The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 14, 1957, Image 2

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. groups, pantomimes mono-| = celebrated their 89th Wed- were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Geltmacher, of town. : PLAN CARD PARTY MAIN ST. FLORIN, PA.
Thursday. February 14 2 logues, tap dancing and a NEW T OWN ding anniversary on Saturday Landis Lititz, Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gam are completed for The appointment of a bor- Machineless & Cold Waves
epg ep ee 3 wrestling exhibition February 9th Horace Walters, Lititz R. D, ber visited Mr. and Mrs. Sa-\,.. pepruary 20 public card tity rity secretary was $6.00 up
THE MOUNT JOY Headlining the list of acts = -d B-- = Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Rufus Landis, Florida, lem Gamber, Columbia RD.| ov 15 be held in the local “8” | meeting of Shampoo & Set $1.50
; BULLETIN is a girls’ ‘Beautyshop Quar- ppp { Mrs. Elwood Kuhn Robert Frank Jr, were Mr. Mrs. Betty Brosey and chil-| Miss Minnie Gamber, Mr. firehouse The Wednesday made at a specia Haircuts ek 5c
Published every Thursday . a BY ine MTs BRC. JWI, je ade My HEH ¢ wv of dren. and Edith Erb, Colum-and Mrs. Abram Gamber. nie arty w feature two the group this week. Mrs, Tonis given ......... 36.00
at 11 East Main Street, Mt. tt: by Esther and Elizabeth visited Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. Ernest Kohler, of {7 HE an 8 amber night party will feature two the 8 ek Call Mt. Joy 3-8851
Jov Loneaster County, Pa er Lucille Groff and witmer. of Hershey Red Lion, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. bia R. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard prizes per table for both Clyde Tripple Pinkerton Maud Buller, Prop
Richard A. Rainbolt, Editor Carol Neff, a ballet dance Miss Mary Ellen Kuhns McCoy. Pleasureville, Scott Vigitors of Mr. and Mrs /Gamber visited Mrs. Minnie'pinochle and bridge. The Road, was named to the pos
and Publisher. by Jean Pettit and Bobby Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Viekie Heisler, of York, Norman Brosey and family Hahn, Lancaster. party will begin at 8 p. m. ition and will take over her gi
————— Ann Bishop; a baton-twirling Frank. Jr and son of town and Miss Dixie Lee Frank of were Mr. and Mrs. Francis| Rev, Ira Fortna visitedMrs. John Landis i In duties in March é 9
Subscription Rate $2.50 per routine by Pat Bender and Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, (town Brosey, Milton Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer charge ot the JoyCee-spon-| — - - A, H A
year by Mail Deanna Peflley; a string ww, Haines were Mrs. Paul Visitors of Mrs Jean Islor/Mr. Paul Witmer, family. sored affan D
Advertising rates upon re- quartet by Lois Ann Haag, i. Rollman and daughter, and Irene Snyder were, Mrs Visitors of Mr, and Mrs.| visitors of Mr, and Mrs -— oneg Sales Represenlalive
quest, i at. t t offi Marianne Funk, Dorothy Lititz Mr. and Mrs. John Wittel, Florin and Ed- Earl Geltmacher and family|paniel Geltmacher were Mr.|REVIVAL MEETINGS ales Represeniative
untered a 1e post Lehman and Jerry Koser; a 1 io oP ’ In av W TN were Mr. and Mrs. Harold|, . ers onli Elias Kulp of Bally,
. Llovd Nentwig and family, na May Witmer, Columbia. Ver in I and Mrs. David Greenly and! Rev. ias Kulp ¢
Bt Mount doy, 2a. rd Sn ‘Siamese Cat Pantoming 5 by Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Mrs. Nora Halter. Kinder- Stoppard and sons, family of East Petersburg. |will open a series of revival 0 1 € 0 es Garber Motor Co.
March 3. 1879. More Ribley Carol Ne Haines and daughter f hook and Mrs. Ted Sener, of, Mrs. Earl Geltmacher vis-| ( meetings at the Good Men- Aldus (Red) Hannan Ford
' Martha Robinson anc ar- Mr, Jol Nagle - vicita os Geo: ited Mr: ¢ rs: J Koh- PURCHASE P y $ TEE . i i
Member, Pennsylvania News- bara Peffley: a marimba sel M piss i A 5 is Laney ter i Hon Mr. Geo ied a pnd Wes ohn Koh-| PURCHASE PROPERTY _ |nonite church Feb. 17. Rev. E. William (Bill) Pontz, 40th Year ; or Mercury
pape? Publishers’ Association ction by Janet Horn, Teresa ba vel rutshi Moore and family ¢ ti a By WR Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fel- Ira Z. Miller and Rev. Jay Proprietors ELIZABETHTOWN
—— oY . Edith Erb was a Sunday Erb visitec YS, Ka-ilankk: N os ai street hii : : . . bt
4 har Hagnol 1 ond Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Haines supper heat of Mr. anditie Erb. of Mt. Joy RD. feniraum, West Main Street '|Bechold are pastors. SALES and SERVICE PHONE 17-1181
Landisville - Salungs RY , wr ody Nelle. + The Sunshine Bible Class Mrs. H. S. Brenneman, Mt Visitors of Mrs, the former Elwood : ROUTE 230 i i
Re oS inda Irvin; a of the E. & R. Church hold Joy RD : Frysinger Mrs. Katie Moore/Bell home, 28 South Market » bigger the mouth, the on 5 :
se =| coprano. solo by Trevenalits regular meeting at the Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Ida Eisenberger| Street. better it looks - - SHUT. MOUNT JOY 3-4516 Bulletin advertisement pays,
A minstrel show will beiStehman, and an organ solohome of the president, Mrs. Harry Weaver Ww Te Mr. and were, Dr. and Mrs... TE —
presented by the Landisville by Sylvia Eshleman. May Hicks, on Tuesday eve Ms Robert. Wo, Mariena a Myerstown Mes
a Saturday, a ning Mr. anc rs. Irvin Witmer Ray Myers Mount Joy, Mr.
Jans ue he Hempfield ¢ : The Rev. and Mrs, Harry and family visited Mr, and Charles Weaver, Ironville, . D .
Me y 3 Six student musicians from 2 aif tr. oof 4 rR Ziyi,
high school auditorium, Lan- he Hempfield Ro : tie] Shuster from East Greenville 2 Mr Sonn Kauffman, Sr. of Rev, Weaver. Kinderhook, | e our dare 0 avings uring
disville, beginning at 8 in the Southern the proud parents of ronvi.e Ti arti Pearl Brenneman, Moust.Joy :
: i : : RN lew son. Mrs. Shuster is Mo Kathryn Gephart and chil- BR. D. Mr. Salem Gamber of
Taking part In the all-Lion istrict Band . Concert last ~~ I ise Hicks of town. dren of Mt. Joy. visited Mr. Columbia R. D. and Grace
production will be the entire | “riday and Saturday nights ormey A oy n= > tance and Mrs” Wm. Fogie and fa- a ig!
membership of the Landis-- at the Gettysburg high school Anau: ; pri milv
persons. The old-time min- were Barbara Nolt, alto sax- ! ihe Legion _ ; in tread Wm. Witmr were Mr, and 4
strel show will feature vocal ophone; Jane Young, French lances are very well attenc frs. Tom McFarland, York SAWING, PRUNING
solo piri chorus piste, a (40%; Darald Forney trom- Mr. Frod Wetzel. ‘Jr. from Mr. and Mrs Donald De FIREPLACE WOOD
elty @ance specialty, a har-ibone; Judy Nolt, bass clari-| Sed George and family. Bain Ww
monica band, and a program ict; Patricia Musser, tenor “CY Shore oe bridge, Md : E. ST GUTHRIDGE
loaded with © jokes, humor, saxophone; and Jerry Sprin- last week a Mrs. Martha Posie visite R. D. 4, MANHEIM
fo ; a nome of Mr. and Mrs. Arth-I Mrs. Martha Fogie visited ppone Mount Joy 3-5832
and comedy ‘skits’ by the jer, clarinet, The concert Sg 3 hi Mit Yor R1 The Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith|- lg nm est : : :
‘end men’. nembers included 200 young ©: sy and family, Ceclumbia R. D. DR. JOHN H. STAUFFER 2 spe > =» Sa __ RT
. : . 9 foll y 5 1S Wer yros- a damiliy, 1 . . . ir iy . . .
Providing the music for!|1igh fron OI eye Pr and Mrs. Alfred Atland and OPTOMETRIST Ritter Chili Fresh Snow White (Special Low Price . .. None Priced Higher)
the show will be a legitimate) °n counties in the Southern Ry family. Columbia w ; | i
. "Yi SA Sl : nd Mrs. Ruhl, Martha Ruhl 3 4s . 39 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa|
‘Dixieland’ band playing Dane. Pennsylvania Music hoy rald Ruhl. Mr. and Mrs Edith Erb and Pearl Bren- Telephone 3-8411 4 Sauce Relish Ib Cc
Br vi «jazz Associ: o a De he Bev .
many of ; the famous jazz A w ( 5 iy ion “ ol Fred Wetzel, Jr. and Mr, man vi ited Rev. O. K. Buch Mon. to Sat—10 a.m. tc 5c off Sale! @® c
tunes reminiscent of old New were from Lancaster nd Mrs. Fred Wetzel, Sr. |0f Manheim. 4:30 p.m. Tues. & Fri. 6 to| rr .
Orleans. The band will ac-| ar aT We Dr ail. Visitors of Mr. and Mein ome das Wed Jar leeber Lett Special Low Price... large 29
company the vocal selections! Conducting both concerts acet on Monday evening Oliver Witmer and family nesday. 20 ¥ i T J g ice None Priced Higher heads
in addition to several of was Professor Powell Mid- 0 af Ns vir urn. Tl -miie eam Special L Price lasti
: chai) arranged : y eb. 18 at the Maytown El- Fr hT { pecial Low Price plastic 35¢
their own special arrange- of Shs Sune dopant. mentary School at 7 p.m Borax es Oita des None Priced Higher containers 3
ments. ent. 0 eS 1ester Slate 5,50, House for the parents
End men for the produc-| Teachers College who prais- vill Fon be ee newly PLETE I-lb. 20° 2-lb. 3c Fresh S$ inac , Washed 10.02, 1 ¢ 20.0 29 A
tion are Clifford Coleman,|:d the young musicians on... odeled building will be pkg. pkg. b & Trimmed pkg. pkg. ;
Lawrence Cramer, George heir exceptional talent and ha, to visitors, 5b. box 73¢ Gr if Florida Marsh White Seedless & 29
Robertson, Dean Lowry [ibility and also cited the! pay to attend the Evan- Chi ken-of-the-Sea ape rid Special Low Price ... None Priced Higher for
George Shenck and Richard | vork and cooperation . off ‘Services ‘at Reich's FIRE C & - 2 5
Charles. Soleists include the| heir parents and teachers ina Church starting Feb A P 0 y J rozen 25¢ 6 -01. 85¢
end men and also Robert leveloping those talents. 17 at 7:30 p WW Troy will Tuna range diCe 12-02. can cans
Nolt and Russell Getz. Lion! Mr. Donald Mease, Landis- .ontinue until March 2 PRO EC ION ch 5 : i
Ral | Mr. Donald Mease, Landis-|x il Me 2. J I unk Style 6l/5-0z. c D i P J J Frozen 6-01. c
Getz will serve as interlocu-| ji]. director of instrument- There will be no Monday White Mea? cah 0 fe inéapp e lice cans
tor. + ; 'l music at Manheim Town- ight services. The Rev : & 1 Fordhook 10-0
Proceeds from the show. high school, is president P. Atkins. pastor of i . A P L hy 39c
one of many annual Sond) of the Southern District. tha Johnstown Bible Church A tithe of the Joba hand Sh lima éans Fromm pkgs.
raising projects by Lions’ Russell P. Getz, head will be the guest speaker. ==t0 save pEOp.c,. theif belongings, J k Frozen 16-01. c 7
Clubs will be used for com- the Music Department of] The Sixth Grade mothers put out the fire! But after the fire— 0 ening ap’ n 0 fA ’s Cod Fillets pkg. 33 .
munity service' projects. E.| ho Hempfield high school are sponsoring a Chicken you must do'the thinking. Make sure 1-lb =
Robert Nolt, president of the Gettysburg con-
club, has announced that tic-|sert.
February 16. The
ine Fre l .
kets can be from masa the sixth grade have
any member of the organiza- pp piano students of Mrs.|orders over the ent
Zorn Soup Sale on Saturday
pupils of
ire school
now that your possible loss is cov-
ered by Nationwide’s Extended Cov=
Fire Insurance. Don’t delay,
insure today. Call = 7 :

tion. Russell P. Getz, Home Lane, district. and to. date have
LF | Landisville? presented a re-s0ld 716 quarts of souvn. The
Boy Scout: Sunday was ob-|:ital at the home of their/soup will -be made in Florin, oi
served last Sunday at the| eacher last Sunday after-|Marietta, Rowenta and May-| _ 3 oy BE NJ. F. GARBER.
Zion Lutheran Church, Lan- ion. Parents'of the to facilitate delivery 18 S. MARKET ST., E-TOWN PHONE 7-1284
disville. Cub Pack 37 attend-| wusieians attended’ the recif Since Friday was the ‘Boy
ed the service in a groupial Scouts 47th anniversary, this JOHN TYKDALL
The pack, sponsored by the Participating in the recitaliis Boy Scout Week MARKET STREET, : FLORIN
Zion Lutheran Church, is| vere Nancy Coleman, Betsy Scout Troop #53 has a PHONE MT. JOY 53-5733 !
open to boys age 8 to 10. Mr |3nav:ly, Linea Denlinger very interesting display ol dha deb h + i ks
Kenneth Wise is the cubmas-|3arbara Wiley, Ruth Hostet- scout eauipment old guns EnV
ter and is assisted by 7 Den|.er, Mary Ellen Mumma nd loading material in Bob was
Mothers and a Pack Com-|Zarol Eshelman, Mary Louise Houscal’'s store: window 3 a
mittee. Each pack is Iartha Shenk, Mar The Explorers attended { i
into dens which meet in the| ha Petitt, John Holizapple, ‘he Roller Skating party at i V:% d | oO 14 B bb E
home of the den mother. sylvia Nissley, Janet Miller. Rockv Springs on Monday § eT
The Boy Scout unit in|Arlene Hartenstine, Mari- evening. “MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY
Landiville by) I and Mary Fah- roo 3 en a Ri «HOME OFFICE» { COLUMBUS, OHIO
e Landisville-Salunga area| the scou committees wil! 8 :
Junior Chamber of Com- ® neet at the American Legion : Cialis bedi
merce and is open to boys| = on Sunday, Feb. 17 at
from age 11 to 13. Mr. Rich-| 10:3¢ a.m. They will march
ard Shotzberger serves as MAYTOWN to the Evangelical and Re- I
scoutmaster. One of the bas- formed Church, where they |
icitenets of the Boy Scouti™— — = = will attend tlie morning wor- i Ni D = PE N D E MN T ef !
code is that no boy can grow, Clyde Lindemuth was fe- ship service. |
into the best kind of citizen-{ted with a birthday party Sundav visitors in town
ship without recognizing his/last Thursday evening at his were: Mr. and
obligation to God. ome. The following persons Hollenbaugh from

Mr, Thomas Frank, Boy/were present: Mrs. Linde- town; Mr." and Mrs. Edward
Scout executive of the west-' Muth nd son, Donald: Mr. Terry ond Mr. and Mrs. Phil 3] E iL = Y oO U R BE A C Fy |
ern District, Lancaster Coun-/and Mrs. Michael Johns and Terry, Lancaster; Mrs. Wm.
ty Council of Boy Scouts of son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbaugh and children
America. is a member of the Gerald Lindemuth, Mrs. from Evhrata and Mr. Char- a E iL 8 Bo Pe Ep B ££ A
Landisvill> church. Ruth Henderson and sons les G. Hicks.
Jere and Larry. Miss Anna Mae Ney, Lan-
Miss Judy Eby and Ronald Mrs. Charles Felty was on caster spent th»

Myers were crowned as the sick list last week andthe home of Mr. and Mrs
‘Queen’ and ‘King’ at the was not able to teach for Ellsworth Brandt
“Holiday for Hearts” Valen- several days, Mr, Jamcs McFarland a
tine Dance last Saturday nite . Capt. and Mrs. Donald student at Stevens Trade
at the Hempfield high school Arntz and sons Guy and School, Lancaster, visited at
Selected as prince and prin- Michael from : Philadelphia his home on Tuesday. School
cess were James Waddell Visited Mr. George Draben- was closed because of Lin-
and Miss Pat Bender. Crown- stadt on Sunday coln’s birthday.
ed during intermission, the = = _ ~~ 5% i Se
four reigned over the dance JS1C0
for the evening. PROFITS)
The dance, an annual af- TE
fair sponsored by members boo
of the Senior class was at- (Public) i
: ic
tended by an estimated 200 Vi . FS chools k
persons from the Hempfield |

junior and senior high school
Music for the event was pro-
vided by Don Trostle and his
+ In. a; contest sponsored)
garlier in the week by the
Student Council of the school
Ronald Myers, a senior, and!
John Brubaker, a Freshman

Let SICO install a. genuine
were elected by their class- . =
mates as the two “Sir Valen- 0il-0-Matic
tines”. The voting, which high pressure
€ost each student one penny CE
r cach vote netted about! CONVERSION
$126 whieh will be donated,
to the Heart Fund.

Members of the “‘Flash”|
staff, the Hempfield high
school paper, will present al
“Variety Show’ .at the Lan-
disville school this Saturday,
Feb. 2, p.m.
The show- will include a-
bout 13 different acts, draw-
ing upon the talents of about
thirty students and includes
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Large Crestview Eggs “sro” 2.57" 89
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A*P Apple Sauce - “Sec 253°
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Heat 'n’ Eat Biscuits °c ne 29°
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All Prices in this Advertisement
Are Effective Through
Saturday, February 16th

Your Mount Joy A&P Store Main

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