The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 24, 1957, Image 1

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hi The Mount Joy
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Mount Joy Boy Scouts R :
will go on a camping trip emains
this weekend to Perry Coun-
ty. Approximately 13 scouts Constant
and five adults are schedul-
ed to make the two-day Mount Joy Borough's tax
trip. Sunday, approximately rate will remain the same
12 Explorer Scouts will vis- for 1957 it was decided at a
it the camp for the day. budget meeting of the coun-
Wy Parents attending the Discussed
Tuesday evening meeting of
FOUR,MEMBERS of the Donegal high school rifle team are pictured above during a the local School and Home By Board
practi} session held Monday morning at the Donegal high school Rifle Range. In Association heard a talk by
prone ‘shooting position are: Sandy Reisinger of Marietta, a senior; John Darrenkamp Mr. Dunlopp, the adminis- Plans were discussed for
of Mount Joy, a sophomore; Joan Wenger of Mount Joy Rl, a sophomore, and Dave tration assistant in the Sol- pu tyre housing of students in
Chapin of Mount Joy, a senior. They are being instructed by Mrs. Paul Gingrich, anco Schools Mr. Dunlopp {he Donegal Joint School
assistant coach and Emerson Stehman, coach of the school’s rifle team. discussed school problems Area at the meeting of the
—Photo by Dussinger and teacher problems. rd 2

a» “Si a Gp ans a no A HO tag
5 x Wy WT tg ib

Dur- hoard last Thursday evening.

ing the business meeting the pe Buchart Engineering Sunday the group visited cil last Thursday evening.
Rifl T Sh Fi group planned a party for corporation gave a report on the Planetarium at the North The men announced that 12;
‘ I e eam oots irst the school safety pairolmen the progress of the project Museum, Lancaster. Harold mill tax on real estate and
. . iol be oR fe hear ja. to date. The corporation has Etsell, Scoutmaster, was in the $8.00 per capita tax will
Match Toni htWith MTHS fe ri A oe D3} wg “had no definite approval from charge. be set for the year.
MAIN STREET g Ing Drpcipn y RY han to the state department in Har- A —— : At the meeting the tenta-
Donegal high school’s ri- the rifle coach for the school Be IIe oS Sve. risburg of the general plans SRE AR) tive budget for the year was
fle team plays its first match and M Paul ingri oy ars. Oscar second whioly isthe. first step, for Ir: In it, tentative re-
tonight Pay th M Re ang rs. Paul Gingrich is grade won the prize for hav- new expansion. In the mean- Awa rds Are : bi Ie ed to be
ght wi e anheim assistant. ing the greatest percentage (ime general plans are being Mount Joy's progressive merchants, joining hands A png valanee

Township High School rifle Coach Stehman has only of parents present for the .. (i. : for a big. sales promotion are working
1 HAVEN'T heard anyone Yooh. The iam for tonight's Iwo veteran marksmen Te- meeting. Devotions were in Sot Ee» a big Sitver Dollar Sales Doe event on Fe iy 14 Presented irom, 1956 of $6,991.95. Ex
else express this opinion. Match will be Scott Sareen, turning this year who earn- charge of Lester Hostetter. , formal dling of the appli- 15 Yi 5% pected expenses were set for
But, I had the feeling Mon- David Chapin, Ruth Loewen, ed letters in the sport last Charles Wolgemuth, presi- cation % made DD 15 and 16. T S 1 $73 662.00.
day that the American people Joan Wenger, Edward Barn- year; David Chanin and dent, was in charge of the o : The emblem here displayed will be used promi- o cours Additional expenses for
1511 hart, John Darrenkamp, Earl Sa sisinge stor seh state department for new : Cr I AY the new year include sums
were victims of a display of p Sandra Reisinger. The team meeting. buildings. and remodeling. nently in the advertising which the merchants will do Thirteen Scouts were Pre- oot aside for. new. street


: Shearer, Lee Newcomer, wil sixteen -matches ; :
ate logic. s » will play sixteen -matches Ss lnc S a Sinkes tise rer a wide arec he « 4 ’ awards. ©
unfortunate log James Hecht and Jack Wol- this year against Manheim . Next a state committee, the cooperatively to call attention over a wide area to the sented with awards at the signs, replacement of streets,
09 gemuth. Township, Ephrata, York A dditi | A seem, he Special sven! Tes ght ak purchase of a new truck,
SOMEONE in Washington The team for the week was and an individual champion- ITIONa A ay Te The participating merchants already have begun Ne Loon Con Yen purchase of a large saw, an
took the idea that because chosen from the high scoring ship contest scheduled for rt ert : making plans for staging the event. re eT hie amount toward a building in
. ti d Wh f be or Maren 2 ¢ . WwW ent buildings, and expected Flick was presented his wolf the borough park, an in’
the legal inauguration ay averages o oth the boys’ Marc at phrata High inners enrollment. An educational A letter issued this week to the merchant group award; Jeffrey Koser and ase ij li lar-
fell on Sunday, the Ameri- and the girls’ rifle clubs at School. a Ys : 1 . a as . By qT meer os ’ crease in policemen's salar
le should be—what the school. With the cha Members of the boys’ rifl consultant helps with the by Leonard L. Safko, secretary of the retail merchants’ Philin Gable, gold arrow ies and an increase in the
tan RR yo ing of each week's : ne club are J- He ht R. Eshi Named room distribution. These organization of the Chamber of Commerce, outlined the points; Steven Brightbill, to the volun-
I would call — A s averages, club : J.” Hecht, R. Eshie- plans are now being made by plan to be used Jeffrey Koser and Philip {eer § ny. Tentative-
med”. the team is subject to man. D. Roberts, R. Raffertv, ion: : ret or g pion oe usec. . . : eer lire company. y
. Additional winners from the board for September, : Gable, silver arrow points. |¢ tp 1 for the chief of
4 eo o oo change members for each D. Chapin. P. Brenner. B. {he local area are announced 1958. One of the features will be the distribution of yigrev Koser received two oli : igh Todd f
TIE SACRED ritual of be- Atm mann © nk a B. Shel from the 1957 state farm Thursday's meeting was nearly 450 Silver Dollars to people who trade in Mount gjiyer points $3 120 hi $3 480 and tor he
: ta : ‘ a vv ay. 5 as i i i, »
stowing upon Dwight D. Eis- 2 5 i gop A show. The State Farm Show pald in the newly renovated Joy end Florin. Four den chiefs were giv- patrolmen from $2880 to
enhower the highest office uth co I il Set The ask of Maytown elementary school Each of the participating merchants will give away their den Shiet Cops. $3.240.
in the world took place in K A tha anuary 15- o J Or which was recently complet- 15 of the hard-metal dolla. They were arry rooks, + a onducted
Tat on Sunday. What hap- indergartens comer. J. Hoss, D. Fitzgee, the forty-second annual oy as commer. he = Ey Too: a survey > 8 8 nduetey
: ey ae G. Kaylor, E. Shearer. D. show. The farm foods rio i : They will be on display in the stores and will be aries CY 5 os ;
pened on Monday was noth To Change In Zeller. G. Maxwell. K. Bre- show. The 8 m 2 S Prove princinal, and the East Don- Sivan filghl, February 18. doen B45. os and Joma Garber: One street sions at the intersec-
: more than a gigantic io ey 4 en an more popular 1an other agg] Township board mem- € ) I a uo. - CK. den chief, Donal ielke, tions. The ar approxi-
Broadway Sow, siefed for Fl 1 S h l > ye ied: years. The Pennsylvania Po- pars conducted a tour of the Each merchant will provide means for giving his own was given a one year service iy one io ms
> mas, R. Heagy . Sp soninti xe ; : a. Ae
entertainment and pageantry onn cnoots Hs R Io. G Now tato Growers Association had new building. Edward Char- Prize money. star. Richard Heen. who was j, need of signs. Due to the
only. Kinderuarion sessions f and E Flor The iris. club sold 72,000 baked potatoes; les, vice president’ was. in oo o-oo a, Tecently accepted into Cub placement of the sewage
'g SsiIons Of & . y. 1e girls c'ub 15 tons of french fries and harge of the Seti Scouting, passed his BOD i .
$9 9 the Florin North school and includes Nan Reisinger, F: charge of the meeting. system in the town, streets
THE ONLY piece of Seri the Florin Washington Heistand Janet Neff. Jean too "70.000 apres. in amet gy 1, Charls reported that WINS AWARD Donegal gic hae uo 11 Be in need of additonal
. : : 4M Also 70.000 apples in small the appraisal of the elemen- - Den 3 presented two skits repair or rebuilding.
ous, important business ac- gehool will be changed be- Wenger. Rachel Klugh, San- paes 36.000 individual
complished in Washington gi hing next Monday. At the dra Wittle, Fern Fisher. Jan-
last weekend was done be- pracent time, both schools et Mateer, Patricia Elliott, (Turn to page 8)
hind closed doors. There have a session of kindergar- Marcia Engle, Sandra Reisin- EE mT
were no television, radio OT to, meeting each morning eer. Dolores Frantz, Arly .
newspaper men admitted. of the school week, with ap- Watts. Patricia Shetter, San- Rotarians Hear
Te et i, 2 or: stout swaps 98 Done: pil WITS oe on avai oF he oso me,
leted i ade: was the showing of the ol . as i
p eted in regards to adequate gal High Schogl, has ; been Tri eo ins i he ow) ge a on for purchase will replace the
msurance. ‘The msurance on presented with a third class yee : on nresent truck used by the
the buildings has been ad- Ar Sri vear com'ng in; the second porangh emvployees. The
justed accordingly. Bills a- hone Aine by Ye nan Two Games was the legend of Arion and pyjlding scheduled for the
mounting to $11,249 were | Ne i) h Pleiades. Mrs. Charles Hill park would replace

e oo o OX i a Q a i on a . . i away i i
proximately 30 students in dra Koser, Janet Sheaffer, tion. The award which: In- ' mua. has been iov in the is : x
. A a" as joy in the is the den mother. The pack {he a
IT SEEMS to me unfortun- Deana Herr. Nancy Arndt, Magazine Talk do Payment. cludes an engraved certifi- y qi cate this week! mating wae held’ in in the ame whieh
ate, to say the least, that | Next Monday, the students Florence Dubler and Ruth : Cex cL Gr be ro abeth cate was presented during Alter srt. Drank je- reation room of the Gloss- JOU S65 I . ups ile) ae
those media of public infor- wil] be divided into two ses- Loewen. The 46th arniversmy of George ine Notional News, Alter 2 wit. Coo owreh. | DRIVEN Sunn
milion Were he fins in each gonool * he paren” oy te ol Theo paper Critica) Service of the oe d vg gli Mn Plans wero made for the He summer MOMS
S iven—there was no rs. rr ois vach- ~~ -_— was observed Tuesday noon © a sn sc He Te- a iversity landed Ir > victory adi Gs
Tn er A Mee Se He each . by Mount Joy Rotarians Places Mrs. Arthur Mayer i A two games in a row. Friday Cubs po aera * opus
30%» school. ‘TiS class 3s held in Special Programs meeting at Hostetters. who resigned recently. night, on the home floor, it 10 4 t ie ‘“
IT WOULD have been far the Glossbrenner E. U. B John Booth was the The board also decided to was a 60-59, win over Bret ren in “hrist church. e e 0S
: j a . ; Adar. ie speaker. taki as asis employ two art teachers for - mf Hempfield and Tuesday night Plans were also completed
better if the number in the church. Mrs. Alva Bender is Pp anne For speaker, taking as the basis ; 3 fo : J
private party had been limit- the teacher of the Washing- of his remarks the current the elementary schools for at Ephrata, it was a 55-54 Tika Blue and TT
ed and the rest of America ton kindergarten group. S h | issue of the magazine, which next year, They also will To Attend triumph. 10 4 Spe; to e eld next Den 0 Be
admitted via of its public in- All children of the area choo is a travel number, looking employ four additional ele- Thus, after a slow, uncer- Hon h 9 he green room of
formation channels. who are of kindergarten age John Dallavaux will be forward to the International mentary teachers next Your Science Forum tain season start which look- ek 0 Bah 0 J d
oe © © and who did not attend the the guest speaker at Done-'convention of Rotary in to Jl yacenciey aad for the L 20 2s if ag Were a big * reanize
- - v5 Poe 1 x ra . - aadit'ona enrollment. ya way, le naians 0
AN OBJECTION to a Sun- class during the first half of gal High School next Tues- Europe next summer. A : n ancasrer i, iid : .
was that the the year are urged to begin day. He will speak to the | Rotarians will hold their TWO special education Coach Ken DePoe have now Seventy-seven Cub Scouts
day ceremony y 2 g classes will be started in the phe 1957 Science and won three battles. Cooperative and adults attended the
sabbath would have been their kindergarten work junior high school at 8:30 annual Triplet meeting on ih hi A ; a 2 ae
desecrated. The parade, yes. now. Parents are asked to a. m.; to the senior high Friday night, Feb. 15, at the elementary schools next Engineering Forum will be Not only have the lads Plans Annual Wednesdav night visit to the
But is it not possible that contact the office at Done- school at 10 a. m. and to Elizabethtown Legion home. Year. At the present time he)q at the Armstrong Cork woh. but they have begun North Museum Planatarium.
> : : arty ings to. there is one special educa- Wednesday to look like a basketball . The visit t the Lancaster
ld have been gal high school. During the the Mount Joy Rotary Club The annual party brings to- th ut Company next ednesday 2b he visit to e
She ¢ a 8 as tion class of this type in the 2-3:30, January team. After picking and Meeting planetarium was sponsored
used to place in the semester, emphag at noon. gether Rotary members from “©! © teh school ¢ ean : yo
ration itself an even deeper is will be placed on getting He is a lecturer and au- Elizabethtown, Mount Joy not igh, 30. All the schools in the sorting Depoe Seems lo ave Dr. Ralph Schlosser of El- in place of the monthly pack
consecration of responsibili- ready for first grade and thor of such books as “How and Lititz. Social Securily area have been invited to settled on an all-junior out- jsahethtown Co'lege will be meeting.
ty? It does not take a Holly- preparing for the pre-school to Raise a Brat”; “For Stu- High school guests of The board approved feder- pe represented by the admin- fit which works well togeth- the guest speaker at the an- Announcement of a new
wood producer to vision the tests. dents Only”; “Your Boy and the club Tuesday were Pat al social Security for ein istration and faculty plus er. despite its mexnerienne. nual meeting of the Mount “Webelos Den” was announc-
possibilities. Mine”; and “What Are You Drace and Betty Raffensber- Plovees not a ready covered students of the ninth thru As things look this week, joy Farmers’ Cooperative «d bv Rice, Cubmas-
eo © © Worth?”. He will be discus- ger. by he pan. The twelfth grades who are in- hows Season ond be a oun. Association next Tuesday at jh Al! Crbs Te Nave pas
THE was sing ‘manners in the local During the meeting Rich- SO /CItOT was terested in going to college le of notches better than goctetter's ced their mer't badge wor
a Bf voor as Vv. F.W. To Move school lectures. The event is ard M. Stark was elected to complate the necessary and who are interested in ayerage Lod .. The meeting will begin to and including the lion
jesty of the oath taking H d t being co-sponsored by the the board of directors to fill *CT™MS. science and engineering. It is a temptation to sav with a turkey dinner for work will be eligible to be-
or ates) ea quar ers local Rotarians. the unexpired term of Lar- The announcement of the students of that Tuesday night's win at the members and their "ne to the new den.. Clyde

was dimmed by adi : 3 my ; wy 2 x ny . 4
un Monupy the occasion The Mount Joy Veterans Wednesday, another spe- mon D. Smith, who has accrediting of the high school ponegal High School are Ephrata was a Frank Merry- gyests. During the evening’s Tripole will be in charge of
the thouz ni. was given which Donegal to attend the af- weather finale. But, to be menting, three new the naw den which will meet




“ 4 - of Forei S - cial program will be spon- moved to Prophetstown, : 5
vas t a Vos re vans post fs An ne oo the school. "The a hieh school on the aceggdited gir and will be accompani- more exact. it was a Denny directors will be elected for »t 6:30 p. m. each Wednes-
ono ye ay ® "from 220% East Main Street Young and Company will PLAN COLLECTION list of the Middlesta S€C- od by Homer Schoener and Gillham finish. three vear terms. The three dav in the Scout home. He
SUBSTITUTES, imitations, to 27 North Market Street. present a program of magi- . angary Shoals. mittees Ragner Hallgren of the fac- With the ON directors whose terms expire will be assisted by Bruce
#f brands and misrepresen- The new room on the sec- cians and ventriloquiss. AT FRIDAY'S GAME 10 uty. against them, and _on'y five pra Pharis Longeneckor, Brown and also Explorer
boi? t d. Ameri- ond floor of the building This special show is sched- : . Four members of the fac- Teil ff seconds left to what seemed Amos Newcomer and John Scout Richard Becker. At
1ations are not gooc. d will be much la d uled for 8:30 a. m During hnlf time of the ultv were named to serve on 7g SELL, PEANUTS almost a fatal situation. the nrhorn, the present time, three boys
ca was entitled to see and Dettor oo od re ane e ! ’ varsity game between Done- evaluating committees in the Indians plaved on. Ephrata Simeon Horton. manager, are eligible for the new
hear and to read about its er gp nangle © Tr .— gal high school and Eliza- spring. John Day will serve Members of both the sen- had the ball out of bounds wil] announce the financial den: Charles Heaps. Robert
: i i h. the growing membership a : ; : : ra : .
president his oat Warehouse At bethtown high school, a col- on the committee at the New ior and junior bands of Don- for a throw-in. On the in- gtatament of the association. Walker and Michael Gelt-


ing i iy Tie MANY of l~ction will be taken for the Cumberland high school on egal high school will sell bound pass, the fiery Done- Abner Risser, president, will macher.
POLICE CHIEF Neiss this . March of Dimes. The student February 12-14. Miss Catha- peanuts next week. The pro- eal gnard stole the ball, pe in charge of the meeting. Advancements m-de, at the
week came up with an n- UNION NATIONAL 2 Marietta Burns council of Donegal is spon- rine Zeller will serve at the duet is the same as was dribbled under the basket a vs Wednesday night affair were
teresting statistic. During INST ¢ soring the eollection at the William Penm high school on sold last year; the raw pea- for a hook and for the one- to Robert Walker, lion plus
the vear 1957, motorists paid INSTALLS ADDITIONAL Mount Joy. Bremen %! Friday night home game. Moreh 5-7. Wilbur Beahm nuts ready for home roast- point, 55-54 victory. Sandra Kretzin one gold and one silver ar-
for 165 095 hours of parking BOXES Friendship Fire ompany ajq, following the game. will serve at the Pine Grove ing. Already Tuesday evening, g row point; Michael Ge't-

The officers of the Union No. 1 were called to Mariet- : : : :
on the Mount Joy streets. : : the student council will Area high school March 12- The proceeds from the he had racked up 15 points. C 8 * macher. lion plus one gold
oe o © National Mount Joy Bank ta at 12:15 p. m. (today) sponsor a record dance 14 and R. Morrell Shields sale will be turned over to hosen aptain and three silver arrow

THIS EIGURE came from hive finouneed Ihe ig hoy Jen Jah which will be concluded at will cerve on the committee the treasury of the band (More on page 3) Sandra Kretzing was el- noints: Thomas Trinnle. John
the repo¥t which showed ona ighting a fire a Ae 10:30 pm. from the end of at West Reading high school club. ected the new captain of the Stehman and Michael Ger-
g boxes in their main office in Bar Bell plant. Abril 9-11. a





ore than $8.200 wa . the varsity game. : i ocal elementarv s IIOP
po from the meters in Mount Joy. The total num- Flames destroyed a big A RS oe boned’ suthiofized: Iv. NAMED DIRECTOR BIRTHS Joes Shoo} Sar mer. woul badges or the
56 ber of boxes is now 868. The warehouse. ARRTVED AT COLORADO Beahm. elementary prineip- Clarence E. Lyons, mana- Iv meeting of the sroup. anhual Bhie wnd Gold b
RF Oe eo eo additional boxes were in- First report indicated a yw, .q has been received ol to ottend the A.A.S A. ger of the Keystone Holstein = Tr Dennis Fackler was eb ro oe herd pos Oe
i METERS now belong stalled to accommodate 4 the paint machine was Tespon- yp.¢ john H. Hendrix grand- convention in Atlantic City Sales. Inc., on road 230 east Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armold. jjeutenant and Robert Wol- Wednesday, Feb 27 Par-
to the borough without any Dante's customers requiring sible for starting the braze son of Mrs Ida Hendrix. has Februarv 15-20. Approxi- of Mount Joy. has been re- Florin, a son, Saturday, at g-muth. secretary. The new ents may purchase tickets
indebtedness. Borough offi- lock box facilities. about 11:15 a.m. Maytown ,, at Fort Carson. Colo- mately 17.000 principals are elected by the Lancaster home. officers will be in charge for for themselves and other
cials anticipate that the me- firemen also responded to a rado for his basic training. expected to attend this af- Holstein Breeders association Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ga. the second semester of the children in the famMy for
ters will Ce ora MOTHERS MARCH IS call od which i Nast Wo sigh ii 8 in ny Hin to be a of the state hla Mount Joy Rl, gn school year. the affair to be held in the
57. weeks John’s address will g e art, xy en i 2 Nrie n bia
oly $10.00 yg" ® NEXT THURSDAY JOYCEES PLAN Pr Pvt. John H. Hendrix. Rl nee. iy ii i ws Be ay, Gh oi Dy sk Le ie es x J a ae
A SPORTS note from the Mt. Joy's Mothers March CARD PARTY US52439124, Btry C., 42AAA the 'N.A.S.S.P. convention in MAKES TWO TRIPS the week because she help- There will be no charge for
Lincoln alleys shows that on Polio will be staged next B. N., Fort Carson, Colo. Washington, D. C. in Febru- The local ambulance com. Mr and Mrs. Russell D. nq some small children home. the Cubs. The dinner will
Hank Hallgren on Monday evening. January Plans were made for a — ® mene ary. The board also urged pleted two trips last week. Heisey, Mount Joy Rl, a the elections, begin at 6:30 pm. Charles
night was slashing pins right 31. Volunteers will canvass Trg party to be held in the Jacqueline A. Faus, twen- board members to visit the Thursday, January 17, Mrs, SO™ last Thursday, at the Heaps, building Maiser, Lancaster, will be
and left. He rolled games of the town door-to-door as 2 1oeul fireho Wednesday. Florin. was granted exhibits in Convention Hall, Hiestand was {ransported St. Joseph’s Hospital. principal, expressed his featured on the program
175, 245 and 211 for a big climax to the 1957 March of oh ay: a divorce in Friday's session Atlantic City, prior to the from the Coleman Nursing Mr. and Mrs. John Wit- thanks for their work during with his magic.
631. But the interesting as- Dimes project. eb. 20. The JoyCees will of court from C'etus Faus, start of the supervisors’ con- Home in Oyster Point, to her mer, Mount Joy R2. a daugh- the past weeks in the winter : “»
pect of the evening was a ff sponsor the party and will twenty-four, 400 S. Main vention. Salunga home. Drivers were ter, last Thursday. in the weather conditions.
string of 10 strikes. The un- offer prizes for both pinoch- St., Manheim. trees — Irvin Kaylor and Robert Wil- Lancaster General Hospital. PLAN ASSEMBLY
fortunate part was that they le and bridge playing. Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick Mt. Joy, Report cards will be is- liams. Mr. and Mrs. Charlss ~~ = ‘Friday's nesembly program
were spread across 2 games. To Report New John Landis is chairman of was ordered to continue pay- sued next Monday, January Last Monday, the late Buchenauer, 121 New Haven Physician On Call at Donegal high school will
He struck out of his second Cs the committee . and will be ing $20 per week for the 28 for Donegal students. Henry Smeltzer was taken street, are the parents of a include a wrestling team
game with eight straight Families Call assisted by Mrs. Harold Z'm- support of two children and This period marks the mid- to the St. Joseph’s Hospital son, born January 16 at the Sunday and the junior varsity
and went two more perfect merman, Jr., Miss Joanne to also pay $2 weekly on ar- semester point of the 1956- by drivers Marlyn Myers and St. Joseph's hospital in Lan- of the Manheim Central high
frames into the third. MJ 3-6294 Brown and Miss Marian Rutt. reages of $316. 57 school year. John Myers. caster. Dr. John Gates school.