C. G. Y. A. will have 2 A Hat nig a a ne : for the welfare of others. Ladies and Children Wearing Apparel
arr . 3 £ ia OC aiso as 3 .
eS TH DI bs hy hymn Sg held at this time and each : When we quote Serigtine EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
’ 5 red in line vith today’s va - hem chased : ovelv ha
le bench; h ie) : {| Glossbrenner Evangelical Jad 2 Joven he we must be careful WHO
ales; mor- i fire Le il United Brethren Church om 2. or onging: uoting!
f articles 1 | Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor great rons brought by th fe we.are q & 05 Bist YEE
h fii BEY Sunday members. { 2 t was Cain, the hrs -
tions will W biL & RUTT AGENCY il 9:30 am. Sunday School, Clothing for The Lutheran) a a : r, who asked that biting Booth Dept. Store
85 EAST MAIN ST PHONE 3-6911 for all ages. * World Relief was packager Sa erer, al : :
J : 10:30 a.m. Divine Worship while the hostesses, Mrs question. God had said, Complete Line Of Material
ser an ? 15 p.m Evening Bible Aru Brown Mr Oe “Where is Abel, thy brother? EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS., MT. JOY
uay 3row III and Mrs i : 8 i 2S
rer i Monday TL oly So SCT | i And Cain was trying 0 ho Phone 3-3741
H. Risser 3 6:30 p.m Father and Son treshments : cape the consequences of his
. $ Janquet. - = i :
" f crime.
sold first. Tuesday Newtown E. U. B. Cnurch
A rs . 3 lL V La. . 1 ... TA : ’ . 9
8 (7:30 pm. Ladies Aid Meel Rev. Ira Fortna : Each of us is responsible Sentz S Children S Shop
Ing. Sunday i for his brother's welfare. That
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School SE is fea- SAVE YOUR CENTS AT SENTZ’S
ale 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellow- 6:00 or Youth Fellow} is the very reason this fe YE GHURCIFORRLL SAVE YOUR CENTS
ship hip. ture is appearing in ¥ CHURCH EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
>. y 1 ar "7.00 ln a : ALL FOR THE Ct
6:30 p.m. Youth Choir Re- w $309 P m. Worship Service newspaper. | i The C . i ta
hearsal. ednesday We 2 The Church is jreatest fac-
attle 7:00 p.m. Midweek Ser- 1 7:00 pm. Christian En | You and your family need
| vice. deaver. : .piritual resources our
ns 2130 p.m. Prayermeeting. the spiritua os H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc
lvzed. Thursday 1 . 5 i chever . . 5 .
alyzed 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir re- . NT : i churches offer. In whi
hearsal. Th St. Mari s Evangelical | : Christian congregation y R.C.A. WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES
5%7 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir ro- Uittiod Bie run | i select there are waiting to
hearsal. y 5. Jlrich, astor | ol ; n TNT a
ee Ten oe or welcome you many men and MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-336
a; : Se d: |
For Sen Tarkev Hill has.a “True 7:00 p.m. Boys and Girls 10:30 a.m. Instruction and oung people
OF MI. : Home Delivery 1 itl. HL S08 is | class. Nr + ith i taught them
“K RUN NE MILLERSVILLE 200k FT i's SEE - Sunday : whose ial : "
U PHONE MILLERS ] fresh . ig because it's First Presbvierian Church 9:00 a.n. Sunday School. dee concern for their B k ’ B d S .
TR 2.8914 De an Tey Hoe Yop 0 Mount Jov, Pa. 10:15 a.m. Worship ser- | 2 S P > of eCKer § rea ervice
; re bid =P Rov. Harlan C. Durfee, vice. “The Hills of God.” brothers. Manbeck: Bread
: 9:30 am. Church School, -:0 p.m. National Broth-| Day er Verse ore
= —— Ez IE 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- od and Race Relations Sunday
dh ' service r Yo . onda !
aa : i Sy ship. Bee ne To uth : Toray 4 FLORIN PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4449
‘mon: “Living for Others” Fellowship. Sermon by the inc 8
JS. OLD 6-30 p.m a F. D. Gholston, pastor
sTlowshin.. > Mt. Olive Baptist Church in
Foliowship: - 0. Harrisburg. Music by Mt. C. W.H
; Lana AOlive choir. | . . err
When in need of printing Wednesday a od ii \
remember The Bulletin. | 6:30 p.m. Instruction Class! a a a, cu ar Ford Sales & Service

- 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bi- RL IG re : ix Gulf Gas & Oil Products


Curtiss |
Bree | ALSO A FULL LINE OF Sli vs 'TheFirst National Bank & Trust Co. Heilig Funeral Home Phone 3-9701
heed of Ah ; Mn BIRDS EYE Be of Mount Joy B MOS: Joy SIMON P. NISSLEY — MARY G. NISSLE}
decom |. ..,, SICO REGULAR | (|| i | Servicc| MOUNT JOY FLORIN JAMES B. MENG Funeral Directors
Picker ( 5ICO EXTRA ‘Fruits & Vegetables by, the Pastor,” Sarvs Open Friday Til Eight - Closed Saturday Funeral Director fs ek sis Be

Snowco with study of Doctrine {ol-|
y No. § lowed by a film strip. |
win | OIL & GREASE Krall's Meat Market “coor *, 0 Ws Sensening
Phone 3-9251

Sloan Pharmacy Arthur J. Ulrich

Senior WEST MAIN ST.. MT. JOY 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal]
db Ritu M2 A at Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens Prescriptions Rexall Drug Products Plumbing & Hoatin
{ umbin
capac: ove 0 oii s ¥ » 206 EAST MAIN STREET ~~ MOUNT JOY 65 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY tosh Soret 3 4% 2
>h til R i bi T V S 3. bra 230 24-Hour Service on all types Automatic
: a e 1d e [ ervice | Phone £65) Phone 3-3001 Heating Equipment
r, twin BOX 306 LANDISVILLE PHONE 8122
ith fan,
= EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN | J. B. Hostetter & Son Wolgemuth Ine, : Adal. Greer
. “Graceful and Sincerely Yours” .
. Hardware — Appliances JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP
ire Co. GEORGE WACHTMAN | rs 14 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY ; Avicarved Didmonds
: Ze. i 9 am hone 3-968 7 E!/ MAID : A
Mount Joy . Phone 3-4245 Phone 3.3721 Phone 3-4124