The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 31, 1957, Image 1

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I NE Er ami Tw yon re gp So ona imi wow eS A A WT TT

| Celebrates 86th Birthday
MAIN STREET |i ASE The Mount Joy

DON'T shoot the preof
®e oo o
IT'S JUST possible that
the errors which creep in
Ce: ke your reading even |
more" interesting. For in-



e oo
IN THE Syracuse N. Y.
Herald-Journal, “John Blank 3 pl ie |
pleaded guilty in Police : ARE GIVEN
Court to marrying a danger- Read your Bible every in Florin. He is shown above Plans INSTRUCTIONS
ous weapon.” day, work hard, and drink with an early Model A Ford,
Mount Joy Homemakers
. 0» lots of black coffee.” which he drove for many :
A DWIROIT paper spar- This is the recipe for years. Projects met at the home of Mr. and
kled um; a story by saying longevity given this week According to the story, is : Mrs. Jay Barnhart, Detwiler
that ‘she bandit fried a PY Jacob Loraw of Florin. Mr. Loraw bought the car _Fund-raising projects were Avenue, last Wednesday for
And Mr. Loraw should know after it had passed its prime, discussed at the meeting of {heir regular meeting. Miss
shot through the grocery . ny i
window." 2 for on Tuesday, January 29, for $9. After driving it for the local branch of the Unit- gyth Kimble, county home
oo he celebrated his 86th birth- many years, he was offered ed Auxiliaries of the Lan- economist, gave instructions
day. $75 for it, and told his®son, caster General Hospital last gn pattern lay out and cut-
GRIT ADDED this gem of °° : eo
a mistake, “She is Sin in Mr. Loraw, a retired paint- “That's too good a price to Thursday J evening. The ting for making garments.
TE 4 xs = and “one of the best ev- pass up.” So he sold it. group decided to sell nylons Mrs. John Hershey and
J er in the business” sccord- Mr. Lovaw has two other from the Gotham Corpora- Mrs. Barphart Were elected
amination.” : : 3 ia airs wi > ‘
ing to a neighbor, lives with children, Darwin Loraw and tion. The pairs will be boX- {og attend the leaders’ meet-

oe oo o re , :
IT WAS not in jest when 3 daughter and her husband, Mrs, Beulah Hilt, both of ed three pairs to the box for jng February 5. The next
Stroudsburg Pa. paper ex- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehman, Florin. sale. meeting of the group will be
For the second year, the held February 6 at the home

lained that ‘The 17-year- .
plained Mt Te “Make your dollar grow” of Mrs. Barnhart.
project will be accomplished
shot again when he was re- L | T : S : .
captured in the last of a OCa rain tation Be I Farmers
$ we in-
wild series of funfights.” tao?
hs div'dual or small group pro-
hy Loses Its Agency iy
alistic viewpoint was taken Following a hearing be- manager at Harrisburg was The announcement was ect
given that the local group
when a Texas journal re- fore the Public Utility Com- the only witness. : :
ported “Possibly the most mission Monday by the This change does not af- contributed 33 hours of ser- Directors
mystifying of all traffic rules pon cvivania Rai fect boarding trains or leav- vice to the hospital and
to the average driver are e ylvania ailroad to ing trains in Mount Joy. made one hundred favors
thoce relating to “Fight of change the local passenger The present train service for the Christmas trays last
Way” at an intersection. station from a contract to a will continue as before ex- month. Mrs. Frank Young
® © o non-agency station, the cept that tickets will be pur- Was named chairman from
THE USE of we in news- change was accepted. No chased on the train with no Mount Joy for the county- adi 4
pavers is called the “editorial protests were filed at the penalty. wide bazaar to be held in Joy Farmers Cooperative
we” ond is explained by o hearing which lasted twenty Two passenger trains stop Lancaster May 14. A Tuesday at Hos:
1 AQ 3 . . . 3 te ar’e, . APO
pair of American humorist. minutes. PUC Examiner daily in town; a westbound During the meeting the er Dl Os
Bill Nve, many years ago Calvin D. Spitler conducted train in the morning and an group made flower contain- Amos Newcomer "Mt
said that only two people are the hearing and Austin C. eastbound one in early eve- ers from tin cans, twine and Tov RD. and Phares Longe:
eniitied to refer to them- Sigelen, district passenger ning. gold paint which will be accker ' RD.:
Solves 88 er i og said, = — used for centerpieces for the were reelected; and Henry
> r an e other
js the editor sod fhe one . . annual card party. The aft- pg... Manheim R. D.
Wort. a Zoning Commission sometime in June. d.
rnoon affair il » hel
eno affair will be held was the new member elect-
Twenty-five members at- :
nty-five mbers at Dr. Ralph Schlosser, Eli-

Two hundred and eighty
members and their wives at-
tended the annual turkey
dinner meeting of the Mount

® © =»
MARK AIN reviced A roves Plans tended the meeting held at znhethtown v 3%
TWA e SS 5 ty nbetht: , gave the major
the number slightly. “Only PP Te ho Eric Ol address of the evening. He
presidents, editors and peo- The Planning and Zoning tin p'ot for housing at a

ple with tape worms have Commission unaminously special meeting Tuesday ev- President, was in charge. "2 ee The Elizabeth-
the right to use the ‘editorial approved the proposed an- ening. The plans and maps The next meeting of the o, College quartet sang
we’. nexation of the Paul A. Mar- of the plot located along 8TOUP will be in March. _ 0 . selections: Galen
oo o ow _ , Donecgal Springs Road and yy Herr led the group singing
SMILE Awhile— south were studied by the R Il accompanied by Mrs. Herr
“What did one chimney F | Gi board and clussified as Resi- Honor oO at the piano. The invocation
ney say to the other?” Xplorers Ulven dential A according to the was given by Robert Eshle-
“Don’t know.” . zoning code. Announced Gn,
“You're too young to Charter Review At the same time that the Max Smith, eounty agent,
smoke. The Charter Review of plans were discussed for this At Doneaal reported on the progress of
oo o property, the newly annexed Ss te of the bangs testing program.
WHY ARE women like the Mount Joy Explorer territory of Richard Lane ae Le Dor He urged all dairy men to
phonograph records Scouts was held last week was also classified as Resi- B10 the AY id roll have their herds tested.
Don’t know. by John Peterman from the dential A. eo is : i” Mayne Resncheler, Lancast-
“Because we have to learn ; for the third report period. = “7.
to listen at 33, 45 and 78.” Lancaster County Council of Charles Eshelman, presi- Janet Wolgemuth and Bar- er, discussed the Lancaster
° ° ° 3 Boy Scouts. Held at the dent of the commission, bara Thome, seniors; Patri- County Co-Op Youth pro
WANNA TRY a couple Scout Den, the activities and presided at the meeting cia Charles and Patricia Sram with im, he hod 3
: which was attended by Shetter, juniors; Jean Heis- boys who had attended the
American Institute of coop-
more? > > so oh
Doc: “That pain in your enrol'ment of the explorers members Ray Myers, Linn- ey, Helen Felty, Robert I
: YOUT gor the past year were re- eaus Longenecker and Guy Brandt Joanne Wolgemuth erative vouth members. in
Raleigh, North Carolina. The
leg is caused by old age. +
Old Lady: ei viewed. Myers. and Ronald Sager, sopho-
sense. My other leg is the
The following men were re Qe rs wores. are {three boys were Dean Hoffer,
Jav Ober, Jr.,, and Kenneth
present and selected to fill Forty-three junior high
it ge and it-doesn’t hurt the following positions: Rotarians Hear students were named to the Watts. The group also show-
8 . .. oo Charles Buchenauer, post Tv first roll. They are Evelyn ed colored slides on their
advisor; Warren Heisey, as- Scott Linda Kleiner, Carol trip:
ELDERLY LADY (an- sistant advisor; Robert een xpert Carlin, Joanne Zuch, Jean Simeon Horton, manager, .
issned his yearly-report. He
oyed ittle boy's iff- : ” i
noyed at little boy’s sniff- go. qt Sr. committee chrm; A program of unusual in- wojgemuth. Charlotte Wol- “7
sa’d that during the past
li : ittle : :
ing): Little boy, do You Buchenauer, commit- terest to Rotarians who are gomuth, Patricia Phillips,

he ttle Janeen too and service ad. fathers or grandfathers of gathleen Goodall, David Year 29 million pounds of
Or yi Be ba — visor; James Heilig, commit- even husbands, was present- Njg:lev. David Shireman, milk were marketed in one
lend it to anyone.” too treamrer and institu. ed Tuesday noon at the Robert Hopple, Ronald Pen. Voor. The greatest of
le id tional representative; Wil- weekly luncheon meeting of 1] Samuel Grove, Carol the milk goes to Maspeth,
liam Baugher, transporta- the Mount Joy Rotary club, cypper, James Bennett, 9th Long Island. where it is pro-
Sir Vale H tion; Charles Becker, build- held at Hostetters. grade: Linda Sumpman, Jo- cessed and sold in the town.
nrine ing committee; Samuel ax. John Dallavaux, traveler, anne Martin. Cheryll Brown, The yaltie Of sn for the
well, advancement and vo- writer and lecturer was the Loraine Felty, William Year was 2! millions.
To Be Chosen cational advisor; Warren guest speaker, extending in- Young, Kenneth Shearer, Abner Risser, president,
revieyed the board's discus-
Sir Valentine will again Bates. social advisor; Harold to adult levels some of the Rachel Nolt. Martha Rain- "| 1
be chosen at Donegal high Etsell. Sr., outdoor advisor. gems of wisdom he gave bolt, Carol Marley. Fay Lu- sion of the yeer. A meeting
high school. The contest, John Roth was also named Donegal high school students cas, Peggy Brill, David of the board will be held
which is sponsored county- to the committee with his earlier in the day. Johns. Grace Cocksey. Car- within the next ten days to
wide by Heart Haven, will duties to be assigned in the An expert on the subectole West, Deanna Walker, elect the officers for the
feature three senior candi- near future. ; of teen age problems, he dis- Carol Gratch, John Dick, coming year.
dates and five ninth grade The advisor and assistant cussed some of the basic eighth grade: Patricia Norn-
candidates. advisor voiced their appre- methods of good parenthood. hold, Joyce Newcomer, Bar- d
The students will vote for Ciation for the interest Among the things he said bara Stehman, Sandra Ann Honore For

their favorite candidate by Shown by the fathers of the must be part of a child’s life Milalik, Eileen Irvin. Dennis vie
paying one penny per vote, Explorer Scouts. in a good home are security Naugle, Mary Beth Weather- Safe Driving
The contest. will close with a rm: (not necessarily financial), wax, Jean Staley, Thelma qn Joy postal em-
Valentine dance in the . justice, love, Christian ex- Heisey, Carol Buchenauer = ava hi honored
school Valentine's Day. The Bank Displays amples by the parents. and Arthur Schneider, sev-, = 4 ¥ Nationa!’ Safety
Hempfield high school dance . Only three percent of the enth grade. Council through the 'U. 8
band will play music for Old Pictures cause oe trouble SoHo high Post Office department.
a i : : or which he entire age students were named to the toi 3
aneing from 7:30 fo 10:30 gearting this week, there group is blamed, he said. 8 second honor roll. They are Bs ae Lo Zork
p.m. All proceeds from the _ . i
ill be on display in the h he 4 SAT Taro 8)
dance will also go toward w The speaker was introduc- Audrey Musser, Mary Ann i i
g lobby of the Mount Joy of- oq by John Hart, principal Felty, Fdward Lindemmeth: I ast week Charles J. Ben
nett Sr. and Mahlon C. Fore-

Heart Haven. Faculty advis- g i i
Ts ice of the Union National : Thves Nt of
ers for the contest and dance Mount Joy Bank a collect- of Donegal high school. Jognn uy Mae man were presented safe
are C. A. S. Hollinger, Miss ;,, of old post cards of = Jo) floss rele driving awards.
Bennetts was given a gold
"Lily Martin and Ragner ; i i * :
the historic scenes and buil- iy Phyllis
Florin Lions Hear lin Kre'd Phyllis Wolge nin for eight years of safe

Bi . pi Ve Inn Ral h Cole muth. Betty gj ing and Foreman was is
cinity. m Betty Jean Mumma, Cynthiz : A an a
AUTHORITY TO MEET HY rol. cons P AN Petty Jean Mumma. CYMER gold pin for six years
of safe operation.
Both men are rural car-
riers. The awards were
made by Postmaster Zerphey
Wa gE Bor the fst nv tains the following Pictures: Ralph Coleman, element- Apjopne Ho'sey, Bill Marshall,
tHe Toa] firehouse: the M old grade school building ary principal of the Donegal Glenn Hess, seniors; Jean
Joy Borough Authorit will and grounds enclosed with Area Joint Elementary Linda Fellenbaum,
hold a meeting next Toni hile pile fence on Mariet- Schools. was guest speaker Rongld Marley, Agalia Ste-
evening. The public Tati ta street, Mount Joy Water at the Monday night meet Ruth Krall, Kay
will not only be held in a Works buildings, Mount Joy ing of the Florin Lions Club gayffman, Deanna Herr, Lo- TO HEAR LECTURER
different building but will school (now known as the at the Clearview Diner. Mr. yise Brown, June Brandt, E. C. Ramsey, newspaper-
also be held the first Tuesda Orphans School building on Coleman spoke on the New mony Martin, Jane Sweitzer, MN, analyst and lecturer,
of each month instead of ii North Barbara street,) Ho- elementary jointure and the g.ndra Koser. Joan Gilbert, will be the guest speaker
second Tuesday tel McGinnis and street fac- possible merger. Mildred Frank, Robert for a special assembly at the
°- ing west and The Cove. Six guests from the Eliza- gychenauer, juniors; Jackie Donegal high school next
People who expect a place , “none interested in his- bethtown club attended the wrariner. Carolyn Showalter, Tuesday. Mr. Ramsey, who
in the sun should expect toric pictures of Mount Joy meeting. The men discussed Nancy Moyer, Joanne Hart, has made several appearanc-
some blisters is cordially invited to call their “Offspring” night Terry Schofield, Barry Barn- 5 at the local schools before
: at the bank at any time dur- which is planned for the hart Edith Weaver, Barbara Will also address the P.O.D.
ing banking hours. The cards last meeting in February. Shuman, Judy Heisey, Pa- classes. Mr. Ramsey's home-
: Pp ffern, N. Y.

To Report New will be changed periodically. Clarence Hollinger, presi- tricia Brenner, Larry Pardoe town is Su
ye . . - dent was in charge. Darla Kulp, Sylvia Mumper, r—— :
Families Call Since Income Tax, some Rhoda Hess and J. Musser St. Louis 1s an indepen-
people also file their way If you can’t be a hero, at dent city, not a part of its
MJ 3.6294 into prison. least be a good handclapper. (Turn to page 2) county.
Panel For
Five ministers will take THIS IS PROM
part in a panel discussion at
the February meeting of the
Donegal high school Parent-
Teacher Association Thurs-
day, February 7. They will
discuss “Promoting the Wel-
fare of the Youth in the
Church”. The Rev. Charles
Wolfe, pastor of the Florin
Glossbrenner E.U.B. Church,
will serve as moderator.
Panel members will be the
Rev. Harlan Durfee, pastor
of the local Presbyterian
Church; the Rev. Clarence
Ulrich, pastor of St. Mark's
E. U. B. church; the Rev.
William Weist, pastor of the
Maytown Church of God and
the Rev. Robert Hess, a pas-
tor of the Florin and Green
Tree Church of the Breth-
The Rev. Howard Bern-
hart, president of the associ-
ation, will be in charge of
the meeting. John Heisey
will be presiding at the or-

Ninth Annual
Cookie Sale
Begins Locally
Girl Scouts and Brownies
in Mount Joy and Florin are
now taking orders for their
» discussed “Getting the Most annual Girl Scout Cookie
Qale. The ninth annual sale
begins February 4 and the
last delivery will be made
April 5. The aim of the
county is to sell 135,000 box-
es or 30 boxes per Girl
Funds derived from the
sale. will be usgd to supple-
ment the Couneil operating
funds, to build a reserve for
major repairs and mainten-
ance of buildings, pool and
water systems at Camp Hills,
to expand the total octdoor
program for 1957 by provid-
ing proper facilities and
equipment, and to he'p pro-
vide troop treasuries by giv-
ing 5c for each box sold to
the individual troops so that
there will be less individual
troop money raising activi-
Mrs. William Emenheiser,
Florin, is the cookie chair-
man for the Mount Joy-Flor-
in Neighborhood. The girls
are selling 5 kinds of cook-
ies this year; butter flavor-
ed, chocolate flavored, coco-
nut chocolate drops, creme
filled and chocolate mint.
Total Permits For
Last Year Listed
A total of twelve new
homes were erected in the

borough during the past
year. Of this total number
W. H. Hornafius built seven;
four on Springville Road, 2
on Birchland Avenue and 1
on Orchard Road.
Charles M. Eby built one
home on Walnut Street and
one on New Street. Permits
were also issued for new
homes to Irvin Hostetter for
a dwelling on Park Avenue;
Marvin Eb, one on Richland
Lane and one to Leonard
Safko on Cedar Lane.
1 ale Aro :
Tha totals were released gewage disposal olant to the
by Christ Walters, zoning pornugh water lines.
officer. Last year he issued
permits for the construction 35 the Joy Construction
of 18 new homes.
The total number of homes giher bids up to $14.970.75
for 1956 does not inc'ude > 0; $11.970.75
those built in the Paul A.
Martin housing plot since
the area was not in the bor-
ough at the time.
Mrs. Lester Roberts, Mari-
Auxiliary ~~ HoMEMAKERs PTA Plans Mount Joy Explorer Scout To Make
Trip To England For Big Jamboree
Mount Joy will be repre-
sented by an Explorer Scout
at the international jambor-
ee in England this summer.
Two boys from Lancaster
County will join the 1,650
Scouts and leaders who will
leave for England in July.
Robert Buchenauer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buch-
enauer, North Market Street
has been chosen as one to
represent Region III of the
United States. Robert is an
Explorer Scout of post #39.
He is an Eagle Scout, and
holds the Silver Explorer a-
¢ ward and the God and Coun-
% try award. In his post, he is
This week is ‘prom pea-
nut” week for the members
of both the senior and jun-
jor bands at Donegal high
school. The two groups are
selling the peanuts, bagged
and ready for home-roasting.
Anyone wishing to purchase
the peanuts who has not
been contacted, mey contact
the school.
Two Chosen
For All-

F — ism wet senior crew leader. Two
ORS" 8 we hil-
2 years ago, he went to P
astern B T BUCHENAUER mont Camp, New Mexico, as
Two students from Done- a camper: and last year he
attended Philmont camp and
chosen to take part in the S A took a junior leadership
All-Eastern Band. The 1957 even re training course. Scout Buch-
Eastern Music Educators enauer has been in the or-
Conference, Division of the Inducted ganization since he was 12
years old.
All Eastern Conference of
high school bands, orchest- | BPW His father received the
ras and choruses will be nto confirmation telephone call
late Tuesday night from the
held March 2, 3, and 4 in
Atlant’c City, New Jersey. Seven new members were Region III offices in Phila-
Douglas Fish, South Mar- inducted into the local Busi- delphia.
ket Street. and Kav Kauff- ness and rofessiont _ The Jubilee Jamboree will
ness and Professional Wom be held in Suttonpark, War-
man. Marietta, are the two _... ra meee
local students who have en’s Club Monday evening ickshire, England, from
at Hostetters. The new mem- August 1 to 12. Thirty-five
heen chosen to participate.
Douglas will play first clari- bers inducted by Mrs. Geo. thousand scouts from sixty
nations are expected to at-
net, and Kay. second flute. Broske, president, were Mrs. :
The band and orchestra g M. Thome, Mrs. W. L. tend the jamboree. The bro-
groups will stay in the Ritz- Sak _ therhood of world Scouting
Carlton Hotel and will pre- Shoop, Mrs. Lester Koder, wil] commemorate with this
sent the band and orchestra Mrs. Victor Brooks, Miss jamboree the one hundredth
concerts Monday evening, Ann Milanof, Miss Anna anniversary of the birth of
Baden-Powell and the Fift-
gal high school have been

March 4. in the ballroom of Troutwine. Miss Margaret :
Convention Hall. et ay lice Marie jeth anniversary of the
A i Troutwine, Miss Alice Marie movement he foun-
Nissley, Mrs. Richard Rain- ded.
- Ae : bolt and = Mrs. Weld Carter. Following the Fourth Na-
Junior Cast Mrs. Eugene Eicherly is the tional Jamboree, July 12-18
membership chairman dor in Valley Forge, the Scouts
Is Chosen the year. and leaders will embark on
“One Foot In Heaven”, a Mrs. Joseph Germer and Julv 22 and arrive in Eng-
{hree-act comedv. will be Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster took land nine days later. After
presented by the junior charge of the blood typing the Jubilee Jamboree, they
class of the Donegal High project which had been dis- will take one of various
Schnol Fridey and Saturday cussed at a previous meet- European tours. The Ameri-
nights. March 15 and 16. ing. The two took blood ean contingent will leave Le
The play is written by Hart- from the members and will Harve, France. August 26,
zell Spence and follows the have it tvped in Lancaster. and arrive in Toronto, Can-
book by the same name. The By next meeting, the two ada, September 4.
setting for the production is nurses will present cards to
1910. each of the members with
Following tryouts Monday their blood type recorded. Local Foursome
and Tuesday, Miss Catharine A letter from Mrs. David ‘i
G. Zoller. director, announce- Schlosser, Alaska, was read Visits U.N. \
ed the following cast: Jon tO the group. Music was pro- 3
Bender. Robert Buchenauer, vided by the Key Club Two Donegal high school
Michael McDevitt. Harold quartette of the Elizabeth- seniors visited the United
Etsell. Wayne Kleiner, Don- town area high school. Nations Tuesday as an award
ald Livington. Robert Reisch rier fete een for winning the recent Uni-
Garv Zeller, Dorothy Fletch- ted Nations contest at the
er, Patricia Mumper, Jean Merchants Plan school. Kavior, Cedal
Mumma, Paula Weien. Kay Bi S on Ang Hen
a ride Mba, ig Sale Days hv Titns Rutt and the Rev.
Patricia Charles and Nan Final arrangements for E. M. Mayer. :
Reisinger. Student directors Staging Silver Dollar Sales The four were given 3
will be Linda Fellenbaum D2vs on February 14. 15 and four of the United Nations
and Ruth Krall. 16 in Mount Jcy and Florin “ ith a small group. The
in a will be made Monday night highlight of the day's activi-
when members of the Retail 2 was a visit to the General
} Merchants As:ociation will Assembly where the local
Bid To Be moet at the Mount Joy foursome saw and heard
A d d school King Saub.
warae Beginning at 7:30 o'clock, The local Rotary Club
the meeting will be in Sponsored the contest at the
charge of John Way Jr. local school last fall. Fol-
president, and details for thelowing a test among the
next Tuesdav night's meet- Seniors: Ye who re-
0 oO - Stith 2 hl rr a ceive he highest marks
ng ous Jone aN ea took part in a panel discus-
inst Friday J sion in school assembly. The
two were chosen for the
night ond are studied I follows his
until the meeting. This wa- nor following this panel.
ter line will connect the new

A contract fcr the con-
struction of a 2 700-foot wa-
ter line will be @ warded at


MERCHANT Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
hd Milligan, 5 East Donegal St.,

The apparent low bidder
Company at $10,222. Four
a : a son, Tuesday, at the Lan-
were rooted unusual promotion will be caster General Hospital
at discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C
TO DISCTISS SECURITY The plan calls for cooper- Ober, Manheim R4, a daugh-
Next Thursday. February ating merchants to arrange ter, Tuesday, at Lancaster
7th. a representative of the special sale bargains for the General Hospital
Social Security board will shoppers on the three days Mr. and Mrs " Richard E
falk to the juniors and sen- of the sale and for each mer- Harnly Manheim Rl, a
iors of Donegal high school chant taking part to award daughter, Tuesday, at Lan-
etta Avenue, is serving on on social security rights. 15 silver dollars to some caster General Hospital
the federal grand jury in A AR PIN person who has visited his Mr. and Mrs. Titus H Le-
Philadelphia at the present TO SPONSOR DANCE store. fever, Manheim R4, a son
time. This week marks her
third week in attendance.
A juke box dance will be Details of the plan will be Friday at Lancaster General
held in Donegal high school presented in a special Silver Hospital.
This is not a new experience following the home basket- Dollar Sales Day newspaper Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N
for Mrs. Roberts since she kall game next Friday night, to be distributed about Feb- Snavely, Manheim R2, a son,
few years ago.

Physician On Call

served on the grand jury a February 8. The Indians will ruary 11 or 12. Saturday, at home
play Columbia high school. ern me Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rohr-
The dance will be conc'uded BAND CLUB TO MEET er, Manheim Rl, a son, Sun-
at 10:30 p.m. Next Monday evening. the day, at Lancaster General
= monthly meeting of the Don- Hospital.
MARRIAGE LICENSES egal high school band club *
Dr. Newton Kendig
David R. Shaffner, Mount will be held in the music Most of us ca
: § n su
Joy R1 and Audrey Mardell room of the school beginning sacrifices it would be po
Grimm, Elizabethtown Rl. at 7:30 p.m. for others to make.